Ayurved Itihas I

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Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik (Syllabus applicable from batch of students admitted in academic year 2010-2011 and

onwards for B.A.M.S.Course)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.3. AYURVED KA ITIHAS (History of Ayurveda) Prescribed Minimum Lectures - 060 Theory One Paper 90 Marks Internal Assessment - 10 Marks ======================= Total 100 marks ================================================================================================== Examination Pattern:

1. Etymological derivation (vyutpatti), syntactical derivation (niruktti) and definition of the word itihas, necessity of knowledge of history, its significance and utility. means and method of gaining knowledge viz. historical person (vyakti), subject (vishaya), time period, (kala), happening (ghatna) and their impact on ayurveda. 2. Decent of Ayurveda, chronology of ayurveda according to different schools, introduction of eight branches of ayurveda and concerned renowned texts. Introduction of the authors of these texts. 3. Eternity of ayurveda (shashvatvam and anaditavam). 4. Status of ayurveda in Vedic period, progression of ayurveda upto tantra kala. Knowledge about available topics of ayurveda in puranas and tantras etc. 5. Introduction of authors of classical texts during Samhita kala and their contribution especially Atreya, Dhanwantri, Kashyapa, Agnivesha, Sushruta, Bhela, Harita, Charaka, Dridhbala, Vagbhatta, Nagarjuna, Jivaka introduction and contribution. 6. Chronological development of charaka samhita, sushruta samhita and kashyapa samhita. 7. Introduction and establishment of time period of commentators of classical samhitas bhattar harishchandra, Jejjata, Chakrapani, Dalhana, Nishchalakara, vijayarakshita, Gayadas, Arundatta, Hemadri, Gangadhara, Yonginderanath sen, Haranchandra Chakravorty. 8. Introduction and time period of authors of compendium (granthasamgraha kala) Acharya Bhavmishra, Sharangdhara,Vrinda, madhavkara, Shodhala, Govind Das (Author of bhaisjya ratnawali), Vasavraja etc.

9. Origin of ras shastra and its development, introduction and time period of promoters of ras shastra. 10. Vrikshayurveda vijnana (Ayurveda for plant kingdom), pashu chikitsa vijnana (ayurveda for animal kingdom), promoters of ashva, gaja chikitsa Vijnana; shalihotra, palkapya, varahmir, nakula, ashvaghosh. 11. Introduction of authors of modern era Gan Nath sen, Yamimi bhushan, Yadavji tikramji acharya, Ghanekar, Damodar Sharma Gaur, Priyavrat Sharma, Swami Laksmiram, Dr. P. M. Mehta, Daji Shastri Pade etc. 12. Globlaisation of ayurveda Sumera, Babilonia, Asiria, Misra (Egypt), China, Persia, Arabia, Kamobja, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Thailand, Mauritius, Myanmar (Burma) etc. expansion of ayurveda in above mentioned civilisations. 13. Impact of ayurveda on Hippocratus (Father of Allopathy), Invitation to Indian physicians by yavans and translation of ayurvedic text into Arabian language, visit to Greece by Indian scholars, relation between Greece and india in ancient period (made by Alexandar), expansion of ashvavaidyaka in Greece. 14. Developmental actions for ayurveda in post-independence period, development in educational trends, establishment of different committee, their recommendations, central council of Indian medicine, central council for research and ayurveda and siddha, foundation of department of AYUSH, its introduction and activities, drug and cosmetic act, Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia Committee formation and activities of organisations and institutions like Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeta etc. Activities in field of research in ayurveda according to different subjects. Initiation for writing down a text, different councils of vaidya and their activities.

15. Publications of Ayurveda journals and magazines, WHO, status of Ayurveda on international grounds in present era.

v THEORY EXAMINATION(To be conducted by University) There will be only one Paper for 90 Marks as follows.The examiners are directed to set a question paper in such a way that it shall covers all points of syllabus. On any syllabus group maximum 4 SAQ and maximum 6MCQ can be included in question paper by Paperseter.
1. SECTION-A.(M.C.Q.) - 15 MARKS


- 30 MARKS

2. SECTION-B. (S.A.Q.)

3. SECTION-C. (L.A.Q.)

- 45 MARKS


Reference Books
1. Upodaghata of Kashyapa Samhita - Rajguru Hem Raj Sharma Paragraph of acceptance of Indian medicine Upodaghata of Rasa Yogasagar Ayurveda Ka Itihas Ayurveda Sutra History of Indian Medicine (1-3 part) A Short history of Aryan Medical Science - Vaidya Hariprapanna Sharma - Kaviraj Suram Chand - Rajvaidya Ram Prasad Sharma - Dr. Girindra Nath Mukhopadhyaya - Bhagwat Singh

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

History of Indian Medicine Hindu Medicine Classical Doctrine of Indian Medicine Indian Medicine in the classical age Indian Medicine (Osteology) Ancient Indian Medicine Madhav Nidan and its Chief Commentaries (Chapters highlighting history) Ayurveda Ka Brihata Itihasa Ayurveda Ka Vaigyanika Itihasa Ayurveda Ka Pramanika Itihasa History of Medicine in India Vedo Mein Ayurveda Vedo Mein Ayurveda Science and Philosphy of Indian Medicine History of Indian Medicine form Premoryana to Kushana Period An Appraisal of Ayurvedic Material in Budhist literature Mahayana Granthon Main Nihita Ayurvediya Samagri Jain Ayurveda Sahitya Ka Itihasa

- J. Jolly - Zimer - Filiyosa - Acharya Priya Vrita Sharma - Dr. Harnley - Dr. P. Kutumbia - Dr. G.J. Mulenbelt

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

- Vaidya Atridev Vidyalankara - Acharya Priyavrata Sharma - Prof. Bhagwat Ram Gupt - Acharya Priyavrata Sharma - Vaidya Ram Gopal Shastri - Dr. Kapil Dev Dwivedi - Dr. K.N. Udupa - Dr. Jyotiramitra - Dr. Jyotiramitra - Dr. Ravindra Nath Tripathi - Dr. Rajendra Prakash

Bhatnagar 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Ayurveda- Prabhashaka Jainacharya Charaka Chintana Vagbhatta Vivechana Atharvaveda and Ayurveda Ayurvedic Medicine Past and Present Ancient Scientist Lumanaries of Indian Medicine Ayurveda Ke Itihasa Ka Parichaya Ayurveda Ke Pranacharya Ayurveda Itihasa Parichaya - Acharya Raj Kumar Jain - Acharya Priyavrata Sharma - Acharya Priyavrata Sharma - Dr. Karambelkara - Pt. Shiv Sharma - Dr. O.P. Jaggi - Dr. Shrikanthamurti - Dr. Ravidutta Tripathi - Ratnakara Shastri - Prof. Banwari Lal Gaur


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