Functional Test Cases

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Functional Test Cases:

Sr. No. Functional Test Cases Type- Negative/ Positive Test C

1 Verify if a user will be able to login with a Positive

valid username and valid password.

2 Verify if a user cannot login with a valid Negative

username and an invalid password.

3 Verify the login page for both, when the Negative

field is blank and Submit button is clicked.

4 Verify the ‘Forgot Password’ functionality. Positive

5 Verify the messages for invalid login. Positive

6 Verify the ‘Remember Me’ functionality. Positive

7 Verify if the data in password field is either Positive

visible as asterisk or bullet signs.

8 Verify if a user is able to login with a new Positive

password only after he/she has changed
the password.

9 Verify if the login page allows to log in Positive

simultaneously with different credentials in
a different browser.

10 Verify if the ‘Enter’ key of the keyboard is Positive

working correctly on the login page.
No Security test cases Type- Negative/ Positive Test Case

1 Verify if a user cannot enter the characters more than the Negative
specified range in each field (Username and Password).

2 Verify if a user cannot enter the characters more than the Positive
specified range in each field (Username and Password).

3 Verify the login page by pressing ‘Back button’ of the Negative

browser. It should not allow you to enter into the system
once you log out.

4 Verify the timeout functionality of the login session. Positive

UI Test Scenarios of Login Page

1. Verify that the login screen contains elements such as Username, Password, Sign in button,
Remember password check box, Forgot password link, and create an account link.

2. Verify that all the fields such as Username, Password has a valid placeholder

3. Verify whether all the text boxes have a minimum and maximum length.

4. Verify that the labels float upward when the text field is in focus or filled (In case of the floating

5. Verify to see if the font style and size of the labels, as well as the text on each object, are clearly

6. Verify that the application’s user interface (UI) is responsive, so it will adapt to different screen
resolutions and devices.

7. Verify the login page and all the fields in the login page are displaying without any break in
different browsers

Functional Test Scenarios of Login Page

1. Verify that cursor is focused on the “Username” text box on the page load (login page)
2. Verify that tab functionality is working properly or not

Sr Test
Feature Description Steps To Execute Expected Results
No. Cases
Check all the text • UI should be perfect • Text boxes
1 TC-01 User Interface Check Page
boxes and buttons and button should be aligned
Check the required 1. Enter invalid username
Required User should not log in and should
2 TC-02 fields by not filling 2. Enter correct password
Fields show proper error message
any data. 3. Click on Login Button
Check When passing 1. Enter valid username
User should not log in and should
3 TC-03 User Login a correct username 2. Enter incorrect password
show proper error message
and invalid password 3. Click on Login Button
1. Enter valid username
Check Keeping User should not log in and should
4 TC-04 User Interface 2. Do not enter password
Password show proper error message
3. Click on Login Button
Check when pass 1. Enter valid username
5 TC-05 User Login correct email and 2. Enter valid password User should log in
password 3. Click on Login Button
1. Enter valid username
Check if the password Password is entered in encrypted
6 TC-06 User Login 2. Enter password
is entered in encrypted form
3. Click on Login Button
Check whether the
Signup Option Clicking signup link takes the user to
7 TC-07 signup link for the Click Signup link
for new users signup page successfully
new user is working
Verify user should get
1. Click on the Forgot
an error message
Forgot password link.
8 TC-08 when he/she enters User should get an error message.
Password 2. Enter unregistered email id
not registered email
and click on the send button.
1. Go to the reset password
Verify user should get link.
Reset an error message 2. Enter the previous
9 TC-09 User should get an error message.
Password when he/she enters the password.
previous password. 3. Click on the Reset
Password button.
1. Go to the reset password
Reset Verify user able to 2. Enter a new password and a Users should get the success message
10 TC-10
Password reset his/her password confirm password. and the password should get reset.
3. Click on the Reset
Password button.
11 TC-11 Reset Verify user should get 1. Go to the reset password Users should get an error message.
Password an error message link.
when password and 2. Enter a different new
confirm password not password and a confirm
matches password.
3. Click on the Reset
Sr Test
Feature Description Steps To Execute Expected Results
No. Cases
Password button.
1. Go to the reset password
2. Enter a new password and a
Verify user should
Reset confirm password.
12 TC-12 able to login with a User should able to login
Password 3. Click on the Reset
new password.
Password button.
4. Log in by using the new
Verify if the user
1. Go to the reset password
enters a new password
that does not cover the
2. Enter a new password that
Reset basic requirements of
13 TC-13 does not cover the basic Users should get an error message.
Password password then the
user should be
3. Click on the Reset
displayed error
1. Go to the Site.
Verify if blank spaces Those Blank spaces should trim and
Required 2. Passed blank spaces in
14 TC-14 are passed in required Validation error message for required
Fields required fields.
fields. fields should visible.
3. Click on the Login button
Verify new users
Welcome should get the 1. Go to the Email. Users should get a welcome email on
15 TC-15
Email welcome email once 2. Enter Login Email. his/her email id.
after the login.
Verify when passing 1. Enter incorrect Email. User should not be able to log in and
16 TC-16 User Login incorrect Email and 2. Enter the correct password. the error message should be
correct password 3. Click on the Login Button. displayed.
Verify when passing 1. Enter incorrect Email. User should not be able to log in and
17 TC-17 User Login both incorrect Email 2. Enter the correct password. the error message should be
and password 3. Click on the Login Button displayed.
1. Click on the Forgot
Password link.
Verify Forgot
User Forgot 2. Enter Email and click on theUser should get the forgot password
18 TC-18 Password sends a
Password. send button. link on his/her email id.
forgot password link.
3. Now go to and
enter the email id.
3. Verify that Enter/Tab key works as a substitute for the Sign-in button

4. Verify that the User is able to Login with Valid Credentials

5. Verify that the User is not able to Login with an invalid Username and invalid Password

6. Verify that the User is not able to Login with a Valid Username and invalid Password

7. Verify that the User is not able to log in with an invalid Username and Valid Password
8. Verify that the User is not able to log in with a blank Username or Password

9. Verify that the User is not able to Login with inactive credentials

10. Verify that the reset button clears the data from all the text boxes in the login form

11. Verify that the login credentials, mainly password stores in a database in an encrypted format

12. Verify that clicking on the browser back button after successful login should not take the User to
log out mode

13. Verify that validation message is displayed in the case when User leaves Username or Password
as blank

Test Cases for Login Page

Functional Test Scenarios for Login Page

1. Verify that as soon as the login page opens, by default the cursor should remain on the
username textbox.

2. Verify that the user is able to navigate or access the different controls by pressing the ‘Tab’ key
on the keyboard.

3. Check if the password is in masked form when typed in the password field.

4. Check if the password can be copy-pasted or not.

5. Verify that the user is able to login by entering valid credentials and clicking on the ‘Login’

6. Verify that the user is able to login by entering valid credentials and pressing Enter key.

7. Check that the user is not able to login with an invalid username and password.

8. Verify that the validation message gets displayed in case the user leaves the username or
password field as blank.

9. Check that the validation message is displayed in the case the user exceeds the character limit of
the user name and password fields.

10. Verify that reset button functionality on the login page. Clicking on it should clear the textbox’s

11. Verify if there is a checkbox with the label “remember password” on the login page.

12. Verify that closing the browser should not log-out an authenticated user. Launching the
application should lead the user to login state only.

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