Group 6 - Assignment 1
Group 6 - Assignment 1
Group 6 - Assignment 1
Expected Result The forgot password button must respond by opening a new page.
Actual Result User is able to click the forgot password button and is taken to a new page.
Test_ID Send_My_Password_003
Purpose User is able to receive the new password on clicking send code button
Test Steps 1. User enter the email id in the mail field when prompted to the new
dialogue box of forgotten password.
2. User click on send my password option.
Actual Result User gets the new password on the email id on entering it.
Test_ID Reset_Password_004
Purpose Users must be able to click on the reset password option on the new
dialogue box which appears after clicking send my password option.
Pre_Requirements 1. User must be able to see the new dialogue box named forgot your
2. He must be able to click on the reset password option.
Actual Result User is taken to a new page when he clicks the rest password option.
Test_Id_004 Change_Password_004
Purpose User is able to enter the same password in two fields, and click the submit
Pre_Requirements 1. User has clicked on the forgotten password option, and on the next page
has entered the email id.
2. User has clicked on the reset password option.
3. User is able to view the changed password form.
4. User know the strong password.
Expected Result The submit button is working and the user is able to click it after entering the
Actual Result User clicks the submit button and the password is reset.
TestID Process_Login_005
Pre_Requirements 1. A user is able to view the login button option on the home page.
2. User clicks on the login button at the top left of the screen.
Expected Result A user can click on the login button and see the new login prompt.
Actual Result User is able to see the login page, on clicking the login button
Test_Id Login_Id_006
Test Steps 1. Verify that the user is able to enter the email id in the mail id field.
Test_Id Login_Password_007
Purpose A user wants to enter the password in the required field for logging in.
Test-Steps Verify that the user is able to type in the password field.
Test_Id Login_Button_008
Purpose User is able to login on entering the correct email id and password.
Expected Result System verifies and on clicking the button, the user can successfully log in
and see details.
Actual Result On clicking the login button, the user is successfully logged in to his/her