Ajay Singh Paperless Office Proposal

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The arrival of new Information and Communication Technology on the world

stage has caused a change in the traditional model of management and
communication within companies and their customers. Organizations are Small
and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) or large companies that are aware of this
change and see the need to promote the use of these new technologies
through the development of e-administration. This aims to offer significant
opportunities, improve the services provided, strengthen organizations work
processes and support public policies, so that social development and
economic growth is favored. The aim is for sustainable development. This
paper tries to explain that the paperless office is something that everyone
wants and needs, but why cannot it? Why for SMEs it is more complicated?
Achieve a paperless office is possible, what is needed regardless of the size of
the company, it is administrative will, since it is necessary to reform
administrative processes. Keywords: document management, electronic
documents, paperless office, information technology, e-administration.
For centuries men have tried using different methods and tools to carry out
their work, to make it more efficient and faster, thus for more than four
decades we have spoken of the concept of the Paperless office. The Paperless
office should be seen as an immediate project within organizations and
constitutes an initiative of great interest for the application of new
technologies in management, and good environmental practices can
contribute to sustainable development. The Paperless office concept means a
change in how the technology industry, for information and management, is a
"new way of working in the company". This undoubtedly brings other
considerations, paradigms and feature works which ultimately impact the labor
in all areas of business. The SMEs or large enterprises need technology, not
only for the provision of accurate information for which solutions were
developed, but also in its implementation phase, which impacts on the
operation of the organization and how it is arranged. Technology, it is true,
provides answers, but it is undeniable that the solution for a successful
company is not likely to be the same as for another, although its organizational
structure, business, industry and characteristics are similar. Currently, systems
theory and cybernetics offers different organizational models or schemes
applied in the company to provide features or functionality, as appropriate for
the type of industry and business in which it performs; for example, the
Catholic Church which has a predominantly hierarchical structure formed by
the Pope, then the Cardinals, then the archbishops, and so on, cannot benefit
from a structure process in the same way as in a company that is in the
business of software development; as their needs and response characteristics
and operations are completely different. However, there is something similar
as both types of companies handle information. Regardless of their
organizational structure or line, information flows, and serves as a basis for
support in decision-making. Information should be stored safely, as it serves as
evidence for any unforeseen event that the company requires. The
development of any project needs to follow a logical sequence of actions to
achieve certain guarantees of success in the implementation. A good starting
point is to reflect on the strategy, initial conditions and goals to be achieved. It
is also important to consider the institutional reality and related items such as
infrastructure, regulations or policies, human and financial resources.
Concepts such as Information and Communications Technology (ICT), e-
Government and Information Society are increasingly used by many sectors of
society. Moreover, the Paperless office may be considered a new term within a
world that still uses paper to support multiple activities, but is changing with
the introduction of ICT and e-government.

The Paperless office concept is new and difficult to understand in a world that
still uses paper as a support for multiple social, communications, advertising,
financial, educational uses. This habit has prevailed in civilizations since paper
has increased in recent decades. With the introduction and increased
availability of ICT, far from reducing the use of paper it has soared in
consumption. The impact of ICT is increasingly evident in the workplace, public
or private setting, as they have automated most of their processes, achieving
the improvement of procedures and products and services for customers,
without significantly diminishing paper consumption. The causes are many and
varied such as lack of new technologies, inappropriate use, the initial rejection
of change, custom printing and the belief that a printed document is more
valuable than a digital one, etc.
The information society requires new demands of citizens and new challenges
to achieve the organizational level. - Have criteria and search strategies and
selection of proper information, allowing access to relevant information and
quality. - Knowledge of new communication codes used in the new media. -
Promoting the new media help to disseminate the universal values without
discrimination to any group. - Train critical and responsible organizations to
have a clear view on social transformations that occur and to actively
participate in public. - Adapt organizations and training to the continuous
changes that occur at social, cultural and professional levels. ICT has been
integrated in organizations gradually. A first theoretical reflection that
employers conducted on the suitability or otherwise of these technology to
conduct business, has continued the analysis of the use of these technologies
and their linkage to the theories of marketing, along with methodological
proposals for implementation. The use of ICT does not necessarily lead to the
implementation of a particular methodology of cost / benefit. Business
processes integrate ICT according to a traditional methodology in which the
process of automating the business is emphasized, where the employer
receives the information and transmits it to the information system. However,
employers wish to guide the processes of their organization, foster interaction
and collaboration with customers and suppliers. ICT has a strong ally, mainly in
the different resources and services of the Internet. The impact of ICT on
organizations, regardless of the business engaged possibly favors one of the
biggest changes in the field of Large, Small and Medium Enterprises. Through
the Internet the information and resources offered in the organization opens a
new window that allows access to multiple resources, information and
communicate with others, which in turn provides the ability to easily access
known personalities, different opinions about the products offered, and the
needs of current customers. On the other hand, new theories focus not so
much on the company but its processes, and the client relates to this, as they
have a good ally in the media. As demonstrated by several studies, the use of
ICT in organizations depends on many factors (infrastructure, training,
attitudes, support from senior management-team, etc.), among which the
most important is the interest and training for the employees, at both
instrumental and methodological levels. The steps to be followed to achieve
the integration of employees (users) to technological resources (ICT)
organization, is through an evolutionary process: 1) Access: Learn the basic use
of technology. 2) Adoption: Use technology to support the traditional way of
performing their work. 3) Adaptation: Integrate technology into traditional
practices of their work activities, encouraging greater employee productivity.
4) Ownership: Activities interdisciplinary, collaborative, project-based business.
Use technology when needed. 5) Invention: discover new uses for the
technology or combine several technologies creatively.
The contribution of public administrations in the use of ICT is essential to
promote a change of attitude in society. The beauty of the application of new
technologies through e- Government is being definitive in the technological
modernization of its structures and procedures. To achieve this, they are
pursuing a number of changes and adaptations, not only technological, but
also cultural, administrative, organizational and legal, which will translate into
greater effectiveness and efficiency of services offered by companies.
Organizations and particularly SMEs, are aware of the importance on business
development using ICT and e- government which is no less an important factor
in today's society for the application of good environmental practices in their
processes. The enormous potential that ICTs can offer in environmental
improvement is still being determined and the use of e- administration does
not imply a commitment to good environmental practices. If the Paperless
office concept to implementation of new technologies is limited, it may fall
into the trap of being defined as a virtual office. Applied to e-Government,
both share the goal of allowing customers telematics access to the services the
organization offers, improving agility and quality thereof. The Paperless office
also includes a new target, minimizing or eliminating the use of paper in these
services, with benefits for the environment. If at first the connection between
ICT and the environment was a fuzzy concept, now it manifests as a good
combination. Therefore, the Paperless office concept from the perspective of
environmental commitment is for the effective use of e- government to
minimize the impact on the environment by reducing waste. Large or small
organizations must make, individually and nationally, this commitment and
take the management measures and techniques to ensure better
environmental performance, as part of its cooperation for sustainable
development of Mexico and the world.
The implementation of a Paperless office has many advantages, not only from
an environmental point of view but also for the internal functioning of
organizations and for the benefit of customers. However, this is not without
difficulties, especially techniques such as electronic processing involving
constant adjustments to innovation and technological developments. Some of
the benefits and difficulties of the process of establishing the organization,
customers and the environment can be seen in Table 1

• Organization processes and • These are presented for the

services. three classifications that are
broken down into Benefits:
• - Centralized management. • - Difficulties in implementation
processes, especially technical and
• - Processes and effective and cultural changes regarding attitude and
efficient services. aptitude towards new technologies.
• - Increased efficiency by • - Investment. Greater initial
integrating and simplifying investment is needed in equipment and
software (fax, scanner, databases,
processes. Internet, Intranet, etc.).
• - Increased productivity. • - Expenditure on staff training and
• - Optimization of resources. organizational changes.
• - Technical difficulties and integration
• - Reduction of errors. of applications, electronic signature,
• - Decreased costs etc.
(administrative, • - Constant innovation of computer
communications, stationery, systems, which requires continuous
etc.). • - Difficulty reading on computer
• - Total and easy access to screens. - Adapt the designs of
information from different processes and services to computer
formats with easy handling and
departments and positions. adequate accessibility.
• - Better control of • - Cultural barriers in the organization
information. and users. - Bad habits to print
• - Increased control and everything.
• - Distrust safety storage system in
security by decreasing loss of computerized form. - Training of staff
files, restricted by and customers. - Interest in the use of
confidentiality levels, etc. ICT can be an obstacle.
• - Elimination of duplicate • - Unequal access to customers,
companies and other entities to new
• - Ease of query data. technologies. Especially internet
• - Decreased time location • - Lack of experience and knowledge in
information. the use of ICT.
• - Decreased response time,
increasing the speed of service.
• - Reduced storage space.
• - Reduction of copies and
versions of the same
• - Diversification and increased
number of services offered.
• - Improving the work
environment and
• - Personal better informed
and more involved in the
processes of the company.
Customers, companies and
other entities.
• - Quick and easy access to
information and services of the
• - Increase the availability of
services, extension of hours of
care 24 hours a day, all year.
• - Improving the quality and
speed of service by reducing
response time.
• - Decrease waiting time and
• - Multiple users can perform
the same procedure
• - Avoid transfer to face service
points, saving time.
• - Improved information to
allow monitoring procedures
and requests made.

Here are some tips that should be considered when you want to get to have a
paperless office: A paperless office is not achieved in the overnight. A home
office or business will not get rid of paper a day after having implemented a
paperless system. It is a progressive task. You can begin scanning all the bills
that will be input to the system and then go to expand gradually to include all
business correspondence. Initially companies feel that a lot of work, rather
than a support. For example, it has been found that in the case of medical,
case records of patients still do not rely on a 100% paperless system. They
make backups of information in the system, but also printed copies of them,
because they are not comfortable with not having tangibly records.
"Paperless” It means "less paper" unfortunately humans still fails to conceive
of the absence of the paper. It should be noted that it is possible to scan all
documents received in the business. It is possible to virtually eliminate paper
faxes, generating them on the computer and creating folders to keep them
sorted in a computer system. Currently, it is possible to electronically sign or
use with a digital stamp to give validity to the outgoing documents of a
business or company. Firstly, there will be some paper present activities. You
should also take into account the environment and the fact that not all
suppliers and / or customers will want electronic communication with the
company. Every business or company has to adapt and not all do the same
way, nor all the same does it take. Say as a manager, you want to achieve a
paperless office have not necessarily mean that is achieved. All partners and
staff of the company have to accept and adapt to the transition, seeing it as a
new way of doing business. The change is not necessarily easy. People are used
to make photocopies, fax paper documents, now with the decision of a
paperless office, must change their perceptions and ways of working. All
customers, enterprise users, suppliers, etc. must learn new routines and adapt
to own them until, as previously done with the use of paper.

The purpose of a Paperless office is to use information technologies and

communication to improve the quality and accessibility of services by reducing
costs and protecting the environment. A Paperless office can reduce costs for
both businesses and governments and facilitate transactions between
administrations, management, suppliers and customers. This work has created
a little awareness and promotes the idea that the concept of Paperless office is
a reality. However, from experience, the authors know that the success of any
documental management program always is born of an organization study. In
light of the processes and procedures the information is unique and not due to
considerations such as recording medium in which it is located. Not all
electronic information is essential and not all essential information is in
electronic format. This forces the professional to take a more active role not
only as custodian of information, but as an observer and processes reviewer on
stage management, because only the professional knows the value of
information in time. Further electronic information is dynamic and usually due
more to concepts of immediacy that true conservation policies. The
incorporation of technology is not bad, nor counterproductive, simply
conforming specific criteria, and supports the needs of the organization
obeying a structured implementation plan. But how will the future? A
paperless office will be really possible? The paper continues to play an
important role in everyday life and business. Particularly, it is the older
generations hardest to rid them of the paper. We believe that a paperless
office possible, be achieved for small businesses and homes. The use of paper
is a cultural thing, but you can change achieved, the paper can still dominate,
which leads to think that the paperless office is a myth; it is not, the important
thing is to change the idea that people and businesses can reach their goals
without paper. With each technological advance, the information and the
workload is multiplied, the digital revolution is beneficial for the industry and
the people in general and for the role, in particular. At first glance, it seems
that paper consumption can be reduced radically, thanks to technology. Right
now, “a paperless office means a work area where the use of paper has been
omitted or considerably reduced.”

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