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Feasibility Study of Rainwater Harvesting For Domestic Use (Case Study: West Jakarta Rainfall Data)

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Feasibility Study of Rainwater Harvesting for Domestic Use

(Case Study: West Jakarta Rainfall Data)

Jason Kartolo1, a) and Elly Kusumawati 1, b)
Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science of Krida Wacana Christian University. Jl. Tanjung
Duren Raya no. 4. Jakarta Barat, 11470. Jakarta, Indonesia.

Abstract. Rainwater Harvesting system is one of considerable choice to reduce flood in Jakarta, moreover it helps to
reduce main tap water consumption. In this study, rainwater is used for flushing toilet and watering garden for domestic
use. Rainwater harvesting system is examined for 60 m2 and 90 m2 housing area, using rainfall data from Cengkareng
station in West Jakarta. Two type of rainwater harvesting reservoir is designed, those are ground reservoir and
underground reservoir. From the analysis, it finds that 60 m2 house feasible for 1 m3 ground reservoir and 9 m3
underground reservoir. Meanwhile for 90 m2 house 2 m3 tanks ground reservoir and 14 m3 tank underground reservoir is
feasible. Underground reservoir retain more water volume so it provide higher rate of water supply. The cost of
underground reservoir is lower 60% - 70% than ground reservoir. Even though rainwater harvesting is technically
feasible for housing, it is not economically feasible. The construction cost is higher than the benefit of reduced tap water


Water resources that currently use in Jakarta are still largely dependent on PDAM, but according to the Jakarta
Water Treatment Agency in 2014 PDAM currently only able to meet clean water needs around 60% of the 100%
total population in DKI Jakarta. This makes Jakarta need other solution to get clean water besides depend on PDAM
(Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum). In the previous study, rainfall in Jakarta has the potential to meet the needs of raw
domestic water with rain water storage system. Another study on a hotel located in Yogyakarta proved that the use
of a large rainwater storage tank can saved water used for everyday purposes. The rainwater harvesting system in a
building can replace the water needs normally filled with PDAM water with water coming from rain, thus reducing
the costs incurred for PDAM water. (Yudhi Setiawan et al, 2015).
If the rainwater harvesting system is applicable, this rainwater harvesting system can reduce the consumption of
piped water, rainwater harvesting system also can save water usage costs and reduce rainfall runoff in Jakarta.
However, in the previous study the volume of the rainwater harvesting system storage was too large for existing
residential areas in Jakarta, so it is necessary to design suitable for household use in housing in Jakarta. (Wheryn
Tandi, 2016).
To meet the appropriate designs for household needs in housing in Jakarta, it is necessary to design a rainwater
harvesting system that does not ruin the aesthetics of the house and also does not require a large space of housing in
Jakarta, since the open space in the area of Jakarta is quite small. In addition to good design, the design also need to
pay attention to the benefits of the rainwater harvesting system. The amount of rainwater harvesting system benefits
can be assessed from the technical feasibility and economic feasibility. Based on the technical feasibility and
economic feasibility the optimum rainwater harvesting system design can be produced. The greater the capacity of
the rainwater storage, the greater value of the benefits, otherwise the smaller the capacity of the rainwater storage,
the smaller value of the benefits.

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Construction and Building Engineering (ICONBUILD) 2017
AIP Conf. Proc. 1903, 100008-1–100008-10; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5011618
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1591-1/$30.00

But on the other hand, the bigger storage of the rainwater harvesting system, the more space needed to put the
rainwater harvesting system storage. This is a constraint on houses in Jakarta which have limited land to lay a large
rain water reservoir. The design of this rainwater harvesting system should also be good aesthetically. Analyzing the
economic feasibility and technical feasibility of these rainwater harvesting system will make most of Jakarta's
population will become interested in the construction of the rainwater catchment.

Main Problem
The main problem of this research is how to design rainwater harvesting system with optimum benefit value that
can fulfill the requirement of domestic non-consumption raw water on limited space. Problems that exist in previous
research is the absence of appropriate design or technically not feasible for 60 m2 house and 90 m2 house on the area
of Jakarta, as well as the absence of construction and maintenance costs of the rainwater harvesting system

The purpose of this study was to measure the benefits of rainwater harvesting system by analyzing the technical
feasibility and economic feasibility of the two types of rainwater harvesting system reservoir designs for two types
of house area in Jakarta area.

Study Scope
The study scope of this study is to calculate the cost for rainwater harvesting system storage at home with rain
data from West Jakarta area. Both types of this house including the class of non-storied occupancy. The non-storied
occupancy is the part of the house, which is located just above the surface of the building. The rain water that is
collected in this rain water catchment will be used for non-consumption purposes, such as flushing toilets, washing
cars and watering plants. Investment costs and austerity costs will be calculated for the next 20 years.


This study begins by collecting rainfall data to analyze the volume of runoff that can be accommodated in a
rainwater harvesting system storage. The volume of the storage is calculated using the water balance. The water
balance is obtained by the incorporation of rainwater that can be accommodated with rainwater that will be used for
daily home use. After obtaining the volume of the storage of rainwater harvesting system, proceed with the collector
system design and rainwater harvesting system storage design with consideration of space availability and
implementation method. Then estimated cost of rainwater harvesting system storage construction. The value of
rainwater harvesting system benefits is the cost of piped water that can be saved by the rainwater harvesting system.


For rainwater harvesting system using rooftops or rooftop rain water harvesting, this rainfall harvesting volume
needs analysis. This analysis needed for the design of a rainwater storage. The volume of these rainwater harvesting
storage varies and can be placed on the terrace or in the yard. In calculating the volume of rain water reservoir can
be started from calculating the mainstay rainfall in West Jakarta area. Then from precious rainfall in West Jakarta
area is calculated the amount of rainfall obtained in the home area, which 2 types of roof area of 36 m2 and 54 m2.

FIGURE 1. Rainwater Harvesting System on the house, which was Rainwater Harvesting System with reservoir above the

Components in the rainwater collection system are rainwater distribution systems, filters, rainwater storage and
water distribution systems. The rain water collected on the roof will be flowed towards the 3 filters that have been
provided before entering into the rain water reservoir. After the water is collected in a rainwater tub then it can be
channeled to all parts of the house in need.

FIGURE 2. Rainwater Harvesting System on the house, which was the Rainwater Harvesting System with reservoir planted
under the ground.

Rainfall in West Jakarta

In Table 1 below show that rainfall that occurred in the city of Jakarta with the rainfall mainstay of 50%. In
Table 1 below is described rainfall that exists from January to December.

In a rainwater harvesting system that uses a roof as a rainwater catchment area, this volume of availability
depends on several factors. One of the determinants it is rainfall and building area that must multiplied by a 90%
roof coefficient. In this study, the building area that used is 60% of the total land area, which means the land area of
60 m2 has a building area or a roof area of 36m2 and the area of 90 m2 house has a larger building or roof area of 54

Water Availability for House with Area of 60 m2

The way to calculate the availability of rain water is by converting rainfall in West Jakarta area which is
millimeter to meter by dividing 1,000 each figure obtained in rainfall in West Jakarta area. After rainfall is obtained
in meters and then the rainfall is multiplied by the roof coefficient. The value of the roofing coefficient is 0.9. After
the rainfall multiplied by the coefficient roof, the value of the multiplication product will also be multiplied by the
value of the house area, which is 36 m2.

TABLE 1. Jakarta Rainfall
Month Rainfall (mm)
January 164.80
February 140.72
March 142.24
April 109.22
May 38.10
June 50.29
July 12.95
August 1219
September 8,13
October 33.02
November 81.79
December 101.90
TABLE 2. Jakarta Rainfall
Month Rainfall (mm)
January 164,80
February 140,72
March 142,24
April 109,22
May 38,10
June 50,29
July 12,95
August 12,19
September 8,13
October 33,02
November 81,79
December 101,90

Water Availability for House with Area of 60 m2

The way to calculate the availability of rain water is by converting rainfall in West Jakarta area which is
millimeter to meter by dividing 1,000 each figure obtained in rainfall in West Jakarta area. After rainfall is obtained
in meters and then the rainfall is multiplied by the roof coefficient. The value of the roofing coefficient is 0.9. After
the rainfall multiplied by the coefficient roof, the value of the multiplication product will also be multiplied by the
value of the house area, which is 54 m2.
TABLE 3. Water Availability for 90 m 2 houses
Month Water Availability (m3)
January 8,01
February 6,84
March 6,91
April 5,31
May 1,85
June 2,44
July 0,63
August 0,59
September 0,40
October 1,60
November 3,97
December 4,95

The amount of water required for every person in a good health is assumed to defecate twice and urinate 8 times.
The amount of water used to flush toilets after defecation is 6 liters per watering each time, whereas for flushing
toilets after disposing of urine is 3.5 liters per each time of watering. Thus, can be ascertained the amount of water
used to flush the toilet in one house for a day. While the amount of water used to water the plant area of one m2 is
generally needed water as much as two liters. House with a land area of 60 m2 and building area of 36 m2 generally
has a garden area of 5.5 m2. Thus, it can be ascertained that the total requirement of rainwater for the purpose of
flushing toilets and plants one house in a day is 131 liters.
While the amount of water required each person in good health is assumed to defecate twice as much and
urine discharge as much as 8 times. The amount of water used for flushing toilets after defecate is 6 liters per
watering each time, while for flushing toilets after disposing of urine is 3.5 liters per each time watering. Thus, can
be ascertained the amount of water used to flush the toilet in one house for a day. While the amount of water used to
water the plant area of one m2 is generally needed water as much as two liters. House with a land area of 90 m2 and
building area of 54 m2 generally has a garden area of 5.5 m2. Thus, it can be ascertained that the total requirement of
rainwater for the purpose of flushing toilets and plants one house in a day is 171 liters.

Water requirement per month for house 60 m2

By knowing the amount of rainwater usage required in one day at home with a land area of 60 m2 and building
area of 36 m2 can be determined rain water needs are added in units of months. The value of the rainwater demand
coefficient that can be met is 57% of all these needs, so that the rain water needs for watering plants and toilets in
every month.
TABLE 4. Water requirement for house 60 m 2
Number of
Month Requirement
January 31 2,31
February 28 2,09
March 31 2,31
April 30 2,24
May 31 2,31
June 30 2,24
July 31 2,31
August 31 2,31
September 30 2,24
October 31 2,31
November 30 2,24
December 31 2,31

Water Requirement per Month for House 90 m2

By knowing the amount of rainwater usage required in one day at house with land area of 90 m2 and building
area of 54 m2 this can be determined rain water requirement summed in unit of month. The value of the rainwater
demand coefficient that can be met is 66% of all these needs, so that the rainwater needs for watering plants and
toilets in every month.


With the amount of West Jakarta of rainwater and the amount of rainwater that is needed in a day in this house
the volume of rainwater storage tanks that should be provided for the house. The volume of rainwater harvesting
system storage that will be used is the maximum number that rainwater harvesting system storage can contain. In the
western part of Jakarta, usually the rainy season occur in October to april. The rainwater harvesting system storage

need the bigger size to contain more water in this month so when it comes to dry season, the rainwater harvesting
system can still supply water to the house.

Volume of The Rainwater Reservoir for 60 m2 Houses.

The value of the container is obtained from the reduction of availability with the need, then added to the value of
the previous month's storage.
TABLE 5. Water requirement for house 90 m 2
Water Requirement
Month Number of Days
January 31 3,50
February 28 3,16
March 31 3,50
April 30 3,39
May 31 3,50
June 30 3,39
July 31 3,50
August 31 3,50
September 30 3,39
October 31 3,50
November 30 3,39
December 31 3,50

TABLE 6. Volume of The Rainwater Harvesting System Storage for 60 m 2 houses

Month Availability (m3) Requirement (m3) Storage Volume (m3)
January 5,34 2,31 3,02
February 4,46 2,09 5,39
March 4,61 2,31 7,69
April 3,54 2,24 8,99
May 1,23 2,31 7,91
June 1,63 2,24 7,30
July 0,42 2,31 5,40
August 0,40 2,31 3,48
September 0,26 2,24 1,50
October 1,07 2,31 0,26
November 2,65 2,24 0,67
December 3,03 2,31 1,66

Volume of The Rainwater Reservoir for 90 m2 Houses.

The value of the container is obtained from the reduction of availability with the need, then added to the value of
the previous month's storage.

TABLE 7. Volume of The Rainwater Harvesting System Storage for 90 m2 houses
Month Availability (m3) Requirement (m3) Storage Volume (m3)
January 5,34 2,31 3,02
February 4,46 2,09 5,39
March 4,61 2,31 7,69
April 3,54 2,24 8,99
May 1,23 2,31 7,91
June 1,63 2,24 7,30
July 0,42 2,31 5,40
August 0,40 2,31 3,48
September 0,26 2,24 1,50
October 1,07 2,31 0,26
November 2,65 2,24 0,67
December 3,03 2,31 1,66


Basically, the reservoir volume that required for a house with an area of 60 m2 is 9 m3, while reservoir volume
that required for a house with area of 90 m2 is 14 m3. However, due to the cost of making a big reservoir is too
expensive. A cheap alternative is by laying the reservoir on the ground and minimize reservoir volume and also use
instant rainwater harvesting system storage, which made of plastic material with volume of 1 m3 for house 60 m2
and volume 2 m3 for a house with 90 m2. In general, the reservoir is divided into two, namely reservoir are placed
above the ground and reservoir are placed under the ground.

Reservoir that placed above the ground.

The reservoir which placed above the ground intended to reduce the cost of soil dredging and to reduce pay the
costs of building rainwater storage systems.

Sixty m2 Houses

In a house with a land area of 60 m2 and building area of 36m2 is inhabited by 3 people who live in one house.
The rainwater that is stored in this rainwater reservoir can provide 25% of the total water required for flushing toilets
and parks in a day. Of the 0.131 m3 of water the house needs to flush toilets and garden in a day, rainwater can
replace the water requirement of 0.033 m3 per day.

Ninety m2 Houses

In a house with a land area of 90 m2 and a building area of 54 m2 is inhabited by 4 people who live in one house.
The rainwater that is stored in this rainwater reservoir can provide 34% of the total water used for flushing toilets
and garden in a day. Of the 0.171 m3 of water the house needs to flush toilets and garden in a day, rainwater can
replace the water requirement of 0.058 m3 per day.
TABLE 8. Design for 60 m2 houses
Subject Amount
Reservoir Volume 1 m3
People 3 people
Percentage for Water Placed 25%
Water Placed 0,033 m3
Reliability 82,25 %

TABLE 9. Design for 90 m2 houses
Subject Amount
Reservoir Volume 2 m3
People 4 People
Percentage for Water Placed 34%
Water Placed 0,058 m3
Reliability 82,07 %

Reservoir That Placed Under the Ground.

The reservoir is located under the ground is intended to maximize the rain that can be accommodated for
household purposes, and placed under the ground due to its large dimensions and aims to maintain the aesthetics of
the house.

Sixty m2 Houses

In a house with a land area of 60 m2 and building area of 36 m2 is inhabited by 3 people who live in one house.
The rainwater that is collected in this rainwater reservoir can provide 76.5% of the total water used for flushing
toilets and garden in a day. From the 0.131 m3 of water the house needs to flush toilets and garden in a day,
rainwater can replace the water requirement of 0.1003 m3 per day.

TABLE 10. Design for 60 m2 houses

Subject Amount
Reservoir Volume 9 m3
People 3 people
Percentage for Water Placed 76,5 %
Water Placed 0,1003 m3
Reliability 82,02 %

Ninety m2 Houses

In a house with a land area of 90 m2 and a building area of 54 m2 is inhabited by 4 people who live in one house.
The rainwater that is collected in this rainwater reservoir can provide 90% of the total water used for flushing toilets
and parks in a day. Of the 0.171 m3 of water the house needs to flush toilets and gardens in a day, rainwater can
replace the water requirement of 0.1539 m3 per day.

TABLE 11. Design for 90 m2 houses

Subject Amount
Reservoir Volume 14 m3
People 4 people
Percentage for Water Placed 90%
Water Placed 0,1539 m3
Reliability 81,14 %


The calculation of the cost used to create a rainwater storage system is done by taking the price data needed to
create this rainwater storage system from the Journal of Unit Price Material Construction and Interior Construction,
edition 36 output in 2017.
TABLE 12. Rainwater Harvesting System Construction Cost
Reservoir Cost
Volume (m3) (USD)
Reservoir Above The Ground
60 m2 Houses 1 255.79
90 m2 Houses 2 385.25
Reservoir Under The Ground
60 m2 Houses 9 824.75
90 m2 Houses 14 901.90

Here are the costs that can be saved when we create a rainwater storage system,
TABLE 13. Saving Cost
Cost Cost
Volume Saving (USD)
Without RHS With RHS
1 1.39 1.04 0.35
2 1.81 1.20 0.61
9 1.39 0.32 1.06
14 1.81 0.18 1.63

Economic feasibility is a combination of the costs incurred for the construction of a rainwater harvesting system
and then the costs incurred for the maintenance costs of the rainwater harvesting system, as well as the cost savings
when having the rainwater harvesting system.

Reservoir above The Ground

The following is the details of total expenditure in each month for the next 20 years due to the installation of
rainwater harvesting system at home.

TABLE 14. Construction Cost for Rainwater Harvesting System Above the Ground.
36 / 60 54 / 90
Subject Above The Under The
Ground (USD) Ground (USD)
Saving Cost (Monthly) 0.35 0.61
PDAM Cost (monthly) 1.04 1.20
Maintenance Cost (Monthly) 0.63 0.63
Investation Cost (Monthly) 1.49 2.24
Expenditure (Monthly) 3.15 4.06

Reservoir under The Ground
The following is the details of total expenditure in each month for the next 20 years due to the installation of
rainwater harvesting system at home.
TABLE 15. Construction Cost for Rainwater Harvesting System Under the Ground.
36 / 60 54 / 90
Subject Above The Under The
Ground (USD) Ground (USD)
Saving Cost (Monthly) 1.06 1.63
PDAM Cost (monthly) 0.32 0.18
Maintenance Cost (Monthly) 0.63 0.63
Investation Cost (Monthly) 4.80 5.75
Expenditure (Monthly) 5.75 6.55

In terms of water consumption cost savings, the benefits of Rainwater Harvesting System can still be said to be
small or still economically unfeasible, where the investment cost is still much larger than the monthly cost of water,
then the construction cost per meter2 for the lower reservoir is cheaper than the existing reservoir, Where the cost
has a percentage value that ranges from 60% to 70% cheaper.
The storage volume for houses with an area of 60 m2 is 9 m3 where the containment can meet 76.5% of the
total house needs for flushing plants and toilets is 3,009 L / month with a reliability of 82.02% where as many as
296 days in a year rainwater harvesting System can meet the water needs in the house.
The volume of storage for houses with an area of 90 m2 is 14 m3 where the containment can meet 90% of
the total needs of the house to water the plants and toilets is 4.62 L / month with a realibility of 81.84% where as
many as 295 days in a year rainwater harvesting System can fulfill water needs in the house.

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