Compiled Hired Swords
Compiled Hired Swords
Compiled Hired Swords
Hired Swords
recruiting hired swords injuries
This section introduces Hired Swords – professional If a Hired Sword goes out of action during the game,
mercenaries – to Mordheim campaign games. Taverns roll for his injuries as you would roll for a Henchman
in the settlements and shanty towns around after a battle (i.e, 1-2 = Lost; 3-6 = Survives).
Mordheim are good recruitment centres for warriors
who do not belong to any particular warband or
retinue, but instead hire out their services to the
hired swords and experience
highest bidder. Hired Swords gain experience in exactly the same way
as Henchmen. Refer to the scenarios to find out how
A player can recruit Hired Swords when he creates his
much experience Hired Swords gain after each game.
warband, or during the campaign phase after a game.
Write the name and profile of a Hired Sword on your
Hired Swords do not count towards the maximum
roster sheet in one of the Henchman group slots.
number of warriors or Heroes a warband may have on
its roster and don’t affect your income from selling Once the Hired Sword gains enough experience for
wyrdstone. However, Hired Swords do count as part an advance, roll on the Heroes Advancement table (as
of the warband for purposes of Rout tests, etc whilst opposed to Henchmen) to determine which advance
in battle. A player cannot buy extra weapons or he gains. Skills available to the Hired Swords are
equipment for a Hired Sword, and he listed under their entries.
cannot sell the Hired Sword’s weapons
or equipment. To reflect their rarity,
you can only have one of each type
of Hired Sword in your warband.
You may not use the Leadership of
any of the Hired Swords for Rout
hire fee
When a warband recruits a Hired
Sword, you must must pay his hire
fee. Subsequently, after each battle
he fights, including the first, you
must pay his upkeep fee if you want
him to remain with the warband. If
the Hired Sword is killed, or you no
longer require his services, you
don’t have to pay any upkeep!
These costs are indicated in the
entries for each Hired Sword.
The money paid to Hired Swords
comes from the warband’s treasury
in the same way as buying new
weapons or recruiting new
warriors. If you don’t have enough
gold to pay for the Hired Sword, or
want to spend it on other things, he
leaves the warband. Any experience
he has gained will be lost, even if
you hire a new Henchman of the
same type.
105 105
Hired swords
Seeker. When rolling on the Exploration chart, the
Elf Ranger allows you to modify one dice roll by
Excellent Sight. Elves have eyesight unmatched by
mere humans. The Elf Ranger spots Hidden enemies
from two times as far away as other warriors (ie, twice
his Initiative value in inches).
Fey. Hostile magic spells will not affect the Elf on a D6
roll of 4+.
Luck. The Elf Ranger is blessed by Lileath, the Elven
goddess of luck. Once per game he may re-roll any
dice roll he makes (but not one made by other
members of the warband).
108 108
Hired swords
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Troll Slayer 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9
Weapons/Armour: Two axes or a double-handed axe
(the hiring player may choose).
Skills: A Troll Slayer may choose from Combat and
Strength skills when he gains a new skill. In
addition, there are several skills unique to Dwarf
Troll Slayers which he can have instead of normal
skills when he gains a new skill.
Deathwish. Troll
Slayers seek an
death in
combat. They
immune to
and will
never need
to test if
they are
Many Bargains, Much Cheapness!
Arabian Merchant
20 gold crowns to hire
+ 10 gold crowns upkeep
From the lands of eternal desert they come,
crossing the sea to reach the Empire, in search
of the city spoken of in frightened whispers
and imagined in childhood nightmares;
Mordheim – City of the Damned.
Not all hirelings are warriors and the
merchants of Araby are not known for their
martial prowess. Rather they are advisers,
treasure seekers and collectors of the arcane.
Found within the shady bazaars of seldom
trodden streets and darkened taverns, they
have an uncanny knack of finding the best SPECIAL RULES
equipment for the best price, tapping into the Haggle: As in the Academic skill in the rulebook.
vein-like underworld network of black
Pawnbroker: The Merchant is skilled in
markets and foreign traders providing for any
finding the best price for sold items and as
would-be adventurers.
such gains an extra 2D6 gold per item that the
Experts in treasure and antiques, they seek warband sells (up to its full value) if he was
their own fortune in the forgotten artefacts not taken out of action in the battle.
buried deep beneath the city but require a
Marketeer: The Merchant has many useful
warband’s protection. Reciprocal then is this
contacts in the black market underworld and
relationship. Although keen to avoid conflict,
foreign traders to locate many special items.
their employers’ keep them close at hand, as a
After each battle (if he wasn’t taken out of
smooth talking merchant is not to be trusted
action) the Merchant can visit one of three
when treasure and glory is at stake…
markets: the Black Market, Foreign Wares and
May be Hired: Any good aligned warbands the Fencer, in search of items for the warband.
may hire an Arabian Merchant (ie, Mercenaries, Roll a D6 on the relevant table to see what
Dwarfs, Witch Hunters, Tomb Raiders, etc) items are on offer.
Rating: An Arabian Merchant increases the Black Market
warband’s rating by +10 points, plus 1 point A den of thieves and underworld brigands
for each Experience point he has. the black markets of Mordheim sell and
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld procure all manner of illicit substances and
are regularly frequented by the infamous
Merchant 4 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 7 members of the Assassins guild…
Equipment: Scimitar (counts as a sword).
Skills: A Merchant may choose from D6 Items
Academic skills when he gains a new skill (he 1 Nothing available.
also has his own special skills that he can
choose – see below). 2 Dark Venom or Black Lotus
(D3 doses)
3 Crimson Shade (D3 doses)
4 Mandrake Root or Madcap
Mushrooms (D3 doses)
5 Stiletto Blade
(need ‘Weapons Training’ to use)
+1 attack per turn at -1 strength.
6 Blow Pipe
(need ‘Weapons Training’ to use)
Many Bargains, Much Cheapness!
D6 Items
1 Halfling Cook Book
2 Ithilmar Weapon
3 Gromril Weapon
4 Tome of Magic
5 Hunting Rifle or Elven Bow
6 Brace of Duelling Pistols
“Many Bargains, Much Cheapness!”
Mail Order: UK 0115-91-40 000 USA 1-800-394-GAME CANADA 1-800-GW-TROLL AUS 02982 960606
You can order online at
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Beast Hunter
The Beast Hunter is a dark wanderer, full of Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
mystery and self-loathing. His is a woeful tale. Beast Hunter 4 3 4 3 3 1 4 2 7
Kith and kin slaughtered by the foul Beastmen
of the wild. He is one of many such men who Equipment: Two axes, throwing axe (counts
have been driven to the very edge by their as a throwing knife with +1 Strength), light
experiences, yearning only now for armour.
unquenchable revenge against those that
destroyed their once normal lives. They SPECIAL RULES
bedeck themselves in the skins of their foes Beastmen Vengeance: The Beast Hunter
and take on a truly frightening aspect. It is a hates all Beastmen (this includes Gors, Ungors,
stout captain indeed who hires such ‘wild Centigors and Minotaurs) and will fight for no
men’ of the forest but their hunter’s skills are upkeep cost in battles against Beastmen.
without equal and their raw strength in
Skull Rack: The Beast Hunter wears a grisly
combat is too awesome to ignore. Dangerous
skull rack bedecked with bestial skulls. He
and ferocious, ideal qualities for survival in
causes fear in all Beastmen.
the dark, unbridled wilds...
Predator: The Beast Hunter is a predator of all
Hire Fee: 35 Gold Crowns to hire + 15 Gold
fell creatures but most especially Beastmen. In
Crowns upkeep.
any battle that is set in the wilderness (ie. not
May be Hired: Any warband other than within Mordheim) that involves Beastmen, the
Skaven, Beastmen, Undead, Orcs & Goblins, Beast Hunter may be set up after both
Possessed and Carnival of Chaos may hire a warbands have deployed. He may be set up
Beast Hunter. anywhere on the board that is hidden and
outside of the enemy deployment zone.
Rating: A Beast Hunter increases the
warband’s rating by +18 points, plus 1 point Skills: A Beast Hunter may choose from
for each Experience Point he has. Combat and Strength skills when he gains a
new skill.
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Roaming the woods and secluded byways of Rating: A Highwayman increases the
the Empire, highwaymen prey on the many warband’s rating by +20 points, plus 1 point
coaches and wagons foolish or desperate for each Experience Point he has.
enough to travel there. These are dark and
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
dangerous men, often employed for their
knowledge of cargo charters and skill at Highwayman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
ambush. Oft they appear to the naked eye, Horse 8 0 0 3 3 1 3 0 5
bereft of their blackened garb, as foppish,
charming characters, but that ruse is a genteel Weapons/Armour: Brace of pistols, rapier
masquerade as their cruelty and viciousness (p.84 Mordheim Annual), cloak (acts as a
will testify. Deadly pistoliers and expert buckler in close combat) and dagger.
riders, they are an asset to any warband but If you are using the optional rules
watch your back, for they are untrustworthy, for mounted models then the
self-serving men. Highwayman also rides a horse.
When the Highwayman is
Hire Fee: 35 Gold Crowns to hire + 20 Gold mounted, he has a save of 6+, on
Crowns upkeep. foot he has no Armour save.
May be Hired: Any warband, except Sisters of Skills: A Highwayman may choose from
Sigmar, Witch Hunters and any good-aligned Combat, Shooting and Speed skills when he
Elves may hire a Highwayman. A Highwayman gains a new skill.
will never join a warband that also contains a
Expert Pistolier: A Highwayman’s skill with a
brace of pistols is unrivalled and as such he
combines the effects of the skills Pistolier and
Trick Shooter.
Unscrupulous: A Highwayman, despite
all his skill and bravado, is not to be
trusted. At the end of each battle roll a
D6, on a roll
of a 1 the
receives 1
less piece of
Treasure than they
would normally as the
Highwayman has stolen it
for himself (this Treasure is not
spent on the Highwayman, it is
lost!). Obviously, if this keeps
happening it will be up to
warband leader to keep the
Highwayman in his employ or
Expert Rider: A Highwayman is
a superb rider and as such while
he is mounted he counts as
being stationary for the
purposes of shooting (ie. no -1
modifier to hit) and he also
benefits from the skill as he
can reload quickly whilst on
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Patrolling the fraught and dangerous profession the Roadwarden is made of strong
highways of the Empire, Roadwardens are stuff indeed. He may re-roll any failed
dour men of the sternest courage. Solitary Leadership test for panic, fear, and is immune
figures, they range far and wide, often with to the rules for being All Alone.
little food and in all weathers. They are
Expert Rider: A highly skilled horseman, a
hardened and brutal fighters,
Roadwarden counts as having the Nimble skill
uncompromising and without any martial
whilst on horseback and suffers no modifiers
code, they give no quarter as they expect
for moving and shooting.
none to be given in return. Their skill lies
with the crossbow, with which they are
excellent hunters and deadly marksmen.
Highwaymen, deviants and bandits are STAGECOACHES
their common quarry, safety of the Both Highwaymen and Roadwardens are
roadways their charge and they execute particularly suited to battles involving
both with deliberate and unswerving stagecoaches, wagons, etc. To represent
severity. this, in any scenario in which one or both
sides have a stagecoach or a wagon, any
Hire Fee: 40 Gold Crowns to hire + 20 Gold Highwayman or Roadwarden in either
Crowns upkeep. warband may re-roll a single dice roll
May be Hired: Any good-aligned warband once per turn. This special bonus lasts
may hire a Roadwarden such as Witch until the re-rolled dice comes up as a 1 as
Hunters, Sisters of Sigmar, Dwarfs and it is designed to represent their ability to
Human Mercenaries. A Roadwarden will predict and perform at their peak in
never join a warband that also contains a familiar and well-practiced territory.
Rating: A Roadwarden increases the warband’s
rating by +22 points, plus 1 point for each
experience point he has.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Roadwarden 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8
Horse 8 0 0 3 3 1 3 0 5
Weapons/Armour: Crossbow, horseman’s
hammer (p.14 Town Cryer 24), dagger,
heavy armour and three torches (p.14
Town Cryer 24). If you are using
the optional rules for
mounted models then the
Roadwarden also rides a
horse. The Roadwarden’s save
is 4+ whilst mounted and 5+
whilst on foot.
Skills: A Roadwarden may
choose from Combat, Strength
and Shooting skills when he
gains a new skill.
Lethal Marksman: A master with
the crossbow, a Roadwarden
combines the skills of Trick
Shooter and Eagle Eyes.
Stern: Working alone and in the
dark for the majority of his
Lustria – Cities of Gold
Hired Swords
Chameleon Skink Pathfinder
70 gcs to hire 12 gcs upkeep 60 gs to hire, +15 gs upkeep
Chameleon Skinks are an incredibly rare As treacherous as the Lustrian wilderness can
breed of Skink that can change the colour of be, it is very often a wise choice to hire an
their skins at will to blend in with their experienced guide for a warband's
environment. Needless to say Chameleon expeditionary trek into the teeming jungles.
Skinks are very stealthy and difficult to detect Pathfinders, as they are called, are the very
indeed experts one would seek. They are well
adapted to the unique landscape and
May be hired: Lizardmen warbands only.
hazards of the Lustrian continent; and more
Rating: The Chameleon Skink raises the often than not, adventurous enough to live
rating of the warband by 16 points, plus 1 up to the challenge of the greatest fortunes
point for each experience point he has. and glory!
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld May be hired: Any warband.
6 4 4 4 2 1 5 1 7 Rating: A Pathfinder increases the warband's
Equipment: The Chameleon Skink comes rating +25 points, plus 1 point for each
equipped with a dagger, blowpipe with Experience point he has.
poison darts and a buckler. Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Skills: The Chameleon Skink may choose 4 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8
from Shooting, Speed and Lizardmen special
Equipment: Sword, dagger, longbow, rope &
hook, and Healing Herbs.
SPECIAL RULES Skills: A Pathfinder may choose from Combat,
All of the Lizardmen special skills for Skinks: Shooting, and Speed skills when he gains a
Scaly Skin, Cold Blooded, Aquatic and Jungle new skill. In addition, there are a few skills
born. unique to Pathfinders as detailed below, which
he can choose instead of normal skills.
Chameleon Skin: Because of the Chameleon
Skink’s unique camouflage he is very difficult
to detect, therefore foes halve their Initiative
Lay of the Land: Even the densely packed
when trying to detect him when Hidden. In
growth of the primordial Lustrian jungles
addition Chameleon Skinks are at -2 to hit
cannot bar the Pathfinder from his goal. The
with missile fire.
Pathfinder is unaffected by terrain modifiers
Infiltrator: The Chameleon Skink is a master and is able to circumvent even impassable
of disguise and deployment. You may place obstacles.
him anywhere on the board out of line of
Knowledge of Myths and Legends:
sight and at least 12" from any enemy model.
Pathfinder has spent most of their lives
tracking down numerous rumours and cryptic
clues in search of the ultimate prize. During
the exploration phase, if the Pathfinder was
not taken out-of-action, you may re-roll one
die, keeping the second result even if it is
Lookout!: Having traversed much of the land
himself, the Pathfinder is quick to recognise
traps laid by enemies or natural hazards of the
terrain. Once per game a Pathfinder may
cancel the effects of one trap or hazard on a
roll of 4+.
Fortune Hunters 2/4/04 9:53 AM Page 30
Fortune Hunters
By Nick Kyme
Hired Swords are a useful addition to any Rating: A Duelist increases the warband's
warband. They can often bring many strengths rating by +18 points, plus 1 point for each
that a warband would otherwise lack. Haughty experience point he has.
Elven Rangers and plucky Halfling Scouts can
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
provide welcome missile expertise whereas
hulking Pit Fighters and desperate Trollslayers Duelist 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7
boast hefty muscle. Whatever situation there is
Weapons/Armour: Duelling pistol, sword,
usually a Hired Sword to remedy it. These
dagger and cloak. The cloak counts as a
mercenaries are numerous around Mordheim
and there are rumours that some new sell
swords have moved into the City of the SPECIAL RULES
Damned to ply their trade...
Darting Steel: A Duelist is like a blur in hand-
to-hand combat, turning blades aside with
Duelist seemingly little effort or concern. The Duelist
may parry using his sword and buckler if he
can roll under his weapon skill and not more
35 gold crowns to hire + 15 gold crowns than his opponent's highest hit roll as per the
upkeep normal rules.
Duelists are men of the shadows, their Skills: A Duelist may choose from Combat
reputations dark and bloodthirsty. They are and Shooting skills when he gains a new skill.
men of iron nerve who stare unflinchingly
into the face of death every time they draw
their pistols. As well as expert pistoliers,
duelists are master swordsmen, their close
quarter fighting deadly and brief for their
opponents. Those who seek the services of a
duelist must frequent dark avenues and
taverns to locate them, for they are enigmatic
and elusive figures. However any warband
who secures their skills will reap great
May be Hired: Any warband except Skaven
and Undead may hire a Duelist.
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Fortune Hunters
Bounty Hunter
Fortune Hunters 2/4/04 9:53 AM Page 32
Fortune Hunters
Fortune Hunters 2/4/04 9:53 AM Page 33
Fortune Hunters
Potions: The Witch is an expert as brewing all Representing Your Hired Swords
manner of curious concoctions. A single hero The Hired Swords described in this article are
in the warband who have hired the Witch may easy enough to represent with little
partake of such a potion before the battle. conversion using existing Citadel Miniatures.
Roll a D6 to discover the draught's effect. Below a present a summary of the models I
1 Debilitating: The potion is simply use to represent my Hired Swords and where
too potent for the hero and weakens appropriate some suggestions for others.
them. They are at -1 Toughness for Duelist. For my Duelist I used the old Militia
the whole of the next battle until they with pistol model, adding a sword from the
can roll a 6 on a D6 in the recovery phase Mordheim accessory sprue. Any model with a
to shrug off the ill effects. pistol will do really, as long as they look
2-3 Strength. The hero is infused with mysterious and menacing enough!
strength as he quaffs the potion. He is Bard. For the Bard I used the Tristran the
at +1 Strength until he rolls a 1 on a Troubadour model (Bretonnian special
D6 in the recovery phase. character). Simply cut his body at the waist,
4-5 Resilience. An inner resilience passes add some Mordheim human mercenary legs
through the hero. He is at +1 to and replace his lance with the lute. Any rough
Toughness until he rolls a 1 on a D6 areas can be tided up with green stuff, easy!
in the recovery phase. Bounty Hunter. Bounty Hunters can be
6 Fortitude. The hero's constitution is represented using the human mercenary
increased and he feels ready to take sprue. In fact Journal 35 has some excellent
anyone on. He gains an extra wound examples of what you could do. I personally
for the whole battle. However, once use the Braganza model from Braganza's
lost the wound cannot be restored. Besiegers, with his plume filed off and the
addition of some rope and a sword from the
Reluctant: Whilst she is happy to use her Mordheim accessory sprue.
magic to aid the warband, the Witch is
reluctant to enter the fray herself. As such the Witch. Witch models can be represented
Witch will never charge (although if charged using the female Middenheimer Youngblood
she will defend herself) and will always try to model. Swap one of her hammers and replace
stay at least 8" away from enemy models and it with a staff end there you have it, a Witch! If
must move away if she finds herself within you really want to make her stand out, why
this distance. not use Bastet the cat (Neferata's familiar) as a
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Fortune Hunters
Hired Swords
The following Hired Swords are available in the Nemesis Crown setting. They follow the generic rules for hiring
and maintaining Hired Swords from page 147 of the Mordheim rulebook.
Hand-picked from a cadre of his finest guards, these Not all Dwarfs enjoy being shut up beneath the
elite Orcs have been ordered by none other than ground all of their lives; some enjoy an occasional
Grimgor Ironhide to infiltrate the Great Forest and trip into the open air. Usually these Dwarfs are
so keep an eye on the progress of his roving gangs. younger, and not quite as set in their ways. After a
few trips aboveground, many Dwarfs learn something
May be Hired: Any greenskin warband may hire a of the surrounding terrain and the skills required to
Black Orc Bodyguard. survive in the open air. Such Dwarfs are called
Dwarf Pathfinders, and they fulfill a special role in
Rating: A Black Orc Bodyguard increases the Dwarf society, as representatives to (and the first line
warband’s rating by +15 points, plus 1 point for each of defense against) the outside world.
Experience point he has.
May be Hired: Any Dwarf or Human warband
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld (excluding Chaos Dwarfs and Possessed) may hire the
Overseer 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 7 Dwarf Pathfinder.
Rating: A Dwarf Pathfinder increases the warband’s
Weapons/Armour: The Black Orc Bodyguard wears
rating by +12 points, plus 1 point for each experience
heavy armour and a helmet. He may choose between
point he has.
two axes or a double handed weapon.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
I said 'shut it'.
it' Whilst the Boss has this ferocious Pathfinder 4 4 3 3 3 1 2 1 9
warrior in the warband the greenskins are reluctant to
make trouble. Any orcs or goblins within 6" of the Weapons/Armour: The Dwarf Pathfinder carries an
Black Orc do not suffer from the effects of Animosity. Axe, Dagger, and Crossbow. He wears Light Armour.
The rest of the warband tests as normal. SPECIAL RULES
Who'se Da ManMan! - If any Goblin leader is taken OOA Explorer: Dwarf Pathfinders are experts at foraging
during the battle, the Black Orc HS steps up to and living off whatever they can find in the wild. A
replace him. For the duration of the battle he gains warband with a Dwarf Pathfinder may roll one more
the "Leader" ability. If the Goblin leader gets the dice than normal in the Exploration Phase, and
"Killed" result after the battle, then the Black Orc discard one die of the player’s choice.
decides to fill the new vacant position permanently. Skills: A Dwarf Pathfinder may choose from Combat,
The Black Orc becomes the new warband leader, but Shooting, or Dwarf (see ‘Dwarf Special Skills’ in the
he keeps his upkeep cost (hey, a Black rules for the Dwarf Runic Ranger Warband) skill lists
Orc can't live on mushrooms and when he gains a new skill. Alternatively, he may
fungus alone). The Black choose the new Dwarf Pathfinder skill, below.
Orc does not count
towards the warband DWARF PATHFINDER SKILLS
size when selling Pathfinder: Dwarf Pathfinders also learn
treasure. how to find hidden paths in the forest. A
Dwarf Pathfinder is able to Infiltrate (as
the Skaven skill of the same name —see
the Skaven warband rules in the
Mordheim rulebook).
Old Prospector Human Scout
10 gold crowns to hire + 5 gold crowns upkeep
The Great Forest is full of old mines, long since
exhausted and abandoned by the Dwarfs. Despite Not all men are comfortable living in cities among
this, there are grizzled old men who still spend their their peers. Some prefer a solitary life in the
lives surveying the land, looking for the big payoff. wilderness, only returning to civilization to trade for
things they cannot make themselves. Such men are
Hire fee: A Prospector may be hired for two Treasures naturally hard for most others to understand and get
(most likely a gemstone or a nugget of precious along with, but their skills in the wild can prove
metal). His upkeep fee is a single Treasure (he figures invaluable to a band of warriors seeking adventure
he can resale it better than some fresh-faced in unfamiliar territory. A warband traveling through
youngster). the Great Forest will often hire such an individual to
guide them to the remote parts of the forest and back.
May be Hired: Any warband may hire a Prospector ("I
duzzent care if'n ye looks a mite strange... as long as
May be Hired: Any warband except Orcs, Goblins,
yer pay in stone") except Dwarfs, who regard him as
Beastmen or Possessed may hire the Human Scout.
an amateur.
Rating: A Human Scout increases the warband’s rating
Rating: A Prospector increases the warband's rating by
by +9 points, plus 1 point for each experience point
15 points plus 1 point for each Experience point he
he has.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Human Scout 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 6
Prospector 4 2 2 3 3/4* 1 3 1 9
Weapons/Armour: The Human Scout carries a Bow,
Weapons/Armour: Blunderbuss, pick (two-handed
Sword and Dagger.
Skills: A Human Scout may choose
Skills: An Old Prospector has the
from Combat Skills, Speed skills or
Wyrdstone Hunter and *Resilient
Quick Shot, Eagle Eyes, or Trick
skills. He may choose from
Shooter from the Shooting skills list
Strength and Speed skill lists
when he gains a new skill.
when he gains a new skill.
Alternatively, he may choose one of
the new Human Scout skills, below.
Hardened. Prospectors have seen
many strange things in their
Not a Fighter: If a Human Scout is
battered lives and are immune to
taken Out of Action during a game,
the effects of Fear.
he decides to leave on a 1-3, instead
Finders Keepers. In any scenario of the normal 1-2 when rolling for
where extra Treasures/Wyrdstone injury at the end of the game.
are involved, the Prospector will
keep any that he somehow gets HUMAN SCOUT SKILLS
his hands on. This will not count Expert Hunter: A Human Scout that
as his upkeep, as he will deny has been declared as Hidden may
that he found any ("You 'cusin me only be detected by models within
of claim-jumpin' sonny?"). For half their Initiative value in inches,
the purpose of Chance Encounter not their Initiative value as normal.
he will keep the Wyrdstone of In addition, a Human Scout may fire
any enemy heroes that he takes his Bow without giving away his
out action - neither warband will position (he may fire and remain
gain that shard. He has no effect Hidden).
on Defend the Find as the claim
Sit in Wait: A Human Scout is able
has already been staked.
to Infiltrate (as the Skaven skill of
Old Coot. Prospectors are prone the same name—see the Skaven
to wander off, either because warband rules in the Mordheim
they've heard of a better strike or rulebook).
because they have fallen out with
their fellows. At the end of each
game roll a D6. On a result of "1"
the Prospector has pulled up his
pegs and left the warband.
Runesmith Journezman
30 gold crowns to hire +15 gold crowns upkeep
Having finished his apprenticeship it is usual for a Armourer: A Runesmith can repair and make weapons
Runesmith to spend several years seeking to increase and armour. The warband may purchase one item per
his knowledge of the art. For some this may mean post game trading session from the following: axes,
moving to another forge or hold and working with a hammers, swords, two handed weapons, helmets,
different master. Some however are fired to discover shields, light and heavy armour at a 2d6GC discount
things lost in the past and travel to old holds, looking to a minimum price of 1GC. This applies only if the
for secrets that have passed out of knowledge. Runesmith did not go OOA.
Recovery of ancient Runes is seen by most as a
Armour: Dwarfs never suffer movement penalties for
worthy exercise, unlike the pursuit of new
wearing armour. Hate Orcs and Goblins. All Dwarfs
knowledge. For this reason a journeyman will
hate Orcs and Goblins. See the psychology section of
accompany parties seeking to right grudges and
maintain their equipment in return for protection on the Mordheim rules for details on the effects of hatred.
his expedition. Hard to Kill: Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals
who can only be taken out of action on a D6 roll of 6
May be Hired: Mercenaries and Witch Hunters may instead of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury chart. Treat
hire a Journeyman. Warbands that include Elves may a roll of 5 as stunned.
hire them, but must pay 30 gold crowns after each
Hard Head: Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces,
battle instead of 15 gold crowns. Dwarfs won’t put up
clubs etc. They are not very easy individuals to knock
with weak pointy-eared folk unless they have to, or
are adequately compensated for their sufferance.
Rating: A Runesmith increases the warband’s rating by RUNE USE
+15 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point he A Runesmith may inscribe Runes before a battle; they
has. start knowing one Rune but may learn more as
spellcasters learn spells. These Runes are only
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld temporary due to the haste of the Runesmith but may
not be dispelled during the game. Runes may be
Runesmith 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 inscribed on axes, hammers, swords, two handed
weapons, helmets, shields, light and heavy armour.
Weapons/Armour: A Runesmith is equipped with a The runes are:
gromril hammer and heavy armour.
Rune Effect Effective on Difficulty
Skills: A Runesmith may choose from Combat and Iron 6+ ward Armour 6
Strength skills when he gains a new skill. In addition, Stone +1 armour save Armour 6
there is a unique Rune use skill, which he can have Fury +1 A Weapon 7
instead of a normal skill when he gains a new skill. Striking +1 WS Weapon 6
Speed +1 I Weapon 5
SPECIAL RULES Cleaving +1 S Weapon 8
Runesmith: A Runesmith may inscribe runes as
detailed below. Before the battle the Runesmith may attempt to
inscribe every Rune heknows, but once only. No Rune
may be inscribed on an item with a Rune already on it.
If he passes the difficulty roll he has succeeded and
the Rune will affect the weapon/armour for the
coming battle.
If he rolls a natural 2 the process has highlighted
shoddy (and hence nondwarf) manufacturing and
the item being inscribed on is broken, remove it
from your roster.
A gromril item (including dwarf axes)
may reroll a result of 2 but a second 2
stands. If he rolls a natural 12 the rune
is “durable” and will last beyond one
battle else it fades after the game.
Durable: If a Rune becomes durable
roll a d6 after each battle, but not
the first, on a roll of 1 or 2 it fades
and ceases to be effective,
otherwise it will be
effective in the
next battle.
Witch Hunter
30 gold crowns to hire + 15 gold crowns upkeep
Witch Hunters are driven men who make it their job Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
to free the Empire of the taint of chaos. Although
Witch Hunter 4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8
these troubled times have often meant witch hunters
operating in small groups or by requisitioning
Weapons/Armour: Dueling or Crossbow Pistol, sword
support from local authorities many still prefer to
and dagger. He starts every game with a vial of Holy
work alone. Some of course have other reasons, their
water and a garlic.
excessive zeal can lead to other hunters shunning
them or even their expulsion from the order, in a few
Skills: A Witch Hunter may choose from Combat,
cases they themselves have darker secrets they don’t
Speed, Shooting, Academic and Strength skills when
want their brothers in arms investigating. These
he gains a new skill.
solitary witch hunters are not above joining roving
bands if it suits their aims, providing they are
reimbursed for the skills they bring. They care little SPECIAL RULES
for the morals of such groups providing that they are Burn the Witch: The Witch hunter hates all enemy
a human band and not tainted in any way by chaos. spellcasters. He will not work for a band with a
The threat of chaos is so great that they have even put spellcaster, unless it is a priest of Sigmar, Ulric, Taal or
aside their prejudices against followers of Ulric to Morr.
better fight chaos. In Sigmar’s name: The Witch hunter can call on his
faith in Sigmar, he is allowed to reroll all failed fear
May be Hired: Any non-chaos human warband may tests.
hire a Witch Hunter, he has his own reasons, but will
Sigmar’s reward: Doing Sigmar’s work is reward
not stay with a Witch Hunter band for more than one
enough at times. If the band take the leader of a chaos
battle. See also the Burn the witch rule below.
or undead band out of action the Witch Hunter waives
Rating: A Witch Hunter increases the warband's rating part of his fee, at the end of the battle he only charges
by 15 points plus 1 point for each Experience point 5gc upkeep. Chaotic bands only includes bands truly
he has. chaotic, not merely nonhuman, eg not skaven, dark
elves etc.
Lustria – Cities of Gold
Hired Swords
Chameleon Skink Pathfinder
70 gcs to hire 12 gcs upkeep 60 gs to hire, +15 gs upkeep
Chameleon Skinks are an incredibly rare As treacherous as the Lustrian wilderness can
breed of Skink that can change the colour of be, it is very often a wise choice to hire an
their skins at will to blend in with their experienced guide for a warband's
environment. Needless to say Chameleon expeditionary trek into the teeming jungles.
Skinks are very stealthy and difficult to detect Pathfinders, as they are called, are the very
indeed experts one would seek. They are well
adapted to the unique landscape and
May be hired: Lizardmen warbands only.
hazards of the Lustrian continent; and more
Rating: The Chameleon Skink raises the often than not, adventurous enough to live
rating of the warband by 16 points, plus 1 up to the challenge of the greatest fortunes
point for each experience point he has. and glory!
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld May be hired: Any warband.
6 4 4 4 2 1 5 1 7 Rating: A Pathfinder increases the warband's
Equipment: The Chameleon Skink comes rating +25 points, plus 1 point for each
equipped with a dagger, blowpipe with Experience point he has.
poison darts and a buckler. Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Skills: The Chameleon Skink may choose 4 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8
from Shooting, Speed and Lizardmen special
Equipment: Sword, dagger, longbow, rope &
hook, and Healing Herbs.
SPECIAL RULES Skills: A Pathfinder may choose from Combat,
All of the Lizardmen special skills for Skinks: Shooting, and Speed skills when he gains a
Scaly Skin, Cold Blooded, Aquatic and Jungle new skill. In addition, there are a few skills
born. unique to Pathfinders as detailed below, which
he can choose instead of normal skills.
Chameleon Skin: Because of the Chameleon
Skink’s unique camouflage he is very difficult
to detect, therefore foes halve their Initiative
Lay of the Land: Even the densely packed
when trying to detect him when Hidden. In
growth of the primordial Lustrian jungles
addition Chameleon Skinks are at -2 to hit
cannot bar the Pathfinder from his goal. The
with missile fire.
Pathfinder is unaffected by terrain modifiers
Infiltrator: The Chameleon Skink is a master and is able to circumvent even impassable
of disguise and deployment. You may place obstacles.
him anywhere on the board out of line of
Knowledge of Myths and Legends:
sight and at least 12" from any enemy model.
Pathfinder has spent most of their lives
tracking down numerous rumours and cryptic
clues in search of the ultimate prize. During
the exploration phase, if the Pathfinder was
not taken out-of-action, you may re-roll one
die, keeping the second result even if it is
Lookout!: Having traversed much of the land
himself, the Pathfinder is quick to recognise
traps laid by enemies or natural hazards of the
terrain. Once per game a Pathfinder may
cancel the effects of one trap or hazard on a
roll of 4+.
Lustria – Cities of Gold
Rating: A Dark Elf Assassin increases the Equipment: The Shaman carries a rune staff
warband’s rating by +25 points, plus 1 point and either a sword or an axe.
for each Experience point he has.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld The Norse Shaman starts with two ‘Runes’
5 5 5 4 4 1 7 1 8 from the following chart. These are treated in
the same way as Sigmarite Prayers and can be
Equipment: Dark Elf Blade, dagger, repeating
cast whilst wearing armour. Abilities that give
crossbow, Dark Venom, Light Armour and
saves against spells, give saves against runes.
Dark Cloak (counts as Elven cloak).
D6 Result
Skills: An Assassin may choose from Combat,
Shooting, and Speed skills when he gains a 1 Howl of the North Difficulty 9
new skill. In addition, the Assassin may use Icy winds sweep before the Shaman knocking
any unique Dark Elf skills (see later), which he missiles from their path.
can choose instead of normal skills. The Shaman is immune to all missile fire. Roll
a dice during the Shaman’s recovery phase.
SPECIAL RULES On a roll of 1 or 2 the winds dissipate.
Perfect Killer: All attacks made by the
Assassin, whether in shooting or close combat, 2 Angvar’s Fury Difficulty 7
have an extra -1 save modifier to represent his The Shaman’s howls rouses the anger of the
skill in striking at unarmoured spots. warriors around him to a fever pitch.
Kindred Hatred: All Dark Elves suffer Hatred All warriors within 8" of the Shaman gain a +1
towards their High Elven kin. to hit in hand-to-hand combat against the
opposing warband. The spell lasts till the start
of the Norse players next turn.
Lustria – Cities of Gold
The Shaman may adjust one die roll by +/-1 6 Bear’s Might Difficulty 9
between a successful casting of this rune & his The Shaman calls upon the spirits of the great
next recovery phase. A to wound roll adjusted Ice Bears of the North to aid him.
to or from 6 will not cause a critical.
The Shaman gains +1 Attack, +2 Strength, +2
5 Kiss of Frost Difficulty 6 Toughness and lose -2 Initiative (to a
The Shaman covers ground of his choosing minimum of 1). Take a Leadership test at the
with slick ice. beginning of each turn (both your’s and your
opponent’s). If the test fails, Bear’s Might
A single model within 12" of the Shaman must drains away. Bear’s Might can only be cast
pass an Initiative test or be knocked down. successfully once per game.
Maximum Characteristics
Characteristics for Dark Elf warriors may not
Choice of Warriors be increased beyond the maximum limits
A Dark Elf warband must include a minimum shown on the Elven profile on page 121 of the
of three models. You have 500 gold crowns to Mordheim rulebook.
Blazing Saddles
Rating: A Mule Skinner increases the Disarm: Instead of striking to injure, a warrior
warband’s rating by 20 points, plus 1 point for with a Whip may try to strike his opponent’s
each Experience point he has. weapon making him drop it. Roll to hit as
normal, but instead of rolling to wound, the
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld opponent gets a single Parry attempt; if the
4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Parry attempt is failed, he has dropped his
weapon. He must now fight with whatever
Weapons/Armour: The Mule Skinner starts
back-up weapon he has in his equipment for
with a whip and a dagger.
the rest of this combat (or fight unarmed if he
Skills: A Mule Skinner may choose from has no other weapons). At the end of the
Combat and Strength skills. In addition he may combat, the model is assumed to retrieve the
learn Streetwise and Haggle (both academic dropped weapon, as long as he is not put out
skills). of action. Disarmed opponents put out of
action lose the weapon permanently.
Animal Handler: A Mule Skinner starts with Note: The Parry attempt represents the model
one Animal Handling skill (player’s choice of trying to hold on to the weapon; he is always
which animal). allowed one (and only one) Parry, irrespective
of the equipment he is carrying.
Hired Swords
There are plenty of swords for hire in the Immune to poison: The Snake Charmer has
Land of the Dead; many of them are the last been bitten so many times that he is immune
survivors of a raid on a Necropolis, while to poisons.
others are professional mercenaries. In the
Venomous: The snakes are venomous and
Land of the Dead you can only use the Hired
count as attacking using Black Lotus as
Swords listed in this section. The Land of the
described on page 52 of the
Dead is a long way from Mordheim and even
Mordheim rulebook.
further from Lustria, and not every Hired
Sword will be available. Animals: Snakes are animals and
do not gain Experience.
You can use the following Hired Swords from
Town Cryer magazine and the Mordheim Snake hunter: After each game the
rulebook: Halfling Scout, Tilean Marksman, Snake Charmer may attempt to catch
Ogre Bodyguard and Pit Fighter. another snake, provided that he did not go
out of action. The Snake Charmer makes this
roll in the Recruitment and Trading phase and
Snake Charmer must roll under his initiative to successfully
catch a snake. The Snake Charmer may only
40 gold crowns to hire + 10 gold crowns (+ 5
attempt to catch one snake after each game. If
gold crowns per snake) upkeep.
he fails to catch the snake there is a chance
In the bazaars and markets of Araby crowds that he is attacked. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1
often gather around a mystic Arabian sitting the Snake Charmer suffers a S3 hit.
playing a flute. Mesmerised by the music or
Skills: A Snake Charmer may choose from
some say by his rhythmic swaying is a deadly
Academic and Speed when he gains a new
venomous snake. Snake charmers generally
survive on the money they can make as
entertainers but often some offer their
services and that of their snakes as warriors. Nomad Scout
May be Hired: Any good warband (human, 30 gold crowns to hire + 15 gold crowns
Elf, Dwarf, etc.) may hire a Snake Charmer. upkeep.
Rating: A Snake Charmer increases the The guides of the nomad tribes are at best
warband rating by 5 points, +1 point for each uncouth and uncivilised. However, they are
Experience point he has and +5 points for good warriors, living a life of almost
each snake. constant battle within the deserts they call
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld their home. An Old World warband is well
advised to hire a guide if they are to survive
Snake Charmer 4 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 7 the ravages of the desert.
Snake 4 3 0 1* 2 1 5 1 5
May be hired: The Nomad Guide may be
Equipment: The Snake Charmer is equipped hired by any warband that can afford him.
with a dagger and a scimitar. The Snake
Charmer starts with three snakes. Rating: A Nomad Guide increases the
warband’s rating by +12 points, plus 1 point
SPECIAL RULES for each Experience point he has.
Snake Charmer: The Snake Charmer can Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
control up to five snakes provided that they
remain within 6" of him. If a snake is not Nomad 4 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 7
within 6" of the Snake Charmer in the Weapons and Armour: The Nomad Guide is
Movement phase, they will move 1D6" in a armed with a Scimitar and a bow.
random direction. If that takes them into
contact with a model, either friend or foe, it SPECIAL RULES
will attack as if charging. Son of the Desert: The Nomad Guide is
adept at finding sources of water. The
Khemri – The Land of the Dead
warband can modify the result on the Supply
Source table by +/-1.
Skills: The Nomad Guide may choose from 30 gold crowns to hire +15 gold crowns
Shooting and Speed skill when he gains a new upkeep.
The Thieves guilds of the Old World aren’t a
patch on the brutally efficient and highly
organised guilds of Araby. So skilled are the
Tomb Robber thieves of Araby it is said that they can steal
the treasures of the gods themselves.
30 gold crowns to hire + 15 gold crowns
upkeep. May be Hired: Any warband except Undead
may hire a Thief.
While the sinister ruined tombs of Nehekhara
have claimed the lives of many would-be Rating: An Araby Thief increases the
robbers, a few have survived using their wit warband's rating by +22 points, plus 1 point
and lightning reflexes. Many of these expert for each experience point he has.
robbers are drawn from the nomadic
tribesmen of the vast desert and knowledge Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
of the necropolises is second nature to them. Thief 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7
Some, though, are Old Worlders lured by the
Equipment: Two daggers, Thief ’s cloak
temptation of riches who have amassed a
wealth of knowledge in archaeology and SPECIAL RULES
ancient traps.
Thief ’s Cloak: Thieves wear
May be hired: The Tomb Robber may be cloaks that help them blend
hired by any good warband (human, Elf, in with their surroundings
Dwarf, etc.) that can afford him. and can disguise them very
well in both the desert and
Rating: A Tomb Robber increases the
the towns. A warrior firing a
warband’s rating by +20 points, plus 1 point
missile weapon at a warrior
for each Experience point he has.
wearing a Thief ’s cloak
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld suffers -1 on his roll to hit.
Tomb Robber4 4 3 3 3 1 5 1 7 Also the distance required to
spot a thief when Hidden is doubled.
Weapons and Armour: The Tomb Robber is
armed with a sword and crossbow pistol. In Tea-Leaf!: Naturally thieves are most adept at
addition he carries a rope and hook. stealing items! A Thief may attempt to steal
one item during the Trading phase. Choose
any item, if it is a common item the Thief
successfully steals it on a 2+ on a D6. A Rare
Explorer: The Tomb Robber allows your
item is successfully stolen by rolling higher
warband to modify a single dice roll on the
than the availability number on 2D6. Any
Exploration chart by -1/+1.
items stolen may be used in exactly the same
Traps: The Tomb Robber way as one that was bought. If the Thief fails
has the Trap Expert skill, to steal the item roll a D6. On a score of 1-5
for more details see the the thief is chased out of the trading post and
TC17. escapes. On the score of a 6 the Thief is
captured by whatever authorities there may be
Excellent Reflexes:
and is hung (remove him from the warband
The Tomb Robber has a
special save of 5+ against
any attack made against Skills: A Thief may choose from Combat &
him, be it shooting, close Speed Skills.
combat, traps or spells. If the Tomb Robber
gains the Dodge skill this save increases to a NEXT ISSUE
4+ special save. Ah see, we lied! There were no Arabians this
Skills: The Tomb Robber may choose from issue but there will be the Arabian Tomb
Combat, Shooting or Speed skills when he Raiders warband next issue, we promise...
gains a new skill.
Soldiers of Fortune
The Hired Swords described in this chapter are available in the Border Town Burning campaigns. They follow the
generic rules for hiring and maintaining Hired Swords from page 147 of the Mordheim rulebook.
Any other Hired Swords, either from the Mordheim rulebook, the Empire in Flames supplement or any
experimental rules models, can be used in the Northern Wastes setting as well. It is up to the players to agree
upon which ones are likely to be encountered and which are not. Alternatively include those which add the most
fun to your games.
Wagons, coaches and similar carts are very popular Shamed by their unsightly appearance, centauroid
among the wealthy mercenary captains as they are mutants isolate themselves within the darkest
both a practical means of transport for carrying the recesses of the forests in Norsca and the Wastes,
warband’s riches and a status symbol. Wagons are periodically collaborating with northern tribes
also necessary for the great caravans of the raiding on the Steppes. Of mutations, Centaurs have
merchants that travel the dangerous Silk Road. been plagued with a kind that cannot be concealed.
Capable wagon drivers are much sought-after aids to Afflicted or born with the torso of human or elf
ensure a secure passage and only few dare to accept married to the body of an animal. These creatures
the risk. Those who do, charge a fair fee in gold for neither man or beast nor both, prey on lonesome
their services. travellers and the meek.
May be Hired: Any warband except Skaven, Beastmen, May be Hired: Beastmen, Marauders of Chaos, Ogres
and Orcs & Goblins warbands may hire a Coachman. and Norse warbands may hire a Chaos Centaur.
Rating: A Coachman increases the warband’s rating by Rating: A Chaos Centaur increases the warband's
+8 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point he rating by +20 points, plus 1 point for each Experience
has. point he has.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Coachman 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 Chaos Centaur 8 4 3 4 3 1 3 1(2) 7
Weapons/Armour: Whip, sword, light armour. Weapons/Armour: Throwing axes (counts as throwing
Skills: A Coachman may choose from Speed skills knives), shield, plus a sword or spear. Treat the spear
when he gains a new skill. as you would for the use of a Cavalry bonus (+1
Strength when charging).
SPECIAL RULES Skills: A Chaos Centaur may choose from Combat and
Driver: A wagon driven by the Coachman may re-roll Strength skills when he gains new skills, or may buy
results on the Out of Control chart once. Note that the one new mutation. See special rules for Mutants.
second result must be accepted even if it is worse.
Handyman: The Coachman is skilled in fixing minor SPECIAL RULES
damage on the wagon. If the wagon is stationary (ie, it Drunken: Chaos Centaurs are renowned among the
has not moved the last turn) and the driver is in northern tribes for their habitual need to consume
contact with the wagon, he may repair one previously alcohol by the barrel, working themselves up into a
damaged wheel. The driver may do nothing else that drunken frenzy. Roll 1D6 at the start of each turn. On
turn and the wagon may not be moved. He can even a roll of 1, they must test for stupidity that turn. On a
set in a new wheel if it flew off. Note that if there are roll of 2-5 nothing happens and on the roll of a 6 they
any enemy models in contact with the wagon, it become subject to frenzy for that turn. While subject
cannot be repaired that turn as the situation is way to both stupidity and frenzy they are immune to all
too dangerous other forms of psychology.
to focus on
Woodland Dwelling: For most of their lives centauroid
the cart.
mutants prowl the murky depths of forests. They
suffer no movement penalties for other moving
through wooded areas.
Trample: As well as their weapons, Centaurs use their
hooves and sheer size to crush their enemies. This
counts as an additional attack, which does not benefit
from weapon bonuses or penalties.
Pyromaniac Ninja
25 gold crowns to hire +10 gold crowns upkeep 70 +3D6 gold crowns to hire
Cathay is well known for its spectacular fireworks. Deadly assassins, known as ninjas are perfectly
Beware of those who have the knowledge but not the trained bravoes and thieves. Hailing from a distant
mind to master these mesmerising displays of fire for empire called Nippon they are the ultimate hired
visual effects alone. killers.
May be Hired: Merchant Caravans, Battle Monks of May be Hired: Any warband except Skaven, Orcs &
Cathay and Mercenaries may hire a Pyromaniac. Goblins, Beastmen, Marauders of Chaos, Norse and
Chaos Dwarfs may hire a Ninja.
Rating: A Pyromaniac increases the warband’s rating by
+9 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point he Rating: A Ninja increases the warband's rating by +45
has. points.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Pyromaniac 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Cathayan Assassin 4 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8
Weapons/Armour: Fireworks, firecrackers (unlimited ). Weapons/Armour: Pair of swords, throwing stars, rope
& hook and one smoke bomb.
Skills: The Pyromaniac must choose from his special
skills when he gains a new skill – see below. Skills: Expert Swordsman, Knife-Fighter, Scale Sheer
Surfaces and Art of Silent Death. He also has the
SPECIAL RULES Lighning Speed and Leap of Faith skills from the Battle
Crazed Firestarter: The Pyromaniac loves nothing Monks special skills.
more than the lights and sparks of his fireworks. Each
turn he either starts one of his rockets or throws some SPECIAL RULES
of his firecrackers at hostile animals. Therefore he will Strictly Business: The Ninja is hired for one specific
move but never run or charge. If he is attacked he will job only. Therefore the Ninja has no upkeep cost and
fight back normally. automatically leaves the warband after the battle for
Rockets: In every shooting phase the Pyromaniac starts which he was hired. This means that
one rocket. Use the artillery dice to determine how far he cannot gain Experience either,
the rocket flies. The initial direction can be controlled of course.
by the Pyromaniac. Unless an object is hit on the way, Secrecy: The Ninja is a maverick
place a marker there. From then on, in every shooting and does not accompany the
phase each rocket will keep on flying a distance warband into battle side
determined with the artillery dice and in a direction by side. He does not
randomly determined with the scatter dice until it hits count as part of the
an object. warband for purposes
Anything hit by a rocket suffers an automatic Strength of Rout tests.
4 hit. In addition, objects hit by a rocket are set on fire
on a roll of 4+.
Whenever the artillery die scores a misfire, the rocket
detonates immediately. Roll on the following table to
determine the effect of the fireworks.
D6 Result
1 Nothing. The rocket falls to the ground
without any further effect.
2- 3 Zishh! Re-roll the artillery dice and move the
rocket with twice the scored number.
4- 5 Spectacle: The rocket explodes with
colourful lights. All models within 2D6” must
pass a Ld test or are distracted for the turn.
Distracted models are automatically hit in
close combat and cannot attack back.
6 Explosion: The rocket explodes causing an
automatic S4 hit to all models within D6”.
Rocket Science: The Pyromaniac has brought the
detonation of fireworks to perfection and may modify
the roll on the fireworks table by +1/–1.
Display Artist: Instead of rolling the artillery die the
Pyromaniac may make an Initiative test to have the
rocket detonate immediately. Otherwise roll the
artillery die as usual.
Swordsmith Grave Robber
60 gold crowns to hire +15 gold crowns upkeep 45 gold crowns to hire +18 gold crowns upkeep
Little is known of the mysterious techniques passed Among thieves, the most despicable are those who
from one generation of swordsmith to the next or of loot the graves of the Old World. Some make quite a
the individuals who keep them secret. The two living robbing tombs and hiding out on the fringes of
constants are the guarded skills of their smithery and towns. Although detested by their fellow man, but the
the astounding beauty of their daughters. grave robber finds a certain favour among the
practitioners of black magic who often benefit from
May be Hired: Merchant Caravans, Battle Monks of the services of these shifty professionals.
Cathay, Witch Hunters, Sisters of Sigmar and
Mercenary warbands may hire a Swordsmith. May be Hired: Any warband which includes a Vampire,
Necromancer or Liche may hire a Grave Robber.
Rating: A Swordsmith increases the warband’s rating
by +10 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point Rating: A Grave Robber increases the warband’s rating
he has. by +15 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point
he has.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Smith 4 3 3 4 3 1 4 1 7
Grave Robber 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 6
Weapons/Armour: Hammer, toughened leathers.
Skills: A Swordsmith may choose from Academic and Weapons/Armour: Pickaxe (uses rules of a 'axe' for
Strength skills when he gains a new skill. In addition, combat), Dagger, Lantern, Toughened Leathers.
there is a skill unique to Swordsmiths as detailed Skills: A Grave Robber may choose from Combat and
below, which he can choose instead of normal skills. Speed skills when he gains new skills.
Master Craftsman: When Heroes from your warband Hatred: All goodly men despise a Grave Robber, but
search for Cathayan longswords and katanas the rarity any model that can use Prayers of Sigmar will hate the
of these items is decreased by –1 for every two Grave Robber.
Experience points the Swordsmith has.
Grave Robbing: During the exploration phase, a Grave
SWORDSMITH SKILL Robber can loot a local cemetery if he wasn’t taken out
Honing: If the Swordsmith wasn’t taken out of action of action. Roll 2D6 and consult the following chart:
during a battle he may hone the blades of up to three
swords, including similar bladed weapons such as 2D6 Result
katanas, giving them the Cutting Edge 2 Discovered! The Grave Robber is discovered
special rule for the next battle. and is driven from the cemetery by angry
villagers or ghouls or any number of
nasty things. Remove the Grave Robber from
your warband roster.
3-4 Nothing:
Nothing: Pauper's graves. No significant
5-7 Trinket: A corpse is found wearing a trinket
of moderate value. You get D6+3 gold
8-9 Treasure: A corpse has a copious amount of
treasure within its grave. You get D6+8 gold
10-11 Corpse: No treasure, but you may add a
Zombie to your roster provided you have
room in your warband. This Zombie is free.
The corpse can be sold for D6+2 gold
crowns if the player does not wish to keep it
as a Zombie.
12 Artefact: A Hero’s tomb. Contains a magical
artefact, immediately roll on the Lesser
artefact chart.
Cathayan Merchant
20 gold crowns to hire + 10 gold crowns upkeep
Part guide, part interpreter, the Cathayan merchants of the small villages and rest stops along the Silver Road
will join a caravan heading to Shang-Yang, offering their advice about where to get the best prices for imports
and where to find the finest merchandise to export. They will offer to help with any negotiations or possible
bureaucratic interference. What the Old Worlders do not realise is that these merchants are employed by or own
the business they recommend, thus giving themselves a monopoly on goods and wealth without their Old World
business partners realising it. For the Cathayans that is the price of business.
Hobgoblin Scout
45 gold crowns to hire +20 gold crowns upkeep
The Eastern Steppe is home to the tribes of nomadic Hobgoblins. Ruled by the Khans, these Hobgoblins travel the
Steppes on wolf back, looking for good pillaging. Related to the Hobgoblins of the Chaos Dwarf towers, these
nomads are sometimes hired by the diminutive Chaos Dwarfs to act as scouts for their raids, spying out the
land, and locating prime spots to ambush.
After the Hobgoblins turned traitor on their fellow greenskins at the tower of Zharr Naggrund, they have
enjoyed the favour in those parched lands, the only thing that has kept them safe from the vengeance of Orc
May be Hired: Chaos Dwarfs and Ogre warbands may HOBGOBLIN SKILLS
hire a Hobgoblin Scout. Spy: Before the battle commences but after
deployment, the player controlling the Hobgoblin
Rating: A Hobgoblin Scout increases the warband's Scout may re-deploy D3 models (not including the
rating by +19 points, plus 1 point for each Experience Scout), using the normal deployment rules. If the
point he has. player chooses not to do this, then the Scout may be
set up anywhere on the board that is not within 18" of
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld any enemy model.
Hobgoblin 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6
Giant Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 4 Potshot: Living in the saddle teaches a Scout to hunt
by drawing his shortbow while moving at full pelt. The
Weapons/Armour: Dagger, shortbow, shield. A Scout may fire a bow when running with a -2 to hit
Hobgoblin Scout rides a Giant Wolf. modifier.
Skills: A Hobgoblin Scout may choose from Shooting
and Riding skills when he gains a new skill. In
addition, there are a couple of skills unique to a
Hobgoblin Scout as detailed below, which he can
choose instead of normal skills.
Ride: A Hobgoblin Scout has the Ride Giant Wolf skill.
Loner: The Scout has become so used to being alone
on the Steppes that it has become accustomed to its
own company. The Scout may never use the warband
leaders Ld for any tests. In addition, the Scout never
counts as all alone and may operate independently
throughout the game.
Traitor: Due to the treacherous treatment the
Hobgoblins have shown towards their greenskin
cousins, the Hobgoblin is subject to the hatred of all
greenskin races (Orcs & Goblins and Black Orcs) and
a warband that hires the Scout may never take any
other greenskin Hired Swords.
Ku Que clumsily blocked the thrust with his lacquered shield and tried to aim a strike to hit the
hobgoblin’s chest. The spy easily batted the strike away with the sword in his off-hand, smirking
as he did so, then reversed the parry to slip the blade in the gap and pushed it all the way to the
hilt, impaling Ku Que. The soldier dropped his shield and sword in shock and stared down at
the weapon in shock.
The hobgoblin mockingly nodded in honour at Ku Que’s passing, pulling the curved sword out
and letting the body slump to the ground. It hadn’t been much of a fight for the hobgoblin
scout. He had killed a dozen soldiers that day, yet regarding the warm corpse the greenskin
respected none of them. After inspecting his work he’d kill a dozen more.
Bone Goliath
225 gold crowns to build
It takes a vast amount of time, and more importantly, energy for a Liche to construct a giant made of bone. For
those who face a Bone Goliath, they see a terrifying giant made of the bones of a hundred fallen, standing twice
the height of a man!
May be Hired: Only the Restless Dead may build a Large: Bone Goliaths are huge creatures. They count
Bone Goliath. as large targets for missile weapons.
No Pain: Bone Goliaths treat stunned results on the
Rating: A Bone Goliath increases the warband’s rating
injury chart as knocked down.
by +50 points.
Mindless: Bone Goliaths never gain experience.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Bone Goliath 5 3 0 5 5 3 2 3 6
Weapons/Armour: Bone Goliaths never carry any
weapons or armour and suffer no penalties for this.
Cause Fear: Bone Goliaths are gargantuan undead
constructs and therefore cause fear.
May not run: Bone Goliaths are slow undead creatures
and may not run (but may charge normally).
Immune to Psychology: A Bone Goliath is not
affected by psychology and never leaves combat.
Immune to Poison: A Bone Goliath is not affected
by poison.
Undead Construct
Construct: Bone Goliaths ignore any injury
rolled on the Injury chart on the roll of a 4+ and
continue fighting, so a Bone Goliath has the possibility
of taking much more damage than their 3 wounds
suggest. This is not an armour save and so it is not
modified by the Strength of the attack. This rule is
ignored for wounds caused by magic or magic
Assembly: Bone Goliaths are not hired or found, they
are instead constructed at great expense to their
masters. Constructing a Bone Goliath will cause the
Liche to reduce their starting Wound total by D3
wounds to a minimum of 1, in addition to the cost in
gold crowns. A warband constructing a Bone Giant
may not look for any rare items. A warband that has no
Liche to lead it may not construct a Bone Goliath, but
if the Liche dies after its construction, the Bone
Goliath is unaffected. Warbands starting with a Bone
Goliath can ignore this rule, unless of course they
make one to replace a fallen Goliath.
Norse Shaman
45 gold crowns to hire + 25 gold crowns upkeep
There is a tradition amongst the tribes of the north, where a man who possesses the sight of the crow can hold
back the power of death or unleash it in ways undreamt of. Unlike the swifter prowess of sorcerers who are
blessed by a union with the Ruinous Powers, these seers find their powers in the dark places, where death,
murder and war have cursed the lands. For here the winds of Dhar congeal, contaminating everything around
and here dwell those among the Norse with the witch sight.
May be Hired: Human, Norse and Marauders of Chaos Skills: The Shaman may choose from the Combat and
warbands may hire the Norse Shaman. Academic skill charts when he gains a new skill. In lieu
of a skill, they may roll for an additional Rune (see
Rating: The Norse Shaman increases the warband's
below). Rolling a duplicate lowers the difficulty as
rating by +25 points, plus 1 point for each Experience
normal for magic spells.
point he has.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Runes: The Norse Shaman starts with two ‘Runes’
Shaman 4 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 8 from the following chart. These are treated in the
same way as Sigmarite Prayers. Abilities that give saves
Weapons/Armour: The Shaman carries a rune staff and
against spells, give saves against runes.
either a sword or an axe.
Norse Runes
The Norse Runes are rituals used by the Norse Shamans.