Practice MCQ 3

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Management MCQ-3

Leadership Styles; Leadership Theories; A successful Leader versus an

effective Leader.

1. What do you call a style of leadership that takes account of others' views,
opinions and ideas?
(a) Laissez-faire
(b) People-oriented
(c) Democratic
(d) Autocratic
Answer: (c)
Explanation: Democratic approaches rely on taking on board other people's
opinions and views.

2. How can you describe the thinking and outlook of transformational leaders?
(a) Strategic
(b) Operational
(c) Functional
(d) Developmental
Answer: (a)
Explanation: Leaders who contribute to radically altering the environment are
strategic in thinking.

3. What are the key characteristics of transactional leaders?

(a) Guiding, mentoring and motivating
(b) Guiding, commanding and motivating
(c) Guiding, demonstrating and motivating
(d) Guiding, mentoring and demonstrating
Answer: (a)
Explanation: Transactional leaders are characterised by their skills in guiding,
mentoring and motivating.
Transactional Leadership: Leaders who guide, mentor, and motivate followers
by clearly establishing the roles and tasks for the achievement of the stated
aims or goals

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Transformational leadership: Leaders who inspire followers to act in ways that
benefit the organisation or a wider cause other than their own self-interest.

4. What is the term for power derived from status or position in an

(a) Referent
(b) Expert
(c) Reward
(d) Legitimate
Answer: (d)

5. Who among the following has proposed ‘Great Man Theory’ of Leadership?
(a) Thomas Carlyle
(b) Philip Yetton
(c) Bernard M Bass
(d) Martin Evans
Answer: (a)
Explanation: This school of thought espouses that great leaders are born, not
made. These individuals come into the world possessing certain
characteristics and traits not found in all people. These abilities enable them
to lead while shaping the very pages of history. Under this theory, prominent
leaders throughout the course of history were born to lead and deserved to do
so as a result of their natural abilities and talents.
That is the foundation upon which the Great Man Theory was established in
the 19th century by proponents such as historian Thomas Carlyle, who put
forth the idea that the world’s history is nothing more than a collection of
biographies belonging to great men.

6. Based on “Leadership Grid Theory’’, a country club manager is someone

whose -
(a) Concern is low for both people and production
(b) Concern for production is low, but for people is high
(c) Concern for production is high, bit for people is low
(d) Concern is high for both people and production
Answer: (b)

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7. “Least-Preferred Coworker” (LPC) scale is integral to -
(a) Path-Goal theory of leadership
(b) Situational Theory of Leadership
(c) Leader Member Exchange Theory
(d) Contingency Theory of Leadership
Answer: (d)

8. What follower characteristic does Hersey and Blanchard’s (1971) situational

leadership theory suggest a leader has to adjust their behaviour to?
(a) subordinate readiness
(b) subordinate willingness
(c) subordinate maturity
(d) subordinate technical ability
Answer: (c)
Explanation: Situational leadership asserts that the characteristics of a
successful leader will vary based on the people he or she needs to lead, as well
as on the context in which the group is operating. This theory stems from the
belief that individuals respond differently to particular leadership styles. For
example, one worker may respond positively to a leader who gives detailed
directives, but another worker may not work well under that approach but
instead responds well to a collaborative leadership style. Hence, the leader has
to adjust their behaviour to the subordinate's maturity.

9. Which of the leadership theories has identified Exploitative authoritative,

Benevolent authoritative, Consultative and Participative as four main styles of
(a) Linkert’s Leadership Theory
(b) Managerial Grid Theory
(c) Kurt Lewin's Leadership Theory
(d) Path Goal Theory of Leadership
Answer: (a)

10. Under Ohio State studies, which of the following refers to how strict a
leader’s standards are?
(a) Independent dimensions

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(b) Comprehensive dimensions
(c) Initiating structures
(d) Consideration
Answer: (c)
Explanation: The most comprehensive and replicated of the behavioural
theories resulted from research that began at Ohio State University in the late
1940s92. These studies sought to identify independent dimensions of leader
behaviour. Beginning with over a thousand dimensions, they eventually
narrowed the list down to two categories that substantially accounted for most
of the leadership behaviour described by subordinates. They called these two
dimensions initiating structure and consideration.
The Initiating structure refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define
and structure his or her role and those of subordinates in the search for goal
attainment. It includes behaviour that attempts to organize work, work
relationships and goals.
The Consideration is described as the extent to which a person is likely to
have job relationships that are characterized by mutual trust, respect for
subordinates’ ideas, and regard for their feelings. He shows concern for his
follower’s comfort, well-being, status and satisfaction.

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