Cyber Security Published Paper
Cyber Security Published Paper
Cyber Security Published Paper
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Cyber Security, Cybercrime, Cyber Ethics, Social Media, Cloud Computing,
Android Apps
1. Introduction
Today a person can send and receive any form of data that may be an e-mail,
voice or video with just one click of a button, but has he ever thought about how
safe it is to send his data ID or send it to the other person safely without any
leakage of information? The answer could be found in cyber security. Today the
Internet is the fastest growing infrastructure in everyday life. In current technical
environment, many modern technologies are changing the face of humanity. But
due to these emerging technologies, we are not able to protect our private in-
formation in a very effective way and hence these days’ cybercrime is increasing
day by day. Today more than 60 percent of all commercial transactions take
place over the internet, so this field requires a high quality of security for trans-
parent transactions and best transactions. Hence cyber security becomes a recent
issue. The scope of cyber security is not only limited to securing the information
in the IT industry, but also includes many other areas such as cyberspace etc.
Even the latest technologies like cloud computing, mobile computing, E-commerce,
internet banking, etc. need a lot of security. Since these technologies contain
some important information regarding a person, it has safely become a must.
Strengthening cyber security and protecting critical information infrastructures
is essential to every nation’s security and economic well-being. Making the In-
ternet safer (and protecting Internet users) has become an integral part of de-
veloping new services as well as government policy. Many countries and gov-
ernments today enforce strict laws on electronic securities in order to prevent
the loss of some important information. Everyone must also be trained on this
cyber security and save themselves from these increasing cybercrimes [1]. How-
ever, are we aware and prepared enough as individuals, nations or the interna-
tional community of the threats coming from cyberspace or to deny the use of
this dimension of communication, trade and even war? Namely, despite the in-
creasing number of users, the Internet is still outside or below the minimum lev-
el of regulation. There are security problems in cyberspace that represent a
threat and challenge in the modern era. The development and application of in-
formation and communications technologies have created a new battlefield. As a
special challenge to international security, cyber terrorism is emerging, and cy-
ber security will greatly affect international relations in the twenty-first century.
Here we try to solve one of the most serious cyber security crimes of violating
privacy on the internet by enhancing the security of sensitive personal informa-
tion (SPI) in Cyber-physical systems using a selected proposed algorithm. Sec-
tion 2 discuss related topics with cyber security as cybercrime, cyber security
risks, security types, security problems, types of hackers, and Advantages and
disadvantages of cyber security. Section 3 introduces cybercrime history and
types, cyber security techniques and ethics, and best practices to overcome cyber
security risks. Section 4 introduces problem that faces sensitive information se-
curity and proposed algorithm to solve it.
2. Related Topics
2.1. Cybercrime
Cybercrime is a term that refers to any illegal activity that uses computers as the
primary method for commission and theft [1]. The U.S. Department of Justice is
expanding the definition of cybercrime to include any illegal activity that uses a
computer to store evidence. The growing list of cybercrimes includes crimes
made possible by computers, such as breaking into networks and spreading
computer viruses, as well as computer forms of existing crimes, such as identity
theft, stalking, bullying and terrorism that have become a major problem for
people and nations. cybercrime is usually defined in common man’s language as
a crime committed by using computer and the internet to steal a person’s iden-
tity, sell contraband, stalk victims or disrupt operations with malicious software.
As technology plays a major role in a person’s life, cybercrimes will also increase
along with technological advancements.
Even though cloud services have developed their own models, a lot of issues still
arise about their security. The cloud may offer enormous opportunities, but it
should always be noted that as the cloud develops so as its security interest’s in-
APT’s and Targeted Attacks
APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) is a whole new level of cybercrime tool.
For many years, network security capabilities such as web filtering or IPS have
played a major role in identifying such targeted attacks (often after the initial
hack) [1]. As attackers become more daring and use more obscure technologies,
network security must integrate with other security services in order to detect
attacks. One must improve our security technologies to prevent more coming
threats in the future.
Mobile Networks
Today we are able to contact anyone in any part of the world. But for these
mobile networks, security is a very big concern [1]. Firewalls and other security
measures these days have become porous as people use devices like tablets,
phones, computers, etc. all of which again require additional securities apart
other than the ones in the applications used. We should always care about the
security issues of these mobile networks. More mobile networks are highly vul-
nerable to this cybercrimes and great care must be taken if there are security is-
sues with them.
IPv6: New Internet Protocol
IPv6 is the new Internet protocol that replaces IPv4 (the older version), which
was the backbone of networks in general and the Internet at large [1]. Protecting
IPv6 is not just a matter of transferring IPv4 capabilities. While IPv6 is a whole-
sale alternative in making more IP addresses available, there are some very basic
changes to the protocol that must be taken into account in the security policy.
Hence it is always better to switch to IPv6 as soon as possible to reduce the risks
related to cybercrime.
Encryption of the Code
Encryption is the process of encoding messages (or information) in a way that
an intruder or hackers cannot read [1]. In a cipher system, a message or infor-
mation is encrypted using an encryption algorithm, which turns it into unreada-
ble cipher text. This is usually done with an encryption key, which specifies how
the message is encrypted. Encryption initially protects data privacy and its inte-
grity. But more use of cryptography brings more challenges in the field of cyber
security. Encryption is also used to protect data during transmission, for exam-
ple data that is transferred over networks (as the Internet, e-commerce), mobile
telephones, wireless micro-phones, wireless intercoms etc. Hence through the
code encrypting, it can know if there is any information leakage. The top net-
work threats are explained in Figure 1.
2.3. Cyber-Attack
Whether it occurs as an interstate conflict between states, terrorist or a criminal
Figure 1. Pie chart shows about the major threats for networks and cyber security.
2.4. What Are the Cyber Security Risks While Working Remotely?
Let us quickly take a look at some of the potential threats you may face while
working remotely [4]:
There is no physical security
Communication gap
Concurrent VPN connections are not supported
Lack of appropriate access, authorization, documentation policies for imple-
Poor data backup implementation
Disk encryption for endpoints
Wi-Fi connections are not secure
Easy logins and passwords
Security Information Security: Used to protect information or data and its
crucial elements, including systems program and hardware that are used to
store or transmit that information. Information security is also known as In-
fosec. Infosec is a set of strategies for managing processes and tools used in
software and program policies that are primarily for security purpose and are
necessary to prevent, detect and combat threats to digital and non-digital in-
formation [5].
Infosec responsibilities include a set of business processes that will protect the
information assets of how information is formatted, whether or not it is trans-
mitted, processed, or in a storage state. Infosec programs follow the basic objec-
tives of CIA confidentiality, integrity and availability: they maintain confiden-
tiality and ensure that sensitive information is not disclosed except to authorized
parties, and integrity stands to prevent unauthorized modification of data and
availability that guarantees access to data by authorized parties when request IT
systems and business data.
2) Network Security: Network security is used to protect network compo-
nents, network connectivity and network-related content [5]. A network security
system is typically based on layers of security and consists of more than one
component that is included in a network to monitor network and security soft-
ware and hardware devices, and its appliances. All components work together to
increase the security and overall performance of your computer network.
3) Operational Security: Operational security is an analytical process that
categorizes information assets and specifies the controls required to secure these
assets. Operational security is also known as OPSEC. Operational security typi-
cally consists of iterative process of five-step [5]:
Identify Critical Information: The first step is to find out what data may
particularly affect the organization or be harmful to the enterprise if obtained
by the opponent. This includes intellectual property and/or personal infor-
mation and financial data for employees and/or clients.
Identify Threats: The next step is to identify the code or program that poses
a threat to the organization’s private or sensitive information. There may be
many antagonists targeting different pieces of information, and companies
should consider any competitors or hackers that might be targeting the data.
Vulnerability Analysis: In the vulnerability analysis stage, the organization
examines potential weaknesses among the safeguards in place to protect the
private information that makes it vulnerable to potential adversaries [6]. This
step includes identifying any potential vulnerability in physical/electronic
operations designed to protect against predefined threats, or areas where lack
of security awareness training leaves information Vulnerable to attack.
Risk Assessment: After identifying the vulnerabilities, the next step is to find
the threat level associated with each. Companies classify risks according to
factors such as the likelihood that a specific attack will occur and extent to
which such an attack damages operations. The higher the risk, the greater the
hacker [5].
3) Black Hat Hacker: A black hat hacker is a person who has extensive com-
puter knowledge and is intended to hack or bypass internet security [5]. Black
hat hackers are also referred to as crackers or dark side hackers. The general
opinion is that while hackers build things, crackers break things.
Malware: refers to the term “MALicious software”. Without the knowledge
or allowance of the system owner Malware program affects and damages the
computer system. a) Spyware, b) Crime ware, c) Adware d) Viruses, e)
Warms, f) Root kits, g) Trojans.
Trojan horses: Trojan horses are email viruses that can copy themselves, theft
information, or damage the computer system. These viruses are the most
dangerous threats to computers.
Password Cracking: are attacks by hackers that are able to decide passwords
or find passwords to different protected electronic areas and social network
can take advantage of, often without the victim knowledge [8]. Denial-of-service
attacks can slow or prevent legitimate users from accessing the system. Botnet
malware can give an attacker command of a system to use for cyber-attacks on
other systems.
3.1. Cybercrime
Cyber security is needed when carrying out a crime: previous descriptions were
“computer crime”, “computer-related crime” or “crime by computer” [5]. With
the spread of digital technology, some new terms such as the crime of
“high-technology” or “information age” have been added to the definition [6].
The Internet has also brought in other new terms, such as “cybercrime” and “net
crime”. There are other forms of crimes include “digital”, “electronic”, and “vir-
tual” crime, “Information Technology”, “high-technology” and “enabling tech-
nology”. It will do this through people who mostly connect to internet, online
activities, social activities, etc.
Data Authentication
The documents we receive must always be authenticated before downloading,
and this must be verified if they originated from a reliable and a relative source
and have been modified [1]. These documents are usually authenticated by the
in-device anti-virus software. Hence good anti-virus software is also essential to
protect the devices from viruses.
Malware Scanners
This is the program that usually scans all the files and documents in the sys-
tem for malicious code or malicious viruses [1]. Viruses, worms, and Trojan
horses are examples of malicious that are often grouped together and referred to
as malware.
A firewall is a program piece of hardware that helps block hackers, viruses,
and worms that try to access your computer over the Internet [1]. All messages
entering or leaving the internet pass through the existing firewall, which checks
every message and blocks messages that do not meet the specified security crite-
ria. Hence firewalls play an important role in detecting the malware.
Antivirus Software
Antivirus software is a computer program that detects, prevents, and takes
measures to deactivate or remove malicious software, such as viruses and worms
[1]. Most antivirus programs include an automatic update feature that enables
the program to download new virus definition files so that it can scan for new
viruses as soon as they are discovered. Antivirus program is a must and basic
necessity for every system.
thus helping malware from getting in. While your computer already has a
built-in firewall, it is important to verify that it is enabled.
2) Use an Antivirus Program
While a firewall can help, threats can still arrive. The next line of defense is to
install a good antivirus program into your system to block and detect malicious-
3) Safeguard Your Router and Avoid Public WiFi Networks
When was the last time you changed the WiFi password at home? (Or worse,
is it password protected?) [4]. Changing your router password is one of the first
steps you can take toward security. Be certain that:
Encryption is set to WPA2 or WPA3
Inbound & outbound traffic is constrained
WPS is turned off
Make sure you not use public WiFi as it is mostly insecure and using it will
result in being the victim of a man in the middle attack.
4) Connect to a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Creating a secure tunnel between your computer and the ultimate destination
on the internet, VPN allows you to send confidential information without any
worries since it encrypts the entire internet connection [4]. By connecting to a
VPN, you can connect to the internet easily without worrying about being eave-
sdropped on your sensitive information. VPN theory and practice in book (Zee-
shan Ashraf, VPN in Theory and Practice Book, March 2018).
5) Have a Backup Strategy
Data loss is like doing tax: nobody likes it, but it’s unavoidable. Data may be
lost due to physical hardware damage, human error, cyber-attacks, or ransom-
ware. Obviously, these reasons are enough to back up your data before you lose
it forever. Although hardware backups are still popular, cloud backup is one of
the most convenient ways to protect your data.
They attribute these valid data to the algorithm using the adaptive data collec-
tion method, which enables unity of decision during the execution of the data
collection task, which saves a lot of time and meets the requirements of the task.
To verify the accuracy of the data recognition methods, they again used algo-
rithms from [12] [13] [14] [15] for comparison with the proposed algorithm
under different data resource scenarios. The results are explained in Figure 6.
The analysis of Figure 6 shows that, when the resource quantity is 1 × 103 bit,
the data recognition rates for the methods [12] [13] [14] [15] are 69%, 78%, 37%,
and 36%, respectively. The data recognition rate for the proposed algorithm is
92%. When the resource amount is 6 × 103 bit, the data recognition rates for
methods from [12] [13] [14] [15] are 59%, 80%, 62%, and 64%, respectively. Rel-
atively speaking, the data recognition rate of the proposed algorithm is just over
It should be noted that this proposed algorithm uses mixed data resources,
which means combining public data resources and private data resources [10].
User private data resources are linked with public data sources to create mixed
user data resources. Specifically, the account includes personal account login,
password, user ID card information, personal credit information, mailbox ad-
dress and other information in public information. Private data resources belong
to the privacy information of individual users, and cannot be obtained and used
by persons other than public administration departments. Therefore, this algo-
rithm mainly encrypts private data resources, and in order to protect user secu-
rity, it is necessary to encrypt and protect sensitive personal information (SPI).
Adaptive data collection method is used to collect the SPI. After instructions are
sent to define the data collection tasks, the appropriate data collection tasks and
decision-making unit are identified to meet the task needs. At the same time,
privacy information is collected by the data processing unit to integrate re-
sources [10].
By observing the overall graph in Figure 6, the data recognition rate of the
algorithm is always best, indicating that the proposed algorithm has a high data
recognition rate and good recognition performance [16]. They attribute this to
the fact that traditional information encryption needs to solve complex, non-convex
optimization problems. However, the proposed method simplifies the problem
in a way, which is known as interference encryption. To make the description
more relevant, some auxiliary variables have been introduced, which reduce the
influence of interference elements and improve the effective data recognition
rate. One of the unexplained behaviors that should be noted is the decrease in
the rate where the amount of the information source quantity is 4 × 103 bit;
however, after this quantity, as anticipated, this is a little increase. This unfami-
liar decrease may be attributed to some special manners of the algorithm at this
amount of data. Figure 7 explains a comparison of the delay caused by data re-
source queries in seconds for the proposed algorithm with the delays of [12] [13]
[14] [15]. The analysis of Figure 7 shows that the query delay of the five me-
thods increases as the volume of data resources increases. When the private data
used in the query is 6 × 103 bit, the SPI query delays of [12] [13] are 10.5
seconds, 8.5 seconds, 5.5 seconds, and 18 seconds, respectively. Likewise, the
proposed algorithm creates a delay of only 3 seconds over 1 seconds. When the
amount of private data used in the query reach 10 × 103 bit, the privacy data
query is delayed from [12] [13] to 24.5 seconds, 16.5 seconds, 11.5 seconds, and
26 seconds, respectively. In comparison, the proposed algorithm creates a delay
that is still around 1 second.
The user will not notice any change in delay even if the private data used in
the query increases. This clearly indicates that the data resource query delay of
the proposed algorithm is small, has better query performance, and is more
feasible for large data storage applications. The performance of the proposed al-
gorithm on a complete set of amounts of information resources is better than all
comparable reference methods. Table 1 shows a comparison of the information
resource utilization rate (%) between the methods [12] [13] [14] [15] and the
proposed algorithm.
Analysis of Table 1 shows that the use of data resources for the four methods
differs in the case of different quantities of private data [10]. When the private
Privacy Information
(×103 bit) Reference Reference Reference Reference Methods
[6] [7] [8] [9] (ours)
10 69 78 68 85 90
15 63 82 74 76 92
20 65 78 73 81 95
25 68 82 67 73 93
30 62 80 72 80 97
data are 10 × 103 bit, the resource utilization rates of [12] [13] are 69%, 78%,
68%, and 85%, respectively. In contrast, the resource utilization rate for the
proposed algorithm is 90%. When the private data are 30 × 103 bit, the resource
utilization rates of [12] [13] are 62%, 80%, and 72%, and 80%, respectively. Rela-
tively speaking, the resource utilization rate for the proposed algorithm is 97%.
It can be seen in Table 1 that, regardless of the amount of private data, the re-
source utilization rate of the proposed algorithm exceeds 90%, and from this, it
can be concluded that the resource utilization is strong.
Based on the above experimental results, chosen algorithm can effectively im-
prove the private data collection time, increase the recognition rate of data re-
sources, reduce the delay caused by private data queries, and increase the use of
data resources. As a result, we can conclude that proposed encryption algorithm
exceeds some of the current algorithms from [12] [13] in overall performance.
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-
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