How To Build Pipeline in 2017 Sales Development (PDFDrive)

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How to Build

Pipeline in 2017:
Sales Development



3 Sales Development 34 Lead Research

4 What is Sales Development? 36 Trigger Events

6 Cold Calling vs. Sales Development 37 LinkedIn Saved Searches

41 Identify - Best Practice Advice

10 Selling to Today’s Buyer

42 The Expert’s View - Ian Moyse

13 Learn

49 Connect
14 Who Are My Buyer Personas?
50 How to Make Sure Your Outreach
18 Introductory Meeting Vs Qualified Content Hits Home
54 Touchpoint sequences
21 BANT is Dead. PACT is King.
55 Leave the Right Voicemail Message
23 What is PACT?
56 Send Emails That Generate Responses
25 Learn - Best Practice Advice
57 Social Selling

27 The Expert’s View – Trish Bertuzzi

59 Creating a Conversation

31 Identify
61 Connect - Best Practice Advice

32 Which Companies Should You Target?


Sales Development

Building Pipeline in 2017

Building a sales pipeline. It’s easy, right? But on its own, is it enough?

Buy a load of data and call through it, send out hundreds All the best partnerships work when the differing qualities
of blanket emails, put some money towards a pay-per- of each partner come together to deliver better results than
click campaign, basically throw a lot of stuff at the wall either could have achieved on their own. Think Lennon and
and see what sticks. McCartney, Shearer and Sheringham, Ant and Dec…. okay,
maybe not the last one, but you get the point. Each has its
Wrong. That was very much the past. 2006 called, and it advantages.
wants its strategy back.
• Inbound is great for creating awareness, and
Our guess is that you’re probably doing some inbound attracting the type of clients that keep your
marketing, creating content, and if you’re not, it’s probably business ticking over
on your agenda.
• Outbound is brilliant for moving prospects further
Don’t get us wrong, inbound marketing is great and it down the sales funnel to closure, and reaching
works. That’s why we do it at Punch! out to those really big clients that can make your
quarter or year
It’s completely changed the lead generation landscape
over the last ten years because it does all the things that So whatever your prospecting and lead generation strategy,
we think are so important. it should involve some sort of focus on generating leads
through using the phone, email and social media in a way
It’s buyer focused, looks to help potential customers that will build an effective pipeline for the next ten years and
rather than give them the hard sell, and recognises that beyond.
with the wealth of options available to them, customers
don’t want to know what products you sell, but rather, And by that we’re talking about sales development.
what problems you solve.

What is Sales Development?

So What is Sales Development?

A sales pipeline full to bursting with hot leads and The sales development team are the first point of human
opportunities, sounds good doesn’t it? contact with prospective customers, but it’s important to
understand that these people aren’t the same busy sales
It’s what every business wants. So much so that many reps that go on to close the deal.
senior stakeholders in some of the largest companies in
the world now pay as much attention to their pipeline Instead, they’re the people who handle the initial contact
forecasts as their revenue forecasts. with the prospect, qualify the opportunity and pass it to a
different sales rep who specialises in closing.
In the past, salespeople built that pipeline using
unsolicited techniques, like cold calling, cold emails and
print media or other forms of advertising.

But today, sales development is a vital role – and it can

have a drastic impact on the success of your business. A
productive pipeline brings more qualified leads, leading to
more customers and revenue growth, and that’s the name
of the game.

What is Sales Development?

How Sales Development Builds Pipeline

The sales development role has three main functions: Many experts predicted that the rise of digital technology
and online marketing would bring about the end of
1. Conducting outbound prospecting to build the traditional interaction between a salesperson and a
your pipeline with those big targets that prospective customer.
are less likely to come from inbound activity.
But ultimately, even with all the available technology and
2. Qualifying and assessing the potential of your market intelligence at your fingertips, and even with an
inbound leads. amazing product or service, the buying decision today
often comes down to a simple question....
3. Putting a human face to the company to
establish trust and rapport with your potential “Who do I trust to deliver what I need?”
buyers and move them down the sales funnel.
Your sales development team are the people who can
create that trust between you and your future buyers.

Cold Calling v. Sales Development

Why Should You Change?

You’re about to leave the office for the day and the phone So is there any point continuing to make calls to generate
rings. Is it potential new business, a customer looking for leads and win new business?
help, or is it your mother? You’d better answer it.
The answer is – absolutely!
Then the tell-tale pause as the caller looks through their
script. They pronounce your name incorrectly, get your We’ve all heard the ‘cold calling is dead’ phrase bandied
job title wrong, and ask if you want a better supplier for about, but really, they’re only half right. The calling
a piece of equipment you no longer use. You’re then element is alive and well, but the modern salesperson
badgered to take a meeting that would be a waste of your should be making calls to people who will be warm to the
time. approach.

After a few minutes of trying to end the conversation That’s a subtle but very important change to the way in
politely, you put the phone down, annoyed, and which outbound marketing calls are made. And it makes
determined never to speak to that company again. a huge difference to the success rate of calls. So using the
phone is still so important – but only if it offers value to
Sound familiar? Unfortunately, this still happens all the the person you’re calling.
time, even though only 1% of cold calls end with an
appointment or opportunity being arranged and 90% of
decision makers will refuse to even take a cold call.[1] [1]
Linkedin Sales Solutions

Cold Calling v. Sales Development

Counting the Calls vs Making the Calls Count

You can dress it up how you like, but basically, They don’t work from a set script, and have a high level of
telemarketing is a numbers game. Callers make dozens of knowledge about their products and services. They also
calls hoping to land one or two people willing to listen to know all about and identify with their buyer’s situation,
them who can be moved down the sales pipeline. whilst conveying and communicating the company
values, building trust and a relationship.
They work from a script, and can be overly pushy - this
is usually due to the targets they have been set by their An effective sales development approach is an informed
managers. and intelligent conversation, giving the sales developer
the chance to demonstrate expertise and win trust, and
Not needing many skills other than the ability to use a therefore ensuring a better conversion rate.
phone, they aren’t looking to build a relationship with their
prospects; it’s just a box-ticking exercise.

Professional sales development using telephone calling

is a very different animal. With the help of a robust sales
development strategy, technology, and intelligence
gathering, sales developers are able to reach out to their
prospects using personalised messaging via the phone,
email and social channels.

Cold Calling

Uses a scripted Has no idea of the

approach buyer’s needs, pain
points and goals Pushes to create an
Plays a numbers game – opportunity too early,
makes a call, hangs up if there’s scaring off the buyer
no answer, and moves
on to the next call

Offers the buyer no

useful information that may
help them or just provides
Talks about their own generic marketing material
products or services

Gives up on a
prospect after a few
Doesn’t take into account times of not being able
events that may affect the to get hold of them
buyer’s situation
Uses irrelevant and
Doesn’t know anything
outdated qualification
about the prospect other
criteria, like BANT
than their name, job title
and phone number

Sales Development

Looks to help the

Uses an unscripted buyer find solutions to
natural approach their pain points Nurtures the lead and
Uses voicemail, email, develops the relationship,
and social media to connect until the buyer is ready
with the buyer across to engage
multiple channels

Provides content that

Uses qualification will inform and educate the
criteria relevant to the buyer, helping them make
modern buyer and their better choices
situation, like PACT

Uses a researched
persona to better
Is kept aware of understand
compelling events that could the buyer
cause the buyer to need the
product or services Makes at least 8
Has access to relevant attempts to get hold of
information about the every potential buyer
contact, company, and
the industry they
work in

Selling to Today’s Buyer

How Have Things Changed?

Today’s buyer is more informed than ever before. That’s a They don’t need convincing of their need to buy a
fact. A 2014 Accenture study found that 94% of B2B buyers particular item or service, because they’ll come into your
engage in online research during the buying process. sales funnel much further down the line. They’re far closer
to being ready to do business if the deal you’re offering is
In the past all the power in the buying process was to their liking and you make them feel valued.
with the seller. Potential customers had less access to
information and had to actively reach out to a business to According to HubSpot, today 57% of the
learn about its products or services.
buyer’s journey is complete before they
The AIDA model of a buyer’s journey – Attention, Interest, even speak with one of your sales reps.
Desire, Action, developed in the early 20th century,
became the go-to model for generating sales - That’s because their journey starts with finding solutions
Get the buyers attention; get them interested in a product; to their problems, rather than wanting to find a particular
convince them they need the product; and close the deal. product or service.

But in 2016, when a Google search for ‘cat videos’ returns This modern buyer’s journey is comprised of - Awareness,
350 million results, you can be pretty sure that any buyer Consideration, Decision.
with a problem they need help with will be able to find
it online before you’re even aware they’re a potential

Selling to Today’s Buyer

What the Modern Buyer Wants

Firstly, the B2B buyer identifies a pain or problem that In the words of Jay Baer, author of best selling marketing
they have. They’ll investigate what’s causing it, and rather book ‘Youtility’, “sell something, get a customer for a day;
than immediately looking for a supplier to help them, the help someone, get a customer for life”
buyer will do their research and build their awareness as to
what’s on offer.

Most will review content and, at their own speed, start to

consider with which companies they can see themselves
doing business.

But what if the prospects on your ‘A-List’ aren’t coming

through your inbound activities?

The fact remains that even if those really big clients need
your services, they’re so well known that they’ll hardly
ever have to reach out to suppliers.

Outbound sales development spreads awareness of

your business and services with personalised, targeted
messaging, and helps and educates prospects along their
buying journey until they’re ready to be passed to a sales

Sales Development

The Sales Development process for building pipeline can be broken up

into three stages - LEARN, IDENTIFY, CONNECT


- Who your buyer personas and the - Which prospects should be on your - Understand what a touchpoint
ideal clients for your business are A-list and B-list sequence is

- When to set an introductory - What trigger events are and how to - Develop the right messaging
meeting vs. qualified opportunity conduct lead research and content

- Why BANT is no longer relevant and - How to monitor your prospects - How to use a multichannel approach
what you should replace it with using LinkedIn

1 Learn.
Learn what your business needs to do to succeed and get a
strategy in place that will help you do that.

Who Are My Buyer Personas?

Why is a Buyer Persona Relevant?

Buyer persona. You may well have heard the term being Crucially, the persona tells you how the prospect likes to
thrown around but what exactly are buyer personas and go about the buying process.
why should you care about them?
It details the problems they face, the needs they may have
Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your that you can fulfil, and the way they like to be approached
ideal clients, based on information from your real-world for a sales conversation.
clients, market research and data.
Knowing about their goals and challenges means you can
A strong persona identifies characteristics such as the deliver content to your prospects that is far more relevant
buyer’s income, occupation, gender, level of education and engaging.
and where they live. It can include their domestic
arrangements, social media habits, leisure pursuits and Give them a name, such as Managing Director Mark
personality characteristics. The more detail that can be or Sales Director Sally, and attach a picture to them,
incorporated in the persona, the better. something to help make the persona feel real.

And why are they relevant to sales development?

Remember, what separates sales development from
the world of telemarketing and blanket emails is buyer
centricity. If you don’t know who your buyers are, what
their goals and challenges of their job are, and the pain
points they experience on a day-to-day basis, how are
you supposed to deliver that buyer-centric experience to

Who Are My Buyer Personas?

How Do I Create a Buyer Persona?

So who do you speak with to create your buyer personas? Arrange interviews with at least three of each job title, for
example, interviews with three of the HR directors you
Assess who your best clients are, based on the factors that work with, three heads of IT and then with three business
matter to your business. development managers.

Then look at the people at those companies who made Ask questions about their role, and their day-to-day
or influenced the decision to start using your products or working life. Ask about their personal background and
services. Do they all have the same job title? If so, brilliant! how they got to their current position. Ask about their
You only have one buyer persona to research! professional goals and challenges, about where they go to
learn about new information for their job, and about how
What’s far more likely is that you will have between 3 and they prefer to interact and buy from vendors.
5 different buyer personas, although if your business is
particularly large and diverse or you offer a wide range of
services or products, you may well have 10 or more.


Who Are My Buyer Personas?

You should also keep asking – why? All these conversations bring insight that is incredibly
useful. It takes time and effort to build buyer personas, but
People are good at knowing what they do, but often the benefits mean they’re well worth investing in.
haven’t thought about why they do it. Getting your clients
to reveal why they make the choices they make will give If you have a list of your best clients in mind already, stop
you the really valuable insights you need for a rounded and think.Do you know who you should and shouldn’t
detailed buyer persona that you can use for all sales and be targeting, who the ideal clients for your business really
marketing activity. are?

Bring your client facing employees into the process and And if you do, are these based on hunches, intuition and
listen to some of the issues that crop up when they talk to the highest paid person’s opinion, or are they based on
clients. statistics, data and your current client base?

Speak to your sales and business development team, and Use the following questions to define who your best
learn about your prospects hesitations and objections clients really are, and who should be looking to do more
when they’re considering working with you, and see if business with.
these align with the objections your current clients raised.

Who Are My Buyer Personas?

Know Your Benchmarks The Most Important Metrics Valuable Extras

What is your clients median spend Which are your most profitable Which of these clients provide
with you? accounts? good communication and
List each client in order of total (Spend per month, over the
spend, and find the middle value. average level of spend per Which of the clients pay in a
month) timely manner?
What is the average life span of a
customer or client? Which clients have been with Which of the clients do you like
your business for your average working with?
(Number of months) client life-span or longer?

For which clients is the work

What is the average length of a Which clients began working fulfilling?
sales cycle? with you within the timeframe
of your normal sales cycle or
sooner? Which clients do you deliver a
(Number of months) good ROI for?

Clients To Use For Buyer

Personas (5-10)

Introductory Meeting Vs Qualified Opportunity

What Type of Opportunities Do You Need?

Part of the reason sales development and sales closing

should be separated into two different roles, is that closers
are busy trying to get deals over the line and often don’t
have the time or inclination to generate new pipeline
when there are more sales-ready leads to pursue.

In The Sales Development Playbook, Trish Bertuzzi

identified that by separating the sales roles into two
distinct functions, you ensure that you have a dedicated
team responsible for filling the top of your sales funnel
with leads, and another team closing and winning

Before you start to engage with any of your prospects over

the phone, email or social media, you need to know what
the purpose of the process is. What type of opportunities
do your sales closers actually need from your sales
developers to make the most of their time?

The opportunities fall into one of two categories,

depending on the market you work in, the prospect’s
situation, and the solution you offer – Trish refers to
these as the Introductory Meeting and the Qualified

Introductory Meetings

When Should I Set an Introductory Meeting?

The Introductory Meeting is simply what is says on the tin, Traditional qualification criteria like BANT just don’t apply in
an opportunity, either in person or in a more exploratory these situations -
phone conversation, for a very busy prospect to learn
more about you and what problems you potentially solve. • Why would a prospect have made a budget
available for a solution they didn’t know they
Introductory meetings are appropriate when the market needed?
for your products or services is not yet mature, one in
which you offer a solution to a problem your prospects • Whose responsibility would the new issue be?
don’t even know they have yet. The company may not know themselves.

These opportunities are designed to educate your • How can a prospect already need something, if
prospects on the areas that you can help them with, they didn’t know there was a better way of doing
and turn initial curiosity into interest in what you can things?
potentially do for them.
• Without them knowing they need your business to
help them, how can they have a timescale in

Introductory meetings can also be set when your sales

closers simply need more meetings to go on.

A salesperson’s empty calendar isn’t going to win you any

business, so in this situation, it’s fine to get them out into the
field raising awareness, building their network and honing
their skills at the same time.

Qualified Opportunities

When Should I Set a Qualified Opportunity?

A qualified opportunity is one where qualification criteria To make sure that your sales closers get the most out
do come into play. of their qualified opportunities, they need to be on the
same page as your sales developers when it comes to
In this situation – qualification criteria.

• The market is already mature, the prospect’s We’ve found that BANT isn’t appropriate for an
aware of the nature of your products and services. introductory meeting, but does it even work when sniffing
out a qualified opportunity? We’d argue not, but luckily
• Your prospect should already be aware that they we’ve found a system that does.
have a potential problem or pain point.

• They should also know a bit about your company

and how you can help them overcome the pain

• They should be willing to learn more.

Your sales person may have to speak to a number

of decision makers and influencers, and be able to
understand each of their needs, and provide them with

BANT is Dead. PACT is King.

What is BANT?

In the world of sales, BANT has ruled the roost It’s not surprising that the acronym became so popular. It’s
for quite some time. The acronym, first coined by simple to understand, easy to apply to the sales funnel and
technology pioneers IBM back in the 1960s, stands helped to quickly identify if those prospects were worth
for budget, authority, need and timeframe. trying to close. BANT asked sales teams to ask themselves:

It’s a way to qualify the strength of a sales • Does the prospect have a budget?
opportunity and became widely adopted as the
foundation of successful sales techniques. So much • Are we able to speak to the right people to
so that it’s still used in many sales operations today. close?

Let’s look at IBM’s acronym a little more closely. • Have we got what they need?

Budget is simply the ability to buy the goods or • Is this the right time to do business with them?
services on offer.

Authority is defined as dealing with the person or

department that could sign off a deal.

Need matched the goods or services on offer to the

prospect’s business requirements.

Timeframe included when the offer would be

considered, chosen, bought or used.

BANT is Dead. PACT is King.

Why You Should Banish BANT

But are these questions still relevant to modern sales? We Where BANT starts to struggle is with typical buyers, not
suggest the crown has slipped. In fact, we’d go so far as to early adopters. That’s why sales expert Trish Bertuzzi
say that BANT is dead. suggests PACT, and its little sister PACT2, which we agree
are far more relevant to the modern buying process,
Customers’ needs and habits have changed so much in and will ensure you get the right information from your
recent years, so why hasn’t the qualification criteria we prospects.
use changed with them?

IBM developed BANT to suit early adopter customers in

the technology and software market; those who knew
their budget and were willing to pay slightly over the odds
to have a certain product immediately.

But as we all now know, wait a few months in the

technology world and prices start to tumble or more
advanced tech is released.

Early adopters are typically well informed about the

product they’d like to purchase, they know they have the
need and they have the authority to buy, and so BANT
applies perfectly. The sale is a relatively easy process and
the salesperson pretty much simply has to turn up with
the right bit of kit in their car.

What is PACT?

PACT Stands for Pain, Authority, Consequence

and Target Profile.

To apply PACT, the sales development team needs to firstly Consequence is about making them realise it’s better
look at whether the prospect has a pain point. Not every to make that change, than risk the consequences of
company will think they need your services, so it’s best to maintaining the status quo. Finding out that there
discuss that company’s pain points and problems. Only would be no consequence is also useful. If there’s no
when the prospect recognises that they do in fact have a consequence from a prospect deciding not to work with
problem can you move forward. you or a similar supplier, then it’s probably best for you not
to sell to them, and avoid issues further down the line.
We then move on to authority. But it’s not the same kind of Target Profile
authority that we dismissed in BANT. What you’re looking Finally, the Target Profile element makes sure that the
to find out is not whether the person has the authority buyer is a confirmed and legitimate fit for the products,
to sign the deal themselves but whether they have the and that there are no potential stumbling blocks or red
authority to get their company to move or progress, and flags in doing business with them.
about understanding the role of each person involved in the
decision making process. Additionally, if required, PACT2 adds in the element of
Timing, which is relevant if you are seeking to potentially
Consequence displace an existing supplier with your goods or services,
The third element of PACT asks that if they chose not to or the product or service you’re selling is traditionally
take up what is being offered to them, what would be the contracted for a number of years.
consequence of that inaction? How serious would it be for
the business not to deal with the issue? People often know
about their pains and problems but refuse to deal with them
as they know it will involve significant change to do so.

What is PACT?

Why PACT Works

PACT is far more applicable to today’s and tomorrow’s sales

environment. Your team identifies potential customers for your
products via lead research and buyer personas.

They know that their contact in the prospect’s team is unlikely to

be the person authorising the purchase, but that their contact will
have researched solutions for their pain and will definitely have
some influence over the purchase decision once convinced of the
benefits of taking action and making a purchase.

The sales discussion will highlight the consequences to the buyer

of not making the purchase, and will emphasise that the risks of not
taking action to address their problem outweigh the fears they have
about making an organisational change.

The sales discussion will validate their concerns and reassure them
that they are taking the right action to address their pain and avoid
the negative consequences.

During the sales development process the team will verify that the
prospect is legitimate and a good fit, and any red flags that appear
can be assessed against the target profile and decisions made
appropriately as to whether the prospect is worth the investment of
time and energy in converting.

LEARN - Best Practice Advice

• Develop buyer personas, semi-fictional

representations of the decision makers and
influencers at the type of companies you want to
work with.

• Get in touch with your current best clients, and

interview at least 3 of each job title.

• Ask them about their personal background,

professional life, and the goals and challenges
involved in their job.

• Ask your customer facing employees about the

most common objections and concerns raised by
your prospects during the buying process.

• Make your buyer personas readily available to the

entire sales and marketing team, so everyone is on
the same page.

LEARN - Best Practice Advice

• Assess your product/service, the market and your • PACT involves –

prospects and work out what type of meetings
your sales closers need. o Pain – Do they have a problem that you
are able to solve?
• Introductory meetings are appropriate when
there’s not much awareness in the market of the o Authority – Do they have the ability to get
problem that you solve, or if your closers simply the business to change, even if it’s
need more meetings. influencing, rather than making, the
• Qualified opportunities are appropriate for when
the prospect is aware of a pain point, understands o Consequence – What would the
a bit about your solution and is willing to discuss it consequences be of not taking action to
further. address the issue?

• Qualification criteria, other than that the company o Target Profile – Will it be benefit both you
fits your target profile, isn’t necessary to arrange and the prospect to start working
an introductory meeting. together, are you a good fit for one
• BANT is no longer relevant for working out
whether to schedule a qualified opportunity, use • And PACT2 includes –
PACT and PACT2 instead.
o Timing – If the prospect is in a long
term contract with another supplier, is it
up for review or renewal in the near

The Expert’s View – Trish Bertuzzi

Trish Bertuzzi / CEO of Bridge Group Inc.

Trish Bertuzzi is the President and Chief Strategist of the Bridge
Group, where she’s been helping B2B technology companies
improve their inside sales strategy for the last two decades.
Along with numerous other accolades, she’s been listed in the
Top 25 Most Influential in Inside Sales by American Assoc. of
Inside Sales Professionals for the last 7 years running, and literally
wrote the book on Sales Development – The Sales Development
Playbook, available for purchase on Amazon (we highly

Take a Look!

The Expert’s View – Trish Bertuzzi

1. Inside Sales is a fairly well known term and 2. What would be the first steps you would
function in the UK, sales development; not so recommend to a business looking to transition
much. Are there any differences between the away from the legacy cold approach?
two, and if so, what are they?

Inside sales has become very much an umbrella term, I would recommend that they build out buyer
people are using it to describe anyone that’s using the personas, so really understand the attributes of the
phone, web and social media to either build pipeline people they’re selling to. What does a day in their
or generate revenue. Sales Development has become life look like, what challenges do they face, how are
the standard nomenclature now for a particular they currently addressing those challenges, what do
function that falls under the Inside Sales umbrella, and they care about, what are they reading, what events
that function is focused on the top of the pipeline, are they going to? Really become immersed in the
so people that either set introductory meetings or buyer themselves as well as the industry they’re in,
qualified opportunities for salespeople. That’s the and then use that information to develop compelling
overview of sales development. messaging to show the buyer that you understand
their business, and that you have a solution that
will allow them to increase their productivity and

The Expert’s View – Trish Bertuzzi

3. What tips would you give to companies who 4. What would you say to people who argue
feel their sales and marketing functions aren’t that these days you only need inbound
aligned as well as they should be? marketing?

If your sales and marketing functions aren’t aligned Actually, I’d say you’d better go out and do some
the place you have to start is at the beginning. And reading! Inbound marketing is on the wane, and
at the beginning, it’s really about understanding what the problem is that we’ve inundated our buyers
your ideal customer profile looks like. Often we’ll go with white noise; too much content, too much
to a client and talk to the Chief Revenue Officer and messaging, too much vanilla. So the return
we’ll say “what’s your sweet spot?” and they’ll give us on investment for inbound is dropping fairly
an answer. Then we’ll talk to marketing and ask “who dramatically, and that has created a requirement for
are you targeting?” and they’re targeting someone companies to do business differently, and that’s why
entirely different. So starting at the beginning, account based marketing, or as we refer to them
making sure that the centre of the bullseye is - ‘account based revenue strategies’, are such an
consistent, and that both sales and marketing are emerging field.
going to focus their efforts there, that would be step

The Expert’s View – Trish Bertuzzi

5. How do you see social selling integrating 6. What do you see for the future of sales
with the sales development process? development and inside sales?

Well it’s an integral part, not only from a listening and Well, it’s been around forever, it’s just finally come
learning perspective, but it should also be part of into its own. I think we’re going to continue to learn
an outreach strategy. And I’m not talking about just that we need to be conversant in our buyer’s world,
sending InMails! I’m talking about actually following that we have to be knowledgeable enough to have
your buyers if they’re socially active, engaging an intelligent conversation about business and not
with them, sharing their information, letting them just be ‘smile-and-dial’ jockeys, and for those of us
know that you’re paying attention to them and also at companies where account based revenue makes
delivering value back, by sharing things that are of sense, the role of Sales Development is going to
interest to them. So social isn’t a one-way street, it completely change. Because we become part of a
should be a two-way street, where we listen, learn bigger equation, strategy and series of plays, that
and then share. engage bigger companies to drive bigger deals.

2 Identify.
Identify who it is you want to be targeting, the needs of the key
influencers at those companies, and information that will help
your approaches.

Which Companies Should You Target?

In identifying which companies to bring into your sales funnel, it’s vital to segment targets into manageable groups.
Segmenting your prospects in this way gives a clear picture of where your investment of time and money is best spent.

A: A-List B: B-List

A’s are A-listers. And no, we don’t mean Kim and Kanye. The B-list clients are the ones that keep your business
We’re talking about the big players in the market. The ticking over on a day-to-day basis. The more of these you
businesses whose order would help your company hit its can target the better; ideally there should be thousands of
quarterly or annual sales targets or even move up to the them.
next level.
Most will come your way via your inbound marketing
These customers won’t often come through inbound activity, and can be handled by your inbound sales
marketing and as such, should be your focus for outbound developers, those reps that focus on qualifying and
sales development activity. assisting those leads that you’ve received through content
and social media.
They’re typically in the Top 200 businesses within their
sector, and with three-year growth of 350% or more. Your outbound sales development team can still get
involved in attracting the biggest names on the list. These
businesses are likely reporting high growth or are showing
the potential to do so.

Which Companies Should You Target?

Inbound Companies

There are now plenty of tools at your disposal when it

comes to finding out which companies have been on your

Companies like HubSpot have their own software in place

for tracking the IP address of visitors to your website, and
matching it up with registered IP addresses that they hold
in their database.

Once you have an idea of which companies are visiting

your site, your outbound sales development team can use
the buyer personas you’ve created to work out who the
most likely people to have been visiting are.

These could be decision makers but also influencers, so

don’t rule out a particular contact at the company based
on the fact that they’re not senior enough.

A more junior executive may have been tasked by one

of their managers to find potential suppliers, or possibly
scope you out specifically.

Lead Research

Why Should I Research My Leads?

Your buyer personas are now sorted and your sales This means:
development team are ready to reach out to Mark the
Managing Director to get the ball rolling. But what are they • Researching company information via Google,
going to talk about? websites like Owler, and reviews on recruitment
websites and social media activity.
Researching your leads is a major factor in differentiating
your 21st century sales development function from the • Researching the contact you’re targeting via their
20th century cold approach. LinkedIn profile and a Google search, as well as
looking at their shared LinkedIn connections and
Finding detailed information about the leads you are going their career experience.
after and giving the call some context, is a must. The more
correct and relevant information the sales development • Finding conversation starting material, like any
team has, the more approaches they can make. interesting announcements about company
success or expansion; what they’ve recently
Trish Bertuzzi suggests using the Three C’s model to help shared on social media; current talking points in
with lead research - Company, Contact and Conversation their industry; or who their customers are and
Starter. how well they’re doing.

TOP TIP: Use to

get key information on your
prospects, and engage them
with relevant insights.

Lead Research

How Should I Do Lead Research?

All of this information is easily gathered, and should ideally Secondly, they have enough to do already to make the
be handled by a dedicated Lead Researcher, working as outreach successful, including improving the data you
part of your team. Gathering this information takes about 5 have on the prospect during the conversation.
- 10 minutes per company and once complete is then best
entered into a CRM system for your sales development They need to be focused on the approach and not
team to access. spend time on research. The lead research role will have
particular benefits for your business if:
It’s better to have a lead researcher do this work rather
than the sales developer. • You have a number of salespeople prospecting
over the phone and email.
Firstly, the skillset of someone who can successfully
prospect over the phone, email and social media is likely • You have a lot of prospects that you want to target
to be different from the sort of person who’s good at but don’t have enough of a reason to call.
online detective work, finding the nuggets of information
that will add value to your prospecting. • Your salespeople are having to spend time when
they should be making calls looking for relevant
research points to reference.

• Your team are reaching out to job titles that may

receive a lot of approaches (head of marketing)
and they need some extra information to cut
through the noise.

Trigger Events

What Are Trigger Events? Possible trigger events could include –

Generally, the best bits of information that your lead • Recent news items on the expected growth of a
researchers can provide your sales developers with, are market sector
trigger events.
• A merger with another company, or acquisition of
Essentially trigger events, are anything happening within another company
an industry, a company or for an individual that signal an
opportunity for you to sell to a prospect. • An injection of new funding

They allow you to reach out to businesses that you’d like • The expansion of the business into new
to sell to, but that you don’t already have a compelling premises
reason to get in touch.
• A new senior employee at one of your target
Trigger events mean your sales developers can reference companies
a point of interest to the buyer in their phone calls,
voicemails, emails and social conversations. • A promotion for one of your target job titles, or an
expansion of their existing role

• A recent award won by the business as a whole, or

a department within the business

• The release of a new range of products or services

at one of your target companies

• Government legislation; meaning all companies

within a certain sector have to change how they

LinkedIn Saved Searches

Why Should I Be Using Saved Searches?

People change job 12-15 times during their working lives,[2] A standard LinkedIn account allows to have three saved
and job changes are one of the best trigger events you searches, whilst a premium account lets you have up to
can keep track of. seven.

When someone takes a new role at a company, they may Here are three saved searches that we’d recommend you
want to change strategy and operations, and will be more using to keep your sales development team furnished with
willing to put their own stamp on the role, meaning they’d new prospects that we have a compelling reason to be
be more open to working with a new supplier. calling.

Forrester Research
One great way of monitoring when your prospects
change jobs is by using LinkedIn saved searches.

You can search for prospects who have changed job roles
and filter them by selected criteria. You can then save
that search meaning you don’t have to put any of the
information in again.

The search automatically updates, meaning that when

a new lead matches the criteria you’ve selected, it’s
automatically added to your list.

You opt to receive alerts direct to your inbox on a daily,

weekly or monthly basis, notifying you if any new leads
have been added to your list.

The Advocate Marketing Search

This saved search lets you know when someone who has
previously worked for one of your clients, current or past,
moves into a senior role at a new company.

These prospects may have already had experience of your

business or will have at least heard your name, and know a
bit about you.

This may well provide an opportunity for them to

champion you in their new role, as they will either know
that you provide a good level of service, or will be
comfortable talking to ex-colleagues of theirs, who’ll
confirm that you’re worth working with.

Complete the following fields and save the search:

• Relationship: All degrees of separation

• Title: Your target job titles

• Title: Current or Past – Current

• Company: Your existing and past clients

• Company - Current or Past: Past not current


Location Based Search

The location based saved search means you can monitor

a target area for senior prospects changing companies.
It alerts you when a senior executive who matches the
criteria of your buyer persona changes jobs either locally
to you or in an area that you do a lot of business.

These people fit the target profile of your ideal buyer, and
may be more keen to work with local companies, so use
that information and reference it in your approaches.

Complete the following fields and save the search:

• Relationship: All degrees of separation

• Title: Your target job titles

• Title - Current or Past: Current

• Location: Located in or near

• Country: Your target country

• Postal Code: Your target area

• Within: Your target area radius


The A-List Account Search

If you have a number of specific accounts that you’re

targeting, for example, an enterprise whose business
would make your quarter, then this saved search provides
a great tool for monitoring them.

You’ll be alerted of any management changes at these

companies; as soon as someone new takes on a senior
job role there, you’ll know about it.

A management change may mean a new direction for the

department or a change in strategy, and could trigger a
need for your services.

Complete the following fields and save the search:

• Relationship: All degrees of separation

• Title: Your target job titles

• Title - Current or Past: Current

• Company: Your named accounts

• Company - Current or Past: Current


Identify - Best Practice Advice

• Segment your prospect into an A-list and a B-list These saved searches can be –
so your outbound sales development team know
where their time is best spent o Advocate - People who have worked with your
company before in their previous employment
• Research your leads, so you can make your
approaches more relevant to them o Location – Job changes at companies within your
target area, or an area you do a lot of business in
• Gather information about the company, the
contact you’re trying to get in touch with, and any o A-List – Job changes at named A-list accounts,
relevant news or industry information that could companied that you would love to be doing
provide more value to your approach business with

• Make this a dedicated role, meaning your sales

developers can focus on their task, the actual

• Use software like Owler to monitor trigger events,

situations that could make your prospects more
likely to need your services

• Make use of LinkedIn saved searches to keep track

on changes at companies that you’re targeting

The Expert’s View – Ian Moyse

Ian Moyse / Sales Director of Axios.

Ian Moyse is the Sales Director of Axios, one of the UK’s leading
IT service management providers.

He was awarded Sales Director of the year 2015 by the Institute

of Sales & Marketing, is rated #1 Social Influencer on Cloud by
Onalytica in 2015 and 2016 and is listed on a growing number
of sales and social sales expert lists.

He sits on the boards of Eurocloud, Cloud Industry Forum and


The Expert’s View – Ian Moyse

1. Why has the sales development role become

so important in the modern sales process?

Sales engagement cycles are often far longer

now and a customer has typically done 50-70%
(depending whose stats you use and believe) of
their research before engaging with a salesperson
in any form. It’s rare now that you speak or meet
with someone looking for your solution or service
type and they have not already gleaned a ton of
information, opinion and contacts prior.

Therefore, engaging with a prospective client at

the right time and making sure you are at that
buying table is essential. This historically was left
in the hands of marketing to market to and nurture

In today’s world, a combination of outbound &

inbound marketing needs to be combined with sales

The Expert’s View – Ian Moyse

2. What tips would you give to companies who

feel their sales and marketing functions aren’t
aligned as well as they should be?

It starts with the leadership. The heads of both I often download content not because I have
departments need to be aligned in their goals and a particular ‘project’, but because I want to stay
KPIs as often this is where the conflict stems from. informed. I’m often then treated as a ‘warm lead’
simply by virtue of being a sales director.
If you have a marketing department who are judged
on the number of leads generated for example, Listen to your customers, prospects, the market
then they will focus on doing that. Sales then gets and what your sales people are telling you, do not
pressure from marketing to follow up everything, to get stuck in the ‘we’ve always done it that way’
allow marketing to tick the relevant KPI boxes. approach.

Will Sales consider these all to be leads though? For Put yourself in the shoes of the customer, when
example, a student writing a thesis may download a you are approached, perhaps called at home
whitepaper to help with their research and use unexpectedly, do you welcome the call cold, do you
a University email address, this doesn’t mean the engage, do you even pickup when you see it’s not a
university is now a lead. number you recognise, or do you as your prospects
do, filter, block and avoid?

The Expert’s View – Ian Moyse

3. How would you respond to people who

argue that these days you only need inbound

Marketing, advertising and traditional campaign

methods are not increasing in success, far from it.

Today’s buyers are far smarter than ever before, they

have more information at their fingertips and can
gain peer influence easily through social networks
and influencer networks.

I always ask my salespeople what they would do if

they were to get no inbound leads and still had to
hit their targets. If you have a sales development
plan to feed your pipeline and view inbound leads as
bonuses, you cannot go far wrong.

Relying on inbound leads alone is a dangerous

game. What happens when the flow of leads slows
down and your sales team has no strategy to get

Leaving the destiny and outcome of sales to

marketing is a risky strategy I would suggest. Sales
leaders need a cohesive strategy to drive sales
ownership of delivery supplemented by marketing

The Expert’s View – Ian Moyse

4. What would be the first steps you would

recommend to a business looking to transition
away from the legacy cold approach?

Recognise that sales and marketing now need to use Ensure your leadership is trained in and understands
a wider variety of approaches in parallel to engage new methods and is supportive of integrating them
with prospective clients and that some ‘change’ will into the business. I have seen people in leadership
be necessary. Often there’s a resistance to change, positions push their sales teams to continue with
people focus purely on the number of calls being legacy approaches in the social world, driving
made and on applying old approaches to new negative behaviours.
customer engagement methods.
For example, a salesperson gets a contact at a target
Support the change from a leadership position and company to accept a LinkedIn connection invite and
be willing to explore new ideas and approaches. then their sales leadership push them to reach out
Nothing dared, nothing gained. and pitch or call them now! Do this too soon and
the walls will go up again. Social selling requires a
For example, social selling is often feared and ‘softly, softly’ approach and can be used on multiple
misunderstood and many sweep it aside, dismissing social platforms not just Linkedin.
it as “a marketing thing” or “whimsical and not real
selling”. Social selling does not replace normal sales If the business leadership don’t understand or
methods, it enhances them, it’s another tool in the appreciate new selling methods, then the business
toolbox of selling approaches. It also falls firmly will not be successful in adopting them or attracting
within the realms of sales people and isn’t simply a staff who are successful in the buyer-centric world
marketing owned initiative. we now live in.

The Expert’s View – Ian Moyse

5. What is the biggest mistake you see

companies’ inside sales departments

Resting on their laurels, waiting for marketing to Recognising that inside sales and sales in general
own the creation of leads and prospects and only must change and adapt is important.
relying on traditional methods of call rate KPIs.
Management needs to listen to its inside sales teams
Outbound calling is only to get harder. It’s cited that and the challenges they face and find new tools and
in 2007, it took an average of 3.68 calls to reach a methods to differentiate to the customer why they
prospect and today we’re at 8 attempts. should speak to us over the droves of calls and cold
outreaches they get, all promising to deliver things
better, faster, cheaper.
When you factor in that 92% of buyers delete
emails and voicemails from people they don’t Customers are increasingly blasé, having heard it all
know, you realise that the game has and will before. How do you make your approach different
continue to change. and valuable enough to get their attention and time?

We all have less time, more intrusions on that time

and are being approached and marketed to by
more companies than ever before, so it’s no
wonder people’s barriers are up.

The Expert’s View – Ian Moyse

6. Where do you see the future of sales

development and inside sales going?

We need to recognise that it’s a skilled profession You need to educate your sales people on how
and encourage our sales staff to see it as such. By to socially sell, how to use tools like Linkedin and
registering for mailing lists like Twitter effectively, what other social tools you can and following key sales use to make your selling smarter and the quirks of
educational accounts on twitter such as engaging using this approach.
@SalesldMgmtAssn, @socialselling and
@SellingPowerMag. I have engaged, met, and won new business using
social selling over the past 3-4 years, where I would
Also, encourage sales to take part in Associations not have done using traditional methods, but this
such as the Institute of Sales & Marketing (ISMM) and does NOT replace traditional good fundamental
Association of Professional Sales (APS) and support selling methodology.
your sales people in awards such as the Women in
Sales Awards. I’d recommend reading ‘Social Selling: Techniques to
Influence Buyers and Changemakers’ by my friend
Social selling is an area that helps warm up cold Tim Hughes.
approaches and listening, sharing and engaging will
start a conversation with the prospects that your
competitors won’t reach. However, it is a long term
approach, not a quick win, and needs to be run in
parallel with other sales and marketing efforts.

3 Connect.
Connect with your prospects using a sequence of planned
‘touchpoints’ via the phone, email and social media, giving
them relevant content to help with their buying journey.

How to Make Sure Your

Outreach Content Hits Home

Hopefully, you’ve picked up some fresh ideas LinkedIn Marketing surveyed over 6000 B2B buyers,
on how you should be engaging with your salespeople and marketers from 7 different countries,
buyers in the future, but just in case it’s not and asked what the most important factors were for a
sinking in, all you have to remember is…. buyer’s willingness to engage with a supplier. The 4 most
important factors were:

“It’s not about you…. it’s about them!!”

• 26% - Understands my company’s business

• 25% - Is a subject matter expert/thought leader.

• 25% - Provides valuable consultation, education or


• 25% - Knows my company’s products/services.

Notice a pattern?

All of the top responses indicate that insight,

understanding and knowledge are the things buyers find
most valuable. This is both in the sense of a supplier
knowing about them, their business and their industry,
and also the supplier being able to educate and inform the
buyer, to help them make better choices.

One of the best ways that you can demonstrate expertise

and knowledge is by using relevant content to enhance
your approaches to prospects. We’ll show you how.

How to Make Sure Your

Outreach Content Hits Home
What Is Content?

If you’re not sure what we mean by content, don’t worry! By providing your prospects with content when you reach
We’ll do our best to explain it in two neat paragraphs. out to them, you’re able to show that you –

From John Deere’s customer magazine ‘The Furrow’, • Understand their needs and challenges
first published in 1895 to provide advice and information
to farmers; to the modern day and Buzzfeed’s ’11 Cats • Have a wealth of knowledge on the subject
Who Look Exactly Like Famous Celebrities’, content is
any material that is entertaining, educational and/or • Are focused on helping their business and not just
informative and designed to attract an audience, with the trying to sell to them
intention of driving profitable customer action.
You can create and use your own content or curate
Today, when most people speak about content, they’re content from other sources that you think is relevant and
referring to online resources. By those we mean blog offers something to your buyers. Ideally we’d recommend
posts, infographics, ‘how-to’s, slideshares, webinars, that you combine both approaches.
numbered lists, e-newsletters, checklists, interviews, case
studies, videos, testimonials, templates, white papers, Your own content can establish you and your brand as
surveys, and informative and entertaining e-guides on the a trusted source of information for your prospects, and
future of prospecting. by bringing curated content into the mix, you avoid any
accusations of it all being about you, and can really offer
your prospects something of value, regardless of the

How to Make Sure Your

Outreach Content Hits Home
What Content Should I Share?

When sharing content with your potential buyers, it’s got We’d recommend creating a content inventory, to give
to be personalised to them. You’ve done all that work you an idea of all the content available to you, and what’s
building your buyer personas, so you should have a good relevant. Look at material you’ve produced such as blogs,
idea of their problems and can show your expertise by case studies, white papers and eBooks that your company
providing solutions. It needs to convince them to trust you has developed.
and to want to learn more and develop a conversation
with you. Look at which pieces of content align with your prospects’
challenges and goals, and in particular, content that is
The communication between you and your potential designed for the buyer persona that you are approaching.
buyers should be interactive and two-way, and modern If the buyer has pain points and questions that aren’t
salespeople don’t simply push products or services; they currently answered by content that you have, it’s a good
seek to educate and help their audience, to encourage opportunity to see what content you should create in the
and develop their interest and then hopefully turn them future.
into customers.
You can develop more specific content for various
personas and identify if there are some sectors where the
available content needs to be created or improved.

How to Make Sure Your

Outreach Content Hits Home
Use Pocket for Content

A tool like ‘Pocket’ can help you store and organise

both your own content and other content from non-
competing sources that will offer value to your buyers.

You can tag the content appropriately, for example, align

it to each stage in the buying journey – awareness level
content, consideration level content, and decision level
content, to make sure you have appropriate information
for your buyers no matter where they are in the buying

You could also tag it according to your buyer personas

particular goal or challenge.

For example, tag content helping prospects to fill up their

sales pipeline as ‘generating more leads’, or content that
will help clients improve the type and quality of their leads
as ‘improving your leads’.

Using this technique, you’ll always have accessible,

valubale content that will help your buyer personas with
their professional challenges and goals, whatever they
may be.

Touchpoint Sequences

What's a Touchpoint Sequence?

Many of the A-List approaches that you’ll make will be to across a number of channels to interact and engage with
buyers who might not be aware of you. your potential buyers.

When reaching out to these types of buyers, it may seem A touchpoint is a particular occasion that you’ve tried
like it takes a lot of approaches to initiate a relationship, to get in touch with a prospect. A channel is the way in
and if we’re honest it does. which you can interact with a potential buyer.

But you should bear in mind, whilst only Let’s say you’re trying to get in touch with HR Director
Helen. On Monday, you leave a voicemail for her and
8% of salespeople make more than 4 calls send her an email. That would be the first touchpoint in
to a prospect, 80% of opportunities are your sequence, attempted across two different channels.
created between the 5th and 12th time of
On Wednesday, you may leave a further voicemail,
speaking to a prospect.
and like one of her LinkedIn posts. That’s the second
touchpoint. And so on.
Despite the fact that vast majority of leads are generated
after at least four attempts to get through to a potential Combining your efforts in a touchpoint sequence across
buyer, most salespeople give up long before then. So multiple channels gives you a better chance to make a
the most important thing if you want to hook those really connection.
big fish, is to be persistent with a message of value that’s
interesting to your buyer. Social selling; prospecting and reaching out to your
buyers on social media, is increasingly important.
A major part of sales development is using touchpoints

Leave the Right Voicemail Message

The Perfect Voicemail

When it comes to best practice advice for leaving a When it comes to the voicemail itself, make sure your
voicemail, it’s important to have a strong call to action. sales developer sounds like a human being! They should
Don’t refer to previous unsuccessful attempts to contact come across and cheerful, natural, confident and helpful.
the prospect, and don’t start with your name and position.
Make sure that they refer to the prospect more than they
Start instead with a reference to a challenge the prospect refer to your business. Have them reference the research
may be facing or refer to a piece of content that you’re you’ve already done, and then personalise the experience,
going to email over that you think will be valuable to them. adapting the content and tone to best fit the prospect.
If you get a call back then that’s great, but that isn’t the be
all and end all.

The voicemail, along with the other touchpoints in your

sequence, all help build up the perception of value you
can offer to the prospect.

Keep your voicemail messages short and sweet.

Voicemails that drift on and on are quickly deleted, you
have 3 seconds to catch their attention, so make sure you
stand out.

Reference one of the three Cs that will catch their

attention and only leave your name and number at the
end of the call. Leaving at the start could mean they just
delete the message, as the prospect doesn’t know who it’s

Send Emails That Generate Responses

The Perfect Email Measure and Refine

Emails ideally need to be concise and offer value. Make Don’t ramble on about who you are and where you
sure that your email has a subject that is personalised are from - they can see that for themselves in the email
to the buyer persona. A short subject line that creates signature. Instead, refer to one of their activities and how
intrigue will make the prospect open it, for example, you’ve helped a similar firm make that operation more
“About your LinkedIn….” efficient and successful. Make the call to action short and
End your email with a call to action. Ideally a question, the
call to action on a separate line and focus it on identifying Sales Development teams can now take advantage of
a challenge or a goal. extremely intelligent software to see who is opening their
emails, which parts they pay attention to, which links they
For example, if you are asking for the best time to have a click on, when they open the email, how many times they
conversation, be precise. “When might you be free for me open it, and so on.
to spend 10 minutes speaking to you? asks for a response
and frames the next step. “Can I call you sometime?” Don’t base the decisions you make on hunches, use
doesn’t. the available sales intelligence, it’s incredibly powerful
and means you can use you time and resources more
In our experience, email content works best when it looks efficiently.
like the letter “F”. That is, two paragraphs with a short
request or call to action at the end. The opening words
need to stop the reader simply clicking delete, but instead
hook them into reading more by being relevant to their
role and making them curious as to what you are offering.

Social Selling

What is Social Selling?

Social media is here to stay. Since the heady days of • A study by the Aberdeen Group found that 64% of
MySpace (we barely remember it too), it’s gone from being teams who used social selling hit their targets, as
a refuge for angsty teenagers to something that many of opposed to 49% of teams who didn’t utilise any
us use every day in both our personal and professional form of social media as part of their strategy.
• 48% of B2B researchers and influencers are
But what is social selling? Just another buzzword? Millenials,[3] young people who grew up in the
digital age and the era of the internet, and are
Not at all. comfortable connecting online.

Social selling is all about researching and reaching out • Not only that, but a 2013 Demand Gen report
to potential customers on social media networks, which found that 72% of B2B buyers use social media to
should most definitely form part of your touchpoint conduct research before making a purchase.
• It also costs 75% less to generate leads through
Most commonly, approaches are made on LinkedIn and social media than any other channel.[4]
Twitter but depending on your business it could also be [3]
Google Business Trends
on Facebook, Instagram or other future social networks [4]
LinkedIn Sales Solutions
that haven’t even been dreamt of yet.

To the less digitally savvy, it may sound like a fad, but the
thing is…. it works. And here are the stats to prove it.

Social Selling

The Legacy Approach

As well as it forming part of your touchpoint sequences, 1. Find relevant and interesting content to share
we’d recommend dedicating between 30 minutes and 1 amongst your network. Use an RSS reader, like
hour at the start of your day to specific social selling. Feedly, to collate content from your favourite
blogs into one place.
Here’s a typical daily routine for LinkedIn that you can get
into, to get the most out of your social presence, build an 2. Share it to your social networks. Use software like
online personal brand, and reach out to new prospects: Buffer to schedule and share posts throughout the

3. Check who’s viewed your profile. If you have a

connection in common, consider asking that
connection for an introduction. If not, craft a
personalised connection request for that person.

4. Respond to those who’ve engaged with your

content – that means likes, shares or comments.

5. Connect with potential buyers who’ve engaged

with your content that you’re not already
connected to.

6. Review contact reminders and job changes in the

box in the top right of the screen.

7. Go to Sales Navigator, check out and engage

with any relevant job changes, news from your
leads and shares by your leads.

Creating a Conversation

The Sales Development Approach

All great solutions start with a conversation. But how has Instead they provide the same information, the same
the sales conversation changed over the years? What are presentation and the same case studies to all prospects
the differences between ‘legacy’ salespeople of the past regardless as to what their individual situation is.
and modern inbound and outbound sales developers?
Sorry to yell, but WHY ARE PEOPLE STILL
There are number of things that legacy salespeople were
guilty of, and that those who still use BANT and other
older sales techniques remain guilty of today.
Let’s finally consign the hard sell of legacy salespeople to
the dustbin of history.
All too often, legacy salespeople will switch into
presentation mode at far too early a stage, like a fast food
Sales developers operate in an entirely different way to
cashier shouting to try and take your order before the kids
legacy salespeople, and ensure that the customer is at the
have even decided which burger they’d like.
heart of the conversation. So what’s different about the
modern sales development approach to a conversation?
As soon as interest is registered they charge into a pitch,
trampling all over the prospect with information that is
often irrelevant and unnecessary.

They are more interested in reeling off the company

history and the multitude of products or services they
offer than they are in listening to the prospects’ needs and
exploring their pain points.

Creating a Conversation

They open with an initial connection with the prospect If the conversation is taking place over email or voicemail
rather than just diving into a pitch. This conversation could and the PACT criteria has been met and you think it’s
take place over the phone, or by email or through social worthwhile taking the conversation further, then arrange a
selling on LinkedIn, Twitter or other social channels. time to have an Explore call with the prospect.

It has an important part to play in determining what Follow the Connect stage with an email summarising the
problems they have, if your solution could be the right discussion. Personalise the email completely and also
one, and whether the prospect is a good fit according to include relevant outreach content that will underline your
company targets. understanding of their pain points. Show them that you
can provide solutions to their issues and send the prospect
Your sales developers should be using PACT, to determine a diary marker for a further call, where you can start to dig
if there’s a fit with the prospect and set up the next steps deep as you bring the opportunity nearer to closure.
of the process.
If you’re having this initial discussion over the phone, you
Above all, they keep the conversation in context, with the should (providing the prospect has the time) be able to
buyer at the centre of any discussion. transition the current call into one where you explore the
opportunity in more detail.
The outcome could be that there may never be a fit, or
that there is a fit but the time isn’t right to progress things. Once you know that the prospect is a good fit for you,
This isn’t failure - such outcomes are just as valid in the you’re a good fit for them, and a business relationship will
sales development process, and will save both parties benefit you both, you can facilitate a time for your sales
problems further down the road. closer to meet in person.

Connect - Best Practice Advice

• Perform a content inventory to see which areas of

your current content address the pain points of
your buyer personas, and identify potential
knowledge gaps

• Plan which content to use for which type of leads,

including –

o Inbound leads who provide you with their


o Companies who visit your website, but

you don’t know the name of the individual

o Companies with a compelling event, that

may cause a need for your services

o Leads who you have a common

connection with, on social media or in the
real world

o Buyers who have had no previous contact

with your business

Connect - Best Practice Advice

• Plan out your touchpoint sequences across the

phone, email and social media, to give you the
best chance of connecting with your prospects

• Keep your voicemails short. Get to the point

quickly and reference something of relevance to
the prospect. Wait til the end of the message to
leave your name and number

• Emails should look like the letter ‘F’. Two short

paragraphs and a one-line call to action. The
subject line should create intrigue, then get to the
point straight away, referencing a pain point or
problem you know the prospect will likely have

• Dedicate some time each day to specific social

selling activity, building your online personal
brand and prospecting through LinkedIn or
another social platform

• Use PACT when you open a dialogue with your

prospects to determine whether they’re a good fit

• Assess the opportunity and if appropriate, arrange

either an introductory meeting or a qualified
opportunity for your sales closers
That’s it! We’ve brought you up to speed with
modern sales development, and we hope we’ve
given you plenty of food for thought and some
handy techniques to implement.

Good luck, and happy selling!

+44 (0) 1483 77 88 99

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