Credit Processing For CV
Credit Processing For CV
Credit Processing For CV
B. Collateral Security:
- Charge Created
(Hypothecation/ Assignment/
Lien/ Mortgage etc as the case
may be)
Sl Parameter Dealing Complied as per Deviations Reference in the Product
No officers product norms List Paper
comment (Yes/ No)
7. Margin
8 Financial Benchmark
DSCR- Min. 1.50
DSCR ICR – Min 1.50
ICR Current Ratio – Min. 1.25
Current ratio TIL/TNW – Max. 3.5
Sl Compliance Complied (Yes / No) Deviation obtained (if Remarks
No. not complied), please
mention DoP Clause
It is ensured that:
A Borrower is having at least 1/ 2 years of
business experience
B Borrower is local resident for at least 2 years
C Borrower possesses a permit/license. Copy
of the same is kept on record.
D Residence is in the radius of ____ KMs from
the branch
E No default in existing credit history ( except
for technical reason)
F Borrower is having alternate source of income
G Age of the borrower within the stipulated age 60 years for individual/
proprietor for cases upto
Rs.10 lakhs
- Conditions stipulated at Sl. No. “O” and “W” to be complied with on the date of delivery of vehicle.
- Conditions stipulated at Sl. No. “H” and “V” to be complied with as per given timeline viz. within a week for insurance
and within a month for RC details.