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Assembly and operating manual

1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E


96410 Coburg • PO Box 2143 • GERMANY • Tel. +49-(0)9561-6400 • Fax +49-(0)9561-640130

20170303 120254

1 Regarding this document

1.1 Using this document ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Further documents ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Copyright .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Symbols and labels .......................................................................................................... 1
1.4.1 Warnings ............................................................................................................. 1
1.4.2 Potential damage warnings ................................................................................ 2
1.4.3 Other alerts and their symbols ............................................................................ 2
2 Technical Specifications
2.1 Nameplate ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Options ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Mass ................................................................................................................................. 4
2.4 Compressor block ............................................................................................................ 5
2.5 Ambient conditions ........................................................................................................... 5
2.6 Ventilation ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.7 Pressure ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.8 Noise emission [dB(A)] ..................................................................................................... 6
2.9 Motor power and speed ................................................................................................... 7
2.10 Compressor oil recommendation ..................................................................................... 7
2.10.1 Compressor oil charge ........................................................................................ 8
2.11 Electrical connection ........................................................................................................ 8
2.11.1 Three-phase power supply ................................................................................. 8
2.11.2 Electrical connection data for oil level monitoring ............................................... 12
2.12 Mains conditions .............................................................................................................. 13
2.12.1 Supply conditions at 400V/3/50Hz ...................................................................... 13
2.13 Machine duty cycle ........................................................................................................... 13
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.1 Basic instructions ............................................................................................................. 15
3.2 Specified use .................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Improper use .................................................................................................................... 15
3.4 User's responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 16
3.4.1 Observe statutory and universally accepted regulations .................................... 16
3.4.2 Determining personnel ........................................................................................ 16
3.5 Keeping to Inspection Schedules and Accident Prevention Regulations ......................... 16
3.6 Dangers ............................................................................................................................ 17
3.6.1 Safely dealing with sources of danger ................................................................ 17
3.6.2 Safe machine operation ...................................................................................... 19
3.6.3 Organisational Measures .................................................................................... 21
3.6.4 Danger Areas ...................................................................................................... 21
3.7 Safety devices .................................................................................................................. 22
3.8 Safety Signs ..................................................................................................................... 22
3.9 Information signs .............................................................................................................. 23
3.10 In emergency ................................................................................................................... 23
3.10.1 Correct fire fighting ............................................................................................. 23
3.10.2 Injury from handling compressor oil .................................................................... 24
3.11 Warranty ........................................................................................................................... 24
3.12 Environment protection .................................................................................................... 25
4 Design and Function
4.1 Outline of the machine ..................................................................................................... 26
4.1.1 Machine structure ............................................................................................... 26
4.1.2 Machine function ................................................................................................. 26
4.2 Options ............................................................................................................................. 27
4.2.1 Oil level monitoring ............................................................................................. 27

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G i

4.2.2 Silenced air filter ................................................................................................. 27

4.2.3 Air filter with plastic casing .................................................................................. 27
4.2.4 Castors ............................................................................................................... 28
4.2.5 Screwable rubber pads for air receiver mounting ............................................... 28
4.2.6 Screwable rubber pads ....................................................................................... 29
4.3 Operating modes and control modes ............................................................................... 29
4.3.1 Machine operating modes .................................................................................. 29
4.3.2 External control unit ............................................................................................ 29
4.4 Safety devices .................................................................................................................. 30
4.4.1 Safety and regulating devices ............................................................................. 30
4.5 Accessories ...................................................................................................................... 31
5 Installation and Operating Conditions
5.1 Ensuring safety ................................................................................................................ 32
5.2 Installation conditions ....................................................................................................... 32
5.2.1 Determining location and clearances .................................................................. 32
5.2.2 Ensuring the machine room ventilation ............................................................... 33
5.2.3 Prevention of thermal problems .......................................................................... 34
5.2.4 Operating the machine in a compressed air network ......................................... 34
6 Installation
6.1 Ensuring safety ................................................................................................................ 35
6.2 Reporting Transport Damage ........................................................................................... 36
6.3 Fitting the rubber pads ..................................................................................................... 36
6.4 Replacing the air filter ...................................................................................................... 36
6.5 Connecting the machine with the compressed air network .............................................. 37
6.6 Installing the venting valve ............................................................................................... 37
6.7 Installation examples ........................................................................................................ 38
6.7.1 Safety and Control Devices ................................................................................ 38
6.7.2 Two machines with one air receiver ................................................................... 40
6.8 Connecting the machine to the power supply .................................................................. 40
6.9 Options ............................................................................................................................. 41
6.9.1 Oil level monitoring ............................................................................................. 41
6.9.2 Mounting the machine on an air receiver ............................................................ 44
6.9.3 Anchoring the Machine ....................................................................................... 44
6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory) ................................................................... 44
6.10.1 Dismantling the sound enclosure ........................................................................ 45
6.10.2 Fitting the sound enclosure ................................................................................. 45
7 Initial Start-up
7.1 Ensuring safety ................................................................................................................ 55
7.2 Instructions to be observed before commissioning or re-commissioning ......................... 56
7.3 Checking installation and operating conditions ................................................................ 56
7.4 Motor protection ............................................................................................................... 57
7.4.1 Motor protection setting by direct online starting ................................................ 57
7.4.2 Motor protection setting by star-delta starting ..................................................... 57
7.5 Checking the direction of rotation ..................................................................................... 58
7.6 Starting the machine for the first time .............................................................................. 58
7.7 Measuring the air receiver filling time ............................................................................... 58
8 Operation
8.1 Switching on and off ......................................................................................................... 59
8.1.1 Direct start .......................................................................................................... 59
8.1.2 Direct online start with solenoid valve ................................................................. 60
8.1.3 Star-delta start .................................................................................................... 60

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

ii EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E

9 Fault Recognition and Rectification

9.1 Basic instructions ............................................................................................................. 62
9.2 Faults ............................................................................................................................... 62
10 Maintenance
10.1 Ensuring safety ................................................................................................................ 65
10.2 Following the maintenance plan ....................................................................................... 66
10.2.1 Logging maintenance work ................................................................................. 66
10.2.2 Regular maintenance tasks ................................................................................ 66
10.2.3 Compressor oil Change interval ......................................................................... 66
10.2.4 Regular service tasks ......................................................................................... 67
10.3 Maintaining the air cooler or fan cowl ............................................................................... 67
10.3.1 Cleaning the air cooler or fan cowl ..................................................................... 68
10.4 Air filter maintenance ....................................................................................................... 68
10.5 Air filter (sound damping) maintenance ........................................................................... 69
10.6 Air filter (plastic housing) maintenance ............................................................................ 70
10.7 Drive motor maintenance ................................................................................................. 71
10.8 Checking the oil level ....................................................................................................... 71
10.9 Topping up the compressor oil ......................................................................................... 71
10.10 Changing the compressor oil ........................................................................................... 72
10.11 Check the pressure relief valve ........................................................................................ 73
10.11.1 Pressure relief valves on the cylinder head, collecting pipe and air cooler ........ 73
10.12 Venting the machine (de-pressurising) ............................................................................ 74
10.13 Solenoid valve maintenance ............................................................................................ 75
10.13.1 Cleaning the solenoid valve ................................................................................ 76
10.13.2 Replacing the solenoid valve .............................................................................. 77
10.14 Cylinder head and valves ................................................................................................. 77
10.14.1 Checking cylinder head and valves .................................................................... 77
10.14.2 Cleaning the cylinder head and valves ............................................................... 78
10.14.3 Starting the machine and performing a trial run .................................................. 78
10.15 Documenting maintenance and service work .................................................................. 79
11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service
11.1 Note the nameplate .......................................................................................................... 80
11.2 Ordering consumable parts and operating fluids/materials .............................................. 80
11.3 KAESER AIR SERVICE ................................................................................................... 81
11.4 Replacement parts for service and repair ........................................................................ 81
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.1 De-commissioning ............................................................................................................ 82
12.2 Packing ............................................................................................................................ 82
12.3 Storage ............................................................................................................................. 83
12.4 Transport .......................................................................................................................... 83
12.4.1 Safety .................................................................................................................. 83
12.4.2 Transport with a forklift truck ............................................................................... 83
12.4.3 Transport with a crane ........................................................................................ 83
12.5 Disposal ........................................................................................................................... 84
13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P&I diagram) ....................................................... 85
13.2 Dimensional Drawing ....................................................................................................... 88

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G iii

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

iv EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
List of Illustrations

Fig. 1 Location of safety signs .............................................................................................................. 22

Fig. 2 Machine overview ....................................................................................................................... 26
Fig. 3 Option C5: Oil level monitoring ................................................................................................... 27
Fig. 4 Option H9: Silenced air filter ....................................................................................................... 27
Fig. 5 Option H10: Air filter with plastic casing ..................................................................................... 28
Fig. 6 Option H14: Castors ................................................................................................................... 28
Fig. 7 Option H20: Screwable rubber pads .......................................................................................... 28
Fig. 8 Option H29: Screwable rubber pads .......................................................................................... 29
Fig. 9 Recommended machine placement and dimensions [mm] ........................................................ 33
Fig. 10 Fitting the rubber pads ............................................................................................................... 36
Fig. 11 Replacing the air filter ................................................................................................................. 36
Fig. 12 Compressed pipework ................................................................................................................ 37
Fig. 13 Install the venting valve on-site .................................................................................................. 38
Fig. 14 Typical installation of safety and regulating devices .................................................................. 39
Fig. 15 Typical installation of two machines with one air receiver .......................................................... 40
Fig. 16 Option C5: Oil level monitoring ................................................................................................... 42
Fig. 17 Option C5: Changing the oil level monitoring setting ................................................................. 43
Fig. 18 Option H20: Screwable rubber pads .......................................................................................... 44
Fig. 19 Option H29: Securing the screwable rubber pads ...................................................................... 44
Fig. 20 Exchanging the base plate of the compressor block in an EPC 340-G ...................................... 46
Fig. 21 Fitting the EPC 340 sound enclosure ......................................................................................... 47
Fig. 22 Replacing the compressor block's base plate and modifying the air filter, EPC 440-G ............. 48
Fig. 23 Fitting the EPC 440 sound enclosure ......................................................................................... 49
Fig. 24 Modifying the air filter, EPC 630–G / EPC 840–G ...................................................................... 50
Fig. 25 Installing the sound enclosure, EPC 630–G / EPC 840–G ......................................................... 51
Fig. 26 Modifying the air filter, EPC 1100–G / EPC 1500–G .................................................................. 52
Fig. 27 Installing the sound enclosure, EPC 1100–G / EPC 1500–G ..................................................... 53
Fig. 28 Switching the compressed air station on and off ........................................................................ 59
Fig. 29 Cleaning the air cooler or fan cowl ............................................................................................. 68
Fig. 30 Air filter maintenance .................................................................................................................. 69
Fig. 31 Option H9: Air filter (sound damping) maintenance ................................................................... 69
Fig. 32 Option H10: Air filter (plastic housing) maintenance .................................................................. 70
Fig. 33 Checking the oil level ................................................................................................................. 71
Fig. 34 Topping up the compressor oil ................................................................................................... 72
Fig. 35 Changing the compressor oil ...................................................................................................... 73
Fig. 36 Checking the pressure relief valves on the cylinder head, collecting pipe and air cooler .......... 74
Fig. 37 Cleaning the solenoid valve ....................................................................................................... 76
Fig. 38 Replacing the solenoid valve ...................................................................................................... 77
Fig. 39 Consumable parts ...................................................................................................................... 80
Fig. 40 Transporting with a forklift truck ................................................................................................. 83
Fig. 41 Transporting with a crane ........................................................................................................... 84

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

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List of Illustrations

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

vi EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
List of Tables

Tab. 1 Danger levels and their definition (personal injury) .................................................................... 1

Tab. 2 Danger levels and their definition (damage to property) ............................................................ 2
Tab. 3 Nameplate .................................................................................................................................. 4
Tab. 4 Options ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Tab. 5 Mass ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Tab. 6 Compressor block ...................................................................................................................... 5
Tab. 7 Ambient conditions ..................................................................................................................... 5
Tab. 8 Ventilation ................................................................................................................................... 5
Tab. 9 Cylinder relief valve - pressure data ........................................................................................... 6
Tab. 10 Collecting pipe relief valve setting .............................................................................................. 6
Tab. 11 Noise emission [dB(A)] ............................................................................................................... 6
Tab. 12 Motor power and speed .............................................................................................................. 7
Tab. 13 Permissible starting frequency ................................................................................................... 7
Tab. 14 Compressor oil recommendation ............................................................................................... 8
Tab. 15 Compressor oil charge ............................................................................................................... 8
Tab. 16 Supply details 230V / 3 / 50Hz ................................................................................................... 9
Tab. 17 Supply details 400V / 3 / 50Hz ................................................................................................... 10
Tab. 18 Supply details 500V / 3 / 50Hz ................................................................................................... 10
Tab. 19 Supply details 690V / 3 / 50Hz ................................................................................................... 10
Tab. 20 Supply details 230V / 3 / 60Hz ................................................................................................... 11
Tab. 21 Supply details 380V / 3 / 60Hz ................................................................................................... 11
Tab. 22 Supply details 440V / 3 / 60Hz ................................................................................................... 12
Tab. 23 Supply details 460V / 3 / 60Hz ................................................................................................... 12
Tab. 24 Option C5: Connection data for oil level monitoring ................................................................... 12
Tab. 25 Network impedance .................................................................................................................... 13
Tab. 26 Machine duty cycle ..................................................................................................................... 14
Tab. 27 Danger Areas ............................................................................................................................. 21
Tab. 28 Safety Signs ............................................................................................................................... 22
Tab. 29 Information signs ........................................................................................................................ 23
Tab. 30 Option C5: Oil level monitoring factory setting ........................................................................... 42
Tab. 31 Re-commissioning after storage ................................................................................................. 56
Tab. 32 Check list of installation conditions ............................................................................................. 56
Tab. 33 Air receiver filling time ................................................................................................................ 58
Tab. 34 Faults and remedies ................................................................................................................... 62
Tab. 35 Regular maintenance tasks ........................................................................................................ 66
Tab. 36 Compressor oil Change intervals ............................................................................................... 67
Tab. 37 Regular service tasks ................................................................................................................. 67
Tab. 38 Tightening torque for cylinder head screws ................................................................................ 78
Tab. 39 Logged maintenance tasks ........................................................................................................ 79
Tab. 40 Consumable parts ...................................................................................................................... 80

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G vii
List of Tables

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

viii EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
1 Regarding this document
1.1 Using this document

1 Regarding this document

1.1 Using this document
This document, hereafter called the service manual, contains important information about all life
phases of the machine.
The operating manual is a component of the product. It describes the machine as it was at the time
of first delivery after manufacture.
➤ Keep the operating manual in a safe place throughout the life of the machine.
➤ Supply any successive owner or user with this operating manual.
➤ Please insert any amendment or revision of the operating manual sent to you.
➤ Enter details from the machine nameplate and individual items of equipment in the table in
chapter 2.

1.2 Further documents

Included with this operating manual are additional documents intended to assist in the safe opera‐
tion of the machine:
■ Installation declaration according to applicable directives.

Missing documents can be requested from KAESER.

➤ Make sure all documents are complete and observe the instructions contained in them.
➤ Make sure you provide the data from the nameplate when ordering documents.

1.3 Copyright
This operating manual is protected by copyright. Any queries regarding the use or duplication of
this documentation should be referred to KAESER. Correct use of information will be fully suppor‐

1.4 Symbols and labels

➤ Please note the symbols and labels used in this document.

1.4.1 Warnings
Warning notices indicate dangers that may result in injury when disregarded.

Warning notices indicate three levels of danger identified by the corresponding signal word:
Signal term Meaning Consequences of non-compliance
DANGER Warns of an imminent threat of danger Will result in death or severe injury
WARNING Warns of possible danger May result in death or severe injury
CAUTION Warns of a potentially dangerous situation May result in a moderate physical injury

Tab. 1 Danger levels and their definition (personal injury)

Warning notices preceding a chapter apply to the entire chapter, including all sub-sections.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 1
1 Regarding this document
1.4 Symbols and labels


These show the kind of danger and its source.
The possible consequences of ignoring a warning are shown here.
If you ignore the warning notice, the "DANGER" signal word indicates a lethal or severe in‐
jury will occur.
➤ The measures required to protect yourself from danger are shown here.

Warning notes referring to a sub-section or the subsequent action are integrated into the procedure
and numbered as an action.
These show the kind of danger and its source.
The possible consequences of ignoring a warning are shown here.
If you ignore the warning notice, the "WARNING" signal word indicates that a lethal or severe
injury may occur.
➤ The measures required to protect yourself from danger are shown here.
2. Always read and comply with warning instructions.

1.4.2 Potential damage warnings

Contrary to the warnings shown above, damage warnings do not indicate a potential personal in‐

Warning notices for damages are identified by their signal term.

Signal term Meaning Consequences of non-compliance
NOTE Warns of a potentially dangerous situation Damage to property is possible

Tab. 2 Danger levels and their definition (damage to property)


These show the kind of danger and its source.
Potential effects when ignoring the warning are indicated here.
➤ The protective measures against the damages are shown here.

➤ Carefully read and fully comply with warnings against damages.

1.4.3 Other alerts and their symbols

This symbol identifies particularly important information.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

2 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
1 Regarding this document
1.4 Symbols and labels

Material Here you will find details on special tools, operating materials or spare parts.

Precondition Here you will find conditional requirements necessary to carry out the task.
Here conditions relevant to safety are named that will help you to avoid dangerous situations.

Option H1 ➤ This symbol denotes lists of actions comprising one stage of a task.
Operating instructions with several steps are numbered in the sequence of the operating steps.
Information relating to one option only are marked with an option code (e.g., H1 indicates that
this section applies only to machines with screw-in machine feet).
Information referring to potential problems are identified by a question mark.
The cause is named in the help text ...
➤ ... as is a solution.
This symbol identifies important information or measures regarding the protection of the envi‐

Further information Further subjects are introduced here.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 3
2 Technical Specifications
2.1 Nameplate

2 Technical Specifications
2.1 Nameplate
The model designation and important technical information are given on the machine's nameplate.
➤ Enter here the nameplate data as a reference:

Feature Value
Reciprocating compressor
Material no.
Serial no.
Year of manufacture
Maximum working pressure
Free air delivery
Electrical connection
Synchronous speed
Rated power
Ambient temperature

Tab. 3 Nameplate

2.2 Options
The table contains a list of possible options.
➤ Enter options here as a reference.

Option Option code Provided?

Oil level monitoring C5
Silenced air filter H9
Air filter with plastic casing H10
Castors H14
Bolt-down rubber pads H20
for single air receiver mounting
Bolt-down rubber pads H29

Tab. 4 Options

2.3 Mass
The values shown are maximum values. The actual weight depends on equipment fitted.

Compressor model Mass [kg]

EPC 340-G 40/951)
Machine with sound enclosure

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

4 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
2 Technical Specifications
2.4 Compressor block

Compressor model Mass [kg]

EPC 440-G 50/1001)
EPC 630-G 70/1301)
EPC 840-G 70/1301)
EPC 1100-G 100/2401)
EPC 1500-G 130/2601)
Machine with sound enclosure

Tab. 5 Mass

2.4 Compressor block

Compressor block model Compressor model Flow rate1) at 6 bar Number of cylinders
KC 350 EPC 340-G 195 1
KC 400 EPC 440-G 280 2
KC 630 EPC 630-G 410 2
KC 840 EPC 840-G 590 2
KC 1100 EPC 1100-G 750 2
KC 1500 EPC 1500-G 1000 2
Flow rate in accordance with ISO 1217:2009, Annex C

Tab. 6 Compressor block

2.5 Ambient conditions

Maximum eleva‐ 1000
tion AMSL 1) [m]
Permissible ambient tem‐ 5-35
perature [°C]
Higher altitudes are permissible only after consultation with the manufacturer.

Tab. 7 Ambient conditions

2.6 Ventilation
The values given are minimum guide values.

Compressor model Inlet aperture (Z) [m2] Exhaust fan (A) 1) [m3/h]
EPC 340-G 0.4 510
Forced ventilation: Required air volume for exhaust fan at static compression 1 mbar (machine
in enclosed space without ducts and ΔT≙10 K)

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 5
2 Technical Specifications
2.7 Pressure

Compressor model Inlet aperture (Z) [m2] Exhaust fan (A) 1) [m3/h]
EPC 440-G 0.4 720
EPC 630-G 0.4 900
EPC 840-G 0.4 1200
EPC 1100-G 0.5 1650
EPC 1500-G 0.75 2250
Forced ventilation: Required air volume for exhaust fan at static compression 1 mbar (machine
in enclosed space without ducts and ΔT≙10 K)

Tab. 8 Ventilation

2.7 Pressure
Cylinder relief valve 1)
Maximum 10
working overpres‐
sure [bar]
Pressure relief valve 14
activating pressure [bar]
EPC 340-G / EPC 440-G

Tab. 9 Cylinder relief valve - pressure data

Pressure relief valve in the collecting pipe 1)

Maximum 10
working overpres‐
sure [bar]
Pressure relief valve 12.5
activating pressure [bar]
EPC 630-G bis EPC 1500-G

Tab. 10 Collecting pipe relief valve setting

2.8 Noise emission [dB(A)]

Compressor model Sound pressure level [dB(A)]
EPC 340-G 64/541)
EPC 440-G 64/541)
EPC 630-G 75/671)
EPC 840-G 78/721)
EPC 1100-G 79/701)
Machine with sound enclosure

Noise pressure level in operation at maximum working gauge pressure as per ISO 2151 and the
basic standard ISO 9614-2, Operation at maximum working pressure, uncertainty: ±3 dB(A)

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

6 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
2 Technical Specifications
2.9 Motor power and speed

Compressor model Sound pressure level [dB(A)]

EPC 1500-G 80/741)
Machine with sound enclosure

Noise pressure level in operation at maximum working gauge pressure as per ISO 2151 and the
basic standard ISO 9614-2, Operation at maximum working pressure, uncertainty: ±3 dB(A)

Tab. 11 Noise emission [dB(A)]

2.9 Motor power and speed

➤ Read off the enclosure protection class from the motor nameplate and enter in the table.

Compressor model Rated pow‐ Rated speed Rated speed Enclosure pro‐
er [kW] [min-1] (50 Hz) [min-1] (60 Hz) tection
EPC 340-G 1.7 1500 1800
EPC 440-G 2.4 1500 1800
EPC 630-G 3.0 1500 1800
EPC 840-G 4.0 1500 1800
EPC 1100-G 5.5 1500 1800
EPC 1500-G 7.5 1500 1800

Tab. 12 Motor power and speed

Permissible starting frequency

➤ The permissible starting frequency of the motor is listed in the table below:

Rated power [kW] Permissible starting frequency [1/h]

1.7 20
2.4 20
3.0 20
4.0 20
5.5 15
7.5 15

Tab. 13 Permissible starting frequency

2.10 Compressor oil recommendation

The standard compressor oil is SAE 5 W30 or VDL 150
For special applications FGP oil is used and the machine carries a sticker indicating this.
Information on ordering compressor oil is found in chapter 11.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 7
2 Technical Specifications
2.11 Electrical connection

➤ Mark the oil that your compressor contains in the table below.

Standard oil Special oil

EPC 340/ EPC 630 –
EPC 440 EPC 1500
Oil type SAE 5 W30 VDL 150 FGP
Application Standard oil for all ap‐ Standard oil for all ap‐ Specially for use in
plications except in plications except in compressors where the
connection with food‐ connection with food‐ air may come into con‐
stuff. stuff. May contain tact with foodstuff.
traces of silicone.
Oil contained in my

Tab. 14 Compressor oil recommendation

2.10.1 Compressor oil charge

Compressor model Total charge [litres] Topping up volume [l]
EPC 340-G 0.2 0.1
EPC 440-G 1.1 0.25
EPC 630-G 1.4 0.22
EPC 840-G 1.24 0.22
EPC 1100-G 1.5 0.37
EPC 1500-G 1.5 0.37

Tab. 15 Compressor oil charge

2.11 Electrical connection

Basic requirements

The machine is designed in accordance with the conditions for an electrical power supply specified
in EN 60204-1 (IEC 60204-1) section 4.3.
If no other conditions are specified by the operator, the thresholds described in this standard must
be adhered to.
It is recommended that the user and the supplier reach an agreement on the basis of EN 60204-1,
Annex B.
Check and adjust for other deployment conditions before commissioning.
If the machine is supplied with a mains cable and a plug, the power socket may be fused at
the nominal current of the plug device.

2.11.1 Three-phase power supply

The machine requires a symmetrical three-phase power supply.
In a symmetrical three phase supply the phase angles and voltages are all the same.
This machine may only be supplied from an earthed TN or TT three-phase supply in which the
neutral point is earthed.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

8 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
2 Technical Specifications
2.11 Electrical connection

The connection to an IT three-phase supply or a three-phase supply with one earthed phase is not

Further information When connecting to a European 400V/3/50Hz rated voltage the requirements in chapter 2.12 are
also to be observed. Power supply specifications

The following supply cable conductor cross sections and fusing (slow-blow class gG) are selected
according to German DIN VDE 0100 Part 430 (IEC 60364-4-43) and DIN VDE 0298-4:2013-06
standards for these conditions:
■ Multi-core copper conductors at an operating temperature up to 70 °C
■ Cable length <50 m
■ for 30 °C ambient temperature
■ wiring type C: without cable contact
■ Current carrying capacity: Table 3, column 11
(European Harmonisation Directive HD 60364-5-52:2011)
■ Bundled cables: Table 21,
─ Single layer on wall or floor
─ Spacing ≥ outside diameter

➤ For other application conditions, check and determine the supply diameters according to
DIN VDE 0100 and DIN VDE 0298-4:2013-06 or the local energy provider.

Other application conditions would include, for example:

■ Higher ambient temperature
■ Other cable installation method
■ Other cable bundling
■ Cable length >50 m

Mains frequency: 50Hz

Rated voltage: 230V±10% / 3 / 50Hz

EPC Current Direct start Star-delta start

drawn [A] Backup Supply ca‐ Backup Supply ca‐
fuse [A] ble [mm2] fuse [A] ble [mm2]
340-G 6.9 ● 10 4 x 1.5 10 4 x 1.5
440-G 9.9 ● 16 4 x 2.5 16 4 x 2.5
630-G 11.8 ● 25 4x4 16 4 x 2.5
840-G 17.3 ○ 35 4x6 20 4 x 2.5
1100-G 21.0 ○ 50 4 x 10 25 4x4
1500-G 29.4 ○ 63 4 x 16 35 4x6
● Pressure switch
○ controller (START CONTROL)

Tab. 16 Supply details 230V / 3 / 50Hz

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 9
2 Technical Specifications
2.11 Electrical connection

Rated voltage: 400V / 3 / 50Hz

EPC Current Direct start Star-delta start

drawn [A] Backup Supply ca‐ Backup Supply ca‐
fuse [A] ble [mm2] fuse [A] ble [mm2]
340-G 4.0 ● 10 4 x 1.5 6 4 x 1.5
440-G 5.7 ● 10 4 x 1.5 10 4 x 1.5
630-G 6.8 ● 16 4 x 2.5 10 4 x 1.5
840-G 10.0 ● 20 4 x 2.5 16 4 x 2.5
1100-G 12.0 ● 25 4x4 16 4 x 2.5
1500-G 18.0 ○ 35 4x6 20 4 x 2.5
● Pressure switch
○ controller (START CONTROL)

Tab. 17 Supply details 400V / 3 / 50Hz

Rated voltage: 500V±10% / 3 / 50Hz

EPC Current Direct start Star-delta start

drawn [A] Backup Supply ca‐ Backup Supply ca‐
fuse [A] ble [mm2] fuse [A] ble [mm2]
340-G 3.2 ● 10 4 x 1.5 6 4 x 1.5
440-G 4.4 ● 10 4 x 1.5 6 4 x 1.5
630-G 5.2 ● 10 4 x 1.5 6 4 x 1.5
840-G 8.0 ● 16 4 x 2.5 10 4 x 1.5
1100-G 9.6 ● 20 4 x 2.5 10 4 x 1.5
1500-G 14.4 ○ 35 4x6 16 4 x 2.5
● Pressure switch
○ controller (START CONTROL)

Tab. 18 Supply details 500V / 3 / 50Hz

Rated voltage: 690V±10% / 3 / 50Hz

EPC Current Direct start Star-delta start

drawn [A] Backup Supply ca‐ Backup Supply ca‐
fuse [A] ble [mm2] fuse [A] ble [mm2]
340-G 1.8 ● 6 4 x 1.5 – –
440-G 3.3 ● 10 4 x 1.5 – –
630-G 3.9 ● 10 4 x 1.5 – –
840-G 5.8 ● 10 4 x 1.5 – –
1100-G 6.9 ● 16 4 x 1.5 – –
● Pressure switch
○ controller (START CONTROL)

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

10 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
2 Technical Specifications
2.11 Electrical connection

EPC Current Direct start Star-delta start

drawn [A] Backup Supply ca‐ Backup Supply ca‐
fuse [A] ble [mm2] fuse [A] ble [mm2]
1500-G 10.4 ● 20 4 x 1.5 – –
● Pressure switch
○ controller (START CONTROL)

Tab. 19 Supply details 690V / 3 / 50Hz

Mains frequency: 60Hz

Rated voltage: 230V±10% / 3 / 60Hz

EPC Current Direct start Star-delta start

drawn [A] Backup Supply ca‐ Backup Supply ca‐
fuse [A] ble [mm2] fuse [A] ble [mm2]
340-G 6.9 ● 16 4 x 2.5 – –
440-G 10.0 ● 20 4 x 2.5 – –
630-G 10.9 ● 20 4 x 2.5 16 4 x 2.5
840-G 17.4 ○ 35 4x6 20 4 x 2.5
1100-G 21.0 ○ 50 4 x 10 25 4x4
1500-G 28.0 ○ 63 4 x 16 35 4x6
● Pressure switch
○ controller (START CONTROL)

Tab. 20 Supply details 230V / 3 / 60Hz

Rated voltage: 380V±10% / 3 / 60Hz

EPC Current Direct start Star-delta start

drawn [A] Backup Supply ca‐ Backup Supply ca‐
fuse [A] ble [mm2] fuse [A] ble [mm2]
340-G 4.2 ● 10 4 x 1.5 – –
440-G 6.1 ● 16 4 x 12.5 – –
630-G 7.1 ● 16 4 x 2.5 10 4 x 1.5
840-G 10.5 ● 20 4 x 2.5 16 4 x 2.5
1100-G 12.5 ● 25 4x4 16 4 x 2.5
1500-G 19.0 ○ 35 4x6 20 4 x 2.5
● Pressure switch
○ controller (START CONTROL)

Tab. 21 Supply details 380V / 3 / 60Hz

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 11
2 Technical Specifications
2.11 Electrical connection

Rated voltage: 440V±10% / 3 / 60Hz

EPC Current Direct start Star-delta start

drawn [A] Backup Supply ca‐ Backup Supply ca‐
fuse [A] ble [mm2] fuse [A] ble [mm2]
340-G 3.7 ● 10 4 x 1.5 – –
440-G 5.2 ● 10 4 x 1.5 – –
630-G 6.2 ● 16 4 x 2.5 10 4 x 1.5
840-G 9.1 ● 16 4 x 2.5 10 4 x 1.5
1100-G 11.0 ● 25 4x4 16 4 x 2.5
1500-G 16.2 ○ 35 4x6 20 4 x 2.5
● Pressure switch
○ controller (START CONTROL)

Tab. 22 Supply details 440V / 3 / 60Hz

Rated voltage: 460V±10% / 3 / 60Hz

EPC Current Direct start Star-delta start

drawn [A] Backup Supply ca‐ Backup Supply ca‐
fuse [A] ble [mm2] fuse [A] ble [mm2]
340-G 3.5 ● 6 4 x 1.5 – –
440-G 5.0 ● 10 4 x 1.5 – –
630-G 5.9 ● 16 4 x 2.5 10 4 x 1.5
840-G 8.7 ● 16 4 x 2.5 10 4 x 1.5
1100-G 10.5 ● 25 4x4 16 4 x 2.5
1500-G 15.5 ○ 35 4x6 20 4 x 2.5
● Pressure switch
○ controller (START CONTROL)

Tab. 23 Supply details 460V / 3 / 60Hz

2.11.2 Option C5
Electrical connection data for oil level monitoring
Feature Value
Contact load capacity max. 1 A
max. 230 V AC / 48 V DC
max. 26 VA / 20 W
Maximum medium temperature 110 °C
Maximum ambient temperature 110 °C
Protection class IP 65

Tab. 24 Option C5: Connection data for oil level monitoring

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12 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
2 Technical Specifications
2.12 Mains conditions

2.12 Mains conditions

The mains conditions apply to machines connected to public mains supplies with the following
■ Mains frequency: 50 Hz
■ Voltage between external and neutral lines 220 V...250 V
■ Voltage between the external lines 380 V...430 V
They do not apply to private power supplies within industrial areas isolated from the public
The machines listed in the table are intended for operation with a public power supply with a
network impedance at the transfer point (house connection) of maximum Zmax. [Ohm].
The operator must ensure that the machines are only connected to a network that meets these
requirements. If necessary, ask the local electricity utility for the mains conditions.

2.12.1 Supply conditions at 400V/3/50Hz

Compressor model Start configuration Maximal permissible Highest permissible
motor starts 1) [1/h] System impedance2)
Zmax. [Ω]
EPC 340-G Direct online 20 0.360
EPC 440-G 20 0.202
EPC 630-G 20 0.099
EPC 840-G 20 0.077
EPC 1100-G Star-delta 15 0.178
EPC 1500-G 15 0.104
Exceeding the maximal permissible starts must be discussed with the manufacturer.
The data are relative to the sum of impedances in external and neutral lines.

Tab. 25 Network impedance

Machines with current consumption >16 A ... ≤75 A comply fully with IEC 61000-3-12.

2.13 Machine duty cycle

Calculating the cycling period

Cycling time = Time under LOAD + at standstill

Calculating the duty cycle:

time under LOAD

Duty cycle [%] = x 100
time under LOAD + at standstill


12 minutes
x 100 % = 60 %
20 minutes

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 13
2 Technical Specifications
2.13 Machine duty cycle

The following values are valid for:

■ Ambient temperature 20 °C
■ 30 % relative humidity
■ 1013 mbar air pressure

Compressor model Permissible duty cycle [%] Cycle time [min]

EPC 340-G ≤ 70 3–30
EPC 440-G ≤ 70 3–30
EPC 630-G ≤ 70 3–30
EPC 840-G ≤ 70 3–30
EPC 1100-G ≤ 70 4–30
EPC 1500-G ≤ 70 4–30

Tab. 26 Machine duty cycle

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14 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.1 Basic instructions

3 Safety and Responsibility

3.1 Basic instructions
The machine is manufactured to the latest engineering standards and acknowledged safety regula‐
tions. Nevertheless, dangers can arise through its operation:
■ danger to life and limb of the operator or third parties,
■ impairments to the machine and other material assets.

Disregard of warning or safety instructions can cause serious injuries!

➤ Use this machine only if it is in a technically perfect condition and only for the purpose for
which it is intended; observe all safety measures and the instructions in the service manual.
➤ Immediately rectify (have rectified) any faults that could be detrimental to safety.

3.2 Specified use

The machine is intended solely for generating compressed air for industrial use. Any other use is
considered incorrect. The manufacturer is not liable for any damages that may result from incorrect
use. The user alone is liable for any risks incurred.
➤ Comply with the instructions in this operating manual.
➤ Ensure that installation conditions are being kept to.
➤ Operate the machine only within its performance limits and under the permitted ambient condi‐
➤ Do not use compressed air for breathing purposes unless it is specifically treated.
➤ Do not use compressed air for any application that will bring it into direct contact with foodstuffs
unless it is specifically treated.

3.3 Improper use

Improper usage can cause damage to property and/or (severe) injuries.
➤ Only use the machine as intended.
➤ Never direct compressed air at persons or animals.
➤ Do not touch hot components during operation or after shutdown. Wait until they have cooled
before touching!
These components include, for example, cylinder heads, compressed air lines, coolers, motors
and machine heating systems.
➤ Always switch off the compressor and disconnect it from the mains power supply when not in
➤ In order to prevent injury, keep children away from the compressor work area and its associ‐
ated compressed air equipment.
➤ Children are not allowed to operate the compressor.
➤ Use hot cooling air for heating purposes only if there is no risk to the health of humans or ani‐
mals. If necessary, hot cooling air should be treated by suitable means.

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 15
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.4 User's responsibilities

➤ Do not allow the machine to take in toxic, acidic, flammable or explosive gases or vapours.
➤ Do not operate the machine in areas in which specific requirements with regard to explosion
protection are in force.

3.4 User's responsibilities

3.4.1 Observe statutory and universally accepted regulations
These are, for example, nationally implemented European directives and/or applicable national leg‐
islation, safety and accident prevention regulations.
➤ Observe relevant statutory and accepted regulations during installation, operation and mainte‐
nance of the machine.

3.4.2 Determining personnel

Suitable personnel are experts who, by virtue of their training, knowledge and experience as well
as their knowledge of relevant regulations can assess the work to be done and recognize the pos‐
sible dangers involved.

Authorised operators possess the following qualifications:

■ are of legal age,
■ are conversant with and adhere to the safety instructions and sections of the operating manual
relevant to operation,
■ they have received adequate training and authorization to operate electrical and compressed
air devices,

Authorised installation and maintenance personnel have the following qualifications:

■ are of legal age,
■ must have read, be conversant with and adhere to the safety instructions and sections of the
operating manual applicable to installation and maintenance,
■ are fully conversant with the safety concepts and regulations of electrical and compressed air
■ are able to recognise the possible dangers of electrical and compressed air devices and take
appropriate measures to safeguard persons and property,
■ have received adequate training in and authorisation for the safe installation and maintenance
of this machine.

➤ Ensure that personnel entrusted with operation, installation and maintenance are qualified and
authorised to carry out their tasks.

3.5 Keeping to Inspection Schedules and Accident Prevention Regula‐

The machine is subject to local inspection schedules.

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16 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.6 Dangers

Examples of German operation

➤ Carry out recurring inspections to DGUV Regel 100 – 500, chapter 2.11:
The user must ensure that from a rated motor power greater than 0.5 kW the machine's safety
devices are checked for function at least once annually.

3.6 Dangers
Basic instructions

Information concerning the various forms of danger that can arise during heat exchanger operation
are found here.
Basic safety instructions are found in this service manual at the beginning of each chapter in the
section entitled 'Safety'.
Warning instructions are found before a potentially dangerous task.

3.6.1 Safely dealing with sources of danger

Information concerning the various forms of danger that can arise during machine operation are
found here.


Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
➤ Allow only qualified and authorized electricians or trained personnel under the supervision of a
qualified and authorized electrician to carry out work on electrical equipment according to elec‐
trical engineering regulations.
➤ Before commissioning or re-commissioning the machine, the user must make sure there is ad‐
equate protection against electric shock from direct or indirect contact.
➤ Before starting any work on electrical equipment:
Switch off and lock out the power supply isolator and check that no voltage is present.
➤ Switch off any external power sources.
These could be connections to floating relay contacts or the electrical machine heating, for ex‐
➤ Use fuses corresponding to machine power.
➤ Check regularly that all electrical connections are tight and in proper condition.

Forces of compression

Compressed air is contained energy. Uncontrolled release of this energy can cause serious injury
or death. The following information concerns work on components that could be under pressure.
➤ Close shut-off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the distribution network to ensure
that no compressed air can flow back into the machine.
➤ De-pressurise all pressurised components and enclosures.
➤ Do not carry out welding, heat treatment or mechanical modifications to pressurized compo‐
nents (e.g. pipes and vessels) as this influences the component's resistance to pressure.
The safety of the machine is then no longer ensured.

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3 Safety and Responsibility
3.6 Dangers

Compressed air quality

The composition of the compressed air must be suitable for the actual application in order to pre‐
clude health and life-threatening dangers.
➤ Use appropriate systems for air treatment before using the compressed air from this machine
as breathing air and/or for the processing of foodstuffs.
➤ Use foodstuff-compatible cooling oil whenever compressed air is to come into contact with

Spring forces

Springs under tension or compression represent contained energy. Uncontrolled release of this en‐
ergy can cause serious injury or death.
Solenoid valves and check valves are spring-loaded.
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.

Rotating components

Touching the fan while the machine is switched on can result in serious injury.
➤ Do not open the enclosure while the machine is switched on.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify the absence of any
➤ Wear close-fitting clothes and a hair net if necessary.
➤ Make sure all covers and safety guards are in place and secured before re-starting.


High temperatures are generated during compression. Touching hot components may cause inju‐
➤ Avoid contact with hot components.
These include, for example, compressor blocks, compressed air pipes, coolers, motors and
machine heaters.
➤ Wear protective clothing.
➤ If welding is carried out on or near the machine, take adequate measures to prevent sparks or
heat from igniting oil vapours or parts of the machine.


The enclosure absorbs the machine noise to a tolerable level. This function will be effective only if
the enclosure is closed.
➤ Operate the machine only with intact sound insulation.
➤ Wear hearing protection if necessary.
The pressure relief valve blowing off can be particularly loud.

Operating fluids/materials

The used operating fluids and materials can cause adverse health effects. Suitable safety meas‐
ures must be taken in order to prevent injuries.
➤ Strictly forbid fire, open flame and smoking.
➤ Follow safety regulations when dealing with oils, lubricants and chemical substances.
➤ Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

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18 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.6 Dangers

➤ Do not inhale oil mist and vapours.

➤ Do not eat or drink while handling cooling and lubricating fluids.
➤ Keep suitable fire extinguishing agents ready for use.
➤ Use only KAESER approved operating materials.

Unsuitable spare parts

Unsuitable spare parts compromise the safety of the machine.

➤ Use only spare parts approved by the manufacturer for use in this machine.
➤ Use only genuine KAESER pressure components.

Conversion or modification of the machine

Modifications, additions to and conversions of the machine can result in unpredictable dangers.
➤ Do not convert or modify the machine!
➤ Obtain written approval by the manufacturer prior to any technical modification or expansion of
the machine.

Extending or modifying the compressed air system

If dimensioned appropriately, pressure relief valves reliably prevent an impermissible rise in pres‐
sure. New dangers may arise if you modify or extend the compressed air station.
➤ When extending or modifying the compressed air system.
Check the blow-off capacity of pressure relief valves on air receivers and compressed air lines
before installing a new machine.
➤ If the blow-off capacity is insufficient:
Install pressure relief valves with larger blow-off capacity.

3.6.2 Safe machine operation

The following is information supporting you in the safe handling of the machine during individual
product life phases.

Personal protective equipment

When working on the machine you may be exposed to dangers that can result in accidents with
severe adverse health effects.
➤ Wear protective clothing as necessary.

Suitable protective clothing (examples):

■ Safety work wear
■ Protective gloves
■ Safety boots
■ Eye protection
■ Ear protection


The mass and size of the machine require safety measures during its transport to prevent acci‐

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 19
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.6 Dangers

➤ Use suitable lifting gear that conforms to local safety regulations.

➤ Allow transportation only by personnel trained in the safe movement of loads.
➤ Attach lifting gear only to suitable lifting points.
➤ Be aware of the centre of gravity to avoid tipping.
➤ Ensure the danger zone is clear of personnel.
➤ Do not step onto machine components to climb up the machine.


➤ Use only electrical cables that are suitable and approved for the surroundings and electrical
loads applied.
➤ Never dismantle compressed air pipes until they are fully vented.
➤ Only use pressure lines that are suitable and approved for the maximum working pressure and
the intended medium.
➤ Do not allow connection pipes to be placed under mechanical stress.
➤ Do not induce any forces into the machine via the connections, so that the compressive forces
must be balanced by bracing.


A suitable installation location for the machine prevents accidents and faults.
➤ Install the machine in a suitable compressor room.
➤ Ensure sufficient and suitable lighting such that the display can be read and work carried out
comfortably and safely.
➤ Ensure accessibility so that all work on the machine can be carried out without danger or hin‐
➤ If installed outdoors, the machine must be protected from frost, direct sunlight, dust, rain and
splashing water.
➤ Do not operate in areas in which specific requirements with regard to explosion protection are
in force.
For instance, the requirements of ATEX directive 2014/34/EC "Equipment and Protective Sys‐
tems intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres".
➤ Ensure adequate ventilation.
➤ Place the machine in such a manner that the working conditions in its environment are not im‐
➤ Comply with limit values for ambient temperature and humidity.
➤ The intake air must not contain any damaging contaminants.
Damaging contaminants are for instance: explosive or chemically instable gases and vapours,
acid or base forming substances such as ammonia, chlorine or hydrogen sulfide.
➤ Do not position the machine in the warm exhaust air flow from other machines.
➤ Keep suitable fire extinguishing agents ready for use.

Commissioning, operation and maintenance

During commissioning, operation and maintenance you may be exposed to dangers resulting from,
e.g., electricity, pressure and temperature. Careless actions can cause accidents with severe ad‐
verse effects for your health.
➤ Allow maintenance work to be carried out only by authorised personnel.
➤ Wear close-fitting, flame-resistant clothing. Wear protective clothing as necessary.

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20 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.6 Dangers

➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting (isolating) device and check that no
voltage is present.
➤ Check that there is no voltage on potential-free contacts.
➤ Close shut-off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the compressed air network to en‐
sure that no compressed air can flow back into the machine.
➤ De-pressurise all pressurised components and enclosures.
➤ Allow the machine to cool down.
➤ Do not open the cabinet while the machine is switched on.
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.
➤ Use only spare parts approved by KAESER for use in this machine.
➤ Carry out regular inspections:
for visible damages,
of safety installations,
of the EMERGENCY STOP control device,
of any components requiring monitoring.
➤ Pay particular attention to cleanliness during all maintenance and repair work. Cover compo‐
nents and openings with clean cloths, paper or tape to keep them clean.
➤ Do not leave any loose components, tools or cleaning rags on or in the machine.
➤ Components removed from the machine can still be dangerous.
Do not attempt to open or destroy any components taken from the machine.

De-commissioning, storage and disposal

Improper handling of old operating fluids and components represent a danger for the environment.
➤ Drain off fluids and dispose of them according to environmental regulations.
These include, for example, compressor oil and cooling water.
➤ Have refrigerant disposed of by authorized bodies only.
➤ Dispose of the machine in accordance with local environmental regulations.

3.6.3 Organisational Measures

➤ Designate personnel and their responsibilities.
➤ Give clear instructions on reporting faults and damage to the machine.
➤ Give instructions on fire reporting and fire-fighting measures.

3.6.4 Danger Areas

The table gives information on the areas dangerous to personnel.
Only authorised personnel may enter these areas.

Activity Danger area Authorised personnel

Transport Within a 1 m radius of the machine. Installation personnel for transport
No personnel during transport.
Beneath the lifted machine. No personnel!
Installation Within the machine. Installation personnel
Within 1 m radius of the machine and its sup‐
ply cables.

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 21
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.7 Safety devices

Activity Danger area Authorised personnel

Operation Within a 1 m radius of the machine. Operating personnel
Maintenance Within the machine. Maintenance personnel
Within a 1 m radius of the machine.

Tab. 27 Danger Areas

3.7 Safety devices

Various safety devices ensure safe working with the machine.
➤ Do not change, bypass or disable safety devices.
➤ Check safety devices for correct function regularly.
➤ Do not remove or obliterate labels and notices.
➤ Ensure that labels and notices are clearly legible.

Further information More information on safety devices is contained in chapter 4, section 4.4.

3.8 Safety Signs

The diagram shows the positions of safety signs on the machine. The table lists the various safety
signs used and their meanings.

Fig. 1 Location of safety signs

Item Sign Meaning

1 Danger of fatal injury from electric shock!
➤ Before starting any work on electrical equipment:
Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and check that
no voltage is present.

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22 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.9 Information signs

Item Sign Meaning

2 Hot surface!
Risk of burns caused by contact with hot components
➤ Do not touch the surface.
➤ Wear long-sleeved garments (not synthetics such as polyester) and protective

Tab. 28 Safety Signs

3.9 Information signs

The table lists the various information signs used and their meanings.

Sign Meaning
Personal injury or damage to the machine by incorrect operation!
➤ Read and understand the service manual and all safety signs before switching on
this machine.
Maintain the air filter regularly.

Check the oil level regularly and change the oil at the correct intervals.

Tab. 29 Information signs

3.10 In emergency
3.10.1 Correct fire fighting
Suitable measures

Calm and prudent action can safe lives in the event of a fire.
➤ Keep calm.
➤ Give the alarm.
➤ Shut off supply lines if possible.
Power supply disconnecting device (all phases)
Cooling water (if present)
➤ Warn and move endangered personnel to safety.
➤ Help incapacitated persons.
➤ Close the doors.
➤ When trained accordingly: Attempt to extinguish the fire.

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3 Safety and Responsibility
3.11 Warranty

Extinguishing substances

➤ Suitable extinguishing media:

Carbon dioxide
Sand or soil
➤ Unsuitable extinguishing media:
Strong jet of water

3.10.2 Injury from handling compressor oil

Eye contact:

Compressor oil can cause irritation.

➤ Rinse open eyes thoroughly for a few minutes under running water.
➤ Seek medical help if irritation persists.

Skin contact:

Compressor oil may irritate after prolonged contact.

➤ Wash thoroughly with skin cleaner, then with soap and water.
➤ Contaminated clothing should be dry-cleaned before reuse.


Oil mist may make breathing difficult.

➤ Clear air passages of oil mist.
➤ Seek medical help if difficulty with respiration continues.


➤ Wash out the mouth immediately.

➤ Do not induce vomiting.
➤ Seek medical aid.

3.11 Warranty
This operating manual does not contain any independent warranty commitment. Our general terms
and conditions apply with regard to warranty.
A condition of our warranty is that the machine is used solely for the purpose for which it is inten‐
ded and under the conditions specified.
Due to the multitude of applications for which the machine is suitable, the user is obliged to deter‐
mine its suitability for his specific application.

Furthermore, we do not assume any warranty obligation for damages caused by:
■ the use of unsuitable parts or operating materials,
■ arbitary modifications,
■ incorrect maintenance,
■ incorrect repair.

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24 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.12 Environment protection

Correct maintenance and repair includes the use of genuine KAESER spare parts and operating
➤ Obtain confirmation from KAESER that your specific operating conditions are suitable.

3.12 Environment protection

The operation of this machine may cause dangers for the environment.
➤ Do not allow compressor oil to escape to the environment or into the waste water system.
➤ Store and dispose of operating materials and replaced parts in accordance with local environ‐
ment protection regulations.
➤ Observe national regulations.
This applies particularly to parts contaminated with compressor oil.

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 25
4 Design and Function
4.1 Outline of the machine

4 Design and Function

4.1 Outline of the machine
4.1.1 Machine structure

Fig. 2 Machine overview

1 Air filter 7 Arrow showing direction of rotation
2 Compressor block 8 Compressed air outlet
2a One cylinder 9 Air pipe*
2b Two cylinders 10 Air cooler*
3 Compressor motor 11 Fan with cowl*
4 Oil filler port 12 Cylinder or collecting pipe
5 Oil sight glass relief valve*
6 Oil drain plug 13 Sound enclosure*
* machine-dependent

4.1.2 Machine function

Atmospheric air is drawn through a filter into the compression chamber of the block. The air is
drawn in during the downward stroke of the piston. It is compressed during the upward stroke.
The compressed air passes through the cooling pipe or cooler to the compressed air outlet.

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26 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
4 Design and Function
4.2 Options

4.2 Options
The options available for your machine are described below.

4.2.1 Option C5
Oil level monitoring
The oil level in the machine is monitored automatically. The machine is automatically shut down if
the oil level falls below minimum.

Fig. 3 Option C5: Oil level monitoring

1 Oil level monitoring

4.2.2 Option H9
Silenced air filter
The air filter reduces the noise level of the machine. It also cleans the inlet air.

Fig. 4 Option H9: Silenced air filter

1 Air filter cartridge

4.2.3 Option H10

Air filter with plastic casing
This air filter is suitable for unfavourable ambient conditions. It also cleans the inlet air.

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 27
4 Design and Function
4.2 Options

Fig. 5 Option H10: Air filter with plastic casing

1 Air filter cartridge

4.2.4 Option H14

For moving the machine easily.
Only in combination with a sound enclosure.

Fig. 6 Option H14: Castors

1 Castors
2 Wheel stops

4.2.5 Option H20

Screwable rubber pads for air receiver mounting
Screwable rubber pads (different models) are intended for vibration-free and low-noise mounting of
the machine, e. g. on an air receiver.

Fig. 7 Option H20: Screwable rubber pads

1 Screwable rubber pad 1b Model B
1a Model A 2 Threaded connection

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28 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
4 Design and Function
4.3 Operating modes and control modes

4.2.6 Option H29

Screwable rubber pads
These rubber pads allow the machine to be anchored firmly to the floor.

Fig. 8 Option H29: Screwable rubber pads

1 Screwable rubber pad
2 Threaded connection

4.3 Operating modes and control modes

4.3.1 Machine operating modes
There are two operating modes:
The machine delivers compressed air.
The drive motor runs under full load.
No air is compressed. The check valve to be installed by the user prevents already com‐
pressed air flowing back into the compressor. The compressor block is vented.
The drive motor is stopped.

4.3.2 External control unit

An external control unit is required to activate the drive motor, the pressure switch, the solenoid
valve, and the oil level monitoring (Option C5). This enables an unloaded starting of the machine.
The control unit is not provided with the machine and is to be supplied by the user.

Controller voltage!
➤ Incorrect control voltage can lead to irreparable damage to the electrical componentes.

Use the START CONTROL controller by KAESER.

The following points have to be observed:

■ Install the control unit to EN 60204 specifications.
■ Select the components to suit the motor power.
■ Connect the solenoid valve such that it first closes when the drive motor has run up to speed.

Further information The operating manual of the START CONTROL control unit provides detailed information about
the function and design of the control unit. This manual is a component of the shipment.

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4 Design and Function
4.4 Safety devices

4.4 Safety devices

The following safety devices are provided and may not be modified in any way.
■ Pressure relief valve:
The pressure relief valve protects the system against excessive pressure. It is factory set.
■ Housing and covers for moving parts and electrical connections:
Protect against accidental contact.

4.4.1 Safety and regulating devices

Install the following safety and control devices at the user side:
■ EMERGENCY STOP control device:
Stops the machine immediately in an emergency situation. The motor is stopped. The pressure
system is vented.
■ Pressure relief valve:
The pressure relief valve protects the user's air receiver against excessive pressure.
■ Check valve:
The check valve prevents the flow of compressed air from the air receiver back to the com‐
pressor block when the machine is stopped.
Install the valve between the compressed air outlet and the user's shut off valve.
Provide means of venting in the pressure line between the machine and the check valve and
between the check valve and the user's shut-off valve.

The sizing of the check valve is dependent on the maximum working pressure and the cross-
section of the connection between the compressor and the air network.

■ Pressure switch:
The pressure switch regulates the working pressure of the air network. The pressure switch
toggles the compressor between LOAD and READY to maintain a constant working pressure.

■ Pressure gauge:
The pressure gauge monitors the working pressure in the user's air receiver.
Select the pressure gauge according to the maximum working pressure.
■ Motor protection:
The motor protection device shuts down the machine:
─ in the case of a phase drop-out overload,
─ if the ambient temperature becomes too high,
─ if the compressor block seizes, or
─ if the mains voltage fluctuates outside limits.

AC motors may be operated only with correctly set motor protection switch or overload relay.
The warranty is void without motor protection.

■ Safety signs:
The machine has been delivered with all necessary safety signs.
Upon installation, the safety-relevant labeling of the entire system must be checked and exten‐
ded, if required.

Further information See chapter 6.7 for an example of the arrangement of the safety installations to be installed by the

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30 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
4 Design and Function
4.5 Accessories

4.5 Accessories
To reduce the machine's noise emission, it can be retrospectively fitted with a sound enclosure.

Further information Instructions on installation of a sound enclosure can be found in chapter 6.10.

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5 Installation and Operating Conditions
5.1 Ensuring safety

5 Installation and Operating Conditions

5.1 Ensuring safety
The conditions in which the machine is installed and operated have a decisive effect on safety.
Warning instructions are located before a potentially dangerous task.

Disregard of warning instructions can cause serious injuries!

Complying with safety notes

Disregard of safety notes can cause unforeseeable dangers!

➤ Strictly forbid fire, open flame and smoking.
➤ If welding is carried out on or near the machine, take adequate measures to prevent sparks or
heat from igniting oil vapours or parts of the machine.
➤ Do not store inflammable material in the vicinity of the machine.
➤ The machine is not explosion-proof!
Do not operate in areas in which specific requirements with regard to explosion protection are
in force.
For instance, the requirements of ATEX directive 2014/34/EC "Equipment and Protective Sys‐
tems intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres".
➤ Ensure sufficient and suitable lighting such that the display can be read and work carried out
comfortably and safely.
➤ Keep suitable fire extinguishing agents ready for use.
➤ Ensure that required ambient conditions are maintained.

Required ambient conditions may be:

■ Maintain ambient temperature and humidity
■ Ensure the appropriate composition of the air within the machine room:
─ clean with no damaging contaminants (e.g., dust, fibres, fine sand)
─ free of explosive or chemically unstable gases or vapours
─ free of acid/alkaline forming substances, particularly ammonia, chlorine or hydrogen sul‐

5.2 Installation conditions

5.2.1 Determining location and clearances
The machine is intended for installation in an appropriate machine room. Information on distances
from walls and ventilation is given below.
The distances quoted are recommended distances and ensure unhindered access to all ma‐
chine parts.
➤ Please consult KAESER if they cannot be kept to.

Precondition The floor must be level, firm and capable of bearing the mass of the machine.

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5 Installation and Operating Conditions
5.2 Installation conditions

Fig. 9 Recommended machine placement and dimensions [mm]

A Exhaust fan
Z Air inlet aperture

Ambient temperature too low.
The reduced lubrication properties of oil that is too viscous can result in damage when starting
the machine.
➤ Make sure that the temperature of the machine is at least +3 °C before starting.
➤ Heat the machine room adequately or install an auxiliary heater.
2. Ensure adequate lighting so that all work on the machine can be carried out without danger or
3. If installed outdoors, the machine must be protected from frost, direct sunlight, dust and rain.
If the machine is installed together with other plant (compressors, refrigeration dryers, etc.),
then under no circumstances may hot cooling air from other plant be directed to the cooling
air inlet end of the compressor.
Hot air can cause damage to the machine.

5.2.2 Ensuring the machine room ventilation

Adequate ventilation of the machine room has several tasks:
■ It prevents subatmospheric pressure in the machine room.
■ It evacuates the exhaust heat of the machine and thus ensures the required operating condi‐

➤ Consult with KAESER if you cannot ensure the conditions for an adequate ventilation of
the machine room.

1. Ensure that the volume of air flowing into the machine room is at least equivalent to that being
removed from it by the machine and exhaust fan.
2. Make sure that the machine and exhaust fan can only operate when the inlet aperture is ac‐
tually open.

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5 Installation and Operating Conditions
5.2 Installation conditions

3. Keep the inlet and exhaust apertures free of obstructions so that the cooling air can flow freely
through the room.
4. Ensure clean air in order to support the proper functioning of the machine.

Further information See chapter 2.6 for ventilation aperture dimensions.

5.2.3 Prevention of thermal problems

Observe the following instructions to prevent thermal problems:
■ Make sure ventilation apertures are adequate.
■ Ensure correct location of the apertures (constant airflow).
■ Ensure correct machine positioning (all machines must be able to draw in cool fresh air).
■ Ensure that hot exhaust air leaves the room by the shortest direct path.
■ Do not exceed the permissible duty cycle.

➤ KAESER can offer advice in this respect.

5.2.4 Operating the machine in a compressed air network

When the machine is connected to a compressed air network, the network working pressure may
not exceed the permissible final pressure of the machine.
➤ Consult KAESER for advice on this subject.

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6 Installation
6.1 Ensuring safety

6 Installation
6.1 Ensuring safety
Follow the instructions below for safe installation.
Warning instructions are located before a potentially dangerous task.

Disregard of warning instructions can cause serious injuries!

Complying with safety notes

Disregard of safety notes can cause unforeseeable dangers!

➤ Follow the instructions in chapter 3 'Safety and Responsibility'.
➤ Installation work may only be carried out by authorised personnel.
➤ Make sure that no one is working on the machine.
➤ Ensure that all service doors and panels are locked.

When working on live components

Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
➤ Work on electrical equipment may only be carried out by authorised electricians.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting (isolating) device and check that no
voltage is present.
➤ Check that there is no voltage on potential-free contacts.

When working on the compressed air system

Compressed air is contained energy. Uncontrolled release of this energy can cause serious injury
or death. The following safety concerns relate to any work on components that could be under
➤ Isolate the machine from the air main by closing the user's shut-off valves.
➤ Vent all pressurized components and enclosures.
➤ Verify the absence of pressure using a suitable measuring device (pressure gauge).
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.

When working on the drive system

Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting (isolating) device and check that no
voltage is present.
➤ Do not open the cabinet while the machine is switched on.

Further information Details of authorised personnel are found in chapter 3.4.2.

Details of dangers and their avoidance are found in chapter 3.6.

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6 Installation
6.2 Reporting Transport Damage

6.2 Reporting Transport Damage

1. Check the machine for visible and hidden transport damage.
2. Inform the carrier and the manufacturer in writing of any damage without delay.

6.3 Fitting the rubber pads

There is a danger of tilting because of the high centre of gravity and mass of the machine.
➤ Use transport slings to lift the machine.

Fig. 10 Fitting the rubber pads

1 Rubber pad
2 Hexagonal nut

➤ Remove the wooden frame from the base plate.

➤ Fit the rubber pads to the base plate with hexagon nuts.

6.4 Replacing the air filter

➤ Mount the air filter before commissioning.
The inlet opening in the filter must face downwards.

Fig. 11 Replacing the air filter

1 Air filter

➤ Fit the supplied air filter (depending on machine).

Result The machine is ready for operation.

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6 Installation
6.5 Connecting the machine with the compressed air network

6.5 Connecting the machine with the compressed air network

Condensate in the compressed air network can damage the pipework:
➤ Install only corrosion-resistant pipes.
➤ Use fluoroelastomers as sealing material for seals.
➤ Note the electro-chemical voltage sequence.
➤ Consult with KAESER for suitable materials for the compressed air network.

Precondition The compressed air system is vented completely to atmospheric pressure.

Verify the absence of pressure using a suitable measuring device (pressure gauge).

Fig. 12 Compressed pipework

1 Flexible pressure hose
2 User's shut-off valve
3 Check valve

Compressed air!
Serious injury or death can result from loosening or opening components under pressure.
➤ Vent all pressurized components and enclosures.
2. A shut off valve and check valve must be installed by the user in the connection line.
➤ Connect a flexible pressure hose.

6.6 Installing the venting valve

The venting valve is not provided with the machine and is to be supplied by the user.

Precondition The power supply isolating device is switched off,

the device is locked off,
the absence of any voltage has been verified.
The compressed air system is vented completely to atmospheric pressure.
Verification of pressure-free status is to be carried out using a suitable measurement device.

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6 Installation
6.7 Installation examples

Fig. 13 Install the venting valve on-site

1 Venting valve on the pressure switch
2 Venting valve (solenoid valve) at the compressed air discharge point

Dangerous voltage!
There is danger of fatal injury caused by contact with live components.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage
is present.
Serious injury or death can result from loosening or opening components under pressure.
➤ De-pressurise all pressurised components and enclosures. Verify pressure-free status.
3. Install the venting valve either on the pressure switch, or at the machine's compressed air dis‐
charge point.

6.7 Installation examples

The following installation examples are suggestions only and do not relate directly to a specific ap‐

6.7.1 Safety and Control Devices

Safety and regulating devices ensure safe machine operation.

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6 Installation
6.7 Installation examples

Fig. 14 Typical installation of safety and regulating devices

1 Air receiver 7 Pressure gauge
2 Pressure switch 8 Shut-off valve compressed air outlet
3 Check valve 9 Shut-off valve compressed air inlet
4 Flexible pressurised hose to the machine 10 Shut-off valve condensate drain
5 Pressure relief valve 11 Nozzle (machine-dependent)
6 Test flange

➤ Install safety and regulating devices at the user side of the compressed air network or directly
on the compressed air receiver.

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6 Installation
6.8 Connecting the machine to the power supply

6.7.2 Two machines with one air receiver

Fig. 15 Typical installation of two machines with one air receiver

1 Air receiver 7 Test flange
2 Pressure switch 8 Pressure gauge
3 Check valve 9 Shut-off valve compressed air outlet
4 Machine 10 Shut-off valve compressed air inlet
5 Flexible pressurised hose to the machine 11 Feed line
6 Pressure relief valve 12 Swan neck

➤ Higher positioned feed lines should generally be implemented as a swan-neck and with a gra‐
dient of at least 2 ‰.

6.8 Connecting the machine to the power supply

Precondition The power supply is switched off,
the device is locked off,
the absence of any voltage has been verified.

1. The power supply must only be connected by authorised installation personnel or an author‐
ised electrician.

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6 Installation
6.9 Options

2. Carry out safety measures as stipulated in relevant regulations (e.g. IEC 364 or
DIN VDE 0100) and in applicable national accident prevention regulations (BGV A3 in Germa‐
ny). In addition, observe the regulations of the local electricity supplier.
3. Test the overload protection cut-out to ensure that the time it takes to disconnect in response
to a fault is within the permitted limit.
4. Select supply cable conductor diameters and fusing in accordance with local regulations.
5. The user is required to fit the machine with a lockable isolating device which must comply with
the requirements of EN60204-1:2006, 5.3.
This could be, for example, a load disconnect switch with fused input. If a circuit breaker is
used it must be suitable for the motor starting characteristics.
Machines with a total power rating of up to 3 kW and nominal current of up to 16 amps may
be provided with a simple cable and plug power supply connection.

Danger of fatal injury from electric shock!
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify the absence of
7. Connect the machine to the power supply.

6.9 Options
This section provides information to the connection or installation of possible options for your ma‐

6.9.1 Option C5
Oil level monitoring
The oil level monitor does not relieve the user of the obligation to visually check the oil level at reg‐
ular intervals.

Precondition Cut-off the electrical power supply via the power supply isolating device,
ensure that the device is locked off,
verify the absence of any voltage.

Electric voltage!
Risk of fatal injury caused by contact with live components!
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify the absence of
any voltage.

Automatic restart!
Serious injury is possible. The machine restarts automatically when power is restored follow‐
ing a power cut.
➤ Make sure that no one is working on the machine.

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6 Installation
6.9 Options

Fig. 16 Option C5: Oil level monitoring

1 Compressor block
2 Oil level monitoring

The contact in the oil level monitor is wired at the factory as a normally open contact.

Oil level Electrical contact

rises closes
falls opens

Tab. 30 Option C5: Oil level monitoring factory setting

➤ Connect oil level monitoring as follows. Connecting the oil level monitor

Connecting oil level monitoring for direct online starting

Machines with direct online starting and an undervoltage trip in the pressure switch require addi‐
tional control and connection components.
If the machine is shut down by the undervoltage trip, the machine does not restart automatically
when power is restored after a power cut.
1. Electrical connections to be made by the user.
2. Switch on and off the compressor at the pressure switch.

Connecting oil level monitoring for star-delta starting

Machines with star-delta starting require additional control and connection parts and an external
control unit. The oil level monitor must be linked with the external controller so that the machine is
shut down if oil falls below the set minimum level.
If the machine is shut down, the machine restarts automatically when power is restored after a
power cut.
1. The user is to make the connection to the power supply or the connection to an external con‐
trol unit.
2. The machine is switched off by the external controller. Float switch

The float switch has been set at the factory as follows:

■ The machine shuts down when the oil falls to its minimum permissible level.
■ The tip of the red arrow is visible for 2 mm.

➤ Check the setting and adjust, if required.

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6 Installation
6.9 Options

Adjusting the setting

Adjust the switching point by moving the sensing contact slightly along an arrow.

You may fine-adjust the switching point to the length of the arrow.
■ Moving towards the arrow head lowers the oil level point at which the sensor triggers.
■ Moving away from the arrow head raises the oil level point at which the sensor triggers.

Fig. 17 Option C5: Changing the oil level monitoring setting

1 Switch cover 5 Adjustment range
2 Screw 6 Higher oil level
3 Red arrow 7 Lower oil level
4 Sensing contact

1. Switch off the machine.

Electric voltage!
Risk of fatal injury caused by contact with live components!
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify the absence of
any voltage.
3. Open the switch cover.
4. Unfasten the screw and move the sensing contact.
5. Re-tighten the screw.
6. Close the cover until it latches.
7. Switch on the machine.

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6 Installation
6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory)

6.9.2 Option H20

Mounting the machine on an air receiver

Fig. 18 Option H20: Screwable rubber pads

1 Screwable rubber pad 2 Threaded connection
1a Model A 3 Hexagon bolt
1b Model B 4 Hexagonal nut

➤ Use appropriate fixing elements to anchor the machine.

Further information Details of the anchoring threads are shown in the dimensional drawing in chapter 13.2.

6.9.3 Option H29

Anchoring the Machine

Fig. 19 Option H29: Securing the screwable rubber pads

1 Screwable rubber pad
2 Threaded connection

1. Remove the wooden frame from the base plate.

2. Use appropriate fixing elements to anchor the rubber pads.
There is a danger of tilting because of the high centre of gravity and mass of the machine.
➤ Use transport slings to lift the machine.
4. Lift the machine and place it on the rubber pads.
5. Screw the rubber pads to the base plate with hexagon nuts.

6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory)

The sound enclosure is supplied ready assembled.
➤ It must be dismantled for fitting to the machine.

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6 Installation
6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory)

6.10.1 Dismantling the sound enclosure

Note how the parts fit together.

➤ Dismantle the sound enclosure

6.10.2 Fitting the sound enclosure

Prior to any work requiring the opening of the pressure system, the machine must be fully iso‐
lated from the compressed air network and completely depressurised.

Precondition Cut-off the electrical power supply via the power supply isolating device,
ensure that the device is locked off,
verify the absence of any voltage.
The machine is vented completely to atmospheric pressure.
Verify the absence of pressure using a suitable measuring device (pressure gauge).
The machine has cooled down.
The user's shut-off valve between the machine and the air network is closed.

Electric voltage!
Risk of fatal injury caused by contact with live components!
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage
is present.
2. Remove the cable from the motor terminal box.
Compressed air!
Compressed air and devices under pressure can injure or cause death if the contained energy
is released suddenly.
➤ Fully vent all pressurised components and enclosures.
➤ Verify the absence of pressure using a suitable measuring device (pressure gauge).
4. Disconnect the hose line from the check valve.
5. Remove the rubber pad.
6. Depending on the machine type, the base plate of the compressor may need to replaced
and/or the air filter may require modification. EPC 340-G

Material Supplied base plate

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6 Installation
6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory)

Exchanging the base plate of the compressor block

Fig. 20 Exchanging the base plate of the compressor block in an EPC 340-G
1 Base plate, compressor block
A Before modification
B After modification

➤ Detach the compressor block from the base plate, place the block on the newly provided base
plate and fasten with the screws.

Fitting the sound enclosure

Precondition The base plate of the compressor block is exchanged,

the rubber pads are removed.

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6 Installation
6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory)

Fig. 21 Fitting the EPC 340 sound enclosure

1 Rubber pad 9 Fan with cowl
2 Rubber pad 10 Pre-cut foam
3 Z-profile 11 User's check valve
4 Bracket 12 Hose line
5 Rubber pad 13 Sound enclosure
6 Base plate 14 Air inlet louver
7 Compressor block 15 Removable panel
8 Serrated locknut 16 Snap fastener

1. Place the Z-profiles on the brackets, insert the rubber pads 1 through the brackets and Z-pro‐
files and secure with serrated locknuts.
2. Insert rubber pads 2 through the Z-profiles and secure with serrated locknuts.
3. Position the base plate and secure with hex-head screws to the rubber pads 2 .
4. Insert the rubber pads 5 through the base plate and secure to the Z-profiles.
5. Place the compressor block on the base plate and screw to the rubber pads 5 .
6. Slide the pre-cut foam over the fan cowl.
7. Lead the motor cable and hose line through the holes provided and connect up.
8. Attach the sound enclosure to the base plate.
9. Screw the inlet air inlet louvre to the enclosure, hang the panel (exhaust louvre) in the enclo‐
sure and secure it with the snap fasteners.

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6 Installation
6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory) EPC 440-G

Material Supplied base plate

Supplied additional components for air filter

Replacing the compressor block's base plate and modifying the air filter

Fig. 22 Replacing the compressor block's base plate and modifying the air filter, EPC 440-G
1 Base plate, compressor block A Before modification
2 Air filter B After modification
3 Angle

1. Detach the compressor block from the base plate, place the block on the newly provided base
plate and fasten with the screws.
2. Unscrew the air filter from the cylinder head and clean, if necessary.
3. Screw the elbow into the cylinder head and then the air filter to the elbow.

Further information See chapter 10.4 for information on air filter maintenance.

Fitting the sound enclosure

Precondition The base plate of the compressor block is exchanged,

the air filter has been modified,
the rubber pads are removed.

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6 Installation
6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory)

Fig. 23 Fitting the EPC 440 sound enclosure

1 Rubber pad 9 Fan with cowl
2 Rubber pad 10 Pre-cut foam
3 Z-profile 11 User's check valve
4 Bracket 12 Hose line
5 Rubber pad 13 Sound enclosure
6 Base plate 14 Air inlet louver
7 Compressor block 15 Removable panel
8 Serrated locknut 16 Snap fastener

1. Place the Z-profiles on the brackets, insert the rubber pads 1 through the brackets and Z-pro‐
files and secure with serrated locknuts.
2. Insert rubber pads 2 through the Z-profiles and secure with serrated locknuts.
3. Position the base plate and secure with hex-head screws to the rubber pads 2 .
4. Insert the rubber pads 5 through the base plate and secure to the Z-profiles.
5. Place the compressor block on the base plate and screw to the rubber pads 5 .
6. Slide the pre-cut foam over the fan cowl.
7. Lead the motor cable and hose line through the holes provided and connect up.
8. Attach the sound enclosure to the base plate.
9. Screw the inlet air inlet louvre to the enclosure, hang the panel (exhaust louvre) in the enclo‐
sure and secure it with the snap fasteners.

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6 Installation
6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory) EPC 630–G / EPC 840–G

Material Supplied additional components for air filter

Modifying the air filter

Fig. 24 Modifying the air filter, EPC 630–G / EPC 840–G

1 Air filter A Before modification
2 Angle B After modification

1. Unscrew the air filter from the cylinder head and clean, if necessary.
2. Screw the elbow into the cylinder head and then the air filter to the elbow.

Further information See chapter 10.4 for information on air filter maintenance.

Fitting the sound enclosure

Precondition The air filters are modified,

the rubber pads are removed.

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6 Installation
6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory)

Fig. 25 Installing the sound enclosure, EPC 630–G / EPC 840–G

1 Rubber pad 10 Sheet metal collar
2 Rubber pad 11 Compressed air cooler
3 Rubber pad 12 Pre-cut foam
4 Z-profile 13 User's check valve
5 Bracket 14 Hose line
6 Spacer 15 Sound enclosure
7 Base plate 16 Air inlet louver
8 Compressor block 17 Removable panel
9 Serrated locknut 18 Snap fastener

1. Place the Z-profiles on the brackets, insert the rubber pads 1 through the brackets and Z-pro‐
files and secure with serrated locknuts.
2. Insert rubber pads 2 and 3 through the Z-profiles and secure with serrated locknuts.
3. Position the base plate and secure with hex-head screws to the rubber pads 2 .
4. Place the spacers 6 in the holes in the base plate.
5. Place the compressor block on the base plate and use the hex-head screws to screw through
the spacers to the rubber pads 3 .
6. Fix the sheet metal collar to the air cooler with the fixings provided and slide the pre-cut foam
over the collar.
7. Lead the motor cable and hose line through the holes provided and connect up.

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6 Installation
6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory)

8. Attach the sound enclosure to the base plate.

9. Screw the inlet air inlet louvre to the enclosure, hang the panel (exhaust louvre) in the enclo‐
sure and secure it with the snap fasteners. EPC 1100–G / EPC 1500–G

Material Supplied additional components for air filter

Modifying the air filter

Fig. 26 Modifying the air filter, EPC 1100–G / EPC 1500–G

1 Air filter 2a EPC 1100-G
1a EPC 1100-G 2b EPC 1500-G
1b EPC 1500-G A Before modification
2 Angle B After modification

1. Unscrew the air filter from the cylinder head and clean, if necessary.
2. Screw the elbow into the cylinder head and then the air filter to the elbow.

Further information See chapter 10.4 for information on air filter maintenance.

Fitting the sound enclosure

Precondition The air filters are modified,

the rubber pads are removed.

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6 Installation
6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory)

Fig. 27 Installing the sound enclosure, EPC 1100–G / EPC 1500–G

1 Rubber pad 10 Sheet metal collar
2 Rubber pad 11 Compressed air cooler
3 Rubber pad 12 Pre-cut foam
4 Z-profile 13 User's check valve
5 Bracket 14 Hose line
6 Spacer 15 Sound enclosure
7 Base plate 16 Air inlet louver
8 Compressor block 17 Removable panel
9 Serrated locknut 18 Snap fastener

1. Place the Z-profiles on the brackets, insert the rubber pads 1 through the brackets and Z-pro‐
files and secure with serrated locknuts.
2. Insert rubber pads 2 and 3 through the Z-profiles and secure with serrated locknuts.
3. Position the base plate and secure with hex-head screws to the rubber pads 2 .
4. Place the spacers 6 in the holes in the base plate.
5. Place the compressor block on the base plate and use the hex-head screws to screw through
the spacers to the rubber pads 3 .
6. Fix the sheet metal collar to the air cooler with the fixings provided and slide the pre-cut foam
over the collar.
7. Lead the motor cable and hose line through the holes provided and connect up.

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 53
6 Installation
6.10 Retrofitting the sound enclosure (accessory)

8. Attach the sound enclosure to the base plate.

9. Screw the inlet air inlet louvre to the enclosure, hang the panel (exhaust louvre) in the enclo‐
sure and secure it with the snap fasteners.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

54 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
7 Initial Start-up
7.1 Ensuring safety

7 Initial Start-up
7.1 Ensuring safety
Here you will find instructions for a safe commissioning of the machine.
Warning instructions are located before a potentially dangerous task.

Disregard of warning instructions can cause serious injuries!

Complying with safety notes

Disregard of safety notes can cause unforeseeable dangers!

➤ Follow the instructions in chapter 3 'Safety and Responsibility'.
➤ Commissioning tasks may only be carried out by authorised personnel!
➤ Make sure that no one is working on the machine.
➤ Ensure that all service doors and panels are locked.

When working on live components

Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
➤ Work on electrical equipment may only be carried out by authorised electricians.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting (isolating) device and check that no
voltage is present.
➤ Check that there is no voltage on potential-free contacts.

When working on the compressed air system

Compressed air is contained energy. Uncontrolled release of this energy can cause serious injury
or death. The following safety concerns relate to any work on components that could be under
➤ Isolate the machine from the air main by closing the user's shut-off valves.
➤ Vent all pressurized components and enclosures.
➤ Verify the absence of pressure using a suitable measuring device (pressure gauge).
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.

When working on the drive system

Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
Touching the fan while the machine is running can result in serious injury.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting (isolating) device and check that no
voltage is present.
➤ Do not open the cabinet while the machine is switched on.

Further information Details of authorised personnel are found in chapter 3.4.2.

Details of dangers and their avoidance are found in chapter 3.6.

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 55
7 Initial Start-up
7.2 Instructions to be observed before commissioning or re-commissioning

7.2 Instructions to be observed before commissioning or re-commis‐

Incorrect or improper commissioning can cause injury to persons and damage to the machine.
➤ Commissioning may only be carried out by authorized installation and service personnel who
have been trained on this machine.

Special measures for re-commissioning after storage

Storage period Remedy

longer than:
12 months ➤ Change the compressor oil.
➤ Have the motor bearings checked by an authorized KAESER SERVICE
36 months ➤ Have the overall technical condition checked by an authorised
KAESER SERVICE technician.

Tab. 31 Re-commissioning after storage

7.3 Checking installation and operating conditions

➤ Check and confirm all the items in the checklist before commissioning the machine.

To be checked See chapter Confirmed?

➤ Are the operators fully conversant with safety regulations? –
➤ Have all the positioning conditions been fulfilled? 5
➤ Is a user-supplied lockable power supply disconnection device in‐ 6.8
➤ Are the tolerance limits of the mains voltage (power supply) within 2.1 / 2.11
the permissible tolerance limits of the nominal voltage (machine)?
➤ Are the power supply cable conductor diameters and fuse ratings 2.11
➤ Have all electrical connections been checked for tightness? –
➤ Has the inspection been repeated after 50 operating hours following
the initial commissioning?
➤ The supplied air filter 1 is fitted? 6.4
➤ Is the user's unloading valve 1 ensuring an unloaded start fitted to 6.6
the machine?
➤ Has the connection to the air system been made with a user's shut- 6.5
off valve, check valve and a flexible hose?
➤ Sufficient oil in the crankcase? 10.8
(oil in the sight gauge red zone)
➤ The oil must be changed after 50 operating hours
➤ Is the user's motor protection device adjusted correctly with regard 7.4.1
to the engine power?
depending on machine

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56 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
7 Initial Start-up
7.4 Motor protection

To be checked See chapter Confirmed?

➤ Oil level monitor connected? 6.9.1
➤ Is the machine firmly anchored to the floor? 6.9.3
➤ Are all access doors closed and latched and all removable panels in –
place and secured? (Sound enclosure)
depending on machine

Tab. 32 Check list of installation conditions

7.4 Motor protection

The machine should only be operated with a correctly adjusted motor protection device to protect
the motor from overloading.
A motor overload protection switch that is set too high provides no protection. Incorrect setting can
lead to irreparable motor damage.
➤ Set the motor contactor according to the mains voltage.

7.4.1 Motor protection setting by direct online starting

The machine starts directly and is controlled by the user's pressure switch. The pressure switch
switches the machine on and off as necessary to hold pressure within the set limits.
The overload protection cut-out setting can be higher than the rated motor current to prevent
it from being triggered by voltage fluctuations, temperature influences or component toleran‐
1. Read the rated motor current from the nameplate and calculate the correct protection setting.
2. Check the motor protection setting.
3. Adjust the protection setting, if necessary.
4. Switch the machine on with the user's pressure switch.
The machine is shut down by the motor overload protection switch?
➤ Allow the motor to cool down.
➤ Switch the machine on again.

Further information See chapter 8.

7.4.2 Motor protection setting by star-delta starting

In the star-delta configuration the phase current is fed via the motor overload protection device.
This phase current is 0.58 times the rated motor current (see motor nameplate).
The overload protection device setting can be 10 % higher than the rated phase current to
prevent it from being triggered by voltage fluctuations, temperature influences or component
1. Switch the machine on from the external control unit.
The machine is shut down by the motor overload protection switch?
➤ Contact authorised KAESER SERVICE.

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 57
7 Initial Start-up
7.5 Checking the direction of rotation

7.5 Checking the direction of rotation

The machine is designed for three-phase connection with right phase rotation.
Ideally, the direction of phase rotation should be measured with a phase sequence meter. Alterna‐
tively, start the machine very briefly and observe the direction of rotation of the motor cooling fan.
1. Check the direction of phase rotation with a phase sequence meter.
2. If the direction is incorrect, reverse supply phases L1 and L2.
You have no phase sequence meter?
➤ Switch the machine on and off again the moment the drive motor begins to turn.
➤ Check the direction of rotation against the direction arrow.
➤ If the direction is incorrect, reverse L1 and L2.

Further information Fig. 2 shows the location of the direction arrow.

7.6 Starting the machine for the first time

Precondition No personnel are working on the machine.
All panels are in place and secured.

1. Open the shut-off valve to the air network.

2. Switch on the power supply disconnecting device.
The machine switches to LOAD and delivers compressed air.
➤ Watch for any faults occurring in the first hour of operation.
Carry out the following tasks after the first 50 operating hours:

■ Check that all electrical connections are secure.

■ Change the compressor oil.

7.7 Measuring the air receiver filling time

Measuring the time the compressor takes to fill the air receiver when new can be useful in checking
the machine's performance at a later date.

Precondition Machine at operating temperature.

1. Close the shut-off valve to the air main.

2. Switch on the power supply disconnecting device.
3. Measuring the air receiver charging time
4. Insert the air receiver filling time, air receiver volume and compressor model into the table.

Compressor model Air receiver volume (litres) Receiver filling time

from 3 – 9 bar [min/s]

Tab. 33 Air receiver filling time

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58 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
8 Operation
8.1 Switching on and off

8 Operation
8.1 Switching on and off
Always switch the machine on and off with the «ON/OFF» switch.
Depending on the starter type, the «ON/OFF» switch may be found on the user's pressure switch
or on the external controller.

The following starting modes are available:

■ Direct start - the machine is activated and deactivated at the pressure switch.
■ Direct start with solenoid valve – the machine is activated and deactivated on the controller.
■ Star-delta start - the machine is activated and deactivated at the controller.

Fig. 28 Switching the compressed air station on and off

1 «ON/OFF» switch at the pressure switch
2 «ON/OFF» switch at the controller

Automatic restart!
Serious injury is possible. The machine restarts automatically when power is restored follow‐
ing a power cut.
➤ Make sure that no one is working on the machine.
2. Switch the machine on and off according to the start configuration.

8.1.1 Direct start

Precondition A power supply disconnecting device has been installed by the user.
No personnel are working on the machine.
All panels are in place and secured.
The machine temperature is at least +3° C.

Switching on

Compressed air!
Risk of serious injury!
➤ Never direct compressed air at persons or animals.
➤ Make sure that no one is working on the machine.
2. Switch on the power supply disconnecting device.
3. Switch the machine on with the user's pressure switch.

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8 Operation
8.1 Switching on and off

Result The machine starts as soon as network pressure is lower than the cut-out pressure.

Switching off

1. Switch off the compressor at the user's pressure switch.

2. Switch off and lock out the power supply isolating device.

8.1.2 Direct online start with solenoid valve

Precondition The user has connected a control unit.
A power supply isolating device has been installed by the user.
No personnel are working on the machine.
All panels are in place and secured.
The machine temperature is at least +3° C.

Switching on

Compressed air!
Risk of serious injury!
➤ Never direct compressed air at persons or animals.
➤ Make sure that no one is working on the machine.
2. Switch on the power supply disconnecting device.
3. Switch on the machine from the external controller.

Result The machine starts as soon as network pressure is lower than the cut-out pressure.

Switching off

1. Switch off the machine via the external controller.

2. Switch off and lock out the power supply isolating device.

8.1.3 Star-delta start

Precondition The user has connected a control unit.
A power supply isolating device has been installed by the user.
No personnel are working on the machine.
All panels are in place and secured.
The machine temperature is at least +3° C.

Switching on

Compressed air!
Risk of serious injury!
➤ Never direct compressed air at persons or animals.
➤ Make sure that no one is working on the machine.
2. Switch on the power supply disconnecting device.
3. Switch on the machine from the external controller.

Result The machine starts as soon as network pressure is lower than the cut-out pressure.

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60 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
8 Operation
8.1 Switching on and off

Switching off

1. Switch off the machine via the external controller.

2. Switch off and lock out the power supply isolating device.

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 61
9 Fault Recognition and Rectification
9.1 Basic instructions

9 Fault Recognition and Rectification

9.1 Basic instructions
The alarm indications valid for your machine are dependent on the individual equipment.
1. Do not attempt fault rectification measures other than those given in this manual!
2. In all other cases:
have the fault rectified by an authorised KAESER SERVICE representative.

9.2 Faults
Fault Possible cause Remedy
Machine does not start. Fuse blown or circuit breaker Check motor connections and
tripped. fuses (circuit breakers).
Defective pressure switch con‐ Replace the pressure switch.
Motor overload protection has Allow the motor to cool down.
Compressor motor defective: Call KAESER SERVICE.
Bearing damage or winding
Compressor block defective. Call KAESER SERVICE.
Undervoltage trip in the user's Check undervoltage trip in the
pressure switch of the oil level pressure switch. Switch on the
indication (option C5) activated. compressor at the pressure
Machine starts with difficulty. The solenoid valve is not open‐ Check the connection to the
ing. solenoid valve.
Replace the solenoid valve.
Venting valve on the user's Maintain or replace the unload‐
pressure switch not opening. ing valve.
Bearing damage. Call KAESER SERVICE.
Piston seized due to insufficient Call KAESER SERVICE.
or incorrect oil.
Fault in the power supply. Check power supply.
Oil level too high. Drain out some oil.
depending on machine

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62 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
9 Fault Recognition and Rectification
9.2 Faults

Fault Possible cause Remedy

Machine runs hot. Ambient temperature too high. Reduce the ambient tempera‐
Wrong direction of rotation. Changeover phase lines L1 and
Fan cannot draw air freely. Ensure unrestricted flow of air
to the fan.
Valves 1) or valve plate between Have the valve 1) or valve plate
cylinder head and cylinder are replaced by a
leaking or dirty. KAESER SERVICE technician.
Broken pressure valve reed. Call KAESER SERVICE.
Motor overload protection trips Fault in the power supply. Check power supply.
out after a short time. Motor fault. Call KAESER SERVICE.
Motor overload protection trips Current too high because of low Check power supply cable con‐
out after a long time. supply voltage. ductor cross-sections.
Check and tighten connection
terminals or screws.
The machine runs continuously Air filter clogged. Maintain or replace the air filter.
but maximum pressure is not
Valves 1) or valve plate between Have the valve 1) or valve plate
cylinder head and cylinder are replaced by a
leaking or dirty. KAESER SERVICE technician.
Broken pressure valve reed. Have valve plate replaced.
Machine leaks air. Seal the leaks or replace the
Leakage from an air consumer Check possible leakage points.
connected to the air system.
The air demand is greater than Use a larger machine.
the machine's air delivery ca‐
Solenoid valve blows off contin‐ Replacing the solenoid valve.
uously. Solenoid coil is defec‐
Machine cuts in and out too of‐ External air receiver filled with Drain condensate.
ten. condensate.
Machine switches off. Undervoltage trip in the user's Top up the oil.
pressure switch of the oil level Switch on the machine at the
indication (option C5) activated. pressure switch.
The machine switches off and The user's check valve is de‐ Replace the check valve.
air escapes from the venting fective.
The venting valve loses air The venting valve is not clos‐ Maintain or replace the unload‐
while the machine is running. ing. ing valve.
The user's pressure switch Venting valve dirty. Maintain or replace the unload‐
does not vent after switching ing valve.
depending on machine

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 63
9 Fault Recognition and Rectification
9.2 Faults

Fault Possible cause Remedy

Air leaks from the user's pres‐ Defective switch diaphragm. Call KAESER SERVICE.
sure switch while the machine The venting valve is not clos‐ Maintain or replace the unload‐
is running. ing. ing valve.
Whistling sound from the cylin‐ Cylinder head fixing screws Tighten the cylinder head fixing
der head. loose. screws.
Gasket defective. Replace gasket.
The pressure relief valve blows User's pressure switch incor‐ Check pressure switch setting.
off before the cut-out pressure rectly set.
is reached. Valve spring defective. Call KAESER SERVICE.
Dirt or foreign bodies on the Let the pressure relief valve
valve seat. blow off briefly.
Pressure relief valve on the air Cooler clogged. Cooler pipe Clean the cooler.
cooler blows off prematurely. blocked with scale.
Machine uses too much oil. Viscosity too low. Fill with oil specified in the serv‐
ice manual.
Crankcase vent defective. Maintain or replace crancase
Piston rings worn or broken. Call KAESER SERVICE.
Piston rings worn or damaged Dirty oil. Fit finer air inlet filter.
after a short operational period.
depending on machine

Tab. 34 Faults and remedies

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

64 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
10 Maintenance
10.1 Ensuring safety

10 Maintenance
10.1 Ensuring safety
Follow the instructions below to ensure safe machine maintenance.
Warning instructions are located before a potentially dangerous task.

Disregard of warning instructions can cause serious injuries!

Complying with safety notes

Disregard of safety notes can cause unforeseeable dangers!

➤ Follow the instructions in chapter 3 'Safety and Responsibility'.
➤ Allow maintenance work to be performed by authorised personnel only.
➤ Make sure that no one is working on the machine.
➤ Ensure that all service doors and panels are locked.

When working on live components

Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
➤ Work on electrical equipment may only be carried out by authorised electricians.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting (isolating) device and check that no
voltage is present.
➤ Check that there is no voltage on potential-free contacts.

When working on the compressed air system

Compressed air is contained energy. Uncontrolled release of this energy can cause serious injury
or death. The following safety concerns relate to any work on components that could be under
➤ Isolate the machine from the air main by closing the user's shut-off valves.
➤ Vent all pressurized components and enclosures.
➤ Verify the absence of pressure using a suitable measuring device (pressure gauge).
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.

When working on the drive system

Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting (isolating) device and check that no
voltage is present.
➤ Do not open the cabinet while the machine is switched on.

Further information Details of authorised personnel are found in chapter 3.4.2.

Details of dangers and their avoidance are found in chapter 3.6.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 65
10 Maintenance
10.2 Following the maintenance plan

10.2 Following the maintenance plan

10.2.1 Logging maintenance work
The maintenance intervals given are those recommended for KAESER original components
with average operating conditions.
➤ In adverse conditions, perform maintenance work at shorter intervals.

Adverse conditions are, e.g.:

■ high temperatures
■ much dust
■ low load

Adjust the maintenance intervals with regard to local installation and operating conditions.
➤ Document all maintenance and service work.
This enables the frequency of individual maintenance tasks and deviations from our recom‐
mendations to be determined.

Further information A list is given in chapter 10.15.

10.2.2 Regular maintenance tasks

The table below lists the required maintenance tasks.
➤ Carry out maintenance tasks punctually taking ambient and operating conditions into consider‐

Interval Maintenance task See chapter

Daily or every 24 operat‐ Check the oil level. 1) 10.8
ing hours
Every 500 h Carry out air filter maintenance 10.4 / 10.5 / 10.6
Annually Check that all electrical connections are tight. –
Check the pressure relief valve. 10.11
Clean the solenoid valve 10.13.1
Every 3000 h or every 2 Replacing the solenoid valve. 10.13.2
years at the latest
Variable, Replace the compressor oil. 10.10
see table 36
h = operating hours
not required for option C5

Tab. 35 Regular maintenance tasks

Further information See chapter 2.2 for information on the option codes.

10.2.3 Compressor oil Change interval

Duty cycles and ambient conditions are important factors influencing the number and length of the
oil change intervals.

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66 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
10 Maintenance
10.3 Maintaining the air cooler or fan cowl

Advice can be obtained from KAESER SERVICE on determining suitable changing intervals.

➤ Check operating conditions and adjust intervals as necessary; log the results in table 36 for fu‐
ture reference.

Maximum permissible oil change interval

[operating hours/years]
Compressor oil Favourable operating conditions 1) My operating conditions
SAE 5 W30 1000/2
VDL 150 1000/1
FGP 1000/2
Cool to moderate ambient temperatures, low humidity, average to high duty cycle.

Tab. 36 Compressor oil Change intervals

10.2.4 Regular service tasks

The table below lists necessary service tasks.
➤ Have an authorized KAESER SERVICE technician carry out service tasks.
➤ Have service tasks carried out punctually taking ambient and operating conditions into ac‐

Interval Service task

At the latest every Replace the air filter element.
2 years
Up to 3000 h Have cylinder head and valves checked.
Up to 12,000 h Have the machine generally overhauled.
Up to 12 000 h,at the lat‐ Check for noisy motor bearings and replace as necessary.
est every 3 years.
Up to 36 000 h,at the lat‐ Have the plastic pipes and hose lines been replaced.
est every 6 years.
h = operating hours

Tab. 37 Regular service tasks

10.3 Maintaining the air cooler or fan cowl

According to machine model, it either has an air cooler of a fan guard.
Clogging causes overheating and machine damage.

Regular cleaning ensures reliable cooling of the machine and the compressed air. The frequency is
mainly dependent on local operating conditions.

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 67
10 Maintenance
10.4 Air filter maintenance

Material Brush
Vacuum cleaner
As required: Respiratory protection

Precondition The supply disconnecting device is switched off,

the device is locked off,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.
The machine has cooled down.

Fig. 29 Cleaning the air cooler or fan cowl

1 Compressed air cooler
2 Fan with cowl
3 Brush

10.3.1 Cleaning the air cooler or fan cowl

Do not use sharp objects to clean the air cooler or fan cowl. It could cause damage.
Avoid creating clouds of dust.
➤ Dry brush the air cooler or fan cowl and safety screen using a vacuum cleaner to suck up the
The air cooler or fan cowl can't be cleaned thoroughly?
➤ Have severe clogging removed by an authorised KAESER SERVICE technician.

10.4 Air filter maintenance

The air filter contains a filter element that can be washed but not removed.
If the filter element is heavily clogged, clean with a solvent-based fluid or steam blaster.
Observe safety regulations.
Replace the air filter if it has already been cleaned a number of times.

Material Compressed air for blowing out

Solvent cleaner
Cleaning module
Spares as required

Precondition Cut-off the electrical power supply via the power supply isolating device,
ensure that the device is locked off,
verify the absence of any voltage.
The machine has cooled down.

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10 Maintenance
10.5 Air filter (sound damping) maintenance

Fig. 30 Air filter maintenance

1 Air filter 4 Retaining clip
2 Inlet air opening 5 Cover
3 Filter element

1. Unscrew the air filter from the cylinder head.

2. Release the retaining clip and take off the cover.
3. Blow out the cover and filter element with dry compressed air (<5 bar).
4. Clean the housing and sealing faces.
5. Wet the filter element lightly with oil after cleaning.
6. Position the cover over the element and close the retaining clips.
7. Mount the air filter on the cylinder head so that the inlet opening is facing downwards.
8. Switch on the power supply disconnecting device.

10.5 Option H9
Air filter (sound damping) maintenance
Check that all sealing surfaces match each other. The use of an unsuitable air filter cartridge can
permit dirt to ingress into the pressure system and cause damage to the machine.

Material Compressed air for blowing out

Spares as required

Precondition Cut-off the electrical power supply via the power supply isolating device,
ensure that the device is locked off,
verify the absence of any voltage.
The machine has cooled down.

Fig. 31 Option H9: Air filter (sound damping) maintenance

1 Air filter cartridge 3 Retaining clip
2 Inlet air opening 4 Cover

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No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 69
10 Maintenance
10.6 Air filter (plastic housing) maintenance

Cleaning the filter element with compressed air

1. Release the retaining clip and take off the cover.

2. Withdraw the filter element.
3. Use dry compressed air (<5 bar!) to blow dirt from the air filter cartridge at a slant from the in‐
side to the outside.
4. Inspect the air filter element for any damage.
Change the air filter element if damaged.

5. Clean the housing and sealing faces.

6. Replace the filter element.
7. Position the cover and close the retaining clips.
8. Switch on the power supply disconnecting device.

10.6 Option H10

Air filter (plastic housing) maintenance
Check that all sealing surfaces match each other. The use of an unsuitable air filter cartridge can
permit dirt to ingress into the pressure system and cause damage to the machine.

Material Compressed air for blowing out

Spares as required

Precondition Cut-off the electrical power supply via the power supply isolating device,
ensure that the device is locked off,
verify the absence of any voltage.
The machine has cooled down.

Fig. 32 Option H10: Air filter (plastic housing) maintenance

1 Cover
2 Air filter cartridge
3 Air filter housing

Cleaning the filter element with compressed air

1. Unscrew and remove the cover.

2. Withdraw the filter element.
3. Use dry compressed air (<5 bar!) to blow dirt from the air filter cartridge at a slant from the in‐
side to the outside.

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10 Maintenance
10.7 Drive motor maintenance

4. Inspect the air filter element for any damage.

Change the air filter element if damaged.

5. Clean the housing and sealing faces.

6. Replace the filter element.
7. Replace the cover and screw down tight.
8. Switch on the power supply disconnecting device.

10.7 Drive motor maintenance

The drive motor bearings are permanently greased. Re-greasing is not necessary.
➤ Have the motor bearings checked by an authorised KAESER Service.

10.8 Checking the oil level

The oil level can be read off on the oil sight glass.

Precondition The machine is switched off.

Fig. 33 Checking the oil level

1 Oil sight glass
2 Oil filler and crankcase vent

➤ Read off the oil level daily and before each start-up.

Result Top up when the compressor oil level falls to the minimum mark. Top up the oil

10.9 Topping up the compressor oil

Material Compressor oil

Precondition The supply disconnecting device is switched off.

The disconnecting device is locked off.
A check has been made that no voltage is present.
The machine has cooled down.

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10 Maintenance
10.10 Changing the compressor oil

The machine can be damaged by unsuitable oil.
➤ Never mix different types of oil.
➤ Never top up with a different type of oil to that already used in the machine.

The type of compressor oil used is listed in table 14.

Fig. 34 Topping up the compressor oil

1 Crankcase vent

1. Remove the crankcase vent from the oil filler.

2. Top up to bring the oil to the correct level.
3. Replace the crankcase vent.
4. Start the machine and check the oil level again after about 2 minutes, topping up again, if nec‐
5. Switch off the machine and check visually for leaks.

10.10 Changing the compressor oil

Change the initial charge of oil as specified in table 35
Always drain the oil completely from the compressor block.
If oil level monitoring is fitted, check its function as detailed in chapter 6.9.1.

Material Compressor oil

Oil receptacle

Precondition Machine at operating temperature.

The supply disconnecting device is switched off,
the device is locked off,
the absence of voltage has been verified.

Danger of burning from hot components and scalding from escaping oil.
➤ Wear long-sleeved clothing and gloves.

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72 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
10 Maintenance
10.11 Check the pressure relief valve

Fig. 35 Changing the compressor oil

1 Oil filler port
2 Oil sight glass
3 Oil drain plug

Draining the oil

1. Remove the crankcase vent from the oil filler.

2. Prepare a oil receptacle.
3. Remove the drain plug and allow oil to drain into the receptacle.
4. Replace the drain plug after making sure the gasket is not damaged.
Dispose of the old oil in accordance with valid environmental protection regulations.

Filling with compressor oil

1. Fill with new oil to the maximum mark on the oil sight glass.
2. Replace the crankcase vent.
3. Start the machine and check the oil level again after about 2 minutes, topping up again, if nec‐
4. Switch off the machine and check for leaks.
The compressor oil has become milky white?
It is contaminated with condensate.
➤ Change the oil immediately.
➤ Contact immediately KAESER SERVICE if condensate is detected in the oil.

10.11 Check the pressure relief valve

➤ To test the pressure relief valve, it must be removed from the machine by a
KAESER SERVICE technician and installed on a test rig.

Further information See chapter 2.7 for the activating pressure of the valve.

10.11.1 Pressure relief valves on the cylinder head, collecting pipe and air cooler
To prevent the pressure relief valve's seat from sticking, ensure that the valve is regularly activated
- once a year at the very least.

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10 Maintenance
10.12 Venting the machine (de-pressurising)

The valve opens to protect the machine if the maximum permissible working pressure is ex‐
➤ Never operate the machine without a correctly functioning pressure relief valve.
➤ Do not adjust the pressure relief valve.

Precondition Machine runs in LOAD

Fig. 36 Checking the pressure relief valves on the cylinder head, collecting pipe and air cooler
1 Pressure relief valve B Pressure relief valve in the collecting pipe
2 Knurled knob (1-stage)
A Cylinder head relief valve C Air cooler relief valve (2-stage)

The pressure relief valve may blow off at any time!
Excessive noise is caused when the pressure relief valve blows off!
Injury from flying particles!
➤ Wear ear and eye protection.
➤ Work with caution.
2. Turn the knurled knob on the pressure relief valve anticlockwise until air blows off.
3. Then turn the knurled knob back to its original position.
Pressure relief valve does not blow off?
➤ Have the defective relief valve replaced by KAESER SERVICE.

10.12 Venting the machine (de-pressurising)

Even when switched off, the machine is still under pressure from the air main to the user's check
The machine must be fully disconnected from compressed air network and de-pressurised
before commencing any maintenance or service work requiring an opening of the pressure
If no shut-off valve between machine and compressed air network is provided by the user,
the entire air network must be vented.

Precondition The supply isolating device is switched off,

the device is locked off,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.
The machine has cooled down.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

74 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
10 Maintenance
10.13 Solenoid valve maintenance

Compressed air!
➤ Compressed air and devices under pressure can injure or cause death if the contained en‐
ergy is released suddenly.
➤ Close shut-off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the compressed air network to
ensure that no compressed air can flow back into the machine.
2. Close the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the air distribution network.
3. Vent the machine via the user's venting valve or the solenoid valve integrated in the machine
4. Verify the absence of pressure using a suitable measuring device (pressure gauge).

Further information Further information on user's venting valve are given in chapter 6.6.

10.13 Solenoid valve maintenance

Prior to any work requiring the opening of the pressure system, the machine must be fully isolated
from the compressed air network and completely depressurised.

Material Compressed air for blowing out

Cleaning cloths
Acid-free grease (e. g. Shell Retinax)

Precondition The machine is isolated from the mains,

the device is secured to prevent switching back on,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.
The machine is fully vented (no pressure).
Verify the absence of pressure using a suitable measuring device (pressure gauge).
The user's shut-off valve between the machine and the air network is closed.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 75
10 Maintenance
10.13 Solenoid valve maintenance

10.13.1 Cleaning the solenoid valve

Fig. 37 Cleaning the solenoid valve

1 Solenoid valve 6 Piston
2 Screw 7 Housing
3 Coil 8 Connecting socket
4 Armature 9 Arrow showing flow direction
5 Spring

1. Remove the connecting socket from the solenoid valve.

2. Undo the screw and carefully remove the coil.
3. Clean the armature and piston.
Change the spring if damaged or worn.

4. Reassemble the solenoid valve and fix the connecting socket.

5. Open the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the air distribution network.
6. Start the machine and visually check for leaks.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

76 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
10 Maintenance
10.14 Cylinder head and valves

10.13.2 Replacing the solenoid valve

Fig. 38 Replacing the solenoid valve

1 Solenoid valve 3 Damper
2 Screw connection 4 Connecting socket

1. Remove the connecting socket from the solenoid valve.

2. Unscrew the defective solenoid valve wit damper from double nipple.
3. Remove the damper from the solenoid valve.
4. Mount the new solenoid valve using sealing tape.
When fitting the solenoid valve make sure the direction of flow is correct as indicated by the
arrow on the body.

5. Screw the damper into the new solenoid valve using PTFE sealing tape.
6. Open the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the air distribution network.
7. Start the machine and visually check for leaks.

10.14 Cylinder head and valves

Material Compressed air for blowing out
Cleaning cloths
Spares (as required)

10.14.1 Checking cylinder head and valves

To check the valves' function, check the time required to charge the air receiver.

Precondition Machine at operating temperature.

1. Close the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the air distribution network.
2. Switch on the machine and measure the time required to charge an air receiver.

Result If you find considerable differences in the filling time compared to the machine's status after deliv‐
ery, check the valves for coking.

Further information See chapter 7.7 for more information about measuring the charging time for air receivers.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 77
10 Maintenance
10.14 Cylinder head and valves

10.14.2 Cleaning the cylinder head and valves

The machine must be isolated from the compressed air network and completely vented before un‐
dertaking any work on the air main.

Precondition The power supply isolating device is switched off,

the device is locked off,
the absence of any voltage has been verified.
The machine is fully vented (no pressure).
Verify the absence of pressure using a suitable measuring device (pressure gauge).
The user's shut-off valve between the machine and the air network is closed.

1. Remove the cylinder head screws and lift off the head.
2. Remove the cap nut (if one is fitted).
3. Clean the cylinder head and valves, mount the head with the gasket and tighten the screws

The tightening torque for the cylinder head screws is given in the following table.
Compressor block Tigthening torque MA [Nm]
Screw Cap nut
KC 350 23 –
KC 400 23 –
KC 630 46 –
KC 840 46 –
KC 1100 80 37
KC 1500 80 37

Tab. 38 Tightening torque for cylinder head screws

10.14.3 Starting the machine and performing a trial run

1. Open the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the air distribution network.
2. Switch on the machine.
3. Switch off the machine and check for leaks.
Significant malfunction in cylinder head and valves?
Severe coking
➤ Have a KAESER SERVICE technician replace the cylinder head and valves.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

78 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
10 Maintenance
10.15 Documenting maintenance and service work

10.15 Documenting maintenance and service work

Machine number:
➤ Enter maintenance and service work carried out in the list.

Date Maintenance task carried out Operating hours Signature

Tab. 39 Logged maintenance tasks

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 79
11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service
11.1 Note the nameplate

11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service

11.1 Note the nameplate
The nameplate contains all information to identify your machine. This information is essential to us
in order to provide you with optimal service.
➤ Please give the information from the nameplate with every enquiry and order for spares.

11.2 Ordering consumable parts and operating fluids/materials

KAESER consumable parts and operating materials are original products. They are specifically se‐
lected for use in KAESER machines.

There is risk of personal injury or damage to the machine resulting from the use of unsuita‐
ble spares or operating fluids/materials.
Unsuitable or poor quality consumable parts and operating fluids/materials may damage the
machine or impair its proper function.
Personal injury may result from damage.
➤ Use only original parts and operating fluids/materials.
➤ Have an authorized KAESER SERVICE technician carry out regular maintenance.

Fig. 39 Consumable parts

10 Air filter 30 Air filter element (plastic housing)
20 Air filter element (silenced) 40 Solenoid valve


Name Option Quantity Number

Air filter 1/2 1) 10
Air filter element (silenced) H9 1/21) 20
Air filter element (plastic housing) H10 1/21) 30
Solenoid valve 1 40
Compressor oil SAE 5 W30 0.5l 9.4943.00010
Compressor oil VDL 150 1.0l 9.0894.1
Compressor oil FGP 1.0l 9.0874.0
depending on machine

Tab. 40 Consumable parts

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

80 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service


■ Authorised service technicians with KAESER factory training
■ Increased operational reliability ensured by preventive maintenance
■ Energy savings achieved by avoidance of pressure losses
■ optimum conditions for operation of the compressed air system,
■ The security of genuine KAESER spares.
■ Increased legal certainty as all regulations are kept to.

➤ It make sense to sign a KAESER AIR SERVICE maintenance agreement.

Your advantage:
lower costs and higher compressed air availability.

11.4 Replacement parts for service and repair

➤ Make sure that any service or repair tasks not described in this manual are carried out by
an authorized KAESER SERVICE Technician.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 81
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.1 De-commissioning

12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport

12.1 De-commissioning
De-commissioning is necessary, for example, under the following circumstances:
■ The machine is (temporarily) not needed.
■ The machine is to be moved to another location.
■ The machine is to be scrapped.

Temporary de-commissioning

Precondition The machine can be started at regular intervals.

➤ Run the machine once a week under load for at least 30 minutes to ensure sufficient corrosion

Long-term de-commissioning

Precondition The machine must have run for at least 30 minutes before before long-term de-commissioning.
The power supply isolating device is switched off,
it has been locked off against unintentional reactivation and
the absence of voltage has been verified.
The machine is fully vented (depressurised).
Verify the absence of pressure using a suitable measuring device (pressure gauge).

1. Allow the machine to completely cool down.

2. Spray the valves and cylinder bore with Shell Ensis 20 preserving oil.
The oil does not need to be removed when re-commissioning.

3. Disconnect all air and electrical connections.

4. Spray all contacts and terminals with a preservative (e.g. Rivalto, W.S.X.).

12.2 Packing
A wooden crate is required for overland transport to protect the machine from mechanical damage.
Other measures must be taken for the transport of machines by sea or air. Please contact an au‐
thorized KAESER SERVICE technician for more information.

Material Desiccant
Plastic sheeting
Wooden crate

Precondition The machine is decommissioned.

Machine is dry and cooled down.

1. Wrap the machine fully in plastic sheeting.

2. Place sufficient desiccant (e.g. silica gel) inside the plastic sheeting.
3. Protect the machine in a wooden crate against mechanical damages.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

82 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.3 Storage

12.3 Storage
Moisture can lead to corrosion, particularly on the surfaces of the compressor block.
Frozen moisture can damage components, valve diaphragms and gaskets.
Please consult with KAESER if you have questions to the appropriate storage and commis‐

Moisture and frost can damage the machine!
➤ Prevent ingress of moisture and formation of condensation.
➤ Maintain a storage temperature of >0 °C.
2. Store the machine in a dry, frost-proof room.

12.4 Transport
12.4.1 Safety
Mass and centre of gravity determine the most suitable method of transportation.
Please consult with KAESER if you intend to transport the machine in freezing temperatures.

Precondition Transport only by forklift truck or lifting gear only by personnel trained in the safe transportation of

➤ Ensure the danger area is clear of personnel.

12.4.2 Transport with a forklift truck

Precondition Machine is standing on a suitable transport medium (pallet).

Fig. 40 Transporting with a forklift truck

➤ Drive the forks completely under the palette and lift carefully.

12.4.3 Transport with a crane

Suitable lifting gear ensures correct transportation.
The lifting slings must be fed under the machine.

Examples of unsuitable fixing points:

■ Pipes and pipe sockets

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 83
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.5 Disposal

➤ Please consult with KAESER if you have questions to the appropriate lifting gear.

Precondition The lifting gear complies with local safety regulations.

Fig. 41 Transporting with a crane

The machine can be damaged by incorrect attachment of the lifting gear!
➤ Do not attach the lifting gear to any of the machine components.
➤ The manufacturer can advise on the use of suitable lifting gear.
2. Use the lifting gear correctly and lift the machine carefully.

12.5 Disposal
When disposing of a machine, drain out all liquids and remove dirty filters.

Precondition The machine is decommissioned.

1. Completely drain the oil from the machine.

2. Remove old filters.
3. Hand the machine over to an authorized disposal expert.
➤ Components contaminated with oil must be disposed of in accordance with local environ‐
ment protection regulations.

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

84 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P&I diagram)

13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P&I diagram)

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 85
13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P&I diagram)

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

86 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P&I diagram)

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

No.: 9_5752 24 E EPC-G 87
13 Annex
13.2 Dimensional Drawing

13.2 Dimensional Drawing

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

88 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
89 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E
1-stage piston compressor Assembly and operating manual
Die Zeichnung bleibt unser ausschließliches Eigentum. Sie wird nur zu dem vereinbarten Zweck anvertraut und darf zu keinem Drawings remain our exclusive property. They are entrusted only for the agreed purpose. Copies or any other reproduction, Entwicklungsbedingte
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noch Vervielfältigungen dürfen Dritten ausgehändigt oder in sonstiger Weise zugänglich gemacht werden. geändert werden.
EPC 440-G
EPC 340-G

EPC 230-2-G
EPC 150-2-G

A A(C5) B

520 600 440

510 570 430
520 600 500
520 550 330






A (C5)
ø40 ø40
ø40 ø40
ø40 ø40
ø50 ø50

GF F(H1) F(H20)



G(H1) G(H20)





O F (H1)
N (H1)




M (H9)

G (H1)

250 280
240 270
250 280
140 170


10246364 D 00
10246364 D 00

Dokument TZD
Dokument TZM

M 8 M 10
M 8 M 10
M 8 M 10
170 M 10 M 10
M M(H9) M(H10) N(H1) N(H20)

Änderungs-Nr. Projektion Maßstab



M (H10)
G 3/8
G 3/8
G 1/2
G 3/8

EPC.1 -G H12 H13




Abmessungen u. Anschlussmaße

OF (H20)
N (H20)


Freigeg. 27.05.2013 WETTERMANN1

27.05.2013 WETTERMANN1
22.04.2013 WETTERMANN1


G (H20) C


1 von 3
Stand 12.11.2012
Dimensional Drawing 13.2
Annex 13
A A(C5) B C D E F F(H1) F(H20) G G(H1) G(H20) I J K L M M(H9) M(H10) N(H1) N(H20) O P Q R
EPC 630-G 640 660 570 540 250 275 ø 50 ø 50 ø 50 40 45 20 280 220 70 229 290 320 310 M 10 M 10 10 G 1/2 ø 15 11
EPC 840-G 640 650 590 550 250 275 ø 50 ø 50 ø 50 40 45 20 280 220 80 229 300 320 320 M 10 M 10 10 G 3/4 ø 20 13
EPC 1100-G 800 810 700 610 320 350 ø 50 ø 50 ø 50 40 45 30 300 280 250 350 360 400 M 10 M 10 10 G 3/4 ø 20 13
EPC 1500-G 810 820 800 650 320 350 ø 50 ø 50 ø 50 45 45 30 310 300 250 400 420 430 M 10 M 10 10 G 3/4 ø 20 13
EPC 420-2-G 640 660 570 580 250 275 ø 50 ø 50 ø 55 45 45 40 280 220 70 229 300 320 320 M 10 M 10 10 G 1/2 ø 15 11
EPC 550-2-G 640 650 600 610 250 275 ø 50 ø 50 ø 55 45 45 40 280 220 80 229 330 340 380 M 10 M 10 10 G 3/4 ø 20 13

Änderungen vorbehalten.
Zeichnung darf nur über CAD
geändert werden.
EPC 750-2-G 800 810 670 630 320 350 ø 50 ø 50 ø 55 40 45 40 300 280 250 380 390 430 M 10 M 10 10 G 3/4 ø 20 13
EPC 1000-2-G 800 810 720 650 320 350 ø 50 ø 50 ø 55 40 45 40 300 280 250 400 420 430 M 10 M 10 10 G 3/4 ø 20 13


Assembly and operating manual


Dimensional Drawing


Drawings remain our exclusive property. They are entrusted only for the agreed purpose. Copies or any other reproduction,
including storage, treatment and dissemination by use of electronic systems must not be made for any other than the agreed
purpose. Neither originals nor reproductions may be given to or made available to third parties.

M (H9) M (H10)

1-stage piston compressor

H1 H10

N (H1)
G (H1)

O F (H1)

G (H20)

Änderungs-Nr. Projektion Maßstab Datum Name

Gez. 22.04.2013 WETTERMANN1
Dokument TZM Original Bearb. 27.05.2013 WETTERMANN1 Sprache Blatt
10246364 D 00 A3 Freigeg. 27.05.2013 WETTERMANN1 D 2 von 3

N (H20) Dokument TZD Bezeichnung

10246364 D 00 EPC.1 -G H12 H13
A (C5) K O F (H20) Status Abmessungen u. Anschlussmaße
Stand 12.11.2012

Die Zeichnung bleibt unser ausschließliches Eigentum. Sie wird nur zu dem vereinbarten Zweck anvertraut und darf zu keinem
anderen Zweck verwendet werden. Kopien oder sonstige Vervielfältigungen einschließlich Speicherung, Verarbeitung oder
Verbreitung unter Verwendung elektronischer Systeme dürfen nur zu dem vereinbarten Zweck angefertigt werden. Weder Original
noch Vervielfältigungen dürfen Dritten ausgehändigt oder in sonstiger Weise zugänglich gemacht werden.

No.: 9_5752 24 E
A B C D E F F(H1) G G(H1) G(H14) N O P Q R Z
EPC 340-G 810 470 640 700 375 ø 50 ø 50 40 45 73 M 10 10 G 3/8 ø 12,5 9 > 300
EPC 440-G 810 470 640 700 375 ø 50 ø 50 40 40 73 M 10 10 G 1/2 ø 15 11 > 300
EPC 630-G 920 610 730 700 375 ø 50 ø 50 40 45 73 M 10 10 G 1/2 ø 15 11 > 500
EPC 840-G 920 610 730 700 375 ø 50 ø 50 40 45 73 M 10 10 G 3/4 ø 20 13 > 500
EPC 1100-G 1090 730 800 913 446 ø 50 ø 50 40 45 73 M 10 10 G 3/4 ø 20 13 > 500

No.: 9_5752 24 E
EPC 1500-G 1090 730 800 913 446 ø 50 ø 50 40 45 73 M 10 10 G 3/4 ø 20 13 > 500

Änderungen vorbehalten.
Zeichnung darf nur über CAD
geändert werden.
EPC 150-2-G 810 470 640 700 375 ø 50 ø 50 40 40 73 M 10 10 G 3/8 ø 12,5 9 > 300
EPC 230-2-G 810 470 640 700 375 ø 50 ø 50 40 40 73 M 10 10 G 3/8 ø 12,5 9 > 300
EPC 420-2-G 920 610 730 700 375 ø 50 ø 50 40 40 73 M 10 10 G 1/2 ø 15 11 > 500
EPC 550-2-G 920 610 730 700 375 ø 50 ø 50 40 40 73 M 10 10 G 3/4 ø 20 13 > 500
EPC 750-2-G 1090 730 800 913 446 ø 50 ø 50 40 45 73 M 10 10 G 3/4 ø 20 13 > 500
EPC 1000-2-G 1090 730 800 913 446 ø 50 ø 50 40 45 73 M 10 10 G 3/4 ø 20 13 > 500




Assembly and operating manual

Dimensional Drawing


Drawings remain our exclusive property. They are entrusted only for the agreed purpose. Copies or any other reproduction,
including storage, treatment and dissemination by use of electronic systems must not be made for any other than the agreed
purpose. Neither originals nor reproductions may be given to or made available to third parties.

1-stage piston compressor


Änderungs-Nr. Projektion Maßstab Datum Name

Gez. 22.04.2013 WETTERMANN1
G (H14) H14 Dokument TZM Original Bearb. 27.05.2013 WETTERMANN1 Sprache Blatt
N 10246364 D 00 A3 Freigeg. 27.05.2013 WETTERMANN1 D 3 von 3

Dokument TZD Bezeichnung
ø F (H1) 10246364 D 00

G (H1)
EPC.1 -G H12 H13
Status Abmessungen u. Anschlussmaße
Stand 12.11.2012

Die Zeichnung bleibt unser ausschließliches Eigentum. Sie wird nur zu dem vereinbarten Zweck anvertraut und darf zu keinem
anderen Zweck verwendet werden. Kopien oder sonstige Vervielfältigungen einschließlich Speicherung, Verarbeitung oder
Verbreitung unter Verwendung elektronischer Systeme dürfen nur zu dem vereinbarten Zweck angefertigt werden. Weder Original
noch Vervielfältigungen dürfen Dritten ausgehändigt oder in sonstiger Weise zugänglich gemacht werden.

13 Annex
13.2 Dimensional Drawing

Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor

92 EPC-G No.: 9_5752 24 E

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