Micro Processor Based Temperature Contro

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



Mulwa P.K1, Muia L.M2, Ogola W.O3

Faculty of Engineering, Egerton University, P.O Box 11070-00400 Nairobi, Kenya
Faculty of Applied Science and Technology, Physics Department, Technical University of Kenya, P.O Box 52428 -
00200 Nairobi, Kenya.
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Technical University of Kenya, P.O Box 52428 -00200, Nairobi, Kenya

Radio frequency (RF) signal amplification was considered to solve the power transistor’s problems caused by temperature. The
goal is to minimize power losses and maximize signal area of coverage. The problems are drift, gain loss and failures in power
transistors. This is mainly caused by temperatures exceeding preset design limit. These problems lead to low radio frequency
power output and white noise in output signal. Micro-Processor based temperature controller was designed to solve the problem.
Experiment was carried out to determine the required air flow rate at a certain ambient temperature and power transistor
temperature. Intercooled stata 8.0 software was used and gave characteristic depicting power loss and the regression coefficient
(r2) for the independent and dependent variables. Through the research, design and testing an intelligent temperature controller
monitoring both ambient air and power transistors temperature hence realizing the required ambient air flow rate was achieved.
This enhanced RF power transistors to increase the power of carrier signals, increase the range of radio waves and suppress noise
in the wanted signals.

Keywords: Power loss, Temperature, Drift, Gain Loss, White Noise.


1. INTRODUCTION proportional to the absolute temperature of the amplifier is

fed to the temperature control circuitry. The control circuit
During signal transmission, heat is generated, which leads to compares the sensor current with the temperature set point
an increase in power transistors temperature. This makes the current and the difference is used for the control. However
power transistors to be pushed to the saturation point. At amplifier drift remains a problem to be solved since
high temperatures transistors normally draw more current. temperature gradient exists between a semiconductor
This makes them to operate beyond cut off region causing substrate and the peltier junction [4].
drift, low radio frequency (RF) output power and subjecting
the required signals to white/thermal noise.
1.3 Broadcast electronics (BE) Transmitter
The research investigated temperature effects on power Temperature Control
transistors and tried to enhance better temperature regulation
hence power losses minimized and noise signals suppresed. It’s an air cooled suction blowers running at a constant
speed. It acts by reducing the RF power output to stabilize
the temperature [5].
1.1 Proportional Integral Differential (PID) Control
This controller combines proportional control with two 2. RESEARCH METHOD.
additional adjustments which helps the unit to compensate
for the changes. These adjustments, integral and derivative 2.1 Design of Temperature Control System
are expressed in time based unit. The proportional, integral This section dealt with the actual design of the temperature
and derivative terms must be individually adjusted in a control system. The section was divided into two main parts,
system using trial and error method. The PID controllers

perform poorly in some applications and do not in general

Hardware development
provide optimal control. The fundamental difficulty with Microcontroller software development
PID control is that, it is a feedback system, with constant
parameters and no direct knowledge of the process. Thus the The hardware system was important because it did the actual
overall performance is reactive and compromise [1 – 2]. implementation of the desired control. However, the
software is what enabled the hardware to do what was
1.2 Heat Sink Temperature Control required.
A peltier cooling system for solid state operational amplifier
reduces the bias current [3]. The sense output which is

Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 791
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

2.2 Hardware Development

The hardware development consisted of the design of six
blocks of the temperature control system. These parts


The power supply

The temperature detection system

The man-to-machine communication interface

The machine-to-man communication interface
The cooling system’s actuation and control

The system control unit

Each of the blocks performed a specific function that

contributed to making the entire system work as shown in
Figure 2.1.

2.3 System Control Unit

To achieve the entire functional temperature control system,
ATmega32 microcontroller, two LM35 precision centigrade
temperature sensors, matrix keypad, LCD and LEDs for
display and motor were used. The microcontroller is an 8-bit
powerful general purpose processor with integrated
peripheral features. It minimizes the need to have additional
interfaces to get a fully functional control system. For
example, the microcontroller comes with an inbuilt 8-
channel ADC with a 10-bit resolution. It also has an inbuilt
noise canceller making it very immune to noise signals. Figure 2.1 Full Circuit Diagram
With the ability to be clocked up to 16MHz, the chip is fast
enough and hence allows for temperature control.

The microcontroller also has 14 PWM modes, giving the

designer a choice of PWM generation to use. In addition to
the PWM channels, there is a multiplexed Input Capture Pin
(ICP) which allows the system to capture signals from a
tachometer directly and hence enable the system to be able
to detect rate of motion of a motor or other devices. Due to
availability of 32 multiplexed bidirectional input/output
pins, inbuilt EEPROM memory, a large flash memory,
internal and external interrupt control channels and inbuilt
serial communication channels, ATmega32 was ideal as a
single controller of multiple hardware systems, hence the
choice [6 – 8].

The complete circuit diagram is shown in Figure 2.1. Figure

2.2 on the other hand shows the assembled unit of the
micro-processor based temperature controller.

Fig 2.2 Assembled Microprocessor temperature controller

2.4 Software Development

The temperature control system required control software to
run. This was developed using AVRStudio designed for
Atmel’s microcontrollers. The AVRStudio uses assembly
and C programming languages for software development.
Hence the software was mainly developed in C but some
low-level functionality were developed using Assembly
programming language.

Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 792
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

The software was developed in a modular manner and

consisted of the following main modules

System initialization code
ADC control code for sampling temperature
readings and calculating the current temperature

The keypad logic control code for executing

commands based on keypad entries
The LCD control code for controlling the display,
in conjunction with the indicator LED software

The cooling system ON/OFF control system, speed

regulation and variation of the ambient air flow rate
To achieve this it was as in the flow charts shown in figures
2.3 to 2.6.

Fig 2.4 Keypad control logic flow chart

Fig 2.3 System Initialization flow chart

Fig 2.5 LCD display control logic flow chart

Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 793
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

2.3 Data Presentation

Experiments were carried out and data collected after every
half an hour at various power transistors (FET) randomly as
shown in the table 2.0.

Fig 2.6 Motor speed control flow chart

Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 794
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Table 2: Data Presentation

Re Time of Ambient FET FWD RF Microp Microp Microproc FWD RFL
f. the day Temperature Temper Powe L rocesso rocesso essor- power power
Ther LM3 ature r Po r- r- controlled (KW) with
mom 5 Fan (KW) wer controll control Q (m3/s) with microproc
eter Sens speed Fan (W) ed FET led micropr essor-
Rea or Constan speed Tempe RPM ocessor- controlled
ding Read t Const rature controlle temperatu
ing ant d FET re
tempera (KWx10-
ture )
1 7.00am 20 20.4 21.2 2.0 2 21.1 1440 55.1232 2.2 2
2 7.30am 22 22.2 25.5 2.0 2 25.4 1700 65.076 2.2 2
3 8.00am 22 22.5 26.4 2.0 2 26.3 1752 67.06656 2.2 2
4 8.30am 22.5 22.8 28.4 2.0 2 27.3 1804 69.05712 2.2 2
5 9.00am 23 23.4 29.5 2.0 2 28.7 1856 71.04768 2.2 2
6 9.30am 23.5 23.8 31.4 2.0 2 30.1 1960 75.0288 2.2 2
7 10.00am 24 24.3 33.6 1.9 2 32.5 2064 79.00992 2.2 2
8 10.30am 25 25.3 36.1 1.85 2 34.9 2168 82.99104 2.2 2
9 11.00am 27 27.4 40.2 1.8 2 37.8 2324 88.96272 2.1 2
10 11.30am 27 27.3 42.3 1.7 2 39.7 2436 93.25008 2.1 2
11 12.00pm 27 27.4 45.6 1.65 2 41.6 2532 96.92496 2.0 2
12 12.30pm 26.5 26.8 46.4 1.60 2 43.1 2636 100.90608 2.0 2
13 1.00pm 25 25.3 44.6 1.65 2 42.1 2584 98.91552 2.0 2
14 1.30pm 25 25.3 44 1.65 2 41.6 2532 96.92496 2.0 2
15 2.00pm 24.5 24.9 42.8 1.7 2 39.2 2428 92.94384 2.1 2
16 2.30pm 24.5 24.8 39.9 1.75 2 37.3 2324 88.96272 2.1 2
17 3.00pm 24.5 24.8 38.9 1.75 2 35.9 2220 84.9816 2.1 2
18 3.30pm 24 24.4 36.5 1.8 2 34.9 2168 82.99104 2.1 2
19 4.00pm 24 24.3 33.2 1.8 2 32.1 2064 79.00992 2.2 2
20 4.30pm 24 24.3 31.7 1.85 2 30.6 1960 75.0288 2.2 2
21 5.00pm 23.5 23.7 30.2 1.85 2 29.7 1908 73.03824 2.2 2
22 5.30pm 23 23.4 28.8 1.9 2 28.2 1856 71.04768 2.2 2
23 6.00pm 22.5 22.9 27.3 1.9 2 26.8 1752 67.06656 2.2 2
24 6.30pm 22.5 22.8 26.1 2.0 2 25.8 1700 65.076 2.2 2
25 7.00pm 22 22.4 25.3 2.0 2 24.9 1648 63.08544 2.2 2
26 7.30pm 21.5 21.8 23.8 2.0 2 23.4 1596 61.09488 2.2 2


The experiment was done on different combinations in
regard to the forward power. Measurements were carried out
and gave the characteristics as shown in figures 3.0 to 3.2

Fig 3.0: Variation of forward power with uncontrolled and

microprocessor-controlled FET temperature with regard to
the time of the day

Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 795
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

It is clear from Figure 3.0 that the microprocessor-controlled

FET temperature has a lower recovery time and higher
forward power compared to when the FET temperature is
controlled unintelligently.

Using Intercooled STATA 8.0, the characteristics depicting

the power loss were as shown in Figure 3.1and 3.2 [9].

Fig 3.2: Variation of forward power with auto-controlled

FET temperature

The calculated total area of the Figure 3.2 is 5.58cm2.

Relating the power loss to the area of the Figure 3.2 in
regard to temperature change

P1 
Q2  Q1

Fig 3.1: Variation of forward power with FET temperature Where P1 is power, Q1 is the lower temperature, and Q 2 is
(Fan speed constant) the upper (maximum) temperature measured.
The calculated total area of the Figure 3.1 is 13.32775 cm2.

P1 
Relating the power loss to the area of the Figure 3.1 in 5.58
43.1  21.1
regard to temperature change,

P1  0.2536 cm 2 / C
P1 
Q2  Q1
Hence percentage loss of power is 25.36%, giving a loss of
Where P1 is power, Q1 is the lower temperature, and Q 2 is 0. 254 KW/ oC of temperature rise. From the analysis above,
the upper (maximum) temperature measured. it is clearly shown that the microprocessor-controlled FET
temperature contributed much in maintaining the output
Hence power of the transmitter as compared to the unintelligent
controlled FET temperature. The ratio between P1 and P2 is

P1 
2.08. Hence the microprocessor controlled temperature was
46.4  21.2
a factor of 2 better in stabilizing output power than the fan
alone. It’s also clearly shown that the power recovery time is
P1  0.5289 cm 2 / C

3.1 Validity of the System

Hence percentage loss of power is 52.89% (in this part, note
that the Y axis has units in kW so that P1 = 0.5289 KW/ oC) Validity test was conducted to ascertain the significance of
the collected data in regard to the dependent and
independent variables in maintaining the RF output power
and signal quality.

This involved:
i. The validity of monitoring ambient air temperature
and power transistors temperature.
ii. The ability of auto varying the motor speed hence
varying the ambient flow rate according to the
prevailing temperature.

Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 796
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

iii. The ability of the system to record data within 5 Hence regression analysis was done on the variables using
seconds and display it on the LCD in a readable the Least Square method to get the best fit straight line with
form. the data from Table 3.0[10].

Table 3.0 regression analysis

Squared value of
Microprocessor- Microprocessor- Squared value of
controlled FET controlled FET Microprocessor- Microprocessor-
Temperature Temperature controlled Q (m3/s) controlled Q

(x) (x2) (y) (y2) xy

21.1 445.21 55.1232 3038.5672 1163.0995

25.4 645.16 65.076 4234.8858 1652.9304

26.3 691.69 67.06656 4497.9235 1763.8505
27.3 745.29 69.05712 4768.8858 1885.2594
28.7 823.69 71.04768 5047.7728 2039.0684
30.1 906.01 75.0288 5629.3208 2258.3669
32.5 1056.25 79.00992 6242.5675 2567.8224
34.9 1218.01 82.99104 6887.5127 2896.3873
37.8 1428.84 88.96272 7914.3656 3362.7908
39.7 1576.09 93.25008 8695.5774 3702.0282
41.6 1730.56 96.92496 9394.4479 4032.0783
43.1 1857.61 100.90608 10182.037 4349.0521
42.1 1772.41 98.91552 9784.2801 4164.3434
41.6 1730.56 96.92496 9394.4479 4032.0783
39.2 1536.64 92.94384 8638.5574 3643.3985

 x 511.4 x 2
18164.02  y 1233.2285 y 2
 104351.1493  xy 43512.5545

The regression equation is y  a 0  a1 x

a1    2.0141
S xy 1467.6848

 x
Evaluating for the regression equation S xx 728.6893

S xx   x   18164.02 
y  82.2152
2 2
2 1233.2285

 728.6893
n 15 15
x  34.0933
 y

S yy   y
  104351.1493  a 0  y  a1 x
2 2

 82.2152  2.0141  34.0933


 2960.9837
n 15
 13.5479

S xy   xy 
 x y  43512.5545  511.4  1233.2285  13.55

 1467.6848
n 15

Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 797
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Thus the regression coefficient r2 is as shown 3.2 Discussion

r  
From the analysis, it is clearly shown that, the
S xy2 1467.6848 2
S xx  S yy 728.6893  2960.9837
2 microprocessor controlled power transistors (field effect
transistors – FET) temperature, contributed much in

 0.998360
maintaining the radio frequency output power as compared
to the unintelligent power transistor temperature controller.
The ratio between P1 and P2 referring to figures 3.1 and 3.2
Hence, evaluating the value of y using the equation is 2.08. Hence the microprocessor controlled temperature

y  a 0  a1 x
was by a factor of 2 better in stabilizing the RF output
power than the fan running at a constant speed. This meant
high strength of the carrier frequency. Thus improved signal

y1  13.55  (2.01  21.1)  55.96  56

to noise ratio was achieved, leading to a high quality signal.

Referring to figure 3.0, the microprocessor controller

Using the formula for y, the rest are; minimised the RF output power fluctuations as compared to
the fan running at constant speed.. This led to maintaining
the range of radio waves thus better signal coverage.
y1=56 y9=90
y2=65 y10=93 Temperature being fully controlled indicates that, power
transistors are not pushed to conduct at the saturation region
y3=66 y11=97
or beyond the cut off region. This means an increased
y4=68 y12=100 lifespan of the power transistors, hence minimal cost of
y5=71 y13=98 running a transmitter.
y6=74 y14=97
y7=79 y15=92 Using the least square method analysis, gave a regression
coefficient (r2) of 0.99836. This showed the positive
relationship between the FET temperature and ambient air
flow rate. Thus much of the variation in temperature can be
Evaluating for the regression equation yields a regression controlled by the volumetric flow rate as it caters for 99% of
coefficient of r2=0.998360 the variations.
Figure 3.3 shows the regression line depicting the FET
temperature and flow rate relationship.
The FET microprocessor temperature controller increased
the effectiveness of the transmitter by stabilizing the
Regression Line of Volumetric Flow Forward Power. This is because there is minimal reduction
Rate (y) on Microprocessor-controlled of radio frequency power and smaller recovery time in
FET Temperature (x) response to temperature changes. This indicates that by use
of the microcontroller-based temperature controller, there is
120 increased signal coverage and better quality signal is
Volumetric Flow Rate

100 achieved since signal amplitude is well maintained and

80 noise suppressed.
60 01x
Energy saving is also achieved, since the intelligent
40 temperature controller reduces power consumption at low
20 Linear temperatures and increases consumption at high
(y=13.55+2. temperatures to enhance temperature regulation.
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positively to increase in temperature.

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

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Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 799

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