NSEB 2022-23 - (Question & Answers)

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Date: 27/11/2022 Test Booklet Code


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Questions & Answers

Time : 120 Minutes Max. Marks : 216
National Standard Examination in
Biology (NSEB) 2022-23
(1) There is 60 questions in this paper.
(2) Question paper has two parts. In Part A1 (Q. No. 1 to 48) each question has four alternatives, out
of which only one is correct. Choose the correct alternative and fill the appropriate bubble, as

Q. No. 22
a c d

In Part A2 (Q. No. 49 to 60) each question has four alternatives, out of which any number of
alternative (s) (1, 2, 3 or 4) may be correct. You have to choose ALL correct alternatives and fill the
appropriate bubble (s), as shown.

Q. No. 52
a c

(3) For Part A1, each correct answer carries 3 marks whereas 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong
answer. In Part A2, you get 6 marks if all the correct alternatives are marked. No negative marks
in this part.


A - 1 (Attempt All Sixty Questions)


1. MHC-I is expressed by almost all normal cells but not abnormal and infected cells. Cells of which of the following
lymphoid lineages recognize tumor cells and virus-infected abnormal cells by the absence of MHC-I?
(a) Th Cells. (b) Tc Cells.
(c) NK Cell. (d) B Cell
Answer (c)
2. Empirical data suggests that optimal group size of animals is determined by costs and benefits associated with
it. When predation risk and success rate were studied in prey-predator relationships, following graphs were
obtained. Four possible factors that influence the group sizes of prey populations are given below.

I. Conspicuousness of group
II. Shared vigilance
III. Confusion effect
IV. Every individual with equal chance of being attacked
Match these against the correct graphs marked P, Q, and R:


(a) I II, III IV


(c) IV II, III I

(d) I II, III IV

Answer (a/d)
3. In a protein structure, -helix hairpin, -hairpin and -- unit are the examples of:
(a) Secondary structure
(b) Super secondary structure
(c) Tertiary structure
(d) Quaternary structure
Answer (b)


4. The immunoglobin (X) is present on mast cells and basophils. When bound to an antigen, it triggers the release
of (Y) that causes (Z). Here X, Y and Z respectively refers to:
(a) IgA, Histamine and inflammation (b) IgM, Interleukin and allergy
(c) IgE, Histamine and allergy (d) IgD, Histamine and Interleukin
Answer (c)
5. Compare adults of the animals listed below and find out which animal has both higher annual energy expenditure
and higher energy expenditure per unit body weight per day?
(a) Python (b) Frog
(c) Man (d) Penguin
Answer (d)
6. The correct sequence of arrangement in the decreasing order of size for Hemoglobin, E.coli ribosome and
Tobacco mosaic virus (T.M.V.) is:
(a) E.coli ribosome > T.M.V. > hemoglobin (b) Hemoglobin > T.M.V. > E.coli ribosome
(c) T.M.V. > hemoglobin > E.coli ribosome (d) Hemoglobin > E.coli ribosome > T.M.V.
Answer (a)
7. Which of the following animals is triploblastic, acoelomate and with ciliated body surface?
(a) Obelia (b) Taenia
(c) Planaria (d) Fasciola
Answer (c)
8. Several factors can influence optimal flock size in birds. The following graph indicates % time spend in three
major lifestyle habits by birds of different flock size.

The three habits I, II and III respectively are:

(a) Feeding, scanning, fighting (b) Fighting, feeding, scanning
(c) Scanning, feeding, fighting (d) Feeding, fighting, scanning
Answer (b)
9. Predatory insects with two pairs of functional wings with an incomplete metamorphosis are
(a) Dragonflies (b) Wasps
(c) Caddisflies (d) Moths
Answer (a)
10. Which of the following tools is used to determine the 3D structure of protein?
(a) X-rays (b) Mass spectrometry
(c) Liquid chromatography (d) 2D gel electrophoresis
Answer (a)
11. Among the following amino acids, arginine could have an ionic interaction with
(a) Lysine
(b) Glutamic acid
(c) Valine
(d) Methionine
Answer (b)


12. Embryos of reptiles, birds and mammals have extraembryonic membranes. They perform essential functions for
the developing embryo.
Match the predominant function with each type of membrane.

Membrane Function

(i) Yolk sac (P) Storing metabolic waste

(ii) Chorion (Q) Source of food

(iii) Allantois (R) Gas exchange

(iv) Amnion (S) Fluid enclosing and protecting embryo

(a) (i)-(Q), (ii)-(S), (iii)-(P), (iv)-(S)

(b) (i)-(S), (ii)-(P), (iii)-(Q), (iv)-(R)
(c) (i)-(Q), (ii)-(R), (iii)-(P), (iv)-(S)
(d) (i)-(S), (ii)-(Q), (iii)-(R), (iv)-(P)
Answer (c)
13. Consider the following five animals:
Horse, House cat, Leopard, Tortoise and Wolf.

If they have to be correctly classified cladistically using the following scheme, what will be the characters at I, II
and IV respectively?
(a) I: carnivory II: hair IV: purring
(b) I: hair II: purring IV: carnivory
(c) I: purring II: hair IV: carnivory
(d) I: hair II: carnivory IV: purring
Answer (d)
14. Birds show an adaptive cross-connection between blood vessels that increases the flexibility of their neck. The
anastomosis between blood vessels of left and right side, allowing blood to flow freely even when the head twists
and one of the vessels in pinched, is:
(a) Carotid anastomosis
(b) Cranial anastomosis
(c) Jugular anastomosis
(d) Branchial anastomosis
Answer (c)


15. An animal who is known to be a marsupial shows the following body features:
• Almost hairless big ears • Forelimbs with sharp claws
• Grey coat color • Long sticky snout
What can be deduced about the animal’s habits/habitat?
i. The animal is likely to be diurnal ii. The animal is likely to dig deep burrows.
iii. The habitat is likely to be sandy deserts. iv. The animal is likely to be insectivorous.
(a) i and ii only (b) ii, iii and iv only
(c) ii and iii only (d) all the four
Answer (d)
16. Carefully observe the experimental setup given below. Hydrogen carbonate indicator is a cherry red coloured
pH indicator which turns yellow in acidic conditions and purple in alkaline conditions. At the start of the
experiment, equal quantities of this indicator (cherry red in colour) were added to each tube. A healthy green leaf
of the same size was enclosed in each tube. The tubes were then kept for 15 min in a water bath to avoid heating
due to the light source.

After incubation for a certain period of time, what would be the colour of the indicator in tubes I, II and III
(a) Cherry red, Cherry red, Yellow (b) Yellow, Cherry red, Purple
(c) Purple, Yellow, Cherry red (d) Yellow, Purple, Cherry red
Answer (b)
17. Cyanogen bromide (CNBr) is a very selective agent that splits peptide bonds on the carbonyl side of every
methionine residue in a protein. The number of polypeptides that will result from cutting of given protein by CNBr
NH3+ ~~~~~ Met Met ~~~~~~ Met ~~~ Met ~~~~~ COO –
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6
Answer (c)
18. A hypothetical population had alleles “A” and “a” with frequencies 0.9 and 0.1 respectively. The genotypic
frequencies of “AA”, “Aa” and “aa” were 0.81, 0.18 and 0.01 respectively. Suppose a negative selection pressure
acts against the dominant phenotype resulting in the reduction of the frequency of A in the present generation
from 0.9 to 0.8, then the genotypic frequencies of the zygotes formed would be respectively
(a) 0.81; 0.18 and 0.01 (b) 0.64; 0.32 and 0.04
(c) 0.8; 0.1 and 0.1 (d) 0.54; 0.44 and 0.22
Answer (b)


19. While studying the effect of two plant growth regulators; IAA and Cytokinin, five different sets of culture tubes
with varying concentrations of the hormones were prepared as given in the following table. Explants of
parenchyma tissue derived from the stem of tobacco plant were transferred on culture medium of all sets. After
a particular period of time, the set V showed undifferentiated large mass of tissue.

Sets Conc. of IAA Conc. of

(mg dm–3) Cytokinin
(mg dm–3)

I - 0.2

II 2.0 -

III 2.0 0.02

IV 0.02 1.0

V 2.0 0.2

What would be the expected result of culturing in set I to IV respectively?

(a) Shoot formation, Root formation, No growth, Cell enlargement
(b) No growth, Cell enlargement, Root formation, Shoot formation
(c) Cell enlargement, No growth, Shoot formation, Root formation
(d) Root formation, Shoot formation, Cell enlargement, No growth
Answer (b)
20. Veena found a preserved root specimen in her college laboratory. The specimen jar label was half torn so she
could not read the full name of the sample. She took a cross section and observed it under the microscope. She
was not aware of the exact tissue types so she drew the diagram and labelled it as per her understanding.
Looking at the features she mentioned, it could most likely be:

(a) Stilt root of maize plant

(b) Hanging root of an orchid
(c) Pneumatophore of halophyte
(d) Root of a Pteridophyte
Answer (b)


21. During denaturation, globular protein becomes

(a) Insoluble and inactive (b) Inactive but soluble
(c) Unfolded and more soluble (d) Soluble
Answer (a)
22. The process of speciation is depicted in the adjoining figure with three factors that influence speciation. Identify
the type of speciation that would explain the evolution of new species (marked with dark circle) from the original
species (marked with white circle).

(a) Sympatric speciation (b) Reproductive isolation

(c) Allopatric speciation (d) Parapatric speciation
Answer (d)
23. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a common hematology test performed using blood containing
anticoagulant. It measures the rate at which the red blood cells (RBCs), in a sample of whole blood, fall to the
bottom inside a specific tube, under gravity. This sedimentation is due to rouleau formation where RBCs form a
stack because of their discoid shape. Which of the following statements about ESR is correct?
(a) Inflammatory conditions cause increase in "Acute Phase Proteins" in plasma, that cause the RBCs to repel
from each other to form stacks.
(b) Increase in positively charged plasma proteins, increases neutralization of the negative charges on the
surface of the RBCs, which allows the formation of the rouleaux.
(c) Bacterial endotoxins in plasma inhibit platelet aggregation causing RBC to clump.
(d) Anticoagulants in the blood increase the negative ions in plasma which increases charges on RBC
membranes causing them to stack and form the rouleaux.
Answer (b)
24. The adjoining figure is a transverse section of root of a monocot plant showing the stele. Identify the part pointed
by arrow

(a) Adventitious root (b) Lateral root

(c) Tap root (d) Adventitious bud
Answer (b)


25. Evolutionary branching in a bird population is depicted in the figure below. Based on their phenotype (Bill size),
the individuals compete for resources (seeds of different sizes)· An individual can utilize only a limited fraction
(indicated by the dashed curve) of the total available resources (solid curve).

Which of the following statements most appropriately describes the current status of the bird population, as
shown in the figure?
(a) The mean bill size in the population does not match the most abundant resource, and therefore selection
pushes the bill size to an intermediate value.
(b) The resources in the middle of the distribution curve are unutilized providing a new ecological niche to evolve
in future.
(c) Since resources in the tails of the distribution curve are left unexploited, selection establishes individuals
with either small or large beak sizes.
(d) Selection pressure splits the population into two ecological specialists that evolve an optimal compromise of
foraging on the most abundant seeds and avoid competition.
Answer (b)
26. A student in a biochemistry lab found three solutions in unlabelled beakers on his working table. He marked the
beakers as P, Q and R and found that the H+ concentration (moles per litre) of the three solutions was 10 –4,
10–7 'and 10–10 respectively. The solutions P, Q, and R respectively could be:
(a) Baking soda; sea water and beer
(b) Stomach acid; household ammonia and detergent
(c) Tomato juice; human blood and milk of magnesia
(d) Beer; human urine and vinegar
Answer (c)
27. Most ants, bees and wasps exhibit haplodiploidy wherein males are haploid and develop from unfertilized eggs
while females are diploid and develop from fertilized eggs. Which of the following would be true if the genetic
relatedness between two daughters from the same mother m humans and ants are compared?
The genetic relatedness will be:
(a) Less by a factor of 0.5 in ants
(b) Same in both cases
(c) Greater by a factor of 0.25 ants
(d) Greater by a factor of 0.5 in ants.
Answer (d)


28. Urea is used to produce conformational changes in protein and these changes can be studied using fluorescence
emission spectroscopy. In the adjoining figure changes in fluorescence emission is shown for different excitation
wavelengths for a protein both in the absence (dotted line) and in the presence (solid line) of urea. Which of the
excitation wavelengths marked as I, II, III and IV will be the best one to study the conformational changes?

(a) I (b) II
(c) III (d) IV
Answer (a)
29. In a classic experiment, scientists selected fruit flies with many bristles (stiff, hairlike structures) on their
abdomen. At the start of the experiment, the average number of bristles was 9.5. In each of the successive
generations, scientists picked out 20% of the population with the greatest number of bristles and allowed them
to reproduce. After 86 generations of such selection, the average number of bristles had quadrupled, to nearly
This is an example of:
(a) Disruptive selection (b) Natural selection
(c) Stabilizing selection (d) Directional selection
Answer (d)
30. Warm blooded animals have mechanisms evolved for insulating their bodies. Choose the option that correctly
depicts the increasing order of relative insulation that these body parts/components provide.
(a) Fat; Muscle; dry fur
(b) Muscle; fat; dry fur
(c) Muscle; dry fur; fat
(d) Dry fur, muscle; fat
Answer (d)
31. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about DNA polymerase-I?
(a) It helps in the removal of primer and subsequent gap filling.
(b) It has both 5 to 3 and 3 to 5 exonuclease activity.
(c) It has low processivity and polymerization rate.
(d) It has only 5 to 3 exonuclease activity
Answer (b)


32. The key characteristics that emerged during plant evolution are shown. P, Q, and R respectively indicate:

(a) P: Persistent green sporophyte, Q: Protected embryos; R: Stomata

(b) P: Stomata, Q: Microphylls, R: Tracheids
(c) P: Microphylls, Q: Persistent green sporophyte, R: Stomata
(d) P: Protected embryos, Q: Stomata, R: Tracheids
Answer (d)
33. The given figure is transverse section of a stem of Trifolium repens (White Clover), a flowering plant, with Cuscuta
epithymum growing on its stem. Identify the part pointed by arrows.

(a) Cork cambium

(b) Haustorium of parasite
(c) Secondary phloem
(d) Vascular cambium
Answer (b)
34. Na+ - K+ ATPase is essential for maintaining various cellular functions and its inhibition could result in diverse
pathologic states. Ca2+ transport in cardiac muscles is also linked to Na+ – K+ ATPase. Cardiac glycosides such
as digoxin directly inhibit the Na+ - K+ ATPase. With respect to cardiac muscles, which of the following statements
are correct events after digoxin inhibition of Na+ - K+ ATPase?
(a) Build-up of excessive K+ extracellularly and depletion of intracellular Na+.
(b) Build-up of Ca2+ intracellularly leading to increased cardiac contractility.
(c) Inhibition Na+ - K+ ATPase stimulates the vagus nerve, causing an increase in heart rate.
(d) Changes in Na+ ion concentration increases conduction of atrioventricular node causing stimulation of the
sinoatrial node.
Answer (b)

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35. In insects, it has been found that change in the Ubx gene resulted in modifying a protein that blocks the
development of legs in the abdominal region. Among the positions indicated as P, Q, R, and S in the cladogram,
where the Ubx gene seems to have mutated?

(a) P (b) Q
(c) R (d) S
Answer (c)
36. What type of gene is involved in the inheritance pattern depicted in the adjoining human pedigree?

* Note: The person from outside the family does not carry a defective allele.
(a) X linked recessive (b) Y linked recessive
(c) X linked dominant (d) Autosomal recessive
Answer (c)
37. The concentration of four compounds of air during respiration is provided in the table;

Gas (Pressure Air in inhalation Air in exhalation Air in Alveolus Arterial blood Venous Blood
in Hg mm)

1 158.25 116 100 95 37

2 5.0 47 47 47 47

3 596 568 573 573 573

4 0.3 28 40 40 46

Match the gases 1, 2, 3 and 4 with their names.

(a) 1 – Carbon dioxide, 2 – Carbon dioxide, 3 – Nitrogen, 4 – Oxygen
(b) 1 – Oxygen, 2 – Water vapour, 3 – Nitrogen, 4 – Water vapour
(c) 1 – Oxygen, 2 – Water vapour, 3 – Nitrogen, 4 – Carbon dioxide
(d) 1 – Nitrogen, 2 – Water vapour, 3 – Oxygen, 4 – Carbon dioxide
Answer (c)

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38. A Student was following an enzyme catalyzed reaction. As the reaction progressed, she obtained the following
graph showing the conversion of the substrate into the product.

Which of the following is the correct method to calculate product formed per minute?
(a) [( moles)3 min – ( moles)1 min]/2 (b) [( moles)8 min – ( moles)7 min]
(c) [( moles)8 min – ( moles)1 min]/7 (d) [( moles)5 min – ( moles)0 min]/5
Answer (a)
39. Which of the following figures (marked a, b, c and d) appropriately depict the relationship of (P) oxygen content
of water, (Q) oxygen consumption of resting fish and (R) oxygen consumption of active fish with respect to water

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Answer (d)
40. Colonisation of drier terrestrial habitats became possible in birds and mammals due to development of the renal
system to manage osmotic concentration of urine. Which of the following adaptation is the most crucial for this
(a) Insertion of aquaporins into the luminal plasma membrane
(b) Differentiation of the kidney into the cortex and medulla
(c) Appearance of Henle’s loops
(d) Increase in renal circulation
Answer (c)

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41. Swordtail fishes belong to genus Xiphophorus. Males of these fishes have a long, colorful tail extension called
Sword Males with short swords are less likely to be chosen by the female. In order to find whether female
behaviour of choosing longer sword evolved before or after the evolution of long sword, scientists used the
closest relative of this fish. The plat fish, which lacks sword. When they attached artificial long tail to make platy
fish, females preferred the fish with long tails. Indicate in the diagram showing evolutionary relationship where
these traits most likely have evolved.

(a) Female sensory bias; I Sword: II

(b) Female choice: I Sword: IV, V

(c) Female choice; II, III Sword: IV, V

(d) Female choice; IV, V

Answer (d)
42. After making several unsuccessful attempts to qualify in the final wrestling team, a person went to take the advice
of a physical trainer. After he explained the case to him, the trainer advised him to take a blood test and then
start a regime of drug. He also advised blood test post regime. The results of both tests are given

The most likely use of the drug is:

(a) To increase strength of skeletal mass
(b) To reduce anaerobic respiration by the tissues
(c) To reduce body weight by increasing body respiration
(d) To get trained for endurance exercise to maintain low levels of ATP over long period
Answer (c)

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43. Electrophoresis was carried out to test the efficacy of an anticancer drug. In lane 1-circular DNA sample alone,
in lane 2 – DNA mixed with topoisomerase, and in lane 3 – DNA + topoisomerase mixed with the anticancer drug
were loaded in the wells of an agarose gel and electrophoresed The result was as follows.

What can be the possible mechanism of action of the drug?

(a) The drug is likely to act by protecting the cells from damage
(b) The drug is likely to affect topoisomerase I and helping DNA repair mechanism
(c) The lane I and III represent intact supercoiled DNA thus indicating no effect of the drug
(d) The drug is likely to be effective by inhibiting topoisomerase I enzyme that helps in DNA repair at multiple
check points
Answer (d)
44. The blood in the capillaries has both a greater hydrostatic and greater osmotic pressure than the surrounding
tissue fluid The difference in hydrostatic pressure tends to force water and dissolved materials out of the
capillaries into the tissue fluid while the difference in the osmotic pressure has the opposite effect, causing the
capillaries to take up water and the dissolved materials from the tissue fluid. If the osmotic pressure differential
at the arteriole and the venule ends are 25 mm Hg each; then what would be the expected hydrostatic pressure
differentials at the arteriole and venule ends respectively to result in 11mm Hg net outward pressure and
10 mmHg net inward pressure respectively?
(a) 36 and 35 (b) 16 and 15
(c) 16 and 35 (d) 36 and 15
Answer (b/d)
45. The response of the rates of photosynthesis (curve A) and respiration (curve B) to temperature is depicted in the

The optimal temperature for net photosynthesis is:

(a) Between 10°C–20°C (b) Between 20°C – 30°C
(c) 32°C (d) Between 40°C – 50°C
Answer (b)

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46. In the figure given below identify the type of transport across membrane (marked A, B, C, and D) that needs
maximum energy.

(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D
Answer (d)
47. Hydronephrosis is a condition in which kidneys become swollen due to incomplete emptying of the urinary tract.
Given below are the values of water content and some major electrolytes in four different tissue samples. One
of them is normal kidney. Identify the other three and match the right alphabet with the respective number.

Values per kg fat Water K Na CI

free tissue
(gm) (mM) (mM) (mM)

Normal Kidney 802.2 58.3 82.6 67.7

1. 765 82.1 32.4 21.5

2. 922 3.72 142.0 109.0

3. 830.1 56.4 77.3 53.0

i. Hydronephrotic Kidney
ii. Muscle
iii. Serum
(a) 1. – ii, 2. – iii, 3. – i. (b) 1.– i, 2. – ii, 3. – iii.
(c) 1. – iii, 2. – ii, 3. – i. (d) 1. – iii, 2. – i, 3. – ii.
Answer (a)
48. Curves I, II and III in the graph represent the impact of inbreeding on the percentage of homozygotes in the
successive generations.

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The types of breeding represented by the curves I, II and III respectively are:
(a) Brother-sister mating; mating of first cousins; self-fertilization
(b) Mating of first cousins; brother-sister mating; self-fertilization
(c) Self-fertilization; brother-sister mating; mating of first cousins
(d) Self-fertilization; mating of first cousins; brother-sister mating
Answer (c)


49. Animal species use various channels to communicate with each other. The selection of a communication channel
depends on the ecology of the species and what kind of message the animal wishes to convey to its receivers.
A few features of four such modes of communication (numbered 1 to 4) are tabulated below.
Information available Cost of sender
Modes Fadeout time Locatability of Broadcast Risk of being
sender expense caught
1 Fast Fairly easy High Medium
2 Fast Easy Low Low
3 Slow Difficult Low Low
4 Fast Easy Low-Moderate High
Choose the appropriate statements:
(a) 1 is Tactile signals while 2 is Auditory signal (b) 1 is Auditory signals while 2 is Tactile signal
(c) 3 is Chemical signal and 4 is Visual signals (d) 3 is Visual signals and 4 Chemical signals
Answer (b, d)
50. Km values of enzymes provide information about their applications. In this context identify the correct statements
from the following:
(a) A high Km value indicates the need for high substrate concentration in order to achieve maximum reaction
(b) A low Km value indicates the need for high substrate concentration in order to achieve maximum reaction
(c) If two enzymes, with similar Vmax in different metabolic pathways compete for the same substrate, then
pathway involving enzyme that has the lower Km value is likely to the ‘preferred pathway’.
(d) If two enzymes, with similar Vmax in different metabolic pathways compete for the same substrate, then
pathway that has enzyme with the higher Km value is likely to the ‘preferred pathway’.
Answer (a, c)
51. The figure below depicts glucose transport into intestinal cells. Study the figure carefully and identify the correct

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(a) 1 is Uniport Transporter while 2 is a Symport Transporter

(b) 1 is a Symport Transporter while 2 is a Uniport Transporter
(c) 3 is Na+ ions while 4 is K+ ions
(d) 3 is K+ ions and 4 is Na+ ions
Answer (b & c)
52. Since the characters fundamental to land appeared in bryophytes, the key to understand transition of plants from
aquatic to terrestrial habitats can be found in bryophytes. Which of the following statements are in consonance
with this hypothesis?
(a) Stomata are seen originally as sporangial specialization, but in some bryophytes it is also expressed in the
sporophyte vegetative body.
(b) In most of the bryophytes, rhizoid formation is restricted to the gametophyte.
(c) The cell walls of bryophytes contain lignin-related polyphenolic compound as protection against UV
irradiation and attack by micro-organisms.
(d) The mature gametophyte is a thallus or a leafy shoot in liverworts, a leafy shoot in mosses and a thallus in
Answer (a, b, c)
53. Renal portal system in reptiles drains the posterior part of the body into the kidney. In this context, with respect
to reptilian body, which of the following statements are correct?
(a) Drug molecule injected in muscles of the front legs and the same drug molecule injected in muscles of hind
legs can show different concentrations in circulating blood.
(b) Pharmacokinetics of a drug molecule will be same when administered in the vein of front legs or the tail vein.
(c) All drug molecules injected through the tail vein will show first site of metabolism in the liver.
(d) Drugs which are nephrotoxic should be injected in the front legs to reduce toxicity.
Answer (a, c, d)
54. Eumeces okadae is an endemic skink of the Izu Islands in Japan. Growth and reproduction of female Eumeces
okadae living on two islands is shown in the adjoining figure. The islands of Oh-shima has richest predator fauna
including weasels, snakes and birds while Miyake-jima has only avian predators.

Choose the correct statement from the following:

(a) Divergence in the life history traits is influenced mainly by the age maturity of the breeding individual.
(b) Populations in the islands of Miyake-jima show a life history with late maturity with low fecundity.
(c) Heavy predation leads to a life history with late maturity and high fecundity.
(d) The divergence in life traits is influenced by the age specificity and intensity of predation regime.
Answer (a, b & d)

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55. Evolution of marine fishes shows that fish species have abandoned glomeruli to produce urine by tubular
mechanisms. Aglomerular kidney lacks not only glomeruli but also the distal tubules. If aglomerular marine
toadfish (Opsanus tau) is shifted to 10% sea water, it can survive upto several months. Which of the following
event(s) could be taking place in the fish during acclimatisation to dilute sea water?
(a) Urine flow rate decreases
(b) Kidney starts excreting solutes
(c) The plasma osmotic pressure will increase
(d) Significant branchial and intestinal solute uptake mechanisms set in
Answer (b, d)
56. Even in passive diffusion, energy is required for the solute to cross a bilayer membrane. This energy is related
to the energy of hydration for the solute. Listed below are some solutes in the context of which, choose the
correct statement(s) from the following.

(a) Glycol will diffuse fastest through a bilayer membrane amongst the three solutes listed
(b) Erythritol will diffuse fastest through a bilayer membrane amongst the three solutes listed
(c) The solutes must first lose its waters of hydration, diffuse across the bilayer membrane and then regain its
water on the opposite side
(d) As the number of waters of hydration increases the activation energy for diffusion decreases
Answer (a, c)
57. The lineage of cells of immune system are shown below in the figure. Identify the cells marked I, II, III and IV
from the statements given.

(a) I is a T lymphocyte while II is a B lymphocyte

(b) I is a B lymphocyte while II is a T lymphocyte
(c) III is a granulocyte while IV is a macrophage
(d) III is a macrophage while IV is a granulocyte
Answer (a, d)
58. C4 photosynthesis is a complex physiological adaptation that confers greater productivity than the ancestral C3
photosynthetic type in environments where photorespiration is high. Identify correct statements related to the C4
(a) In C4 plants there is a temporal separation of CO2 fixation and synthesis of glucose
(b) Leaf has functionally closely connected discrete compartments with a relatively large compartment to host
the Calvin cycle
(c) For adapting to arid areas, C4 plants have co-opted same areas of the leaf, for photosynthesis and for water
storage cells
(d) In most C4 plants, the feat of concentrating CO2 is achieved by confining Rubisco to bundle-sheath cells
Answer (b, c, d)

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59. A study of the changes in the content of carotenoid pigments of young leaves of cotton in strong and weak light
was being carried out. Figure A shows the effects of transferring plants from shade into full sunlight while figure
B shows the effects of transfer from sunlight into dark.

Based on the observations, which of the following statements are true?

(a) II could be violaxanthin, which protects thylakoid membrane lipids from photo-oxidation.
(b) I could be xanthophylls, which contribute to increasing the light- harvesting capacity of the photosystems.
(c) I could be a photoprotector pigment like lutein
(d) III could be a pigment, which is essential for light-gathering in low light intensities
Answer (a, b)
60. Honey bee (Apis mellifera) is able to produce heat endothermically and is one of the main reasons for the wide
distribution of this species as it allows the whole colony to survive cold winters. Young bees, however, are
ectothermic and tend to position themselves, within the hive, in areas with the appropriate environmental
conditions. In an experimental arena, different group sizes of young bees were introduced separately, where
they were exposed to three different temperature zones. The bees were allowed to freely position themselves
within these temperature zones and their positions were recorded after 30 minutes. The are depicted below:

Which of the following statements are correct?

(a) The median percentage of bees at 31°C and 32°C temperature areas decreased with increasing group size.
(b) Irrespective of the group size, 36°C is most likely to be the optimum temperature for the bees.
(c) There is no significant difference in the preference for cooler temperature areas (31°C and 32°C) in all group
sizes of bees.
(d) In larger groups a percentage of bees may switch to cooler temperature areas (31°C and 32°C) due to
crowding effects.
Answer (b, d)
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