Data brief
• Common features
– 240x320 TFT color LCD display module with SPI interface
– 16-Gbyte microSD™ card bundled
– On-board current measurement
– SAI audio codec
– Temperature sensor
– 8-Mbit (512 K x 16-bit) SRAM
– Two 512-Mbit Quad-SPI NOR Flash memories
– Four color user LEDs
– One high brightness LED
– Reset and wake-up / tamper buttons
– 4-direction joystick with selection button
– Light-dependent resistor (LDR)
– Potentiometer
– Access to comparator and operational amplifier
STM32G474E-EVAL top view.
– Board connectors:
Picture is not contractual. ◦ Analog line input jack
◦ Stereo headset jack
◦ Two connectors for external speakers
◦ microSD™ card
Product status link ◦ EXT_I2C connector supporting I²C bus
STM32G474E-EVAL ◦ RS-232 port configurable for communication or MCU flashing
STM32G484E-EVAL ◦ RS-485 port
◦ USB Type-C™ port supporting USB FS Device
◦ Two CAN 2.0A/B-compliant ports
◦ Connector for DAC output
◦ JTAG/SWD connector
◦ ETM trace debug connector
◦ User interface through USB virtual COM port
◦ Embedded STLINK-V3E debug and flashing facility
◦ TAG connector 10-pin footprint
◦ Arm® Cortex® 10-pin 1.27 mm-pitch debug connector over STDC14
◦ Coin cell battery holder
– Board expansion connectors:
◦ Two sets of motor control expansion connectors
◦ Board expansion extension connectors
– Flexible power-supply options:
◦ ST-LINK USB VBUS, external sources, USB Type-C™ connector, or
– On-board STLINK-V3E debugger/programmer with USB re-enumeration
capability: mass storage, Virtual COM port, and debug port
The STM32G474E-EVAL board is a complete demonstration and development
platform for the STMicroelectronics Arm® Cortex®-M4 core-based
STM32G474QET6U microcontroller, designed to make user application development
STM32G484E-EVAL features the STM32G484QET6U MCU with cryptography.
STM32G474E-EVAL1 features a motor-control configuration board.
The full range of hardware features available on the board helps the users to improve
application development to evaluate all the peripherals (USB FS, UCPD, USART,
Audio, ADC and DAC, differential ADC, TFT LCD, Potentiometer/LDR, SRAM, Quad-
SPI Flash memory device, microSD™ card, Smartcard, FDCAN transceiver, High
Brightness LED, motor-control connectors, temperature sensor, and others).
Extension headers provide easy connection to daughterboard, for specific
The board features STLINK-V3E as the embedded in-circuit debugger and
programmer, for the STM32 MCU and the USB virtual COM port bridge.
1 General information
The STM32G474E-EVAL and STM32G484E-EVAL run with the 32-bit microcontroller based on the Arm®
Cortex®-M4 core.
Note: Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.
2 Ordering information
Order code User manual Target STM32 Differentiating feature
STM32G474QET6U Motor-control configuration
STM32G474E-EVAL1 MB1397 UM2514
STM32G484E-EVAL STM32G484QET6U Cryptography
2.3 Codification
The meaning of the codification is explained in Table 2.
The order code is mentioned on a sticker placed on the top side of the board.
Revision history