C Rex Valve
C Rex Valve
C Rex Valve
Double Eccentric
Segmented Ball Valve
The ideal ball valve for severe service A Winning combination of benefits
IMI Truflo Italy ball valves are designed as a solution for critical service applications, Our C-REX™ valve has a simple design and few components compared to a traditional ball
combining the advantages of main critical service valve designs while eliminating valve. Fewer components mean lower operational costs, easier access, and more
straightforward, less frequent maintenance.
their weakness or design limitations.
Our C-REX™ valve combines the strength and performance of trunnion mounted ball valve with Another significant advantage is the weight reduction. this allowed by the reduced number of
the low operating torque design of the triple offset butterfly valve. This makes them ideal to meet valve components but also thanks to the following elements:
the most stringent requirements in critical applications such as oil and gas, hydrogen, chemical, • Face to face as per ANSI B16.10 (even in class 150 and 300)
petrochemical, mining, and liquefied natural gas (LNG). • Single seated
Cavity Free Quarter Turn Operation Torque Seated • No spring carrier
It eliminates the possibility of Provides simple and flexible Ensures bi-directional tight • Reduced flange diameter of body cover
an over-pressurized body automation and near shut-off performance through
cavity. emission-free performance. a mechanical seal. The Top Entry design allows for in-line access to the valve
internals, facilitating easy maintenance and shorter downtimes.
Single seated Double Eccentric Other key features
Springless seat and Provides friction-free The design is simple, piggable, The Top Trunnion is an integral part of the ball that protects the
Mechanical sealing operation for thousands of and springless, whilst the ball stem from internal forces. The stem is protected against
independent from process cycles and long service life. has a surface coating. particle/medium by C-ring and primary gasket. C shape ball and seat
A hard facing
High Durability Less Components Less Maintenance
durable valve
The full hard face coating with
Tungsten or Chrome Carbide
is available on the sealing area,
inner and outer ball surface,
and all wetted parts. This
provides the most durable
hard surface available, which is
perfect for severe service
The absence of seams on the
hard coating prevents weak
2 High Performance Less Operational Costs Less Weight (up to 50%) 3
C-REX™ for high The C-REX™ valve, with its double eccentric design, offers C-REX™ Double Design: Side Entry (2/3 pieces) or top entry
non-rubbing, low running torque and high-performance
cycling applications mechanical sealing. Eccentric Ball Valve Size Range: DN 12 to 900
Pressure Class 150 to 1500
The special ball and seat coating provide superior durability,
specifications Class: (ANSI rating)
reducing wear and extending valve life in high-cycle and abrasive Temperature 254°C to +650 °C /
applications. Range: -425 °F to +1200 °F
Friction-free operation between the ball and seat makes the End Connection: ANSI Flanges B16.5 / B16.47
C-REX™ valve a perfect candidate for high cycle and high NORSOK L-005
endurance processes like molecular sieve switching, high/low HUB (all major hub design)
temperatures or other critical services.
Welding ends BW / SW0
The C-REX™ valve has been extensively tested with daily high
cycle operations in extreme conditions, withstanding more than Seal Material: Metal or soft
15,000 cycles. Function: On/off & modulation
• Hydrogen • Bolting: B7 - 2H
• Bearings: high endurance bearings
• Pulp & paper
• Gasket/packing: low emission graphite
• Oil sands
Cryogenic configuration: SS resilient seated
• Mining
• Body bonnet: ASTM A351 CF8M
• Steam injection • Ball: 316 seat 316 + PCTFE
Dimensions Dimensions
SIZE A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) Weight (Kg) SIZE A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) Weight (Kg)
2” 371 185.5 100 405 500 150 85
2” 178 89 75 285 300 70 20
3” 384 192 130 480 500 150 120
3” 283 (#) 141.5 125 340 300 70 40
4” 460 230 150 550 500 150 210
4” 305 (#) 157.5 130 390 300 70 90
6” 613 306.5 210 550 600 250 390
6” 394 197 180 450 400 85 170
8” 740 370 250 590 600 250 700
8” 457 228,5 230 550 400 110 250
10” 841 420.5 310 660 600 250 1100
10” 533 266,5 250 650 400 150 390
12” 968 484 350 760 1000 345 1470
12” 610 305 300 750 500 150 530
14” 1038 519 350 820 1000 345 2080
14” 686 343 320 800 500 150 880
16” 1140 570 370 900 1000 345 2450
16” 762 381 360 860 500 150 990
18” 864 432 400 930 600 220 1220
CLASS 1500
20” 914 457 450 1070 600 220 1680
2” 371 185.5 100 405 500 150 85
22” 1092 (#) 546 520 1130 700 280 2370
3” 473 236.5 130 530 500 150 170
2” 294 147 100 350 300 70 55
3” 356 178 140 400 300 70 75
4” 432 216 170 550 400 110 195
6” 559 279,5 200 580 400 110 310
8” 660 330 250 630 400 110 450
10” 787 393,5 290 720 500 150 720
12” 838 419 320 830 500 150 1010
14” 889 444.5 350 920 600 220 1360
16” 991 495.5 380 950 600 220 1730
18” 1092 546 440 1020 600 220 2350
20” 1194 597 510 1150 700 280 3100
22” 1295 647.5 570 1260 700 280 4180
6 7
• PR2 approval
8 9
IMI Truflo Italy
Imi Orton S.r.l
Via Dei Bazachi 50, 29121
Piacenza, Italy
Tel: +39 0523 762511
Fax: +39 0523 762512
E-mail: sales@ortonvalve.com