UI Developer: S Sushma
UI Developer: S Sushma
UI Developer: S Sushma
UI Developer
Visa- H4 EAD
Professional Summary:
Over 8+years of experience in Front end development and Web applications with HTML 5, CSS 3, React JS,
Angular, jQuery, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap and XML.
Hands on experience in development utilizing JavaScript frameworks like jQuery as well as front-end
technologies HTML 5, CSS 2/3, React JS, AJAX and JSON.
Experienced in server-side CSS pre-processing platforms, such as SCSS and SASS.
Developed and updated the webpages using HTML5, CSS3, React JS, AngularJS, JavaScript, and jQuery
achieving cross browser compatibility.
Converted the mock-ups into hand-written HTML, CSS, XHTML, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, XML and JSON.
Experienced in client-side design and validation using HTML5 and JavaScript.
Experienced on working with custom directives, controllers, services, and filter modules of Angular
Leveraged MVC design pattern to organise AngularJS controllers, custom directives, factories, and views
Develop web and mobile applications using React.js, React-Native, Node.js, SQL and MongoDB that help
small businesses get leads.
Solid knowledge in making the webpages responsive using Bootstrap.
Expertise in jQuery to transverse through a DOM tree and manipulated the nodes in tree.
Skilled on using templating engines such as Handlebars.js and server-side JavaScript development using
Hands on experience in Designing and Developing Single Page Applications SPA using Angular JS, Express
JS AND with other UI technologies such as Backbone, jQuery, Require JS, Boostrap3 and HTML.
Used NodeJS as a proxy to interact with Rest services and interacting with database.
Experienced in using cloud services AWS.
Experienced in using build tools like Maven and Jenkins.
Proficient in using Unit testing along with Jasmine, Chai, Mocha test runners.
Hand on experience, analysing and reporting bugs using bug tracking tools like JIRA.
Experience in implementing SOAP AND REST web-services.
Expertise in RESTful, SOAP web services to integrate between Application to Application.
Involved in several web application development projects that requires Responsive Web Design.
Hands-on knowledge of RWD (Responsive Web Design) techniques and patterns.
Server-side development including JavaScript/Node.js/Express Framework.
Experience working with testing tools like Firebug, Chrome and IE Developer Toolbar.
Expertise in using IDE tools such as Visual Studio, Eclipse, Sublime, Notepad++ and Web storm.
Experience with browser testing, cross-browser compatibility, and cross-platform compatibility.
Installed and configured GIT and communicating with the repositories in GITHUB.
Knowledge on Docker for convenient environment setup the test environments.
Worked closely with QA team in fixing the defects and checking cross-platform compatibility.
Some of the attributes that would describe me would be Quick learner and Self-Motivated.
Involved in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Agile, Waterfall and SCRUM.
• Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM), Osmania University (OU), India. (2005_2009).
• Master of Computer Applications (MCA), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH), India.
Technical Skills:
UI Web Technologies : HTML 4/5, CSS3, SASS, SCSS, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, ReactJS
Redux, Flex, Bootstrap
IDE Tools : Visual Studio, WebStorm, Sublime, Eclipse, GIT.
Databases : Oracle, Db2, Mongo DB
Cloud : AWS
Frameworks : Angular JS, React JS, Node JS
Debugging Tools : Firebug, IE Tester, Chrome Elements Inspector.
Testing Tools : Chai Mocha, Junit, Jasmine
Methodologies : Agile, Waterfall, Scrum
Version Control : Subversion (SVN), DVCS (GIT), AWS Code Commit
Professional Experience
Role: React UI developer
Client: Baker Hughes
Location: Houston, TX Aug 2021 –
Involved in Agile methodologies and full software development lifecycle of Designing, coding, testing, de-
bugging and support.
Working knowledge on developing the UI pages from scratch using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Ajax
and Express.
Creating ReactJS / Redux front-end UI, and NodeJS applications for backend.
Used React JS to create views to hook up models to the DOM and synchronize data with server as a Single
Page Application (SPA).
Involved writing modules using React as a view engine to build component-based application.
Worked in using React components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
Maintained states in the stores and dispatched the actions using redux.
Implemented REST API using Node.js, Express.js framework.
Used Mocha and Chai unit test framework to write unit tests for JavaScript code and Jest for the client-side
unit testing.
Implemented Login authentication functionally using JWT based on the user level access.
Password encryption / checking is handled by NPM bcrypt.
Used Baker Hughes predefined customized tags and styling to develop HMI screens.
Node.js/Express framework to create server-side applications.
Socket.io library is used to facilitate real-time data transfer from and to the server for the meter readings.
Selenium WebDriver tool is used to automate web application testing to verify application works as expec-
Oracle Database is used to get the users data and their roles/data persistent.
Used AJAX in multiple aspects of the website to improve functionality.
Developed the concept of technical solutions based on the on-demand needs.
Developed the concept of technical solutions based on the on-demand needs.
Used JIRA as the bug tracking system to track and maintain the history of issues on everyday basis.
Participated in day-to-day meeting, status meeting, strong reporting and effective communication with
project manager and developers.
Environment: HTML, CSS, JSON, REST, ES6, JavaScript, React, Jira, Confluence, Visual studio, Bamboo,
Bootstrap, GIT, jQuery, Postman, Node, AJAX, Chai, Mocha.
Role: UI developer
Client: Jhonson & Jhonson
Location: Raritan , NJ June 2019 –Aug 2021
Created reusable UI Components using Remix and React. Developed UI using HTML5, CSS3 and worked on
form Validation using Remix and JavaScript.
Supported cross browser and multiple devices such as desktops, kiosk, tablets, and iPad.
Developed Responsive web application that work across multiple devices and screen sizes using CSS and
SCSS with grid layout.
Fixed all defects for compatibility and cross browser issues and responsibly for project going into produc-
tion live successfully on time.
Developed framework from the scratch for using Cypress to automate UI and used Java script, NodeJS and
NPM for Angular based user interface.
Performed UI and API testing using Cypress and created from framework from the scratch.
Zeplin is used for UX design and layouts design.
Used the Kendo UI controls for more robust requirements. Controls used such as grid, panel, date picker,
combo box, validation, dropdown and Autocomplete etc. throughout the application.
Used Kendo UI, Bootstrap, and JQuery libraries for more productive web design.
Created and used Reducers that received said Actions to modify the Store State Tree.
Utilized Remix-Library consisted of Button, Checkbox, Input, Icons, Toggle Button, Dropdown, Multi-Level
Dropdown and many more.
Develop user interface by using Telerik Kendo UI, jQuery, JavaScript, Json, AJAX, and HTML5.
Created Customslogs for iPad and tablets for debugging the devices for the application.
Develop end to end test cases (spec files) for the application using frameworks like Istanbul and Imple-
menting Unit test cases using Mocha, Sinon, Chai and Enzyme for the application.
Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle of the application like Requirement gather-
ing, Design, Analysis and Code development.
Used Bitbucket for source control, Bamboo for building and deployment. Utilized Source tree along with
GIT Bash.
Contribute to the development of Node modules to the in-house UI framework ‘Remix’.
Used Hp Application Life cycle management for Issue Tracking and for Confluence for collaboration and
Worked on bug fixes and wrote unit test for testing functionality. Utilized Rest API’s and services for fron-
Used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to Bitbucket.
Followed Waterfall during development phase and Agile methodology to track project progress and in SIT,
UAT phases and used ALM for tracking issues.
Integrate front-end application with the services using RESTfulAPI's.
Involved in designing and developing the web pages using HTML 5, CSS3, JavaScript, SCSS, Remix, and
server upgrades.
Involved to implement various screens for the front-end using Remix and used various predefined com-
ponents from NPM (Node Package Manager).
Participate in feature and sprint planning`s meetings and work with architect and the team to analyze pos-
sible solutions for design and development of the application based on business requirements.
Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript, codes to build web forms and simulate process for web applica-
tion, page navigation and form validation.
Collaborating with team and junior developers on vulnerability and performance issue.
Worked extensively on JSON request and response payload, defining, or changing their structures.
Worked closely with BA and QA teams on daily basis in fixing the reported bugs/defects.
Environment: React, JSON, Remix, Rest, Es6, JavaScript, XAMPP, Kendo UI,ALM, Jira, Confluence, HTML, CSS,
SCSS, Visual studio, Gulp, Docker, Bamboo, Bootstrap, Bitbucket, GIT, Source tree, jQuery, Postman, Mongo
DB, RoboMongo, Node, Istanbul, Chai, Mocha, Sinon.
Role: UI developer
Client: Verizon Jan 2018 – May 2019
Location: Irving, TX
Using Angular Developed bank paperless application end to end UI, Integrated microservices for regional
and Mega banks in Japan.
Enhanced application performance by Angular6 component-based development in view of future angular
framework transitions
Migrated release 1 production application developed in Angular2/4 where involved in creating bundling
complex application using webpack or packaging it using gulp/grunt
Prototyped several versions of possible UI approach to provide choices to business
Applied optimization techniques to reduce page size and load times to enhance user experience using
Implemented HTTP requests using Rxjs Observable library to handle multiple values over time.
Created Widgets, Dashboards, Charts, login functionality implemented and session handling base function-
alities added.
Created Angular 6 components, implemented Interpolation, input variables, Bootstrapping, NgFor, NgIf,
Router Outlet, binding the click event, Component decorator, binding to the hidden property.
Worked on Typography, Notifications, Timeout functions, cards, Dialogs, Forms, Tables, Switches, Icons,
Dashboards, Widgets, Charts and buttons for developing Bootstrap 4 using Angular 6.
Created Routing in between various components consuming the Router Outlet Directive.
Used JQuery, a crossbrowser JS library to dynamically update the page content on client side
Integration of API’s to improve the performance, this includes data mapping and testing the app in multi-
ple environment.
Worked with backend engineers to optimize existing API calls to create efficiencies by deprecating un-
needed API calls.
Called the Restful web services calls for POST, PUT, DELETE and GET methods.
Involved in changing the whole application into Isomorphic rendering and implemented Auto scroll func-
tionality to the infinite scroll pages.
Added Dynamic Functionality by creating and dispatching Action Creators that deployed Actions
Created components that consists of Button, checkbox, Input, Icons, Toggle Button, Drop down, multiple
drop down, filters and many more for both web and mobile application.
Also written Ajax driven JSON consuming JavaScript functions to save user selections such as radio button,
drop-down menu selections into a cookie
Used Vue.js events distribution and parent chain for parent-child component communication
Created and used Reducers that received said Actions to modify the Store State Tree.
Worked on Angular5 and Ionic3 to integrate the API andinvolved in changing the data mapping for mobile
Also, by integrating with Bootstrap which is further integrated with Web Services and Vue.js
Extensively used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub
Used Web services (SOAP and RESTful) for transmission of large blocks of XML/JSON
Worked in configuring and administering application servers (NGINX)
Interacted with Testing Team, Scrum Masters and Business Analysts for fixing of Issues
Used JIRA as the bug tracking system to track and maintain the history of bugs/issues on everyday basis.
Environment: Angular 6, Ionic 3, Type Script, React, Redux, ES6, HTML, CSS, Yarn, vue.js, NPM, Nginx, Jenk-
ins, Restful, Node Js, JIRA, Agile methodology, SOAP.
Role: UI Developer
Client: Siemens Apr 2014– Dec 2017
Location: St. Louis, MO
Involved in designing, developing and testing the web application by using the HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS,
Bootstrap, and React.JS.
Involved designing in web pages using HTML 5, XHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Redux, React-
Bootstrap, Node.js, express.js, Mongo DB.
Involved in designing the CSS templates for use in all pages on the website working with CSSBackground,
positioning, text, border, margin, padding, and table.
Skilled in leading frameworks as React.js to build high-quality, scalable and reusable components and
Front-end solution.
Developed user interface by using the React JS, Redux for SPA development.
Used React Flux architecture to create the data layers in the application and to bring the Model View
Controller architecture for the application.
Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application.
Involved in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
Integrated GIT into Jenkins to automate the code check-out process.
Involving all the stages of Software Development Life Cycle like Application Design, Development,
Debugging and testing the applications.
Was extensively involved in AB testing. Developed and tested AB features using Optimize tool.
Worked on Karma and Jasmine for unit test cases.
Handled cross browser/platform compatibility issues (IE, Firefox, and Safari).
Involved in agile software methodologies and followed SDLC life cycle.
Designed and developed client's website screens and front-end widgets using React.js.
Built the internal tool and maintained with React JS along with Flux and Redux.
Environment: React.js, Redux, React native, Vanilla JS, Flex, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, AWS, JavaScript,
Bootstrap, Node JS, Express JS, Mongo DB, NPM, GitHub, AB Testing, Karma, Jasmine, Dockers, SOAP,