MicroScan LabPro Brochure EN

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Make critical decisions with confidence: LabPro Information Manager
helps deliver more efficient, accurate test results.
Make accurate results actionable
Optimal patient care and hospital safety begin with accurate, actionable and timely
information, and is the foundation of the LabPro Information Manager. This automated
laboratory software package alerts your team when results require immediate intervention
within the laboratory.
The LabPro information management suite supports standardized and consolidated testing
regimens, accommodates versatile result reporting requirements and expands your ability to
identify emerging bacterial resistance through the following tools:

› LabPro with Alert

*—Automates detection of atypical results and then guides staff
regarding the most appropriate action steps, based upon predefined conditions and
customized institutional procedures

› LabPro Connect—Provides LabPro access from desktop networked workstations to

improve efficiency and effective time management

› LabPro-MBT—Combines MicroScan antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) results with

Bruker MALDI Biotyper® rapid identification (ID) results to streamline workflow processes
and improve clinical impact1,2,3

* LabPro with AlertEX is included with all MicroScan instrument systems but it can also be used as a standalone system for users
who process panels manually.

Enhance efficiency with intelligent automation
The LabPro information management software suite works in conjunction with
MicroScan instruments. However, users can also operate it as a standalone tool
for manual panel-reading applications. Either way, LabPro Information Manager
retrieves instrument or input data and provides ID, minimal inhibitory
concentration (MIC) and interpretive guidance to ensure accurate results
through streamlined workflow processes.
LabPro Information Manager provides end-to-end data management
capabilities using a bidirectional LIS interface to receive ID and AST orders as
well as transmit test results either on-demand or automatically. In addition to
MicroScan panel information, the system manages and consolidates a review of
other test information—such as Kirby Bauer antibiotic disk results and MALDI
identification—for epidemiology or stewardship purposes.
To help meet ever-increasing demands on your time, LabPro Information
Manager streamlines workflow processes at all levels of microbiology services.
By providing consistent screen elements with processing tips and fly-over
reminders throughout all applications, this powerful tool enhances ID/AST
workflow efficiency. Additionally, its flexible “rules engine” allows you to tailor
the system to address changing institution needs or customize formularies for
outside clients, resident physicians and hospital services.
The comprehensive quality control management feature enables you to create
customized test batteries so weekly QC requests can be ordered with a single
mouse-click. You can also monitor QC data, and document corrective actions
within LabPro Information Manager to assist with IQCP activities. Detailed as
well as summary reports will help satisfy review or inspection requirements.
Additional LabPro modules expand capabilities to meet the increasing data-
driven demands of today’s healthcare environment while our optional remote
diagnostic capabilities enable efficient problem resolution and ensure your
operations run smoothly.

LabPro AlertEX LabPro Connect LabPro-MBT

Auto-alert notifications Access ID/AST data from Combine AST with Bruker
when isolate results single or multiple systems MALDI Biotyper® rapid ID
require attention at any workstation results for greater impact

INTEGRATED LabPro with AlertEX
LabPro EPIDEMIOLOGY LabPro with AlertEX provides the right
combination of precision and flexibility
Percent Interpretative Report
for the automated detection of atypical
› Include %S, %I and/or %R results. Programmed with an extensive
› Add additional segmentation, database of predefined rules
if desired recommended by the Clinical and

› Exclude duplicate isolates to align Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI),

with CLSI M39 recommendations the European Committee on Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) and key
› Include off-line tests and antibiotics microbiology opinion leaders, AlertEX also:
suppressed from normal reporting

› Export data to create custom › Permits complete customization—create,

edit, deactivate or reactivate any alert at
antibiograms for clinical use
any time to align with changing
institutional, regional or
Cumulative % Inhibited by Drug
other clinical needs
(MIC 90) Report

› Track subtle changes in › Provides guidance regarding the most

appropriate actions based on customized
antimicrobial resistance patterns
institution procedures
› Generate reports using
customized segmentation › Ensures reporting of intrinsic resistance
› Enables customization to automatically
Bacterial Incidence Report modify organism identifications for more
› Segment data to support focused segmentation and respond
Infection Control initiatives and immediately to changing
Outreach value-added services CLSI interpretive breakpoint

› Pinpoint areas of a facility that recommendations

may be experiencing a high LabPro software has built-in epidemiology
incidence of a particular capabilities for report generation and
pathogen analysis of institution and outreach
› Monitor outbreaks and susceptibility patterns and trends.
resulting treatments

Query Summary Report

“LabPro AlertEX is fantastic. Keeping
› Provide specimen list using up with ongoing changes to what
epidemiology or patient
is reportable for antibiotic rules is
segmentation criteria
difficult. My laboratory staff and I
› Use either a system-defined or rely on the LabPro AlertEX system
customized report format
to do this for us. I don’t know how
› Store customized queries for we would work without it.”
future use
Jennifer Blakeney, M.T. (ASCP),
Lead Microbiology/Immunology Technologist
Beebe Medical Center Laboratory

“The learning curve was absolutely miniscule because it is such a user-
friendly product. It is something you can just get right in and use. It’s
fabulous. It saves us so much time and frustration and we’re much more
efficient. I feel more organized in my work.”
Kim Pannke, M.T. (ASCP), John Muir Medical Center Laboratory

› Data consolidation across multiple

MicroScan systems to efficiently
create epidemiology and other
management reports

› Supervisors to run reports without

interrupting normal workflow

› Fewer required LIS connections when

View status of up to 18 WalkAway instruments on
multiple MicroScan systems are in use
one screen
For added convenience, LabPro Connect
comes with two operating options: Open
System and Closed System. With Open
LabPro Connect
System installed on a Local Area Network
LabPro Connect improves laboratory (LAN), information can be managed from
efficiency by streamlining workflow any connected workstation in real time.
processes. Equally important, it makes The Closed System provides the same
essential patient care and hospital safety data consolidation advantages without
information quickly accessible. LAN integration.

Specifically, LabPro Connect enables:

› Workstation access to ID/AST data on

the WalkAway instrument
“No more shuffling through
› Unrestricted availability of LabPro data,
even when the WalkAway computer is paper. (I’m) able to view
being used for panel loading/unloading WalkAway Monitor at bench
or maintenance activities and give anyone who calls
› Simultaneous access to the LabPro real-time results.”
system by multiple users Karen Hitterman, MT (ASCP), Loyola
University Laboratory
› Connectivity for up to 18 WalkAway
instruments and 25 LabPro and bench
workstation computers

Accurate antimicrobial susceptibility test results form the
foundation of antibiogram data, which clinicians rely on for
patient management. LabPro-MBT seamlessly combines
MicroScan AST results with Bruker MALDI Biotyper® rapid
ID data to provide accurate, comprehensive results earlier,
an important capability for better patient outcomes.

By implementing LabPro-MBT, LabPro remote diagnostics

technologists can:
Thanks to the remote diagnostic feature,
› Minimize training and implementation time you can enjoy real-time support right from
by using the familiar LabPro platform your LabPro computer.

› Apply appropriate therapies for MALDI- Simply give Beckman Coulter service
TOF** identifications automatically when representatives remote access to
combined with MicroScan MIC panels exchange valuable, real-time

› Apply customized Alert EX

system rules to troubleshooting information or facilitate
final identifications training guidance via desktop-sharing of
your LabPro computer.
› Eliminate the need for an additional LIS
connection by managing all orders and Through this customer support window,
results through the existing LabPro Beckman Coulter may quickly determine
connection whether an issue can be resolved over the
phone or if a service representative must
For even greater efficiencies, integrate
be dispatched.
LabPro-MBT with LabPro Connect to
eliminate unnecessary movement and Remote diagnostics is a value-added
streamline the MALDI-TOF workflow process. feature that ensures your operations
The combined package enables target get back on track in the shortest period
assignment, results management and LIS of time.
transmission at each workstation, where
isolate work-up occurs.

** Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight


“…individuals knowledgeable about common scenarios in which

organism identification alone can lead to adjustments in antibiotic
therapy can develop guidelines for when MALDI-TOF can guide
appropriate antibiotic selection.”
Tamma, PD, Kennard, T, et al. 2013. Can MALDI-TOF Enhance Antimicrobial Stewardship Efforts
in the Acute Care Setting? Inf Con & Hosp Epi. Vol 34, No 9.

Remote diagnostics capabilities include:
Beckman Coulter’s LabPro
› Technical service support access Information Manager:
through remote dial-in capabilities
› Provides crucial alerts
› Electronic delivery of antivirus and and guidance regarding
operating system updates atypical results in real time

You know LabPro remote diagnostics is › Supports unique laboratory

secure because: requirements through flexible,
adaptable software reporting
› All initiated communications come from and notification tools
the customer’s system
› Improves laboratory
› Customer acknowledgement is required efficiency by streamlining
to establish a remote desktop session workflow and making
› Only authorized users can access the patient care information
portal via individual login and password easily accessible

› All remote access activity is audited for › Eliminates time-consuming training

traceability requirements due to the easy-to-learn
and easy-to-use graphical user interface
› Security is employed at the system,
network and enterprise layers following
TCP/IP and HTTPS standards
› Connectivity standards employ the LabPro information management tools
same type of internet security used for were designed to simplify workflow
online banking processes, minimize user interaction with
› Encryption and authentication are instruments and enhance the speed as well
employed to ensure data is both secure as accuracy of test results reporting. By
and from a trusted source, respectively eliminating waste—ranging from informatics
to processes to kinesiology—LabPro
Technical specifications
Information Manager contributes to Lean
› Internet access minimum 100 Mbps laboratory environments.
› Patented, Firewall-FriendlyTM Beyond supporting Lean principles,
communications value-added services include:
› 2048-bit key encryption and up to › Beckman Coulter implementation experts
256-bit AES content encryption help you customize settings for use within
your specific laboratory and support your
Enhance patient care with fast, team so they can optimize software
accurate, easy-to-use technology features for maximum efficiency

Beckman Coulter’s advanced software › Customer service teams are available to

answer questions and assist with further
programs—LabPro with AlertEX, LabPro
customizations, as needs evolve
Connect and LabPro-MBT—work
collectively to improve your ability to › Documented proficiency and CEU
enhance patient care while remote credits are offered through Internet-based
diagnostics capabilities ensure your training courses for comprehensive,
systems function at their best. well-structured learning experiences

Efficient connectivity and data management

Remote Bruker MALDI

Diagnostics Biotyper® CA

Bench workstation with

LabPro Connect and LabPro-MBT

Database Bench workstation with
LabPro Connect and LabPro-MBT
AlertEX LAN Bench workstation with
LabPro-MBT LabPro Connect and LabPro-MBT

Bench workstation with

LabPro Connect and LabPro-MBT

LabPro Connect
LIS MicroScan

1. Huang, AM et al. 2013. Impact of Rapid Organism Identification via Matrix-Assisted Laser
Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Combined With Antimicrobial Stewardship Team
Intervention in Adult Patients With Bacteremia and Candidemia. CID. 57:1237-45.
2. Tamma, PD et al. Can Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass
Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) Enhance Antimicrobial Stewardship Efforts in the Acute Care
Setting? Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 34(9):990-5.
3. Wenzler, E et al. 2016. Impact of rapid identification of Acinetobacter baumannii via
matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry combined
with antimicrobial stewardship in patients with pneumonia and/or bacteremia. Diagn
Microbiol Infect Dis. 84(1):63-8.

MALDI Biotyper® is the property of Bruker Daltronik GmbH.

© 2017 Beckman Coulter, Inc. All rights reserved. Beckman Coulter, the stylized logo and
the Beckman Coulter product and service marks mentioned herein are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
For Beckman Coulter’s worldwide office locations and phone numbers, please visit

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