Catalog DermaLab Combo

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DermaLab Combo

Technical specifications


DermaLab Combo
Computer: WINDOWS based tablet or laptop. Principle: Stress/strain by suction.
Connectivity: Multichannel probe interface. Range: 0 - 4.5 mm elevation, adjustable neg. pressure setting 150,
Application software: Dedicated LabView based software. 400, 650 mbar. Preadjustment for skin thickness (default 1 mm).
Data export: Data may be exported to Excel spreadsheets. Probe: 10 mm suction aperture. Ultra low weight for minimum skin
Dimensions: 24 x 23 x 9 cm. bias. Adheres to the skin by double adhesive sticker.
Read-out: Continuous real-time curve of elevation (1/3/5 cycles).
Three elasticity parameters: Retraction time, Young´s modulus,
Multi-Parameter Skin Analysis
U-Values, and ViscoElasticity


Frequency: 20 MHz, focused ultrasound. Sebum collection material: Microporous polymer film.
Resolution: 60 x 200 micrometer (ax x lat). Measurement principle: Translucency characteristics of
Penetration: 3.4 mm. sebum collecting material.
Probe: Rotating transducer. Scan length 17 mm. Diameter of Range: 0.0 - 100.0 %. Resolution: 0.1 %. Measurement
scan area: 11 mm. uncertainty: 5 %.
Read-out: Display of actual and stored measurements for inten- Measurement: Sequential measurement (zerocalibration/sebum
sity score, skin thickness, low echogenic band, arbitrary distance. collection/measurements).
Gain adjustment: +/- 10dB. Read-out: Step-by-step sequence status and two measurements


Frequency: 10 MHz, focused ultrasound. Probe: Color sensor w. 64 active elements, clear front for accurate
Penetration: 40 mm. positioning. Illumination by two angled white LED´s. Optical focusing
Probe: Rotating transducer, on 7 mm diam. target area. Insensitive to ambient light.
Scan length 45 mm. Diameter of scan area: 27 mm. Read-out: Erythema and Melanin (open ended index). CIELab
Read-out: Display of actual and stored measurements for color values. Four readings with average.
subcutaneous fat level, arbitrary distance.
Gain adjustment: +/- 10dB


Frequency: 20 MHz, focused ultrasound. Probe type: Standard gel-filled surface type probe, fast response
Resolution: 60 x 200 micrometer (ax x lat). time. Range: 1.00 - 11.00 pH.
Penetration: 3.4 mm. Measurement uncertainty: 0.01 pH @ 25 deg. C.
Probe: Rotating transducer, Scan length 3 mm. Diameter of Read-out: Up to 8 measurements with average calculation
scan area: 2mm.
Read-out: Display of actual and stored measurements for inten-
sity score, skin thickness, low echogenic band, arbitrary distance.
Gain adjustment: +/- 10dB.
Principle: Diffusion gradient. Central based thermal decouple Resolution: 1.3 megapixel.
sensors Range: 0 - 250 g/m²/h. Magnification: 10 - 50x (depends on screen size).
Resolution: 0.1 g/m²/h. Expanded Uncertainty: 2,5%. Light: Polarized/non-polarized setting.
Probe: Combined humidity/temperature sensors in 10 mm cylindrical Software: Dedicated software for saving/retrieving/comparing
diffusion chamber. Environment check: RH and temperature. captured images.
Autostop: Stops when SD,Time or Slope criteria is met. Connection: USB connected videocamera
Read-out: Continuous real-time TEWL curve and display of individu-
al sensor values as well as evironmental conditions.


Principle: Conductance, single frequency. Measurement principle: Non-contact infrared detection.
Range: 0 - 9999 microSiemens. Range: 10 - 50 deg. C.
Resolution: 1 microSiemens. Resolution: 0.1 unit.
Measurement uncertainty: +/- 5%. Measurement uncertainty: +/- 0.7 deg. C.
Flat Faced Probe with circular electrode design. Spring loaded Read-out: Up to 8 measurements with average calculation.
trigger action. Display of deg. Celsius or deg. Fahrenheit.
Read-out: Conductivity 0 - 9999 μSiemens, up to an average of
8 readings.

Principle: Conductance, single frequency. SkinLab Software - Ultrasound SkinLab Software - TEWL
Range: 0 - 9999 microSiemens.
Resolution: 1 microSiemens.
Measurement uncertainty: +/- 5%. Pin probe w. eight pins.
Pin Probe w. traditional spring loaded trigger action.
Read-out: Conductivity 0 - 9999 μSiemens, up to an average of
8 readings.
Plastvaenget 9 9560 Hadsund Denmark Tel.: +45 9857 4100

Z4400403 Z4400403
Multi-Parammeter Skin
The DermaLab Combo Proven Concept
The world most versitile biophysical skin analyser 30 years of innovation in one instrument
Cortex Technology have developed and produced The DermaLab Combo is trusted by some of the world’s leading research organizations such
innovative skin analysis instruments for more than three as universities, hospitals, cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies as well as skin test centers.
decades. The reproducibility and accuracy of the devices The broad spectrum of professional applications includes claims substantiation, irritancy
as well as the individual probes have been documented in allergy testing, rating of moisturizers, evaluation of treatments as well as
numerous scientific articles for a large number of applica- efficacy testing of topical agents for various skin conditions.
The DermaLab Combo is easy and intuitive to operate
The DermaLab Combo is designed for scientific skin and comes as a plug-and-play solution that
research and features up to twelve skin parameters in includes a high-end tablet PC with
one instrument as well as intuitive application software. preinstalled anaysis software.

All measurement principles

are general recognized and
based on years of scientific
The DermaLab Combo is the only instrument in
the world, which offers high frequency ultrasound
for instant assessment of skin thickness and
The DermaLab Combo is fully
structure in combination with
customizable. Simply select the
the well known psysical
probes relevant for your
parameters such as:
Elasticity, Hydration, Skin Color,
TEWL, Videoscope, Temperature,
pH, Sebum, etc.

The Ultrasound probes features

10 MHz and 20 MHz high resolution
ultrasound. The 20 MHz for instant
assessment of skin thickness, skin
structure, quantification of collagen levels and
the 10 MHz for visualizing subcutaneous layers
and structures.

SkinLab Software - Menu SkinLab Software - Hydration SkinLab Software - Elasticity SkinLab Software - Skin Color

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