Agriculture Notes Ans Qa

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India is an agricultural country because of the following reasons:

1. Two-third of its population is engaged in agricultural activities.
2. Agriculture is a primary activity.
3. It produces most of the food and food grains.
4. It produces raw materials for our various industries, e.g., cotton textile, sugar
5. Agricultural products, like tea, coffee, and spices are exported and earn foreign
Types of Farming
The cultivation methods depend upon the characteristics of the physical
environment, technological know-how and socio-cultural practices. Farming
varies from subsistence to commercial type. In different parts of India, the
following farming systems are practiced.
Primitive Subsistence Farming
• This type of farming is practiced in a few pockets of India on small patches of
land using primitive tools and family/community labour.
• Land productivity is low in this type of agriculture.
• This type of farming depends on the monsoon.
• This farming is practiced in a few parts of India.
• This type of shifting allows nature to replenish the fertility of the soil.
It is a ‘slash and burn’ agriculture. Farmers clear a patch of land and produce
cereals and other food crops. When the soil fertility decreases, the farmers shift
and clear a fresh patch of land for cultivation. It is known by different names in
different parts of the country. It is known as jhumming in the north-eastern
Intensive Subsistence Farming
• This type of farming is practiced in areas of high population pressure on land.
• It is labour-intensive farming, where high doses of biochemical inputs and
irrigation are used for higher production.
• Yield per hectare is high because high doses of biochemical inputs and
irrigation are used.
• The size of the land holdings is small and uneconomical.
• Farmers take the maximum output from the limited land by raising 2-3 crops in a
year from the same land, i.e., multiple cropping is practiced.
Commercial Farming
• In this, crops are mainly grown for commercial purposes.
• It is practiced on large pieces of land on scientific and commercial lines using
machines and modem technology.
• There is a higher use of modern agricultural inputs, e.g., HYV seeds,
fertilizers, irrigation, etc.
• The degree of commercialization varies from one region to another.
• Rice is a commercial crop in Punjab, while in Odisha it is a subsistence crop.
E.g., plantation agriculture.
Plantation Agriculture---
• It is a type of commercial farming in which a single crop is grown in a large
• Plantations cover large tracts of land, using capital-intensive inputs.
• Lot of migrant laborers work on these estates.
• The plantation has an interface of agriculture and industry.
• All the produce is used as a raw material in industries.
• The production is mainly for the market, i.e., commercial agriculture.
• Eg: Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Sugarcane, Banana.

Cropping Pattern
India has three cropping seasons:
1. Rabi
2. Kharif
3. Zaid

Cropping Rabi Kharif Zaid


Sowing Winter Beginning of In between the

Season from the rainy Rabi and the
October to season Kharif seasons,
December between April there is a short
and May season during the
Harvesting Summer September- summer months
Season from October known as the Zaid
season (in the
April to months of March
June to July)

Important Wheat, Paddy, Maize, Watermelon,

Crops Barley, Jowar, Bajra, Muskmelon,
Peas, Gram Tur (Arhar), Cucumber,
and Moong, Urad, Vegetables and
Mustard. Cotton, Jute, Fodder crops
Groundnut and

Major Crops in India

A variety of food and non-food crops are grown in different parts of India,
depending upon the variations in soil, climate and cultivation practices. Major
crops grown in India are:
• Rice
• Wheat
• Millets
• Pulses
• Tea
• Coffee
• Sugarcane
• oil seeds
• Cotton
• Jute
1. Kharif crop: It is a Kharif crop Rice is the staple food crop of the majority of
the population.
2. India is the second largest producer of rice in the world after China.
3. Climate: Paddy is a tropical crop and grows well in the wet monsoon.
4. Temperature: It also requires a temperature above 25oC coupled with heavy
5. Rainfall: It requires an annual rainfall above 100 cm. It requires heavy rainfall in
summer and irrigation in areas of less rainfall.
6. Areas of Cultivation: Rice is grown in the plains of north and north-eastern
India, coastal areas and the deltaic region. The development of dense network of
canal irrigation and tube wells has made it possible to grow rice in areas has
rainfall such as Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh, and parts of

1. second most important cereal crop: Wheat is the second most important
cereal crop. It is Rabi Crop. It is the main food crop, in north and north-western
parts of the country.
2. Soil Type: Alluvial soil and black soil
3. Temperature: It requires a cool growing season and bright sunshine at the time
of ripening.
4. Rainfall: It requires 50 to 75 cm of annual rainfall evenly distributed over the
growing season.
5. Areas of Cultivation: There are two prominent wheat growing zones in the
country-the Ganga-Sutlej plain in the north-west and black soil region of Deccan.
Wheat producing states are Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan and
certain parts of Madhya Pradesh.
1. Jowar, Bajra and Ragi are the important millets grown in India.
2. These are known as coarse grains and have very high nutritional value.

Jowar Bajra Ragi

3rd most important Grows well on sandy It is a crop of dry regions.

food crop with soils and shallow
respect to area and black soil.

It is a rain-fed crop Grows well on red, black,

mostly grown in the sandy, loamy and shallow
moist areas. black soils.
Mainly produced in Major producing Major producing states are
Maharashtra, states are Rajasthan, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka, Andhra Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh,
Pradesh and Madhya Maharashtra, Gujarat Uttarakhand, Sikkim,
Pradesh. and Haryana. Jharkhand and Arunachal

1. It is a Kharif crop.
2. Maize is a crop that is used both as food and fodder.
3. Climate: It requires 140 frost free days
4. Soil Type: It grows well in old alluvial soil.
5. Temperature: It requires a temperature between 21o C to 27oC .
6. Rainfall: It requires annual rainfall between 60 to 120 cm
7. Areas of Cultivation: In some states like Bihar maize is grown in the Rabi
season also. The use of modern inputs such as HYV seeds, fertilizers, and
irrigation have contributed to the increasing production of maize. Major maize-
producing states are Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar.
1. India is the largest producer and consumer of pulses in the world.
2. Pulses are the major source of protein in a vegetarian diet.
3. Major pulses grown in India are Tur (Arhar), Urad, Moong, Masur, Peas and
4. Maximum pulses are known as leguminous crops.
5. Pulses are mostly grown in rotation with other crops so that the soil restores
fertility. It helps in the fixation of nitrogen.
6. Pulses are grown in rotation with other crops as they help in restoring soil
fertility by using nitrogen from the air
7. Major pulse-producing states are Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra,
Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka.
Food Crops other than Grains
1. It is a tropical as well as a subtropical crop. India is the second largest producer of
sugarcane, while Brazil is the number one.
2. It grows well in hot and humid climates with a temperature of 21°C to 27°C and
annual rainfall between 75cm to 100cm.
3. It can be grown on a variety of soils.
4. Needs manual labour from sowing to harvesting.
5. Sugarcane is the main source of Sugar, Gur (Jaggery), Khansari and molasses.
6. The major sugarcane-producing states are Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka,
Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Haryana are major sugar
producing states.
➢ The sugarcane industry is seasonal in nature.
• It means that it employs people for only a few months in a year.
• It is suited to the co-operative sector as sometimes both the farmers and the
owners of the sugarcane mill may work together with each other to benefit one
• While the farmers may sell their produce directly to the mill owners, the latter
may buy sugarcane directly from the farmers.
• This avoids the exploitation of the farmers by the moneylenders. This also helps
in stabilizing the prices of sugar, gur, and jaggery
Oil Seeds

Different oil seeds are grown covering approximately 12% of the total cropped
area of India.
• Oilseeds have been the backbone of the agricultural economy of India for
along. Indian vegetable oil economy is the fourth largest in the world next
to USA, Chi,na and Brazil.
• Oilseed crops play the second most important role in the Indian
agricultural economy next to food grains in terms of area and production.
• The Indian climate is suitable for the cultivation of oilseed crops;
therefore, large varieties of oilseeds are cultivated here.
• India is the largest producer of oilseeds. Groundnut, mustard, coconut,
sesame, soyabean, castor, cotton seeds, linseed, and sunflower are the main
oilseeds grown in India.
.Main oil seeds produced in India are:
• Groundnut: is a Kharif crop and accounts for half of the major oilseeds produced
in India. Gujarat is the largest producer of groundnuts. Groundnut accounts
for about half of the major oilseeds produced in the country. Andhra Pradesh is
the largest producer of groundnut; followed by Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat,
and Maharashtra. Groundnut is a kharif crop.
• Linseed and mustard are rabi crops. Sesame is a Kharif crop in the north and a
rabi crop in the south.
• Castor is grown both as rabi and Kharif crops.
• Sesamum (til): is a Kharif crop in the north and rabi crop in south India.
• Castor seeds: It is grown as both Rabi and Kharif crop.
• Linseed: is a rabi crop.
• Coconut
• Soyabean
• Cotton seeds
• Sunflower
1. It is also an important beverage crop introduced by the British in India.
2. India is the leading producer and exporter of tea in the world.
3. Climate: Tea plants grow well in tropical and subtropical climates. Tea thrives
well in a hot and humid climate.
4. Soil Type: The soil requirement is deep fertile well-drained soil that is rich in
humus and organic matter.
5. Temperature: Ideal temperature for growth is 200 to 300 C.
6. Rainfall: 150 to 300 cm annual rainfall is required. High humidity and frequent
showers evenly distributed throughout the year are good for rapid development of
tender leaves.
7. Tea is a labour-intensive industry. Tea bushes require warm and moist frost-free
climate all through the year.
8. Major tea-producing states are Assam, the hills of Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri
districts, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala.
1. It is the second most important beverage crop of India. Indian coffee is known
for its quality and is hence in great demand all over the world. The variety
produced in India is the Arabica variety which was initially brought from Yemen.
2. Climate: It requires hot and humid climatic conditions for growth.
3. Soil Type: The soil requirement is deep fertile well-drained soil that is rich in
humus and organic matter.
4. Temperature: It requires 15˚C and 28˚ C
5. Rainfall: rainfall 50 to 200 cm annually.
6. Areas of Cultivation: Its cultivation was initiated on Baba Buden hills and is
today confined to the Nilgiri in Karnataka Kerala and Tamil Nadu
Horticulture Crops
India is a producer of tropical as well as temperate fruits. Major crops produced
are pea, cauliflower, onion, cabbage, tomato, brinjal and potato. Some of the
famous horticulture crops grown in India are:
• Mangoes of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and West
Bengal Oranges of Nagpur and Cherrapunjee (Meghalaya), bananas of Kerala,
Mizoram, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
• Lichi and Guava of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
• Pineapples of Meghalaya
• Grapes of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Maharashtra
• Apples, pears, apricots and walnuts of Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal
Non-Food Crops

Rubber Fibre Cotton Jute

It is an equatorial Cotton, Jute, It is a Kharif crop. It is known as the

crop. Hemp and golden fibre.
Natural Silk are
the four major
fibre crops.

It requires a moist and Cotton, Jute and It requires high It grows well on
humid climate with Hemp are grown temperature, light well-drained
rainfall of more than in the soil. rainfall, 210 frost- fertile soils in the
200cm and free days and bright flood plains. High
temperature above sunshine for its temperature is
25°C. growth. required for its

It is an important Natural Silk is Cotton grows It is used in

industrial raw obtained from well in black cotton making gunny
material cocoons of the soil of the Deccan bags, mats, ropes,
silkworms fed on plateau. yarn, carpets and
green leaves other artefacts.
Mainly grown in Rearing of Major cotton- Major jute
Kerala, Tamil Nadu, silkworms for producing states are producing states
Karnataka and the production of Maharashtra, are West Bengal,
Andaman and silk fibre is Gujarat, Madhya Bihar, Assam,
Nicobar islands and known as Pradesh, Karnataka, Odisha and
Garo hills of Sericulture. Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya.
Meghalaya. Telangana, Tamil
Nadu, Punjab,
Haryana and
Uttar Pradesh.

Technological and Institutional Reforms

Agriculture provides a livelihood for more than 60% of its population, so this
sector needs some serious technical and institutional reforms. "The Government
of India has introduced various institutional and technological reforms to
reforms to improve agriculture in the 1980s and 1990s” The Green Revolution
and the White Revolution were some of the reforms initiated by people to
improve agriculture.
Some Initiatives taken by the Government are:
Technological Reforms:
1. Wooden plough was replaced with tractors and tillers.
2. Drip irrigation and sprinklers are now used for irrigation which irrigates
more area in less water.
3. Use of chemical and bio-fertilizers have increased manifold. HYV Seeds,
pesticides, and insecticides are also used more.
4. Biotechnology has developed a much genetically improved variety of seed
that is resistant to drought and pests. They give more production also.
5. Farmers are now using TV, Radio, Newspapers, and Cell Phones to know
about weather conditions and according they plan agricultural activities.
Institutional Reforms:
1. Zamindari system was abolished by the Government of India.
2. Small fields were consolidated to make large fields. Collectivization and
consolidation of land holdings to make them economically viable.
3. Agriculture was the main focus of the first Five Years Plan. Establishment
of ‘Grameen Banks’, Cooperative Societies and Banks.
4. Provision of crop insurance to protect the farmers against losses caused by
natural calamities, i.e., drought, flood, cyclone, fire and disease
5. Kissan Credit Card [KCC], Personal Accident Insurance Scheme [PAIS]
was started by Govt. to help Indian farmers.
6. Govt. also announces Minimum Support Price and remunerative and
procurement prices for important crops and has abolished the role of
middleman in the market.
Bhoodan – Gramdan & Land Reforms(imp)
Land reform was the main focus of the First Five Year Plan. Vinoba Bhave
started the Bhoodan Andolan to encourage big landlords to donate a part of their
land to landless farmers. Many people came out in support of Vinoba Bhave and
donated land.
Small plot size hampers proper farm management. To improve the condition, the
government brought certain measures for land reform. In some states, the land
was redistributed so that all of the land owned by a farmer could come on a single
plot. The reform was successful in some states (like Punjab and UP) but could not
be implemented throughout the country, because of poor response by farmers.

Contribution of Agriculture to the National Economy, Employment and

Output(topic dropped)
• In 2010-11 about 52% of the total workforce was employed by the farm sector.
• The share of agriculture in the GDP is declining.
• Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), agricultural universities,
veterinary services and animal breeding centres, horticulture development,
research and development in the field of meteorology and weather forecast, etc.
are a few of the initiatives introduced by the government to improve Indian

• Impact of Globalization on Agriculture

• Globalization is present at the time of colonization.
• During the British period, cotton was exported to Britain as a raw material for
their textile industries.
• After 1990, the farmers in India have been exposed to new challenges under
• The agricultural products are not able to compete with the developed countries
because of the highly subsidised agriculture in those countries.
• Genetic engineering is revolutionizing agricultural production nowadays.
• Organic farming is also in fashion these days because it is practiced without
factory-made chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. Hence, it does not
affect the environment in a negative manner.
• Indian farmers should diversify their cropping pattern from cereals to high-value
crops which will increase incomes and reduce environmental degradation

Reasons for the decreasing growth rate in agriculture.

• Indian farmers are facing a challenge from international competition.
• The cost of production inputs is increasing day by day.
• Reduction in public investment in the agricultural sector especially
irrigation power, rural, roads, market, etc.
• The pressure of WTO on the Indian government to remove the subsidies
given to the farmers.
• Reduction in import duties on agricultural products.
• Withdrawal of investments by farmers from agriculture has resulted in
reducing employment in agriculture

Basic features of Indian agriculture

• Indian agriculture mainly depends on the arrival of the monsoon. Though
large areas in India, after independence, have been brought under
irrigation, only one-third of the cropped area is actually irrigated in the true
• Maximum farmers are not aware of modern farming techniques.
• Indian farmers use fertilizers. The use of these fertilizers and pesticides has
increased and large areas have been brought under a high-yielding variety
of seeds.
• Indian farmers, in certain parts still practice subsistence agriculture.
Farmers actually own small pieces of land and grow crops primarily for
their own purpose.
• In India animals also play a significant role in various kinds of agricultural
• Indian agriculture is subsistence in nature. It means produce is consumed
by the farmer itself.
• Machines and modern farm implements are used only in a small area.
• Food crops [rice, wheat] are more important than commercial crops.
• There are poor banking and insurance facilities available to the farmers

• Food Security
Food that provides Minimum Nutritional Value is a basic need of every citizen of
the country. Minimum nutritional value signifies food that provides a minimum
amount of nutrients like Proteins Vitamins, Iron, Calcium, etc. per day.
• If the government fails to provide food security in any part then that part
suffers from a Lack of Food Security.
• In our country, regions that are economically less developed and regions that
suffer from natural disasters where supplying food is not possible are uncertain
food supply.

• National Food Security System:

The main objective of this system is to ensure food availability to all. It also
focuses on increasing agricultural production and fixing the procurement price.
Procurement price i.e. the price with which government purchase the crop from
It consists of two components
➢ Buffer Stock
➢ Public Distribution System (i.e. PDS)
Buffer Stock: Food Corporation of India (FCI), buys foodgrains from farmers
with the assured minimum support price. It then maintains its stock and uses this
stock in case of a shortage of food.
Public Distribution System(PDS):
With this program stored food grains and essential commodities are distributed to
poor families at an affordable price.
Based on income, families are divided into two categories Below Poverty Line
(BPL) and Above Poverty Line (APL). The poverty line signifies the minimum
income needed to get necessities of life such as food, shelter, and clothes. Prices
for each category is different.
The problem with this system is that a number of deserving poor people are
excluded from the BPL category and some rich people are placed in the BPL
1. Write four points to stress the importance of agriculture in India. (2013)
Or, Why is India called an agriculturally important country? Write four
supportive arguments.
Or, ‘Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian Economy’ Explain the
statement by giving reason. Answer:India is an agricultural country because of
the following reasons:
• Two-third of its population is engaged in agricultural activities which provide
• Agriculture is a primary activity and produces most of the food and foodgrains
that we consume.
• It produces raw materials for our various industries, e.g., cotton textile and sugar
• Some agricultural products, like tea, coffee and spices, are exported and earn
foreign exchange.
• The share of agriculture in providing employment and livelihood to the
population continued to be as high as 63% in 2001.
Question 2.Why do farming practices vary in different regions? Give three
major reasons.
Answer:Three major reasons are:
• Physical environment, i.e., relief, soil and climate.
• Technological know-how.
• Socio-cultural practices.
Question 3.Name some industries based on agricultural raw material.
Answer:Cotton Textile Industry and Sugar Industry.

Question 4.What factors does primitive subsistence farming depend on?

• Monsoons
• Natural fertility of the soil
• Suitability of other environmental conditions to the crops grown.
Question 5.Write main characteristics of ‘slash and burn’ agriculture.
Or, Write main characteristics of Primitive Subsistence Farming.
Answer:This type of farming is practised in few pockets of India on small patches
of land using primitive tools and family/community labour.
Farmers clear a patch of land and produce cereals and other food crops to sustain
their families.
When the soil fertility decreases, the farmers shift and clear a fresh patch of land
for cultivation. This type of shifting allows nature to replenish the fertility of the
soil through natural processes.
Land productivity is low as the farmer does not use fertilisers or other modem
Question 6.Name some primitive tools used in ‘slash and bum’ agriculture.
Answer:Tools like hoe, dao and digging sticks.

Question 7.Compare ‘intensive subsistence farming’ with that of

‘commercial farming’ practiced in India.
Intensive Subsistence Farming Commercial Farming
(i) In this type of farming, production (i) In this, crops are mainly grown for
is mainly for self-consumption commercial purposes.
(ii) It is practised in areas of high (ii) It is practiced on large pieces of
population pressure on land. land on scientific and commercial
(iii) It is labour intensive farming. (iii) In this type of agriculture,
machines and modem technology are
(iv) In this, high doses of biochemical (iv) There is higher use of modern
inputs and irrigation are used for agricultural inputs, for example, High
obtaining higher production Yielding Variety (HYV) seeds,
fertilisers, irrigation, etc. are used to
obtain higher yields and production
(v) Farmers take the maximum output (v) The degree of commercialization
from the limited land by raising 2-3 varies from one region to another. Rice
crops in a year from the same land, is a commercial crop in Punjab, while
i.e., multiple cropping is practiced. in Orissa it is a subsistence crop. For
example, Plantation agriculture

Question 8.Write the main characteristics of intensive subsistence farming.
Answer:It is practised in areas of high population pressure on land.
It is labour intensive farming.
Yield per hectare is high because high doses of biochemical inputs and irrigation
are used.
The size of the land-holdings is small and uneconomical.
Farmers take maximum output from the limited land by raising 2-3 crops in a
year from the same land, i.e., multiple cropping is practised.
Question 9.What are the major differences between primitive subsistence
farming and commercial farming?
Primitive Subsistence Farming Commercial Farming
1. In this mainly cereals and other 1. In this, crops are mainly grown for
food crops are grown by farmers to commercial purposes.
sustain themselves.
2. It is generally done on small land 2. It is practiced on large pieces of land
holdings which are economically not on scientific and commercial lines.
3. Primitive tools and animals are 3. In this type of agriculture, machines
used for carrying out agricultural and modern technology are used.
4. In this, modern agricultural inputs, 4. There is a higher use of modern
e.g., fertilizers and irrigation are not agricultural in-puts, e.g., HYV seeds,
widely used. fertilizers, irrigation, etc. are used to
obtain higher yields and production
5. Subsistence Agriculture is called 5.The degree of commercialization
Jhumming in Assam, Mizoram; varies from one region to another. Rice
Kuruwa in Jharkhand. is a commercial crop in Punjab, while
E.g., Slash and Burn. in Orissa it is a subsistence crop. E.g.,
Plantation agriculture.
Question 10. What is the most important characteristic of commercial farming?
Answer: The main characteristic of commercial farming is the use of higher
doses of modern inputs, e.g., high-yielding varieties seeds (HYVs), chemical
fertilizers and pesticides to increase productivity.
The degree of commercialization of agriculture varies from one region to another.
Question 11.Give an example of a crop that is commercial in one region and
provides subsistence in another.
Answer: Rice is a commercial crop in Haryana and Punjab, while in Odisha it is a
subsistence crop.

Question 12. Name one type of agriculture which falls in the category of
commercial agriculture. Write the main characteristics of this type of
agriculture. (2012)
Write six characteristics of plantation agriculture.
Answer: Plantation agriculture is a type of commercial farming.
Characteristics of plantation agriculture:
• A single type of crop is grown on a large area.
• Plantation is carried out on large estates using lot of capital intensive units.
• Lot of migrant labourers work on these estates.
• The plantation has an interface of agriculture and industry. All the produce is
used as raw material in the respective industries.
• The production is mainly for the market, i.e., commercial agriculture.
• A well developed network of transport and communication connecting the
plantation areas, processing industries and markets plays an important role in the
development of plantations.
Question 13.Name one horticultural plantation crop and two beverage
plantation crops and two States each which specialize in their production
Answer: Horticultural plantation crop is apples, mainly grown in Himachal
Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir. Beverage crops:
Tea is mainly a plantation crop in Assam and North-West Bengal.
Coffee is grown in Karnataka.
Question 14. Name some important plantation crops.
Answer: Tea, coffee, rubber, sugarcane and banana are examples of some
important plantation crops.

Question 15.Name three cropping seasons of India. Write their sowing and
harvesting time and major crops of each season.
Answer:Rabi, Kharif and Zaid are the three cropping seasons.
I. Rabi crops (Winter crops):
These are sown in winter from October to December.
Harvested in summer from April to June.
Important crops are wheat, barley, mustard, peas, gram etc.

II. Kharif crops (Crops of the rainy season):

These are sown with the onset of monsoon (June-July) and are harvested in
September-October. Important crops are rice, maize, millets, jowar, bajra, tur
(arhar), moong, urad, cotton, jute, groundnut and soyabean.

III. Zaid season: It is a short cropping season during summer months (mainly
between March-April and June-July in different parts of the country).
Important crops are watermelon, musk melon, cucumber and fodder crops, etc.

Question 16.Where are rabi crops mainly grown? Describe the climatic
conditions required for their growth.
Answer:Rabi crops such as wheat and other crops are grown mainly in states
from the north and north-western parts such as Punjab, Haryana, Himachal
Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh. Climatic conditions:
Availability of precipitation during winter months due to western temperate
cyclones help in successful growth.
The green revolution has also been an important factor in the growth of rabi

Question 17.Name some important rice growing regions of India.

Answer:Assam, West Bengal, Coastal regions of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil
Nadu, Kerala and Maharashtra etc.

Question 18.Name three states which raise three paddy crops in a year.
Name these crops also.
Answer: Assam, West Bengal, and Orissa grow three crops in a year. The crops
are Aus, Aman, and Boro.
Question 19.(a) Which is the most important food crop of India? What is its
position in world production?
Or, Name the food crop of the Kharif season. What is India’s position in the
world with regard to its production?
(b) Write the rainfall and temperature requirements for the growth of this
(c) Name four major regions of rice cultivation.
(d) Name four states which produce irrigated rice.
(a) Rice is the most important food crop (Kharif crop) of India. India holds
second position in rice production after China.
(b) For rice cultivation, high temperature of 25°C and above and high humidity
with annual rainfall of 100 cms is required.
(c) Four major regions of rice cultivation are:

Plains of North India

Plains of North-Eastern India
Coastal areas
Deltaic regions.
(d) Irrigated rice is produced in Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh and
Rajasthan. Development of dense network of canals and tubewells has made it
possible to grow rice in these states which receive less rainfall.

Question 20.(a) Which is the second most important cereal crop of India?
Write the geographical conditions
required for its growth.
(b) Name two major zones of wheat growth and name six major states of
wheat production.
(a) Wheat is the second most important cereal crop of India. It is the main food
Geographical conditions:
Cool and moist growing season.
Bright sunshine at the time of ripening.
Rainfall: 50 to 75 cm evenly distributed over the growing season.
Loamy soil is best for its growth.
(b) Two important wheat growing zones in India are:
1) The Ganga-Sutlej plains in the North-West and
2) Black soil region of the Deccan.
The major wheat-producing states are Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.

Question 21. Which is the third most important food crop of India? Name
the cropping season in which it is grown. Name four leading states of its
Answer: jowar is the third most important food crop with respect to area and
production. It is mainly the crop of Kharif season. It is a rainfed crop grown in
moist areas.
Leading states of production are: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and
Madhya Pradesh.

Question 22.What are coarse grains? Why are they important in India?
Name the crops which are included in this category and name three leading
states producing each of these crops.
Answer: Millets are called coarse grains. They are important because they have
high nutritional value and make an important part of the diet for poor people.
The most important millets are as follows:

Ragi —Leading producer is Karnataka, followed by Tamil Nadu. Himachal

Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttaranchal, Sikkim etc are other important regions.
Jowar—Maharashtra is the leading producer followed by Karnataka, Andhra
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh.
Bajra—It grows well on sandy soils and shallow black soils. Rajasthan is the
largest producer followed by Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Haryana.
Question 23.Write two geographical conditions required for the growth of
Ragi and write its nutritional value.
Answer: Geographical conditions:

Ragi grows well in dry regions.

It grows well on red, black, sandy, loamy and shallow black soils.
Nutritional value: Ragi is rich in iron, calcium, other micro-nutrients and

Question 24.Mention two geographical conditions required for the growth of

Maize crops in India. Describe three factors that have contributed to the
increase in maize production. Write four major maize-producing states.
• Geographical conditions required for the growth of maize crop in .India:
• It is a kharif crop which requires temperature between 21° C to 27° C. It requires
moderate rainfall between 50-100 cm.
• It grows well in old alluvial soils.
• Maize is a crop that is used both as food and fodder. In some states like Bihar,
maize is grown in the rabi season also.
Maize production in India has increased due to factors like:
• use of modern inputs such as HYV seeds;
• use of fertilizers; and
• use of irrigation facilities.
Major maize-producing states: Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra
Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.

Question 25.(a) Name three pulses each of Rabi and Kharif season. Write
their importance for human beings and for agriculture.
(b) What is India’s position in the world with regard to the production of
pulses? Name five leading states producing pulses.
(a) Pulses of Rabi season: Tur (arhar), urad, moong.
Pulses of Kharif season: Masur, peas, gram.
Importance of pulses for agriculture.:
1) Being leguminous crops, they help in restoring soil fertility by utilizing
nitrogen from the air (nitrogen fixation). Therefore, these are mostly grown
in rotation with other crops.
2) They need less moisture and survive even in dry conditions.
3) India is the largest producer of pulses in the world.
Major pulse-producing states are Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan,
Maharashtra, and Karnataka.

Question 26.(a) What is India’s position in the world regarding sugarcane

production? Write the geographical conditions required for its growth.
(b) Write the major states that produce sugarcane.
(c) Name four products obtained from sugarcane.
(a) India is the second largest producer of sugarcane after Brazil.
Geographical conditions: It is a tropical as well as subtropical crop.
It grows well in hot and humid climate.
Temperature: 21°C to 27°C.
Annual rainfall is between 75 cm and 100 cm. Irrigation is required in regions of
low rainfall.
It can be grown on a variety of soils.
It needs manual labour from sowing to harvesting.
(b) Six major states producing sugarcane are: Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Haryana.
(c) Sugarcane is the main source of sugar, gur (jaggery), khandsari and

Question 27.(a) What percentage of the total cropped area of India is under
oilseed production? What is India’s position in the world with regard to
oilseed production?
(b) Name six oilseeds produced in India. What are their main uses?
(c) Which oilseed constitutes 50% of the oilseeds produced in the country?
Name three major states producing this oilseed.
(d) Name three oilseeds of Kharif season and three of Rabi season.
(a) India is the largest producer of oilseeds in the world. 12% of the total cropped
area is under oilseed production

(b) Six major oilseeds produced in India are: Groundnut, mustard, coconut,
sesamum (til), soyabean, castor-seeds, linseed, sunflower and cotton-seeds.
Most of these oilseeds are edible and are used as cooking mediums.
Some are also used as raw material in the production of soap, cosmetics and

(c) Groundnut is a Kharif crop and constitutes 50% share in the total oilseed
production. Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat and Maharashtra
are important producers of groundnut.

(d)Oilseeds of Kharif season Oilseeds of Rabi season

Groundnut Mustard
Sesamum in North India Linseed
Castor-seed Sesamum in South India

Question 28.Write the geographical and labour conditions required for the
growth of tea.
Geographical conditions:
• It grows well in tropical and subtropical climates.
• It requires deep, fertile, well drained soil, rich in humus and organic matter.
• It requires warm and moist frost free climate round the year.
• Frequent showers evenly distributed through the year ensure continuous growth
of tender leaves.
• Tea is a labour intensive industry. It requires abundant, cheap and skilled labour.
• It is processed within tea gardens to restore its freshness.
Question 29. What is India’s position in the world regarding tea production?
Name three states each that produce tea in:
(i) North-Eastern India
(ii) Himalayan states/parts of the states
(iii) Peninsular States.
Answer: India is the leading producer and exporter of tea in the world.
Three states produce tea in each of the following:
North-Eastern States Himalayan Peninsular States
1. Assam 1. Hills of West Bengal 1. Tamil Nadu
2. Meghalaya(Darjeeling 2. Himachal Pradesh 2. Kerala
& Jalpaiguri Districts)
3. Tripura 3. Uttaranchal 3. Andhra Pradesh

Question 30.
Which is the most important beverage crop of Southern India and what is its
percentage share in the world? Where did its cultivation initially start in
India? Name three major states of its production.
Coffee is the most important beverage crop of Southern India. India produces
about 4% of the world’s coffee production.
Three major states which produce coffee are: Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil
Nadu, mainly in Nilgiri Hills. Initially its cultivation started in Baba Budan Hills.

Question 31.Name a good variety of coffee which is produced in India and

name the country from where it was initially brought. Why Indian coffee has
great international demand?
Answer: Arabica, the good variety of coffee was originally brought from Yemen.
Indian coffee is in great demand because this coffee is of a very good quality.

Question 32.What is horticulture? (2012)

Answer: Cultivation of fruits, vegetables and flowers is called horticulture.

Question 33.What is India’s position in the world in the production of fruits

and vegetables? Name the different Indian fruits which are in great demand
world over and also name the states where each is produced.
• India is the largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world.
• Mangoes grow in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
• Bananas grow well in Kerala, Mizoram, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
• Oranges grow well in Nagpur and Cherrapunjee (Meghalaya).
• Lichi and Guavas grow in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
• Grapes grow well in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra.
• Pineapple grows well in Meghalaya.
• Apples, Pears, Apricots and Walnuts grow well in Jammu and Kashmir and
Himachal Pradesh.

Question 34. Name four temperate fruits which are produced in India and
name the states which grow them in abundance.
Answer: Four temperate crops are: apples, pears, apricots and walnuts.
Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir are the leading producers of these
temperate fruits.

Question 35.Describe India’s position in vegetable production.

India produces about 13% of the world’s vegetables.
It stands first in the production of peas and cauliflower.
It stands second in the production of onions, cabbage, tomatoes and brinjal and
stands fourth in the production of potatoes.
Question 36.Name three non-food crops and write three major states of their
production respectively.
The three non-food crops are: rubber, cotton and jute.
Rubber is produced in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, Andaman and Nicobar
islands and Garo hills of Meghalaya.
Cotton is mainly produced in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
Jute is mainly grown in West Bengal, Bihar and Assam.

Question 37. Write the geographical conditions required for the growth of
rubber. Name the item which consumes the maximum share of rubber for its
• It requires hot and humid climate.
• Rainfall – 200 cms.
• Temperature – above 25°C.
• Maximum rubber is consumed in the manufacture of auto tyres and tubes and
cycle tyres and tubes. They together consume about 57.8% of the total rubber

Question 38.Name four major fibre crops grown in India. What is

Cotton, jute, hemp and natural silk are the four major fibre crops grown in India.
The first three are derived directly from the crops grown in the soil, but silk is
obtained from the cocoons of silk worms fed on mulberry leaves.
Sericulture: Rearing of silk worms for the production of silk fibre is known as

Question 39.Give an account of fibre crop which is mainly grown in Deccan

Plateau region under the following heads:
(i) Its position in the world production
(ii) geographical conditions and
(iii) major states of production.
Cotton is the fibre crop which is mainly grown in the black soil of the Deccan
Plateau region.
(i) Position. India is the 3rd largest producer of cotton in the world.
(ii) Geographical conditions. Cotton requires:
1. high temperature.
2. light rainfall or irrigation.
3. 210 frost-free days.
4. bright sunshine for its growth.
5. black cotton soil which is very good for its growth.
6. It is a Kharif crop and requires 6-8 months to mature.
(iii) Major cotton producing states are. Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.
Question 40.Which fibre crop is called as the ‘Golden fibre’? Which is the
most important region of its growth and why? Give one major reason why it
is losing the market now.
• Jute is known as the golden fibre.
• Jute is mainly grown in West Bengal, especially in the Hooghly Basin because
there the geographical conditions favour its growth. These conditions are:
• High temperature required during the time of growth.
• Jute grows well on well-drained fertile soils in the flood plains where soils are
renewed every year. Due to its high cost, it is losing the market to synthetic fibers
and other packing materials, particularly to nylon.
Question 41. Name the major jute-producing states and list some items or
products made out of jute.
Answer: Jute-producing states are: West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Orissa and
Jute products are: gunny bags, ropes, mats, carpets, yarns and other ornamental

Question 42. Give the main reasons which have necessitated agricultural
reforms. (Technological And Institutional Reforms)
Answer: Reforms in agriculture are necessary because of the following reasons:
• Sustained uses of land without compatible techno-institutional changes have
hindered the pace of agricultural development.
• Most of the farmers still depend on monsoons because large parts of the country
still do not have irrigation facilities.
• Farmers still depend on natural fertility in order to carry on their agriculture, i.e.,
they lack material resources, e.g., fertilizers, etc.
• Ours is an agricultural economy and about 63% of people depend on agriculture
for employment and livelihood, therefore reforms have to be implemented.
• For raising the agricultural production and productivity levels to produce
sufficient food for the growing population.
• To overcome environmental, economic and social constraints, agricultural
reforms have to be seriously implemented.
• The declining share in GDP is a matter of serious concern because decline and
stagnation in agriculture will lead to decline in other spheres of economy.
Question 43.What are ‘Institutional Reforms’? Enlist various institutional
reforms taken by the Indian Government to bring about improvements in
Answer: Institutional reforms:
Steps taken by the government to bring about improvements in agriculture are
termed as “Technological And Institutional Reforms
• Collectivization and consolidation of land holdings to make them economically
• The green revolution based on the use of package technology and the White
Revolution to increase milk production are important strategies that were initiated
to improve agriculture.
• Cooperation with farmers and Abolition of the Zamindari system.
• Provision of crop insurance to protect the farmers against losses caused by natural
calamities, i.e. drought, flood, cyclone, fire and disease.
• Establishment of ‘Grameen Banks’, Cooperative Societies and Banks for
providing loan facilities to the farmers at lower rates of interest.
• Kissan Credit Card (KCC), Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (PAIS) are
some other schemes introduced by the government for the benefit of farmers.
• Special weather bulletins and agricultural programmes for farmers were
introduced on the Radio and TV.
• Announcement of minimum support price, remunerative and procurement prices
for crops to check the exploitation of farmers by speculators and middlemen and
removing the elements of uncertainty.
Question 44.Describe some concerted efforts made by the government to
modernize Indian agriculture and improve its share in the GDP.
Answer: The following measures have been taken by the government to
modernise agriculture and improve its share in the GDP:
• Establishment of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).
• Setting up of Agricultural Universities.
• Development of advanced Veterinary Services and Animal Breeding Centres.
• Development of horticulture.
• Research and Development in the field of meteorology and weather forecasts, etc.
• Improving the rural infrastructure is essential for the same.
Question 45.“The contribution of agriculture to national economy is on the
decline.” Write five facts to support this statement.
Or, What is the contribution of agriculture to national economy,
employment and output? Is it declining or encouraging?
Answer:Contribution of agriculture is showing a declining trend:
• The share of agriculture in GDP has shown a declining trend since 1951.
• Yet its share in providing employment and livelihood to the population continued
to be as high as 63% in 2001.
• Although GDP growth rate of the country is increasing, it is not generating
sufficient employment opportunities in the country, especially in the field of
• Farmers are dragging away their investment from agriculture because they have
to face big challenges from international competition. This has resulted in further
downfall in employment in agriculture.
• The growth rate in agriculture is decelerating which is an alarming situation.
Question 46.What are the challenges being faced by Indian farmers? What
has this resulted in?
Answer:Challenges faced by Indian farmers:
• Reduction in public investment by government in the agricultural sector
particularly in areas of irrigation, power, rural roads, market and mechanisation.
• Subsidy on fertilizers has decreased leading to increase in the cost of production.
• Reduction in import duties on agricultural products has proved detrimental to
agriculture in the country.
• All these factors have led to stiff international competition. Farmers are thus
withdrawing their investment from agriculture causing a downfall in agricultural
Question 47.Define each of the following:
(a) Green Revolution
(b) White Revolution
(c) Yellow Revolution
(d) Blue Revolution
(e) Gene Revolution.
(a) Green Revolution. Agricultural Revolution which resulted in increased
production of foodgrains because of the use of HYV (High Yielding Varieties)
seeds, fertilizers, proper irrigation and other modem inputs.
(b) White Revolution. Revolutionary increase in the production of milk which
was spearheaded by Operation Flood.
(c) Yellow Revolution. Increase in the output of oilseeds is termed as Yellow
(d) Blue Revolution refers to increased output of fish and fish products.
(e) Gene Revolution refers to the development of genetically modified seeds for
increasing the yield per hectare. These seeds are environmentally sustainable.

Question 48.Write four drawbacks of green revolution.

Due to overuse of chemicals land degradation has taken place.
Excessive irrigation caused drying of acquifers.
It became a cause for vanishing biodiversity.
It has widened the gap between poor and rich farmers because only agriculturally
rich areas have benefitted from it and not the small farmers.

Question 49.(a) Give four reasons why Indian farmers should switch over
from cereals to high value crops’ cultivation.
(b) What will be the implication of this change? Name three countries which
have successfully done this.
(a) Indian farmers should switch from cereals to high value crops because of the
following reasons:
(i) It will improve their income.
(ii) It will reduce environmental degradation at the same time.
(iii) Fruits, medicinal herbs, bio-diesel crops, flowers and vegetables need
much less irrigation than rice or sugarcane.
(iv) India’s wide variety of climates can be harnessed to grow a wide range of
high value crops.
(b) Its implications are:
(i) India has to import food.
(ii) If we import food while exporting high value crops, our economy will
(iii) Three countries which have such successful economies are: Chile, Israel
and Italy, which export farm products (fruits, wine, olives, specialty seeds)
and import food.
Question 50: Define Food Security. What are the main objectives of
National Food Security System?
Food that provides Minimum Nutritional Value is a basic need of every citizen of
the country. Minimum nutritional value signifies food that provides a minimum
amount of nutrients like Proteins Vitamins, Iron, Calcium, etc. per day.
• If the government fails to provide food security in any part then that part
suffers from a Lack of Food Security.
• In our country, regions that are economically less developed and regions
that suffer from natural disasters where supplying food is not possible are
uncertain food supply.
• National Food Security System:
The main objective of this system is to ensure food availability to all. It also
focuses on increasing agricultural production and fixing the procurement price.
Procurement price i.e. the price with which government purchase the crop from
It consists of two components
➢ Buffer Stock
➢ Public Distribution System (i.e. PDS)
Buffer Stock: Food Corporation of India (FCI), buys foodgrains from farmers
with the assured minimum support price. It then maintains its stock and uses this
stock in case of a shortage of food.
Public Distribution System(PDS):
• With this program stored food grains and essential commodities are
distributed to poor families at an affordable price.
• Based on income, families are divided into two categories Below Poverty
Line (BPL) and Above Poverty Line (APL).
• The poverty line signifies the minimum income needed to get necessities of
life such as food, shelter, and clothes. Prices for each category is different.
The problem with this system is that a number of deserving poor people are
excluded from the BPL category and some rich people are placed in the BPL

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