Comparison of Simple LED Circuits For Low Power LEDs
Comparison of Simple LED Circuits For Low Power LEDs
Comparison of Simple LED Circuits For Low Power LEDs
Application Note
Valid for:
visible LEDs; Infrared Emitters
Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are used in a broad array of applications such as cars, mobile
devices, medical applications and illumination. To combine more LEDs in an application is
not uncommon. In general, operation with a constant power source (or with a LED driver) is
recommended. For low power LEDs sometimes more cost-efficient implementations are
chosen. Hence this application note compares different LED circuits, explains the
advantages, gives examples and recommendations.
Table of contents
A. Basic electrical LED information .............................................................................2
Electrical characteristics of the LED ...................................................................2
Forward voltage grouping ...................................................................................3
B. LED circuits .............................................................................................................4
Simulation parameters ........................................................................................5
Circuit topology 1: serial circuit ..........................................................................5
Circuit topology 2: matrix circuit .........................................................................7
Advantages and disadvantages of the different circuit topologies ....................9
LED circuits recommendation ..........................................................................10
C. Thermal considerations ........................................................................................12
D. Conclusion ............................................................................................................12
1V VF [V]
LEDs are very sensitive to a high forward current. Therefore, an LED should never
be connected directly to the supply voltage. They should always be connected
in series within a current controlled or current limited circuit. Figure 2 shows an
example of a simple basic circuit.
But even LEDs with identical binning values can have different I-V
characteristics. Figure 3 shows an example with a binning current of 150 mA. As
can be seen, all three LEDs have the identical binning values, but show a
different I-V characteristic.
Figure 3: Sketched example same binning values but different I-V characteristic
IF [mA]
Binning current
VF [V]
B. LED circuits
There are different possibilities to operate LEDs in applications.
It is recommended to operate LEDs with constant current and pulse width
modulation (PWM), as shown in Figure 4.Constant power sources ensure a
constant operating current at a defined operating point. LED drivers offer the
constant power source as an integrated solution. For more information on
operating LEDs with pulse width modulation (PWM), please refer to Application
Note: “Dimming InGaN LEDs”.
constant power
D1 Dn
D6 Dn+5
In practice, for low-cost applications and using low power LEDs, circuits without
a constant power source are often implemented. In the following two circuit
topologies are presented:
• Circuit topology 1: Serial Circuit with different LED strings in parallel
• Circuit topology 2: Matrix Circuit with one resistor for the complete circuit
To demonstrate LED performance in a circuit, for each topology two simulations
have been performed:
• a typical simulation with all LEDs performing normally
• a simulation with one failed LED in the circuit from a string with typical
forward voltage
Simulation parameters
For each circuit simulation constant proceeding parameters are considered:
strings. For the LEDs from the lower forward voltage group, the forward current
is 36.5 mA. For the LEDs from the upper limit of the forward voltage group, the
forward current is 33.4 mA. In the worst case, the overall current variation in this
circuit is 35 mA ± ~ 5 %.
The subsequent effect of temperature on appearance is less profound in this
circuit than in circuit topology 2 (matrix circuit) due to less variation in the forward
current of the LEDs.
Serial circuit, one LED failed. The simulation in Figure 6 shows that the failure
of one LED causes the remaining LEDs in that string to fail. As a result, the total
current drops from 140 mA to 105 mA, approximately, but the current of the
LEDs in the remaining strings is unaffected.
Figure 7: Simulation of a matrix circuit with one resistor for the complete circuit
147.1 mA
Matrix circuit with one resistor for the complete circuit, one LED failed.
When one LED fails like in simulation in Figure 8, two effects can be observed:
• First, the total current flowing through the complete matrix drops slightly as
the equivalent resistance of the circuit increases.
• Second, and more significantly, the three LEDs that are parallel to the failed
LED pull more current. In the worst case this means that a LED from the
lower limit of the voltage group will pull 63.6 mA.
Due to the small change in current registered by the failure of a single LED, the
failure can not be easily or economically detected by current sense; only the
failure of the complete circuit can be detected.
Figure 8: Simulation of a matrix circuit with one resistor for the complete circuit, one
LED failed
145.2 mA
The current for each string can be If one LED fails, the remaining LEDs still
adjusted very accurately by the resistors operate
Simple circuit design, comparatively low Simple circuit design, comparatively low
The failure of a single LED will cause the In the worst case the current distribution
remaining LEDs in that string to fail can be very unsymmetrical. Because of the
differences in current, the LEDs do not
experience a consistent rise in temperature
across the circuit
5. to minimize the voltage mismatch operate the LEDs around the binning
6. Do not exceed the operation current per LED to have enough buffer
IOP < 0.7 Imax
D1 D7 D1 D7 D13 D19 D1 Dn
C. Thermal considerations
The thermal design must be considered for all LED circuits. The higher the
junction temperature Tj rises, the lower the forward voltage VF gets, causing the
current in the circuit to increase. The change in forward voltage VF as a function
of the junction temperature Tj can be seen in the data sheet (Figure 10 shows an
example of the data sheet entry of the LA E6xF).
D. Conclusion
Essentially, there are two ways to design a cluster of LEDs, a serial circuit or a
matrix circuit with one resistor for the entire circuit. Each of these possibilities
has advantages and disadvantages (see Table 1) that will be dependent upon the
end application and the respective requirements therein. For each circuit
topology, especially so for the matrix circuit (Figures 7 and 8), the distribution of
current within the circuit is critical. The circuit must be designed that the LEDs
do not get overdriven and that the LEDs do not overheat: increasing current
results in increasing temperature and this again results in increasing current until
such an equilibrium is reached. It is exacerbated in matrix circuits by having just
the single resistor for the entire circuit.
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