DM Direct Method

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- Natural Method/ Reform Method

Core principles of DM:
- The goal of instruction is learning how to
1. Teacher’s goal use a foreign language to communicate

2. The roles of the teacher and - The Direct Method has one very basic
students rule: No translation is allowed (This is the
3. Teaching-learning process fundamental difference between GTM and
4. Classroom interaction
- The meaning is to be conveyed directly in
5. Language focus
the target language through the use of
6. Teacher’s reponse to students’
demonstration and visual aids
- Grammar is taught inductively ( GTM:
7. Techniques

1. Teacher’s goal
Teachers who use the Direct Method intend that students learn how to
communicate in the target language. Students should learn to think in the
target language.

2. The roles of the teacher and students

The teacher and the students are more like partners in the teaching-
learning process

Students’ role less passive

3. Teaching-learning process
- Demonstration is needed

- Grammar is taught inductively in which students discover the rules

- Students practice vocabulary by using new words in complete sentences

- The syllabus is topic-based (geography, money, or the weather) or

situation-based (use at a bank, use when going shopping)

4. Classroom interaction
- Teacher-student

- Student-student: teacher – directed

5. Language focus
- Vocabulary is emphasized over grammar

- Oral communication is seen as basic

- Pronunciation receives much attention

6. Teacher’s reponse to students’ errors

The teacher, employing various techniques, tries to get students to self-
correct whenever possible

7. Techniques
- Reading aloud: Students take turns reading sections of a passage, play,
or dialog out loud.

- Question and answer exercise: Students are asked questions and answer
in full sentences so that they practice new words and grammatical
- Getting students to self-correct: 3 ways

Asking students to make a choice between what they said and an

alternative answer

Teacher repeats what a student has just said, using a questioning voice to
signal to the student that something was wrong with it

Teacher repeats what the student said, stopping just before the error. The
student knows that the next word was wrong.

- Conversation practice: The questions contained a particular grammar

structure. Students practice asking questions using this structure

- Fill-in-the-blank exercise: all items are in the target language no explicit

grammar rule would be applied.

- Dictation

- Map drawing: students are given a map with the geographical features
unnamed and do the exercises

- Paragraph writing

- DM is suitable for private - DM is not suitable for public
language schools where student education with constrain of budget,
were highly motivated (ít học sinh classroom size and teachers’
trong 1 lớp) and where native background
speaking teachers could be - It demands tremendously on
employed (likely using native teacher. He should be fluent in
language) second language and very
- The method provides an resourceful in order to make the
interesting and exciting ways of meaning clear in a variety of ways
learning english through activities without using native language
- DM is successful in developing the - Only highly intelligent students
skill of listening and speaking in can profit from this method. Less
very young children in elementary talented ones can make a direct
schools because they have great association between foreign
abilty to mimic phrases and situations

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