Astm E1766-15
Astm E1766-15
Astm E1766-15
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: E1766 − 15
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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E1766 − 15
3.1.1 bioburden—the number and types of viable microor- 4.3 After inoculation, and drying, if required, the device is
ganisms that contaminate a device. prepared and processed according to the sterilant or sterilizer
3.1.2 CFU—colony-forming unit. manufacturer’s instructions.
3.1.3 inoculum—the number (usually specified as CFUs) 4.4 Following the sterilization process, the test devices are
and type (genus and species) of viable microorganisms used to sampled using specified elution techniques to recover any
contaminate a given sample or device. surviving spores.
3.1.4 sporicidal agent—any chemical or physical agent that
kills spores. 5. Significance and Use
3.1.5 sterilant—any sterilizing agent. 5.1 The test method is designed to demonstrate that all
3.1.6 sterile—a state of being free of living organisms. accessible surfaces and internal recesses or lumina of previ-
ously cleaned, reusable medical devices can be rendered free of
3.1.7 sterilization cycle or process—a physical or chemical
recoverable microorganisms when processed in a specified
process that has been demonstrated to meet applicable criteria
sterilizer cycle.
for sterilization as defined by AAMI.4
3.1.8 sterilizer—any device using a chemical or physical 5.2 Surviving spores are recovered by swabbing, brushing,
process that produces sterile materials. or irrigating with an elution fluid. Recovery methods may be
enhanced by mechanical action, sonication, and repeated
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: flushing with elution fluid.
3.2.1 applied inoculum—the estimated count of the suspen-
sion of bacterial spores expressed as CFU/mL used to inoculate NOTE 1—The spore inoculation technique described in this test method
the test devices. This value may be used if the efficiencies of is only one of the available procedures for testing the sterilization of
devices. Spores on paper strips (biological indocators) are a traditional
the recovery methods are determined. tool used to develop and monitor sterilization cycles and are also
3.2.2 process test cycle—a complete sterilization cycle that appropriate for the evaluation of sterilization of medical devices.5
uses all parameters of the sterilization process as dictated by
the manufacturer. 6. Apparatus
3.2.3 recovery control—the CFU recoverable from a device 6.1 Syringes, 10 to 50 mL, sterile.
following inoculation and optional drying of the spore suspen-
sion in or on the unprocessed device. The recovery of ≥106 6.2 Sterile Cotton Swabs.
CFUs per device is required. 6.3 Sterile Petri Dishes.
3.2.4 recovery effıciency—a measure of the recovery of 6.4 Sterile Test Tubes, to hold 10 mL.
inoculated organisms from a device may be determined when
necessary. The recovery efficiency may be expressed as the 6.5 Sterile Glass Bottles, to hold 50 mL.
ratio of the CFU from the recovery control compared to the
6.6 Steam Sterilizer.
CFU of the applied inoculum. This value is multiplied by 100
to express efficiency as a percent. It is recommended that a 6.7 Water Bath, 48 6 2°C.
minimum of three tests be performed when estimating recovery
6.8 Incubator(s), 35 6 2°C and 55 6 2°C.
3.2.5 reusable medical devices—any medical device that is 6.9 Colony Counter.
claimed to be usable after reprocessing. 6.10 Medical Device, precleaned in accordance with the
3.2.6 spore—a bacterial endospore. (Strain identification manufacturer’s instructions.
and the means used to identify whether the vegetative or spore
6.11 Disposable or Reusable Membrane Filter Apparatus,
state is present should be indicated.)
sterile, 0.45-µm pore size.
3.2.7 worst-case—the intentional exaggeration of one or
more parameters of a test compared to normal clinical condi- 6.12 Micropipette, calibrated to dispense 5 to 20 µL.
tions. 6.13 Other devices or apparatus specified by the sterilant,
medical device, or sterilizer manufacturer.
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 Percent recovery of inoculum may be used to ensure 7. Reagents
reproducible inoculation and recovery techniques. 7.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals shall be
4.2 The test method is performed by contaminating the used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that
cleaned reusable medical device with a bacterial endospore all reagents conform to the specifications of the Committee on
suspension. Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society where
4 5
See “Guideline for Industrial Ethylene Oxide Sterilization of Medical Devices” United States Pharmacopeia, XXIII, or current edition, Rand McNally,
(ST27), AAMI, Arlington, VA, 1992, for typical criteria. Taunton, MA, 1995, pp. 200–206.
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E1766 − 15
such specifications are available.6 Other grades may be used, available. Clean and dry the device according to the device
provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently manufacturer’s instructions.
high purity to permit its use without lessening the accuracy of 8.3 Inoculate the device and include the sites most difficult
the determination. to sterilize. The number of sites may vary with the complexity
7.2 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated, references of the medical device. The rationale used to identify and verify
to water shall be understood to mean reagent water as defined the most difficult to sterilize sites must be documented.
by Type III of Specification D1193. Inoculation procedures producing a recoverable count of 106
7.3 Media: CFU spores per instrument should be used.
7.3.1 Type III or Better ASTM Water, for making broths and 8.4 Specific procedures are used for inoculation, elution,
elution fluids. control testing, neutralization, growth promotion, and sterility
7.3.2 Sterile USP Fluid D7—(elution fluid), containing testing.
polysorbate 80 or stripping solution8 containing 0.4 g KH2PO4,
8.5 Inoculation of Devices to Determine the Applied
10.1 g Na2HPO4, and 1.0 g.
Inoculum—These paragraphs describe the steps for enumerat-
7.3.3 Isooctylphenoxypolyethoxy Ethanol (Triton X-100), in
ing the CFU of spores inoculated onto the medical device being
1-L distilled water adjusted to pH 7.8.
tested. The spores are not subjected to drying or other
7.3.4 Soybean-Casein Digest Broth, USP, single or double
treatments, as they might be when determining the recovery
strength, with neutralizers for the test sterilant, as appropriate,
control (see 8.6).
and a volume acceptable for each test.
8.5.1 Surface Site Inoculation:
7.3.5 Soybean-Casein Digest Agar, USP, single or double
strength, with neutralizers for the test sterilant, if appropriate; Micropipetter Method—Inoculate the surface di-
10 to 50 mL in tubes or bottles, tempered to 48 6 2°C. rectly by introducing a volume of spore suspension contain-
ing≥ 107 spores to the site(s), and distribute over the inoculated
7.4 Test Organisms/Spore Suspension: site(s) with the tip of the pipet. Immerse the device in elution
7.4.1 For moist heat sterilization, standardized spore sus- fluid or rinse immediately, or swab the inoculum into a test
pensions of Geobacillus stearothermophilus containing nomi- tube or other sterile container. Alternatively, recovery can be
nally 108 CFU/mL and meeting USP resistance criteria for determined by micropipetting aliquots of suspension directly
steam sterilization should be used.9 into tubes of elution fluid and enumerating the mixture. Mix
7.4.2 For chemical or dry heat sterilization, standardized thoroughly by vortexing. Make serial dilutions, and add 1.0 mL
spore suspensions of Bacillus atrophaeus containing nominally of each sample (the original eluate as well as each dilution) to
108 CFU/mL and meeting USP resistance criteria for ethylene individual tubes containing 20 mL of molten (46 to 50°C) agar,
oxide or dry heat sterilization should be used.8 mix, and pour into sterile petri plate. Allow the agar to solidify
7.4.3 For sterilants in which either of the above organisms and incubate at a temperature optimal for spore outgrowth.
may be inappropriate, other indicator organisms may be Examine plates for colonies at 48 h, and re-examine daily for
substituted, provided there is substantial evidence, and experi- up to 7 days. Determine the mean number of CFU recovered
mental data to indicate that they are more appropriate. from each device by counting the appropriate plates, and
7.4.4 The origin of the spore strain, production, storage, and calculate the total CFU recovered from the inoculated device
expiration dates should be identified. using the dilution factor.
7.5 Neutralizers (as appropriate)—See Practices E1054 for Swab Method—Moisten a sterile swab with spore
recommended neutralizers. suspension, and swab the selected site. The number of spores
applied onto the surface should be measured by immediately
8. Procedure eluting and swabbing the inoculum from the device. Enumerate
8.1 Select the devices to be evaluated. the eluate using standard dilution and plating techniques, as
noted in
8.2 Read the cleaning instructions for each medical device 8.5.2 Internal Site Inoculation—As appropriate, connect
to be tested, and ensure that all required accessories are any cleaning or irrigation attachment(s) recommended by the
medical device manufacturer, and inoculate by irrigating the
internal lumina or recesses with inoculum. Using a sterile
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American
Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not irrigation device (syringe, pump, etc.), elute the suspension
listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory from the device aseptically by irrigating the internal lumina or
Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia recesses with several volumes of elution fluid. Collect all
and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmaceutical Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville,
elution fluid, mix thoroughly, and determine the CFU using
United States Pharmacopeia XXII, or current edition, “Sterility Tests, Diluting standard dilution and plating techniques, as noted in
and Rinsing Fluids,” Rand McNally, Taunton, MA, 1990, p. 1484.
Williamson, P., “Quantitative Estimation of Cutaneous Bacteria,” Skin Bacteria
8.6 Inoculation of Devices to Determine the Recovery
and Their Role in Infection, Maibach, H. I., and Hildick-Smith, G., eds., McGraw- Control—These paragraphs describe the steps for enumerating
Hill, New York, NY, 1965. the CFU of spores recoverable from the medical device after it
United States Pharmacopeia XXII, or current edition, “Sterilized Instruments,” has been inoculated but just prior to being subjected to a
pp. 1486–1487; “Biological Indicator for Ethylene Oxide Sterilization, Paper Strip,”
pp. 171–173; and “Biological Indicator for Steam Sterilization, Paper Strip,” pp. process test cycle.
173–175, Rand McNally, Taunton, MA. 8.6.1 Surface Site Inoculation:
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E1766 − 15 Micropipetter Inoculation—The same inoculum and The elution techniques used for determining the
technique(s) used to determine the applied inoculum (see recovery control (see 8.6) should be used for recovering any should be used to inoculate the medical device. Dry the viable spores after processing in the test cycle. The sterility test
inoculum if specified by the manufacturer’s instructions for elution process must be conducted under strict aseptic condi-
preparation of the instrument prior to sterile processing. tions. All elution fluid is to be cultured. Small volumes, up to
Conduct elution and enumeration procedures aseptically, as approximately 50 mL, can be cultured by adding the eluate to
noted in Average all replicate tests. an equal volume of double-strength broth. Larger volumes, Swab Inoculation—The same inoculum and tech- such as those generated from the irrigation of devices with
nique used to determine the applied inoculum (see internal lumina, should be filtered aseptically through mem-
should be used to inoculate the surface site. Dry the inoculum brane filters and the filters transferred to bottles of appropriate
if specified by the manufacturer’s instructions for preparation liquid growth medium adequate to immerse the filter. All
of the instrument prior to sterile processing. The instrument is containers should be incubated at a temperature optimal for the
evaluated in the condition that the specific process dictates. test organism and examined daily for seven days for evidence
Conduct elution and enumeration procedures aseptically, as of microbial growth.
noted in Average all replicate tests. If the inoculated site is to be sampled with a swab,
8.6.2 Internal Sites—The same inoculum and technique moisten a sterile swab with elution fluid and swab the entire
used to determine the applied inoculum (see 8.5.2) shall be inoculated site rigorously. Using aseptic technique, break the
used to inoculate the surface site. Conduct elution and enu- swab tip off into 10-mL tube of growth media. Sonicate or
meration procedures aseptically, as noted in Average vortex to dislodge spores trapped in the swab matrix. Incubate
all replicate tests. the tubes for seven days, and examine daily for evidence of
microbial growth.
NOTE 2—Caution: When drying is indicated, small lumina may be
difficult to dry.
8.8.3 Repeat the process test cycle with a minimum of five
devices or five times with a single device. Clean, dry (when
8.6.3 A minimum of 106 recoverable microorganisms from indicated), and reinoculate the device after each test.
the device being tested is required for the test to be valid. 8.8.4 Devices not producing any recoverable challenge
8.7 Growth Promotion and Neutralization Controls—Tests microorganisms after seven days of incubation shall be re-
shall be conducted to demonstrate that any chemical inactiva- corded as sterile. If a minimum of five replicate or consecutive
tors (neutralizers) that may be used to stop the antimicrobial tests have not produced growth (are sterile), a device will be
action of the sterilant are not inhibitory to the germination or considered sterile. Tubes showing growth (non-sterile) should
outgrowth of the test spores. Evaluate using the standard be cultured to identify the test organism before being recorded
practices set forth in Practices E1054. as non-sterile.
8.8.5 Devices producing one or more sterility failures may
8.8 Process Test Cycle:
not be tested repeatedly until a sequence of five sterility tests is
8.8.1 Repeat the steps described in,, or 8.6.2,
obtained. When a failure occurs, the cause of the failure should
without performing any elution steps, and subject the device to
be identified, documented, corrected, and then retested for at
a process test cycle. Following the instructions of the sterilant
least five consecutive replicates with no failures.
or sterilizer manufacturer, place inoculated instruments in the
processing chamber and process. 9. Precision and Bias
8.8.2 Sterility Testing of Processed Devices—Elution, 9.1 A precision and bias statement cannot be made for this
Recovery, and Culturing of Survivors: test method at this time. Some directly inoculated devices may lend them-
selves to immersion into growth media. For these devices, 10. Keywords
aseptically transfer the device directly into growth media, 10.1 elution; recovery; reprocessing of medical devices;
incubate, and examine daily for seven days for evidence of reusable medical device; sterilant; sterilization processes; ster-
microbial growth. ilizer
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