MAE Master Program Handbook 2016
MAE Master Program Handbook 2016
MAE Master Program Handbook 2016
Table of Contents
Masters of Science in MAE ........................................................................................................................... 3
Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Areas of Study ............................................................................................................................................... 4
MSAE ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Space Systems Engineering ................................................................................................................... 4
Aircraft Systems Engineering ................................................................................................................ 5
Aerodynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics .............................................................................. 6
Aerospace Structures and Materials ..................................................................................................... 7
MSME ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Dynamics, Vibration, Control, and Robotics ......................................................................................... 8
Fluid and Thermal Sciences ................................................................................................................... 9
Mechanics and Materials .................................................................................................................... 10
Design and Manufacturing .................................................................................................................. 11
MSE ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Engineering Management ................................................................................................................... 12
Advancement to Candidacy ........................................................................................................................ 13
Thesis .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Comprehensive Exam ................................................................................................................................. 14
Other Matters ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Continuous Enrollment ........................................................................................................................... 14
GS 700 ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Graduation .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Important Links ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Forms .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Welcome to the Graduate Division in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Department at
California State University Long Beach. The following information is intended to guide you through your
course of studies. You should consult with the Graduate Advisor as you plan your program each
semester and whenever you have questions.
Dr. Hsin‐Pian Chen, MSAE Graduate Advisor
Phone: (562)985‐1504
Email: Hsin‐
Dr. Bei Lu, MSME/MSE Graduator Advisor
Phone: (562)985‐5194
Mission Statement
The MS programs in the MAE department are tailored to working professionals. The programs are
committed to give practicing engineers an opportunity to increase their competence so as to better
meet the needs of the workplace, or to prepare themselves for more advanced study in the discipline.
All MS programs in the MAE department require 30 units beyond a bachelor’s degree, and specific
requirements vary by programs so students are advised to review the handbook carefully. Additionally
all MS students are required to complete either an MS thesis or a comprehensive examination to
complete their degree. All three MS degree programs in the MAE department offer two degree plans:
Plan 1 (Thesis) and Plan 2 (Comprehensive Exam), and the breakdown of the required units to be taken
to earn an MS degree differs depending on the plan selected as shown in the following table:
Plan I (Thesis) Plan II (Comprehensive Exam)
Math Courses 6 Units (MAE 501, MAE 502) 6 Units (MAE 501, MAE 502)
Core Courses 12 Units (varies by program) 12 Units (varies by program)
Elective Courses 6 Units (varies by program) 12 Units (varies by program)
Other 6 Units MAE 698 and Thesis Comprehensive Exam
For information on core and elective courses, see the section of Areas of Study.
Areas of Study
The areas of study within the MSAE program include:
Space Systems Engineering
Aircraft Systems Engineering
Aerodynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Aerospace Structures and Materials
Core Courses: Complete four courses from the following to satisfy the area requirement:
MAE 581 Space Vehicle Design
MAE 582 Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion
MAE 583 Astrodynamics
MAE 585 Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control
Elective Courses: Students must complete courses within the selected area(s) to meet their elective
requirements. Substitution for Electives needs to be approved by the AE Graduate Advisor in advance.
Plan I (Thesis) Plan II (Comprehensive Exam)
Complete two courses from the following: Complete four courses from the following:
MAE 522 Composite Materials MAE 522 Composite Materials
MAE 524 Design of Experiments MAE 524 Design of Experiments
MAE 529 Structural Analysis of Composite Laminates MAE 529 Structural Analysis of Composite Laminates
MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis
MAE 572 Structural Design Optimization MAE 572 Structural Design Optimization
MAE 663 Nonlinear Optimized Structures MAE 663 Nonlinear Optimized Structures
MAE 669 Design of Composite Structures MAE 669 Design of Composite Structures
MAE 672 Stress Analysis in Design MAE 672 Stress Analysis in Design
MAE 533 Gas Dynamics MAE 533 Gas Dynamics
MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 531 Advanced Heat Transfer MAE 531 Advanced Heat Transfer
MAE 631 Thermal Radiation MAE 631 Thermal Radiation
MAE 553 Advanced Flight Dynamics and Control MAE 553 Advanced Flight Dynamics and Control
MAE 573 Modern Control of Dynamic Systems MAE 573 Modern Control of Dynamic Systems
MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations
MAE 508 Systems Engineering and Integration
MAE 697 Directed Research
Core Courses: Complete four courses from the following to satisfy the area requirement:
MAE 551 Aircraft Preliminary Design and Performance
MAE 553 Advanced Flight Dynamics and Control
MAE 533 Gas Dynamics
MAE 573 Modern Control of Dynamic Systems
Elective Courses: Students must complete courses within the selected area(s) to meet their elective
requirements. Substitution for Electives needs to be approved by the AE Graduate Advisor in advance.
Plan I (Thesis) Plan II (Comprehensive Exam)
Complete two courses from the following: Complete four courses from the following:
MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 635 Computational Fluid Dynamics II MAE 635 Computational Fluid Dynamics II
MAE 522 Composite Materials MAE 522 Composite Materials
MAE 524 Design of Experiments MAE 524 Design of Experiments
MAE 529 Structural Analysis of Composite Laminates MAE 529 Structural Analysis of Composite Laminates
MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis
MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations
MAE 678 Robust Control MAE 678 Robust Control
MAE 582 Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion MAE 582 Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion
MAE 583 Astrodynamics MAE 583 Astrodynamics
MAE 585 Spacecraft Attitude Determination and MAE 585 Spacecraft Attitude Determination and
Control Control
MAE 508 Systems Engineering and Integration
MAE 697 Directed Research
Aerodynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Faculty: Dr. Hsun Chen, Dr. Hamid Rahai, Dr. Reza Toossi
Core Courses: Complete four courses from the following to satisfy the area requirement:
MAE 531 Advanced Heat Transfer
MAE 533 Gas Dynamics
MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 635 Computational Fluid Dynamics II
MAE 637 Advanced Fluid Dynamics II
Elective Courses: Students must complete courses within the selected area(s) to meet their elective
requirements. Substitution for Electives needs to be approved by the AE Graduate Advisor in advance.
Plan I (Thesis) Plan II (Comprehensive Exam)
Complete two courses from the following: Complete four courses from the following:
Any courses in the list of core which are not counted as Any courses in the list of core which are not counted as
core core
MAE 631 Thermal Radiation MAE 631 Thermal Radiation
MAE 551 Aircraft Preliminary Design and Performance MAE 551 Aircraft Preliminary Design and Performance
MAE 553 Advanced Flight Dynamics and Control MAE 553 Advanced Flight Dynamics and Control
MAE 522 Composite Materials MAE 522 Composite Materials
MAE 529 Structural Analysis of Composite Laminates MAE 529 Structural Analysis of Composite Laminates
MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis
MAE 581 Space Vehicle Design MAE 581 Space Vehicle Design
MAE 582 Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion MAE 582 Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion
MAE 573 Modern Control of Dynamic Systems MAE 573 Modern Control of Dynamic Systems
MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations
MAE 512 Computer Aided Design in Mechanical MAE 512 Computer Aided Design in Mechanical
Engineering Engineering
MAE 524 Design of Experiments MAE 524 Design of Experiments
MAE 508 Systems Engineering and Integration
MAE 697 Directed Research
Aerospace Structures and Materials
Faculty: Dr. Hsin‐Piao Chen, Dr. Yan Li, Dr. David Stout, Dr. Daniel Whisler
Core Courses: Complete four courses from the following to satisfy the area requirement:
MAE 522 Composite Materials
MAE 529 Structural Analysis of Composite Laminates
MAE 561 Fundamental of Fracture Mechanics
MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis
MAE 567 Advanced Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
MAE 673 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
Elective Courses: Students must complete courses within the selected area(s) to meet their elective
requirements. Substitution for Electives needs to be approved by the AE Graduate Advisor in advance.
Plan I (Thesis) Plan II (Comprehensive Exam)
Complete two courses from the following: Complete four courses from the following:
Any courses in the list of core which are not counted as Any courses in the list of core which are not counted as
core core
MAE 523 Nanomaterial properties and Applications MAE 523 Nanomaterial properties and Applications
MAE 524 Design of Experiments MAE 524 Design of Experiments
MAE 568 Creep and Fatigue MAE 568 Creep and Fatigue
MAE 572 Structural Design Optimization MAE 572 Structural Design Optimization
MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations
MAE 663 Nonlinear Optimized Structures MAE 663 Nonlinear Optimized Structures
MAE 669 Design of Composite Structures MAE 669 Design of Composite Structures
MAE 672 Stress Analysis in Design MAE 672 Stress Analysis in Design
MAE 527 Metals and Plastics Manufacturing Processes MAE 527 Metals and Plastics Manufacturing Processes
MAE 528 Advanced Composites Manufacturing MAE 528 Advanced Composites Manufacturing
MAE 551 Aircraft Preliminary Design and Performance MAE 551 Aircraft Preliminary Design and Performance
MAE 553 Advanced Flight Dynamics and Control MAE 553 Advanced Flight Dynamics and Control
MAE 533 Gas Dynamics MAE 533 Gas Dynamics
MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 581 Space Vehicle Design MAE 581 Space Vehicle Design
MAE 585 Spacecraft Attitude Determination and MAE 585 Spacecraft Attitude Determination and
Control Control
MAE 508 Systems Engineering and Integration
MAE 697 Directed Research
The areas of study within the MSAE program include:
Dynamics, Vibration, Control, and Robotics
Fluid and Thermal Sciences
Mechanics and Materials
Design and Manufacturing
Core Courses: Complete four courses from the following to satisfy the area requirement:
MAE 573 Modern Control of Dynamic Systems
MAE 575 Robot Modeling and Control
MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations
MAE 577 Biomechanics of Human Movement
MAE 578 Haptic Systems for Virtual Reality and Teleoperation
Elective Courses: Students must complete courses within the selected area(s) to meet their elective
requirements. Substitution for Electives needs to be approved by the ME Graduate Advisor in advance.
Plan I (Thesis) Plan II (Comprehensive Exam)
Complete two courses from the following: Complete four courses from the following:
Any courses in the list of core which are not counted as Any courses in the list of core which are not counted as
core core
MAE 512 Computer Aided Design in Mechanical MAE 512 Computer Aided Design in Mechanical
Engineering Engineering
MAE 524 Design of Experiments MAE 524 Design of Experiments
MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 553 Advanced Flight Dynamics and Control MAE 553 Advanced Flight Dynamics and Control
MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis
MAE 567 Advanced Mechanics of Deformable Bodies MAE 567 Advanced Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
MAE 574 Computer‐Aided Manufacturing MAE 574 Computer‐Aided Manufacturing
MAE 585 Spacecraft Attitude Determination and MAE 585 Spacecraft Attitude Determination and
Control Control
MAE 678 Robust Control MAE 678 Robust Control
EE 511 Linear Systems Analysis EE 511 Linear Systems Analysis
EE 575 Nonlinear Control Systems EE 575 Nonlinear Control Systems
MAE 508 Systems Engineering and Integration
MAE 697 Directed Research
Fluid and Thermal Sciences
Faculty: Dr. Hsun Chen, Dr. Navdeep Dhillon, Dr. Hamid Rahai, Dr. Reza Toossi, Dr. Jalal Torabzadeh
Core Courses: Complete four courses from the following to satisfy the area requirement:
MAE 531 Advanced Heat Transfer
MAE 533 Gas Dynamics
MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 635 Computational Fluid Dynamics II
MAE 637 Advanced Fluid Dynamics II
Elective Courses: Students must complete courses within the selected area(s) to meet their elective
requirements. Substitution for Electives needs to be approved by the ME Graduate Advisor in advance.
Plan I (Thesis) Plan II (Comprehensive Exam)
Complete two courses from the following: Complete four courses from the following:
Any courses in the list of core which are not counted as Any courses in the list of core which are not counted as
core core
MAE 538 HVAC Systems, Energy Ratings and LEEDS MAE 538 HVAC Systems, Energy Ratings and LEEDS
MAE 631 Thermal Radiation MAE 631 Thermal Radiation
MAE 639 Turbulence MAE 639 Turbulence
MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations
MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis
MAE 512 Computer Aided Design in Mechanical MAE 512 Computer Aided Design in Mechanical
Engineering Engineering
MAE 524 Design of Experiments MAE 524 Design of Experiments
MAE 582 Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion MAE 582 Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion
CHE 533 Green Engineering I: Alternative Energy CHE 533 Green Engineering I: Alternative Energy
CHE 545 Pollution Prevention CHE 545 Pollution Prevention
CHE 555 Environmental Compliance CHE 555 Environmental Compliance
MAE 508 Systems Engineering and Integration
MAE 697 Directed Research
Mechanics and Materials
Faculty: Dr. Ehsan Barjasteh, Dr. Hsin‐Piao Chen, Dr. Yan Li, Dr. David Stout, Dr. Daniel Whisler
Core Courses: Complete four courses from the following to satisfy the area requirement:
MAE 522 Composite Materials
MAE 523 Nanomaterial Properties and Applications
MAE 529 Structural Analysis of Composite Laminates
MAE 561 Fundamental of Fracture Mechanics
MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis
MAE 567 Advanced Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Elective Courses: Students must complete courses within the selected area(s) to meet their elective
requirements. Substitution for Electives needs to be approved by the ME Graduate Advisor in advance.
Plan I (Thesis) Plan II (Comprehensive Exam)
Complete two courses from the following: Complete four courses from the following:
Any courses in the list of core which are not counted as Any courses in the list of core which are not counted as
core core
MAE 568 Creep and Fatigue MAE 568 Creep and Fatigue
MAE 663 Nonlinear Optimized Structures MAE 663 Nonlinear Optimized Structures
MAE 669 Design of Composite Structures MAE 669 Design of Composite Structures
MAE 672 Stress Analysis in Design MAE 672 Stress Analysis in Design
MAE 673 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity MAE 673 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations
MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 524 Design of Experiments MAE 524 Design of Experiments
MAE 527 Metals and Plastics Manufacturing Processes MAE 527 Metals and Plastics Manufacturing Processes
MAE 528 Advanced Composites Manufacturing MAE 528 Advanced Composites Manufacturing
MAE 572 Structural Design Optimization MAE 572 Structural Design Optimization
MAE 583 Astrodynamics MAE 583 Astrodynamics
MAE 508 Systems Engineering and Integration
MAE 697 Directed Research
Design and Manufacturing
Faculty: Dr. Christiane Beyer, Dr. Bob Minaie, Dr. Surajit Roy, Dr. Parviz Yavari, Dr. Mahdi
Core Courses: Complete four courses from the following to satisfy the area requirement:
MAE 512 Computer Aided Design in Mechanical Engineering
MAE 524 Design of Experiments
MAE 527 Metals and Plastics Manufacturing Processes
MAE 528 Advanced Composites Manufacturing
MAE 572 Structural Design Optimization
MAE 574 Computer‐Aided Manufacturing
Elective Courses: Students must complete courses within the selected area(s) to meet their elective
requirements. Substitution for Electives needs to be approved by the ME Graduate Advisor in advance.
Plan I (Thesis) Plan II (Comprehensive Exam)
Complete two courses from the following: Complete four courses from the following:
Any courses in the list of core which are not counted as Any courses in the list of core which are not counted as
core core
MAE 521 Engineering Metallurgy II MAE 521 Engineering Metallurgy II
MAE 575 Robot Modeling and Control MAE 575 Robot Modeling and Control
MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations
MAE 531 Advanced Heat Transfer MAE 531 Advanced Heat Transfer
MAE 522 Composite Materials MAE 522 Composite Materials
MAE 523 Nanomaterial Properties and Applications MAE 523 Nanomaterial Properties and Applications
MAE 529 Structural Analysis of Composite Laminate MAE 529 Structural Analysis of Composite Laminate
MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis
MAE 568 Creep and Fatigue MAE 568 Creep and Fatigue
MAE 669 Design of Composite Structures MAE 669 Design of Composite Structures
MAE 673 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity MAE 673 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
MAE 551 Aircraft Preliminary Design and Performance MAE 551 Aircraft Preliminary Design and Performance
MAE 581 Space Vehicle Design MAE 581 Space Vehicle Design
MAE 508 Systems Engineering and Integration
MAE 697 Directed Research
Engineering Management
Core Courses: Complete four courses from the following to satisfy the area requirement:
MAE 505 Quantitative Methods for Engineering Managers
MAE 506 Management of Engineering Technology and Innovation
MAE 507 Engineering Project Management
MAE 508 Systems Engineering and Integration
Elective Courses: Students must complete courses within the selected area(s) to meet their elective
requirements. Substitution for Electives needs to be approved by the MSE Graduate Advisor in advance.
Plan I (Thesis) Plan II (Comprehensive Exam)
Complete two courses from the following: Complete four courses from the following:
MAE 573 Modern Control of Dynamic Systems MAE 573 Modern Control of Dynamic Systems
MAE 575 Robot Modeling and Control MAE 575 Robot Modeling and Control
MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations MAE 576 Engineering Vibrations
MAE 578 Haptic Systems for Virtual Reality and MAE 578 Haptic Systems for Virtual Reality and
Teleoperation Teleoperation
MAE 531 Advanced Heat Transfer MAE 531 Advanced Heat Transfer
MAE 533 Gas Dynamics MAE 533 Gas Dynamics
MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I MAE 535 Computational Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I MAE 537 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I
MAE 522 Composite Materials MAE 522 Composite Materials
MAE 523 Nanomaterial Properties and Applications MAE 523 Nanomaterial Properties and Applications
MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis MAE 563 Linear Finite Element Analysis
MAE 567 Advanced Mechanics of Deformable Bodies MAE 567 Advanced Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
MAE 512 Computer Aided Design in Mechanical MAE 512 Computer Aided Design in Mechanical
Engineering Engineering
MAE 527 Metals and Plastics Manufacturing Processes MAE 527 Metals and Plastics Manufacturing Processes
MAE 528 Advanced Composites Manufacturing MAE 528 Advanced Composites Manufacturing
MAE 574 Computer‐Aided Manufacturing MAE 574 Computer‐Aided Manufacturing
ENGR 513 Optimal Engineering Design Decision‐Making ENGR 513 Optimal Engineering Design Decision‐Making
ENGR 570 Applied Data Analysis for Engineers ENGR 570 Applied Data Analysis for Engineers
CE 570 Engineering Management Principles and CE 570 Engineering Management Principles and
Practices Practices
EE 504 Introduction to Entrepreneurship for Engineers EE 504 Introduction to Entrepreneurship for Engineers
IS 601 Quantitative Methods for Managerial Decision IS 601 Quantitative Methods for Managerial Decision
Making Making
MGMT 541 Industrial Logistics MGMT 541 Industrial Logistics
MAE 697 Directed Research
Advancement to Candidacy
Students should see the Graduate Advisor to formulate an official graduate program of study and file an
Advancement to Candidacy after they have completed at least 12 units of graduate coursework. To
advance, the student must:
Have completed all undergraduate deficiencies with grades of “C” or better;
Have attained an overall GPA of 3.0;
Have completed at least 12 units applicable to the degree with a GPA of at least 3.0;
Have fulfilled the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR);
Have their program of studies approved by the Graduate Advisor.
Advancement to Candidacy is a formal contract listing the courses the student has taken, is taking, and
will take. Changes to the contract must be made in consultation with the Graduate Advisor. When the
Graduate Advisor has approved those changes, a formal Change of Program must be filed.
For Plan I (Thesis), students must write a thesis on a suitable topic in mechanical and aerospace
engineering, following the library’s prescribed format.
Students should consult with the Graduate Advisor and their course faculty for advice about whether
they should attempt to write a thesis or select the other option – comprehensive exam. They should
begin their thesis work as soon as they have identified a viable topic and consulted with their potential
thesis committee chair. Students formally decide on the thesis option at the time of Advancement to
Candidacy after having completed 12 units.
Students writing theses will take MAE 698 with their thesis committee chair for 6 units, which are
recommended to be taken as 3+3 in two semesters. To be qualified for registering MAE 698, the student
Have been advanced to candidacy;
Have filed an Agreement for Independent Study Course.
The Agreement for Independent Study Course is to be made between the student and the thesis
committee chair and must include the following: a description of the work to be accomplished, specific
information on the tasks required, the nature of the final report, and the basis for determining the final
All theses in electronic format must be submitted to the Thesis and Dissertation Office to obtain
clearance from the University Library.
Comprehensive Exam
For Plan II (Comprehensive Exam), students must take a comprehensive exam in the chosen area of
specialization for the completion of an MS degree. To be qualified for filing a Comprehensive Exam
Application form, the student must:
Have been advanced to candidacy;
Have passed or are currently enrolled in all courses listed in the plan of study;
Be currently enrolled. If all coursework is completed, please enroll in GS‐700 to ensure
continuous enrollment is maintained.
Students must apply for the comprehensive examination by the last day to add in the semester they
intend to take the exam.
The student must pass two exam topics assigned by the Graduate Advisor. The assigned faculty
members will return exam results and evaluations by the end of the semester. The student may receive
the marks of “Pass” or “Fail”. The student may only attempt each assigned comprehensive exam twice.
Once an exam is failed, the student needs to reapply and retake the same exam topic in the next
Other Matters
Continuous Enrollment
A graduate student must be enrolled every semester until graduation, unless he/she has filed an
educational leave. A student should never break residency from the University during his/her graduate
program. Any student who is unable to enroll in a particular term (Fall, Spring) for personal or
professional reasons must request a formal leave from the University. If a student breaks enrollment,
he/she must reapply to the university and the department.
GS 700
If students have completed all the courses required by their Advancement to Candidacy contracts but
have not yet successfully completed all the requirements for a thesis or comprehensive exam, they must
enroll in GS 700 through College of Continuing and Professional Education. GS 700 is used by students
who need additional time to complete their thesis or exams. The deadline for graduate students to
register for GS 700 is at the end of the add‐drop period of the semester. During Winter and Summer,
enrollment in GS 700 is required only if the student plans to graduate during that particular term.
To be awarded an MS degree from CSULB, students must meet all university requirements and follow all
appropriate procedures. These requirements cover various issues, including transfer credit, graduate
writing assessments, GPA requirements, timely degree completion, advancement to candidacy and filing
for graduation.
Important Links
MAE Graduate Courses:
Thesis and Dissertation Office:
Guidelines for Graduate Studies 700 (GS 700):
Master Degree Requirements and Graduation Filing Process:
University Graduate Degree Information:
COE Faculty Research Expertise:
Following forms are available on the department website and on BeachBorad.
Advancement to Candidacy Form / Change of Program Form
Agreement for Independent Study Form
MAE 691, Directed Studies Enrollment Request Form
MAE 697, Directed Research Enrollment Request Form
MAE 698, Thesis Enrollment Request Form
Comprehensive Exam Application Form