5-Slender Columns (1604)

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CE5510B Advanced Structural

Concrete Design to EC2

5. Slender Columns

Professor Tan Kiang Hwee

Dept of Civil & Environmental Engrg
National University of Singapore

5.1 Braced and unbraced columns 3
5.2 Second-order effects 4
5.2.1 Slenderness ratio 7
5.2.2 Effective length 8
5.2.3 Conditions for ignoring 2nd-order 12
5.2.4 Example 1 15
5.3 Methods to account for 2nd-order effects 17
5.3.1 Nominal curvature method 18
5.3.2 Example 2 22
5.3.3 Moment magnification method 27
5.4 Bi-axial bending 28
5.4.1 Example 3 30
© Tan K H, NUS 2
5.1 Braced and unbraced columns
 Braced structure contains bracing
elements that are stiff, vertical ele-
ments (usually walls) that attract, &
transmit to the foundations, at least
90% of all horizontal loads

Braced = Non-sway
(usually true!)
 Sway structure is one where side-
sway is likely to be significant;
depends basically on stiffness of
structure against lateral deformation
Can be non sway depending on magnitude.
Unbraced = Sway
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5.2 Second-order effects

M2 = N
© K H Tan, NUS 4
2nd order
1st order moment
1 moment
1 M2
2 1. Material failure with
negligible lateral

2. Material failure
intensified by lateral
3 deflection & 2nd order

3. Instability failure

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 First Order Moments

 result of applied loads, and sway in the structure
 only 1st order forces and moments need to be
considered in braced short columns

 Second Order Moments

 arises in slender columns as a result of lateral
 lateral deflection
e = (1/r) o 2 / c 1/r = M/EI
c : depends on BMD = Ne/EI
= 2 10 (in general) = (2EI/o2)e/EI
2 =  e/o 

© K H Tan, NUS 6
5.2.1 Slenderness Ratio

 = o / i = o / ( I / A)
o is the effective length
i is the radius of gyration about the axis considered
I is the second moment of area of section
A is the cross-sectional area of the column

 = 3.46 lo / h for rectangular sections

= 4.0 lo / d for circular sections
h = height in the direction under consideration
d = diameter

© K H Tan, NUS 7

5.2.2 Effective Length

 length of a pinned ended strut of the same cross-section
as the column and having the same buckling load



© K H Tan, NUS 8
Braced column:

Unbraced column:

k1, k2 : relative flexibilities of rotational restraints at column ends, defined by
k = ( / M) (EI / l ) [Note: k = 0  fixed ; k =   pinned]
 : rotation of restraining members for bending moment M
EI : bending stiffness of compression member
l : clear height of compression member.

A minimum value of 0.1 is recommended for both k1 and k2 .

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Ignoring* adjacent column:

column stiffness ( EI / l ) column ( I / l ) column

k  
 beam stiffness  2( EI / l )beam  2( I / l )beam
To cater for cracking in beams

Symmetrical frame with spans of approx. equal length


(use greater
ignore of)

* i.e., adjacent column assumed non-failing &

having similar stiffness (within 15% difference)
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5.2.3 Conditions for Ignoring 2nd Order Effects

 If 2nd order moments are less than 10% of the

corresponding first order effects

 Simplified criterion for isolated members:

 if slenderness ratio of member () is less than a
prescribed value (lim)

© K H Tan, NUS 12
≤ 15.4C /n (Note 3)

(Note 1)
(Note 2)

(Note: - 1 ≤ rm ≤ 1)

Note 1: Note 2:
ef = (, to) M0Eqp / M0Ed fcd = cc fck / c
= 0.85 fck / 1.5 = 0.567 fck
(, to) : final creep coefficient
M0Eqp : 1st order bending moment in quasi-
permanent load combination (SLS) Note 3: for braced column (rm ≤ 0)
M0Ed : 1st order bending moment in design lim ≤ 26.2 /n
load combination (ULS)
© K H Tan, NUS 13

C = 1.7 – rm

Unbraced column Braced column

Bent in single Bent in double

curvature curvature
(rm > 0) (rm < 0)

© K H Tan, NUS 14
5.2.4 Example 1
Check whether second order effects must be accounted for in
the design of the column in the braced frame shown. Given: fck
= 25 MPa; NEd = 1280 kN. Assume A = 0.7, B = 1.1, C = 1.7.

By inspection, the
column will have the
highest slenderness
ratio for bending
about axes YY.
© K H Tan, NUS 15

Clear ht., l = 3 – 0.5 = 2.5 m

Icol = 400x3003/12 = 900 x 106 mm4
Ibeam =300x5003/12 = 3125 x 106 mm4

3m 4m k1 = k2 = (900/3) / [2 x (2 x 3125/4)]
= 0.096 < 0.1
3m c/c column ht not 2.5m clear ht

Effective length,
lo = 0.59 x 2.5 = 1.477 m

Radius of gyration, i = h/3.46 = 86.6 mm

  = lo / i = 1477/86.6 = 17.1
 lim = (20x0.7x1.1x1.7)/
Y = 30.2 > 

© K H Tan, NUS 16
5.3 Methods to account for
2nd Order Effects
 General method
 based on non-linear 2nd order analysis
 allow for non-elastic behaviour, i.e., cracking and creep

For design of isolated columns:

 Moment magnification method

 design moments obtained by factoring 1st order moment

 Nominal curvature method

 2nd order moment determined from estimated column
curvature and added to 1st order moment

© K H Tan, NUS 17

5.3.1 Nominal Curvature Method

Applicable to isolated members with constant normal force and a
defined effective length

Design moment:

MEd = M0Ed + M2

M0Ed : 1st order moment, including the effect of
imperfections* (taken as NEd l0 / 400).
M2 : nominal 2nd order moment (next slide)

* It is also possible to account for imperfections by ensuring that

M0Ed  NEd (h/30) where h/30  20 mm.

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Nominal 2nd order moment (additional moment):

M2 = NEde2

where NEd : design value of axial load

e2 : 2nd order eccentricity = (1/r) lo2 / c
1/r : curvature (next slide)
l0 : effective length
c : factor depending on the curvature distribution*

* for constant cross section, c = 10 ( 2). Also, if the first order
moment is constant throughout the length, then c = 8.

© K H Tan, NUS 19

Curvature 1/r
Members with constant
Ed / (Acfcd) ; nu = 1 + 
1 n = N
symmetrical cross section and
nbal : value of n at max. moment
resistance (balanced failure);
the value 0.4 may be used.
1/r = Kr K (1/r0)  = Asfyd / (Acfcd)
As : total area of reinforcemnt
Ac : area of concrete cross section

Kr = (nu – n) / (nu – nbal) ≤ 1

2 ef : effective creep ratio (slide 13)
(correction factor1 )  = 0.35 + fck / 200 -  / 150
K = 1 +  ef  1 3 where reinft. is not concentrated
(accounts for creep2 ) on opposite sides, but part of it is
1/r0 =yd/(0.45d) = (fyd/Es)/(0.45d) distributed parallel to the plane
of bending, d = h/2 + is (is : radius
d : effective depth3 of gyration of total reinft.)
© K H Tan, NUS 20
Design MEd

Braced column
MEd = maximum of
{M0e + M2 ;
M02 ;
M01 + 0.5M2 }

M0e = 0.6M02 + 0.4M01  0.4M02

Unbraced column
MEd = M02 + M2
Single curvature M01 and M02 have the same sign if they give
tension on the same side, and M02  M01.
© K H Tan, NUS 21

5.3.2 Example 2 –
Column in non-sway structure

ley = 6.75 m;
lez = 8.0 m;
fck = 25 MPa;
fyk = 500 MPa;
Effective creep
ratio, ef = 0.87

(abt yy axis)

© K H Tan, NUS 22
Limiting :
A = 1 / (1 + 0.2 ef ) = 1 / (1 + 0.2 x 0.87) = 0.85
B = 1.1 (default value)
C = 1.7 – rm = 1.7 – (-10)/70 = 1.84
n = NEd / (Ac fcd)
= 1700 x 103 / (300 x 450 x 0.567 x 25) = 0.89
 lim = 20 x 0.85 x 1.1 x 1.84 / 0.89 = 36.47 (abt yy axis)
Also, lim = 20 x 0.85 x 1.1 x 0.7(default) / 0.89 = 13.9 (abt zz axis)

Actual slenderness ratios

y = loy / iy = 6.75 x 3.46 / 0.3 = 77.85 > lim
z = loz / iz = 8.0 x 3.46 / 0.45 = 61.55 > lim
 column is slender and y is more critical

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Bending about y-y axis:

M0e = 0.6M02 + 0.4M01
= 0.6 x 70 + 0.4 x (-10) = 38 kNm
> 0.4M02 = 0.4 x 70 = 28 kNm

Moment due to imperfectons,

M1 = NEd ley/ 400 = 1700 x 6.75 / 400 = 28.7 kNm

Second-order moment:
Kr = 1 (assumed, since reinft. detail not known)
K = 1 + (0.35 + 25/200 – 77.85/150) x 0.87 = 0.96 < 1
M2 = NEd [Kr K yd/(0.45d)] lo2 /10
= 1700 x1x1x(500/1.15)/(200,000x0.45x240) x (67502
= 156 kNm

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Design moment MEd :
M0e + M2 = 38 + 28.7 + 155.9 = 222.6 kNm (governs)
M02 = 70 + 28.7 = 98.7 kNm
M01 + 0.5 M2 = 10 + 28.7 + 0.5x155.9 = 176.7 kNm

Design for (NEd , MEd ):

NEd / bhfck = 1700 x 103 / (450x300x25) = 0.504
MEd / bh2fck = 222.6 x 106 / (450x3002x25) = 0.220
d/h = 240/300 = 0.8
From design chart.
Asfyk/ bhfck = 0.80 and Kr = 0.78

Re-calculate using new Kr ; repeat till Kr converges

Asfyk/ bhfck = 0.60 and Kr = 0.74

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5.3.3 Moment Magnification Method
Total Design Moment Notes:
c0 : coefficient (= 8 ~ 12 for isolated
members with constant cross section
& axial load)

where NB = 2EI/o2
M0Ed : first order moment; where
NEd : design value of axial load; EI = KcEcdIc + KsEsIs
Ecd : design value of modulus of elasticity
 : a factor which depends on of concrete = Ecm/1.2;
distribution of 1st and 2nd
Es : design value of modulus of elasticity of
order moments steel
Ic, Is : moment of inertia of concrete cross
section, & of area of reinforcement,
about centre of area of concrete, resply.
and NB is the buckling load Kc, Ks : factors for effects of cracking,
based on nominal stiffness creep, etc., and for contribution of
reinforcement , respectively.
© K H Tan, NUS 27

5.4 Biaxial bending

Design separately in each principal dir. as a 1st step.

No further check needed if:


b, h : width & depth of section MEdy, MEdz : design moments abt. y- & z-
axis, incl. 2nd-order moment, resply.
beq,heq : width & depth of equiv.
rectangular section NEd : design value of axial load

© K H Tan, NUS 28
If the conditions are not fulfilled, Values of exponent a :
biaxial bending should be - circular & elliptical cross
taken into account including sections: a = 2
the 2nd order effects in each
- rectangular cross sections:
direction (unless they may
be ignored).

Simplified criterion:

MEdz/y : design moment about the

respective axis, including 2nd order
MRdz/y : moment resistance in the
respective direction
NEd : design value of axial force
NRd : design axial resistance of
section = Acfcd + Asfyd

© K H Tan, NUS 29

5.4.1 Example 3 –
Column subject to biaxial bending
Section: 400x800 mm
C50/60, fyk=500 MPa
NEd = 2000 kN

As = 3927 mm2 (8H25)

(section with 3 bars on
each side)

Ignore imperfections.
Assume 0z = 1,5 ;
0y = 0,75 ;
(, to) = 1.3 ; and
M0Eqp / M0Ed = 2/3 .

Column sways in bending about z-z axis but

shear walls prevent sway about y-y axis
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Bending about z-z axis:

z = oz/iz n = NEd /(Acfcd)

= 1.5x4500/(800 / 3.46) = 29.2 =2000x103/(400x800x0.567x50)
= 0.220
nu = 1 + 3927x(500/1.15)/
Kr = (nu – n)/(nu – nbal)
(400x800x0.567x50) = 1.188
= (1.188 – 0.220)/(1.188-0.4)
= 1.23 > 1, use 1  = 0.35+50/200-29.2/150
K = 1 + ef = 1.35 > 1, ok = 0.405
(1/r) = Kr K (fyd/Es)/(0.45d) ef = 1.3 x 2/3 = 0.867
= 8.88 x 10-6 /mm
M2z = NEd (1/r)0z2/10 = 81 kNm d/h = 0.85 assumed
M02z = 150 kNm > 53.4 kNm h = 800 mm
MEdz = 150 + 81 = 231 kNm
NEd(h/30) =2000x(0.8/30) =53.4kNm
MRdz = 426 kNm (determined NEd(20 mm) =2000x0.02 = 40 kNm

© K H Tan, NUS 31

Bending about y-y axis:

y = oy/iy n = same as before

= 0.75x4500/(400 / 3.46) = 29.2 nu = same as before

Kr = (nu – n)/(nu – nbal)  = 0.35+50/200-29.2/150

= 1.23 > 1, use 1 = 0.405
K = 1 + ef = 1.35 > 1, ok ef = 1.3 x 2/3 = 0.867
(1/r) = Kr K (fyd/Es)/(0.45d)
= 17.8 x 10-6 /mm d/h = 0.85 assumed
h = 400 mm
M2y = NEd (1/r)0z2/10 = 40.6 kNm
M02y = 15 kNm < 40 kNm NEd(h/30) =2000x(0.4/30)
MEdy = 40 + 40.6 = 80.6 kNm =26.7kNm
NEd(20 mm) =2000x0.02
MRdy = 213 kNm(determined = 40 kNm
© K H Tan, NUS 32
Relative :
y/z = z/y = 29.2/29.2 = 1 < 2 

Relative e:
(ey /h)/ (ez /b) = [(231/2000)/0.8] /[(80.6/2000)/0.4] = 1.43 > 0.2
(ez /b)/ (ey /h) = 1/1.43 = 0.70 > 0.2 

Consider combined bending actions:

NRd = (0.567x50x400x800+3927x500/1.15)x10-3 = 10779 kN
NEd / NRd = 2000/10779 = 0.186
From table, a = 1 + 0.5(0.186 – 0.1)/0.6 = 1.07
(MEdz / MRdz )a + (MEdy / MRdy )a = (231/426)1.07 + (80.6/213)1.07
= 0.872 < 1 

© K H Tan, NUS 33

Exercise 1

Figure E-1 shows a column AB in a multi-storey building, which is constructed with

flat plate floors and is braced against sidesway. The column measures 350
mm by 300 mm in cross-section. It carries an ultimate axial load of 1500 kN
and is bent in double curvature with ultimate bending moments of 120 kNm
and 60 kNm about the major axis at ends A and B, respectively. Clear height
between floors is 7.2 m.

(a) Check whether the column is slender.

(b) Calculate the design bending moments about the major and minor axes.
(c) Check whether it is necessary to consider biaxial bending.

Use fck = 30 MPa and fyk = 500 MPa, and assume d/h = 0.85. The appropriate
design chart is as given. You may use BS8110 factors for effective length of
braced columns. If necessary, other data* may be appropriately assumed.

* Columns may be assumed to be on 6 m x 6 m grid.

©Tan K H, NUS 34
200 mm

A 350 mm x
350 mm 300 mm
7.2 m

Section X-X
200 mm

Fig. E-1

©Tan K H, NUS 35

Exercise 2

A bridge column carries design loads at ULS as shown in the Fig. E-2.

(a)Assume the articulation of the deck is such that sidesway is

i. Design the reinforcement for the column if fck = 30 MPa and fyk =
500 MPa.
ii. Re-design the column if the characteristic strength of the concrete
fck is increased to 60 MPa by reducing the size of the column. Check
whether a design approach based on slender columns is needed
and adopt it if necessary.

(b)Assuming that the articulation of the deck is such that sidesway can
occur, design the reinforcement for the column if fck = 30 MPa and fyk
= 500 MPa.

©Tan K H, NUS 36
of column
Bridge column
Fig. E-2
©Tan K H, NUS 37

Further reading:

 Darwin, D., Dolan, C.W. & Nilson, A.H., “Design of Concrete

Structures”, 15e (Int’l. Ed.), 2016, Ch 10.
 Wight, J.K., “Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics & Design”, 7e
(Global Ed.), 2016, Ch 12.
 Moss, R. and Brooker, O., “How to design concrete structures
using Eurocode 2 : Columns”, The Concrete Centre, 2006,

© Tan
Test Your Understanding –
Slender Columns
1. Unbraced columns may not be subjected to significant sway. T or

2. A braced column has an effective length less than its actual length.
T or F?

3. What are the main factors affecting the magnitude of 2nd order

4. What forms the main basis for the design of bi-axial bending in
© Tan K H, NUS 39

Slender Columns
 Braced – Non-sway ; Unbraced – Sway
 Slender column if  > lim = 20.A.B.C/n
 slenderness ratio  = o / i
 effective length o : depends on end restraints
 A: creep effect; B: reinft. ratio; C: mt. ratio M01/M02
 2nd order effects – due to lateral deflection
 M2 = NEde2 = NEd (1/r) lo2 / 10
 1/r = Kr K (1/r0) = Kr K yd/(0.45d)
 Kr = (nu – n) / (nu – nbal) ≤ 1
 K = 1 +  ef  1
 Biaxial bending -
© Tan K H, NUS 40
Test Your Understanding –
Slender Columns
1. Unbraced columns may not be subjected to significant sway. T or
Ans: True; if the structure is stiff enough to resist lateral forces.

2. A braced column has an effective length less than its actual length.
T or F?
Ans: True.

3. What are the main factors affecting the magnitude of 2nd order
Ans: curvature distribution (magnitude of axial load, concrete
creep) and effective length.

4. What forms the main basis for the design of bi-axial bending in
Ans: N – My – Mz interaction diagram.
© Tan K H, NUS 41

Solution to Exercise 1

200 mm N =1500 kN
M2 =120 kNm
300 mm
z z
7.2 m
350 mm
B y
M1 =60 kNm Section X-X
200 mm

© K H Tan, NUS 42
(a) Check for slenderness:
End conditions – top: 2; bottom: 2   = 0.85;
 ey = ez = 0.85 x 7.2 = 6.12 m
Assume A = 0.7, B = 1.1; also, C = 1.7 – (-60)/120 = 2.2
n = 1500x103 / (300 x 350 x 0.567 x 30) =0.84
 lim = 20 x 0.7 x 1.1 x 2.2 / 0.84 = 37.0
y = 6.12 x 3.46 / 0.35 = 60.5 > lim ; z = 6.12 x 3.46 / 0.30 = 70.6 > lim
 column is slender.

(b) Bending about major axis yy:

M0ey = 0.6 x 120 + 0.4 x (-60) = 48 kNm = 0.4 x 120 kNm
Moment due to imperfections, M = 1500 x 6.12 / 400 = 23.0 kNm
Second-order moment: Kr = 1 (assumed); K = 1 (assumed); then
M2y = 1500x1x1x[(500/1.15)/(200,000x0.45x0.85x350)] x 61202/10 x 10-3
= 91.2 kNm
Design moment MEdy:
M0ey + M2y = 48.0 + 23.0 + 91.2 = 162.2 kNm (governs)
M02y = 120.0 + 23.0 = 143.0 kNm

© Tan K H, NUS 43

M01y + 0.5M2y = 60.0 +23.0 + 0.5x91.2 = 128.6 kNm

 MEdy = 162.2 kNm

Bending about minor axis zz:

Moment due to imperfections, M = 1500 x 6.12 / 400 = 23.0 kNm
Second-order moment: Kr = 1 (assumed); K = 1 (assumed); then
M2z = 1500x1x1x[(500/1.15)/(200,000x0.45x0.85x300)] x 61202/10 x 10-3 =
106.4 kNm
Design moment MEdz:
MEdz = M0ey + M2y = 23.0 + 106.4 = 129.4 kNm
(c) Check for biaxial bending:
y / z = 60.5 / 70.6 = 0.86 < 2 ;
z / y = 70.6 / 60.5 = 1.17 < 2 ;
(ey/h)/(ez/b) = [(162.2/1500)/0.35] / [(129.4/1500)/0.30] =1.07 > 0.2 ;
(ez/b)/(ey/h) = 1/1.07 = 0.93 > 0.2
 need to consider biaxial bending.

© Tan K H, NUS 44
Solution to Exercise 2
(a) pinned-fixed condition
(i) e = 0.7 x 8 = 5.6 m
 = 3.46 x 5.6 / 0.6 = 32.3
n = 3000 x 103 / (1200 x 600 x 0.567 x 30) = 0.245
A = 0.7 (default); B = 1.1 (default); C = 1.7 – 0 = 1.7
 lim = 26.2 / 0.245 = 52.9 > 
Design as short column; determine reinforcement from chart with
N/bhfck = 3000 x 103 / (1200 x 600 x 30) = 0.139
M = 300 x 8 + 3000 x 5.6/400 = 2442 kNm
M/bh2fck = 2442 x 106 / (1200 x 6002 x 30) = 0.188
Example, assuming d/h = 0.85, one gets
As = 0.45bhfck/fyk = 0.45 x 1200 x 600 x 30 / 500 = 19440 mm2

© K H Tan, NUS 45

(ii) As long as   26.2 / (0.245x30/60) = 74.8 (or b  259 mm),

the column remains as short. Otherwise, design as braced
slender column with M01 = 0 kNm and M02 = (2400 + e1NEd)
kNm (see 5.3.2 Example 2, slides 22-25).
Note: Values for fck = 60 MPa can be interpolated from
charts for fck  50 MPa and fck = 90 MPa.

(b) free-fixed condition

e = 2 x 8 = 16 m
 = 3.46 x 16 / 0.6 = 92.3 > lim = 26.2 / 0.245 = 53.5
 design as slender column for (N, M) = (3000 kN, 2400 +
3000x16/400 + M2) where M2 is the second-order moment.

© K H Tan, NUS 46
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© K H Tan, NUS 48

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