Reviewer For Ecclesiology

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Luther O.

ODOC, Comps REVIEWER for ECCLESIOLOGY (Date of Oral Comps: ______________________ )

3. Describe the comprehensive process (as understood today by Catholic theologians and
biblical scholars) by which Jesus founded the Church.

 The Church was founded by Jesus Christ not only in one event in His life. Further, the origin
of the church does not lie solely in the intention and the message of Jesus in the pre-
Easter period, but in the whole Christ event. Six key moments are important to
understand in the process involving the foundation of the church; they are: (a) the
preaching of the kingdom, (b) the choice of the twelve, (c) the promise to Peter, (d) the
last supper, (e) Jesus’ death and resurrection, and finally, (f) the outpouring of the Spirit at
Pentecost. (Hans KUNG -Adelbert DENAUX Summary by James KROEGER, MM)

• The coming of the kingdom is central to the preaching of Jesus. His mission is basically, the
coming of that kingdom. In preaching the kingdom, Jesus is calling everyone to be part
and be in that Kingdom. Jesus intends that His mission for the kingdom be extended and
continued until its fulfillment.

• Immediately after Jesus announced the kingdom, Mark wrote the call of the first disciples to
join Jesus in the preaching of the kingdom.

• Jesus called disciples and among them, he chose twelve whom he also named apostles. Just
as the twelve tribes of Israel formed the people of God, the twelve will form the nucleus
of the Church; they will continue the saving mission of Jesus. The 12, the nucleus of the
Church with their successors, came to be identified as the Apostolic College.

• The Apostolic College found today in the college of Bishops headed by the POPE, the
successor of PETER.

• Jesus entrusted to Peter the Church. He gave him the key of authoritatively binding and
loosing and making decisions for the Church. (“And so I say to you, you are Peter, and
upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of the netherworld will not prevail
against it. I will give you the keys of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in
heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” [Mt. 16:18-19])

• At the last supper, Jesus intended that there will be an institution or group that will
continue his works, he established the Eucharist in order to continue the memorial of his
saving acts.

• Death and resurrection of Jesus- Just as the pierced side of Christ outpoured blood and
water, the birth of the Church stemmed forth also

• When Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit, he intended to form a community that would continue
his works of salvation. The Church is born on Pentecost, her mission starts after Pentecost.
Luther O. ODOC, Comps REVIEWER for ECCLESIOLOGY (Date of Oral Comps: ______________________ )

4. Avery Cardinal Dulles has captured key dimensions of the Church in five (5) models. Describe
each model and explain how it manifests the reality of the Church.

The Church as a Mystery could not be fully grasp but with the aid of Five models as
proposed by Avery Dulles, S.J., various aspects/ dimensions of the Church are better
understood, expressed and related to one another.

A. Institution

The Church has organized visible and concrete structure for effectively carrying out
her mission. She has standards, teachings, and authority. Her hierarchical structure of
authority is built on the bishops and the pope.

B. Servant

Just as Christ came to serve, so too, the Church is called to be the servant of humanity.
She exist to be of service to the Word of God which necessarily includes service to people’s

C. Sacrament

The Church is a sign and instrument of the union which the human family possesses
with God and with one another. She is a visible sign of the real but invisible presence of
God. She makes visible, concrete and communicates the love and grace of God in Jesus
Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

D. Herald

Herald is the bringer of news, announcer of a message, calls our attention into
something. The Church listens and communicates to us the word of God through preaching,
catechizing, teaching, etc. She has a kerygmatic nature where she announces the good news
of salvation to the people.

E. Community

The Church is communion of believers in the risen Jesus. She is composed of a wide
diversity of people and gifts united with one another in faith which transcends all
boundaries of race, language, culture or nationality. The Church, as a People of God and the
Body of Christ, is a living community of faith, friendship and service. This unity is brought
about by God’s action in mystical/spiritual means like prayer and sacraments through the
power of the Holy Spirit.

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