SSCT G8 1st QTR - 0 PDF
SSCT G8 1st QTR - 0 PDF
SSCT G8 1st QTR - 0 PDF
Christian Life Education Grade 8
S.Y. 2013-2014
Program Standard
The students will be able to demonstrate sound understanding of the
concepts of responsibility toward the self, family, others, environment, country and God.
and make responsible decisions and choices, live orderly and peacefully for the greater
and common good. [ DepEd]
The Christian Life Education curriculum hopes to imbibe to our students the Ignatian
values, rooted in Jesus’ teachings, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and sustained by the
Father’s love and providence. Thus, at the end of the four- year CLE program, we
envisioned a Christ- centered, critical, discerning Ateneo graduate who reflects the Jesuit
charism of being men and women for others and who actively serves as catalysts for
authentic social transformation.
General Standard
The Christian Life Education curriculum for Grade 8 hopes the students to
demonstrate a deep understanding of the roles and importance of a family as a
foundation for interpersonal relationship leading toward becoming a responsible
citizen and sons and daughters of God. [ DepEd]
The Grade 8 Christian Life curriculum calls students to open both the mind and
hearts to Jesus, and relate to Him as a Friend and Personal Savior. It challenges
the students to deepen his/ her personal relationship with Jesus by becoming
more free and more open to participate in the Church’s mission, which is the
building of God’s Kingdom, an on-going mission of Christ in the world. Thus, at
the end of the school year, the students learn more about Jesus and know Him
personally as a friend and Savior, believe in Him and live out His teachings.
Matina, Davao City
Content Standard:
The students discover Jesus' identity and nature as it leads to better understand
the fundamental truth of our faith: Jesus is One person; He is true God and true
Performance Standard:
Performance Task:
Your new parish priest or church leader has launched a campaign to inspire the
young parishioners to get involved in community service. As the Youth Church
Leader of your area, you were tasked to help the parish priest come up with a
brochure showing the youth of the community in different service activities or
involvements. The brochure must follow the standards: information, creativity and
relevant pictures and write-up.
Topics: Know the Man Jesus Christ
I. Historical Jesus
A. Review of the Old Testament
B. Entering into the Mystery of Christ – Christ’s Incarnation
C. Genealogy of Christ
D. Historical Jesus
1. Holy Bible
2. Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
3. Second Plenary Council of the Philippines
4. Catechism for Filipino Catholics
5. Catechism for the Catholic Church
Checked by:
Excesima L. Pasilan
Subject Area
Coordinator – CLE