Cycle 03

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Vocabulary: Cycle 03

1 cough uncontrollably 無法控制地咳嗽

to force air out of your lungs through your throat with a
short, loud sound without control
2 mutter glumly 悶悶不樂地抱怨
to speak quietly and in a low voice in a disappointed or
unhappy way
3 look at something lovingly 深情地看著某樣東西
to direct your eyes in order to see something in a way
that shows a lot of love or care
4 a special occasion 一個特殊的場合
a special or formal event
5 nature 自然
relating to growing food or other products without
using artificial chemicals
6 meltdown 熔毀
an extremely dangerous situation in a nuclear power
station in which the nuclear fuel becomes melts
through its container
7 I can remember it like it was yesterday 我記得就像昨天一樣
A simile that means to remember very well, especially
something that happened long ago
8 strive 努力
to try very hard to do something or to make something
happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties
9 wipe out 消滅
o destroy something completely or cause something to
be completely lost
10 ultimately 最終
At last or at the end
11 panting 氣喘
to breathe quickly and loudly through your mouth
12 eat ravenously 貪婪地吃
To eat in an extremely hungry way
13 munching 大聲咀嚼
to breathe quickly and loudly through your mouth
1 take steps forwards 向前邁出一步
to undertake measures towards solving sth
2 highlight the dangers 突出危險
to undertake measures towards solving sth
3 damage our intellect 損害我們的智力
to destroy intelligence3
4 exposure to air 暴露在空氣中
becoming exposed to pollution in the air
5 make up 組成
the composition of something
6 something may be revolutionized by 某事可能會被某事徹底改變
something when sth is radically or fundamentally changed by sth
7 the congested city 擁擠的城市
the polluted region
8 pay a high price for something 為某事付出高昂的代價
to suffer the consequences of sth
9 largely unrecyclable 基本上不可回收
highly impossible to recycle
10 hang around for centuries 徘徊了幾個世紀
exist for a thousand years
11 there has been so much about 關於某事的事情太多了
something to have so much worry about sth
12 a threat to something/somebody 對某事/某人的威脅
a danger/warning to sth/sb
13 promising signs 有希望的跡象
hopeful proof

NA 03
1 relatively 比較地
quite, when you are comparing it with sth similar
2 keep something to yourself 為自己保留一些東西
keep sth secret, or not show sth
3 temporarily 暫時地
just for a while, or for a period of time, not forever
4 involve 涉及
if an activity, situation, etc involves sth, that thing is a
part of it
5 a series of 一系列
a number of similar things coming one after another
6 take steps to do something 採取措施做某事
to do things one by one following a good plan

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