02 Write Right Beginner - 2 - Word Lists

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Book 2

Word List

Black = Writing Opener

Purple = Idea Map
*단어를 더 추가하거나, 한글 혹은 영어 뜻을 지워서 사용하실 수 있습니다.

Write Right Beginner 2

Date: Name:

Lesson 1 When I Am Bigger and Older

No Words Meaning
1 be like to be the same or almost the same as ~과 같은/닮은
someone or something else
2 wear be dressed in 입다
3 wear makeup to make your face prettier with 화장을 하다
powders, lipstick, etc.
4 suit jacket and pants that are the same 수트(정장)
color and material
5 work to have a job 일하다
6 boss a person who exercises control over 상사
7 office a building or room where people work 사무실
8 high heels shoes that women wear to make them 하이힐
9 cool looking or being a way that is liked by 멋진
young people
10 stylish being with current social fashions / 유행을 따른, 멋스런
wearing clothes that make you look
11 drive a car to operate or control a vehicle 차를 운전하다
12 take care of / help/ 돌보다 /
take care of my to do things that will keep your 나의 아이들을 돌보다
children son/daughter(s) healthy and safe
13 buy a house to pay money to have a house 집을 사다
14 go to the movies to go watch films at the movie theater 영화관에 가다 /
영화를 보러 가다
15 have a company to own a company / 회사를 가지다
to be the boss of a business
16 make money to get paid for doing work 돈을 벌다

Write Right Beginner 2

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Lesson 2 My Favorite Writer

No Words Meaning
1 write to make stories or books / 쓰다
to communicate by letter
2 writer a person who makes stories or 작가
3 study to learn about something (by going 공부하다
to school, reading, etc)
4 interesting funny, not boring, arousing the 흥미 있는
5 story imaginary happenings that are 이야기
written for people to read and enjoy
6 live in to grow up or be in a certain place ~에 살다
7 take pictures to make something into a 사진을 찍다
photograph with a camera
8 best better than other 가장 좋은, 최고의
9 favorite what you like the most 좋아하는, 마음에 드는
10 learn to know about something by 배우다
studying or getting taught about it
11 marry to get a husband or wife 결혼하다
12 become to change into something or ~이 되다
someone else
13 die to not be living 죽다
14 pretty good-looking (usually used to 예쁜
describe females)
15 handsome good-looking (usually used to 잘생긴
describe males)
16 think to have an opinion about something 생각하다
17 talented being very good at something 재능이 있는
Lesson 3 My Summer Vacation
No Words Meaning

1 vacation leisure time away from work/study 휴가, 방학

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devoted to rest or pleasure

2 send to make something go or be somewhere 보내다
3 fun being something that you like to do 재미있는, 재미
4 be amazed to be surprised at something cool or 놀란
5 Write back! a phrase asking the person you sent a 답장 써 줘!
letter to send a letter back
6 drink to put a liquid in your mouth and swallow 마시다
7 make to bring things together to make a new 만들다
8 visit to go see somebody 방문하다
9 have a good time enjoy oneself greatly 즐거운 시간을 갖다/
10 How are you doing? How are you? 어떻게 지내세요?
11 Talk to you later! a phrase that means that you will talk to 나중에 다시 이야기하자!
the person in the future at some time
12 Take care! a phrase that means you hope the person 잘 지내!
will be healthy and safe

Write Right Beginner 2

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Lesson 4 That Fall Day

No Words Meaning
1 step to put your foot on something 발을 밟다, 걸음
2 leaves the green parts of the tree that can turn 나뭇잎들
yellow, red, or orange in the fall and fall to
the ground
3 wind the moving of air 바람
4 blow what the wind does 불다
5 fall to come down from a high place 떨어지다
6 pumpkin pie a dessert that has a crust and pumpkin filling 호박 파이
7 cool a little cold 시원한
8 warm a little hot 따뜻한

Lesson 5 What Place Makes Us Happy?

No Words Meaning

Write Right Beginner 2

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1 swing a device that you sit on and you or someone 그네

else pushes you back and forth
2 ladder a device that people can climb up and down on 사다리
3 slide a device on which people move smoothly down 미끄럼틀
from a high point
4 seesaw a device on which two people sit on the 시소
opposite ends and go up and down
5 together with someone else 함께
6 playground an outside area where children can play 놀이터
7 more comparatives of many/more, greater in number 더 많이
or size, opposite of less
8 park an outside area that doesn’t have houses or 공원
buildings where people can play or exercise
9 beach a place that has sand and is near the water 해변, 바닷가
10 bookstore a place where people can buy books 서점
11 library a place where people can borrow books 도서관
12 play dress-up to wear clothes that you don’t usually wear for 차려 입기 놀이하다
13 play make- to pretend you are somebody or something 가장 놀이하다
believe else for fun
14 play catch to throw and catch a ball 술래잡기
15 go on a bike trail to ride bikes on a path that was made by 자전거 타다
people for riding bikes
16 feed the ducks to give bread to the birds in a pond 오리 먹이 주다
17 make sandcastles to make building shapes at the beach with wet 모래성 만들다
18 excited very enthusiastic 신난, 들뜬

Write Right Beginner 2

Date: Name:

Lesson 6 An Outdoor Adventure

No Words Meaning
1 walk to move by putting one foot in front of the other 걷다
2 orchard a place where people grow fruit trees 과수원
3 look for to search for something (의도적으로) 찾다
4 find to get or see something after losing or searching 찾다
for it
5 nest the place where a bird lays her eggs and takes 둥지
care of her babies
6 too also …도(또한)
7 amazing surprising 놀라운
8 map a piece of paper or a picture that shows where the 지도
features are located and what size they are
9 flashlight a small light that you can carry 손전등
10 tent a portable shelter / a cloth that can be used as a 텐트
home outdoors
11 binoculars something that helps you see things that are far 쌍안경
12 plan to think about how to do something before you do 계획하다, 계획
it / a series of steps to be carried out or goals to
be accomplished
13 make to build a fire for outdoors 캠프파이어를 하다
a campfire
14 pack to put clothes and other things you might need 싸다(꾸리다)
into a bag when you leave home
15 camping the activity when people sleep outdoors for 캠핑, 야영
fun / to live in tents in a camp
16 adventure a wild and exciting undertaking / 모험
an exciting activity that you may not know what
will happen next
17 Finally Last 마침내

Write Right Beginner 2

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Lesson 7 Are Spiders Insects?

No Words Meaning
1 spider an animal that makes webs, eats insects, has 거미
two body parts, and eight Legs.
2 web something that spiders make and use to trap 거미줄
3 insect an animal that has three body parts, six legs, and 곤충

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4 body part a section of the body 몸의 기관/신체 부분

5 antennae the skinny things on an insect’s head that helps it 더듬이(antenna의
feel things 복수형)
6 worm a long, skinny animal that has a soft body and no 벌레
legs or bones
7 ant a kind of red, black, or yellow insect that live in 개미
high organized colonies
8 feed to give food to something or someone 먹이다
9 breathe air to move air into and out of the lungs 공기를 들이마시고
내뱉다 / 숨쉬다
10 lay eggs to have babies that come from hard, oval-shaped 알을 낳다
11 fins the skinny, flat part on the back of fish that helps 지느러미
it swim
12 scales they’re what cover the the bodies of fish/ thin 비늘
flakes from the surface of the skin of fish
13 dangerous liable to hurt or kill 위험한
14 gentle soft and mild / not able to hurt or kill you 부드러운
15 poisonous having poison, which can kill or make 독이 있는
people sick
16 awesome very good or cool 경탄할 만한, 경이로운

Write Right Beginner 2

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Lesson 8 We Can Help the Earth

No Words Meaning
1 help to do something that will make somebody's job 돕다
easier or solve a problem
2 lazy not doing anything / moving slowly 게으른
3 need used to say that some action has to be done 필요하다
require as useful
4 people plural of person 사람들
5 ride the bus to go to places on something that can have a 버스를 타다
lot of people on it
6 waste to use too much of something 낭비하다
7 reuse to use something again 재사용하다
8 cut down trees to make trees come down 나무를 잘라 내다
9 can to be able to do something ~할 수 있다
10 recycle to make old things be made into new things 재활용하다
again / use again after processing
11 newspapers news stories and information that are printed 신문
on big paper and sold every day or every week
12 magazines a thin book that has stories and pictures that is 잡지
sold every week or every month /
a periodic publication in regular interval
13 carpool to take turns driving and picking up people who 카풀,
work with you / a small group of car drivers 승용차 함께 타기
who arrange to take turns driving while the
others are passengers
14 save rescue, keep from destruction 구하다
15 planet any celestial body (other than comets or 행성
satellites) that revolves around a star


Write Right Beginner 2

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Project 1 Party Plan

No Words Meaning

1 plan to think about how to do something 계획하다

before you do it
2 bake to make food by putting it in an oven (오븐에) 굽다
3 invite to ask someone to come to something 초대하다
4 order to ask for food or drinks made at a 주문하다
5 buy to get something by paying money for it 사다
6 pick to choose from a group of people or 집다, 고르다, 선택하다
7 decorations things that make a place pretty for an 장식품
event, special day, etc. /
something used to beautify
8 balloons a rubber bag that gets bigger when it is 풍선
filled with air
9 birthday hats cone-shaped things that you put on 생일 모자
your head during birthday parties
10 make invitations to make cards that ask people to come 초대장을 만들다
to something
11 come up with to make ideas about something 생각해 내다
/think of


Write Right Beginner 2

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Project 2 Book Report

No Words Meaning
1 midnight 12 a.m. 자정
2 long ago in the past 오래 전에
3 ball a fancy dance 무도 회장
4 desert a place that doesn’t have much 사막
water or plants
5 run away to quickly go away from a place 도망가다
6 leave to go away from a place 떠나다
7 shoe what people wear on their feet 신발
8 genie a magical being that can make 지니
people’s wishes come true
9 lamp an artificial source of visible 램프
10 wish something that you want to happen 소원


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Project 3 Poster
No Words Meaning
1 Want to ___? to wish to do something ~하고 싶나요?
2 international made up of different countries / 국제적인
concerning or belonging to all or at
least two or more nations
3 traditional something that people have done 전통적인, 전통적
since the past
4 strange different from what is usual 이상한
5 delicious tasting very good 맛있는
6 travel to go to a different place 여행하다
7 learn to know about something by studying 배우다
or getting taught about it
8 meet to see somebody for the first time 만나다
9 auditorium a large space in a building where 객석, 강당
people meet to watch a performance
10 cafeteria the place where people eat at school 카페테리아


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Project 4 Thank-You Card

No Words Meaning

1 yummy tasty 맛있는

2 homework help help with school work that is done at 숙제를 도움
3 advice things that are said to another person 충고
to help them fix a problem
4 proud causing someone to be very happy 자랑스러운
because of something you have done
5 do my best to do something as well as possible 최선을 다하다
6 get good grades to do well in school 좋은 성적을 받다


Write Right Beginner 2

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