Cordis Results Pack On Plant Health-ZZAK21005ENN
Cordis Results Pack On Plant Health-ZZAK21005ENN
Cordis Results Pack On Plant Health-ZZAK21005ENN
May 2021
Research and
Fight to protect Europe’s
agriculture from
devastating pest
Plants are at the centre of life itself. They are a primary source of food for
5 us, as well as for the animals we eat. They help regulate the climate and are
Parasitic fungus causing a part of the natural environment in which we live. With millions of people
wilt and plant death
targets different crops to regularly employed in the agricultural sector, plants are also a key part of the
wreak havoc EU economy. Ensuring plant health is therefore paramount to safeguarding the
bloc’s economic stability and its citizens’ well-being. This new edition of the
7 CORDIS Results Pack on Plant Health showcases 12 EU-funded projects at the
AX-1 the farmer forefront of research and innovation activities in this domain.
robot conquers
weeds selectively and Plant health is a broad term. It covers protecting plants and crops from deadly pests and disease,
sustainably mitigating the adverse effects of climate change on plants’ ecosystems, and transforming
the agricultural sector to feed the world’s growing population. In 2016, the United Nations
9 acknowledged plant health as one of the most pressing concerns of our time, declaring 2020 as
the International Year of Plant Health.
Pest control with help
from space Importantly, sustainability is at the centre of all efforts to improve plant health: fighting pests and
increasing crop yield must be achieved without putting further strain on the environment through
11 the improper use of pesticides. Avoiding hazardous chemicals when addressing pests protects the
environment as well as pollinators, natural pest enemies, beneficial organisms, and the people
New technology prepares
and animals who depend on plants.
crops’ immune system
against attack Towards sustainable and eco-friendly protection of plants
13 The European Commission’s Farm to Fork Strategy, a fundamental component of the European
Green Deal, capitalises on the importance of ensuring sustainability across the food value chain.
Meet the biosolutions Taking a holistic approach, the strategy highlights the interconnected nature of food production
set to revolutionise the and aims to keep plants healthy while reducing the impact of food systems on the environment,
agriculture sector which goes hand in hand with guaranteeing fair economic returns for farmers and boosting public
health and innovation.
15 With sustainable food production as a key priority, the strategy sets targets to significantly reduce
Banana plant, soil and the use and risk of chemical pesticides and fertilisers as well as antimicrobials. It also proposes
root ecology reveals a revision of the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive 2009/128/EC that aims to achieve a
sustainable routes to pest sustainable use of plant protection products in the EU, for example by promoting the use of
and disease control integrated pest management and other non-chemical alternatives to pesticides.
17 Pioneering EU-funded research leading the way
Making tomatoes more Following the first edition of the Results Pack on Plant Health, this new edition introduces 9 new
tolerant to climate change projects and 3 updates to projects from the first edition.
19 Under the XF-ACTORS project, researchers gained significant insights into the European origin of
the dangerous plant bacteria, Xylella fastidiosa (Xf). Focusing on Fusarium oxysporum, another
Susceptibility gene tweak formidable parasite, FOUNDATION studied an ancestral land plant to understand how the parasite
could lead to sustainable has evolved and find novel control strategies.
rice varieties
The Asterix project developed an autonomous robot named AX-1 (formerly Asterix) that reduces
21 the use of pesticides while simultaneously boosting farm profitability. Also taking a technological
approach to improving plant health, GREENPATROL developed a new robotic system enabled by the
Introducing genetic Galileo navigation satellite system to autonomously detect and treat pests in greenhouse crops.
variation in rice crops
to protect against As an alternative to pesticides, the ChemPrime project engaged with agri-tech companies to
climate change and pest facilitate the adoption of a crop protection strategy based on chemical plant priming agents.
infestation Lipofabrik developed and patented two products that are key to meeting the low toxicity needs
of the agricultural sector.
23 Several projects adopted a crop-specific focus. MUSA developed more sustainable alternatives
Shaping the future of for protecting banana crops, while TomRes tested and optimised sustainable crop management
plant pest diagnostics in strategies for tomatoes. The RiZeSisT project investigated alternatives to chemical methods for
the EU controlling sheath blight, and NEURICE, also looking at rice, introduced genetic variation in rice
crops to address rice sensitivity to salinity and resistance to pest infestation.
25 Recognising the importance of quick, accurate and reliable detection and identification of plant
Sustainable crop pests, the VALITEST project strived to enhance the reliability of tests used for these purposes in
protection solutions Europe. INNOSETA established a thematic network on spraying equipment, training and advising to
up close close the gap between the available new high-end crop protection solutions and European farmers.
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
The plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) is believed to have The pathogen first made its appearance in Europe in 2013 in
originated in Central America and is now found across the Puglia, Italy, where the local climate suited the spread of the
world. The bacterium is transmitted by insects as they feed on disease, resulting in the destruction of millions of olive trees,
the plants’ sap and progressively colonises the xylem tissues. some hundreds of years old. Since its detection in Puglia,
These become blocked, robbing the plants of essential water different strains of the bacterium have been identified in
and causing them to die of thirst from the inside. northern Italy, France, Portugal and Spain. Olives and almond
trees are the EU crops under major threat.
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
The XF-ACTORS project established a multidisciplinary research Researchers also created risk maps to predict the pathogen
programme to improve prevention, early detection and spread, enabling the most vulnerable sites to be identified and
control of the pathogen. “XF-ACTORS is the first international surveillance prioritised. “The biological data have been used
research project in Europe entirely devoted to developing a to fine-tune the parameters of the epidemiological models, to
multidisciplinary research programme to fight ensure they represent as close as possible the
Xylella fastidiosa, one of the most dangerous real disease scenarios,” Saponari comments.
plant bacteria worldwide. The programme
comprises 29 partners from 14 countries,
We now know that
Knowledge is power
including 4 non-European research centres
from the United States, Brazil, Costa Rica strains display a Finding a definitive solution for therapy against Xf
and Taiwan,” states project coordinator Maria diversity of host is a long-term and ambitious objective. Thanks to
Saponari. The project complements the work ranges and XF-ACTORS, we now know several aspects of the
of the POnTE project, which has been working aggressiveness, and outbreak in Europe. Knowledge generated by XF-
to minimise the risk of introduction/impact ACTORS research will help growers to manage
so measures to
of emerging pests threatening EU agriculture the pest and prevent further economic losses in
and forestry. control the impact crops. “This includes tools to mitigate the impact
of the infections of the disease, such as reducing the vector
Know your enemy should be tailored populations or improving the plants’ resilience
to the specific to infection. It will also enhance the capacity
Thanks to the wide-scale use of genomic scenarios occurring and competence of plant health authorities
sequencing, researchers can now shed light on to strengthen the EU plant health regime and
in the different EU
the origin of Xf in Europe, which reveals that improve prevention measures like legislation,
the pathogen has a longer history in Europe outbreaks in Italy, technical procedures, means of disease control
than previously thought. “We now know that France, Portugal and so on,” points out Saponari.
strains display a diversity of host ranges and and Spain.
aggressiveness, and so measures to control P R OJ E C T
the impact of the infections should be tailored to the specific Xylella Fastidiosa Active Containment Through
scenarios occurring in the different EU outbreaks in Italy, France, a multidisciplinary-Oriented Research Strategy
Portugal and Spain,” says Saponari.
Advances have also been made in deciphering the mechanisms The National Research Council in Italy
and the components of the host immune systems responding
to Xf infection, opening new routes for future breeding FUNDED UNDER
programmes and long-term sustainable management H2020
approaches. Project partners also developed the largest data
set of genome sequences, offering a unique tool for answering C O R D I S FA C T S H E E T
biological and epidemiological questions based on analyses of
phylogenetic relationships and population structures.
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
More than 120 forms of Fusarium oxysporum (Fo), each A second type of crosstalk occurs when the fungus grows
adapted to a specific crop, cause gigantic economic losses between the cells of the root cortex, the apoplast. Di Pietro
worldwide. “A recently emerged strain, Tropical Race 4, currently explains: “By using discovery proteomics, we are looking for key
threatens to eradicate global banana production,” says Antonio signalling molecules from both parties that likely shape the
Di Pietro, project coordinator and Professor of Genetics at the biotrophic molecular dialogue.”
University of Cordoba.
Evasion of the plant immune
Parasite molecules ‘talk’
system is key to successful
to the host plant
The research group studied the interaction of Fo in four different
plant species: tomato, banana, the model plant Arabidopsis, and FOUNDATION has provided unprecedented glimpses of the
the ancestral land plant Marchantia polymorpha. “This enables early infection stages and the molecular dialogue with the
us to identify the conserved mechanisms underlying biotrophic, multiple plant hosts. For example, the research group has
or live cell, infection stages of Fo wilt disease during interaction identified the pathogenicity molecules (effectors) that mediate
with a broad host range,” outlines Di Pietro. This research was compatibility between fungus and plant.
undertaken with the support of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
Actions programme. Releasing these effectors helps the pathogen to become more
virulent, so the scientists turned to look at M. polymorpha, a
Some time ago, the research team discovered a chemotropic newly developed model infection system. Amey Redkar, the
sensing mechanism by which this fungus locates plants in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow, says: “We aim to determine
soil and grows towards chemoattractants released by the roots. the function of the identified virulence proteins in this ancient,
The invader then grows silently in the root and colonises the early, non-vascular land plant to understand how pathogen
vascular tissue, oen leading to plant death. effector proteins have evolved.”
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
A methodological constraint
prompted a multi-model
Obtaining sufficient fungal biomass for digging out these
biotrophic fungal signals has been a challenge. Hence, the
FOUNDATION multi-model host system has been crucial.
Tomato-Fusarium, for example, is a well characterised system
that provides abundant root biomass for biochemical analysis.
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
The widespread use of pesticides increases the potential a bioherbicide and our innovative spraying technique ensures
health effects on the people who farm and consume selectivity. A patented, vision-based, ultrahigh-precision nozzle
products exposed to pesticides. It also has serious effects on system is integrated with machine learning algorithms trained
natural pollinators critical to our food supply. to differentiate between crops and their weeds.” AX-1 sprays
relatively large individual droplets of bioherbicide only on the
Precision agriculture can increase the effectiveness of inputs weed leaves. The larger drops minimise dri to non-targets.
to enhance farm profitability, natural resource management,
and environmental and human well-being. The EU-funded
Asterix project has embodied these benefits
in an autonomous robot named AX-1
(formerly Asterix) that applies eco-friendly
biopesticides sparingly.
AX-1 uses a
bioherbicide and our Bigger is better and hits
innovative spraying
technique ensures just the spot
Conventional herbicides are applied by
A patented,
blanket spraying a mist over the whole field,
vision-based, killing weeds but also harming the crop.
ultrahigh-precision Further, wind can carry the tiny droplets
nozzle system is over significant distances where they
integrated with can settle on water resources, adjacent
machine learning vegetation, farm workers, and neighbouring
homes and people.
algorithms trained
to differentiate Project coordinator Anders Brevik of Kilter
between crops and AS, the newly formed sister company of
their weeds. coordinator Adigo AS, explains: “AX-1 uses
© Anders Brevik
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
Focus on farmers, benefits for all Brevik concludes: “We are out of balance with Mother
Nature. By radically reducing the area we use for farming
The result of more than 10 years of development and field with diets that are largely plant based, we can make space
testing, AX-1 can work around the clock, weeding most for the wilderness to return. Our products and solutions
vegetables and herbs at a rate of approximately 1 hectare increase agricultural yields while at the same time using
per hour. It reduces the amount of weed killer used by up to fewer pesticides, less fertiliser and emitting less carbon.”
95 % – its 50 litres of herbicide are equivalent to the 1 000 AX-1 is on its mission to conquer new lands and do its part
litres in a conventional sprayer. Weighing about 10 % less to save the planet in the process.
than a tractor and sprayer, AX-1 can also drive in the field
shortly aer rain to increase productivity. P R OJ E C T
Weeding robot for precision farming reducing
Importantly, AX-1 significantly augments yield. “We herbicide usage by 95%
know from experience that herbicide use slows down crop
development. We thought we might increase yield by C O O R D I N AT E D B Y
about 5 %, but early data in parsley root suggest that Kilter AS in Norway
we get approximately 45 % higher yield with AX-1,” adds
Brevik. The technology can be used in both organic and FUNDED UNDER
conventional agriculture. It can nearly eliminate pesticide H2020
use in traditional farming and enhance the efficiency of
production while significantly lowering the cost of organic C O R D I S FA C T S H E E T
farming techniques. In short, it enables farmers to produce
food that is good for consumers, the environment and the
climate at an economically viable price.
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
Farmland has been on the decline in Europe for years, due to Pattinson, engineering manager and project manager for
growing urbanisation. The move to protect and increase forest GREENPATROL at GMV NSL.
areas has also had an impact, making greenhouse farming
more relevant than ever. While greenhouses enable farmers to Smart decision-making
produce more with less, their warm and moist conditions also
allow for infestations to spread rapidly: pests and diseases cause The robot is equipped with artificial intelligence to carry out a
around 15 % of losses for an average greenhouse in the EU. broad range of tasks without human intervention. “GREENPATROL
is capable of scouting the greenhouse looking for pests. It
The EU-funded GREENPATROL project has designed a solution detects them and identifies the most harmful species using a
that could help farmers tackle this issue while minimising the deep learning vision system. The system then maintains a model
use of chemical insecticides. It uses Galileo, Europe’s Global of what has been detected and the evolution of the impact of
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), to guide a robot inside the pest in the crop field,” Arnau Prieto explains.
the greenhouse which can autonomously
detect pests, apply treatments and monitor In addition to its automated features, the solution
infestations. could be instrumental in supporting decision-
making for integrated pest management
Eye in the sky GREENPATROL is strategies, which combine a number of
capable of scouting techniques to minimise risks to people and
“The solution is a tool for precision farming, the greenhouse the environment: “The system provides detailed
where GNSS technology is a key enabler. Using the looking for pests. information to human operators on which regions
satellite system’s precise positioning algorithms It detects them and to inspect and which pesticides to apply where.”
and combining this data with information
identifies the most
from on-board sensors, GREENPATROL is able
harmful species
Strategic value
to position itself inside the greenhouse with an
accuracy of within 20 cm,” explains Raúl Arnau using a deep GREENPATROL could play a strategic role in
Prieto, project manager at the Technological learning vision reducing the burden of pest control. “Such an
Centre CTC and GREENPATROL project coordinator. system. interconnected system could ultimately map
all diseases affecting crops in a particular
Precision farming aims to increase productivity region and thus enable us to fight pests more
while reducing waste and hazards by observing and monitoring effectively while significantly reducing the amount of pesticides
crops and collecting data on plant health with the help of used,” notes Dalibor Húska, leading researcher for Integrated
satellite navigation. Pest Management Strategy at Mendel University, in Brno.
“Greenhouse structures can make satellite signals difficult Having delivered a fully functional prototype, the project team
to track. The Galileo wideband signal offers significant is currently working to bring their product to the market. The
advantages in this type of environment, greatly improving exploitation plan demonstrates that the robot’s industrial
the performance inside the greenhouse,” says Michael production could deliver profits within 3 years.
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
A large proportion of global harvests are lost each year to plant resistance to pests and disease. This long-lasting protection
diseases. Although pesticides help to reduce these losses, there is based on a form of immunological memory, which enables
are worries about pesticide resistance and their impacts on plants to mount a faster and stronger immune response
health and the environment. One alternative is the treatment against future attack.
of plants with chemical priming agents that increase their
© The University of Sheffield
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
The EU-funded ChemPrime project addressed this challenge In addition, it found that hydroponic production systems, such
by facilitating the adoption of chemical plant priming agents as greenhouses and vertical urban farms, are the most viable
as a crop protection strategy. “The initiative aimed at obtaining and obstacle-free route to application, while exploitation of
specific knowledge to facilitate the translation of our basic priming chemicals in soil-based production systems requires
research on chemically induced plant immune memory into crop crop-specific optimisation of slow-release seed coating
protection strategies,” states project coordinator Jurriaan Ton. technology. Importantly, this research also identified the need
for cost-efficient synthesis pipelines of priming chemicals to
Important insights increase potential demand in the crop protection industry.
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
The world population continues to grow and is projected to Meeting this demand head on, the EU-funded Lipofabrik
reach near 10 billion people by 2050. Rising alongside this is the project aimed to provide the agricultural market with effective
demand for food, with many turning to intensive farming practices and environmentally friendly alternatives to current chemical
to grow high-yield crops to meet it. Such methods, however, can products used to safeguard plants and increase crop yield. “The
lead to the overuse of, amongst others, fertilisers, synthetic cutting-edge research team at Lipofabrik, a start-up from the
plant protection products and fossil fuels and ultimately affect University of Lille, has developed and patented two products
biological diversity and climate change. This has heightened the from Bacillus subtilis: PlantBoost® and LipoMyco®,” explains
need for more sustainable agricultural practices and a growing Arnaud Delecroix, project coordinator. “They are protected by
demand from the EU for bio-based products. three patents and are extremely important for meeting the need
in the agriculture sector for new, green and low-toxicity products.”
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
Prior to MUSA, and opened a new door to weevil biocontrol. benefiting more than 100 farmers who have seen their
there were few Isolates of the fungus Pochonia and the revenue increased by about EUR 4 500, approaching Cuba’s
bacteria Pseudomonas successfully countered 2016 per capita net average income. The Cuban Ministry of
the spread of nematodes, weevils and Agriculture recommended a national policy to incorporate
alternatives to the Fusarium. Unexpectedly, scientists discovered biological/endophytic agents into banana/plantain plants
chemicals used on that the endophytic fungus Pochonia in during their production.
banana crops. banana roots also induced a defence gene
We have enhanced activation in leaves. MUSA has significantly advanced opportunities for greener crop
knowledge of the management. Ciancio concludes: “Prior to MUSA, there were
No study on agriculture would be complete few biological alternatives to the chemicals used on banana
banana plants’
without a look at the impact of our changing crops. We have enhanced knowledge of the banana plants’
microbiome leading climate. MUSA has published outcomes microbiome leading to an arsenal of biological tools to control
to an arsenal showing the exacerbating effects of climate pests and diseases, ultimately proving that a more sustainable
of biological tools change on fungal infection causing devastating approach is possible.” That is good news for farmers, our table
to control pests and leaf diseases such as Black Sigatoka. and the planet.
diseases, ultimately
proving that a more Guiding nature to do P R OJ E C T
Microbial Uptakes for Sustainable
sustainable its thing in ways that management of major bananA pests and
approach diseases
is possible. help us too
Field trials in Cuba demonstrated the promise of pitting The National Research Council in Italy
nature against nature for our world’s food supply and global
economies. Conventionally, banana propagation relies on FUNDED UNDER
transplanting small ‘daughter’ plants obtained from ‘mother’ H2020
plants growing in the field, risking the propagation of diseased
plants. MUSA’s Cuban in vitro labs introduced beneficial C O R D I S FA C T S H E E T
Trichoderma endophytes into plants during production of
plants for farmers. Losses due to pathogenic fungi dropped,
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
The tomato is one of the EU’s staple crops, cultivated all Using advanced technology phenotyping, TomRes discovered
over Europe in open and protected fields and in greenhouses. new root-associated traits relevant for resilience to combined
Tomato farmers face combined water and nutrient stress in stress. The new traits are related to root architecture and
their crops, and solutions are needed to safeguard yields and physiology and are associated with beneficial microbes.
preserve the environment. “We were able to optimise management practices (variable
rate irrigation and fertilisation, resilient rootstocks, biostimulants,
The EU-funded TomRes project tested and green manure and rotations) and select
optimised sustainable crop management combinations thereof to achieve optimal
strategies such as legume intercropping, resilience to combined stress in tomatoes,”
precision fertilisation and irrigation techniques, says Schubert.
manipulation of symbiotic microorganisms, and We were able
the use of rootstocks more suited to water and to optimise The selected tomato lines and resilience traits
nutrient uptake from the soil. Project partners management represent an accessible source for tomato breeders
implemented a selection pipeline to identify practices (variable interested in providing resilient genotypes to
tomato genotypes most resilient to combined farmers. The optimised management techniques
rate irrigation and
stress (drought and low nutrients). “Starting have proven to reach the goal set in the project of
from about 10 000 available accessions, over
fertilisation, resilient reducing water and fertiliser needs. TomRes now
200 were screened in the open field, amongst rootstocks, provides a solid foundation for next-generation
which 80 were Mediterranean landraces with biostimulants, green tomato cultivation that is more environmentally
long shelf life, to select a 43-accession TomRes manure and and economically sustainable.
collection of lines endowed with superior rotations) and select
tolerance to combined stress,” explains Andrea
combinations Applying project
Schubert, project coordinator.
thereof to achieve concepts to further
Making tomatoes optimal resilience
to combined stress research
more resilient and better in tomatoes.
Project partners provided the required reporting
performing and are now active in animating a research
scene where, with the help of EU and national funding, the
TomRes contributed basic science advancements such as TomRes concepts may be further improved and implemented, in
more than 20 new alleles (and lines carrying them) that can both tomato and other crops. An example is the PRIMA-funded
help steer tomato performance under stress and be used in VEG-ADAPT project, which transfers TomRes concepts to the
marker-assisted selection for resilience. The project provided Mediterranean area and to other crops. Farmers and industry
new insights into the role of two pivotal phytohormones, participating in the network are setting the foundations for
strigolactones and brassinosteroids, in plant resilience, commercial exploitation of the project results of their interest.
development and environmental memory.
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
© Patryk Kosmider, Shutterstock
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
Oryza sativa, commonly known as Asian rice, has the second The symptoms usually develop on the leaf sheaths as oblong,
largest cereal production aer maize. It is the most widely water-soaked lesions, which are greenish grey in colour. As
consumed staple food source for over half of the world’s the disease progresses, they tend to coalesce, forming larger
population. Sheath blight, caused by the necrotrophic, soil-borne lesions with greyish white centres surrounded by irregular
fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani, is a major rice disease borders. These lesions interrupt the water and nutrient flow to
that affects yield and grain quality. The disease is an increasing the leaf tip.
concern, especially in intensified production systems.
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
Introducing genetic
variation in rice crops
to protect against
climate change and pest
Rice is one of the most important cereal crops in the world. To address rice
sensitivity to salinity and resist infestation by pests, European researchers developed
novel rice varieties with improved salt tolerance through fast-breeding.
The global temperature rise over the past 50 years has increased Partners selected a salt-tolerance character called Saltol from
salinisation, especially in coastal areas, due to an increase in a traditional Indian rice variety named Pokkali, known to be one
sea level and water scarcity. Salinity affects rice plant growth of the most salt-tolerant rice varieties in the world. They then
and reproduction, negatively affecting cereal productivity. At backcrossed it for several rounds with different Spanish, French
the same time, seawater treatment has emerged as the most and Italian elite rice strains while selecting those descendants
effective strategy for combatting the apple snail species from that kept the salt-tolerance genomic region,
the genus Pomacea, which eats the sown seed and the rice a non-GMO strategy known as introgression.
plantlets in paddy rice fields, inducing losses of tens of billions
of euro a year. The tolerance to salinity of these descendant Our goal was
plants was evaluated in hydroponic tests under to obtain rice
Introducing genetic controlled greenhouse conditions. At the same lines tolerant to
time, scientists investigated key mechanisms
abiotic (salinity)
variation implicated in salinity tolerance control at the
and biotic
molecular, cellular and whole plant levels and
in rice crops sequenced hundreds of rice varieties to find (apple snail)
out new salt tolerance-related genes. stress.
To overcome the negative impact of apple snail seawater
treatment but also mitigate the effects of water salinisation due “Introgressing a character in only 2 years is very challenging,
to climate change, scientists of the EU-funded NEURICE project and as far as we know we’ve developed the fastest backcross
developed commercial rice varieties. “Our goal was to obtain breeding protocol ever,” emphasises Nogués. Scientists
rice lines tolerant to abiotic (salinity) and biotic (apple snail) analysed over 70 DNA markers in each generation to select
stress,” explains project coordinator Salvador Nogués Mestres. those individuals with the highest percentage of European
NEURICE brought together experts from diverse scientific fields variety genome while keeping the Asian salt-tolerance
such as biotechnology, plant physiology, farming and agriculture alleles. In addition, a breakthrough fast-breeding method
development, electrophysiology and cell signalling. including in vitro embryo-rescue technique forced immature
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
rice embryos to germinate one month in advance and achieve According to Nogués: “The most significant achievement of
three generations a year. This way they successfully introduced the project was raising awareness among European farmers
a chromosomal region by breeding in the fastest manner, yet about the apple snail pest, and how to avoid its spreading
avoiding transgenic technologies. Importantly, the new salt- to the main European rice production areas.” Introduction of
tolerant rice varieties maintained the features required for the these novel salt-tolerant European rice varieties can lead to
regional natural environment. In spring 2021, the first registered the eradication of the apple snail throughout Europe through
Saltol, salt-tolerant European varieties will be commercialised seawater treatment. This will have a positive environmental
for farmers. and socioeconomic impact, avoiding less effective and highly
contaminant chemical strategies.
The future of salt-tolerant
Know-how obtained during NEURICE on how to produce these
rice varieties new salt-tolerant rice varieties, the discovery of new salt-
tolerance genes and the new varieties themselves will be fed
With Europe producing two thirds of its consumed rice in excess into the European rice industry and rice farming sector. Coupled
of 3 million tonnes per year, maintaining rice crop health is with improvement of management practices such as rational
paramount for agriculture and for food security. Researchers water use and implementation of remote salinity monitoring
discovered new genes and alleles that can now be exploited to systems, it will significantly advance the agriculture of rice.
improve the adaptation of European rice varieties to the new
conditions imposed by climate change, such as higher salinity, P R OJ E C T
higher temperatures and less water availability. New commercial EUropean RICE (Oryza sativa)
harbouring salt tolerance alleles to protect the
rice sector against climate change and apple
snail (Pomacea insularum) invasion
The University of Barcelona in Spain
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
Each year, approximately 40 % of global food crops are lost The EU-funded VALITEST project set out to change this.
due to pests and diseases. This has a detrimental effect on “Our main objective was to improve the reliability of plant
food security, the sustainability of agriculture pest diagnostics,” explains Mathieu Rolland,
and the economy. Quick, accurate and reliable deputy project coordinator. To achieve this,
detection and identification of pests are crucial the project’s first goal was to complement
to tackling this issue. However, such tests are existing or produce new validation data for the
Our main objective
mostly validated on an intra-laboratory basis detection and identification of plant pests that
or through limited test performance studies,
was to improve the are of interest to various stakeholders. This is
putting into question their quality and validity reliability of plant alongside the goals of harmonising procedures
as well as highlighting the need for harmonised pest diagnostics. and encouraging and improving the interactions
test validation processes. between stakeholders for better diagnostics.
Validation data is not available for all the tests used in plant
pest diagnostic laboratories. Therefore, to ensure the quality
and validity of results, additional validation data is required.
Meeting this need, the project organised 2 rounds of test
performance studies, whereby the performance of 83 detection
tests covering 11 pests and including about 10 000 samples
were analysed. “As a result, we have generated validation data
for these priority pests, and in the process validation procedures
have been enhanced and further harmonised,” notes Rolland.
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
The future of testing Charter describing the quality procedures for the production
and the validation of commercial tests produced by EU
and plant health manufacturers is being developed. This Charter will contribute
to guaranteeing the quality and the reliability of products. In
Proficiency evaluation, following a horizontal approach, can aid parallel, “the project and our partners are laying the foundations
laboratories in managing and demonstrating their competence for an EU Association of the Plant Health Diagnostic Industry
and proficiency in testing. Optimising this evaluation, the Association,” concludes Rolland. This will ensure the market
needs and views of laboratories on horizontal proficiency sustainability of SMEs.
tests were identified through a survey the project sent to
laboratories registered in the EPPO database on diagnostic P R OJ E C T
expertise. Discussions with accreditation bodies have started Validation of diagnostic tests to support
on a possible plant health approach regarding the level and plant health
frequency of proficiency testing in laboratories. “Furthermore,
online training activities – webinar series and practical C O O R D I N AT E D B Y
sessions – on the concept of validation, the organisation of The French Agency for Food, Environmental and
test performance studies, and the development, validation and Occupational Health & Safety in France
routine use of high-throughput sequencing tests have been
organised for diagnostic laboratories,” confirms Rolland. FUNDED UNDER
VALITEST aims to bring to market tests that are validated
according to international standards and produced by the SMEs C O R D I S FA C T S H E E T
manufacturing diagnostic kits. An EU Plant Health Diagnostics
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
Sustainable crop
protection solutions
up close
A new multilingual platform aims to boost the technological preparedness of farms
across the EU to ensure more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.
The adoption of new technologies and agriculture digitalisation The EU-funded INNOSETA project established an innovative
are priority objectives to meet challenges of the European self-sustainable thematic network on spraying equipment,
Green Deal, including the recently launched European Farm to training and advising (SETA). The aim was to help close the
Fork Strategy and the new common agricultural policy. Farmers gap between available high-end crop protection solutions and
will require appropriate and effective training to acquire everyday European agricultural practices. For the past two
the relevant knowledge and skills to meet these challenges. years, INNOSETA has been facilitating the exchange of novel
Today, however, the degree of adoption of new technologies ideas and information amongst the research, industry and
is heterogeneous across EU Member States and between farming communities so that existing research and commercial
different types of farms. solutions can be widely communicated and innovative ideas
from the farming community captured.
CORDIS Results Pack on plant health
Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
CORDIS Results Pack
Available online in 6 language versions:
on behalf of the European Commission by CORDIS at the
Publications Office of the European Union
2, rue Mercier
L-2985 Luxembourg
Editorial coordination
Online project information and links published in the current issue of the CORDIS Results Pack
are correct when the publication goes to press. The Publications Office cannot be held responsible
for information which is out of date or websites that are no longer live. Neither the Publications
Office nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the use that may be made
of the information contained in this publication or for any errors that may remain in the texts,
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