Q1 Module 1.6

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Module 1.

6: Multiplication of Integers

After using this module, you are expected to:

1. perform multiplication of integers

2. apply multiplying integers in solving

real-life problems

EXPLORE Your Understanding

Now let us start our exploratory activities that will

give you the basic ideas of multiplying integers.

Activity 1

Just like in the previous lessons, we can use the concept of number
lines in multiplying signed numbers. Study the following examples.

Example 1

Anna’s score in a mathematics examination is twice score in science. If her

score in science is 7, what is her score in mathematics?

The problem requires the mathematical sentence:

Mathematics Score = (2)(7)

which can be illustrated using a number line as follows:

7 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Moreover, as can be seen above, multiplication can be expressed as a

repeated addition as in:

(2)(7) = 7 + 7 = 14

What is Anna’s score in her mathematics examination?


Example 2

In a certain basketball tournament, team A lost 2 games while team B lost 3

times as many games as team A. How many games did team B lose?

The number of games lost by team B can be written as:

(2)(3) = ______

The number of losses of team B can be repeatedly reflected (3 times) in the

same direction (towards the left because of its negative sign), which yields:

2 2 2

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

(3)(2) = 6

Hence, team B lost 6 games.

FIRM UP Your Understanding

Now let’s move on! Here are other activities

that will help you understand the concept of
multiplying integers.

Activity 2

Example 1

Jenny has ten P5.00 coins in her coin purse. If her niece took 3 of the coins,
how much has been taken away from her purse?
How do we represent this problem using integers?
Since, “taking away” indicates negative numbers, then we have:

(+5)(3) = 15

Thus, P15.00 was taken away from Jenny’s coin purse.

Example 2

A mail carrier brings cash checks and electric bills. Florian received 2 bills
each amounting to Php 650.00. Is he richer or poorer by how much if he asked his
cousin to pay the bills?

Since cash checks represent gains, which are positive, while bills represent
credits, which are negative, then “taking away” or paying the two bills will be:

(650)(2) = 1, 300

The sign of the product is positive since this indicates that his bills are
lessened by Php 1, 300.

From the examples we above; let us see if you can find the product of the

1. (+4)(+3) = ______
2. (4)(+3) = ______
3. (+4)(3) = ______
4. (4)(3) = ______

What do you notice when we multiply numbers with like signs? ______________
What about the product of two numbers with unlike signs? __________________

DEEPEN Your Understanding

Hi! Get ready to take on more challenging activities about

multiplying integers.

Activity 3

A. Find the product of the following:

1. (+5) (+12)
2. (8) (+4)
3. (5) (+3)
4. (+5) (+2) (4)
5. (7) (+4) (2)

B. Solve.

If Myrna’s loan of Php 4, 000 in a certain company doubled after 10 years,

how much does she have to pay?

Activity 4

How can a person fairly divide 10 apples among 8 children so that

each child has the same share?

To solve the dilemma, match the letter in Colum II with the numbers that
corresponds to the numbers in Column I.
Column I Column II

TRANSFER Your Understanding

Here is another challenging activity that will apply your

learning about multiplication of integers in
real-life situations.

Create a situational problem where you can apply multiplication of
integers to solve the problem.

Module 1.6 – Multiplication of Integers

Activity 1 – Oral Exercises

Activity 2
1.) 12
2.) -12
3.) -12
4.) 12
The product of two numbers with like signs is positive while the product of
two numbers with unlike signs is negative.
Activity 3
A. 1. 60
2. 32
3. 15
4. 40
5. 56
B. Php 8 000

Activity 4
1.) P 6.) C
2.) U 7.) E
3.) K 8.) J
4.) A 9.) L
5.) M 10.) I

Math dilemma - MAKE APPLE JUICE

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