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EE380 Lab Experiment 06

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EE 380 - Control Engineering I Lab


Electrical Engineering Department

EE 380 - Control Engineering Experiment # 6


Servo Motor Position Control Using a Proportional Controller


1. To study the influence of the gain on the transient response of a

position servo.
2. To study the effect of velocity feedback.


1. The 33-002 Servo Fundamentals Trainer shown in Fig. 1, which consists

of 2 Units:
a. Analogue Unit 33-110
b. Mechanical Unit 33-100 supplied with a 34-way Terminated Cable
2. Power Supply ! 15 V DC, 1.5A; +5V dc, 0.5A
(Feedback PS446 04 01-100)
3. Storage Oscilloscope or X-Y Plotter.

34-way cable

Analogue Mechanical
Unit Unit

Fig. 1 Principal system interconnection of the 33-002



The design and performance characteristics of control systems are often consid-
ered in terms of the response to a step or ramp input. The step response of a
system gives useful information about the general system characteristics and is
often required to meet some demands in the system response specifications. To
generate the step response, a very simple input is required, and for these
reasons much consideration is given to the step response.
Copyright © Electrical Engineering Department, KFUPM.
EE 380 - Control Engineering I Lab

For a given system, the form of the step response is greatly affected by the
system gain. The gain essentially determines how much power is applied to
move the output for a given error. For an electrical system, such as the 33-002,
the gain determines the voltage applied to the motor for a given error.

A purely electrical system may be represented as in Fig. 2, where the input V i ,

output V o , and error V e are all voltages and the forward path gain (G) is shown
separately. Note that if a step V i is applied, the initial value of the error is equal
to Vi as in (b), since V o is zero.

Vi + Ve Vo
G Motor


Fig. 2 Effect of varying proportional gain on step response

Š If G = 1, the power amplifier input is initially V i and as the motor rotates,

the output gradually aligns with input, with the motor slowing up as the
error decreases.
Š If G = 2, the initial input to the power amplifier is 2V i , causing the motor to
move faster and although the error decreases, the motor may overshoot
the required final position due to the delay in the motor. When the motor
finally stops, the error is reversed in sense, so that the motor reverses
and the system aligns or may undershoot, but will finally settle as shown
in (c).

Copyright © Electrical Engineering Department, KFUPM.
EE 380 - Control Engineering I Lab

Š If G is increased further, the system may take several oscillations to

settle, as shown in (d). For higher order systems, the result may be a
steady oscillation at the output, or even an increasing oscillation. Systems
with the characteristics of (d) are useless for control purposes.


1. Connect together the Analogue Unit 33-110 and the Mechanical unit 33-100
using the 34-way ribbon cable supplied.
2. Connect the Mechanical Unit 33-100 to the power supply using the 4mm
lead provided.
3. Ensure all of the fault switches on the Analogue Unit are off (down).
4. Switch on the power supply. The motor on the Mechanical Unit 33-100 may
revolve and the speed/rpm display should light.
5. Adjust the power amplifier zero control to be found on the right-hand side of
the Analogue Unit 30-110. The motor should drive in both directions,
controllable by the zero knob. Set the zero control so that the motor is
6. Arrange the system with the solid connections of Fig. 3 with the error ampli-
fier feedback resistor 100 K , giving G = 1 .

Fig. 3 Connections for influence of gain

Copyright © Electrical Engineering Department, KFUPM.
EE 380 - Control Engineering I Lab

7. Set the test signal frequency to about 0.1 Hz and adjust P3 to provide a
square wave input of !5V.
8. Set P1 to zero and arrange an X-Y display.
9. Turn up P1 until the motor just rotates and the system response is
overdamped (Fig. 2b).
10. Increase P1 until the system just overshoots and estimate the time to align-
ment Ta.
11. Finally set P1 =100 and note the reduced Ta and the increased overshoot.
12. Set the amplifier feedback resistor to 330 K giving G = 3.3. Connect the Y
input to the error amplifier output and with P1 =100 adjust P3 until the peak
amplifier error (G V e ) is about 10V. The response should have the general
form of the top of Fig. 2d. The time to alignment is much reduced but the
response is too oscillatory for a practical system.
13. Set the feedback resistor to 1M giving G = 10, and repeat the test, adjust-
ing P3 to limit the peak error to 10V. The response is now more oscillatory,
but the time to initial alignment will be reduced from the value G = 3.3 and
can be estimated.
14. With G = 10, adjust P3 to give !5V. [Note that the theoretical initial output of
the error amplifier would be 50V]. In practice, the error amplifier cannot
provide outputs much exceeding ! 10V and hence limits. Observe that the
error limits and that the oscillation takes longer to die away.



All practical motors have friction, which has to be overcome to start the motor
from rest. Therefore a minimum input voltage has to be applied to the motor
before rotation starts; this is term dead-band. If the gain is high, the dead-band
is reduced, which is advantageous, but the system may display unwanted oscilla-
tion in the response.

The form of the system response with high gain can be much improved by apply-
ing a feedback signal to the input, which is proportional to the output shaft
velocity. This arrangement, shown in Fig. 4, is called velocity feedback or
tachometer feedback. A tachometer is used for this purpose instead of differenti-
ating the output signal..
Vi + Ve Vo
G Motor
- positional

1+K s
K tachometer constant

Ω(s) θ(s) Ω(s) θ(s)

1 1
s s
K Kt s

Fig. 4 Velocity Feedback

Copyright © Electrical Engineering Department, KFUPM.
EE 380 - Control Engineering I Lab


1. Arrange the system as in Fig. 5, initially omitting the connection from P2 to

the tachometer and set P1 to zero.
2. Set the error amplifier feedback resistor to 100K giving G = 1, and set P3 to
give Vi = !5V at 0.1 Hz. Set P1=100 and a slightly oscillatory response should
be obtained.
3. Connect P2 to one tachometer output [watch for correct polarity], and
increase its setting until deadbeat response is obtained, this occurs when the
motor just does not reverse. Additional feedback can be obtained by discon-
necting  i , and connecting the tachometer to that input as well.
4. Increase the feedback resistors to 330K giving G = 3.3; 1M giving G = 10,
and in both cases deadbeat response should be obtainable.

Fig. 5 Connections for velocity feedback


1. Plot all the responses obtained in both Parts I and II using the X-Y plotter.
2. Based on the results of Part I, discuss the relationship between the gain,
stability, speed of response, and steady-state-error.

Copyright © Electrical Engineering Department, KFUPM.
EE 380 - Control Engineering I Lab

3. Based on the results of Part II, explain how velocity feedback improves
the response of the closed-loop position control system. What is the disad-
vantage of velocity feedback?

Copyright © Electrical Engineering Department, KFUPM.

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