AUTOSAR SWS FlexRayARTransportLayer

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer


Document Title Specification of FlexRay

AUTOSAR Transport Layer
Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 601

Document Status published

Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform
Part of Standard Release R20-11

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2020-11-30 R20-11 AUTOSAR  Chapter 7.7 Error detection removed
Release  Chapter 7.8 Error notification
Management removed
 SWS_FrArTp_00291 moved to
Chapter 8.
2019-11-28 R19-11 AUTOSAR  No content changes
Release  Changed Document Status from
Management Final to published
2017-10-31 4.4.0 AUTOSAR  SWS_FrArTp_00292 removed as it
Release is covered by BSW General
2017-12-08 4.3.1 AUTOSAR  Editorial changes
2016-11-30 4.3.0 AUTOSAR  Chapters Runtime Errors, and
Release Transient Faults have been
Management established
 Development Error Tracer has been
replaced by Default Error Tracer
 Meta Data handling has been
 Requirements about handling
negative TxConfirmations has been
2015-07-31 4.2.2 AUTOSAR  Changed attribute
Release Ecuc.postBuildVariantValue to false
Management for FrArTpSduRxId and

1 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2014-10-31 4.2.1 AUTOSAR  Clarification regarding NULL pointer
Release handling
Management  Removed obsolete ECU
configuration elements
2014-03-31 4.1.3 AUTOSAR  Clarified meaning of FrArTpTc
Release  Clarified requirements for sending
Management FC(OVFLW)
 Revised routing path const
 Harmonization of API descriptions
2013-10-31 4.1.2 AUTOSAR  Retry of FrIf_Transmit mechanism
Release has been removed in case this API
Management returns E_NOT_OK
 Removed FRARTP prefix for fields
of FrTp frames and used camel
case notation consistently for EcuC
 Removed NotifResultType from
ComStackTypes and replaced by
Std_ReturnType in the APIs
 Removed the 'Timing' row from the
API table(s) of chapter 'Scheduled
 Editorial changes
 Removed chapter(s) on change
2013-03-15 4.1.1 AUTOSAR  Organization of PDUs in PDU pools
Administration  Dynamic assignment of Tx N-PDUs
to connections at runtime
 Reserved Tx N-PDUs for high
priority connections
 TP API improvements and fixes
 Adapted to new BSW General

2 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2011-12-22 4.0.3 AUTOSAR  Adapted to the 4.x TP API
Administration  Removed private types
 Added parameter configPtr to
 Adapted service IDs of standardized
Com Stack API functions
2011-04-15 4.0.2 AUTOSAR  Added new TP layer status to Table
Administration 3
 Corrected inconsistencies of the
attributes Synchronicity and
Reentrancy for
FrTp_CancelReceiveRequest and
 Added information about selection of
FlexRay TP Protocol Engine
 Added support for TP receive
 Updated FrTp_ChangeParameter
API syntax
2010-09-30 3.1.5 AUTOSAR  Added FRTP222, FRTP223
Administration  Modified FRTP195
 Use parameter PduInfoType in
callback RxIndication
 Legal disclaimer revised
2008-08-13 3.1.1 AUTOSAR  Legal disclaimer revised

3 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2008-02-01 3.0.2 AUTOSAR  Clarified the role and purpose of the
Administration functions
mation() and
ation() with respect to the PDU
 Document meta information
 Small layout adaptations made
2007-12-21 3.0.1 AUTOSAR  “Advice for users” revised
Administration  “Revision Information” added
2007-01-24 2.1.15 AUTOSAR  Correction in Interaction Diagram
Administration  Various descriptions adapted in
Chapter 10
 Added BSW00435 due to WP112
 Changing API FrTp_Transmit
 Several wording corrections
 Adaptation of chapter 5.4.2 to new
SRS Requirement
 Legal disclaimer revised
2006-05-16 2.0 AUTOSAR  Document structure adapted to
Administration common Release 2.0 SWS
2005-05-31 1.0 AUTOSAR  Initial Release

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained
in it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR
and the companies that have contributed to it shall not be liable for any use of the
The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of
intellectual property rights. The commercial exploitation of the material contained in
this work requires a license to such intellectual property rights.
This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by
any means, for informational purposes only. For any other purpose, no part of the
work may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission
in writing from the publisher.
The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
developed, nor tested for non-automotive applications.
The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

5 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Table of Contents

1 Introduction and functional overview .............................................................. 9

2 Acronyms and abbreviations ........................................................................ 11

3 Related documentation ................................................................................. 12

3.1 Input documents............................................................................................ 12
3.2 Related standards and norms....................................................................... 12
3.3 Related specification ..................................................................................... 13
4 Constraints and assumptions ....................................................................... 14
4.1 Limitations ..................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Applicability to car domains .......................................................................... 14
5 Dependencies to other modules ................................................................... 15
5.1 PDU Router ................................................................................................... 15
5.2 FlexRay Interface .......................................................................................... 16
5.3 ECU State Manager ...................................................................................... 17
5.4 File structure ................................................................................................. 17
5.4.1 Code file structure ................................................................................ 17
5.4.2 Design Rules ........................................................................................ 17
6 Requirements traceability ............................................................................. 18

7 Functional specification................................................................................. 19
7.1 Overview ....................................................................................................... 19
7.1.1 Extensions of ISO 15765-2 .................................................................. 19
7.1.2 Connections ......................................................................................... 19
7.1.3 Channels .............................................................................................. 20
7.1.4 PDU Pools ............................................................................................ 20
7.1.5 Active Connections .............................................................................. 20
7.2 Protocol Processes ....................................................................................... 20
7.2.1 1:1 Connections ................................................................................... 20 1:1 Connection in a channel without Acknowledgement ................. 21 1:1 Connection in a channel with Acknowledgement without Retry 23 1:1 Connection in a channel with Acknowledgement with Retry ..... 25
7.2.2 1:n Connections ................................................................................... 28
7.3 Frame Layout ................................................................................................ 29
7.3.1 General ................................................................................................ 29
7.3.2 Single Frames (SF-x) ........................................................................... 31 ISO 15765-2 Single Frame (SF-I) .................................................... 31 Extended Single Frame (SF-E) ........................................................ 32
7.3.3 First Frames (FF-x) .............................................................................. 34 First Frame ISO 15765-2 (FF-I)........................................................ 34 First Frame Extended (FF-E) ........................................................... 35
7.3.4 Consecutive Frames ............................................................................ 36
7.3.5 Flow Control (FC) ................................................................................. 37
7.3.6 Acknowledgement Frame (AF) ............................................................ 39

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

7.3.7 Error Handling of the FT Field ............................................................. 41

7.3.8 Addressing Errors ................................................................................ 43
7.4 Further Principles of Working ....................................................................... 43
7.4.1 Decision of Segmentation .................................................................... 43
7.4.2 Scheduling of PDUs during Transmission ........................................... 44
7.4.3 Detection of Receiving Connection ..................................................... 44
7.4.4 Single Frame Handling during Reception ............................................ 45
7.4.5 Addressing with Meta Data .................................................................. 45
7.4.6 Sending and Receiving within the same connection ........................... 46
7.4.7 Behavior on Timeouts and Errors ........................................................ 46 Handling of negative TxConfirmations ............................................. 46 No Acknowledgement configured for the Channel........................... 46 Acknowledgement without Retry configured for the Channel .......... 47 Acknowledgement with Retry configured for the Channel ............... 47
7.4.8 Transmit Cancellation .......................................................................... 48
7.4.9 Receive Cancellation ........................................................................... 49
7.4.10 Parameter Changing ............................................................................ 49
7.4.11 Data Handling, Block Size and WAIT-Frames .................................... 49 Unsegmented Transfer .................................................................... 50 Segmented Transfer ........................................................................ 51 Buffer Locking .................................................................................. 53 Data Bytes in First Frames .............................................................. 53
7.4.12 Ignored Frames .................................................................................... 53
7.5 Buffer Access Modes in the FlexRay Interface ............................................ 54
7.6 Error classification ......................................................................................... 54
7.6.1 Development Errors ............................................................................. 54
7.6.2 Runtime Errors ..................................................................................... 54
7.6.3 Transient Faults ................................................................................... 54
7.6.4 Production Errors ................................................................................. 55
7.6.5 Extended Production Errors................................................................. 55
8 API specification............................................................................................ 56
8.1 Imported types .............................................................................................. 56
8.2 Type definitions ............................................................................................. 56
8.3 Function definitions ....................................................................................... 57
8.3.1 Standard functions ............................................................................... 57 FrArTp_GetVersionInfo .................................................................... 57
8.3.2 Initialization and Shutdown .................................................................. 57 FrArTp_Init ........................................................................................ 58 FrArTp_Shutdown ............................................................................ 58
8.3.3 Normal Operation................................................................................. 59 FrArTp_Transmit............................................................................... 59 FrArTp_CancelTransmit ................................................................... 59 FrArTp_CancelReceive .................................................................... 60 FrArTp_ChangeParameter ............................................................... 61
8.4 Call-back notifications ................................................................................... 61
8.4.1 FrArTp_TriggerTransmit ...................................................................... 61
8.4.2 FrArTp_RxIndication ............................................................................ 62
8.4.3 FrArTp_TxConfirmation ....................................................................... 63
8.5 Scheduled functions...................................................................................... 64
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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

8.5.1 FrArTp_MainFunction .......................................................................... 64

8.6 Expected Interfaces ...................................................................................... 64
8.6.1 Mandatory Interfaces ........................................................................... 64
8.6.2 Optional Interfaces ............................................................................... 65
9 Sequence diagrams ...................................................................................... 66
9.1 N-SDU Transmission .................................................................................... 66
9.1.1 Unsegmented N-SDU Transmission ................................................... 66
9.1.2 Segmented N-SDU Transmission without Retry ................................. 66
9.1.3 Segmented N-SDU Transmission with Retry ...................................... 67 N-PDU Transmission during N-SDU Transmission ......................... 69
9.1.4 N-PDU Data Copying during N-SDU Transmission ............................ 70 Transmit Cancellation ....................................................................... 71
9.2 N-SDU Reception ......................................................................................... 71
9.2.1 Unsegmented N-SDU Reception ......................................................... 72
9.2.2 N-PDU Data Copying during Unsegmented N-SDU Reception .......... 72
9.2.3 Segmented N-SDU Reception ............................................................. 74
9.2.4 Wait for Buffer during Segmented N-SDU Reception ......................... 76
9.2.5 N-PDU Data Copying during Segmented N-SDU Reception .............. 77
9.2.6 N-PDU Transmission during N-SDU Reception .................................. 77
9.2.7 Receive Cancellation ........................................................................... 78
10 Configuration specification ............................................................................ 79
10.1 How to read this chapter ............................................................................... 79
10.2 Containers and configuration parameters .................................................... 79
10.2.1 FrArTp .................................................................................................. 82
10.2.2 FrArTpGeneral ..................................................................................... 82
10.2.3 FrArTpChannel..................................................................................... 84
10.2.4 FrArTpPdu............................................................................................ 91
10.2.5 FrArTpConnection ................................................................................ 93
10.2.6 FrArTpTxSdu........................................................................................ 95
10.2.7 FrArTpRxSdu ....................................................................................... 95
10.2.8 FrArTpMultipleConfig ........................................................................... 96
10.3 Published Information ................................................................................... 97
10.4 Important Issues on Configuration ................................................................ 97
10.4.1 Start and Stop of the Timing Parameters ............................................ 97
10.4.2 How to get an ISO 15765-2 compliant Channel / Connection ............ 97
10.4.3 Dependencies among the Parameters ................................................ 98
10.4.4 Timing Constraints ............................................................................... 98
10.4.5 Configuration Requirements on the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport
Layer .................................................................................................... 99
10.4.6 Configuration Requirements on the FlexRay Interface ....................... 99
11 Not applicable requirements ....................................................................... 101

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

1 Introduction and functional overview

This specification describes the functionality, API, and configuration of the AUTOSAR
basic software module FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer (FrArTp).

The FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer module resides between the PDU Router
[6] and the FlexRay Interface [5] (see Figure 1, according to [2]). The main purpose
of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer module is segmentation and reassembly of
messages that do not fit in a single FlexRay L-SDU.

The PDU Router deploys I-PDUs of AUTOSAR COM or DCM to different

communication protocols. The routing through a network system type (e.g. CAN, LIN
and FlexRay) depends on the I-PDU identifier. The PDU-Router is also in charge of
determining whether a transport protocol has to be used or not.
The FlexRay Interface (FrIf) provides mechanisms to access a FlexRay bus channel
regardless of its location (µC internal/external). It abstracts from the location of
FlexRay controllers (on chip / onboard), the ECU hardware layout and the number of
FlexRay drivers. The FrIf is in charge to route received PDUs to the FlexRay
AUTOSAR Transport Layer module, the PDU Router, the FlexRay NM and the XCP.

Figure 1: AUTOSAR FlexRay Layered Architecture

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Among others, the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer includes the following

- Segmentation of data in send direction

- Collection of data in receive direction
- Control of data flow
- Detection of errors
- Acknowledgement (and Retry)
- 1:1 and 1:n connections
- 2 or 4 Bytes address information
- Transfer of up to 232-1 Bytes payload
- Configurable to be compliant to ISO 15765-2 regarding frame layout and

This specification supports only the AUTOSAR FlexRay transport protocol derived
from ISO 15765-2, which was used as standard in AUTOSAR release 3.x and below.
Since AUTOSAR release 4.0, the standard FlexRay transport layer [11] is compatible
to ISO 10681-2. For AUTOSAR release 3.2, a back port of the ISO 10681-2
compliant FlexRay transport layer has been created as a separate document named
FlexRay ISO Transport Layer. Thus, both in AUTOSAR release 3.2 and 4.0, users
must be cautious in choosing which specification to use for FlexRay Transport Layer.

It is an AUTOSAR decision to base the specification of Basic Software modules on

existing standards. The FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer specification is based
on the international standard ISO 15765-2 (Diagnostics on CAN), which is the most
common in automotive area.

The basic idea is to have an ISO 15765-2 compliant Transport Layer, which allows
by the means of static configuration to add one or more optional features (like
acknowledgement) per channel independently of each other. Of course, by adding
such a feature the compliance to ISO 15765-2 gets lost for this particular channel.
Additionally, the features are deactivatable at compile time. Even if they are compiled
in, they are still deactivatable by static configuration.
The rationale behind some of the provided features is the usage of this transport
layer not only for diagnostic purposes but also for Inter-ECU communication.

Since addressing within ISO 15765-2 is specific for the CAN bus system (CAN
identifier), it is obvious that another approach is taken within FlexRay AUTOSAR
Transport Layer.

Although FlexRay transport protocol is at first set to vehicle diagnostic systems, it has
been developed to also deal with requirements from other FlexRay based systems
needing a transport layer protocol.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

2 Acronyms and abbreviations

Following acronyms and abbreviations have a local scope only and therefore are not
contained in the AUTOSAR glossary.

Acronym: Description:
Channel A channel hosts a group of connections sharing the properties configurable by the
parameters in section 10.2.
Connection Communication path between two nodes (1:1) or one node and the network (1:n),
characterized by the parameters in section 10.2.
Frame Synonymous for N-PDU or L-SDU.
I-PDU PDU of the AUTOSAR COM module; corresponds to an N-SDU of the FlexRay
Transport Layer.
L-SDU This is the SDU of the FlexRay Interface. It represents the same entity as the N-
PDU, but from the FlexRay Interface’s point of view.
L-SDU ID Unique identifier of an L-SDU; used by upper layers such as the FlexRay
AUTOSAR Transport Layer module to interact with the FlexRay Interface.
Message Synonymous for N-SDU or I-PDU.
N-PDU This is a PDU of the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer, which is given to the
FlexRay Interface for Sending. It consists of address information, protocol control
information and the payload (N-SDU).
N-SDU This is the SDU of the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer. In the AUTOSAR
architecture, it is a set of data exchanged with the PDU Router.
N-SDU ID Unique identifier of an SDU; used by upper layers such as the PDU Router to
interact with the FlexRay Transport Layer.
PDU pool Set of FlexRay N-PDUs that share the same size and same addressing type.

Abbreviation: Description:
AF Acknowledgement Frame
CF Consecutive Frame
FC Flow Control
FF First Frame
Fr FlexRay
PCI Protocol Control Information
FrIf FlexRay Interface
FrArTp FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer (derived from ISO 15765-2)
FrIsoTp FlexRay ISO Transport Layer (ISO 10681-2)
FrTp FlexRay Transport Layer
NM Network Management
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PduR PDU Router
SDU Service Data Unit
SF Single Frame
XCP Universal Calibration Protocol

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

3 Related documentation

3.1 Input documents

[1] List of Basic Software Modules


[2] Layered Software Architecture


[3] General Requirements of Basic Software Modules


[4] Requirements on FlexRay


[5] Specification of FlexRay Interface


[6] Specification of PDU Router


[7] Specification of Communication Stack Types


[8] Specification of Standard Types


[9] Specification of Platform Types


[10] AUTOSAR Basic Software Module Description Template,


[11] Specification of FlexRay ISO Transport Layer


[12] General Specification of Basic Software Modules


3.2 Related standards and norms

[13] ISO 15765-2(2003-11-11), Road vehicles — Diagnostics on Controller Area

Networks (CAN) — Part2: Network layer services

[14] ISO 10681-2, Road vehicles — Communication on FlexRay — Part2:

Communication Layer Services

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

[15] FlexRay Communications System Protocol Specification Version 2.1

3.3 Related specification

AUTOSAR provides a General Specification on Basic Software modules [12] (SWS

BSW General), which is also valid for FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer.

Thus, the specification SWS BSW General shall be considered as additional and
required specification for FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer.

13 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

4 Constraints and assumptions

4.1 Limitations

AUTOSAR architecture defines protocol specific transport layer (CanTp, LinTp,

Fr[Ar]Tp, etc.). The FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer covers only FlexRay
transport protocol specifics.

The FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer has an interface to a single underlying

FlexRay Interface Layer and a single upper PDU Router.

4.2 Applicability to car domains

The FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer can always be used for applications if the
FlexRay protocol was used.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

5 Dependencies to other modules

This section sets out relations between the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer
module (FrArTp) and other AUTOSAR Basic Software modules. It contains brief
descriptions of the services of the FrArTp that are called by other modules and of the
services of other modules that are called by the FrArTp. The following picture gives a
brief overview of the interactions.

Figure 2: FrArTp interactions

5.1 PDU Router

The following services of the PDU Router are called by the FlexRay AUTOSAR
Transport Layer module:
 PduR_FrArTpStartOfReception
By this API service, the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer module informs
the upper layer (e.g. DCM via PDU Router) that a new message is being
 PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData
By this API service, the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer module provides
the data of one received segmented message part (N-PDU) to the upper layer.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

 PduR_FrArTpRxIndication
By this API service, the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer module indicates
the completed (un)successful reception of a message (N-SDU).
 PduR_FrArTpCopyTxData
By this API service, the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer module asks the
upper layer (e.g. DCM via PDU Router) of the message to provide data for the
next segmented message part (N-PDU).
 PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation
By this API service, the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer module confirms
the (un)successful sending of the complete message (N-SDU) to the actual
sender (e.g. DCM).

The following services of the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer module are called
by the PDU Router:
 FrArTp_Transmit
By this API service, the sending of a message (N-SDU) is triggered.
 FrArTp_CancelTransmit
By this API service, the sending of a message (N-SDU) is cancelled. This
service is optional (per channel).
 FrArTp_CancelReceive
By this API service, the receiving of a message (N-SDU) is cancelled. This
service is optional (per channel).
 FrArTp_ChangeParameter
By this API service, the STmin and BS values of a connection can be

5.2 FlexRay Interface

The following services of the FlexRay Interface are called by the FlexRay AUTOSAR
Transport Layer module:
 FrIf_Transmit
By this API service, the sending of a frame (N-PDU) is triggered. Depending
on configuration on the FlexRay Interface, the N-PDU is sent immediately or
after the call of FrArTp_TriggerTransmit.

The following services of the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer module are called
by the FlexRay Interface:
 FrArTp_RxIndication
By this API service, the FlexRay Interface indicates the reception of an FrArTp
frame (N-PDU, please do not mistake this with a FlexRay frame) to the
FrArTp. The FrArTp then processes this frame.
 FrArTp_TxConfirmation
By this API service, the FlexRay Interface confirms the (un)successful sending
of the frame containing the N-PDU over the FlexRay network.
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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

 FrArTp_TriggerTransmit
By this API service, the FlexRay Interface makes the FrArTp to copy the N-
PDU into the buffer provided by the FlexRay Interface. The FlexRay interface
then can start sending the FlexRay frame containing the N-PDU.

5.3 ECU State Manager

The following services of the FrArTp are called by the ECU State Manager:

 FrArTp_Init
By this API service, all global variables are initialized and each connection is
set into the idle state.
 FrArTp_Shutdown
By this API service, all pending transport connections are closed, resources
are freed and the module is stopped.

5.4 File structure

5.4.1 Code file structure

For details, refer to the section 5.1.6 “Code file structure” in SWS_BSWGeneral.

5.4.2 Design Rules

[SWS_FrArTp_00213] ⌈The source code of the FrArTp shall not be processor and
compiler dependent.⌋(SRS_BSW_00006)

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

6 Requirements traceability
Requirement Description Satisfied by
SRS_BSW_00004 All Basic SW Modules shall perform a pre-processor SWS_FrArTp_00201
check of the versions of all imported include files
SRS_BSW_00006 The source code of software modules above the µC SWS_FrArTp_00213
Abstraction Layer (MCAL) shall not be processor
and compiler dependent.
SRS_BSW_00101 The Basic Software Module shall be able to initialize SWS_FrArTp_00147
variables and hardware in a separate initialization
SRS_BSW_00159 All modules of the AUTOSAR Basic Software shall SWS_FrArTp_00180,
support a tool based configuration SWS_FrArTp_00181
SRS_BSW_00323 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall check SWS_FrArTp_00291
passed API parameters for validity
SRS_BSW_00336 Basic SW module shall be able to shutdown SWS_FrArTp_00148
SRS_BSW_00337 Classification of development errors SWS_FrArTp_00179
SRS_BSW_00369 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall not SWS_FrArTp_00149,
return specific development error codes via the API SWS_FrArTp_00154
SRS_BSW_00411 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall apply a SWS_FrArTp_00215
naming rule for enabling/disabling the existence of
the API
SRS_Fr_05075 The FlexRay Transport Layer implementation shall SWS_FrArTp_00149
be independent of the network configuration
SRS_Fr_05088 FlexRay Transport Layer's variables shall be SWS_FrArTp_00147
SRS_Fr_05089 The FlexRay Transport Layer services shall not be SWS_FrArTp_00179
operational before initializing the module.
SRS_Fr_05090 The FlexRay Transport Layer shall support per SWS_FrArTp_00104
connection the ISO 10681-2 / ISO 15765-2 service
SRS_Fr_05093 A cancellation service of transmission shal be SWS_FrArTp_00099
provided at any time

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

7 Functional specification
The FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer module (FrArTp) offers services for
segmentation, transmission with flow control, and reassembly of messages (N-
SDUs). Its main purpose is to transfer messages that may or may not fit in a single
FlexRay frame.

[SWS_FrArTp_00192] ⌈The FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer provides full

duplex capabilities for PDU pools and connections.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00201]⌈The FrArTp shall perform a preprocessor-check if its source

and header files belong to the same version.⌋(SRS_BSW_00004)

7.1 Overview

7.1.1 Extensions of ISO 15765-2

[SWS_FrArTp_00009] ⌈Beside the features according to ISO 15765-2 (7 byte data

per frame, 4 kByte message length, unsegmented 1:n connections, multiple logical
channels concurrently, flow control, service request confirmation) it allows to
configure independently of each other the following features for a specific channel at
both pre- and post-compile time:

 Acknowledgement (with or without Retry) for 1:1 connections

 Segmented 1:n connections (without flow control)
 Transmission cancellation
 Up to 232-1 Byte message length⌋()

For the rest of this document, sections or features that are not compliant to ISO
15765-2 will be marked as “Not compliant to ISO 15765-2”.

7.1.2 Connections

Connections are used to transfer data from one sender to one (1:1) or more (1:n)
receivers. Connections with one sender and one receiver are bi-directional; data can
be transferred in both directions. To transport parts of a possibly much larger
message, connections use FlexRay PDUs that are grouped into PDU pools.
Connections may specify a number of prioritized PDUs that must be reserved for
exclusive use as long as the connection is active.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

7.1.3 Channels

A Channel is used to group several connections with similar properties and to

manage access to the transport PDUs. Consequently, the channel itself carries all
relevant properties, like addressing type, timing and handshake parameters, and
acknowledgement and retry capability, and the transport PDUs of at most one
received and one transmitted PDU pool.

7.1.4 PDU Pools

A PDU pool is a conceptional element, which groups the transport PDUs of several
channels. The PDUs in a PDU pool need to have identical PDU sizes and addressing
type. For a specific ECU, a PDU pool is either received or transmitted. The PDUs in a
PDU pool may be used by one or more channels. To ensure the pool semantics in a
configuration, channels must reference either all PDUs of a Pool, or none. It must
also be ensured that no two connections assigned to the same PDU pool have
identical addresses. The PDUs of a PDU pool are evenly distributed to all open
connections at runtime, but only after all PDU required by open connections with
prioritized PDUs have been assigned.

7.1.5 Active Connections

The maximum number of concurrently active connections is configurable separately

for each channel via FrArTpConcurrentConnections. This number can range from
one connection at a time to all connections of the channel. For each active
connection, two separate state machines are required, because connections can be
bi-directional. These state machines belong to the channel, and are therefore
associated with the PDU pool used by this channel.
State machines are assigned to connections at runtime when a new data-
transmission is requested, or when frames of an incoming connection are received.
When the maximum number of state machines is reached, further transmission
requests or new incoming connections must be rejected or ignored, respectively.
For each state machine, a RAM buffer will be needed to store the content of the next
to-be-transmitted frame(s) until enough data is available, and until the frame has
been transferred to FrIf via FrArTp_TriggerTransmit.

7.2 Protocol Processes

There are, as will be shown later on, different types of First Frames and Single
Frames, but in the sequence diagrams, always FF or SF will be used, regardless of
the concrete sub type.

7.2.1 1:1 Connections

This type of connections exists between two nodes and is bidirectional. Within the
FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer, the following subtypes are possible.
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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 1:1 Connection in a channel without Acknowledgement

Unsegmented Transfer
When a message does not exceed the possible amount of payload for a SF (which
can be derived from the N-PDU length, FrArTpAdrType and FrArTpLm), there is no
need to segment this message.

The transfer takes place as illustrated in Figure 3:

Figure 3: Unsegmented 1:1 transfer without acknowledgement

The sending Transport Layer packs the payload (N-SDU) into an N-PDU and sends it
to the receiving Transport Layer. This is done via a Single Frame (SF).

Segmented Transfer
In case a message does not fit into an SF, it needs to be split up into several parts
and flow control is applied to control the data flow taking into account the needs of
the receiver.

In this case, the transfer takes place as shown in Figure 4:

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Figure 4: Segmented 1:1 transfer without acknowledgement

The transfer starts with sending a First Frame (FF) from the sender to the receiver.
This frame contains the length of the whole message (e.g. 1000 Byte) and even the
first data bytes.
The receiving peer reacts to the reception of a FF with sending of a Flow Control
frame (FC) back to the sender. This FC frame contains the value of three
parameters: FS,BS and STmin.

FS states the flow status. The possible values are:

 CTS: Clear To Send

The sender can continue transmitting the message
 WT: Wait
The sender shall wait for another FC frame.
 OVFLW: Overflow
The sender shall abort the transfer, because the receiver has not
enough buffer space for the whole message available.

There shall be a statically defined upper limit (FrArTpMaxWft) for the number of
allowed WT’s. If this number has been reached, the transmission shall be aborted
and within PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation, the result E_NOT_OK shall be returned.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

BS specifies the block size. This is the number of Consecutive Frames (CF) the
sender is allowed to send between two FC Frames. The possible range is from 0x00
to 0xFF, whereas 0x00 states that no more FC Frames will be transmitted by the
receiver, i.e. the whole message shall be sent in one big block.

STmin defines the minimum gap between two CFs in milliseconds or microseconds.
The valid values range from 0x00 to 0x7F and from 0xF1 to 0xF9. The range from
0x00 to 0x7F specifies the minimum gap in milliseconds (0ms .. 127ms), the one
from 0xF1 to 0xF9 defines the gap in microseconds (100 µs, 200 µs, .. 900 µs). The
supported values of STmin are restricted by the placement of N-PDUs in FlexRay
cycles, and are subject to the jitter created by the placement of N-PDUs in the slots
of a cycle.

The alternating transmission of CF blocks and a FC frame lasts, until the whole
message is sent.

The STmin parameter can be changed during runtime by using the respective API
call. 1:1 Connection in a channel with Acknowledgement without Retry

This section is Not compliant to ISO 15765-2 and describes how a simple
acknowledgement mechanism looks like.

Unsegmented Transfer
This is mostly done like in section Unsegmented Transfer of section, except
that there is an additional Acknowledge Frame (AF) which is sent from the receiver to
the sender. This is illustrated in Figure 5:

Figure 5: Unsegmented 1:1 transfer with Acknowledgement without Retry

The AF contains among others the field ACK, which has two possible values,
Positive Acknowledgement (POS_ACK) or Negative Acknowledgement (NEG_ACK).
Thus, the sender is informed about the (un)successful reception of a message by the
receiving peer. If the FS field of an AF frame (see section 7.3.6) contains the value
WT, another AF, up to FrArTpMaxRn, will arrive.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Segmented Transfer
This is done very similar to section Segmented Transfer of section There are
only three differences:
The first difference is the transmission of an AF after the last block, because this one
has to be acknowledged as well. This frame is similar to an ordinary Flow Control
frame but contains additionally the ACK parameter (for positive or negative
acknowledgement) and the sequence number of the first faulty frame of the
transmitted block.
The second difference is the transmission of an AF with a negative
acknowledgement after a block in which an error occurred. This AF also contains the
sequence number of the first faulty or missing frame.
The third difference is, that the block size shall be in the range from 1 to 16 (due to
the 4 bit sequence number, see section 7.3.4)

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

The procedure can be seen in Figure 6:

Figure 6: Segmented 1:1 transfer with Acknowledgement without Retry

Obviously, the acknowledgement is done on a “per block” basis, depending on the

current block size.
In case of a negative acknowledgement after a block (in that case instead of an FC
frame an AF with a negative acknowledgement is sent to the sender and the receiver
aborts the reception and indicates an appropriate result to its upper layer
(PduR_FrArTpRxIndication) the sender aborts the transmission and informs its upper
layer (PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation). 1:1 Connection in a channel with Acknowledgement with Retry

This section is Not compliant to ISO 15765-2

Unsegmented Transfer
This section is quite similar to the corresponding one in section The only
difference is that in case of a negative acknowledgement the frame is retransmitted.

This behavior is depicted in Figure 7 and Figure 8:

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Figure 7: Unsegmented 1:1 transfer, Acknowledgement with Retry configured, Positive


Figure 8: Unsegmented 1:1 transfer, Acknowledgement with Retry configured, Negative


If in Figure 8 the second try of sending the message also failed, there would be a
third one and so on.
In order to prevent infinite retransmissions in the case of a permanent failure, an
upper limit (FrArTpMaxRn) has to be defined. If the number of retries has reached
this value, the transmission of the corresponding message shall be stopped and
within PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation and PduR_FrArTpRxIndication, an adequate
result (see section 8.2.1) shall be returned.

Segmented Transfer
Compared to the segmented transfer in section, the difference is the Retry
mechanism and, coming with it, the alternating block mechanism.

The Retry mechanism works as follows:

In the case a negative acknowledge arrives at the sender, this also contains the
sequence number of the first faulty frame in the currently transmitted block. Now the
sender transmits, starting with the stated sequence number, all remaining frames of
the just transmitted block again.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

In order to prevent infinite retransmissions in case of a permanent failure, the

parameter FrArTpMaxRn limits the retry attempts.

The Retry mechanism is shown in Figure 9 for the case of a block size of 4:

Figure 9: Segmented 1:1 transfer with Acknowledgement with Retry

If the retry starts with a lower sequence number than requested, this shall be
tolerated, i.e. all frames until the requested shall be ignored and errors within the
ignored frames shall be ignored, too. If it starts with a higher number than requested,
this shall lead to another negative acknowledgement after the block end.

Alternating Block Mechanism

When using the Retry mechanism, the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer module
transfers blocks using the Alternating Block Mechanism. This works as follows:
The first block is transferred using normal CF frames. The second block is
transferred using CF2 frames, the third one with CF frames and so on. When a retry
occurs, a CF block is again transferred with CF frames and, of course, a CF2 block is
retried with CF2 frames.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

This mechanism ensures correct behavior in case at the block end an FC frame is
lost, especially if it is an FC with flow status CTS, by allowing the detection of the
unnecessary retries.

7.2.2 1:n Connections

In the case of 1:n connections (1 sender, multiple receivers) there is no further

distinction in subtypes (with or without acknowledgement). The reason for this is that
the size of the receiving group is often not known a priori, so it is not possible to
apply flow control or acknowledgement mechanisms to 1:n connections.
Therefore, the only distinction made is between unsegmented and segmented
1:n connections are unidirectional by nature.

Unsegmented Transfer
This is exactly the same like in the section Unsegmented Transfer of section
The only difference is the multiple receivers instead of one. Thus, the procedure
looks like the following:

Figure 10: Unsegmented 1:n transfer

One sender sends its message to a group of receivers.

Segmented Transfer Not compliant to ISO 15765-2

Since no flow control or acknowledgement is possible in this case, a segmented 1:n
transfer only consists of a FF and the number of necessary CFs.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Figure 11: Segmented 1:n transfer

When an error occurs, the reception will be terminated, and the appropriate result will
be given within PduR_FrArTpRxIndication().

The distance of consecutive CFs is defined by the configuration parameter

FrArTpStMinGrpSeg, similar to FrArTpStMin for segmented 1:1 connections.

7.3 Frame Layout

As seen in section 7.2 there are different types of frames. A detailed explanation of
all the types follows below.

7.3.1 General

The general structure of a frame is shown in Figure 12:

Figure 12: Structure of a FlexRay AUTOSAR transport protocol frame

It is common to all frames that they are headed by address information. Depending
on static configuration (per channel), in a way whether 1 Byte or 2 Byte addressing is
used, this address information consists of 1 Byte for Target Address and 1 Byte for
Source Address or 2 Bytes for Target address and 2 Bytes for Source Address.
Since it depends on the interpretation of the address information, it is not further
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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

specified whether this address information is utilized for the in automotive area so
called “Physical” or for “Functional” addressing.

[SWS_FrArTp_00255] ⌈When the FrArTp frame does not require the whole length of
its N-PDU (in a SingleFrame, a FirstFrame, or the last ConsecutiveFrame in a
transfer), the remaining space (bits) in the N-PDU shall be set to 0.⌋()

1 Byte Addressing Not compliant to ISO 15765-2

Figure 13: Address header for 1 Byte addressing

For both target and source address 1 Byte is provided, so up to 256 receivers are

2 Byte Addressing Not compliant to ISO 15765-2

Figure 14: Address header for 2 Byte addressing

Looking at this scheme it is possible to address up to 65536 different receivers.

As seen in Figure 12, frames generally consist of the address information, protocol
control information and the data. The length and content of the protocol control
information (PCI) varies from frame type to frame type.
Before explaining the details of each frame, a short overview is given by the following
table (the mentioned bytes and nibbles regard to the PCI):

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

[SWS_FrArTp_00021] ⌈

3rd Byte

4th Byte

5th Byte





ISO 15765-2 Single

YES SF-I 0x0 DL data
Extended Single
NO SF-E 0x4 Res (0x0) DL data
ISO 15765-2 First
YES FF-I 0x1 DL data
Extended First
NO FF-E 0x5 Res (0x0) DL
ISO 15765-2
YES CF 0x2 SN data
Consecutive Frame
Consecutive Frame
NO CF2 0x6 SN data used in Retry
YES / (ISO 15765-2) Flow
FC 0x3 FS BS STmin -- --
NO Control Frame
ACK (4 Bit) Acknowledgement
NO AF 0x7 FS BS STmin --
/ SN (4 Bit) Frame

Table 1: Overview of the different frames format⌋()

Note: Unused bytes in this table shall be set to 0x00.

In case a protocol value transmitted over the bus consists of more than 1 Byte (e.g.
Source Address and Target Address when using 2-Byte addressing), the endianness
shall be Most Significant Byte first, Least Significant Byte last.

7.3.2 Single Frames (SF-x)

[SWS_FrArTp_00022] ⌈A SF is sent when a message does not exceed the available

amount of payload of this frame type or if ISO 15765-2 compliance is required. To be
compliant with ISO 15765-2 on the one hand and to allow using the possibilities of
FlexRay on the other hand, there are two types of Single Frames. In ISO 15765-2
compliant channels only SF-I is allowed, in non ISO 15765-2 compliant channels (i.e.
FrArTpLm = FRARTP_L4G) only SF-E is allowed.⌋() ISO 15765-2 Single Frame (SF-I)

[SWS_FrArTp_00023] ⌈A SF-I looks as follows (address information header is not


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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Figure 15: Single Frame ISO 15765-2⌋()

In a SF-I the PCI consists of only one byte. This byte is divided in two parts, called
FT (Frame Type) and DL (Data Length). Both parts are 4 Bit long.

The FT field is common to every frame type because it identifies the respective type.

[SWS_FrArTp_00024] ⌈For ISO 15765-2 Single Frames the FT field shall be set to

[SWS_FrArTp_00025] ⌈The DL field states the amount of the actual data bytes,
according to ISO 15765-2 the values 0x1 – 0x7 (0x6 in FRARTP_ISO6 mode) are
valid, so in an ISO 15765-2 compliant connection the size of the associated N-PDU
has to be, depending on the addressing mode, 10 (9) or 12 (11) Bytes long, since the
SF has this length.⌋()

Including address information, the length of an SF-I reaches from 4 Byte (1 Byte
payload, 1 Byte addressing) to 12 Bytes. The actual frame length can be derived
considering the addressing mode and looking in the length statement of the
corresponding PduInfoType struct in the configuration.

Error Handling

[SWS_FrArTp_00028] DL field
⌈Incoming SF-I frames with an invalid DL value of 0x0 or higher than 0x7 (0x6 in
FRARTP_ISO6 mode) shall be ignored. This shall also be done if a value arrives
which is higher than the amount of payload that can be derived from the length
statement of the corresponding PduInfoType struct in the configuration and the
addressing mode.⌋()
If acknowledgement is configured, additionally an AF with a negative
acknowledgement shall be sent back to the sender in the cases above. Extended Single Frame (SF-E)

This section is Not compliant to ISO 15765-2.

[SWS_FrArTp_00029] ⌈An SF-E allows using the whole possible FlexRay payload of
254 Bytes for an unsegmented transfer. It looks as depicted in Figure 16:

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Figure 16: Single Frame Extended⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00030] ⌈The PCI of an SF-E consists of two bytes. The FT field is 4

Bit long; for an SF-E, it shall be set to 0x4. The following nibble is reserved; it shall be
set to 0x0.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00031] ⌈The next byte is the DL field and states the amount of
payload contained in the SF-E. Depending on the configuration of the addressing
mode (1 Byte or 2 Byte) and the length of the associated N-PDU, all values except
0x00 and above 0xFA (1 Byte addressing) or above 0xF8 (2 Byte addressing) are
valid here.⌋()

The minimum length of such a frame is 5 Byte (1 Byte addressing, 1 Byte payload),
the maximum is 254 Byte (FlexRay limit according to [15]). The actual frame length
can be derived considering the addressing mode and looking in the length statement
of the corresponding PduInfoType struct.

Error Handling

[SWS_FrArTp_00286] DL field
⌈If this field contains the value 0x00 or, depending on the addressing mode, a value
higher than 0xFA or higher than 0xF8, the SF-E shall be ignored.
If acknowledgement is configured, additionally an AF with a negative
acknowledgement shall be sent back to the sender.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00287] General
⌈If messages longer than allowed by ISO 15765-2 are not configured (FrArTpLm) for
the corresponding channel, this frame shall be ignored. This shall also be done if a
value arrives which is higher than the amount of payload that can be derived from the
length statement of the corresponding PduInfoType struct and the addressing mode
or if a value different from 0x0 arrives in the reserved nibble.
If acknowledgement is configured, additionally an AF with a negative
acknowledgement shall be sent back to the sender in the cases above.⌋()

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

7.3.3 First Frames (FF-x)

If a message does not fit into a SF, it has to be segmented.

[SWS_FrArTp_00034] ⌈The FrArTp takes the decision whether a message has to be

segmented based on the message length, the possibility (depending on per channel
configuration) to use SF-E frames and the size of the assigned N-PDU (see also
section 7.4.1). Therefore, to start the transfer of such a long message, a First Frame
is used.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00035] ⌈To enable compliance with ISO 15765-2 on the one hand
and to allow messages longer than 212-1 Byte on the other hand, there are several
types of First Frames.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00036] Not compliant to ISO 15765-2

⌈It can be statically per channel configured, whether a First Frame can also start a
segmented message in a 1:n connection. ⌋() First Frame ISO 15765-2 (FF-I)

[SWS_FrArTp_00237] ⌈The figure below shows the layout of a FF-I:

Figure 17: First Frame ISO 15765-2⌋()

In an FF-I the PCI consists of 2 Bytes. As in an SF, the FT field is 4 Bit long, the DL
field 12 Bit.

[SWS_FrArTp_00037] ⌈For a FF-I, the FT field shall be set to 0x1.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00299] ⌈The DL field contains the length of the whole message. Due
to the 12 bit length of this field, messages up to 212-1 Bytes can be transferred. ⌋()

The overall length of a First Frame including address information lasts (depending on
the per channel configuration) from 4 Byte to a connection specific maximum.
This maximum on its part depends on the use case (e.g. for communication with
CAN for which full ISO 15765-2 compliance is necessary, it will be 10 or 12 (9 or 11
in FRARTP_ISO6 mode)) as well as on the size of the associated N-PDU. The actual
amount of payload of an FF-I can be derived by considering the addressing type (1 or
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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

2 Byte) and e.g. looking in the length designation of the corresponding PduInfoType

Error Handling

[SWS_FrArTp_00039] DL field
⌈Incoming FF-I frames with DL = 0x000 shall be ignored. Moreover, if the DL value is
lower than the possible (from the PDU size, the addressing type and the channel
specific Long Messages switch derivable) payload of a SF, the frame shall also be
If acknowledgment is configured, in all the cases above additionally an AF with a
negative acknowledgement shall be sent back to the sender.⌋() First Frame Extended (FF-E)

This section is Not compliant to ISO 15765-2.

[SWS_FrArTp_00238] ⌈The layout of FF-E is shown below:

FT (4 Bit) Res (4 Bit) DL (32 Bit) Data

PCI (5 Byte Length depending on configuration

Figure 18: First Frame Extended⌋()

In an FF-E, the PCI consists of 5 Bytes. The FT field is 4 Bit long, 4 Bits are
reserved, the DL field 32 Bit.

[SWS_FrArTp_00054] ⌈The DL field is 4 Byte long, so it allows transporting up to

232-1 bytes.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00055] ⌈The FT field is set to 0x5.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00056] ⌈The Res field (reserved) is set to 0x0.⌋()

The overall length of an FF-E reaches from 7 Byte to a connection specific maximum,
which depends on the size of the associated N-PDU.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Error Handling

[SWS_FrArTp_00057] DL field
⌈If the FR_DL value is lower than the possible (from the PDU size and the
addressing type derivable) payload of an SF, the frame shall be ignored.
If acknowledgement is configured for the corresponding channel, an AF with a
negative acknowledgement shall be sent back to the sender.⌋()

7.3.4 Consecutive Frames

[SWS_FrArTp_00058] ⌈If no error occurred, an FF-x is followed by Consecutive

Frames until the whole message is transmitted.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00059] Not compliant to ISO 15765-2

⌈If configured for the specific channel, a Consecutive Frame can also appear in a 1:n

[SWS_FrArTp_00239] ⌈As shown below, Consecutive Frames consist of one byte

PCI and the payload.

Figure 19: Consecutive Frame⌋()

The PCI of a Consecutive Frame consists of one byte, which is divided in two 4-bit

[SWS_FrArTp_00060] ⌈The FT field again states the frame type, for a CF it shall be
set to 0x2, for a CF2 it shall be 0x6 (CF2 frames are Not compliant to ISO 15765-

[SWS_FrArTp_00061] ⌈The SN (Sequence Number) field gives the current

sequence number of the Consecutive Frame. Please note that the SN of the CF
that immediately follows the FF-x is set to 1 and then incremented with each
frame until it wraps around to 0 and so on.⌋()

The overall length of a Consecutive Frame including address information ranges

(depending on the per connection configuration) from 4 Byte to a connection specific
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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

maximum. This maximum depends on the use case (e.g. for communication with
CAN for which full ISO 15765-2 compliance is necessary it will be 10 or 12 (9 or 11 in
FRARTP_ISO6 mode) as well as on the size of the associated PDU.
The receiving peer can derive the actual data length by looking in the associated
PduInfoType struct und considering the addressing mode.

Error Handling

[SWS_FrArTp_00063] SN field
⌈If no acknowledgement is configured, then in case of a wrong SN, i.e. after SN x
does not follow SN x+1, the transfer shall be aborted and within
PduR_FrArTpRxIndication the result E_NOT_OK shall be returned.If
acknowledgment is configured, after the block end, a negative acknowledgement
shall take place and then the transfer shall be aborted as described above.If Retry is
configured too, then the transfer shall not be aborted but the Retry shall take place
(up to FrArTpMaxRn times).⌋()

7.3.5 Flow Control (FC)

[SWS_FrArTp_00064] ⌈A Flow Control frame is used in segmented 1:1 connections

(see section Thus, it cannot appear in a 1:n connection. It allows the
receiver to send information to the sender. It is sent after reception of an FF-x and
after the last CF of a block if no error occurred. ⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00240] ⌈The layout of FC is shown below:

Figure 20: Flow Control frame⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00065]⌈A Flow Control frame only consists of Protocol Control


[SWS_FrArTp_00066]⌈As usual, the FT field states the frame type, thus for Flow
control frames, it shall be set to 0x3.⌋()

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

[SWS_FrArTp_00067]⌈The FS field may contains the following three flow status

values (see also section

 CTS (value 0x0): Clear To Send

The sender can continue transmitting the message.
 WT (value 0x1): Wait
The sender shall wait for another FC frame (and
therefore restart its timer FrArTpTimeoutBs). If
the number of consecutive Flow Control frames with
FS = WT reaches a per channel defined
maximum, the transfer shall be aborted.
 OVFLW (value 0x2): Overflow
The transfer shall be aborted, because the receiver
has not enough buffer for the whole message
available (according to the value of the DL field of
the FF-x)⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00068] ⌈BS states the block size (the number of CFs between the
Flow Control frames). If no acknowledgement is configured, all values from 0x00 to
0xFF are valid whereas 0x00 indicates that no more flow control shall take place and
the rest of the pending message will be transmitted within one big block. Otherwise,
only the values 0x01 – 0x10 are valid.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00069] ⌈The last byte contains STmin, which defines the minimum
gap between two CFs. The valid values range from 0x00 to 0x7F and from 0xF1 to
0xF9. The range from 0x00 to 0x7F specifies the minimum gap in milliseconds (0ms
.. 127ms), the one from 0xF1 to 0xF9 defines the gap in microseconds (100 µs, 200
µs, .. 900µs). The supported values of STmin are restricted by the placement of N-
PDUs in FlexRay cycles, and are subject to the jitter created by the placement of N-
PDUs in the slots of a cycle.⌋()

Depending on addressing configuration, a Flow Control frame is 5 or 7 byte long.

Error Handling

[SWS_FrArTp_00285] FS field
⌈If acknowledgment with Retry is configured, instead of abortion of the transfer, the
frame shall be ignored.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00244] BS field
⌈All values are valid if no acknowledgement is configured. Otherwise, only the values
from 0x1 to 0x10 are valid. If no Retry is configured in the latter case, the transfer

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

shall be aborted and PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation shall be called with E_NOT_OK,

otherwise the frame shall be ignored. ⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00245] STmin field

⌈The invalid values of this parameter range from 0x80 to 0xF0 and from 0xFA to
0xFF. If such a value is received, the value 0x7F shall be taken instead. ⌋()

7.3.6 Acknowledgement Frame (AF)

This section is Not compliant to ISO 15765-2.

[SWS_FrArTp_00072] ⌈If acknowledgement is configured, every block of CFs is in

the case of a positive acknowledgement acknowledged by an FC frame (as it is in
unacknowledged connections). Additionally an SF-x, the last block of CFs is
acknowledged by an AF in 1:1 connections, and, in the case of a negative
acknowledgement, also other blocks. This frame type cannot appear in a 1:n
This type of frame looks similar to an FC frame (section 7.3.5) but it has an additional

[SWS_FrArTp_00241] ⌈The layout of FC is shown below:

Figure 21: Acknowledgement Frame⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00073] ⌈This frame is identified by the value 0x7 of the FT field.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00074] ⌈FS field is the same as in an FC frame.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00075] ⌈BS field can only be set to the values 0x01 to 0x10 due to
the 4 Bit Sequence Number counter in a CF (section 7.3.4).⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00076] ⌈STmin is the same as in FC frames.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00077] ACK field gives the type of the acknowledgement, Positive

(0x0) or Negative (0x1). All other values are reserved.⌋()

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

[SWS_FrArTp_00078] ⌈SN field contains the number of the first faulty CF within the
last block. All values are valid.⌋()

Depending on addressing type, this frame is 6 or 8 Byte long.

Error Handling
The following only holds if an AF arrives when it is expected. Otherwise, see section

[SWS_FrArTp_00284] FS field
⌈In a segmented transfer, all values higher than 0x2 shall lead to the abortion of the
transfer and PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation shall be called with the result E_NOT_OK.
If additionally Retry is configured, such values shall not lead to the abortion of the
transfer. Instead, the frame shall be ignored.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00251] FS field with Acknowledgement

⌈In case an AF with negative acknowledgement and FS = OVFLW arrives in an
unsegmented acknowledged transfer or at the end of an segmented acknowledged
transfer at the sender, regardless of Retry being configured or not, the transfer shall
be aborted and PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation shall be called with the result

[SWS_FrArTp_00246] BS field
⌈The value 0x00 and all values higher than 0x10 shall cause the abortion of the
transfer and PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation shall be called with the result E_NOT_OK.
If additionally Retry is configured, such values shall not lead to the abortion of the
transfer. Instead, the frame shall be ignored.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00247] STmin field

⌈The invalid values of this parameter range from 0x80 to 0xF0 and from 0xFA to
0xFF. If such a value is received, the value 0x7F shall be taken instead.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00248] ACK field

⌈Values higher than 0x1 are invalid and shall cause the abortion of the transfer and
PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation shall be called with the result E_NOT_OK.
If additionally Retry is configured, such values shall not lead to the abortion of the
transfer. Instead, the frame shall be ignored.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00249] SN field
⌈If a frame arrives that contains an SN of a CF that has not been transmitted within
the block, e.g. block size is 10 and this field has value 12, the transfer shall be
aborted and PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation shall be called with the result E_NOT_OK.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

If additionally Retry is configured, the transfer shall not be aborted. Instead, the frame
shall be ignored.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00250] General
⌈If for the channel no acknowledgement is configured, this frame type shall be
In an unsegmented acknowledged transfer, the expected value for the fields BS,
STmin, and SN is 0x0. Other values shall be tolerated.⌋()

For a better understanding, the following table depicts the possible combinations
(and their meaning) of the FS and ACK field in an Acknowledgment Frame:

combinations of
Leads to Leads to
FS and ACK field Meaning / Meaning /
ACK = 0x0 Appearance
Retry (if ACK = 0x1 Appearance
Retry (if
in configured) configured)

after SF or
after SF or
FS = CTS X after end of
NO X after block YES
end in

after SF (if
FS = WT -- -- NO X currently no NO
buffer is

after SF (if
FS = OVFLW -- -- NO X no Receive
buffer is

Table 2: Possible combinations of FS and ACK field

7.3.7 Error Handling of the FT Field

Not every frame type is accepted at any point in time and in any configuration of a
channel/connection. Thus, a detailed description is given below.

[SWS_FrArTp_00082] ⌈A value of the FR_FT field higher than 0x7 shall always be

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

[SWS_FrArTp_00083] ⌈If the corresponding channel and connection is set to be ISO

15765-2 compliant, then the following table holds:⌋()

TP Layer
SF-I FF-I (1:1) CF (1:1) FC Other
If reception is in If reception is in If reception is If awaited then Ignore
progress within progress within in progress process,
Segmented the connection, the connection, within the otherwise
Transmit see see connection, ignore it.
within this corresponding cell corresponding cell see
connection below. Otherwise, below. Otherwise, corresponding
in progress process the SF-I process the FF-I cell below.
as start of a new as start of a new Otherwise,
reception. reception. ignore it.
Terminate the Terminate the If awaited then If transmission Ignore
current reception, current reception, process, is in progress
Segmented report a report a otherwise within the
Receive PduR_FrArTpRxI PduR_FrArTpRxI ignore connection,
ndication with the ndication with the see
within this
result E_NOT_OK result E_NOT_OK corresponding
connection and process the and process the cell above.
in progress SF-I as the start FF-I as the start Otherwise
of a new of a new ignore it
reception. reception.
Process the SF-I Process the FF-I
Idle as the start of a as the start of a Ignore Ignore Ignore
new reception new reception
Table 3: FT Error Handling in ISO 15765-2 compliant channels/connections

Otherwise, the behavior is explained below:

[SWS_FrArTp_00283] SF-x, FF-x, CF/CF2 and FC frames

⌈The behavior shall be as depicted in Table 3 (also for 1:n connections).

The ignoring of an FF-E shall be according to the value of FrArTpLm.

Regarding CF and CF2 frames there is a special error handling in case Retry is
configured (otherwise CF2 frames are ignored):
If the sender starts a block with another frame than expected, i.e. CF instead of CF2
or CF2 instead of CF, then the sender is doing a Retry that has not been requested
by the receiver (maybe because of losing the FC-CTS frame on the bus). Therefore,
the receiver always has to remember the old block size and send another FC-CTS at
the end of this retransmitted block. Errors in the unnecessarily retransmitted block
shall be ignored.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00252] AF frame
⌈If no acknowledgement is activated, this frame shall be ignored. Otherwise, on the
receiver side or in idle state, these frames shall be ignored, too.⌋()

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

On the sender side, the behavior in case of an incoming AF shall be the following:

 [SWS_FrArTp_00269] ⌈If an AF arrives when it is expected, the action is as

described in section and in section error handling of section 7.3.6.⌋()

 [SWS_FrArTp_00270] ⌈If a non-faulty AF with positive acknowledgement

arrives during a block, it shall be ignored.⌋()

 [SWS_FrArTp_00271] ⌈If a non-faulty AF with negative acknowledgement

arrives during a block, it shall be processed depending on the activation of the
Retry mechanism. If no Retry is configured the transfer shall be aborted.
Otherwise, the AF shall be processed, i.e. starting with the stated sequence
number the Retry shall take place.⌋()

 [SWS_FrArTp_00272] ⌈If a faulty AF arrives during a block, it shall be


7.3.8 Addressing Errors

SF-x frame
No restrictions.

[SWS_FrArTp_00086] FF-x and CF frames

⌈If not explicitly configured by the parameter FrArTpGrpSeg for the particular
channel, a FF-x or CF in a 1:n connection shall be ignored.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00087] FC and AF frames

⌈These frame types are not allowed to appear in 1:n connections; thus, they shall be
ignored in that case. ⌋()

7.4 Further Principles of Working

7.4.1 Decision of Segmentation

As mentioned earlier in this specification, there are several factors influencing the
decision of the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer module to segment a message
(N-SDU) or not.
The values of the following parameters play a role hereby:
N-PDU length, FrArTpLm, FrArTpAdrType, FrArTpMultRec, FrArTpGrpSeg, and the
length of the to-be-transmitted message (N-SDU).

[SWS_FrArTp_00091] ⌈The amount of bytes of an N-PDU that is usable for payload,

i.e. for the N-SDU, depends on the length of the PCI of the used frames, i.e. if two or
43 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

four bytes (FrArTpAdrType) are needed to state to address information. The frames
that are allowed to be utilized, and the payload they can carry depend on the value of
FrArTpLm (e.g. SF-E is allowed or not, SF-I can carry 7 or 6 bytes etc.). In case the
connection is a 1:n connection (FrArTpMultRec), the parameter FrArTpGrpSeg states
whether segmentation is allowed or not.
With all this information and the length of the to-be-transmitted N-SDU, the FrArTp
can decide whether it has to segment the N-SDU or not.⌋()

7.4.2 Scheduling of PDUs during Transmission

PDUs of a PDU pool must be assigned to all active connections in a way that no
connection freezes, while connections with prioritized PDUs are served first.

[SWS_FrArTp_00256] ⌈To achieve an even distribution of PDUs to all currently

transmitting and/or receiving connections associated with a PDU pool, the PDUs of
this pool shall be assigned to active connections using round robin scheduling. A
connection that is currently receiving and transmitting may claim two PDUs in one
round of the assignment: one for the FC, and one for an SF/FF/CF.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00257] ⌈The scheduling shall be executed in the context of the main

function, and shall start with the connection where the scheduling stopped in the
previous cycle.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00258] ⌈Each PDU assignment cycle shall start with the prioritized
PDUs. In this phase, PDUs are only assigned to active connections with prioritized
PDUs, until their needs are satisfied. Afterwards, PDU assignment continues for all
active connections.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00259] ⌈It must be ensured that the last PDU of a PDU pool within a
FlexRay cycle is always used by the scheduling.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00260] ⌈If not all PDUs of the pool are used, the positions of the
unused PDUs are not relevant; gaps are allowed in any place.⌋()

7.4.3 Detection of Receiving Connection

When an SF-x or FF-x frame is received, the N-PDU-ID is used to identify the
relevant pool. Because a PDU pool may only be used by channels with identical
addressing type, the address information can be extracted from the N-PDU, by which
the receiving connection can be identified, because no two connections using the
same PDU pool have identical addresses.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

[SWS_FrArTp_00261] ⌈If the receiving connection is not active, and all state
machines of the associated channel are in use, the incoming message shall be

7.4.4 Single Frame Handling during Reception

[SWS_FrArTp_00262] ⌈No state machine shall be used for the reception of an SF-x.
When the corresponding connection is free, the single frame shall be forwarded
immediately by calling PduR_FrArTpStartOfReception and, upon successful return of
this function, PduRFrArTpCopyRxData and PduR_FrArTpRxIndication.⌋()

The behavior in case of unsuccessful reception is described in

[SWS_FrArTp_00298] and [SWS_FrArTp_00289].

7.4.5 Addressing with Meta Data

[SWS_FrArTp_00401] ⌈During transmission, the FrArTp shall use addressing

information provided by the upper layer via the meta data items
SOURCE_ADDRESS_16 and TARGET_ADDRESS_16 as local address and remote
address of the transmitted N-PDUs and to identify received flow control N-PDUs.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00402] ⌈During reception, the FrArTp shall forward addressing

information received as remote address and local address in the N-PDU to the upper
layer via the meta data items SOURCE_ADDRESS_16 and
TARGET_ADDRESS_16, and shall use the same address information when
transmitting flow control N-PDUs.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00403] ⌈If FrArTpLa and/or FrArTpRa are configured for a

transmitted N-SDU, they are used even when the addressing information is provided
by the upper layer. If not, the address information in the N-PDU shall be set
according to the provided address information.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00404] ⌈If FrArTpLa and/or FrArTpRa are not configured for a

received N-SDU, any received addressing information can be assigned to this N-
SDU. N-SDUs with configured FrArTpLa and/or FrArTpRa shall be preferred during
reception over those without these configuration parameters.⌋()

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

7.4.6 Sending and Receiving within the same connection

[SWS_FrArTp_00094] ⌈The FrArTp shall be implemented to support both sending

and receiving within one connection. So the same connection can be utilized for
sending and receiving.⌋()
To explain it more in detail, imagine a connection being in idle state. If now the call
FrArTp_Transmit() occurs, the local peer becomes the sender in this connection
(Source Address of TP frame = FrArTpLa, Target Address of TP frame = FrArTpRa).
Otherwise, if an FrArTp_RxIndication() occurred for an N-PDU which is mapped on
the N-SDU of this connection, it would become the receiver (Source Address of TP
frame = FrArTpRa, Target Address of TP frame = FrArTpLa).

This feature is intended for connections in which sometimes one peer has to send
data and sometimes the other in order not to need two connections in this case.

7.4.7 Behavior on Timeouts and Errors

[SWS_FrArTp_00095] ⌈The behavior in case a timeout occurs depends on the value

of FrArTpAckType, i.e. what kind of acknowledgement is configured for the
corresponding channel.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00302] ⌈The FrArTp shall abort the connection when FrIf_Transmit

returns E_NOT_OK⌋() Handling of negative TxConfirmations

[SWS_FrArTp_00410] ⌈ If the API FrArTp_TxConfirmation called with result

E_NOT_OK for an ongoing reception process, the reception of the SDU shall be
terminated immediately and within PduR_FrArTpRxIndication the result E_NOT_OK
shall be returned.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00411] ⌈ If the API FrArTp_TxConfirmation called with result

E_NOT_OK for an ongoing transmission process, the transmission of the SDU shall
be terminated immediately and within PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation the result
E_NOT_OK shall be returned.⌋() No Acknowledgement configured for the Channel

In this case, the behavior shall be as described in [13], i.e.:

 [SWS_FrArTp_00282] ⌈If the AS timer (FrArTpTimeoutAs) expires,

depending on the value of FrArTpMaxAs, sending shall be retried (because of

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

still remaining attempts) or the transmission shall be aborted, and within

PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation the result E_NOT_OK shall be returned.⌋()

 [SWS_FrArTp_00263] ⌈If the AR timer (FrArTpTimeoutAr) expires, depending

on the value of FrArTpMaxAr, sending shall be retried (because of still
remaining attempts) or the transmission shall be aborted, and within
PduR_FrArTpRxIndication the result E_NOT_OK shall be returned.⌋()

 [SWS_FrArTp_00264] ⌈If the BS timer (FrArTpTimeoutBs) expires, the

transmission shall be aborted, and within PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation the
result E_NOT_OK shall be returned.⌋()

 [SWS_FrArTp_00265] ⌈If the CR timer (FrArTpTimeoutCr) expires, the

transmission shall be aborted, and within PduR_FrArTpRxIndication, the result
E_NOT_OK shall be returned. If previously in the current block a sequence
error occurred, this error shall be reported at the block end in
PduR_FrArTpRxIndication.⌋() Acknowledgement without Retry configured for the Channel

This section is Not compliant to ISO 15765-2.

In this case, the behavior is the following:

 [SWS_FrArTp_00281] ⌈In case of a timeout of timer AS, AR or BS, the

behavior shall be as mentioned in section⌋()

 [SWS_FrArTp_00266] ⌈If the CR timer (FrArTpTimeoutCr) expires, an AF

with negative acknowledgement shall be sent, the transmission shall be
aborted, and within PduR_FrArTpRxIndication, the result E_NOT_OK shall be
returned. If previously in the current block a sequence error occurred, this
error shall be reported at the block end in PduR_FrArTpRxIndication.⌋() Acknowledgement with Retry configured for the Channel

This section is Not compliant to ISO 15765-2.

In this case, the behavior shall be the following:

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

 [SWS_FrArTp_00280] ⌈In case of a timeout of timer AS or AR, the behavior

shall be as mentioned in section⌋()

 [SWS_FrArTp_00267] ⌈If the BS timer (FrArTpTimeoutBs) expires, the

sender shall retransmit the whole block up to FrArTpMaxRn times. After that,
the transmission shall be aborted, and within PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation the
result E_NOT_OK shall be returned.⌋()

 [SWS_FrArTp_00268] ⌈If the CR timer (FrArTpTimeoutCr) expires, the

receiver shall send an AF with negative acknowledgement and the sequence
number of the missed CF. This shall be done up to FrArTpMaxRn times. After
that, the transmission shall be aborted, and within PduR_FrArTpRxIndication,
the result E_NOT_OK shall be returned. If previously in the current block a
sequence error occurred, this error shall be reported at the block end in

7.4.8 Transmit Cancellation

[SWS_FrArTp_00099] ⌈This feature can be (de)activated by static configuration

(parameter FrArTpTc). Transmit Cancellation is triggered by the call of

[SWS_FrArTp_00236] ⌈When a transmission is still in progress,

FrArTp_CancelTransmit shall return E_OK, and the transmission shall be stopped.
When a connection is not active, or when the last N-PDU of a transmission without
acknowledgement has already been forwarded to the FrIf, FrArTp_CancelTransmit
shall return E_NOT_OK.⌋()

The service works at the sender side of a connection as follows:

 [SWS_FrArTp_00279] ⌈If no transmit request is pending for the

corresponding connection, there is nothing to do.⌋()

 [SWS_FrArTp_00273] ⌈If a request is pending but the transmission has not

been started, the FrArTp shall immediately call PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation
and free the connection.⌋()

 [SWS_FrArTp_00274] ⌈If the transmission already has been started, the

FrArTp shall immediately call PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation, and remember
that the N-PDUs that have already been allocated for this connection cannot
be used again before they have been confirmed. When requested via
TriggerTransmit, the pending N-PDUs shall either be transferred to the FrIf as
if they had not been canceled, or E_NOT_OK shall be returned.⌋()
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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

[SWS_FrArTp_00103] ⌈If a transfer was cancelled by the call of

FrArTp_CancelTransmit, PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation shall be called with

7.4.9 Receive Cancellation

[SWS_FrArTp_00224] ⌈If development error detection is enabled the function

FrArTp_CancelReceive shall check the validity of FrArTpRxSduId parameter.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00226] ⌈The FrArTp shall abort the reception of the current N-SDU if
the service FrArTp_CancelReceive provides a valid FrArTpRxSduId.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00227] ⌈The FrArTp shall reject the request for receive cancellation
by returning E_NOT_OK when
a) the cancelled connection is not active, or when
b) the FrArTp has already received the last frame of an unacknowledged
connection, or when
c) the FrArTp has already provided the final AF of an acknowledged

[SWS_FrArTp_00228] ⌈If the FrArTp_CancelReceive service has been successfully

executed, the FrArTp shall call the PduR_FrArTpRxIndication with E_NOT_OK.⌋()

7.4.10 Parameter Changing

[SWS_FrArTp_00104] ⌈The FrArTp also supports the optional service for changing
the parameters FrArTpMaxBs and FrArTpStMin / FrArTpStMinGrpSeg mentioned in
[13] via the API call FrArTp_ChangeParameter. A change is not possible during an
ongoing reception and shall lead to the return value E_NOT_OK. ⌋(SRS_Fr_05090)

7.4.11 Data Handling, Block Size and WAIT-Frames

The FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer does not provide message buffers, neither
for sending nor for receiving. Instead, it provides received data and requests
transmitted data chunk wise from/to the upper layer.

[SWS_FrArTp_00221] ⌈When a new reception is initiated by the reception of a FF

or SF, the TP checks for the availability of the associated channel and then calls
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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

PduR_FrArTpStartOfReception to inform the upper layer of the expected message

size, and to retrieve information about the currently available buffer. With this call, the
FrArTp provides the total size of the received data (SDU), and the data and size of
the FF or SF to the upper layer. When this call succeeds, the connection is set to
established, and PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData is called to provide the payload of the
frame to the upper layer. ⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00230] ⌈When a new transmission is initiated by the call of

FrArTp_Transmit, the TP checks for the availability of the associated channel, and
sets the connection to established. Then the TP calls PduR_FrArTpCopyTxData to
acquire the data for the SF or FF and following CFs.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00105] ⌈Depending on the message length and configuration of the

FrArTp, a segmented or an unsegmented transfer will take place.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00232] ⌈The API function PduR_FrArTpCopyTxData has a

parameter named retry, which is a pointer to a structure of type RetryInfoType.
When Retry is disabled, retry shall always be set to NULL. Otherwise, the different
values of retry.TpDataState shall be used to handle retries.⌋() Unsegmented Transfer

[SWS_FrArTp_00106] ⌈At the sender side, this principle works as follows:

1. The PDU Router calls the service FrArTp_Transmit.

2. The FrArTp shall call PduR_FrArTpCopyTxData in order to get all the data
bytes of the SF-x. retry.TpDataState shall be set to TP_CONFPENDING
when Retry is enabled.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00107] ⌈If PduR_FrArTpCopyTxData for the SF-x returns

BUFREQ_E_BUSY, the call shall be repeated until FrArTpTimeCs expires. When the
return value is BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK or after FrArTpTimeCs expired, the transfer shall
be aborted by calling PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation with E_NOT_OK.⌋()
[SWS_FrArTp_00233] ⌈If Retry is enabled, the SF-x shall be sent again after
reception of a negative AF. The FrArTp shall finish the transfer after reception of a
positive AF by the call to PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation with E_OK.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00108] ⌈At the receiver side, the principle works as follows:

1. FrIf calls the service FrArTp_RxIndication.

2. The FrArTp shall call PduR_FrArTpStartOfReception to prepare reception.
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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

3. The FrArTp shall call PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData to forward SF data.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00298] ⌈If PduR_FrArTpStartOfReception for the SF-x returns

BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK or BUFREQ_E_OVFL, the transfer shall be aborted immediately
without calling PduR_FrArTpRxIndication. ⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00289] ⌈If the available buffer reported by

PduR_FrArTpStartOfReception is too small for the SF-x, or if
PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData for the SF-x returns BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK, the FrArTp shall
abort the transfer and call PduR_FrArTpRxIndication with E_NOT_OK. ⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00253] ⌈If acknowledgement is configured: In case of failing to copy

the received data (either BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK or BUFREQ_E_OVFL was returned, or
the available buffer is too small), an AF with a negative acknowledgement and FS =
OVFLW is sent back to the sender.⌋() Segmented Transfer

[SWS_FrArTp_00110] ⌈At the sender side, this principle works as follows:

1. The PDU Router calls the service FrArTp_Transmit.

2. The FrArTp shall call PduR_FrArTpCopyTxData in order to get the data bytes
of the FF and following CFs.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00111] ⌈When Retry is enabled, the TP sends the FF-x without data.
After reception of an FC, the data for the first CF is acquired with
retry.TpDataState set to TP_DATACONF. For the following CFs,
retry.TpDataState shall be set to TP_CONFPENDING.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00234] ⌈When Retry is enabled, after reception of a negative AF, the

last block must be retransmitted. To achieve this, the data for the first CF of the block
is acquired with retry.TpDataState set to TP_DATARETRY while
retry.TxTpDataCnt contains the size of the previously sent block in bytes. The
buffer of the last block in the upper layer is only freed after reception of a positive AF
by the call to PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation with E_OK .⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00296] ⌈If PduR_FrArTpCopyTxData for the FF-x (Retry not

configured) or any of the CFs returns BUFREQ_E_BUSY, the call shall be repeated
until FrArTpTimeCs expires.⌋()
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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

[SWS_FrArTp_00293] ⌈If PduR_FrArTpCopyTxData returns BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK or

when FrArTpTimeCs expired, the transfer shall be aborted by calling
PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation with E_NOT_OK.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00114] ⌈At the receiver side, this principle works as follows:

1. FrIf calls the service FrArTp_RxIndication.

2. The FrArTp shall call PduR_FrArTpStartOfReception to prepare reception.

3. The FrArTp shall call PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData to forward FF and CF data.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00115] ⌈The block size used during reception is constant. The value
is configured via FrArTpMaxBs, and can be changed via the API

[SWS_FrArTp_00294] ⌈If Retry is not enabled, and PduR_FrArTpStartOfReception

returns an available buffer size that is too small for the FF-x, FrArTp shall abort the
transfer and call PduR_FrArTpRxIndication with E_NOT_OK.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00300] ⌈If Retry is enabled, and PduR_FrArTpStartOfReception

returns an available buffer size that is too small for the first block, FrArTp shall call
PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData with info.SduLength equal to 0 until the available
buffer is large enough for the first block. The calls shall be repeated until
FrArTpTimeBr expires.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00297] ⌈If PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData for the FF-x (Retry not

enabled) or for the last CF of a block (independent of Retry configuration) returns an
available buffer size that is not large enough for the next block,
PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData shall be called repeatedly with info.SduLength equal
to 0 until the available buffer is large enough. The calls shall be repeated until
FrArTpTimeBr expires.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00301] ⌈When FrArTpTimeBr expires during calls to

PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData with info.SduLength equal to 0, a WAIT frame (FC
frame with FS = WT) shall be sent, and the retry phase shall start again, but at most
FrArTpMaxWft times.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00295] ⌈If PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData returns BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK, or

when FrArTpMaxWft expired, the transfer shall be aborted and
PduR_FrArTpRxIndication shall be called with E_NOT_OK.⌋()

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

[SWS_FrArTp_00117] ⌈In case of failing to copy the received data, the remaining
CFs of the current block shall be discarded. When the failure occured in the last
block, and acknowledgement is enabled, an AF with a negative acknowledgement
and FS = OVFLW shall be sent back to the sender. Otherwise, an FC with FS =
OVFLW shall be sent back, but only if the initial call to PduR_FrTpStartOfReception
returned BUFREQ_E_OVFL.⌋() Buffer Locking

At the sender side, the originator of the transmission (e.g. DCM or COM) shall not
change the buffer after a successful Transmit call until the connection is closed by a
call to TxConfirmation. When a cyclic buffer is used, the data in this buffer must be
kept until it is explicitly freed by PduR_FrArTpCopyTxData with
retry.TpDataState set to TP_DATACONF.

At the receiver side, the module that provides the receive buffer (e.g. DCM or COM)
shall not change this buffer after a successful call to StartOfReception until the
connection is closed by a call to PduR_FrArTpRxIndication. When a cyclic buffer is
used, it may assume that all data provided via PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData is valid and
may be discarded immediately. Data Bytes in First Frames

[SWS_FrArTp_00120] Not compliant to ISO 15765-2

⌈As stated in, if acknowledgement with Retry is configured for the
corresponding channel, no payload is sent within an FF-x if a segmented transfer
takes place.⌋()

This is necessary to retain backwards compatibility to the AUTOSAR release 3 FrTp

on bus level.

[SWS_FrArTp_00121] ⌈If acknowledgment without Retry (or no acknowledgement)

is configured, there are data bytes within an FF-x.⌋()

7.4.12 Ignored Frames

[SWS_FrArTp_00139] ⌈Throughout this specification, many times the ignoring of

frames is mentioned. Please note that an ignored frame does never affect a timer,
i.e. never causes the restarting of a timer.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00140] ⌈The only exception is at the receiver side when retry is

configured and due to an erroneous frame an AF with negative acknowledgement is
53 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

sent and therefore it is waited for the retry frame(s). In this case, the timer CR will be
reset by the erroneous frame.⌋()

7.5 Buffer Access Modes in the FlexRay Interface

[SWS_FrArTp_00187] ⌈The FrArTp shall be implemented being able to work both

with N-PDUs configured (in the FlexRay Interface) for Immediate Buffer Access and
for Decoupled Buffer Access, i.e. it shall reuse its channel specific temporary buffers,
in case the local peer is the sender, not before the TxConfirmation for the respective
PDU pool has arrived.
In the receiving case, from FrArTp’s point of view, there is no difference between an
N-PDU being configured for Decoupled Buffer Access or Immediate Buffer Access.⌋()

7.6 Error classification

Section 7.x "Error Handling" of the document "General Specification of Basic

Software Modules" describes the error handling of the Basic Software in detail.
Above all, it constitutes a classification scheme consisting of five error types which
may occur in BSW modules.
Based on this foundation, the following section specifies particular errors arranged in
the respective subsections below.

7.6.1 Development Errors

Type of error Related error code

API service called while module is not


API service called with invalid pointer FRARTP_E_PARAM_POINTER 0x2

API service called with invalid SDU or PDU ID 0x3

Invalid configuration set selection FRARTP_E_INIT_FAILED 0x4

⌋(SRS_BSW_00337, SRS_Fr_05089)

7.6.2 Runtime Errors

There are no runtime errors.

7.6.3 Transient Faults

54 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

There are no transient faults.

7.6.4 Production Errors

There are no production errors.

7.6.5 Extended Production Errors

There are no extended production errors.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

8 API specification
[SWS_FrArTp_00291] ⌈If development error detection is enabled, all APIs with a
parameter containing an SDU or a PDU identifier shall check the identifier and raise
the development error FRARTP_E_INVALID_PDU_SDU_ID when the identifier has
not been configured.⌋(SRS_BSW_00323)

8.1 Imported types

The following types are defined within AUTOSAR and used for the FrArTp:
Module Header File Imported Type

ComStack_Types.h BufReq_ReturnType

ComStack_Types.h PduIdType

ComStack_Types.h PduInfoType

ComStack_Types ComStack_Types.h PduLengthType

ComStack_Types.h RetryInfoType

ComStack_Types.h TPParameterType

ComStack_Types.h TpDataStateType

Std_Types.h Std_ReturnType
Std_Types.h Std_VersionInfoType


8.2 Type definitions

Name FrArTp_ConfigType

Kind Structure

implementation specific

Elements Type --

Comment --

This is the base type for the configuration of the FlexRay Transport Protocol.
A pointer to an instance of this structure will be used in the initialization of the Flex
Ray Transport Protocol.
The outline of the structure is defined in chapter 10 Configuration Specification.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer


8.3 Function definitions

This is a list of functions provided for upper layer modules.

8.3.1 Standard functions FrArTp_GetVersionInfo

Service Name FrArTp_GetVersionInfo

void FrArTp_GetVersionInfo (
Syntax Std_VersionInfoType* versioninfo

Service ID [hex] 0x27

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Parameters (in) None

Parameters (inout) None

Parameters (out) versioninfo Pointer to where to store the version information of this module.

Return value None

Description Returns the version information.

Available via FrArTp.h


8.3.2 Initialization and Shutdown

57 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 FrArTp_Init

Service Name FrArTp_Init

void FrArTp_Init (
Syntax const FrArTp_ConfigType* configPtr

Service ID [hex] 0x00

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Non Reentrant

Parameters (in) configPtr Pointer to FlexRay Transport Protocol configuration.



Return value None

This service initializes all global variables of the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport
Layer and sets all states to idle.

Available via FrArTp.h

⌋(SRS_BSW_00101, SRS_Fr_05088)
Please note: The call of this service is mandatory before using the FrArTp for further
processing. FrArTp_Shutdown

Service Name FrArTp_Shutdown

void FrArTp_Shutdown (
Syntax void

Service ID

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Non Reentrant

Parameters (in) None


Parameters None

58 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer


Return value None

This service closes all pending transport protocol connections by simply stopping
operation, frees all resources and stops the FrArTp Module

Available via FrArTp.h


8.3.3 Normal Operation FrArTp_Transmit

Service Name FrArTp_Transmit

Std_ReturnType FrArTp_Transmit (
PduIdType TxPduId,
Syntax const PduInfoType* PduInfoPtr

Service ID [hex] 0x49

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant for different PduIds. Non reentrant for the same PduId.

TxPduId Identifier of the PDU to be transmitted

Parameters (in)
Length of and pointer to the PDU data and pointer to Meta


Parameters (out) None

Std_Return- E_OK: Transmit request has been accepted.

Return value
Type E_NOT_OK: Transmit request has not been accepted.

Description Requests transmission of a PDU.

Available via FrArTp.h

⌋(SRS_BSW_00369, SRS_Fr_05075) FrArTp_CancelTransmit

Service Name FrArTp_CancelTransmit

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Std_ReturnType FrArTp_CancelTransmit (
Syntax PduIdType TxPduId

Service ID [hex] 0x4a

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant for different PduIds. Non reentrant for the same PduId.

Parameters (in) TxPduId Identification of the PDU to be cancelled.


Parameters (out) None

E_OK: Cancellation was executed successfully by the

Std_Return- destination module.
Return value
Type E_NOT_OK: Cancellation was rejected by the destination

Requests cancellation of an ongoing transmission of a PDU in a lower layer

communication module.

Available via FrArTp.h

Please note: When a transfer is successfully cancelled, the function
PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation will be called with E_NOT_OK. FrArTp_CancelReceive

Service Name FrArTp_CancelReceive

Std_ReturnType FrArTp_CancelReceive (
Syntax PduIdType RxPduId

Service ID [hex] 0x4c

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Non Reentrant

Parameters (in) RxPduId Identification of the PDU to be cancelled.


Parameters (out) None

E_OK: Cancellation was executed successfully by the

Std_Return- destination module.
Return value
Type E_NOT_OK: Cancellation was rejected by the destination
60 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Requests cancellation of an ongoing reception of a PDU in a lower layer

transport protocol module.

Available via FrArTp.h

⌋() FrArTp_ChangeParameter

Service Name FrArTp_ChangeParameter

Std_ReturnType FrArTp_ChangeParameter (
PduIdType id,
Syntax TPParameterType parameter,
uint16 value

Service ID [hex] 0x4b

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Non Reentrant

Identification of the PDU which the parameter change shall

Parameters (in)
parameter ID of the parameter that shall be changed.

value The new value of the parameter.


Parameters (out) None

Std_Return- E_OK: The parameter was changed successfully.

Return value
Type E_NOT_OK: The parameter change was rejected.

Description Request to change a specific transport protocol parameter (e.g. block size).

Available via FrArTp.h

Caveats: According to ISO 15765-2, it is not possible to change a parameter value
during an ongoing reception.

8.4 Call-back notifications

8.4.1 FrArTp_TriggerTransmit

Service FrArTp_TriggerTransmit

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer


Std_ReturnType FrArTp_TriggerTransmit (
PduIdType TxPduId,
Syntax PduInfoType* PduInfoPtr

Service ID

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant for different PduIds. Non reentrant for the same PduId.

TxPduId ID of the SDU that is requested to be transmitted.

Contains a pointer to a buffer (SduDataPtr) to where the SDU data shall

PduInfoPtr be copied, and the available buffer size in SduLengh. On return, the
service will indicate the length of the copied SDU data in SduLength.


E_OK: SDU has been copied and SduLength indicates the number of
copied bytes.
Return value Return-
E_NOT_OK: No SDU data has been copied. PduInfoPtr must not be
used since it may contain a NULL pointer or point to invalid data.

Within this API, the upper layer module (called module) shall check whether the
available data fits into the buffer size reported by PduInfoPtr->SduLength. If it fits, it
Description shall copy its data into the buffer provided by PduInfoPtr->SduDataPtr and update
the length of the actual copied data in PduInfoPtr->SduLength. If not, it returns E_
NOT_OK without changing PduInfoPtr.

Available via FrArTp.h

Please note: This function might be called in interrupt context

8.4.2 FrArTp_RxIndication

Service Name FrArTp_RxIndication

void FrArTp_RxIndication (
PduIdType RxPduId,
Syntax const PduInfoType* PduInfoPtr

Service ID

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant for different PduIds. Non reentrant for the same PduId.

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

ID of the received PDU.
(in) Contains the length (SduLength) of the received PDU, a pointer to a
buffer (SduDataPtr) containing the PDU, and the MetaData related to this



Return value None

Description Indication of a received PDU from a lower layer communication interface module.

Available via FrArTp.h


8.4.3 FrArTp_TxConfirmation

Service Name FrArTp_TxConfirmation

void FrArTp_TxConfirmation (
PduIdType TxPduId,
Syntax Std_ReturnType result

Service ID [hex] 0x40

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant for different PduIds. Non reentrant for the same PduId.

TxPduId ID of the PDU that has been transmitted.

Parameters (in)
E_OK: The PDU was transmitted. E_NOT_OK: Transmission of the
PDU failed.



Return value None

The lower layer communication interface module confirms the transmission of a

PDU, or the failure to transmit a PDU.

Available via FrArTp.h


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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

8.5 Scheduled functions

8.5.1 FrArTp_MainFunction

Service Name FrArTp_MainFunction

void FrArTp_MainFunction (
Syntax void

Service ID [hex] 0x10

Description Schedules the FlexRay TP. (Entry point for scheduling)

Available via SchM_FrArTp.h

Please note: This function is called directly by the Basic Software Scheduler (SchM).

8.6 Expected Interfaces

This section lists all interfaces required from other modules.

8.6.1 Mandatory Interfaces

This section defines all interfaces that are required to fulfill the core functionality of
the module.

API Function Description

FrIf_Transmit FrIf.h Requests transmission of a PDU.

This function is called to provide the received data of an I-PDU segment

PduR_FrArTp- PduR_Fr (N-PDU) to the upper layer. Each call to this function provides the next
CopyRxData ArTp.h part of the I-PDU data. The size of the remaining buffer is written to the
position indicated by bufferSizePtr.

This function is called to acquire the transmit data of an I-PDU segment

(N-PDU). Each call to this function provides the next part of the I-PDU
PduR_FrArTp- PduR_Fr data unless retry->TpDataState is TP_DATARETRY. In this case the
CopyTxData ArTp.h function restarts to copy the data beginning at the offset from the
current position indicated by retry->TxTpDataCnt. The size of the
remaining data is written to the position indicated by availableDataPtr.

PduR_FrArTp- PduR_Fr Called after an I-PDU has been received via the TP API, the result
RxIndication ArTp.h indicates whether the transmission was successful or not.

PduR_FrArTp- PduR_Fr This function is called at the start of receiving an N-SDU. The N-SDU
StartOf- ArTp.h might be fragmented into multiple N-PDUs (FF with one or more
64 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Reception following CFs) or might consist of a single N-PDU (SF). The service
shall provide the currently available maximum buffer size when invoked
with TpSduLength equal to 0.

This function is called after the I-PDU has been transmitted on its
PduR_FrArTp- PduR_Fr
network, the result indicates whether the transmission was successful
TxConfirmation ArTp.h
or not.


8.6.2 Optional Interfaces

This section defines all interfaces that are required to fulfill an optional functionality of
the module.

API Function Header File Description

Det_ReportError Det.h Service to report development errors.


65 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

9 Sequence diagrams
Although the following sequence diagrams are quite detailed, they do not depict
every detail. Thus, they should be seen as an addendum to this specification.

9.1 N-SDU Transmission

9.1.1 Unsegmented N-SDU Transmission

«module» «module» «module»

PduR FrArTp FrIf


return: E_OK

Mark 1 Frame Transmit Sender SF

opt Acknowledgement enabled

[YES] Mark 2

opt Retry enabled


alt Value of FS and ACK fields

[NACK] Transmit SF again: Mark 1


Wait for another AF: Mark 2


Result: E_NOT_OK


Result: E_OK

9.1.2 Segmented N-SDU Transmission without Retry

66 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

«module» «module» «module»

PduR FrArTp FrIf


return: E_OK

Frame Transmit Sender FF

loop until All blocks of the message are sent

Mark 1

alt Value of FS field

Wait for another CF: Mark 1


Result: E_NOT_OK

loop for each CF of block

Frame Transmit Sender

opt Acknowledgement enabled


Result: E_OK

9.1.3 Segmented N-SDU Transmission with Retry

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

«module» «module» «module»

PduR FrArTp FrIf


return: E_OK

Frame Transmit Sender FF

loop until All blocks of the message are sent

Mark 1
FC or AF

alt Value of FS and ACK fields

Wait for another CF or AF: Mark 1


Result: E_NOT_OK

Retransmit previous block, skip buffer request: Mark 2

loop for each CF of block

FrIf_Transmit Sender
Mark 2

opt Acknowledgement enabled



Result: E_OK

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 N-PDU Transmission during N-SDU Transmission

sd FrArTp Frame Transmit Sender

«module» «module» «module»

PduR FrArTp FrIf

(from PduR) (from FrArTp) (from FrIf)

opt First Frame w ith Retry

[NO] ref
Data Copy Sender


opt FrIf_Transmit returned E_NOT_OK

[YES] PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation()

Result: E_NOT_OK

opt FrIf configured for Direct Transmit


Result E_OK

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

9.1.4 N-PDU Data Copying during N-SDU Transmission

«module» «module»
PduR FrArTp

loop until ((Data copied) or (FRTP_TIME_CS elapsed))

PduR_FrArTpCopyTxData() FrArTp_MainFunction()

alt Return value of PduR_FrArTpCopyTxData


Result: E_NOT_OK


opt Data copied

[NO] PduR_FrArTpTxConfirmation()
Result: E_NOT_OK

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Transmit Cancellation

«module» «module»
PduR FrArTp


return: E_OK

alt Last N-PDU transmitted

[YES] FrArTp_CancelTransmit()

return: E_NOT_OK

Result: E_OK



Result: E_NOT_OK


return: E_OK

9.2 N-SDU Reception

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

9.2.1 Unsegmented N-SDU Reception

«module» «module» «module»

PduR FrArTp FrIf


alt Return value of PduR_FrArTpStartOfReception


opt Acknowledgement enabled

[YES] ref
Frame Transmit Receiver Transmit

Data Copy Receiver Unsegmented SF

opt Acknowledgement enabled

[YES] ref
Frame Transmit Receiver AF(ACK)


Result: E_OK

9.2.2 N-PDU Data Copying during Unsegmented N-SDU Reception

72 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

«module» «module» «module»

PduR FrArTp FrIf


loop while Reported buffer size too small


SduSize: 0

alt Return value of PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData


opt Acknowledgement enabled

Frame Transmit Receiver Transmit


Result: E_NOT_OK


opt FRTP_TIME_BR elapsed


alt Acknowledgement enabled

[YES] Decrease FRTP_MAX_RN()

alt FRTP_MAX_RN exhausted

Frame Transmit Receiver Transmit


Result: E_NOT_OK

Frame Transmit Receiver Transmit


Result: E_NOT_OK



opt Return value of PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData


opt Acknowledgement enabled

Frame Transmit Receiver Transmit


Result: E_NOT_OK

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

9.2.3 Segmented N-SDU Reception

74 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

«module» «module» «module»

PduR FrArTp FrIf


alt Return value of PduR_FrArTpStartOfReception


opt Acknowledgement enabled

[YES] ref
Frame Transmit Receiver Transmit


opt Retry enabled

[NO] ref
DataCopy Receiver Segmented FF

loop until All blocks received

Mark 1 Wait For Buffer Receiver Segmented

loop for each CF of block


DataCopy Receiver Segmented CF(2)

opt (Sequence Error) or (FRTP_TIMEOUT_CR elapsed)


opt Acknowledgement enabled

[YES] ref
Frame Transmit Receiver AF(NACK)

opt Retry enabled

[YES] Repeat reception of block: Mark 1

Result: E_NOT_OK

alt Acknowledgement enabled

[YES] ref
Frame Transmit Receiver AF(Ack)


Result: E_OK

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

9.2.4 Wait for Buffer during Segmented N-SDU Reception

«module» «module» «module»

PduR FrArTp FrIf


loop until ((Buffer for one block available) or (FRTP_MAX_WFT exhausted))


SduSize: 0

alt Return value of PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData


Frame Transmit Receiver Transmit


Result: E_NOT_OK


opt FRTP_TIME_BR elapsed

Frame Transmit Receiver Transmit

Decrease FRTP_MAX_WFT ()

alt Buffer for one block available

Frame Transmit Receiver Transmit

Frame Transmit Receiver Transmit

Result: E_NOT_OK

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

9.2.5 N-PDU Data Copying during Segmented N-SDU Reception

«module» «module» «module»

PduR FrArTp FrIf


alt Return value of PduR_FrArTpCopyRxData


Frame Transmit Receiver Transmit


Result: E_NOT_OK


9.2.6 N-PDU Transmission during N-SDU Reception

sd FrArTp Frame Transmit Receiv er

«module» «module» «module»

PduR FrArTp FrIf

(from PduR) (from FrArTp) (from FrIf)


opt FrIf_Transmit returned E_NOT_OK


Result: E_NOT_OK

opt FrIf configured for Direct Transmit

[NO] FrArTp_TriggerTransmit()

Result E_OK

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

9.2.7 Receive Cancellation

«module» «module»
PduR FrArTp


return: BUFREQ_OK

alt Last N-PDU received

[YES] FrArTp_CancelReceive()


Result: E_OK


return: E_NOT_OK


return: E_OK


Result: E_NOT_OK

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Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

10 Configuration specification
In general, this chapter defines configuration parameters and their clustering into

Sections 10.1 and 10.3 refer to the corresponding sections in the SWS BSW

Section 10.2 specifies the structure (containers) and the parameters of the FlexRay
AUTOSAR Transport Layer module.

Section 10.4 specifies restrictions on some of the parameters of the FlexRay

AUTOSAR Transport Layer module.

10.1 How to read this chapter

For details, refer to the section 10.1 “Introduction to configuration specification” in


10.2 Containers and configuration parameters

The following sections summarize all configuration parameters. The detailed

meaning of these parameters is described in chapters 7 and 8.

The following pictures give an overview of the configuration:

79 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

FrArTp: EcucModuleDef FrArTpGeneral: +parameter EcucBooleanParamDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 defaultValue = false
upperMultiplicity = 1
+parameter FrArTpHaveAckRt:

+parameter FrArTpHaveGrpSeg:

+parameter FrArTpHaveTc:
+container EcucBooleanParamDef

+parameter FrArTpHaveLm:

+parameter FrArTpVersionInfoApi:

defaultValue = false

+parameter EcucFloatParamDef

min = 0
max = INF

FrArTpMultipleConfig: FrArTpChannel:
+container +subContainer
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *

Figure 22: FrArTp main configuration

80 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer


min = 0 +parameter FrArTpTimeoutAs:

FrArTpChannel: EcucParamConfContainerDef
max = 255 +parameter EcucFloatParamDef
lowerMultiplicity = 1
FrArTpStMin: upperMultiplicity = * min = 0
EcucFloatParamDef +parameter max = 65.535
min = 0 +parameter EcucFloatParamDef
FrArTpMaxRn: max = 0.127
EcucIntegerParamDef +parameter min = 0
max = 65.535
min = 0 FrArTpTimeoutBs:
max = 255 FrArTpMaxWft: +parameter EcucFloatParamDef
min = 0
min = 0 +parameter max = 65.535
max = 255 FrArTpTimeoutCr:
lowerMultiplicity = 0 +parameter EcucFloatParamDef
upperMultiplicity = 1
min = 0
max = 65.535
EcucFloatParamDef +parameter +parameter FrArTpGrpSeg:
min = 0
max = 65.535
FrArTpMaxAs: +parameter
EcucIntegerParamDef +parameter
defaultValue = false
min = 0
max = 255
FrArTpAckType: +literal FRARTP_NO:
FrArTpMaxAr: EcucEnumerationParamDef
EcucIntegerParamDef +parameter

min = 0 +parameter
max = 255

FRARTP_ISO: +literal
EcucEnumerationLiteralDef FrArTpLm: FRARTP_ACK_WITH_RT:
EcucEnumerationParamDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

FRARTP_ISO6: +literal +parameter FrArTpConcurrentConnections:

EcucEnumerationLiteralDef EcucIntegerParamDef

+parameter min = 0
+literal max = 255
FRARTP_L4G: lowerMultiplicity = 0
EcucEnumerationLiteralDef upperMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = 0 FrArTpConnection:
FRARTP_OB: lowerMultiplicity = 1
EcucEnumerationLiteralDef FrArTpAdrType: upperMultiplicity = *
EcucEnumerationParamDef +parameter FrArTpPdu:
+literal +subContainer
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *
FrArTpTimeBr: EcucFloatParamDef
EcucFloatParamDef +parameter +parameter
min = 0
min = 0 max = 0.127
max = 65.535 lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

Figure 23: FrArTpChannel configuration

81 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

FrArTpConnection: EcucIntegerParamDef
FrArTpTxSdu: +parameter min = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 1 EcucParamConfContainerDef max = 65535
upperMultiplicity = * +subContainer symbolicNameValue = true
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
+reference FrArTpTxSduRef:

lowerMultiplicity = 1 +destination Pdu:

upperMultiplicity = 1 EcucParamConfContainerDef

FrArTpRxSdu: lowerMultiplicity = 0
FrArTpRxSduRef: +destination upperMultiplicity = *
+reference EcucReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 1
+subContainer upperMultiplicity = 1

+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

min = 0
max = 65535
symbolicNameValue = true
min = 0
max = 65535
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

min = 0
max = 65535
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

+parameter FrArTpMultRec:

min = 0
max = 255
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = 0

Figure 24: FrArTpConnection configuration

10.2.1 FrArTp
SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00001 :
Module Name FrArTp
Module Description Configuration of the FrArTp (FlexRay Transport Protocol) module.
Post-Build Variant Support true

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the general configuration (parameters)
FrArTpGeneral 1
of the FlexRay TP.
This container contains the configuration parameters and sub
FrArTpMultipleConfig 1
containers of the AUTOSAR FrArTp module.

10.2.2 FrArTpGeneral
SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00012 :
Container Name FrArTpGeneral
Parent Container FrArTp
This container contains the general configuration (parameters) of the
FlexRay TP.
82 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00011 :

Name FrArTpDevErrorDetect
Parent Container FrArTpGeneral
Description Switches the development error detection and notification on or off.
 true: detection and notification is enabled.

 false: detection and notification is disabled.

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00014 :

Name FrArTpHaveAckRt
Parent Container FrArTpGeneral
Description Preprocessor switch for enabling the Acknowledgement and retry
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00015 :

Name FrArTpHaveGrpSeg
Parent Container FrArTpGeneral
Description Preprocessor switch for enabling segmentation of 1:n messages.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00016 :

Name FrArTpHaveLm
Parent Container FrArTpGeneral
Description Preprocessor switch for enabling the mechanism for message longer than
allowed by.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
83 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00017 :

Name FrArTpHaveTc
Parent Container FrArTpGeneral
Description Preprocessor switch for enabling Transmit Cancellation and Receive
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00020 :

Name FrArTpMainFuncCycle
Parent Container FrArTpGeneral
Description This parameter contains the calling period of the TPs Main Function. The
parameter is specified in seconds.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range ]0 .. INF[
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00054 :

Name FrArTpVersionInfoApi
Parent Container FrArTpGeneral
Description Preprocessor switch for enabling the Version info API.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

All parameters within section 10.2.3 are global and, of course, only present once for
the whole module.

10.2.3 FrArTpChannel
SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00005 :
Container Name FrArTpChannel
84 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Parent Container FrArTpMultipleConfig

This container contains the configuration (parameters) of one FlexRay TP
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00002 :

Name FrArTpAckType
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter defines the type of acknowledgement which is used for the specific
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range FRARTP_ACK_WITHOUT_RT Acknowledgement without retry
FRARTP_ACK_WITH_RT Acknowledgement with retry
FRARTP_NO No acknowledgement
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00008 :

Name FrArTpAdrType
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter states the addressing type this connection has. The meanings of
the values are one byte and two byte.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range FRARTP_OB One Byte
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00057 :

Name FrArTpConcurrentConnections
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter defines the number of connections that can be active at the
same time. If set to 0, all configured connections can be active at the same
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value 0
Post-Build Variant true

85 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00013 :

Name FrArTpGrpSeg
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description Here can be specified, whether segmentation within a 1:n connection is
allowed or not.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00019 :

Name FrArTpLm
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This specifies the maximum message length for the particular channel.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range FRARTP_ISO Up to (2**12)-1 Byte message length (No
FF-Ex or SF-E or AF shall be used and
FRARTP_ISO6 As ISO, but the maximum payload length is
limited to 6 byte (SF-I, FF-I, CF). This is
necessary to route TP on CAN when using
Extended Addressing or Mixed Addressing
on CAN.
FRARTP_L4G SF-E allowed (SF of arbitrary length
depending on FrArTpPduLength), up to
(2**32)-1 byte message length (all FF-x
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00021 :

Name FrArTpMaxAr
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter defines the maximum number of trying to send a frame
when a TIMEOUT AR occurs.
Multiplicity 1

86 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00022 :

Name FrArTpMaxAs
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter defines the maximum number of trying to send a frame
when a TIMEOUT AS occurs.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00023 :

Name FrArTpMaxBs
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter defines the number of consecutive CFs between two FCs
(block size). Valid values are 1 .. 16 when retry is activated, and 0 .. 255
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00026 :

Name FrArTpMaxRn
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter defines the maximum number of retries (if retry is
configured for the particular channel).
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00059 :

87 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Name FrArTpMaxWft
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter defines the maximal number of wait frames to be sent for a
pending connection.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00042 :

Name FrArTpStMin
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter defines the minimum amount of time between two
succeeding CFs of a 1:1 segmented transmission in seconds. Valid values
are 0, 100µs, 200µs .. 900µs, 1ms, 2ms .. 127ms. The value can be
changed at runtime using the FrArTp_ChangeParameter interface.
FrArTpStMin must be an integer multiple of the cycle length multiplied with
the multiplexing factor, i.e. FrArTpStMin = n * FrIfGdCycle * m, where n is
an integer ≥ 0 and m is the cycle multiplexor of those cycles where PDUs
of the PDU pool are scheduled.

Please note: Due to the scheduling strategies of FrArTp, FrArTpStMin can

only be kept to a degree defined by the maximum temporal distance of the
PDUs of a PDU pool within one FlexRay cycle.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 0.127]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00060 :

Name FrArTpStMinGrpSeg
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter defines the minimum amount of time between two
succeeding CFs of a 1:n segmented transmission in seconds. Valid values
are 0, 100µs, 200µs ... 900µs, 1ms, 2ms .. 127ms. The value can be
changed at runtime using the FrArTp_ChangeParameter interface.
FrArTpStMinGrpSeg must be an integer multiple of the cycle length
multiplied with the multiplexing factor, i.e. FrArTpStMinGrpSeg = n *
FrIfGdCycle * m, where n is an integer ≥ 0 and m is the cycle multiplexor of
those cycles where PDUs of the PDU pool are scheduled.

Please note: Due to the scheduling strategies of FrArTp,

88 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

FrArTpStMinGrpSeg can only be kept to a degree defined by the maximum

temporal distance of the PDUs of a PDU pool within one FlexRay cycle.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 0.127]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00043 :

Name FrArTpTc
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description With this switch Transmit Cancellation and Receive Cancellation can be
turned on or off for this channel.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00044 :

Name FrArTpTimeBr
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter defines the time in seconds between receiving the last CF
of a block or an FF-x (or SF-x) and sending out an FC or AF.
It is obvious that FRARTP_TIME_BR + (FRARTP_TIMEOUT_AR *
FRARTP_MAX_AR) < FRARTP_TIMEOUT_BS must hold (because the
transmission duration on the bus has also to be considered).

This parameter is defined in ISO 15765-2. It is contained in the

configuration as a performance requirement.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 65.535]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00046 :

Name FrArTpTimeCs
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter defines the time in seconds between the sending of two

89 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

consecutive CFs or between reception of an FC or AF and sending of the

next CF .
It is obvious that FRARTP_TIME_CS + (FRARTP_TIMEOUT_AS *
FRARTP_MAX_AS) < FRARTP_TIMEOUT_CR must hold (because the
transmission duration on the bus has also to be considered).

This parameter is defined in ISO 15765-2. It is contained in the

configuration as a performance requirement.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 65.535]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00048 :

Name FrArTpTimeoutAr
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter states the timeout in seconds between the PDU transmit
request of the Transport Layer to the FlexRay Interface and the
corresponding confirmation of the FlexRay Interface on the receiver side
(for FC or AF).
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 65.535]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00049 :

Name FrArTpTimeoutAs
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter states the timeout in seconds between the PDU transmit
request for the first PDU of the group used in the current connection of the
Transport Layer to the FlexRay Interface and the corresponding
confirmation of the FlexRay Interface (when having sent the last PDU of
group used in this connection) on the sender side (SF-x, FF-x, CF).
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 65.535]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00050 :

Name FrArTpTimeoutBs
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
90 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Description This parameter defines the timeout in seconds for waiting for an FC or AF
on the sender side in a 1:1 connection.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 65.535]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00051 :

Name FrArTpTimeoutCr
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Description This parameter defines the timeout value in seconds for waiting for a CF or
FF-x (in case of retry) after receiving the last CF or after sending an FC or
AF on the receiver side.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 65.535]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the configuration (parameters) of one
FrArTpConnection 1..* FlexRay TP connection.
A connection can only belong to one channel.
Container to hold the PDU parameters.
FrArTpPdu 1..*
ImplementationType: PduInfoType

All parameters within this section are present for each channel and read-only. They
shall be placed outside the source code of the module in order to be modifiable by a
flashing process without re-flashing the code itself.

Performance Requirements according to [13]

The two parameters, FrArTpTimeBr and FrArTpTimeCs, are not software
configuration parameters, they are contained in [13] as performance requirements.
They are just for information.

10.2.4 FrArTpPdu
SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00029 :
Container Name FrArTpPdu
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
Container to hold the PDU parameters.
ImplementationType: PduInfoType
Post-Build Variant
91 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Multiplicity Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00030 :

Name FrArTpPduDirection
Parent Container FrArTpPdu
Description This parameter defines the direction of the PDU.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range FRARTP_RX Received PDU
FRARTP_TX Transmitted PDU
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00035 :

Name FrArTpPduId
Parent Container FrArTpPdu
Description This is the identifier of the FlexRay Interface PDUs (Fr N-PDU, Fr L-SDU)
in which the Transport Layer Frames of this channel should be transmitted.
For FrArTpPduDirection == FRARTP_RX, this parameter specifies the ID
that is used by FrIf when calling FrArTp_RxIndication, while for
FrArTpPduDirection == FRARTP_TX this ID is used by FrIf when calling
FrArTp_TxConfirmation or FrArTp_TriggerTransmit.

ImplementationType: PduIdType
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00036 :

Name FrArTpPduRef
Parent Container FrArTpPdu
Description --
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

92 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

10.2.5 FrArTpConnection
SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00010 :
Container Name FrArTpConnection
Parent Container FrArTpChannel
This container contains the configuration (parameters) of one FlexRay TP
A connection can only belong to one channel.
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00058 :

Name FrArTpConPrioPdus
Parent Container FrArTpConnection
Description This parameter defines the number of TxNPdus to which this connection
has prioritized access. It must be ensured that the number of prioritized
PDUs of all connections is smaller than the total number of TxNPdus in the
associated PDU pool.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value 0
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00018 :

Name FrArTpLa
Parent Container FrArTpConnection
Description This parameter defines the Local Address for the respective connection.
When the local instance is the sender, this is the Source Address within
the TP frame.
When the local instance is the receiver, this is the Target Address within
the TP frame.
Note that in case of 1 byte addressing only the values from 0x0000 -
0x00FF are valid.

If this parameter is not configured, all related Rx N-SDUs must be

configured to use the meta data item TARGET_ADDRESS_16, and all
related Tx-N-SDUs must be configured to use the meta data item
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
93 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Post-Build Variant Value true

Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00027 :

Name FrArTpMultRec
Parent Container FrArTpConnection
Description This parameter defines, whether this connection is an 1:1 ('false') or an 1:n
('true') connection.
Of course, if the channel to which the connection is configured has retry or
acknowledgement enabled, no retry or acknowledgement will occur in case
the connection is an 1:n connection.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00037 :

Name FrArTpRa
Parent Container FrArTpConnection
Description This parameter defines the Remote Address for the respective connection.
When the local instance is the sender, this is the Target Address within the
TP frame.
When the local instance is the receiver, this is the Source Address within
the TP frame.
Note that in case of 1 byte addressing only the values from 0x0000 -
0x00FF are valid.

If this parameter is not configured, all related Rx N-SDUs must be

configured to use the meta data item SOURCE_ADDRESS_16, and all
related Tx-N-SDUs must be configured to use the meta data item
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
Describes the Rx N-SDU. This N-SDU can produce meta data
FrArTpRxSdu 0..1 items of type SOURCE_ADDRESS_16 and
Describes the Tx N-SDU. This N-SDU can consume meta data
FrArTpTxSdu 0..1 items of type SOURCE_ADDRESS_16 and

94 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

All parameters within this section are present for each connection and read-only.
They shall be placed outside the source code of the module in order to be modifiable
by a flashing process without re-flashing the code itself.

10.2.6 FrArTpTxSdu
SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00055 :
Container Name FrArTpTxSdu
Parent Container FrArTpConnection
Describes the Tx N-SDU. This N-SDU can consume meta data items of
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00041 :

Name FrArTpSduTxId
Parent Container FrArTpTxSdu
Description This is a unique identifier for a received or a to be transmitted message.
With this (and by means of e.g. a lookup table) the PDU Router can route
the message appropriately without dealing with the particularities of the
Transport Layer. This parameter can also be seen as the identifier of a
ImplementationType: PduIdType
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00052 :

Name FrArTpTxSduRef
Parent Container FrArTpTxSdu
Description Reference to a PDU in the global PDU structure.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.7 FrArTpRxSdu
SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00038 :
Container Name FrArTpRxSdu
95 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Parent Container FrArTpConnection

Describes the Rx N-SDU. This N-SDU can produce meta data items of
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00040 :

Name FrArTpSduRxId
Parent Container FrArTpRxSdu
Description This is a unique identifier for a received message. This Id is used in the
CancelReceive and ChangeParameter API call.
ImplementationType: PduIdType
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00039 :

Name FrArTpRxSduRef
Parent Container FrArTpRxSdu
Description Reference to a PDU in the global PDU structure.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.8 FrArTpMultipleConfig
SWS Item ECUC_FrArTp_00028 :
Container Name FrArTpMultipleConfig
Parent Container FrArTp
This container contains the configuration parameters and sub containers of
the AUTOSAR FrArTp module.
Configuration Parameters

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the configuration (parameters) of one
FrArTpChannel 1..*
FlexRay TP channel.

96 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

10.3 Published Information

For details, refer to the section 10.3 “Published Information” in SWS_BSWGeneral.

10.4 Important Issues on Configuration

10.4.1 Start and Stop of the Timing Parameters

[SWS_FrArTp_00169] ⌈Table 4 gives an overview when the time of each of these

parameters start to run and when it is stopped. Note that if SF-x is mentioned it is
meant in the case acknowledgement is configured (the same for AF).⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00170] ⌈For 1:n connections only the parameters FrArTpTimeoutAs,

FrArTpTimeCs (only CF) and FrArTpTimeoutCr (only CF) hold, since no flow control
or acknowledgement is allowed in that case.⌋()

Timing Parameter Start Stop

FrArTpTimeoutAs FrIf_Transmit (first PDU of the FrArTp_TxConfirmation (for the
group used by the current last PDU of the group used by
connection) the current connection)
FrArTpTimeoutAr FrIf_Transmit (FC or AF) FrArTp_TxConfirmation
(FC or AF)
FrArTpTimeoutBs FrArTp_TxConfirmation (SF-x, FrArTp_RxIndication (FC or AF)
FF-x or last CF of a block),
FrArTp_RxIndication (FC or AF,
both in case of FR_FS = WAIT)
FrArTpTimeBr FrArTp_RxIndication (FF-x, last FrIf_Transmit (FC or AF)
CF of a block or SF-x),
FrArTp_TxConfirmation (FC or
AF, both in case of FR_FS =
FrArTpTimeoutCr FrArTp_RxIndication (CF), FrArTp_RxIndication (CF or SF-
FrArTp_TxConfirmation (FC or x, FF-x (the latter two in case of
AF) retry))
FrArTpTimeCs FrArTp_TxConfirmation (CF), FrIf_Transmit (CF)
FrArTp_RxIndication (FC or AF
(not after the last one))
Table 4: Start and Stop of the different timeouts and times

10.4.2 How to get an ISO 15765-2 compliant Channel / Connection

[SWS_FrArTp_00171] ⌈To achieve ISO 15765-2 compliance within a

channel/connection, there are restrictions for some parameters. Those marked with a
“*” are only relevant, if the features are compiled in (see section 10.2).⌋()
97 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

These and those are explained in the table below:

Parameter Allowed values

FrArTpAckType (*) ‘FRARTP_NO’
FrArTpGrpSeg (*) false
FrArTpTc (*) false
N-PDU length 9 [FrArTpAdrType == FRARTP_OB,
10 [FrArTpAdrType == FRARTP_OB,
11 [FrArTpAdrType == FRARTP_TB,
12 [FrArTpAdrType == FRARTP_TB,

Table 5: Parameter Setting for ISO 15765-2 compliance

All not mentioned parameters can have arbitrary values.

10.4.3 Dependencies among the Parameters

[SWS_FrArTp_00172] ⌈There are several dependencies among the connection

specific and channel specific configuration parameters:⌋()

 If FrArTpMultRec sets the connection to be a 1:1 connection, then the value of

FrArTpGrpSeg does not play a role for this connection since it is only relevant
for 1:n connections.
 If FrArTpMultRec sets the connection to be a 1:n connection, then the values
of FrArTpAckType, FrArTpMaxBs, and FrArTpMaxRn do not play a role for
this connection, since they are only relevant for 1:1 connections.
 If FrArTpMultRec sets the connection to be a 1:n connection or
FrArTpAckType does not activate retry (FRARTP_NO,
FRARTP_ACK_WITHOUT_RT) then the value of FrArTpMaxBs does not play
a role for this connections since it is only relevant in 1:1 connections within
channels with retry being activated.

10.4.4 Timing Constraints

The following Constraints shall hold for the Timing parameters:

[SWS_FrArTp_00242] ⌈VE + FrArTpTimeBr + (FrArTpTimeoutAr *

FrArTpMaxAr) + VS < FrArTpTimeoutBs⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00243] ⌈Vs + FrArTpTimeCs + (FrArTpTimeoutAs *

FrArTpMaxAs)+ VE < FrArTpTimeoutCr⌋()
98 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer
Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

Where VE is the time from starting the BS timer until recognition of the frame in the
receiver TP and VS is the time from starting the CR timer until recognition of the
frame in the sender TP.

10.4.5 Configuration Requirements on the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

[SWS_FrArTp_00180] ⌈It has to be assured, that FrArTpStMin < FrArTpTimeoutCr since

there will always be a timeout of the latter one otherwise.⌋(SRS_BSW_00159)

[SWS_FrArTp_00181] ⌈The configuration of a connection and a channel shall be, of

course, the same at the sender and the receiver side. Only the values of FrArTpLa and
FrArTpRa are swapped.⌋(SRS_BSW_00159)

[SWS_FrArTp_00275] ⌈ If a channel references one PDU of a certain direction

(received or transmitted) that is also referenced by another channel, both channels
must reference exactly the same set of PDUs for this direction. This restriction
ensures the pool semantics of referenced PDUs.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00276] ⌈All PDUs of a PDU pool must have the same size, and all
channels that reference these PDUs must have the same addressing type.⌋()

[SWS_FrArTp_00277] ⌈In the set of connections that are associated with a PDU
pool, no two connections have the same address information, not even with reversed

[SWS_FrArTp_00278] ⌈ The number of prioritized PDUs of all connections

associated with a PDU pool must be less than the number of PDUs in the pool;
otherwise, a set of active prioritized connections can lead to timeout in other

10.4.6 Configuration Requirements on the FlexRay Interface

[SWS_FrArTp_00174] ⌈If more than one N-PDU is used for one N-SDU within a
connection, the FrIf shall guarantee, that the N-PDUs (L-SDUs) are scheduled (sent
over the bus) in the same order the FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer uses them,
i.e. in ascending order regarding the N-PDU IDs used in the FlexRay AUTOSAR
Transport Layer. To simplify configuration, all PDUs of a pool shall be arranged such
that they are always received in the same order in which they have been transmitted,
independent of the current cycle in the FlexRay communication round.⌋()

99 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

This is necessary to avoid CFs coming out of order in a segmented transfer.

[SWS_FrArTp_00175] ⌈For every FrArTp L-SDU the PDU-Update/Valid Information

of the FrIf shall be activated unless this is the only PDU in a frame.⌋()

This is necessary to avoid Rx-Indication at the FrArTp for in the current transfer not
used N-PDUs or if e.g. in every 2nd FlexRay bus cycle an N-PDU is scheduled.

[SWS_FrArTp_00182] ⌈For the last PDU (in temporal order) of each PDU pool, a
TxConfirmation shall be configured.⌋()

100 of 101 Document ID 601: AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer

Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer

11 Not applicable requirements

[SWS_FrArTp_00999] ⌈These requirements are not applicable to this specification.⌋

(BSW00161, BSW00162, BSW00172, SRS_BSW_00301, SRS_BSW_00302,
SRS_BSW_00307, SRS_BSW_00321, SRS_BSW_00325, SRS_BSW_00326,
SRS_BSW_00334, SRS_BSW_00335, SRS_BSW_00339, SRS_BSW_00341,
SRS_BSW_00342, SRS_BSW_00344, SRS_BSW_00347, SRS_BSW_00348,
SRS_BSW_00375, SRS_BSW_00395, SRS_BSW_00400, SRS_BSW_00405,
SRS_BSW_00409, SRS_BSW_00412, SRS_BSW_00415, SRS_BSW_00416,
SRS_BSW_00417, SRS_BSW_00419, SRS_BSW_00422, SRS_BSW_00425,
SRS_BSW_00426, SRS_BSW_00427, SRS_BSW_00428, SRS_BSW_00429,
BSW00431, SRS_BSW_00433, BSW00434, SRS_BSW_00005, SRS_BSW_00010,
SRS_BSW_00164, SRS_BSW_00168, and SRS_BSW_00170)

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