Autosar Sws Spihandlerdriver

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Specification of SPI Handler / Driver


Document Title Specification of SPI Handler /

Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 38

Document Status published

Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform
Part of Standard Release R20-11

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2020-11-30 R20-11 AUTOSAR  Error sections refactored
Release  New configuration parameters:
Management SWS_Spi_00247, SWS_Spi_00248
 Removed requirements:
SWS_Spi_00008, SWS_Spi_00009,
SWS_Spi_00010, SWS_Spi_00063 and
 Chapter 8.2: enumeration types have
the values specified
2019-11-28 R19-11 AUTOSAR  SWS_Spi_00082 removed
Release  Changed Document Status from Final to
Management published
2018-10-31 4.4.0 AUTOSAR  Editorial changes
2017-12-08 4.3.1 AUTOSAR  SPI_E_SEQ_IN_PROCESS and
Release SPI_E_SEQ_PENDING are migrated to
Management runtime errors
 The notion of prearranged bus is re-
moved to simplify the use
 Modified or removed requirements:
SWS_Spi_00135, SWS_Spi_00324,
 Restored requirement: SWS_Spi_00035

1 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2016-11-30 4.3.0 AUTOSAR  Requirements removed:
Release SWS_Spi_00339, SWS_Spi_00191,
Management SWS_Spi_00367, SWS_Spi_00239,
SWS_Spi_00056, SWS_Spi_00076,
 Requirements updated:
SWS_Spi_00999, SWS_Spi_00092
 Improvement of the traceability with
SRS BSW General requirements
 Editorial changes
2015-07-31 4.2.2 AUTOSAR  Cleanup of requirements chapter
Release  Debugging support marked as obsolete
Management  Editorial changes
2014-10-31 4.2.1 AUTOSAR  Added SWS_Spi_00383,
Release SWS_Spi_00384, SWS_Spi_00385,
Management SWS_Spi_00386 and
 New configuration parameter SpiUser-
 SPI hardware error is applicable for
sync and async transmits
 Editorial changes
2014-03-31 4.1.3 AUTOSAR  Description for Spi_AsyncTransmit and
Release Spi_SyncTransmit development errors
Management for already ongoing transmission
 Clarification of Spi Channel width and
data access type relation
2013-10-31 4.1.2 AUTOSAR  ECUC_Spi_00242 (added)
Release  ECUC_Spi_00240 (added)
Management  SWS_Spi_00189 (modified)
 Editorial changes
 Removed chapter(s) on change docu-

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Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2013-03-15 4.1.1 AUTOSAR  Added chapter 7.6 and 7.7, table from
Administration chapter 7.4 moved to chapter 7.7
 SWS_Spi_00129 removed,
SWS_Spi_00128 reformulated
 ECUC_Spi_00180, ECUC_Spi_00204
Lengh is in data elements instead of
 MemMap header file remname
 Added Subchapter 3.x due to SWS
General Rollout
2011-12-22 4.0.3 AUTOSAR  Rephrased: requirement
Administration SWS_Spi_00002, SWS_Spi_00046,
SWS_Spi_00129, SWS_Spi_00233,
SWS_Spi_00163, SPI 171,
SWS_Spi_00172, SWS_Spi_00289 and
SWS_Spi_00290, block 2 in chapter
 Removed: requirement SPI083; SPI132,
SPI284 and SPI107 removed from
 Corrected:Dem_EventStatusType in
SWS_Spi_00191, Spi_SyncTransmit
Syn/Async changed to Synchronous,
 Reference to MCU in SWS_Spi_00244
and SWS_Spi_00342
 Added: requirement SWS_Spi_00140,
chapter 10 - SpiCsSelection,
state introduced, SWS_Spi_00195 with
error table update
 Modified: SWS_Spi_00114 and
SWS_Spi_00135, chapter 10 - SpiEna-

3 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2010-09-30 3.1.5 AUTOSAR  Added SWS_Spi_00369,
Administration SWS_Spi_00371, SWS_Spi_00370
 Removed SPI190, SPI094
 Updated configuration: base on min-
max value for defined parameter;
SpiHwUnit belongs to SpiExter-
nalDevice Container; updated
2010-02-02 3.1.4 AUTOSAR  Splitting and refinement of several re-
Administration quirements
 Removal of redundant requirements
 Introduction of new IDs to allow imple-
mentation of debugging concept
 Inserted UML diagram in chapter 9
 Updating of Chapter 10 with the inclu-
sion of 2 new container and the defini-
tion of the Chip Select configuration
 Legal disclaimer revised
2008-08-13 3.1.1 AUTOSAR  Legal disclaimer revised
2007-12-21 3.0.1 AUTOSAR  Updated Chapter 10 with the inclusion
Administration of CS configuration
 Document meta information extended
 Small layout adaptations made
2007-01-24 2.1.15 AUTOSAR  Configuration Specification updating
Administration  General rephrasing for clarification
 Syntax error
 Legal disclaimer revised
 Release Notes added
 “Advice for users” revised
 “Revision Information” added
2006-05-16 2.0 AUTOSAR  Document structure adapted to common
Administration Release 2.0 SWS Template.
 Major changes in chapter 10
 Structure of document changed partly
 Other changes see chapter 13
2005-05-31 1.0 AUTOSAR  Initial Release

4 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained
in it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR
and the companies that have contributed to it shall not be liable for any use of the
The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of
intellectual property rights. The commercial exploitation of the material contained in
this work requires a license to such intellectual property rights.
This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by
any means, for informational purposes only. For any other purpose, no part of the
work may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission
in writing from the publisher.
The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
developed, nor tested for non-automotive applications.
The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

5 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Table of Contents

1 Introduction and functional overview ........................................................................ 9

2 Acronyms and abbreviations................................................................................... 10
3 Related documentation ........................................................................................... 11
3.1 Input documents .............................................................................................. 11
3.2 Related standards and norms ......................................................................... 11
3.3 Related specification ....................................................................................... 12
4 Constraints and assumptions.................................................................................. 12
4.1 Limitations ....................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Applicability to car domains............................................................................. 12
5 Dependencies to other modules ............................................................................. 13
6 Requirements traceability ....................................................................................... 14
7 Functional specification ........................................................................................... 20
7.1 Overall view of functionalities and features .................................................... 20
7.2 General behaviour ........................................................................................... 21
7.2.1 Common configurable feature: Allowed Channel Buffers ....................... 24
7.2.2 LEVEL 0, Simple Synchronous behaviour .............................................. 26
7.2.3 LEVEL 1, Basic Asynchronous behavior ................................................. 27
7.2.4 Asynchronous configurable feature: Interruptible Sequences ................ 29
7.2.5 LEVEL 2, Enhanced behaviour................................................................ 31
7.3 Scheduling Advices ......................................................................................... 32
7.4 Error classification ........................................................................................... 32
7.4.1 Development Errors ................................................................................. 33
7.4.2 Runtime Errors ......................................................................................... 33
7.4.3 Transient faults......................................................................................... 33
7.4.4 Production Errors ..................................................................................... 33
7.4.5 Extended Production Errors ..................................................................... 33
8 API specification ...................................................................................................... 35
8.1 Imported types ................................................................................................. 35
8.2 Type definitions ............................................................................................... 35
8.2.1 Spi_ConfigType........................................................................................ 35
8.2.2 Spi_StatusType ........................................................................................ 35
8.2.3 Spi_JobResultType .................................................................................. 36
8.2.4 Spi_SeqResultType ................................................................................. 37
8.2.5 Spi_DataBufferType ................................................................................. 38
8.2.6 Spi_NumberOfDataType.......................................................................... 39
8.2.7 Spi_ChannelType .................................................................................... 39
8.2.8 Spi_JobType ............................................................................................ 40
8.2.9 Spi_SequenceType .................................................................................. 40
8.2.10 Spi_HWUnitType...................................................................................... 41
8.2.11 Spi_AsyncModeType ............................................................................... 41
8.3 Function definitions ......................................................................................... 42
8.3.1 Spi_Init ..................................................................................................... 42

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Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

8.3.2 Spi_DeInit ................................................................................................. 43

8.3.3 Spi_WriteIB .............................................................................................. 44
8.3.4 Spi_AsyncTransmit .................................................................................. 46
8.3.5 Spi_ReadIB .............................................................................................. 49
8.3.6 Spi_SetupEB ............................................................................................ 50
8.3.7 Spi_GetStatus .......................................................................................... 53
8.3.8 Spi_GetJobResult .................................................................................... 53
8.3.9 Spi_GetSequenceResult.......................................................................... 54
8.3.10 Spi_GetVersionInfo .................................................................................. 55
8.3.11 Spi_SyncTransmit .................................................................................... 56
8.3.12 Spi_GetHWUnitStatus ............................................................................. 58
8.3.13 Spi_Cancel ............................................................................................... 59
8.3.14 Spi_SetAsyncMode .................................................................................. 60
8.4 Callback notifications....................................................................................... 61
8.5 Scheduled functions ........................................................................................ 61
8.5.1 Spi_MainFunction_Handling .................................................................... 62
8.6 Expected Interfaces......................................................................................... 62
8.6.1 Mandatory Interfaces ............................................................................... 62
8.6.2 Optional Interfaces ................................................................................... 62
8.6.3 Configurable interfaces ............................................................................ 63
8.7 Error detection ................................................................................................. 65
8.7.1 API parameter checking........................................................................... 65
8.7.2 SPI state checking ................................................................................... 67
8.7.3 SPI runtime checking ............................................................................... 67
9 Sequence diagrams ................................................................................................ 69
9.1 Initialization ...................................................................................................... 69
9.2 Modes transitions ............................................................................................ 69
9.3 Write/AsyncTransmit/Read (IB)....................................................................... 70
9.3.1 One Channel, one Job then one Sequence ............................................ 70
9.3.2 Many Channels, one Job then one Sequence ........................................ 72
9.3.3 Many Channels, many Jobs and one Sequence ..................................... 73
9.3.4 Many Channels, many Jobs and many Sequences ................................ 75
9.4 Setup/AsyncTransmit (EB) .............................................................................. 77
9.4.1 Variable Number of Data / Constant Number of Data ............................. 77
9.4.2 One Channel, one Job then one Sequence ............................................ 77
9.4.3 Many Channels, one Job then one Sequence ........................................ 79
9.4.4 Many Channels, many Jobs and one Sequence ..................................... 80
9.4.5 Many Channels, many Jobs and many Sequences ................................ 82
9.5 Mixed Jobs Transmission ................................................................................ 84
9.6 LEVEL 0 SyncTransmit diagrams ................................................................... 84
9.6.1 Write/SyncTransmit/Read (IB): Many Channels, many Jobs and one
Sequence ................................................................................................. 84
9.6.2 Setup/SyncTransmit (EB): Many Channels, many Jobs and one
Sequence ................................................................................................. 85
10 Configuration specification ...................................................................................... 87
10.1 How to read this chapter .......................................................................... 87
10.2 Containers and configuration parameters ............................................... 87
10.2.1 Spi 87

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Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

10.2.2 SpiDemEventParameterRefs................................................................... 87
10.2.3 SpiGeneral ............................................................................................... 88
10.2.4 SpiSequence ............................................................................................ 93
10.2.5 SpiChannel............................................................................................... 95
10.2.6 SpiChannelList ......................................................................................... 98
10.2.7 SpiJob ...................................................................................................... 99
10.2.8 SpiExternalDevice .................................................................................. 101
10.2.9 SpiDriver ................................................................................................ 107
10.2.10 SpiPublishedInformation .................................................................. 108
10.3 Published information ............................................................................ 110
10.4 Configuration concept ............................................................................ 110
11 Not applicable requirements ................................................................................. 113
12 Appendix ............................................................................................................... 114

8 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

1 Introduction and functional overview

The SPI Handler/Driver provides services for reading from and writing to devices
connected via SPI busses. It provides access to SPI communication to several users
(e.g. EEPROM, Watchdog, I/O ASICs). It also provides the required mechanism to
configure the onchip SPI peripheral.

This specification describes the API for a monolithic SPI Handler/Driver. This soft-
ware module includes handling and driving functionalities. Main objectives of this
monolithic SPI Handler/Driver are to take the best of each microcontroller features
and to allow implementation optimization depending on static configuration to fit as
much as possible to ECU needs.

Hence, this specification defines selectable levels of functionalities and configurable

features to allow the design of a high scalable module that exploits the peculiarities of
the microcontroller.

To configure the SPI Handler/Driver these steps shall be followed:

 SPI Handler/Driver Level of Functionality shall be selected and optional fea-
tures configured.
 SPI Channels shall be defined according to data usage, and they could be
buffered inside the SPI Handler/Driver (IB) or provided by the user (EB).
 SPI Jobs shall be defined according to HW properties (CS), and they will con-
tain a list of channels using those properties.
 As a final step, Sequences of Jobs shall be defined, in order to transmit data
in a sorted way (priority sorted).

The general behaviour of the SPI Handler/Driver can be asynchronous or synchro-

nous according to the Level of Functionality selected.

The specification covers the Handler/Driver functionality combined in one single

module. One is the SPI handling part that handles multiple access to busses that
could be located in the ECU Abstraction layer. The other part is the SPI driver that
accesses the microcontroller hardware directly that could be located in the Microcon-
troller Abstraction layer.

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Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

2 Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronyms and abbreviations which have a local scope and therefore are not con-
tained in the AUTOSAR glossary must appear in a local glossary.

Acronym: Description:
DET Default Error Tracer – module to which errors are reported.
DEM Diagnostic Event Manager – module to which production relevant errors are report-
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface. It is exactly defined hereafter in this document.
CS Chip Select
MISO Master Input Slave Output
MOSI Master Output Slave Input

Abbreviation: Description:
EB Externally buffered channels. Buffers containing data to transfer are outside the SPI
IB Internally buffered channels. Buffers containing data to transfer are inside the SPI
ID Identification Number of an element (Channel, Job, Sequence).

Definition: Description:
Channel A Channel is a software exchange medium for data that are defined with the same
criteria: Config. Parameters, Number of Data elements with same size and data
pointers (Source & Destination) or location.
Job A Job is composed of one or several Channels with the same Chip Select (is not
released during the processing of Job). A Job is considered atomic and therefore
cannot be interrupted by another Job. A Job has an assigned priority.
Sequence A Sequence is a number of consecutive Jobs to transmit but it can be rescheduled
between Jobs using a priority mechanism. A Sequence transmission is interruptible
(by another Sequence transmission) or not depending on a static configuration.

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Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

3 Related documentation

3.1 Input documents

[1] Layered Software Architecture


[2] General Requirements on SPAL


[3] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules


[4] Specification of Default Error Tracer


[5] Specification of ECU Configuration


[6] Requirements on SPI Handler/Driver


[7] Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager


[8] Glossary

[9] Specification of MCU Driver


[10] Specification of PORT Driver


[11] Basic Software Module Description Template,


[12] List of Basic Software Modules


[13] Specification of Standard Types,


[14] General Specification of Basic Software Modules


3.2 Related standards and norms

11 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Not related.

3.3 Related specification

AUTOSAR provides a General Specification on Basic Software modules [14] (SWS

BSW General), which is also valid for SPI Handler Driver.

Thus, the specification SWS BSW General shall be considered as additional and re-
quired specification for SPI Handler Driver.

4 Constraints and assumptions

4.1 Limitations

[SWS_Spi_00040] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver handles only the Master mode.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00050] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver only supports full-duplex mode.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00108] ⌈The LEVEL 2 SPI Handler/Driver is specified for microcontrollers

that have to provide, at least, two SPI busses using separated hardware units. Oth-
erwise, using this level of functionality does not make sense.⌋()

4.2 Applicability to car domains

No restrictions.

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Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

5 Dependencies to other modules

[SWS_Spi_00244] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver module does not take care of setting
the registers which configure the clock, prescaler(s) and PLL in its init function. This
has to be done by the MCU module [9].⌋()

Note: SPI peripherals may depend on the system clock, prescaler(s) and PLL. Thus,
any change of the system clock (e.g. PLL on / PLL off / clock dividers) may also af-
fect the clock settings of the SPI hardware.

[SWS_Spi_00342] ⌈Depending on microcontrollers, the SPI peripheral could share

registers with other peripherals. In this typical case, the SPI Handler/Driver has a re-
lationship with MCU module [9] for initialising and de-initialising those registers.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00343] ⌈If Chip Selects are done using microcontroller pins the SPI
Handler/Driver has a relationship with PORT module [10]. In this case, this specifica-
tion assumes that these microcontroller pins are directly accessed by the SPI Han-
dler/Driver module without using APIs of DIO module.
Anyhow, the SPI depends on ECU hardware design and for that reason it may de-
pend on other modules.⌋()

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Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

6 Requirements traceability

Requirement Description Satisfied by

SRS_BSW_00005 Modules of the µC Abstraction Layer SWS_Spi_00999
(MCAL) may not have hard coded
horizontal interfaces
SRS_BSW_00006 The source code of software modules SWS_Spi_00999
above the µC Abstraction Layer
(MCAL) shall not be processor and
compiler dependent.
SRS_BSW_00009 All Basic SW Modules shall be docu- SWS_Spi_00999
mented according to a common
SRS_BSW_00010 The memory consumption of all Basic SWS_Spi_00999
SW Modules shall be documented for
a defined configuration for all support-
ed platforms.
SRS_BSW_00101 The Basic Software Module shall be SWS_Spi_00013, SWS_Spi_00015
able to initialize variables and hard-
ware in a separate initialization func-
SRS_BSW_00161 The AUTOSAR Basic Software shall SWS_Spi_00999
provide a microcontroller abstraction
layer which provides a standardized
interface to higher software layers
SRS_BSW_00164 The Implementation of interrupt ser- SWS_Spi_00999
vice routines shall be done by the Op-
erating System, complex drivers or
SRS_BSW_00168 SW components shall be tested by a SWS_Spi_00999
function defined in a common API in
the Basis-SW
SRS_BSW_00170 The AUTOSAR SW Components shall SWS_Spi_00999
provide information about their de-
pendency from faults, signal qualities,
driver demands
SRS_BSW_00172 The scheduling strategy that is built SWS_Spi_00999
inside the Basic Software Modules
shall be compatible with the strategy
used in the system
SRS_BSW_00301 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_Spi_00999
shall only import the necessary infor-
SRS_BSW_00302 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_Spi_00999
shall only export information needed
by other modules
SRS_BSW_00306 AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_Spi_00999
shall be compiler and platform inde-
SRS_BSW_00307 Global variables naming convention SWS_Spi_00999

14 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

SRS_BSW_00308 AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_Spi_00999

shall not define global data in their
header files, but in the C file
SRS_BSW_00309 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_Spi_00999
shall indicate all global data with read-
only purposes by explicitly assigning
the const keyword
SRS_BSW_00312 Shared code shall be reentrant SWS_Spi_00999
SRS_BSW_00323 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_Spi_00031, SWS_Spi_00032,
shall check passed API parameters for SWS_Spi_00060
SRS_BSW_00325 The runtime of interrupt service rou- SWS_Spi_00999
tines and functions that are running in
interrupt context shall be kept short
SRS_BSW_00327 Error values naming convention SWS_Spi_00004
SRS_BSW_00328 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_Spi_00999
shall avoid the duplication of code
SRS_BSW_00330 It shall be allowed to use macros in- SWS_Spi_00999
stead of functions where source code
is used and runtime is critical
SRS_BSW_00331 All Basic Software Modules shall strict- SWS_Spi_00999
ly separate error and status infor-
SRS_BSW_00334 All Basic Software Modules shall pro- SWS_Spi_00999
vide an XML file that contains the meta
SRS_BSW_00335 Status values naming convention SWS_Spi_00019, SWS_Spi_00061,
SWS_Spi_00062, SWS_Spi_00373
SRS_BSW_00336 Basic SW module shall be able to SWS_Spi_00021, SWS_Spi_00022
SRS_BSW_00337 Classification of development errors SWS_Spi_00004
SRS_BSW_00341 Module documentation shall contains SWS_Spi_00999
all needed informations
SRS_BSW_00342 It shall be possible to create an AU- SWS_Spi_00999
TOSAR ECU out of modules provided
as source code and modules provided
as object code, even mixed
SRS_BSW_00343 The unit of time for specification and SWS_Spi_00999
configuration of Basic SW modules
shall be preferably in physical time unit
SRS_BSW_00347 A Naming seperation of different in- SWS_Spi_00999
stances of BSW drivers shall be in
SRS_BSW_00359 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_Spi_00048
callback functions shall avoid return
types other than void if possible
SRS_BSW_00360 AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_Spi_00048
callback functions are allowed to have

15 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

SRS_BSW_00369 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_Spi_00048

shall not return specific development
error codes via the API
SRS_BSW_00375 Basic Software Modules shall report SWS_Spi_00999
wake-up reasons
SRS_BSW_00385 List possible error notifications SWS_Spi_00004
SRS_BSW_00399 Parameter-sets shall be located in a SWS_Spi_00999
separate segment and shall be loaded
after the code
SRS_BSW_00400 Parameter shall be selected from mul- SWS_Spi_00999
tiple sets of parameters after code has
been loaded and started
SRS_BSW_00401 Documentation of multiple instances of SWS_Spi_00999
configuration parameters shall be
SRS_BSW_00405 BSW Modules shall support multiple SWS_Spi_00013
configuration sets
SRS_BSW_00406 A static status variable denoting if a SWS_Spi_00015, SWS_Spi_00046,
BSW module is initialized shall be SWS_Spi_00373
initialized with value 0 before any APIs
of the BSW module is called
SRS_BSW_00413 An index-based accessing of the in- SWS_Spi_00999
stances of BSW modules shall be
SRS_BSW_00416 The sequence of modules to be initial- SWS_Spi_00999
ized shall be configurable
SRS_BSW_00417 Software which is not part of the SW-C SWS_Spi_00999
shall report error events only after the
DEM is fully operational.
SRS_BSW_00422 Pre-de-bouncing of error status infor- SWS_Spi_00999
mation is done within the DEM
SRS_BSW_00423 BSW modules with AUTOSAR inter- SWS_Spi_00999
faces shall be describable with the
means of the SW-C Template
SRS_BSW_00424 BSW module main processing func- SWS_Spi_00999
tions shall not be allowed to enter a
wait state
SRS_BSW_00426 BSW Modules shall ensure data con- SWS_Spi_00999
sistency of data which is shared be-
tween BSW modules
SRS_BSW_00427 ISR functions shall be defined and SWS_Spi_00999
documented in the BSW module de-
scription template
SRS_BSW_00428 A BSW module shall state if its main SWS_Spi_00999
processing function(s) has to be exe-
cuted in a specific order or sequence
SRS_BSW_00429 Access to OS is restricted SWS_Spi_00999
SRS_BSW_00432 Modules should have separate main SWS_Spi_00999
processing functions for read/receive
and write/transmit data path

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Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

SRS_BSW_00433 Main processing functions are only SWS_Spi_00999

allowed to be called from task bodies
provided by the BSW Scheduler
SRS_SPAL_00157 All drivers and handlers of the AU- SWS_Spi_00026, SWS_Spi_00038,
TOSAR Basic Software shall imple- SWS_Spi_00042, SWS_Spi_00057,
ment notification mechanisms of driv- SWS_Spi_00071, SWS_Spi_00073,
ers and handlers SWS_Spi_00075, SWS_Spi_00324
SRS_SPAL_12056 All driver modules shall allow the static SWS_Spi_00044, SWS_Spi_00054
configuration of notification mecha-
SRS_SPAL_12057 All driver modules shall implement an SWS_Spi_00013, SWS_Spi_00015
interface for initialization
SRS_SPAL_12063 All driver modules shall only support SWS_Spi_00999
raw value mode
SRS_SPAL_12064 All driver modules shall raise an error if SWS_Spi_00021, SWS_Spi_00025
the change of the operation mode
leads to degradation of running opera-
SRS_SPAL_12067 All driver modules shall set their wake- SWS_Spi_00999
up conditions depending on the se-
lected operation mode
SRS_SPAL_12068 The modules of the MCAL shall be SWS_Spi_00999
initialized in a defined sequence
SRS_SPAL_12069 All drivers of the SPAL that wake up SWS_Spi_00999
from a wake-up interrupt shall report
the wake-up reason
SRS_SPAL_12075 All drivers with random streaming ca- SWS_Spi_00053
pabilities shall use application buffers
SRS_SPAL_12077 All drivers shall provide a non blocking SWS_Spi_00999
SRS_SPAL_12078 The drivers shall be coded in a way SWS_Spi_00999
that is most efficient in terms of
memory and runtime resources
SRS_SPAL_12092 The driver's API shall be accessed by SWS_Spi_00999
its handler or manager
SRS_SPAL_12125 All driver modules shall only initialize SWS_Spi_00013
the configured resources
SRS_SPAL_12129 The ISRs shall be responsible for re- SWS_Spi_00999
setting the interrupt flags and calling
the according notification function
SRS_SPAL_12163 All driver modules shall implement an SWS_Spi_00021, SWS_Spi_00022
interface for de-initialization
SRS_SPAL_12265 Configuration data shall be kept con- SWS_Spi_00999
SRS_SPAL_12267 Wakeup sources shall be initialized by SWS_Spi_00999
MCAL drivers and/or the MCU driver
SRS_Spi_12025 The SPI Handler/Driver shall allow the SWS_Spi_00052, SWS_Spi_00053
static configuration of all software and
hardware properties related to SPI

17 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

SRS_Spi_12032 For an SPI channel assigned to an SPI SWS_Spi_00066

HW Unit the chip select mode "normal"
shall be available
SRS_Spi_12033 For an SPI channel assigned to an SPI SWS_Spi_00066
HW Unit the chip select mode "hold"
shall be available
SRS_Spi_12037 The SPI Handler/Driver shall allow a SWS_Spi_00014, SWS_Spi_00059,
priority controlled allocation of the HW SWS_Spi_00124, SWS_Spi_00127
SPI unit
SRS_Spi_12093 The SPI Handler/Driver shall be able SWS_Spi_00034, SWS_Spi_00041,
to handle multiple busses of communi- SWS_Spi_00135
SRS_Spi_12094 The SPI Handler/Driver shall handle SWS_Spi_00066
the chip select
SRS_Spi_12099 The SPI Handler/Driver shall provide SWS_Spi_00016, SWS_Spi_00020,
an asynchronous read functionality SWS_Spi_00162, SWS_Spi_00163
SRS_Spi_12101 The SPI Handler/Driver shall provide SWS_Spi_00018, SWS_Spi_00020,
an asynchronous write functionality SWS_Spi_00162, SWS_Spi_00163
SRS_Spi_12103 The SPI Handler/Driver shall provide SWS_Spi_00020, SWS_Spi_00053,
an asynchronous read-write functional- SWS_Spi_00058, SWS_Spi_00067,
ity SWS_Spi_00162, SWS_Spi_00163
SRS_Spi_12104 The SPI Handler/Driver shall provide a SWS_Spi_00025, SWS_Spi_00026,
synchronous functionality which re- SWS_Spi_00324
turns any transfer status
SRS_Spi_12108 The SPI Handler/Driver shall call the SWS_Spi_00057, SWS_Spi_00118,
statically configured notification func- SWS_Spi_00119, SWS_Spi_00120
SRS_Spi_12150 The SPI Handler/Driver shall allow the SWS_Spi_00093
static configuration of all software and
hardware properties related to asyn-
chronous SPI aspects
SRS_Spi_12152 The SPI Handler/Driver shall provide a SWS_Spi_00016, SWS_Spi_00134
synchronous read functionality
SRS_Spi_12153 The SPI Handler/Driver shall provide a SWS_Spi_00018, SWS_Spi_00134
synchronous write functionality
SRS_Spi_12154 The SPI Handler/Driver shall provide a SWS_Spi_00134
synchronous write-read functionality
SRS_Spi_12170 The SPI Handler/Driver shall not pro- SWS_Spi_00042, SWS_Spi_00084
vide the ability to prevent a channel
data overwrite
SRS_Spi_12179 The SPI Handler/Driver shall allow SWS_Spi_00003, SWS_Spi_00065
linking consecutive SPI channels by
static configuration
SRS_Spi_12180 The SPI Driver shall access the SPI SWS_Spi_00003, SWS_Spi_00065
bus only for the channel
SRS_Spi_12181 If an SPI access request for a linked SWS_Spi_00055, SWS_Spi_00065
channel is performed, the SPI Han-
dler/Driver shall use this SPI channel
and all the linked channels
SRS_Spi_12198 The SPI Handler/Driver shall provide SWS_Spi_00053, SWS_Spi_00077

18 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

the functionality of transferring one

short data sequence with variable data
SRS_Spi_12199 The SPI Handler/Driver shall provide SWS_Spi_00003, SWS_Spi_00065
the functionality of transferring any
data to any devices in one transfer
SRS_Spi_12200 Reading large data sequences from SWS_Spi_00003, SWS_Spi_00035,
one slave device using dummy send SWS_Spi_00053, SWS_Spi_00065,
data shall be possible SWS_Spi_00077
SRS_Spi_12201 Reading large data sequences from SWS_Spi_00003, SWS_Spi_00035,
multiple slave devices using dummy SWS_Spi_00065, SWS_Spi_00077
send data shall be possible
SRS_Spi_12202 The SPI Handler/Driver shall support SWS_Spi_00053, SWS_Spi_00078
data streams to a HW device with
variable number of data
SRS_Spi_12253 The SPI Handler/Driver shall provide SWS_Spi_00052, SWS_Spi_00078
the functionality of transferring one
short data sequence with constant
data content
SRS_Spi_12256 The SPI Handler/Driver shall support SWS_Spi_00034
all controller peripherals
SRS_Spi_12257 The SPI Handler/Driver shall support SWS_Spi_00034, SWS_Spi_00065,
the communication to daisy chained SWS_Spi_00066
HW devices
SRS_Spi_12258 Data shall be accessible from each SWS_Spi_00003, SWS_Spi_00065
device individually
SRS_Spi_12260 Different priorities of sequences shall SWS_Spi_00002, SWS_Spi_00014,
be supported SWS_Spi_00059, SWS_Spi_00093
SRS_Spi_12261 Reading large data sequences from SWS_Spi_00003, SWS_Spi_00053,
one slave device using variable send SWS_Spi_00065
data shall be possible
SRS_Spi_12262 Reading large data sequences from SWS_Spi_00003, SWS_Spi_00053,
multiple slave devices using variable SWS_Spi_00065, SWS_Spi_00078
send data shall be possible
SRS_Spi_13400 The SPI Handler/Driver shall have a SWS_Spi_00110
scalable functionality to fit the needs of
the ECU
SRS_Spi_13401 The SPI Handler/Driver functionalities SWS_Spi_00109, SWS_Spi_00111,
shall be statically configurable SWS_Spi_00121, SWS_Spi_00122,

19 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

7 Functional specification
The SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) has a 4-wire synchronous serial interface. Data
communication is enabled with a Chip select wire (CS). Data is transmitted with a 3-
wire interface consisting of wires for serial data output (MOSI), serial data input (MI-
SO) and serial clock (CLOCK).

7.1 Overall view of functionalities and features

This specification is based on previous specification experiences and also based on

predominant identified use cases. The intention of this section is to summarize how
the scalability of this monolithic SPI Handler/Driver allows getting a simple software
module that fits simple needs up to a smart software module that fits enhanced
Scalability of functionalities

SPI API standardized


Feature #m
Feature #1


Feature #1

Feature #n


SPI Handler/Driver

µC Simple SPI

Queued SPI


This document specifies the following 3 Levels of Scalable Functionality for the SPI
 LEVEL 0, Simple Synchronous SPI Handler/Driver: the communication is
based on synchronous handling with a FIFO policy to handle multiple access-
es. Buffer usage is configurable to optimize and/or to take advantage of HW

20 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

 LEVEL 1, Basic Asynchronous SPI Handler/Driver: the communication is

based on asynchronous behavior and with a Priority policy to handle multiple
accesses. Buffer usage is configurable as for “Simple Synchronous” level.
 LEVEL 2, Enhanced (Synchronous/Asynchronous) SPI Handler/Driver:
the communication is based on asynchronous behavior or synchronous han-
dling, using either interrupts or polling mechanism selectable during execution
time and with a Priority policy to handle multiple accesses. Buffer usage is
configurable as for other levels.

[SWS_Spi_00109] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver’s level of scalable functionality shall al-

ways be statically configurable, i.e. configured at pre-compile time to allow the best
source code optimisation.⌋(SRS_Spi_13401)

[SWS_Spi_00110] ⌈The SpiLevelDelivered parameter shall be configured with

one of the 3 authorized values according to the described levels (0, 1 or 2) to allow
the selection of the SPI Handler/Driver’s level of scalable functionali-

To improve the scalability, each level has optional features which are configurable
(ON / OFF) or selectable. These are described in detail in the dedicated chapters.

7.2 General behaviour

This chapter, on the one hand, introduces common behavior and configuration for all
levels. On the other, it specifies the behavior of each level and also the allowed op-
tional features.

[SWS_Spi_00041] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver interface configuration shall be based on

Channels, Jobs and Sequences as defined in this document (see chapter

[SWS_Spi_00034] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver shall support one or more Channels,

Jobs and Sequences to drive all kind of SPI compatible HW devic-
es.⌋(SRS_Spi_12093, SRS_Spi_12256, SRS_Spi_12257)

[SWS_Spi_00255] ⌈Data transmissions shall be done according to Channels, Jobs

and Sequences configuration parameters.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00066] ⌈The Chip Select (CS) is attached to the Job defini-

tion.⌋(SRS_Spi_12094, SRS_Spi_12257, SRS_Spi_12032, SRS_Spi_12033)

21 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00263] ⌈Chip Select shall be handled during Job transmission and shall
be released at the end of it. This Chip Select handling shall be done according to the
Job configuration parameters.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00370] ⌈It shall be possible to define if the Chip Select handling is man-
aged autonomously by the HW peripheral, without explicit chip select control by the
driver, or the SPI driver shall drive the chip select lines explicitly as DIO (see

Example of CS handling: Set the CS active at the beginning of Job transmission;

maintain it until the end of transmission of all Channels belonging to this Job after-
wards set the CS inactive.

A Channel is defined one time but it could belong to several Jobs according to the
user needs and this software specification.

[SWS_Spi_00065] ⌈A Job shall contain at least one Channel.⌋(SRS_Spi_12257,

SRS_Spi_12179, SRS_Spi_12258, SRS_Spi_12180, SRS_Spi_12181,
SRS_Spi_12199, SRS_Spi_12200, SRS_Spi_12261, SRS_Spi_12201,

[SWS_Spi_00368] ⌈Each Channel shall have an associated index which is used for
specifying the order of the Channel within the Job.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00262] ⌈If a Job contains more than one Channel, all Channels con-
tained have the same Job properties during transmission and shall be linked together

A Job is defined one time but it could belong to several Sequences according to the
user needs and this software specification.

[SWS_Spi_00003] ⌈A Sequence shall contain at least one Job.⌋(SRS_Spi_12179,

SRS_Spi_12258, SRS_Spi_12180, SRS_Spi_12199, SRS_Spi_12200,
SRS_Spi_12261, SRS_Spi_12201, SRS_Spi_12262)

[SWS_Spi_00236] ⌈If it contains more than one, all Jobs contained have the same
Sequence properties during transmission and shall be linked together statically.⌋()

A Channel used for a transmission should have its parameters configured but it is
allowed to pass Null pointers as source and destination pointers to generate a dum-
my transmission (See also [SWS_Spi_00028] & [SWS_Spi_00030]).

22 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Sequence a

Job n Job m
Channel x Channel y Channel z





scheduling according
to job priority is done
data of Channel x is
initiated via API call

after the tranceiving

bus is arbitrated by

bus is arbitrated by
Channel of job n is
tranceived without
finished, the next

releasing the bus

bus is released

bus is released
transmission of
Sequence a is

job m
job n

Channel data may differ from the hardware handled and user (client application) giv-
en. On the client side the data is handled in 8, 16 or 32bits mode base on SpiDa-
taWidth (see chapter 8.2.5). On the microcontroller side, the hardware may handle
between 1 and 32bits or may handle a fixed value (8 or 16bits) and this width is con-
figurable for each Channel (see SpiDataWidth)..

[SWS_Spi_00149] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver shall take care of the differences be-
tween the frame width of channel (SpiDataWidth) and data access data type (given
by SWS_Spi_00437).⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00289] ⌈If data width (SpiDataWidth) are exactly same (8 or 16 or 32

bits), the SPI Handler/Driver can send and receive data without any bit changes

[SWS_Spi_00290] ⌈If data access casting type is superior to data width (for exam-
ple SpiDataWidth = 12bits, data access is 16 bits), the data transmitted through the
SPI Handler/Driver shall send the lower part, ignore the upper part. Receive the low-
er part, extend with zero.⌋()

This ensures that the user always gets the same interface.

23 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00437] ⌈Data buffers are accessed as uint8, uint16 or uint32 according

to SpiDataWidth
independently to Spi_DataBufferType.

The data access will use following casting:

uint8 for SpiDataWidth < 9
uint16 for 9 =< SpiDataWidth < 17
uint32 for 17 =< SpiDataWidth⌋()

7.2.1 Common configurable feature: Allowed Channel Buffers

In order to allow taking advantages of all microcontroller capabilities but also to allow
sending/receiving of data to/from a dedicated memory location, all levels have an
optional feature with respect to the location of Channel Buffers.

Hence, two main kinds of channel buffering can be used by configuration:

 Internally buffered Channels (IB): The buffer to transmit/receive data is provid-
ed by the Handler/Driver.
 Externally buffered Channels (EB): The buffer to transmit/receive is provided
by the user (statically and/or dynamically).

Both channel buffering methods may be used depending on the 3 use cases de-
scribed below:
 Usage 0: the SPI Handler/Driver manages only Internal Buffers.
 Usage 1: the SPI Handler/Driver manages only External Buffers.
 Usage 2: the SPI Handler/Driver manages both buffers types.

[SWS_Spi_00111] ⌈The SpiChannelBuffersAllowed parameter shall be configured

with one of the 3 authorized values (0, 1 or 2) according to the described us-

[SWS_Spi_00279] ⌈The SpiChannelBuffersAllowed parameter shall be configured

to select which Channel Buffers the SPI Handler/Driver manages.⌋() Behaviour of IB channels

The intention of Internal Buffer channels is to take advantage of microcontrollers in-

cluding this feature by hardware. Otherwise, this feature should be simulated by

[SWS_Spi_00052] ⌈For the IB Channels, the Handler/Driver shall provide the buffer-
ing but it is not able to take care of the consistency of the data in the buffer during

24 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

transmission. The size of the Channel buffer is fixed.⌋(SRS_Spi_12025,


[SWS_Spi_00049] ⌈The channel data received shall be stored in 1 entry deep inter-
nal buffers by channel. The SPI Handler/Driver shall not take care of the overwriting
of these “receive” buffers by another transmission on the same channel.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00051] ⌈The channel data to be transmitted shall be copied in 1 entry

deep internal buffers by channel.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00257] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver is not able to prevent the overwriting of

these “transmit” buffers by users during transmissions.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00438] ⌈The Handler/Driver shall provide separate buffer for receive and
transmit to ensure that transmitted data are not overwritten by the receive data.⌋() Behaviour of EB channels

The intention of External Buffer channels is to reuse existing buffers that are located
outside. That means the SPI Handler/Driver does not monitor them.

[SWS_Spi_00053] ⌈For EB Channels the application shall provide the buffering and
shall take care of the consistency of the data in the buffer during transmis-
sion.⌋(SRS_SPAL_12075, SRS_Spi_12025, SRS_Spi_12198, SRS_Spi_12200,
SRS_Spi_12261, SRS_Spi_12262, SRS_Spi_12202, SRS_Spi_12103)

[SWS_Spi_00112] ⌈The size of the Channel buffer is either fixed or variable. A max-
imum size for the Channel buffer shall be defined by the configuration.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00280] ⌈The buffer provided by the application for the SPI Handler Driv-
er may have a different size.⌋() Buffering channel usage

The following table provides information about the Channel characteristics:

IB Channels
It provides…  A more abstracted concept (buffering mechanisms are hidden)
 Actual and future optimal implementation taken profit of HW buffer facili-
ties (Given size of 256 bytes covers nowadays requirements).
Suggested  Daisy-chain implementation.

25 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

use …  Small data transfer devices (up to 10 Bytes).

EB Channels
It provides…  Efficient mechanism to support large stream communication.
 Send constant data out of ROM tables and spare RAM size.
 Send various data tables each for a different device (highly complex
ASICS with several integrated peripheral devices, also mixed signal
types, could exceed IB HW buffer size)
Suggested use  Large streams communication.
…  EEPROM communication.
 Control of complex HW Chips .

For each channel, the user configures the number of IB buffers (at least 1) if IB is
selected for the current channel, or the maximum of data for EB buffers if EB is se-
lected for the current channel.

7.2.2 LEVEL 0, Simple Synchronous behaviour

The intention of this functionality level is to provide a Handler/Driver with a reduced

set of services to handle only simple synchronous transmissions. This is often the
case for ECU including simple SPI networks but also for ECU using high speed ex-
ternal devices.

A simple synchronous transmission means that the function calling the transmission
service is blocked during the ongoing transmission until the transmission is finished.

[SWS_Spi_00160] ⌈The LEVEL 0 SPI Handler/Driver shall offer a synchronous

transfer service for SPI busses.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00161] ⌈ For an SPI Handler/Driver operating in LEVEL 0, when there is

no on going Sequence transmission, the SPI Handler/Driver shall be in the idle state

[SWS_Spi_00294] ⌈This monolithic SPI Handler/Driver is able to handle one to n

SPI buses according to the microcontroller used.⌋()

Then SPI buses are assigned to Jobs and not to Sequences. Consequently, Jobs, on
different SPI buses, could belong to the same Sequence. Therefore:

[SWS_Spi_00114] ⌈The LEVEL 0 SPI Handler/Driver shall accept concurrent

Spi_SyncTransmit(), if the sequences to be transmitted use different bus and param-
eter SPI_SUPPORT_CONCURRENT_SYNC_TRANSMIT is enabled. This feature shall
be disabled per default. That means during a Sequence on-going transmission, all
requests to transmit another Sequence shall be rejected.⌋()

26 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00115] ⌈The LEVEL 0 SPI Handler/Driver behaviour shall include the

common feature: Allowed Channel Buffers, which is selected.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00084] ⌈If different Jobs (and consequently also Sequences) have com-
mon Channels, the SPI Handler/Driver’ environment shall ensure that read and/or
write functions are not called during transmission.⌋(SRS_Spi_12170)

[SWS_Spi_00384]⌈ When a hardware error is detected, the SPI Handler/Driver shall

stop the current sequence, report an error to the DEM as configured and set the state
of the Job to SPI_JOB_FAILED and the state of the Sequence to

Read and write functions can not guarantee the data integrity while Channel data is
being transmitted.

7.2.3 LEVEL 1, Basic Asynchronous behavior

The intention of this functionality level is to provide a Handler/Driver with a reduced

set of services to handle asynchronous transmissions only. This is often the case for
ECU with functions related to SPI networks having different priorities but also for
ECU using low speed external devices.

An asynchronous transmission means that the user calling the transmission service
is not blocked when the transmission is on-going. Furthermore, the user can be noti-
fied at the end of transmission1.
[SWS_Spi_00162] ⌈The LEVEL 1 SPI Handler/Driver shall offer an asynchronous
transfer service for SPI buses. An asynchronous transmission means that the user
calling the transmission service is not blocked when the transmission is on go-
ing.⌋(SRS_Spi_12099, SRS_Spi_12101, SRS_Spi_12103)

[SWS_Spi_00295] ⌈The LEVEL 1 SPI Handler/Driver shall offer an asynchronous

transfer service for SPI buses. Furthermore, the user can be notified at the end of

[SWS_Spi_00163] ⌈For an SPI Handler/Driver operating in LEVEL 1, when there is

no on-going Sequence transmission, the SPI Handler/Driver shall be in the idle state
(SPI_IDLE).⌋(SRS_Spi_12099, SRS_Spi_12101, SRS_Spi_12103)

This basic asynchronous behaviour might be implemented either by using interrupt or by polling
mechanism. This software design choice is not in the scope of this document, but only solution is re-
quired for the LEVEL 1.
27 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver
Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

This Handler/Driver will be used by several software modules which may be inde-
pendent from each other and also may belong to different layers. Therefore, priorities
will be assigned to Jobs in order to figure out specific cases of multiple accesses.
These cases usually occur within real time systems based on asynchronous mecha-

[SWS_Spi_00002] ⌈Jobs have priorities assigned. Jobs linked in a Sequence shall

have same or de-creasing priorities. That means the first Job shall have the equal
priority or the highest priority of all Jobs within the Sequence.⌋(SRS_Spi_12260)

[SWS_Spi_00093] ⌈Priority order of jobs shall be from the lower to the higher value
defined, higher value higher priority (from 0, the lower to 3, the higher, limited to 4
priority levels see [SWS_Spi_00009]).⌋(SRS_Spi_12260, SRS_Spi_12150)

With reference to Jobs priorities, this Handler/Driver needs rules to make a decision
in these specific cases of multiple accesses.

[SWS_Spi_00059] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver scheduling method shall schedule Jobs

in order to send the highest priority Job first.⌋(SRS_Spi_12260, SRS_Spi_12037)

This monolithic SPI Handler/Driver is able to handle one to n SPI busses according
to the microcontroller used. But SPI busses are assigned to Jobs and not to Se-
quences. Consequently, Jobs on different SPI buses could belong to the same Se-
quence. Therefore:

[SWS_Spi_00116] ⌈The LEVEL 1 SPI Handler/Driver may allow transmitting more

than one Sequence at the same time. That means during a Sequence transmission,
all requests to transmit another Sequence shall be evaluated in order to accept to
start a new sequence or to reject it accordingly to the lead Job.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00117] ⌈The LEVEL 1 SPI Handler/Driver behaviour shall include the

common feature: Allowed Channel Buffers, which is selected, and the configured
asynchronous feature: Interruptible Sequence (see next chapter).⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00267] ⌈When a hardware error is detected, the SPI Handler/Driver shall

stop the current Sequence, report an error to the DEM as configured and set the
state of the Job to SPI_JOB_FAILED and the state of the Sequence to

[SWS_Spi_00118] ⌈If Jobs are configured with a specific end notification function,
the SPI Handler/Driver shall call this notification function at the end of the Job trans-

28 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00281] ⌈If Sequences are configured with a specific end notification

function, the SPI Handler/Driver shall call this notification function at the end of the
Sequence transmission.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00119] ⌈When a valid notification function pointer is configured (see

[SWS_Spi_00071]), the SPI Handler/Driver shall call this notification function at the
end of a Job transmission regardless of the result of the Job transmission being ei-
ther SPI_JOB_FAILED or SPI_JOB_OK (rational: avoid deadlocks or endless

[SWS_Spi_00120] ⌈When a valid notification function pointer is configured (see

[SWS_Spi_00073]), the SPI Handler/Driver shall call this notification function at the
end of a Sequence transmission regardless of the result of the Sequence transmis-
sion being either SPI_SEQ_FAILED, SPI_SEQ_OK or SPI_SEQ_CANCELLED (ra-
tional: avoid deadlocks or endless loops).⌋(SRS_Spi_12108)

7.2.4 Asynchronous configurable feature: Interruptible Sequences

In order to allow taking advantages of asynchronous transmission mechanism, level

1 and level 2 of this SPI Handler/Driver have an optional feature with respect to sus-
pending the transmission of Sequences.

Hence two main kinds of sequences can be used by configuration:

 Non-Interruptible Sequences, every Sequence transmission started is not
suspended by the Handler/Driver until the end of transmission.
 Mixed Sequences, according to its configuration, a Sequence transmission
started may be suspended by the Handler/Driver between two of their consec-
utives Jobs.

[SWS_Spi_00121] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver’s environment shall configure the Spi-

InterruptibleSeqAllowed parameter (ON / OFF) in order to select which kind of
Sequences the SPI Handler/Driver manages.⌋(SRS_Spi_13401) Behavior of Non-Interruptible Sequences

The intention of the Non-Interruptible Sequences feature is to provide a simple soft-

ware module based on a basic asynchronous mechanism, if only non blocking
transmissions should be used.

29 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00122] ⌈Interruptible Sequences are not allowed within levels 1 and 2 of

the SPI/Handler/Driver when the SpiInterruptibleSeqAllowed parameter is
switched off (i.e. configured with value “OFF”). ⌋(SRS_Spi_13401)

[SWS_Spi_00123] ⌈When the SPI Handler/Driver is configured not allowing inter-

ruptible Sequences, all Sequences declared are considered as Non-Interruptible Se-

[SWS_Spi_00282] ⌈When the SPI Handler/Driver is configured not allowing inter-

ruptible Sequences their dedicated parameter SpiInterruptibleSequence can be omit-
ted or the FALSE value should be used as default.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00124] ⌈According to [SWS_Spi_00116] and [SWS_Spi_00122] require-

ments, the SPI Handler/Driver is not allowed to suspend a Sequence transmission
already started in favour of another Sequence.⌋(SRS_Spi_12037) Behavior of Mixed Sequences

The intention of the Mixed Sequences feature is to provide a software module with
specific asynchronous mechanisms, if, for instance, very long Sequences that could
or should be suspended by others with higher priority are used.

[SWS_Spi_00125] ⌈Interruptible Sequences are allowed within levels 1 and 2 of SPI

Handler/Driver when the SpiInterruptibleSeqAllowed parameter is switched
on (i.e. configured with value “ON”).⌋(SRS_Spi_13401)

[SWS_Spi_00126] ⌈When the SPI Handler/Driver is configured allowing interruptible

Sequences, all Sequences declared shall have their dedicated parameter Spi-
InterruptibleSequence (see SWS_Spi_00064 & SPI106) to identify whether the
Sequence can be suspended during transmission.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00014] ⌈In case of a Sequence configured as Interruptible Sequence and

according to [SWS_Spi_00125] requirement, the SPI Handler/Driver is allowed to
suspend an already started Sequence transmission in favour of another Sequence
with a higher priority Job (see SWS_Spi_00002 & SWS_Spi_00093). That means, at
the end of a Job transmission (that belongs to the interruptible sequence) with anoth-
er Sequence transmit request pending, the SPI Handler/Driver shall perform a re-

The intention of this requirement is not to enforce any implementation solution in comparison with
another one. But, it is only to ensure that anyhow, all Sequences will be considered as Non Interrupti-
ble Sequences.
30 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver
Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

scheduling in order to elect the next Job to transmit.⌋(SRS_Spi_12260,


[SWS_Spi_00127] ⌈In case of a Sequence configured as Non-Interruptible Se-

quence and according to requirement [SWS_Spi_00125], the SPI Handler/Driver is
not allowed to suspend this already started Sequence transmission in favour of an-
other Sequence.⌋(SRS_Spi_12037)

[SWS_Spi_00080] ⌈When using Interruptible Sequences, the caller must be aware

that if the multiple Sequences access the same Channels, the data for these Chan-
nels may be overwritten by the highest priority Job accessing each Channel.⌋()

7.2.5 LEVEL 2, Enhanced behaviour

The intention of this functionality level is to provide a Handler/Driver with a complete

set of services to handle synchronous and asynchronous transmissions. This could
be the case for ECU with a lot of functions related to SPI networks having different
priorities but also for ECU using external devices with different speeds.

Handling asynchronous and synchronous transmissions means that the microcontrol-

ler for which this software module is dedicated has to provide more than one SPI bus
(see [SWS_Spi_00108]). In fact, the goal is to support SPI buses using a so-called
synchronous driver and to support other SPI buses using a so-called asynchronous

[SWS_Spi_00128] ⌈The LEVEL 2 SPI Handler/Driver shall offer a synchronous

transfer service for all SPI HW units configured as synchronous and it shall also offer
an asynchronous transfer service for all other SPI buses.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00283] ⌈In LEVEL 2 if there is no on going Sequence transmission, the

SPI Handler/Driver shall be in idle state (SPI_IDLE).⌋()

Usually, depending on software design, asynchronous end transmission may be de-

tected by polling or interrupt mechanisms. This level of functionality proposes both
mechanisms that are selectable during execution time.

[SWS_Spi_00155] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver LEVEL 2 shall implement one polling

mechanism mode and one interrupt mechanism mode for SPI busses handled asyn-

[SWS_Spi_00156] ⌈Both the polling mechanism and interrupt mechanism modes for
SPI busses shall be selectable during execution time (see [SWS_Spi_00188]).⌋()

31 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

The requirements for LEVEL 0 apply to synchronous behaviour.

The requirements for LEVEL 1 apply to asynchronous behaviour.

7.3 Scheduling Advices

For asynchronous levels, LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2, the SPI Handler/Driver can call end
notification functions at the end of a Job and/or Sequence transmission (see
[SWS_Spi_00118]). In a second time, in case of interruptible Sequences (that could
be suspended), if another Sequence transmit request is pending, a rescheduling is
also done by the SPI Handler/Driver in order to elect the next Job to transmit (see

[SWS_Spi_00088] ⌈For asynchronous levels, LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2, the SPI Han-
dler/Driver can call end notification functions at the end of a Job.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00268] ⌈For asynchronous levels, LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2, the SPI Han-
dler/Driver can call end notification functions at the end of a Sequence transmis-

[SWS_Spi_00269] ⌈For asynchronous levels, LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2 in case of in-

terruptible Sequences, if another Sequence transmit request is pending, a reschedul-
ing is also done by the SPI Handler/Driver in order to elect the next Job to trans-

[SWS_Spi_00270] ⌈In case call end notification function and rescheduling are fully
done by software, the order between these shall be first scheduling and then the call
of end notification function executed.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00271] ⌈In case call end notification function and rescheduling are fully
done by hardware, the order could not be configured as required; the order shall be
completely documented.⌋()

7.4 Error classification

The section 7.2 "Error Handling" of the document "General Specification of Basic
Software Modules" describes the error handling of the Basic Software in detail.
Above all, it constitutes a classification scheme consisting of five error types which
may occur in BSW modules.
Based on this foundation, the following section specifies particular errors arranged in
the respective subsections below.

32 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

7.4.1 Development Errors

Type of error Related error code

API service called with wrong parameter 0x0A

API service called with wrong parameter SPI_E_PARAM_JOB 0x0B

API service called with wrong parameter SPI_E_PARAM_SEQ 0x0C

API service called with wrong parameter SPI_E_PARAM_LENGTH 0x0D

API service called with wrong parameter SPI_E_PARAM_UNIT 0x0E

APIs called with a Null Pointer SPI_E_PARAM_POINTER 0x10

API service used without module initialization SPI_E_UNINIT 0x1A

API SPI_Init service called while the SPI driver has already SPI_E_ALREADY_
been initialized INITIALIZED


7.4.2 Runtime Errors

Type of error Related error code Error value

Services called in a wrong sequence SPI_E_SEQ_PENDING 0x2A

Synchronous transmission service called at wrong time SPI_E_SEQ_IN_PROCESS 0x3A


7.4.3 Transient faults

There are no transient faults.

7.4.4 Production Errors

There are no production errors.

7.4.5 Extended Production Errors

Short Description: An hardware error occurred during asynchronous or synchronous SPI

33 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Long Description: This Extended Production Error shall be issued when any error bit inside
the SPI hardware transmit status register is raised
Fail The SPI transmit status register information shall be re-
ported to DEM as Dem_SetEventStatus
DEM_EVENT_STATUS_FAILED) when any error bit in-
side the SPI transmit status register is set.
Detection Criteria:
Pass The SPI transmit status register information shall be re-
ported to DEM as Dem_SetEventStatus
DEM_EVENT_STATUS_PASSED) when no error bit in-
side the SPI transmit status register is set.
Secondary Parameters: N/A
Time Required: N/A
Monitor Frequency continuous

[SWS_Spi_00385]⌈ When any error bit inside the SPI transmit status register is set,
the SPI transmit status register information shall be reported to DEM as

[SWS_Spi_00386]⌈ When no error bit inside the SPI transmit status register is set,
the SPI transmit status register information shall be reported to DEM as

34 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

8 API specification

8.1 Imported types

In this chapter all types included from the following modules are listed:

Module Header File Imported Type

Rte_Dem_Type.h Dem_EventIdType
Rte_Dem_Type.h Dem_EventStatusType

Std_Types.h Std_ReturnType
Std_Types.h Std_VersionInfoType

8.2 Type definitions

8.2.1 Spi_ConfigType
Name Spi_ConfigType

Kind Structure

Implementation Specific

Elements Type --

Comment The contents of the initialization data structure are SPI specific.

This type of the external data structure shall contain the initialization data for the SPI


[SWS_Spi_00344] ⌈The description of the type Spi_ConfigType is implementation
specific and it shall be provided for external use.⌋()

8.2.2 Spi_StatusType
Name Spi_StatusType

Kind Enumeration

35 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

SPI_UNINIT 0x00 The SPI Handler/Driver is not initialized or not usable.

Range SPI_IDLE 0x01 The SPI Handler/Driver is not currently transmitting any Job.

SPI_BUSY 0x02 The SPI Handler/Driver is performing a SPI Job (transmit).

Description This type defines a range of specific status for SPI Handler/Driver.

Available via Spi.h

⌋(SRS_BSW_00406, SRS_BSW_00335)
[SWS_Spi_00061] ⌈The type Spi_StatusType defines a range of specific status for
SPI Handler/Driver. It informs about the SPI Handler/Driver status or specified SPI
Hardware microcontroller peripheral.⌋(SRS_BSW_00335)

[SWS_Spi_00259] ⌈The type Spi_StatusType can be obtained calling the API ser-
vice Spi_GetStatus.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00260] ⌈The type Spi_StatusType can be obtained calling the API ser-
vice Spi_GetHWUnitStatus.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00011] ⌈After reset, the type Spi_StatusType shall have the default
value SPI_UNINIT.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00345] ⌈ API service Spi_GetStatus shall return SPI_UNINIT when the

SPI Handler/Driver is not initialized or not usable.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00346] ⌈API service Spi_GetStatus shall return SPI_IDLE when The SPI
Handler/Driver is not currently transmitting any Job.⌋()
[SWS_Spi_00347] ⌈API service Spi_GetStatus shall return SPI_BUSY when The
SPI Handler/Driver is performing a SPI Job transmit.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00348] ⌈Spi_GetHWUnitStatus function shall return SPI_IDLE when The

SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral is not currently transmitting any Job,⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00349] ⌈Spi_GetHWUnitStatus function shall return SPI_BUSYwhen

The SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral is performing a SPI Job transmit.⌋()

8.2.3 Spi_JobResultType
Name Spi_JobResultType

36 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Kind Enumeration

The last transmission of the Job has been finished


SPI_JOB_ The SPI Handler/Driver is performing a SPI Job. The

PENDING meaning of this status is equal to SPI_BUSY.
0x02 The last transmission of the Job has failed.

SPI_JOB_ An asynchronous transmit Job has been accepted, while

QUEUED actual transmission for this Job has not started yet.

Description This type defines a range of specific Jobs status for SPI Handler/Driver.


[SWS_Spi_00062] ⌈The type Spi_JobResultType defines a range of specific Jobs
status for SPI Handler/Driver.⌋(SRS_BSW_00335)

[SWS_Spi_00261] ⌈The type Spi_JobResultType it informs about a SPI Han-

dler/Driver Job status and can be obtained calling the API service Spi_GetJobResult
with the Job ID.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00012] ⌈After reset, the type Spi_JobResultType shall have the de-
fault value SPI_JOB_OK.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00350] ⌈The function Spi_GetJobResult shall return SPI_JOB_OK when

the last transmission of the Job has been finished successfully.⌋()

8.2.4 Spi_SeqResultType
Name Spi_SeqResultType

Kind Enumeration

The last transmission of the Sequence has been finished


SPI_SEQ_ The SPI Handler/Driver is performing a SPI Sequence.

PENDING The meaning of this status is equal to SPI_BUSY.
0x02 The last transmission of the Sequence has failed.

SPI_SEQ_ 0x03 The last transmission of the Sequence has been canceled

37 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

CANCELED by user.

Description This type defines a range of specific Sequences status for SPI Handler/Driver.


[SWS_Spi_00351] ⌈The type Spi_SeqResultType defines a range of specific Se-
quences status for SPI Handler/Driver and can be obtained calling the API service
Spi_GetSequenceResult, it shall be provided for external use.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00019] ⌈The type Spi_SeqResultType defines the range of specific Se-

quences status for SPI Handler/Driver.⌋(SRS_BSW_00335)

[SWS_Spi_00251] ⌈The type Spi_SeqResultType defines about SPI Handler/Driver

Sequence status and can be obtained calling the API service
Spi_GetSequenceResult with the Sequence ID.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00017] ⌈After reset, the type Spi_SeqResultType shall have the de-
fault value SPI_SEQ_OK.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00352] ⌈Spi_GetSequenceResult function shall return SPI_SEQ_OK

when the last transmission of the Sequence has been finished successfully.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00353] ⌈Spi_GetSequenceResult function shall return

SPI_SEQ_PENDING when the SPI Handler/Driver is performing a SPI Sequence.
The meaning of this status is equal to SPI_BUSY.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00354] ⌈Spi_GetSequenceResult function shall return

SPI_SEQ_FAILED when the last transmission of the Sequence has failed.⌋()

8.2.5 Spi_DataBufferType
Name Spi_DataBufferType

Kind Type

Derived from uint8

Description Type of application data buffer elements.

38 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Available via Spi.h

[SWS_Spi_00355] ⌈Spi_DataBufferType defines the type of application data buffer
elements. Type is uint8. Access to the data is selected dynamically as is described in
SWS_SPI_00437. The data buffer has to be aligned to 32 bits. It shall be provided for
external use.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00164] ⌈The type Spi_DataBufferType refers to application data

buffer elements.⌋()

8.2.6 Spi_NumberOfDataType
Name Spi_NumberOfDataType

Kind Type


Type for defining the number of data elements of the type Spi_DataBufferType to
send and / or receive by Channel


[SWS_Spi_00165] ⌈The type Spi_NumberOfDataType is used for defining the
number of data elements of the type specified in [SWS_SPI_00437] to send and / or
receive by Channel.⌋()

8.2.7 Spi_ChannelType
Name Spi_ChannelType

Kind Type

Derived from uint8

Description Specifies the identification (ID) for a Channel.

Available via Spi.h


39 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00356] ⌈The type Spi_ChannelType specifies the identification (ID) for a


[SWS_Spi_00166] ⌈The type Spi_ChannelType is used for specifying the identifi-

cation (ID) for a Channel.⌋()

8.2.8 Spi_JobType
Name Spi_JobType

Kind Type

Derived from uint16

Description Specifies the identification (ID) for a Job.

Available via Spi.h

[SWS_Spi_00357] ⌈The type Spi_JobType specifies the identification (ID) for a

[SWS_Spi_00167] ⌈The type Spi_JobType is used for specifying the identification

(ID) for a Job.⌋()

8.2.9 Spi_SequenceType
Name Spi_SequenceType

Kind Type

Derived from uint8

Description Specifies the identification (ID) for a sequence of jobs.

Available via Spi.h

[SWS_Spi_00358] ⌈The type Spi_SequenceType specifies the identification (ID) for
a sequence of jobs.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00168] ⌈The type Spi_SequenceType is used for specifying the identi-

fication (ID) for a sequence of jobs.⌋()

40 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

8.2.10 Spi_HWUnitType
Name Spi_HWUnitType

Kind Type

Derived from uint8

Description Specifies the identification (ID) for a SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral (unit).

Available via Spi.h

[SWS_Spi_00359] ⌈The type Spi_HWUnitType specifies the identification (ID) for a
SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral (unit).⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00169] ⌈The type Spi_HWUnitType is used for specifying the identifica-

tion (ID) for a SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral (unit).⌋()

8.2.11 Spi_AsyncModeType
Name Spi_AsyncModeType

Kind Enumeration

The asynchronous mechanism is ensured by polling, so

0x00 interrupts related to SPI busses handled asynchronously
are disabled.
SPI_ The asynchronous mechanism is ensured by interrupt, so
INTERRUPT_ 0x01 interrupts related to SPI busses handled asynchronously
MODE are enabled.

Specifies the asynchronous mechanism mode for SPI busses handled

asynchronously in LEVEL 2.


[SWS_Spi_00360] ⌈The type Spi_AsyncModeType specifies the asynchronous
mechanism mode for SPI buses handled asynchronously in LEVEL 2 and obtained
by the API Spi_SetAsyncMode.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00170] ⌈The type Spi_AsyncModeType is used for specifying the asyn-

chronous mechanism mode for SPI busses handled asynchronously in LEVEL 2.⌋()
41 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver
Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00150] ⌈The type Spi_AsyncModeType is made available or not de-

pending on the pre-compile time parameter: SpiLevelDelivered. This is only rel-
evant for LEVEL 2.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00361] ⌈If API Spi_SetAsyncMode function is called by the parameter

value SPI_POLLING_MODE then asynchronous mechanism is ensured by polling.
So interrupts related to SPI buses handled asynchronously are disabled.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00362] ⌈If API Spi_SetAsyncMode function is called by the parameter

value SPI_INTERRUPT_MODE asynchronous mechanism is ensured by interrupt,
so interrupts related to SPI buses handled asynchronously are enabled.⌋()

8.3 Function definitions

8.3.1 Spi_Init

Service Name Spi_Init

void Spi_Init (
Syntax const Spi_ConfigType* ConfigPtr

Service ID [hex] 0x00

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Non Reentrant

Parameters (in) ConfigPtr Pointer to configuration set

Parameters (inout) None

Parameters (out) None

Return value None

Description Service for SPI initialization.

Available via Spi.h


[SWS_Spi_00298] ⌈The operation Spi_Init is Non Re-entrant.⌋()

42 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00299] ⌈The function Spi_Init provides the service for SPI initializa-

[SWS_Spi_00013] ⌈The function Spi_Init shall initialize all SPI relevant registers
with the values of the structure referenced by the parameter Config-
Ptr.⌋(SRS_BSW_00405, SRS_BSW_00101, SRS_SPAL_12057,

[SWS_Spi_00015] ⌈After the module initialization using the function Spi_Init, the
SPI Handler/Driver shall set its state to SPI_IDLE, the Sequences result to
SPI_SEQ_OK and the jobs result to SPI_JOB_OK.⌋(SRS_BSW_00406,
SRS_BSW_00101, SRS_SPAL_12057)

[SWS_Spi_00151] ⌈For LEVEL 2 (see chapter 7.2.5 and SPI103), the function
Spi_Init shall set the SPI Handler/Driver asynchronous mechanism mode to
SPI_POLLING_MODE by default. Interrupts related to SPI busses shall be disa-

A re-initialization of a SPI Handler/Driver by executing the Spi_Init() function requires

a de-initialization before by executing a Spi_DeInit().

Parameters of the function Spi_Init shall be checked as it is explained in section

API parameter checking

8.3.2 Spi_DeInit

Service Name Spi_DeInit

Std_ReturnType Spi_DeInit (
Syntax void

Service ID [hex] 0x01

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Non Reentrant

Parameters (in) None


Parameters (out) None

Return value Std_Return- E_OK: de-initialisation command has been accepted

43 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Type E_NOT_OK: de-initialisation command has not been


Description Service for SPI de-initialization.

Available via Spi.h


[SWS_Spi_00300] ⌈The operation Std_ReturnType Spi_DeInit( ) is Non Re-


[SWS_Spi_00301] ⌈When the API Spi_DeInit has been accepted the return value of
this function shall be E_OK.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00302] ⌈When the API Spi_DeInit has not been accepted the return val-
ue of this function shall be E_NOT_OK.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00303] ⌈The function Spi_DeInit provides the service for SPI de-

[SWS_Spi_00021] ⌈The function Spi_DeInit shall de-initialize SPI Han-

dler/Driver.⌋(SRS_BSW_00336, SRS_SPAL_12163, SRS_SPAL_12064)

[SWS_Spi_00252] ⌈In case of the SPI Handler/Driver state is not SPI_BUSY, the
deInitialization function shall put all already initialized microcontroller SPI peripherals
into the same state such as Power On Reset.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00253] ⌈The function call Spi_DeInit shall be rejected if the status of SPI
Handler/Driver is SPI_BUSY.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00022] ⌈After the module de-initialization using the function

Spi_DeInit, the SPI Handler/Driver shall set its state to

The SPI Handler/Driver shall have been initialized before the function Spi_DeInit
is called, otherwise see [SWS_Spi_00046].

8.3.3 Spi_WriteIB

44 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver
Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Service Name Spi_WriteIB

Std_ReturnType Spi_WriteIB (
Spi_ChannelType Channel,
Syntax const Spi_DataBufferType* DataBufferPtr

Service ID

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Channel Channel ID.

Pointer to source data buffer. If this pointer is null, it is assumed that
(in) DataBuffer
the data to be transmitted is not relevant and the default transmit
value of this channel will be used instead.



E_OK: write command has been accepted
Return value Return-
E_NOT_OK: write command has not been accepted

Service for writing one or more data to an IB SPI Handler/Driver Channel specified
by parameter.

Available via Spi.h


[SWS_Spi_00304] ⌈The operation Spi_WriteIB is Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00305] ⌈When the API Spi_WriteIB command has been accepted the
function returns the value E_OK.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00306] ⌈When the API Spi_WriteIB command has not been accepted
the function returns the value E_NOT_OK.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00307] ⌈The function Spi_WriteIB provides the service for writing one or
more data to an IB SPI Handler/Driver Channel by the respective parameter.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00018] ⌈The function Spi_WriteIB shall write one or more data to an

IB SPI Handler/Driver Channel specified by the respective parame-
ter.⌋(SRS_Spi_12101, SRS_Spi_12153)
45 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver
Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00024] ⌈The function Spi_WriteIB shall take over the given parame-
ters, and save the pointed data to the internal buffer defined with the function

[SWS_Spi_00023] ⌈If the given parameter “DataBufferPtr” is null, the function

Spi_WriteIB shall assume that the data to be transmitted is not relevant and the
default transmit value of the given channel shall be used instead.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00137] ⌈The function Spi_WriteIB shall be pre-compile time configu-

rable by the parameter SpiChannelBuffersAllowed. This function is only rele-
vant for Channels with IB.⌋()

Parameters of the function Spi_WriteIB shall be checked as it is explained in sec-

tion API parameter checking.

The SPI Handler/Driver shall have been initialized before the function Spi_WriteIB
is called, otherwise see [SWS_Spi_00046].

8.3.4 Spi_AsyncTransmit

Service Name Spi_AsyncTransmit

Std_ReturnType Spi_AsyncTransmit (
Syntax Spi_SequenceType Sequence

Service ID [hex] 0x03

Sync/Async Asynchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Parameters (in) Sequence Sequence ID.


Parameters (out) None

E_OK: Transmission command has been accepted

Return value E_NOT_OK: Transmission command has not been

Description Service to transmit data on the SPI bus.

Available via Spi.h

46 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver


[SWS_Spi_00308] ⌈The operation Std_ReturnType Spi_AsyncTransmit(

Spi_SequenceType Sequence ) is Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00309] ⌈When the API Spi_AsyncTransmit command has been accept-

ed the function shall return the value E_OK.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00310] ⌈When the API Spi_AsyncTransmit command has not been ac-
cepted the function shall return the value E_NOT_OK.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00311] ⌈The function Spi_AsyncTransmit provides service to transmit

data on the SPI bus.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00020] ⌈The function Spi_AsyncTransmit shall take over the given

parameter, initiate a transmission, set the SPI Handler/Driver status to SPI_BUSY,
set the sequence result to SPI_SEQ_PENDING and return. ⌋(SRS_Spi_12099,
SRS_Spi_12101, SRS_Spi_12103)

[SWS_Spi_00194] ⌈When the function Spi_AsyncTransmit is called, shall take over

the given parameter and set the Job status to SPI_JOB_QUEUED, which can be ob-
tained by calling the API service Spi_GetJobResult.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00157] ⌈When the function Spi_AsyncTransmit is called, the SPI Han-

dler/Driver shall handle the Job results. Result shall be SPI_JOB_PENDING when
the transmission of Jobs is started.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00292] ⌈When the function Spi_AsyncTransmit is called, the SPI Han-

dler/Driver shall handle the Job results. Result shall be SPI_JOB_OK when the
transmission of Jobs is success.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00293] ⌈When the function Spi_AsyncTransmit is called, the SPI Han-

dler/Driver shall handle the Job results. Result shall be SPI_JOB_FAILED when the
transmission of Jobs is failed.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00081] ⌈When the function Spi_AsyncTransmit is called and the re-

quested Sequence is already in state SPI_SEQ_PENDING, the SPI Handler/Driver

47 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

shall not take in account this new request and this function shall return with value
E_NOT_OK, in this case.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00266] ⌈When the function Spi_AsyncTransmit is called and the re-

quested Sequence is already in state SPI_SEQ_PENDING the SPI Handler/Driver
shall report the SPI_E_SEQ_PENDING error according to [SWS_BSW_00042] and

[SWS_Spi_00086] ⌈When the function Spi_AsyncTransmit is called and the re-

quested Sequence shares Jobs with another sequence that is in the state
SPI_SEQ_PENDING, the SPI Handler/Driver shall not take into account this new re-
quest and this function shall return the value E_NOT_OK. In this case and according
to [SWS_BSW_00042] and [SWS_BSW_00045], the SPI Handler/Driver shall report
the SPI_E_SEQ_PENDING error.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00035] ⌈When the function Spi_AsyncTransmit is used with EB and the

source data pointer has been provided as NULL using the Spi_SetupEB method, the
default transmit data configured for each channel shall be transmitted. (See also
[SWS_SPI_00028])⌋(SRS_Spi_12200, SRS_Spi_12201)

[SWS_Spi_00036] ⌈When the function Spi_AsyncTransmit is used with EB and

the destination data pointer has been provided as NULL using the Spi_SetupEB
method, the SPI Handler/Driver shall ignore receiving data (See also

[SWS_Spi_00055] ⌈When the function Spi_AsyncTransmit is used for a Se-

quence with linked Jobs, the function shall transmit from the first Job up to the last
Job in the sequence.⌋(SRS_Spi_12181)

[SWS_Spi_00057] ⌈ At the end of a sequence transmission initiated by the function

Spi_AsyncTransmit and if configured, the SPI Handler/Driver shall invoke the se-
quence notification call-back function after the last Job end notification if this one is
also configured.⌋(SRS_SPAL_00157, SRS_Spi_12108)

[SWS_Spi_00133] ⌈The function Spi_AsyncTransmit is pre-compile time se-

lectable by the configuration parameter SpiLevelDelivered. This function is only
relevant for LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00173] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver’s environment shall call the function

Spi_AsyncTransmit after a function call of Spi_SetupEB for EB Channels or a

48 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

function call of Spi_WriteIB for IB Channels but before the function call

Parameters of the function Spi_AsyncTransmit shall be checked as explained in

section API parameter checking

The SPI Handler/Driver shall have been initialized before the function
Spi_AsyncTransmit is called otherwise see [SWS_Spi_00046].

8.3.5 Spi_ReadIB

Service Name Spi_ReadIB

Std_ReturnType Spi_ReadIB (
Spi_ChannelType Channel,
Syntax Spi_DataBufferType* DataBufferPointer

Service ID [hex] 0x04

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Parameters (in) Channel Channel ID.


DataBufferPointer Pointer to destination data buffer in RAM

E_OK: read command has been accepted

Return value Std_ReturnType
E_NOT_OK: read command has not been accepted

Service for reading synchronously one or more data from an IB SPI Handler/
Driver Channel specified by parameter.

Available via Spi.h


[SWS_Spi_00312] ⌈The operation Spi_ReadIB is Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00313] ⌈The function Spi_ReadIB return values E_OK: read command

has been accepted.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00314] ⌈The function Spi_ReadIB return values E_NOT_OK: read com-

mand has not been accepted.⌋()

49 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00315] ⌈The function Spi_ReadIB provides the service for reading syn-
chronously one or more data from an IB SPI Handler/Driver Channel specified by

[SWS_Spi_00016] ⌈The function Spi_ReadIB shall read synchronously one or

more data from an IB SPI Handler/Driver Channel specified by the respective
parameter.⌋(SRS_Spi_12099, SRS_Spi_12152)

[SWS_Spi_00027] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver’s environment shall call the function

Spi_ReadIB after a Transmit method call to have relevant data within IB Channel.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00138] ⌈The function Spi_ReadIB is pre-compile time configurable by

the parameter SpiChannelBuffersAllowed. This function is only relevant for
Channels with IB.⌋()

Parameters of the function Spi_ReadIB shall be checked as it is explained in sec-

tion API parameter checking.

The SPI Handler/Driver shall have been initialized before the function Spi_ReadIB
is called otherwise see [SWS_Spi_00046].

8.3.6 Spi_SetupEB

Service Name Spi_SetupEB

Std_ReturnType Spi_SetupEB (
Spi_ChannelType Channel,
const Spi_DataBufferType* SrcDataBufferPtr,
Spi_DataBufferType* DesDataBufferPtr,
Spi_NumberOfDataType Length

Service ID

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Channel Channel ID.

Parameters Pointer to source data buffer.
Length (number of data elements) of the data to be transmitted from
SrcDataBufferPtr and/or received from DesDataBufferPtr Min.: 1 Max.:

50 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Max of data specified at configuration for this channel

Parameters DesData
Pointer to destination data buffer in RAM.
(inout) BufferPtr


E_OK: Setup command has been accepted
Return value Return-
E_NOT_OK: Setup command has not been accepted

Service to setup the buffers and the length of data for the EB SPI Handler/Driver
Channel specified.

Available via Spi.h


[SWS_Spi_00316] ⌈The operation Spi_SetupEB is Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00317] ⌈Return values of the function Spi_SetupEB are E_OK: Setup

command has been accepted and E_NOT_OK: Setup command has not been ac-

[SWS_Spi_00318] ⌈The function Spi_SetupEB provides the service to setup the

buffers and the length of data for the EB SPI Handler/Driver Channel specified.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00058] ⌈The function Spi_SetupEB shall set up the buffers and the
length of data for the specific EB SPI Handler/Driver Channel.⌋(SRS_Spi_12103)

[SWS_Spi_00067] ⌈The function Spi_SetupEB shall update the buffer pointers and
length attributes of the specified Channel with the provided val-

As these attributes are persistent, they will be used for all succeeding calls to a
Transmit method (for the specified Channel).

[SWS_Spi_00028] ⌈When the SPI Handler/Driver’s environment is calling the func-

tion Spi_SetupEB with the parameter SrcDataBufferPtr being a Null pointer, the
function shall transmit the default transmit value configured for the channel after a
Transmit method is requested. (See also [SWS_Spi_00035])⌋()

51 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00030] ⌈When the function Spi_SetupEB is called with the parameter

DesDataBufferPtr being a Null pointer, the SPI Handler/Driver shall ignore the
received data after a Transmit method is requested.(See also [SWS_Spi_00036])⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00037] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver’s environment shall call the

Spi_SetupEB function once for each Channel with EB declared before the SPI
Handler/Driver’s environment calls a Transmit method on them.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00139] ⌈The function Spi_SetupEB is pre-compile time configurable by

the parameter SpiChannelBuffersAllowed. This function is only relevant for
Channels with EB.⌋()

Parameters of the function Spi_SetupEB shall be checked as it is explained in sec-

tion API parameter checking.

52 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

The SPI Handler/Driver shall have been initialized before the function Spi_SetupEB
is called otherwise see [SWS_Spi_00046].

8.3.7 Spi_GetStatus

Service Name Spi_GetStatus

Spi_StatusType Spi_GetStatus (
Syntax void

Service ID [hex] 0x06

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Parameters (in) None

Parameters (inout) None

Parameters (out) None

Return value Spi_StatusType Spi_StatusType

Description Service returns the SPI Handler/Driver software module status.

Available via Spi.h


[SWS_Spi_00319] ⌈The operation Spi_GetStatus is Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00320] ⌈The function Spi_GetStatus returns the SPI Handler/Driver

software module status.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00025] ⌈The function Spi_GetStatus shall return the SPI Han-

dler/Driver software module status.⌋(SRS_SPAL_12064, SRS_Spi_12104)

8.3.8 Spi_GetJobResult

Service Name Spi_GetJobResult

Spi_JobResultType Spi_GetJobResult (
Syntax Spi_JobType Job

53 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Service ID [hex] 0x07

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Parameters (in) Job Job ID. An invalid job ID will return an undefined result.

Parameters (inout) None

Parameters (out) None

Return value Spi_JobResultType Spi_JobResultType

Description This service returns the last transmission result of the specified Job.

Available via Spi.h


[SWS_Spi_00321] ⌈The operation Spi_GetJobResult is Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00322] ⌈The function Spi_GetJobResult service returns the last trans-

mission result of the specified Job.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00026] ⌈The function Spi_GetJobResult shall return the last transmis-

sion result of the specified Job. ⌋(SRS_SPAL_00157, SRS_Spi_12104)

[SWS_Spi_00038] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver’s environment shall call the function

Spi_GetJobResult to inquire whether the Job transmission has succeeded
(SPI_JOB_OK) or failed (SPI_JOB_FAILED).⌋(SRS_SPAL_00157)

NOTE: Every new transmit job that has been accepted by the SPI Handler/Driver
overwrites the previous job result with SPI_JOB_QUEUED or SPI_JOB_PENDING.

Parameters of the function Spi_GetJobResult shall be checked as it is explained

in section API parameter checking.

If SPI Handler/Driver has not been initialized before the function

Spi_GetJobResult is called, the return value is undefined.

8.3.9 Spi_GetSequenceResult

Service Name Spi_GetSequenceResult

Syntax Spi_SeqResultType Spi_GetSequenceResult (

54 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Spi_SequenceType Sequence

Service ID [hex] 0x08

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Sequence ID. An invalid sequence ID will return an

Parameters (in) Sequence
undefined result.


Parameters (out) None

Return value Spi_SeqResultType

Description This service returns the last transmission result of the specified Sequence.

Available via Spi.h


[SWS_Spi_00323] ⌈The operation Spi_GetSequenceResult is Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00324] ⌈The function Spi_GetSequenceResult shall return the last

transmission result of the specified Sequence.⌋( SRS_SPAL_00157,

[SWS_Spi_00042] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver’s environment shall call the function

Spi_GetSequenceResult to inquire whether the full Sequence transmission has
succeeded (SPI_SEQ_OK) or failed (SPI_SEQ_FAILED).⌋(SRS_SPAL_00157,

- Every new transmit sequence that has been accepted by the SPI Han-
dler/Driver overwrites the previous sequence result with SPI_SEQ_PENDING.
- If the SPI Handler/Driver has not been initialized before the function
Spi_GetSequenceResult is called, the return value is undefined.

Parameters of the function Spi_GetSequenceResult shall be checked as it is ex-

plained in section API parameter checking.

8.3.10 Spi_GetVersionInfo


55 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Service Name Spi_GetVersionInfo

void Spi_GetVersionInfo (
Syntax Std_VersionInfoType* versioninfo

Service ID [hex] 0x09

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Parameters (in) None

Parameters (inout) None

Parameters (out) versioninfo Pointer to where to store the version information of this module.

Return value None

Description This service returns the version information of this module.

Available via Spi.h


[SWS_Spi_00371] ⌈If Det is enabled, the parameter versioninfo shall be checked for
being NULL. The error SPI_E_PARAM_POINTER shall be reported in case the value
is a NULL pointer.⌋()

8.3.11 Spi_SyncTransmit

Service Name Spi_SyncTransmit

Std_ReturnType Spi_SyncTransmit (
Syntax Spi_SequenceType Sequence

Service ID [hex] 0x0a

Sync/Async Asynchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Parameters (in) Sequence Sequence ID.


Parameters (out) None

E_OK: Transmission command has been accepted

Return value E_NOT_OK: Transmission command has not been

56 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Description Service to transmit data on the SPI bus

Available via Spi.h


[SWS_Spi_00327] ⌈The operation Spi_SyncTransmit is Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00328] ⌈Return value of the function Spi_SyncTransmit is E_OK: when

Transmission command has been accepted.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00329] ⌈Return value of the function Spi_SyncTransmit is E_NOT_OK:

When Transmission command has not been accepted.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00330] ⌈The function Spi_SyncTransmit provides the service to transmit

data on the SPI bus.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00134] ⌈When the function Spi_SyncTransmit is called, shall take over

the given parameter and set the SPI Handler/Driver status to SPI_BUSY can be ob-
tained calling the API service SPI_GetStatus.⌋(SRS_Spi_12152, SRS_Spi_12153,

[SWS_Spi_00285] ⌈When the function Spi_SyncTransmit is called, shall take over

the given parameter and set the Sequence status to SPI_SEQ_PENDING can be
obtained calling the API service Spi_GetSequenceResult.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00286] ⌈When the function Spi_SyncTransmit is called, shall take over

the given parameter and set the Job status to SPI_JOB_PENDING can be obtained
calling the API service Spi_GetJobResult.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00135] ⌈When the function Spi_SyncTransmit is called while a se-

quence is on transmission and SPI_SUPPORT_CONCURRENT_SYNC_TRANSMIT is
disabled or another sequence is on transmission on same bus, the SPI Han-
dler/Driver shall not take into account this new transmission request and the function
shall return the value E_NOT_OK (see [SWS_Spi_00114]). In this case, the SPI Han-
dler/Driver shall report the SPI_E_SEQ_IN_PROCESS error according to
[SWS_BSW_00042] and [SWS_BSW_00045].⌋(SRS_Spi_12093)

57 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00136] ⌈The function Spi_SyncTransmit is pre-compile time se-

lectable by the configuration parameter SpiLevelDelivered. This function is only
relevant for LEVEL 0 and LEVEL 2.⌋()

Parameters of the function Spi_SyncTransmit shall be checked as it is explained

in section API parameter checking

8.3.12 Spi_GetHWUnitStatus

Service Name Spi_GetHWUnitStatus

Spi_StatusType Spi_GetHWUnitStatus (
Syntax Spi_HWUnitType HWUnit

Service ID [hex] 0x0b

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Parameters (in) HWUnit SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral (unit) ID.


Parameters (out) None

Return value Spi_StatusType Spi_StatusType

This service returns the status of the specified SPI Hardware microcontroller

Available via Spi.h


[SWS_Spi_00331] ⌈The operation Spi_GetHWUnitStatus is Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00332] ⌈The function Spi_GetHWUnitStatus service returns the status of

the specified SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00141] ⌈The function Spi_GetHWUnitStatus shall return the status of the

specified SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral.⌋()

58 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00287] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver’s environment shall call this function to

inquire whether the specified SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral is SPI_IDLE or

[SWS_Spi_00142] ⌈The function Spi_GetHWUnitStatus is pre-compile time con-

figurable On / Off by the configuration parameter SpiHwStatusApi.⌋()

Parameters of the function Spi_GetHWUnitStatus shall be checked as it is ex-

plained in section API parameter checking.

If SPI Handler/Driver has not been initialized before the function

Spi_GetHWUnitStatus is called, the return value is undefined.

8.3.13 Spi_Cancel

Service Name Spi_Cancel

void Spi_Cancel (
Syntax Spi_SequenceType Sequence

Service ID [hex] 0x0c

Sync/Async Asynchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Parameters (in) Sequence Sequence ID.

Parameters (inout) None

Parameters (out) None

Return value None

Description Service cancels the specified on-going sequence transmission.

Available via Spi.h


[SWS_Spi_00333] ⌈The operation Spi_Cancel is Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00334] ⌈The function Spi_Cancel service cancels the specified on-going

sequence transmission.⌋()

59 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00144] ⌈The function Spi_Cancel shall cancel the specified on-going

sequence transmission without cancelling any Job transmission and set the se-
quence result to SPI_SEQ_CANCELLED.⌋()

With other words, the Spi_Cancel function stops a Sequence transmission after a
(possible) on transmission Job ended and before a (potential) next Job transmission

[SWS_Spi_00145] ⌈When the sequence is cancelled by the function Spi_Cancel

and if configured, the SPI Handler/Driver shall call the sequence notification call-back
function instead of starting a potential next job belonging to it.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00146] ⌈The function Spi_Cancel is pre-compile time configurable On /

Off by the configuration parameter SpiCancelApi.⌋()

The SPI Handler/Driver is not responsible on external devices damages or undefined

state due to cancelling a sequence transmission. It is up to the SPI Handler/Driver’s
environment to be aware to what it is doing!

8.3.14 Spi_SetAsyncMode

Service Name Spi_SetAsyncMode

Std_ReturnType Spi_SetAsyncMode (
Syntax Spi_AsyncModeType Mode

Service ID [hex] 0x0d

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Non Reentrant

Parameters (in) Mode New mode required.


Parameters (out) None

E_OK: Setting command has been done

Return value Std_ReturnType
E_NOT_OK: setting command has not been accepted

Service to set the asynchronous mechanism mode for SPI busses handled

Available via Spi.h

60 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver
Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00335] ⌈The operation Spi_SetAsyncMode is Non Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00336] ⌈Return value of the function Spi_SetAsyncMode is E_OK: Set-

ting command has been done.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00337] ⌈Return value of the function Spi_SetAsyncMode is E_NOT_OK:

setting command has not been accepted.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00338] ⌈The function Spi_SetAsyncMode service to set the asynchro-

nous mechanism mode for SPI buses handled asynchronously.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00152] ⌈The function Spi_SetAsyncMode according to the given pa-

rameter shall set the asynchronous mechanism mode for SPI channels configured to
behave asynchronously.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00171] ⌈If the function Spi_SetAsyncMode is called while the SPI Han-
dler/Driver status is SPI_BUSY and an asynchronous transmission is in progress, the
SPI Handler/Driver shall not change the AsyncModeType and keep the mode type as
it is. The function shall return the value E_NOT_OK.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00172] ⌈If Spi_SetAsyncMode is called while a synchronous transmis-

sion is in progress, the SPI Handler/Driver shall set the AsyncModeType according to
parameter 'Mode', even if the SPI Handler/Driver status is SPI_BUSY. The function
shall return the value E_OK.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00154] ⌈The function Spi_SetAsyncMode is pre-compile time se-

lectable by the configuration parameter SpiLevelDelivered. This function is only
relevant for LEVEL 2.⌋()

8.4 Callback notifications

This chapter lists all functions provided by the SPI module to lower layer modules.

The SPI Handler/Driver module belongs to the lowest layer of AUTOSAR Software
Architecture hence this module specification has not identified any callback functions.

8.5 Scheduled functions

61 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

This chapter lists all functions provided by the SPI Handler/Driver and called directly
by the Basic Software Module Scheduler.

The SPI Handler/Driver module requires a scheduled function for the management of
the asynchronous mode managed with polling (see SWS_Spi_00361). The specified
functions below exemplify how to implement them if they are needed.

8.5.1 Spi_MainFunction_Handling

Service Name Spi_MainFunction_Handling

void Spi_MainFunction_Handling (
Syntax void

Service ID [hex] 0x10

Description --

Available via SchM_Spi.h


This function shall polls the SPI interrupts linked to HW Units allocated to the trans-
mission of SPI sequences to enable the evolution of transmission state machine.

8.6 Expected Interfaces

This chapter lists all functions that the SPI Handler/Driver requires from other mod-
8.6.1 Mandatory Interfaces

The SPI Handler/Driver module requires some interfaces to fulfill its core functionali-

[SWS_Spi_00389]⌈ []⌈
API Function Description

Det_Report- Service to report runtime errors. If a callout has been configured

RuntimeError then this callout shall be called.


8.6.2 Optional Interfaces

62 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

This chapter defines all interfaces which are required to fulfill an optional functionality
of SPI Handler/Driver module.

API Header
Function File

Called by SW-Cs or BSW modules to report monitor status information to

Dem_Set- the Dem. BSW modules calling Dem_SetEventStatus can safely ignore the
EventStatus return value. This API will be available only if ({Dem/DemConfigSet/Dem
EventParameter/DemEventReportingType} == STANDARD_REPORTING)

Det.h Service to report development errors.


8.6.3 Configurable interfaces

In this chapter all interfaces are listed where the target function could be configured.
The target function is usually a call-back function. The name of these interfaces is not
fixed because they are configurable.

[SWS_Spi_00075] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver shall use the callback routines

Spi_JobEndNotification to inform other software modules about certain states or
state changes.⌋(SRS_SPAL_00157)

[SWS_Spi_00264] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver shall use the callback routines

Spi_SeqEndNotification to inform other software modules about certain states or
state changes.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00265] ⌈For implement the call back function other modules are required
to provide the routines in the expected manner.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00044] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver’s implementer must implement the

callback notifications Spi_JobEndNotification and
Spi_SeqEndNotification as function pointers defined within the initialization da-
ta structure (Spi_ConfigType).⌋(SRS_SPAL_12056)

[SWS_Spi_00048] ⌈The callback notifications Spi_JobEndNotification and

Spi_SeqEndNotification shall have no parameters and no return val-
ue.⌋(SRS_BSW_00359, SRS_BSW_00360, SRS_BSW_00369)

63 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00054] ⌈If a callback notification is configured as null pointer, no callback

shall be executed.⌋(SRS_SPAL_12056)

[SWS_Spi_00085] ⌈It is allowed to use the following API calls within the SPI callback
 Spi_ReadIB
 Spi_WriteIB
 Spi_SetupEB
 Spi_GetJobResult
 Spi_GetSequenceResult
 Spi_GetHWUnitStatus
 Spi_Cancel
All other SPI Handler/Driver API calls are not allowed.⌋() Spi_JobEndNotification

Service Name (*Spi_JobEndNotification)

void (*Spi_JobEndNotification) (
Syntax void

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Parameters (in) None


Parameters (out) None

Return value None

Callback routine provided by the user for each Job to notify the caller that a job
has been finished.

Available via Spi_Externals.h


[SWS_Spi_00340] ⌈The operation SpiJobEndNotification is Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00071] ⌈If the SpiJobEndNotification is configured (i.e. not a null

pointer), the SPI Handler/Driver shall call the configured callback notification at the
end of a Job transmission.⌋(SRS_SPAL_00157)

64 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Note: This routine might be called on interrupt level, depending on the calling func-
tion. Spi_SeqEndNotification

Service Name (*Spi_SeqEndNotification)

void (*Spi_SeqEndNotification) (
Syntax void

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Parameters (in) None



Return value None

Callback routine provided by the user for each Sequence to notify the caller that a
sequence has been finished.

Available via Spi_Externals.h


[SWS_Spi_00341] ⌈The operation SpiSeqEndNotification is Re-entrant.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00073] ⌈If the SpiSeqEndNotification is configured (i.e. not a null

pointer), the SPI Handler/Driver shall call the configured callback notification at the
end of a Sequence transmission.⌋(SRS_SPAL_00157)

Note: This routine might be called on interrupt level, depending on the calling func-

8.7 Error detection

8.7.1 API parameter checking

65 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00004] ⌈SPI Handler/driver shall be able to detect the error

SPI_E_PARAM_CHANNEL when API service called with wrong parame-
ter.⌋(SRS_BSW_00327, SRS_BSW_00337, SRS_BSW_00385)

[SWS_Spi_00237] ⌈SPI Handler/driver shall be able to detect the error

SPI_E_PARAM_JOB when API service called with wrong parameter.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00238] ⌈SPI Handler/driver shall be able to detect the error

SPI_E_PARAM_SEQ when API service called with wrong parameter.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00240] ⌈SPI Handler/driver shall be able to detect the error

SPI_E_PARAM_LENGTH when API service called with wrong parameter.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00241] ⌈SPI Handler/driver shall be able to detect the error

SPI_E_PARAM_UNIT when API service called with wrong parameter.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00031] ⌈The API parameter Channel shall have a value within the de-
fined channels in the initialization data structure, and the correct type of channel (IB
or EB) has to be used with services. Related error value: SPI_E_PARAM_CHANNEL.
Otherwise, the service is not done and the return value shall be E_NOT_OK.

[SWS_Spi_00032] ⌈The API parameters Sequence and Job shall have values within
the specified range of values. Related errors values: SPI_E_PARAM_SEQ or

[SWS_Spi_00060] ⌈The API parameter Length of data shall have a value within the
specified buffer maximum value. Related error value:

[SWS_Spi_00258] ⌈ If the API parameter Length related service is not done and the
return value shall be E_NOT_OK.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00143] ⌈The API parameter HWUnit shall have a value within the speci-
fied range of values. Related error value: SPI_E_PARAM_UNIT.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00288] ⌈If HWUnit related service is not done and the return value shall

66 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00235] ⌈If not applicable, the SPI Handler/Driver module’s environment

shall pass a NULL pointer to the function Spi_Init.⌋()

8.7.2 SPI state checking

[SWS_Spi_00242] ⌈SPI Handler/driver shall be able to detect the error

SPI_E_UNINIT when API service used without module initialization.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00046] ⌈If development error detection for the SPI module is enabled
and the SPI Handler/Driver’s environment calls any API function before initialization,
an error should be reported to the DET with the error value SPI_E_UNINIT according
to the configuration.⌋(SRS_BSW_00406)

[SWS_Spi_00246] ⌈SPI Handler/driver shall be able to detect the error

SPI_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED when API SPI_Init service called while the SPI driv-
er has already been initialized time.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00233] ⌈
If development error detection for the SPI module is enabled, the calling of the rou-
tine SPI_Init() while the SPI driver is already initialized will cause a development error
SPI_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED and the desired functionality shall be left without
any action.⌋()

8.7.3 SPI runtime checking

[SWS_Spi_00243] ⌈SPI Handler/driver shall be able to detect the error

SPI_E_SEQ_PENDING when services called in a wrong sequence.⌋()

[SWS_Spi_00245] ⌈SPI Handler/driver shall be able to detect the error

SPI_E_SEQ_IN_PROCESS when synchronous transmission service called at wrong

[SWS_Spi_00195] ⌈SPI Handler/driver shall be able to detect the error

SPI_E_HARDWARE_ERROR when an hardware error occur during asynchronous or
synchronous transmit. Please see also SWS_Spi_00267 and SWS_Spi_00384.⌋()

67 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_00254] ⌈If the Sequence and Job related service is not done and, de-
pending on services, either the return value shall be E_NOT_OK or a failed result

[SWS_Spi_00256] ⌈The SPI Handler/Driver shall not process the invoked function
but, depending on the invoked function, shall either return the value E_NOT_OK or a
failed result (SPI_JOB_FAILED or SPI_SEQ_FAILED).⌋()

68 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

9 Sequence diagrams

9.1 Initialization

Spi User «module»




9.2 Modes transitions

The following sequence diagram shows an example of an Init / DeInit calls for a run-
ning mode transition.

69 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Spi User «module»


Spi_Init(const Initialization of SPI Handler/Driver is
performed synchronously with a
parameter to run in a mode.
Spi_Init() For instance, "FullPowerConf" is the
structure containing all configurations
for the "RUN State" with PLL enable.

Use of SPI
Embedded software Spi_GetStatus(Spi_StatusType)
execution, time and
code execution
undefined during this life Spi_GetStatus=SPI_BUSY()


Use the get status service of SPI
Handler/Driver to know its state before
to de-initialize it.


Spi_Init(const Description:
Spi_ConfigType*) Initialization of SPI Handler/Driver is performed
with a specific parameter to run in another
Spi_Init() mode.
Use of SPI
Handler/Driver: For instance, "ReducePowerConf" is the
Embedded software structure containing all configurations for the
execution, time and "SLEEP State" with PLL disable.
code execution
undefined during this life

9.3 Write/AsyncTransmit/Read (IB)

9.3.1 One Channel, one Job then one Sequence

The following sequence diagram shows an example of Spi_WriteIB /

Spi_AsyncTransmit / Spi_ReadIB calls for a Sequence transmission with only one
Job composed of only one Channel. Write or Read step could be skipped when Job
is just reading or writing respectively.

Example: Channel ID 2 belongs to Job ID 1 which belongs to Sequence ID 0

Sequence Job Channel


70 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Spi User «module»


Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*) Write to the Channel is done synchronously. You
pass the Channel ID and the buffer.

Spi_AsyncTransmit() Transmission is performing asynchronously. The
SPI Handler/Driver records the sequence and

Seq0.Job1() Transmission processing (writing to SPI bus) is
done asynchronously according to the sequence
requested and the prioritization mechanism.
This case is not a Sequence of linked Jobs so the
SPI Handler/Driver becomes idle at the end of the
Channel transmission.


When a Job transmission ends, if it is configured,
the “End Job Notification” of the Job process is

Spi_ReadIB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType,
When the Sequence transmission ends, if it is
Spi_DataBufferType**) configured, the “End Seq Notification” of the
Sequence process is called.

The received data will be allocated in the
configured receive buffers, and can be read using
the read function for IB Channels.

71 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

9.3.2 Many Channels, one Job then one Sequence

The following sequence diagram shows an example of Spi_WriteIB /

Spi_AsyncTransmit / Spi_ReadIB calls for a Sequence transmission with only one
Job composed of many Channels. Write or Read steps could be skipped when Job is
just reading or writing respectively.

Example: Channels ID 2 & 3 belong to Job ID 1 which belongs to Sequence ID 0

Sequence Job Channel


User1: Spi User User2: Spi User «module»


Write to a Channel is done synchronously. You
Spi_WriteIB(Std_ReturnType, pass the Channel ID and the buffer.
Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*) In this case, Channels are within the same Job.


Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*)

Spi_WriteIB() Description:
Transmission is performing asynchronously. The
SPI Handler/Driver records the sequence and


Transmission processing (writing to SPI bus) is
done asynchronously according to the sequence
requested and the prioritization mechanism.
Seq0.Job1() This case is not a sequence of linked Jobs. At the
end of Channels transmission the SPI
Handler/Driver becomes idle.



<Spi_Seq0EndNotification>() When a Job transmission ends, if it is configured,
the “End Job Notification” of the Job process is

Spi_ReadIB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType,
Spi_DataBufferType**) Description:
When the Sequence transmission ends, if it is
Spi_ReadIB() configured, the “End Seq Notification” of the
Sequence process is called.

The received data, if there are, will be allocated
in the configured receive buffers, and can be
read using the read function for IB Channels.

72 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

9.3.3 Many Channels, many Jobs and one Sequence

The following sequence diagram shows an example of Spi_WriteIB /

Spi_AsyncTransmit / Spi_ReadIB calls for a Sequence transmission of linked Jobs.
Write or Read steps could be skipped when Jobs are just reading or writing respec-

Example: Channels ID 0 to 3 belong to Job ID 1 (higher priority), Channels ID 4 to 10

belong to Job ID 2 (Lower priority) which has not an end notification function. These
Jobs belong to the same Sequence ID 0

Sequence Job Channel

Name Priority
ID1 High ID0…ID3
ID2 Low ID4…ID10

73 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

User1: Spi User User2: Spi User «module»


Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*)

loop Channel:=5...10

opt If channel needed

Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*)


Write to a Channel is done synchronously. You
pass the Channel ID and the buffer.
Spi_WriteIB(Std_ReturnType, In this case, Channels are not within the same
Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*) Job.


loop Channel:=1...3

opt If channel needed

Spi_WriteIB(Std_ReturnType, Transmission is performing asynchronously. The
Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*) SPI Handler/Driver records the sequence and

Spi_AsyncTransmit(Std_ReturnType, Description:
Spi_SequenceType) Transmission processing (writing to SPI bus) is
done asynchronously according to the sequence
Spi_AsyncTransmit() requested and the prioritization mechanism.
This case is a sequence of linked Jobs. At the end
of Channels transmission the SPI Handler/Driver
becomes idle.



Seq0.Job2() When a Job transmission ends, if it is configured,
the “End Job Notification” of the Job process is

<Spi_Seq0EndNotification>() Description:
When the Sequence transmission ends, if it is
configured, the “End Seq Notification” of the
Sequence process is called.
Spi_ReadIB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType,


The received data, if there are, will be allocated in
the configured receive buffers, and can be read
using the read function for IB Channels.

74 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

9.3.4 Many Channels, many Jobs and many Sequences

The following sequence diagram shows an example of Spi_WriteIB /

Spi_AsyncTransmit / Spi_ReadIB calls for Sequences transmission. Write or Read
steps could be skipped when Jobs are just reading or writing respectively.

Example: Channels ID 0 to 3 belong to Job ID 1 (high priority 2), Channels ID 4 to 10

belong to Job ID 2 (Low priority 1) which has not an end notification function. These
Jobs belong to the same Sequence ID 0 which is configured as interruptible.
Channels ID 11 to 13 belong to Job ID 0 (higher priority 3) which belongs to Se-
quence ID 1 which is configured as not interruptible.

Sequence Job Channel

Name Interruptible Name Priority
ID1 2 ID0…ID3
ID0 Yes
ID2 1 ID4…ID10
ID1 No ID0 3 ID11…ID13

75 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

User1: Spi User User2: Spi User «module»


Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*)


loop Channel:=5...10

opt If channel needed

Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*)


Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*)


loop Channel:=12...13
Write to a Channel is done
opt If channel needed synchronously. You pass the Channel ID
and the buffer.
In this case, Channels are not within the
Spi_WriteIB(Std_ReturnType, same Job.
Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*)


Transmission is performing Spi_AsyncTransmit()
asynchronously. The SPI
Handler/Driver records the sequence
and returns.

Seq0.Job1 (part1)


Spi_AsyncTransmit() Description:
Transmission processing (writing to SPI
bus) is done asynchronously according to
the job requested and the prioritization
Seq0.Job1 (part2) This case concerns many Sequences of
many Jobs so at the end of a Job
<Spi_Job1EndNotification>() transmission SPI Handler/Driver schedule
the next Job to transmit.
The Job selected has the higher priority
<Spi_Job1EndNotification>() and could belong to another Sequence
only if the sequence on going is
configured as interruptible.
At the end of all Sequences transmission
Description: Seq1.Job0() SPI Handler/Driver becomes idle.
When a Job transmission ends, if it is configured, the “End Job
Notification” of the Job process is called.



Spi_ReadIB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType,


Description: Seq0.Job2()
When the Sequence
transmission ends, if it is
configured, the “End Seq <Spi_Seq0EndNotification>()
Notification” of the
Sequence process is
called. The received data, if there are, will be
allocated in the configured receive buffers,
and can be read using the read function
for IB Channels.
Spi_ReadIB(Spi_ChannelType, Spi_DataType*):


76 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

9.4 Setup/AsyncTransmit (EB)

9.4.1 Variable Number of Data / Constant Number of Data

[SWS_Spi_00077] ⌈To transmit a variable number of data, it is mandatory to call the

Spi_SetupEB function to store new parameters within SPI Handler/Driver before
each Spi_AsyncTransmit function call.⌋(SRS_Spi_12198, SRS_Spi_12200,

[SWS_Spi_00078] ⌈To transmit a constant number of data, it is only mandatory to

call the Spi_SetupEB function to store parameters within SPI Handler/Driver before
the first Spi_AsyncTransmit function call.⌋(SRS_Spi_12253, SRS_Spi_12262,

9.4.2 One Channel, one Job then one Sequence

The following sequence diagram shows an example of Spi_SetupEB /

Spi_AsyncTransmit calls for a Sequence transmission with only one Job com-
posed of only one Channel. Write or Read accesses are “User Dependant” and could
be skipped when Job is just reading or writing respectively.

Example: Channel ID 2 belongs to Job ID 1 which belongs to Sequence ID 0

Sequence Job Channel


77 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Spi User «module»

Setup a Channel; initialize buffer pointers and
length synchronously. Parameters are saved.
Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const
Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType)


Spi_AsyncTransmit(Std_ReturnType, Transmission is performing asynchronously. The
Spi_SequenceType) SPI Handler/Driver records the sequence and

Seq0.Job1() Description:
Transmission processing (writing to SPI bus) is
done asynchronously according to the sequence
requested and the prioritization mechanism.
This case is not a Sequence of linked Jobs so the
<Spi_Job1EndNotification>() SPI Handler/Driver becomes idle at the end of the
Channel transmission.



When a Job transmission ends, if it is configured,
the “End Job Notification” of the Job process is

When the Sequence transmission ends, if it is
configured, the “End Seq Notification” of the
Sequence process is called.

78 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

9.4.3 Many Channels, one Job then one Sequence

The following sequence diagram shows an example of Spi_SetupEB /

Spi_AsyncTransmit calls for a Sequence transmission with only one Job com-
posed of many Channels. Write or Read accesses are “User Dependant” and could
be skipped when Job is just reading or writing respectively.

Example: Channels ID 2 & 3 belong to Job ID 1 which belongs to Sequence ID 0

Sequence Job Channel


User1: Spi User User2: Spi User «module»


Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const

Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType)

Setup a Channel; initialize buffer pointers and
length synchronously. Parameters are saved.
In this case, Channels are within the same Job.
Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const
Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType)


Spi_SequenceType) Description:
Transmission is performing asynchronously. The
Spi_AsyncTransmit() SPI Handler/Driver records the sequence and


<Spi_Job1EndNotification>() Description:
Transmission processing (writing to SPI bus) is
done asynchronously according to the
<Spi_Job1EndNotification>() sequence requested and the prioritization
This case is not a sequence of linked Jobs. At
the end of Channels transmission the SPI
Handler/Driver becomes idle.



When a Job transmission ends, if it is
configured, the “End Job Notification” of the
Job process is called.

When the Sequence transmission ends, if it is
configured, the “End Seq Notification” of the
Sequence process is called.
The received data, if there are, will be directly
stored in EB Channel receive buffer and can be
used such as.

79 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

9.4.4 Many Channels, many Jobs and one Sequence

The following sequence diagram shows an example of Spi_SetupEB /

Spi_AsyncTransmit calls for a Sequence transmission of linked Jobs. Write or
Read accesses are “User Dependant” and could be skipped when Job is just read-
ing or writing respectively.

Example: Channels ID 0 to 3 belong to Job ID 1 (higher priority), Channels ID 4 to 10

belong to Job ID 2 (Lower priority) which has not an end notification function. These
Jobs belong to the same Sequence ID 0

Sequence Job Channel

ID2 ID4…ID10

80 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

User1: Spi User User2: Spi User «module»


Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const

Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType)


loop Channel:=5...10

opt If channel needed

Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const

Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType)

Setup a Channel; initialize buffer pointers and
length synchronously. Parameters are saved.
In this case, Channels are not within the same
Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const Job.
Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType)


loop Channel:=1...3

opt If channel needed

Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const

Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**,
Spi_NumberOfDataType) Description:
Spi_SetupEB() Transmission is performing asynchronously. The
SPI Handler/Driver records the sequence and

Spi_AsyncTransmit() Transmission processing (writing to SPI bus) is
done asynchronously according to the job
requested and the prioritization mechanism.
This case is a Sequence of linked Jobs so at the
Seq0.Job1() end of a Job transmission SPI Handler/Driver
schedule the next Job to transmit.
At the end of Sequence transmission the SPI
Handler/Driver becomes idle.


When a Job transmission Description:
ends, if it is configured, the <Spi_Seq0EndNotification>() When the Sequence transmission ends, if it is
“End Job Notification” of the configured, the “End Seq Notification” of the
Job process is called. Sequence process is called.
<Spi_Seq0EndNotification>() The received data, if there are, will be directly
stored in EB Channel receive buffer and can be
used such as.

The received data will be allocated in the
configured receive buffers, and can be read using
the read function for IB Channels.

81 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

9.4.5 Many Channels, many Jobs and many Sequences

The following sequence diagram shows an example of Spi_SetupEB /

Spi_AsyncTransmit calls for Sequences transmission. Write or Read accesses
are “User Dependant” and could be skipped when Job is just reading or writing re-

Example: Channels ID 0 to 3 belong to Job ID 1 (high priority 2), Channels ID 4 to 10

belong to Job ID 2 (Low priority 1) which has not an end notification function. These
Jobs belong to the same Sequence ID 0 which is configured as interruptible.
Channels ID 11 to 13 belong to Job ID 0 (higher priority 3) which belongs to Se-
quence ID 1 which is configured as not interruptible.

Sequence Job Channel

Name Interruptible Name Priority
ID1 2 ID0…ID3
ID0 Yes
ID2 1 ID4…ID10
ID1 No ID0 3 ID11…ID13

82 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

User1: Spi User User2: Spi User «module»


Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const

Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType)


loop Channel:=5...10

opt If channel needed

Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const

Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType)


Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const Setup a Channel; initialize buffer pointers and
Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType) length synchronously. Parameters are saved.
In this case, Jobs of those Channels are not
Spi_SetupEB() within the same Sequence.

loop Channel:=12...13

opt If channel needed

Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const

Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType)


Transmission is performing asynchronously. The
Spi_AsyncTransmit(Std_ReturnType, SPI Handler/Driver records the sequence and
Spi_SequenceType) returns.


Seq0.Job1 (part1) Transmission processing (writing to SPI bus) is
done asynchronously according to the job
Spi_AsyncTransmit(Std_ReturnType, requested and the prioritization mechanism.
Spi_SequenceType) This case concerns many Sequences of many
Jobs so at the end of a Job transmission SPI
Spi_AsyncTransmit() Handler/Driver schedule the next Job to
The Job selected has the higher priority and
could belong to another Sequence only if the
sequence on going is configured as
Seq0.Job1 (part2) interruptible.
At the end of all Sequences transmission SPI
<Spi_Job1EndNotification>() Handler/Driver becomes idle.




<Spi_Seq1EndNotification>() When a Job transmission ends, if it is
configured, the “End Job Notification” of the
Job process is called.


<Spi_Seq0EndNotification>() Description:
When the Sequence transmission ends, if it is
configured, the “End Seq Notification” of the
<Spi_Seq0EndNotification>() Sequence process is called.
The received data, if there are, will be directly
stored in EB Channel receive buffer and can be
used such as.

83 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

9.5 Mixed Jobs Transmission

All kind of mixed Jobs transmission is possible according to the Channels configura-
tion and the priority requirement inside Sequences.

The user knows which Channels are in use. Then, according to the types of these
Channels, the appropriate methods shall be called.

9.6 LEVEL 0 SyncTransmit diagrams

9.6.1 Write/SyncTransmit/Read (IB): Many Channels, many Jobs and one


The following sequence diagram shows an example of Spi_WriteIB /

Spi_SyncTransmit / Spi_ReadIB calls for a Sequence transmission of linked Jobs.
Write or Read steps could be skipped when Jobs are just reading or writing respec-

Example: Channels ID 0 to 3 belong to Job ID 1 (higher priority), Channels ID 4 to 10

belong to Job ID 2 (Lower priority). These Jobs belong to the same Sequence ID 0

Sequence Job Channel

Name Priority
ID1 High ID0…ID3
ID2 Low ID4…ID10

84 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

User1: Spi User User2: Spi User «module»


Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*)


loop Channel:=5...10

opt If channel needed

Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*)


Write to a Channel is done

Spi_WriteIB(Std_ReturnType, synchronously. You pass the
Channel ID and the buffer.
Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*)
In this case, Channels are not
Spi_WriteIB() within the same Job.

loop Channel:=1...3

opt If channel needed

Spi_ChannelType, const Spi_DataBufferType*)

Transmission is performing
synchronously. The SPI
Handler/Driver transmits the
complete Sequence and it returns.
At the end of Sequence
Spi_SyncTransmit(Std_ReturnType, transmission, the SPI
Spi_SequenceType) Handler/Driver becomes idle.


Spi_SyncTransmit() The received data, if there are, will
be allocated in the configured
receive buffers, and can be read
Spi_ReadIB(Std_ReturnType, using the read function for IB
Spi_ChannelType, Spi_DataBufferType**) Channels.


9.6.2 Setup/SyncTransmit (EB): Many Channels, many Jobs and one


The following sequence diagram shows an example of Spi_SetupEB /

Spi_SyncTransmit calls for a Sequence transmission of linked Jobs. Write or
Read accesses are “User Dependant” and could be skipped when Job is just read-
ing or writing respectively.

Example: Channels ID 0 to 3 belong to Job ID 1 (higher priority), Channels ID 4 to 10

belong to Job ID 2 (Lower priority). These Jobs belong to the same Sequence ID 0

Sequence Job Channel

ID2 ID4…ID10

85 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

User1: Spi User User2: Spi User «module»


Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const

Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType)


loop Channel:=5...10

opt If channel needed

Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const

Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType)

Setup a Channel; initialize buffer

pointers and length
Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const synchronously. Parameters are
Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType) saved. In this case, Channels are
not within the same Job.

loop Channel:=1...3

opt If channel needed

Spi_SetupEB(Std_ReturnType, Spi_ChannelType, const

Spi_DataBufferType*, Spi_DataBufferType**, Spi_NumberOfDataType)

Transmission is performing
synchronously. The SPI
Handler/Driver transmits the
complete Sequence and it returns.
At the end of Sequence
transmission, the SPI
Spi_SyncTransmit(Std_ReturnType, Handler/Driver becomes idle.


Seq0.Job2() Description:
Spi_SyncTransmit() The received data, if there are, will
be directly stored in EB Channel
receive buffer and can be used
such as.

86 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

10 Configuration specification

10.1 How to read this chapter

For details refer to the chapter 10.1 “Introduction to configuration specification” in

10.2 Containers and configuration parameters

The following chapters summarize all configuration parameters. The detailed mean-
ings of the parameters are described in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8. Further hardware /
implementation specific parameters can be added if necessary.

[SWS_Spi_00390] ⌈The SPI module shall reject configurations with partition map-
pings which are not supported by the implementation. ⌋()

10.2.1 Spi
SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00103 :
Module Name Spi
Module Description Configuration of the Spi (Serial Peripheral Interface) module.
Post-Build Variant Support true

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
Container for the references to DemEventParameter elements
which shall be invoked using the API Dem_SetEventStatus in
case the corresponding error occurs. The EventId is taken
SpiDemEventParameterRefs 0..1 from the referenced DemEventParameter's DemEventId sym-
bolic value. The standardized errors are provided in this con-
tainer and can be extended by vendor-specific error refer-
This container contains the configuration parameters and sub
SpiDriver 1
containers of the AUTOSAR Spi module.
SpiGeneral 1 General configuration settings for SPI-Handler
Container holding all SPI specific published information pa-
SpiPublishedInformation 1

10.2.2 SpiDemEventParameterRefs
SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00240 :
Container Name SpiDemEventParameterRefs
Parent Container Spi
Container for the references to DemEventParameter elements which shall
be invoked using the API Dem_SetEventStatus in case the corresponding
Description error occurs. The EventId is taken from the referenced DemEventParame-
ter's DemEventId symbolic value. The standardized errors are provided in
this container and can be extended by vendor-specific error references.
Configuration Parameters

87 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00241 :

Parent Container SpiDemEventParameterRefs
Description Reference to configured DEM event to report "Hardware failure". If the
reference is not configured the error shall not be reported.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Symbolic name reference to [ DemEventParameter ]
Post-Build Variant Multi-
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.3 SpiGeneral
SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00225 :
Container Name SpiGeneral
Parent Container Spi
Description General configuration settings for SPI-Handler
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00226 :

Name SpiCancelApi
Parent Container SpiGeneral
Description Switches the Spi_Cancel function ON or OFF.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00227 :

Name SpiChannelBuffersAllowed
Parent Container SpiGeneral
Description Selects the SPI Handler/Driver Channel Buffers usage allowed and

IB = 0;
EB = 1;
IB/EB = 2;
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 2

88 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00228 :

Name SpiDevErrorDetect
Parent Container SpiGeneral
Description Switches the development error detection and notification on or off.

 true: detection and notification is enabled.

 false: detection and notification is disabled.

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00229 :

Name SpiHwStatusApi
Parent Container SpiGeneral
Description Switches the Spi_GetHWUnitStatus function ON or OFF.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00230 :

Name SpiInterruptibleSeqAllowed
Parent Container SpiGeneral
Description Switches the Interruptible Sequences handling functionality ON or OFF.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: This parameter depends on SPI_LEVEL_DELIVERED value.
It is only
used for SPI_LEVEL_DELIVERED configured to 1 or 2.

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00231 :

Name SpiLevelDelivered

89 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Parent Container SpiGeneral

Description Selects the SPI Handler/Driver level of scalable functionality that is
available and delivered.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 2
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00242 :

Name SpiMainFunctionPeriod
Parent Container SpiGeneral
Description This parameter defines the cycle time of the function
Spi_MainFunction_Handling in seconds. The parameter is not used by the
driver it self, but it is used by upper layer.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range ]0 .. INF[
Default value 0.01
Post-Build Variant Multi-
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00237 :

Name SpiSupportConcurrentSyncTransmit
Parent Container SpiGeneral
Description Specifies whether concurrent Spi_SyncTransmit() calls for different se-
quences shall be configurable.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00232 :

Name SpiVersionInfoApi
Parent Container SpiGeneral
Description Switches the Spi_GetVersionInfo function ON or OFF.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false

90 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Post-Build Variant Value false

Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00244 :

Name SpiEcucPartitionRef
Parent Container SpiGeneral
Description Maps the SPI driver to zero or multiple ECUC partitions to make the driver
API available in the according partition.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ EcucPartition ]
Post-Build Variant Multi-
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00245 :

Name SpiKernelEcucPartitionRef
Parent Container SpiGeneral
Description Maps the SPI kernel to zero or one ECUC partitions to assign the driver
kernel to a certain core. The ECUC partition referenced is a subset of the
ECUC partitions where the SPI driver is mapped to.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ EcucPartition ]
Post-Build Variant Multi-
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

91 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

EcucParamConfContainerDef SpiLevelDelivered:
+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1 min = 0
max = 2

+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

min = 0
max = 2

+parameter SpiInterruptibleSeqAllowed:

+parameter EcucBooleanParamDef


+parameter SpiVersionInfoApi:

defaultValue = false

+parameter SpiDevErrorDetect:

defaultValue = false

+parameter SpiSupportConcurrentSyncTransmit:


+parameter min = 0
max = INF
defaultValue = 0.01
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

SpiEcucPartitionRef: EcucPartition:
+reference +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = *

+reference +destination

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

[SWS_Spi_CONSTR_00001] ⌈The ECUC partitions referenced by Spi-

KernelEcucPartitionRef shall be a subset of the ECUC partitions referenced by

92 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_CONSTR_00003] ⌈If SpiEcucPartitionRef references one or more ECUC

partitions, SpiKernelEcucPartitionRef shall have a multiplicity of one and reference
one of these ECUC partitions as well.⌋()

10.2.4 SpiSequence
SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00106 :
Container Name SpiSequence
Parent Container SpiDriver
Description All data needed to configure one SPI-sequence
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00222 :

Name SpiInterruptibleSequence
Parent Container SpiSequence
Description This parameter allows or not this Sequence to be suspended by another
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: This SPI_INTERRUPTIBLE_SEQ_ALLOWED parameter as
to be
configured as ON.

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00223 :

Name SpiSeqEndNotification
Parent Container SpiSequence
Description This parameter is a reference to a notification function.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default value --
maxLength --
minLength --
regularExpression --
Post-Build Variant Multi-
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00224 :

Name SpiSequenceId
Parent Container SpiSequence

93 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Description SPI Sequence ID, used as parameter in SPI API functions.

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00221 :

Name SpiJobAssignment
Parent Container SpiSequence
Description A sequence references several jobs, which are executed during a commu-
nication sequence
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Reference to [ SpiJob ]
Post-Build Variant Multi-
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

94 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

SpiSequence: +parameter SpiInterruptibleSequence:

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 1

+parameter EcucFunctionNameDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

+parameter SpiSequenceId:

symbolicNameValue = true
max = 255

10.2.5 SpiChannel
SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00104 :
Container Name SpiChannel
Parent Container SpiDriver
Description All data needed to configure one SPI-channel
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00200 :

Name SpiChannelId
Parent Container SpiChannel
Description SPI Channel ID, used as parameter in SPI API functions.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00201 :

Name SpiChannelType
Parent Container SpiChannel
Description Buffer usage with EB/IB channel.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef

95 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Range EB External Buffer

IB Internal Buffer
Post-Build Variant
Value Configura- Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
tion Class Link time X VARIANT-LINK-TIME
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Depend- scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00202 :

Name SpiDataWidth
Parent Container SpiChannel
Description This parameter is the width of a transmitted data unit.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 32
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00203 :

Name SpiDefaultData
Parent Container SpiChannel
Description The default data to be transmitted when (for internal buffer or external
buffer) the pointer passed to Spi_WriteIB (for internal buffer) or to
Spi_SetupEB (for external buffer) is NULL.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Multi-
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00204 :

Name SpiEbMaxLength
Parent Container SpiChannel
Description This parameter contains the maximum size (number of data elements) of
data buffers in case of EB Channels and only.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true

96 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: The SPI_CHANNEL_TYPE parameter has to be configured
as EB for this Channel.
The SPI_CHANNEL_BUFFERS_ALLOWED parameter has to be config-
ured as 1 or 2.

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00205 :

Name SpiIbNBuffers
Parent Container SpiChannel
Description This parameter contains the maximum number of data buffers in case of IB
Channels and only.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: The SPI_CHANNEL_TYPE parameter has to be configured
as IB for this Channel. The SPI_CHANNEL_BUFFERS_ALLOWED pa-
rameter has to be configured as 0 or 2.

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00206 :

Name SpiTransferStart
Parent Container SpiChannel
Description This parameter defines the first starting bit for transmission.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range LSB Transmission starts with the Least
Significant Bit first
MSB Transmission starts with the Most Signifi-
cant Bit first
Post-Build Variant
Value Configura- Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
tion Class Link time X VARIANT-LINK-TIME
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependen- scope: local

No Included Containers

97 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

SpiDriver: EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1


SpiChannel: SpiIbNBuffers:
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucIntegerParamDef

upperMultiplicity = * max = 65535

lowerMultiplicity = 1
max = 4294967295
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
+literal EB:

+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

max = 32
min = 1

+parameter +literal MSB:

SpiTransferStart: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

max = 65535

+parameter SpiChannelId:

symbolicNameValue = true
max = 255

10.2.6 SpiChannelList
SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00233 :
Container Name SpiChannelList
Parent Container SpiJob
Description References to SPI channels and their order within the Job.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00234 :

Name SpiChannelIndex
Parent Container SpiChannelList
Description This parameter specifies the order of Channels within the Job.

98 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00215 :

Name SpiChannelAssignment
Parent Container SpiChannelList
Description A job reference to a SPI channel.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ SpiChannel ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.7 SpiJob
SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00105 :
Container Name SpiJob
Parent Container SpiDriver
All data needed to configure one SPI-Job, amongst others the connection
Description between the internal SPI unit and the special settings for an external de-
vice is done.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00218 :

Name SpiJobEndNotification
Parent Container SpiJob
Description This parameter is a reference to a notification function.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default value --
maxLength --
minLength --
regularExpression --
Post-Build Variant Multi-
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

99 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00219 :

Name SpiJobId
Parent Container SpiJob
Description SPI Job ID, used as parameter in SPI API functions.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00220 :

Name SpiJobPriority
Parent Container SpiJob
Description Priority set accordingly to SPI093: 0, lowest, 3, highest priority
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 3
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00216 :

Name SpiDeviceAssignment
Parent Container SpiJob
Description Reference to the external device used by this job
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ SpiExternalDevice ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
SpiChannelList 1..* References to SPI channels and their order within the Job.

100 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

SpiJob: SpiJobPriority:
EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

upperMultiplicity = * max = 3
lowerMultiplicity = 1 min = 0

+parameter EcucFunctionNameDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

SpiJobId: EcucIntegerParamDef
symbolicNameValue = true
max = 65535

+reference SpiDeviceAssignment: +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 1

10.2.8 SpiExternalDevice
SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00207 :
Container Name SpiExternalDevice
Parent Container SpiDriver
The communication settings of an external device. Closely linked to Spi-
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00208 :

Name SpiBaudrate
Parent Container SpiExternalDevice
Description This parameter is the communication baudrate - This parameter allows
using a range of values, from the point of view of configuration tools,
from Hz up to MHz.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00209 :

Name SpiCsIdentifier
Parent Container SpiExternalDevice
Description This parameter is the symbolic name to identify the Chip Select (CS) allo-
cated to this Job.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucStringParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Default value --

101 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

maxLength --
minLength --
regularExpression --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00210 :

Name SpiCsPolarity
Parent Container SpiExternalDevice
Description This parameter defines the active polarity of Chip Select.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range HIGH --
LOW --
Post-Build Variant
Value Configura- Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
tion Class Link time X VARIANT-LINK-TIME
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependen- scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00239 :

Name SpiCsSelection
Parent Container SpiExternalDevice
Description When the Chip select handling is enabled (see SpiEnableCs), then this parameter
specifies if the chip select is handled automatically by Peripheral HW engine or via
general purpose IO by Spi driver.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range CS_VIA_GPIO chip select handled via gpio by Spi driv-
CS_VIA_PERIPHERAL_ENGINE chip select is handled automatically by
Peripheral HW engine.
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Config-
Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
uration Class Link time X VARIANT-LINK-TIME
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configura- Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
tion Class Link time X VARIANT-LINK-TIME
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependen- scope: local
cy dependency: SpiEnableCs

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00211 :

Name SpiDataShiftEdge
Parent Container SpiExternalDevice
Description This parameter defines the SPI data shift edge.

102 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range LEADING --
Post-Build Variant
Value Configura- Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
tion Class Link time X VARIANT-LINK-TIME
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependen- scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00212 :

Name SpiEnableCs
Parent Container SpiExternalDevice
Description This parameter enables or not the Chip Select handling functions. If this
parameter is enabled then parameter SpiCsSelection further details the
type of chip selection.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00217 :

Name SpiHwUnit
Parent Container SpiExternalDevice
Description This parameter is the symbolic name to identify the HW SPI Hardware
microcontroller peripheral allocated to this Job.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range CSIB0 --
CSIB1 --
CSIB2 --
CSIB3 --
Post-Build Variant
Value Configura- Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
tion Class Link time X VARIANT-LINK-TIME
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependen- scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00213 :

Name SpiShiftClockIdleLevel
Parent Container SpiExternalDevice
Description This parameter defines the SPI shift clock idle level.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range HIGH --
LOW --
Post-Build Variant true

103 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Value Configura- Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
tion Class Link time X VARIANT-LINK-TIME
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependen- scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00214 :

Name SpiTimeClk2Cs
Parent Container SpiExternalDevice
Description Timing between clock and chip select (in seconds) - This parameter allows
to use a range of values from 0 up to 0.0001 seconds.
The real configuration-value used in software BSW-SPI is calculated out of
this by the generator-tools
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 1E-4]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00247 :

Name SpiTimeCs2Clk
Parent Container SpiExternalDevice
Description Timing between chip select assertion and clock (in seconds) - This param-
eter allows
to use a range of values from 10ns up to 0.01 seconds.
The real configuration-value used in software BSW-SPI is calculated out of
this by the generator-tools.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [1E-8 .. 0.01]
Default value 1E-6
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00248 :

Name SpiTimeCs2Cs
Parent Container SpiExternalDevice
Description Timing between the negation of the chip select at the end of frame and the
assertion of the chip select at the beginning of the next frame (in seconds)
- This parameter allows to use a range of values from 10ns up to 0.01 sec-
The real configuration-value used in software BSW-SPI is calculated out of
this by the generator-tools.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [1E-8 .. 0.01]
Default value 1E-6
Post-Build Variant Value true

104 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00246 :

Name SpiDeviceEcucPartitionRef
Parent Container SpiExternalDevice
Description Maps an SPI external device to zero or multiple ECUC partitions to limit
the access to this external device. The ECUC partitions referenced are a
subset of the ECUC partitions where the SPI driver is mapped to.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ EcucPartition ]
Post-Build Variant Multi-
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

105 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

+parameter EcucFloatParamDef
min = 0
upperMultiplicity = *
+literal EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
lowerMultiplicity = 1 +parameter SpiDataShiftEdge:
EcucEnumerationParamDef +literal
+parameter EcucFloatParamDef

max = 0.0001
min = 0
+literal EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
+parameter SpiShiftClockIdleLevel:
EcucEnumerationParamDef +literal
+parameter SpiEnableCs:

SpiCsSelection: EcucEnumerationParamDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 CS_VIA_GPIO:
upperMultiplicity = 1 EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+parameter SpiCsPolarity:
EcucEnumerationParamDef +literal

+parameter SpiCsIdentifier:

symbolicNameValue = true

+literal CSIB0:
SpiHwUnit: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
EcucEnumerationParamDef +literal
+parameter EcucEnumerationLiteralDef


SpiDeviceEcucPartitionRef: EcucPartition:
+reference +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = *

+parameter EcucFloatParamDef

min = 0.00000001
max = 0.01
defaultValue = 0.000001

+parameter EcucFloatParamDef

min = 0.00000001
max = 0.01
defaultValue = 0.000001

106 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

[SWS_Spi_CONSTR_00002] ⌈ The ECUC partitions referenced by Spi-

DeviceEcucPartitionRef shall be a subset of the ECUC partitions referenced by

[SWS_Spi_CONSTR_00004] ⌈ If SpiEcucPartitionRef references one or more ECUC

partitions, SpiDeviceEcucPartitionRef shall have a multiplicity of greater than zero
and reference one or several of these ECUC partitions as well. ⌋()

10.2.9 SpiDriver
SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00091 :
Container Name SpiDriver
Parent Container Spi
This container contains the configuration parameters and sub containers of
the AUTOSAR Spi module.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00197 :

Name SpiMaxChannel
Parent Container SpiDriver
Description This parameter contains the number of Channels configured. It will be
gathered by tools during the configuration stage.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Multi-
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00198 :

Name SpiMaxJob
Parent Container SpiDriver
Description Total number of Jobs configured.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Multi-
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

107 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00199 :

Name SpiMaxSequence
Parent Container SpiDriver
Description Total number of Sequences configured.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Multi-
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
SpiChannel 1..* All data needed to configure one SPI-channel
The communication settings of an external device. Closely
SpiExternalDevice 1..*
linked to SpiJob.
All data needed to configure one SPI-Job, amongst others the
SpiJob 1..* connection between the internal SPI unit and the special set-
tings for an external device is done.
SpiSequence 1..* All data needed to configure one SPI-sequence

SpiDriver: EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1

+parameter +parameter +parameter

SpiMaxChannel: SpiMaxJob: SpiMaxSequence:

EcucIntegerParamDef EcucIntegerParamDef EcucIntegerParamDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0

upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = 1
max = 255 max = 65535 max = 255

10.2.10 SpiPublishedInformation
SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00235 :
Container Name SpiPublishedInformation
Parent Container Spi

108 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

Description Container holding all SPI specific published information parameters

Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Spi_00236 :

Name SpiMaxHwUnit
Parent Container SpiPublishedInformation
Description Number of different SPI hardware microcontroller peripherals
(units/busses) available and handled by this SPI Handler/Driver module.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Published Information X All Variants
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

109 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

10.3 Published information

For details refer to the chapter 10.3 “Published Information” in SWS_BSWGeneral

10.4 Configuration concept

There is a relationship between the SPI Handler/Driver module and the modules that
use it. This relationship is resolved during the configuration stage and the result of it
influences the proper API and behaviour between those modules.

The user needs to provide to the SPI Handler/Driver part of the configuration to adapt
it to its necessities. The SPI Handler/Driver shall take this configuration and provide
the needed tools to the user.

The picture shows the information flow during the configuration of the SPI Han-
dler/Driver. It is shown only for one user, using an External EEPROM Driver as ex-
ample, but this situation is common to all users of the SPI Handler/Driver. To high-
light the situation where more users are affected, several overlapping documents are

110 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

The steps on the diagrams are:

1. The user (External EEPROM Driver) of SPI Handler/Driver edits a XML con-
figuration file. This XML configuration file is the same used by the user to gen-
erate its own configuration.
2. For each ECU, a XML HW configuration document contains information which
should be used in order to configure some parameters.
3. The “SPI generation tool”. The Generation tool (here is reflected only the part
that generates code to SPI usage) shall generate the handles to export and
the instance of the configuration sets. In this step the software integrator will
provide missing information.
4. SPI instance configuration file. As a result of the generation all the symbolic
handlers needed by the user are included in the configuration header file of
the SPI Handler/Driver.

111 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

5. User gets the symbolic name of handlers. User imports the handle generated
to make use of them as requested by its XML configuration file.

112 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

11 Not applicable requirements

[SWS_Spi_00999] ⌈ These requirements are not applicable to this specification. ⌋
(SRS_BSW_00301, SRS_BSW_00302, SRS_BSW_00306, SRS_BSW_00307,
SRS_BSW_00308, SRS_BSW_00309, SRS_BSW_00312, SRS_BSW_00325,
SRS_BSW_00328, SRS_BSW_00330, SRS_BSW_00331, SRS_BSW_00334,
SRS_BSW_00341, SRS_BSW_00342, SRS_BSW_00343, SRS_BSW_00347,
SRS_BSW_00375, SRS_BSW_00399, SRS_BSW_00400, SRS_BSW_00401,
SRS_BSW_00413, SRS_BSW_00416, SRS_BSW_00417, SRS_BSW_00422,
SRS_BSW_00423, SRS_BSW_00424, SRS_BSW_00426, SRS_BSW_00427,
SRS_BSW_00428, SRS_BSW_00429, SRS_BSW_00432, SRS_BSW_00433,
SRS_BSW_00005, SRS_BSW_00006, SRS_BSW_00009, SRS_BSW_00010,
SRS_BSW_00161, SRS_BSW_00164, SRS_BSW_00168, SRS_BSW_00170,
SRS_BSW_00172, SRS_SPAL_12267, SRS_SPAL_12068, SRS_SPAL_12069,
SRS_SPAL_12063, SRS_SPAL_12129, SRS_SPAL_12067, SRS_SPAL_12077,
SRS_SPAL_12078, SRS_SPAL_12092, SRS_SPAL_12265)

113 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

12 Appendix
The table shown on the next page is just an example to help future users (and/or de-
velopers) that have to configure software modules to use the SPI Handler/Driver.
This table is independent of the Spi_ConfigType structure but contains all ele-
ments and aggregations like Channels, Jobs and Sequences.




114 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

Specification of SPI Handler / Driver

External EEPROM Write/Read Configuration for SPI Handler/Driver

Sequences Jobs Channels
Symbolic Symbolic Symbolic
ID Attributes ID Attributes ID Attributes
Name Name Name

2 (Number of Jobs), CS_LOW, EB,
{EEP_CMD_JOB, CLK_2MHz, 8 bits,
EEP_DATA_JOB} 1 (time in µs), 1 data to
0 (List of Jobs), 0 Polarity 180, 0 TxD,
Not Interruptible, Falling Edge, MSB First,
EEP_vidEndOfWrit 3, Default value
eSeq EEP_vidEndOfStartWrJob, is 0x00
1 (Number of Channels)
{EEP_CMD_CH} (List of

1 (Number of Jobs),
1 (time in µs), 16 bits,
Polarity 180, 1 data to
EEP_READ_ (List of Jobs), EEP_DATA_ EEP_ADR_
1 1 Falling Edge, 1 TxD,
SEQ Not Interruptible, JOB CH
2, MSB First,
NULL, Default value
3 (Number of Channels) is 0x0000
EEP_DATA_CH} (List of

8 bits,
32 data to
2 TxD,
MSB First,
Default value
is 0x00

115 of 115 Document ID 38: AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver

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