Unit 2 Music Vocabulary

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Unit 2 ( Music)

1 absolutely = completely:
2 appeal = a request to the public for money, information, or help:
3 favour = the support or approval of something or someone:
4 appropriate = suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion:
how much respect or admiration someone or something receives,
5 reputation
= based on past behaviour or character:
6 risk = the possibility of something bad happening:
7 superior = better than average or better than other people or things of the same type:
8 appreciate = to recognize how good someone or something is and to value them or it:
9 genre = a particular type of art, writing , music etc
10 repertoire = all the music, plays, dances, operas, etc., that a person or a group can perform,
11 range = a set of similar things:
12 quartet = a group of four people who play musical instruments or sing as a group:
13 piece = a part of something:
14 frankly = in an honest and direct way
15 outstandingly = in a way that is clearly very much better than what is usual:
16 talented = with talent; able or skilful:
17 conduct = to organize and perform a particular activity:
18 based = founded on , having a basis
19 chamber = a room used for a special or official purpose
20 exceptionally = in a way that is much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc.:
21 live = (to continue) to be alive or have life:
22 desirable = worth having and wanted by most people
23 catch = to take hold of something, especially something that is moving through the air:
24 justifiably = in a way for which there is a good reason:
25 merit = the quality of being good and deserving praise:
essentially (used when referring to the main or most important characteristic
26 basically =
or feature of something:)
27 standard = a level of quality:
28 notoriously = in a way that is famous for something bad:
29 unreliable = not able to be trusted or believed:
30 drop out = to stop doing something before you have completely finished:
31 suffer = to experience physical or mental pain:
32 emphasis = attention that is given to something:
33 superiority = the fact that one person or thing is better, stronger, etc. than another:
34 dependability = the quality of being able to be trusted and being very likely to do what people expect:
35 potentially = possibly
36 embrace = to accept something enthusiastically:

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