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Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News Content in the

Turkish Language Shared by a Bot

Article · December 2020

DOI: 10.22059/jitm.2020.79335


3 183

2 authors:

Hikmet Tosyali Cigdem Aytekin

Maltepe University Marmara University


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Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News Content in
the Turkish Language Shared by a Bot

Hikmet Tosyalı *
*Corresponding Author, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Communication, Maltepe University, Istanbul,
Turkey. E-mail:

Çiğdem Aytekin
Associate Professor, Faculty of Communication, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey. E-mail:

Today, news texts can be created automatically and presented to readers without human participation
through technologies and methods such as big data, deep learning, and natural language generation.
With this research, we have developed an application that can contribute to the literature regarding
The Studies on Robot Journalism Applications with a technology-reductionist perspective. Robot
journalism application named Robottan Al Haberi (the English equivalent of the application name is
“get the news from the robot”) produces news text by placing weather, exchange rates, and earthquake
data in certain templates. The news texts, which are produced by placing the data in appropriate spaces
on the template and with a maximum length of 280 characters, are automatically shared via the Twitter
account @robottanalhaber. The weather information is shared once a day, the exchange rate
information is shared three times a day, and the earthquake information is shared instantly. Here, we
aim to produce automatic and short news by using the available structured data by placing them in
specific news templates suggesting different options or a combination of them for different situations.

Keywords: Natural language generation, Artificial intelligence, Robot journalism, Data journalism,

DOI: 10.22059/jitm.2020.79335 © University of Tehran, Faculty of Management

69 Journal of Information Technology Management, 2020, Special Issue

News refers to the information conveyed through the media and its organs regarding various
events taking place all over the world. A journalist undertakes the task of delivering the news
to readers. Today, news texts can be created automatically and presented to readers without
human participation through technologies and methods such as big data, deep learning, and
natural language generation (NLG). This led to the articulation of journalism with the concept
of robot. Robot journalism practices are based on NLG. It can be argued that NLG has
potential use in journalism, although it is used in other fields today as in the novel, named The
Day a Computer Wrote a Novel, written jointly by people and artificial intelligence (Birer,

The researches on robot journalism are categorized according to their content in the
literature section of this study. In the current study, we have developed an application that can
contribute to the literature regarding the studies on robot journalism applications with a
technology-reductionist perspective. Robot journalism application named Robottan Al Haberi
produces news text by placing weather, exchange rates, and earthquake data in certain
templates. The current study is important as it is the first academic study in Turkey to develop
robot journalism practice. We aim to produce automatic and short news by using the available
structured data by placing them in specific news templates suggesting different options or a
combination of them for different situations. We show how this news is automatically shared
on a Twitter account (i.e., @robottanalhaber). In the study, we expected that the account
would be of interest and followed by users due to the transfer of important information on the
three issues mentioned above. Finally, evaluations regarding the account with these features
were discussed.

Robot Journalism
As Tornoe (2014) indicated, smart machines have prepared us for an inevitable future where
they are trying to capture and enslave humankind. It is possible to see the reflections of this
situation in many areas today. Now, robots have already entered the field of journalism.
While artificial intelligence has begun to occupy an area where the human factor has
traditionally dominated, especially, it affects journalism as a profession that has passed
through a turbulent period. (Túñez-López et al., 2018). The technological advances and the
ways to deliver a new content change the way journalism works and encourages new forms
and differences. Many of these changes focus on the availability of online tools and data. Data
journalism, geo-journalism, computer-aided reporting, and robot journalism are some of the
new ways, and the role and function of the journalist have been changing (Szews, 2018).

The editor of Physics Today Journal, Charles Day (2018), stated in his article, published
in Computing in Science & Engineering that he first learned about the robot journalism five
Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News Content in the … 70

years ago: “A start-up called StatSheet had created software that took electronic versions of
baseball scorecards and turned them into news reports. Known since 2011 as Automated
Insights, the company and its competitors work with media outlets to automatically generate
thousands of news stories a year. For now, the stories are confined to game summaries,
earnings reports, and other topics in which the principal content resides in readily harvestable
data. But there are signs that robot writers are expanding their reach and becoming more
capable.” (p. 101)

Without a doubt, algorithms today can produce real and accurate content to attract users.
Artificial intelligence and automation provide robust clues for a future where robots and
software will reduce the need for human labor. Therefore, journalism has become a new area
where robots are used to produce content (Shekhar, 2016).

According to a definition, robot journalism is the use of software algorithms designed to

produce written articles. The algorithm is mainly structured to produce a news template. The
sentences, used by a journalist while writing an article, are utilized in creating a template. The
algorithms perform journalists’ routine writing tasks, that can be formulated and are mostly
based on quantitative data, with higher speed and accuracy. Thus, news centers can distribute
these automatically generated articles to the channels in real-time. When software is
implemented for the first time, all articles are reviewed by people first. If the software is
successful, the articles are automatically published after a final check (McCartney, 2015). In
addition to the definition above, Latar (2018) stated that robot journalism has a second
function: Software development to automatically extract new information from large data
stacks. Therefore, the concept of robot journalism is significantly related to big data
journalism since data are essential causes of robot journalism (Narin, 2017).

On the one hand, different terms are used, such as automated journalism, news writing
boots, algorithmic journalism, computational journalism, bot journalism, Robo journalism,
and web 3.0 journalism. On the other hand, according to Loosen (2018), the news cycle
broadens from the inner circle involving observation, production, distribution, and
consumption to the outer circle involving automated production, algorithmic data processing,
and data generation. Thus, Loosen defines automated journalism and algorithmic journalism
as data journalism.

Vállez and Codina (2018) suggested that the computational journalism allows the
transformation of disciplines to evolve into journalism and to adapt to new environments, and
it is characterized by interdisciplinarity and multidimensionality, which gives it a dynamic
character. It is characterized by intensive use of technology that not only for the news creation
process but also as an aid for news writing and ease of personalizing content for different
environments. The computerized journalism focuses on answering the following questions:
71 Journal of Information Technology Management, 2020, Special Issue

How are new stories discovered using data and algorithms? How are visually engaging stories
understood? How to personalize content for different types of readers?

In this study, we will use the term robot journalism and follow the definition of
McCartney (2015). We will consider the robot journalism as algorithms that automatically
convert the data into the news texts without human participation. Examining the existing
literature on robot journalism, which is in a limited number, studies have focused on the
following topics: Perceptions on how robots write the news (e.g., Wölker & Powell, 2018);
optimistic (e.g., Tornoe, 2014), semi-optimistic (e.g., Dörr, 2016), and pessimistic (e.g.,
Bucher, 2017) attitudes towards robot journalism; ethical and legal problems regarding robot
journalism (e.g., McCartney, 2015); application development (e.g., Sim & Shin, 2016). We
reviewed these topics, respectively.

Perceptions about News Written by Robots

Clerwall (2014) investigated how readers would interpret the software-generated content against
similar content written by a journalist. In the study, 30 participants were exposed to different news
articles written by a journalist or produced from software. Then, they answered questions about how
they perceived the article (e.g., overall quality, reliability, impartiality). Findings suggested that
although the participants perceived the content created by the software as descriptive and boring, they
could not distinguish it from the content written by journalists. In addition, the contents created by
journalists were perceived as objective. The researcher stated that the bots could not replace the real
journalists. According to Clerwall, bots would be given tasks to write ordinary stories based on data;
however, more complex tasks such as narration and eyewitness reporting would be left to human

Kaa and Krahmer (2014) focused on the perceived reliability of news stories written by
a robot, which investigates the differences and similarities between journalists and
newsreaders. There were 232 participants, and 64 of them were journalists. The participants
were asked to evaluate the perceived expertise and reliability levels of four news articles
written in Dutch. Sports or finance topics were chosen as news stories. A robot or human
journalist was chosen as the author to determine the perceived reliability of the news writer
and the content of the news story. There was no significant difference in news readers’
perceptions regarding the level of reliability and expertise of the robot writer and the
journalist. However, a significant difference was found on the perceived reliability of the
news source within the group of journalists. Journalists reported that the reliability of the
human journalist was higher than that of a robot. Moreover, journalists stated that the
perceived expertise of the robot was greater.

In another study, a group of researchers discussed the implications of the news written
by a robot in journalism. In the study, the perceptions of the public and the journalists about
an article written by a robot were compared with the article of a human journalist.
Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News Content in the … 72

Furthermore, the effect of a manipulation created through the declaration of the author (a
human author or a robot author) was explored through a series of experiments. Regarding the
public’s assessment of the quality of both articles, there was an interaction effect suggesting
that the public gave higher scores to the article written by the robot when the author was
declared as a robot. However, the robot article was given lower scores when the author was
declared as a human journalist through the manipulation. This result is an indication of the
public's negative attitude towards journalists. Hypothetically, the journalists were expected to
give higher scores for a journalist’s article and lower scores for an article written by the robot.
In contrast to the expectation of the researchers, the journalists gave higher scores when the
author was declared as a robot, but when the author was declared as a human journalist, they
gave lower scores to the quality of the article written by a robot in reality. (Jung et al., 2017).

A study conducted by Sarılar (2019) examined whether there would be any difference
between the robot journalist and the human journalist in terms of the evaluations on an article
by a group of participants. The participants were read two articles about the earthquake, one
written by a human journalist and the other by a robot journalist, and the results were
compared. Most of the group correctly knew which article was written by the robot. Likewise,
most of the group stated that the article written by the robot was more objective and
understandable. The participants described the article written by the robot as more fun
because it did not tire the person while reading it. However, articles written by the robot were
evaluated as weaker in conveying emotions to the reader, and the participants reported that the
storytelling was not realized and it was not successful in descriptions compared to the other
article written by a human journalist.

Another empirical study conducted by Wölker and Powell (2018) aimed to investigate
how European newsreaders (N = 300) would perceive three forms of journalism (i.e., the
human, the robot, and combined journalism created by both the human and the robot) in terms
of content and source reliability. The findings demonstrated that reliability perceptions
regarding the contents and the sources did not differ between robot journalism and the
combined journalism, including both the human and the robot. Only the news created by the
robot in the field of sports was perceived as more reliable than the human journalist. As a
result, it was shown that the effects of robots on journalism quality were highly
indistinguishable for European readers.

Robots have increasingly accepted in the US and Chinese newsrooms, but more
research is needed on the extent to which they are accepted by news users. Based on this
need, a cross-cultural study conducted by Zheng et al. (2018) aimed to comparatively
examine automated news perceptions of the users in terms of how they would perceive the
quality of the news created by the robots, how much they would love this news, and how
much they would trust the news. The results showed that US and Chinese users had similar
73 Journal of Information Technology Management, 2020, Special Issue

perceptions about the news generated by the robots. Users did not perceive automated content
linearly but evaluated it by taking into account the interaction of authors (human journalists or
robots), media outlets (traditional or new media), and cultural background (US or Chinese

The automated news generation can be easily done with NLG methods in areas where
the data capacity is huge, and the data structure is known. Melin et al. (2018) developed an
automation system for automated news generation, which they called Valtteri. Valtteri
produced news articles about the 2017 Finnish municipal elections. Opinions were received
from 152 evaluators to assess the quality of the articles and to identify aspects that need
improvement. The articles were evaluated in the context of reliability, liking, quality, and
representativeness. The evaluators reported that 21% of automated articles would have been
written by journalists, and 10% of articles written by journalists would have been written by
Valtteri. There was a significant positive correlation between the percentage of users making
these inaccurate evaluations and the age of the evaluators. In general, men made fewer errors
than women while identifying whether the author was a robot or a human journalist.

As seen, sometimes the objectivity dimension comes to the fore in the perception of the
news written by the robots and it is articulated with the reliability dimension, but sometimes
the tediousness of the content produced is concerned. Nevertheless, the fact that news written
by robots is often indistinguishable from what the human journalist writes is important
regarding the deterministic approach to robot journalism.

Optimistic, Semi-Optimistic, and Pessimistic Attitudes toward The Robot

Today, the robot journalism may be more common than most people would imagine. For
example, artificial intelligence can scan articles that were searched to write this article. But
can it compete with people analyzing the scanned content? This is an issue that has not been
resolved yet. (Mayes, 2014). Tornoe (2014) had an optimistic attitude towards this issue,
suggesting that since our childhood, smart machines have done an excellent job preparing us
for an inevitable future that seeks to capture and enslave humans. In addition, he continued as
follows: “Even Marshall Brain, founder of How Stuff Works and author of Robotic Nation,
put journalists on notice as being one of nine professions that will ultimately be replaced by
computers.” (p. 24)

In another example, while human journalists focus on larger projects in the Associated
Press, robot journalists are responsible for writing routine business and sports stories. The
robot journalism can be a practical and strategic step in writing complex stories for
Associated Press and other publishers. According to Associated Press Strategy and
Institutional Development Senior Vice President Jim Kennedy, automated story writing in
Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News Content in the … 74

business and sports has increased significantly using robot journalism technology. (Young,

Ali and Hassoun (2019) stated that artificial intelligence technologies develop the work
of journalists instead of changing the current understanding of journalism. Therefore, artificial
intelligence does not pose a threat to professional journalism. Shekhar (2016) supported this
idea by recommending not to worry about the rise of the robot journalism because the robot
journalism has a role in creating news that requires only structured and quantitative data, not
in mainstream journalism structured with human emotions or aspects. Thus, we can think of
robots as an assistant reporter who processes all the tedious data numbers and turns them into
readable content. The early signs of the skills of the robot reporters are considered promising.
(Rutkin, 2014).

On the one hand, it is ensured that bots write news about sports, finance, and politics
through artificial intelligence algorithms. On the other hand, some people still mistakenly
think that the issue of text creation by bots is complicated. However, artificial intelligence
algorithms are used to summarize scientific research articles and automatically create press
releases and news stories. (Tatalovic, 2018).

Waddell (2019) provides journalists and editors with possible guidance on citation
practices that can reduce the perceived bias and increase the perceived reliability of news
created by the automation. Those who oppose the automation seemed to prefer automation to
include references that define the collaboration between journalists and the algorithm. They
also prefer to see references to clearly describe the role of automation from the beginning of
an article. Therefore, while news media continues to face difficulties in communicating with
politically polarized audiences, automation appears promising if it reminds journalists and
readers that people are still involved in the news production process.

A study, conducted by Túñez-López et al. (2018) with the participation of 366

journalists, suggested that there is a lack of deep understanding of how artificial intelligence
can directly affect journalism as a profession. None of the journalists participating in the
survey mentioned the need to rethink their role in the process of creating the news.

Kim and Kim (2017) aimed to reveal the views of newspaper managers regarding what
they would think about the placement of the robots in newsrooms. The data were collected
from 24 different newspaper managers. According to the results, the business performance
that arises with robot journalism and readers’ willingness to read the news written by the
robots are among the most important criteria for the managers to decide whether to integrate
robot journalism into their business processes. On the other hand, the attitude of journalists
towards robot journalism was evaluated in terms of business performance and changes in the
75 Journal of Information Technology Management, 2020, Special Issue

foreign market environment. When robot journalists are adopted, the decrease in the number
of human journalists will most likely be chosen by the managers as an employment strategy.

Karlsen and Stavelin (2014) studied computational journalism as a craft applied in

Norwegian newsrooms. Computational journalism is a continuation of traditional journalism,
according to in-depth interviews with six expert practitioners working in the largest
newsrooms in Norway. According to them, the benefit of computational journalism is not to
save them from standard level work taking their time; the benefit is the development of new
forms of data-driven and user-driven journalism with the potential to fulfill the traditional
hopes and promises of journalism.

Traditional news production has been changing with the development of software that
automatically generates the text in natural language from structured data. In his study, Dörr
(2016) first addressed the question of whether generating text in natural language could fulfill
professional journalistic functions at a technical level and claimed the existence of
technological limitations in NLG. Secondly, while focusing on the economic potential of
NLG in journalism, he expected its institutionalization at an organizational level. Based on
these points of view, 13 semi-structured interviews were held with the representatives of the
different service providers. The interviews reflected the current market situation in detail. (see
more in Dörr, 2016). As a result, although the expansion of the NLG market is still at an early
stage in journalism and the service providers and the products are scarce, NLG could perform
the tasks of professional journalism at a technical level.

Narin (2017) examined the opportunities and the threats created by robot journalism, the
change in the journalists’ self-abilities, and whether new ethical problems were added to
existing ones. According to her, the most striking effect of robot journalism applications
would be unemployment that journalists might face. However, there is no such risk of
unemployment for journalists who create different contents such as interviews, news analysis,
and articles where human emotions, thoughts, and interactions are salient. On the other hand,
with the convergence in computer sciences and communication sciences, robot journalism
practices have started to become widespread. Due to this spread, the need for journalists with
software and coding knowledge has increased. The prevalence of robot journalism brings
about some ethical problems. Ethical problems caused by automated news written by
algorithms could be listed as follows: dependence on public authorities from which data used
in automated content is received, beliefs that automated content would be impartial, filtering,
privacy, confidentiality, and security.

Dalen (2012) focused on how journalists force themselves to review their skills in terms
of robot journalism. Based on this point, the researcher analyzed the reactions to the start of a
sports website written by a machine. The journalists who evaluated the automatized news
Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News Content in the … 76

content emphasized the ability of the machine to write complex sentences as an important
skill defining the journalist and considered robot journalism as an opportunity. Moreover,
contrary to previous studies that define journalists as conservative and defensive, human
journalists who write about robot journalists do not reject new developments. There may be
different reasons for this. For example, the journalists who have written about the impact of
technological developments on journalism could be seen as early adopters that are more open
to change in the journalistic community in general or the journalists writing about the
automated content analysis can focus on a trend that does not directly affect their work.
However, they can be more defensive when it comes to a direct impact on their work.

Another study was conducted with the participation of three national and six local
media workers (Güz & Yeğen, 2018). Examining the responses of the participants via in-
depth interview on the new media and robot journalism, although the new media affects
traditional journalism positively, just like many other fields, in general, it was concluded that
the professionals in the field are negatively affected by the process. Supporting this finding,
Karaduman (2017) suggested that the journalism is a phenomenon whose subject is the
human, therefore, even flawless robot journalism will always be missing one part. Similarly,
Marconi and Siegman (2017) indicated that artificial intelligence could help expand
journalism, but it will never replace journalism. For example, artificial intelligence can help
the reporting process; however, journalists always need to put the pieces together, and they
generate creative narratives.

Bucher (2017) attempted to reveal the link between computing and journalism through
interviews with executive staff, editors, and developers at Scandinavian news organizations.
There were three claims made by the researcher: 1) The machines have no instincts, 2)
Democracy can never be personalized, and 3) The computation is something to consider
rather than simulate. Thus, it was claimed that what cannot be calculated is not only a
technical but also a deep social, cultural, political, and economic problem.

On the other hand, İrvan (2017) stated that a robot that started working in a newspaper
in China wrote the first news, and this robot managed to write 300 characters news in a
second about a local spring festival event. Robots have a stronger data analysis capacity than
humans, and they can write news faster. Notwithstanding, robots could not replace human
journalists because they are unable to interview and ask questions [yet].

As can be seen, some authors have an optimistic attitude that the robot journalists will
replace the human journalists, while others have a semi-optimistic attitude by highlighting the
function of the robot journalists to assist the human journalists. For example, robot journalists
can play a supporting role in creating news that requires structured and quantitative data, or
the algorithms can be implemented under the control of journalists and become user driven.
77 Journal of Information Technology Management, 2020, Special Issue

These are opportunities for journalists; however, there are some pessimistic concerns asking
the following questions: What will be the business performance of robot journalism? Are
readers eager to read the news written by a robot? How can social, cultural, and political
processes be integrated into automated production?

Ethical and Legal Issues Related to The Robot Journalism

Many journalists consider automation as an opportunity to be more creative. Routine and
tedious tasks can be transferred to bots, allowing journalists to focus more on creative tasks.
However, the robot journalism raises some ethical issues that people should discuss such as
data source authority, data disclosure, and authorship. (McCartney, 2015).

The reliance on algorithms for robot journalism has significant practical, socio-political,
and psychological dimensions, and it affects news organizations, journalists, and readers both
legally and professionally. Therefore, algorithmic authoring may be one of the most
controversial but undiscovered aspects. In a study conducted by Montal and Reich (2017), a
theoretical framework of algorithmic creativity in an interdisciplinary perspective was
revealed by a field study. In this context, the citation issue, full information policies, and legal
opinions regarding the studies produced by the algorithm were discussed. The study found
that there were significant differences between the perception of authorship, typical citation
regimes, and scientific literature. The results provided a consistent and comprehensive policy
that supports the public interest in automated news to reduce these inconsistencies. For
example, the recommended association policy for algorithmic content generation is as
follows: If the line belongs to a single in-company programmer, it must be attributed to the
software vendor or programmer; the algorithmic nature of the content should be clearly stated
with full explanation (describing the software vendor or programmer’s role in the
organization); the data sources and algorithm methodology of a particular story should be

While robot journalism creates many new considerable opportunities, it also raises
critical legal problems. For example, it is not only necessary to identify clear questions about
what the algorithm should discuss in the article, but also how it overlaps with the rules of the
traditional publishing, editorial control, privacy, and data protection framework. (Ombelet et
al., 2016).

With the emergence of the news created by the software, specific ethical, moral, and
operational issues must also be considered. Therefore, the political economy of the algorithm
systems should be evaluated separately by publishers, advertisers, data producers,
governments, and users. Furthermore, algorithms can be manipulated by humans, even in the
most challenging print attempts. For this reason, journalism and media researchers should
focus on the algorithm problem. (Lindén, 2017).
Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News Content in the … 78

Implementing criminal and legal responsibility for abuse and neglect in the use of
automated journalism may be the best tool to ensure the legitimacy of automated journalism.
This seems to be the easiest way to respect ethical principles. In this perspective, some
passing laws may be required to impose responsibility on the programmers. (Monti, 2018).

As can be seen, intellectual rights, transparency in content generation, channels used in

obtaining data, data protection, the bias in algorithms, and legal responsibilities are some of
the ethical and legal problems we could face in robot journalism. Therefore, essential
dilemmas for robot journalism should be investigated in a multidimensional way through
further studies, and legal regulations should be determined and added to the field of
journalism in this direction.

The Studies on Robot Journalism Applications

Sim and Shin (2016) introduced an application that automatically writes articles called Stock
Robot in their study. The necessary steps in Stock Robot include four phases: data collection
and storage, critical event extraction, article content production, and article production. The
robot collects and analyzes data on social issues and stock indices in the past two years.
Twitter is used as a platform in this study. The produced article was uploaded to Twitter on an
account without any errors.

Wordsmith is a platform created by Automated Insights. The platform collects vast

quantities of measurable data from vertical fields dominated by detailed numerical data such
as financial reports, real estate, and sports. It uses specific algorithms to compare that data.
The platform then compiles them all in one story. It also uses preset parameters to create
adjectives and punctuation marks (Tornoe, 2014).

Los Angeles Times has switched to automatic reporting on earthquakes. Quakebot, an

algorithm created by database maker Ken Schwencke, creates a text on earthquakes with
magnitudes greater than 3.0, with data from the U.S. Geological Research Unit. The algorithm
adds a map to the text and presents it by creating a title within minutes of the earthquake's
first detection. According to Schwencke, Quakebot helps journalists by eliminating most of
the regular work in earthquake reporting (Tornoe, 2014). Rutkin (2014) says that the Los
Angeles Times newspaper automatically publishes the news containing all the crucial details
about the earthquake 3 minutes after the earthquake in California, and highlights this point:
“The last sentence was the most important, it says, ‘this post was generated by an algorithm
created by the author.’ This sentence got more attention”. Quakebot works by filling the gaps
in the relevant places. When the U.S. Geological Survey Unit sends an e-mail alert about an
earthquake, Schwenke’s bot parses the email, places the data in a template, and uploads the
article to the newspaper’s content management system. It even sends an email to editors to see
79 Journal of Information Technology Management, 2020, Special Issue

notifications. In addition, the newspaper has other bots to compare neighborhoods for a
project; in this way, articles on city murders are automatically generated on the website.

In their study, Lee et al. (2017) presented a prototype of an algorithm (Custombot’s

Algorithm) that creates personalized news articles on information technologies and
technology for a particular theme, criterion, or item. When a personal preference is made, the
algorithm analyzes the data, originates the most appropriate topic preferred by a person, and
finally produces a news article on this topic. The Custombot Algorithm, which processes and
analyzes data with inductive reasoning, considers the concepts of news angle and filter
bubble. Text segmentation and private labeling are two of the tasks used in the system that
allows creating custom labels and adding matching information to the appropriate places.
Content, structure, and layout will be different for each article, depending on the category the
user chooses. As a result, the article can be served as a new service provided by news
agencies to meet the needs of each news consumer.

Verhulst et al. (2017) introduced Marvin, a futuristic newsroom simulation, in their

study. The simulation consists of three scenarios involving regular journalistic tasks: Data
analysis, writing, and interview. A total of nine participants with journalistic experience tested
one or two of these scenarios in a special room representing the futuristic newsroom at the
University of Amsterdam. As a result, it has been found that Marvin allows journalists to try
various interactions with tools that can play an important role in their daily work. For this
reason, Marvin is accepted as a successful approach to investigate the preferences of
journalists about how they interact with robot journalism.

In their study, Caswell and Dörr (2018) introduced a computational approach to

developing richer and more complex event-driven narratives rather than simple texts for
automated journalism. The data models required to write event-driven narratives
automatically are not sufficient. For this reason, a prototype database is defined for structured
events and narratives, and then two methods are presented to use the event and narrative data
in this database. Moreover, a framework was proposed to evaluate automatically generated
event-driven narratives, technical and editorial challenges regarding the use of the approach in
practice were discussed, and several high-level conclusions were opened for discussion on the
importance of data structures in automated journalism workflows.

The distribution of 11 companies providing automatic content creation services by

country is as follows: AX Semantics, Text-On, 2txt NLG, Retresco and Textomatic in
Germany; Narrative Science and Automated Insights in the United States; Syllabus and
Labsense in France; Arria is located in the UK, and Tencent is located in China. Yandex can
be added to the list from Russia. Eight companies focus on providing content in one language,
while the remaining four offer their services in multiple languages. On the other hand, these
Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News Content in the … 80

companies do not see themselves as a journalistic institution. Therefore, their names are not
associated with journalism, and their products are not intended to provide content in the field
of journalism. On the contrary, their technology can be applied to any data from any industry
(Graefe, 2016). Automated Insights, one of these companies, consists of robot journalists
looking for interesting trends. For example, they examine data to focus on stories that only
appeal to a small audience (such as the performance summary of a soccer team that a person
is a fan of). Most journalists say that they want to write an article that will be read by many
people, but the purpose of Automated Insight is to do the opposite: “We will create a million
pieces of content that we hope only one person will read among one million people.” (Rutkin,
2014, p. 22).

The system of the startup named Knowhere collects live news from hundreds of sites
and produces three different versions by rewriting them: A positive, critical, and impartial
perspective. According to the technology site Motherboard, this technology reviews
thousands of news published on the internet every day, and news texts are checked by
language recognition and word/sentence recognition algorithms. The screening is carried out
in a way that the texts can distinguish between accurate information and biased discourses.
Political-based news is categorized in a positive, critical, and impartial perspective. Knowhere
artificial intelligence can produce three versions of the news about a 1 to 15-minute process
after all analyses. Newly written versions are under the control of human editors and, if
approved, are published in their news portals and mobile app called Knowhere News.
Nathaniel Barling, co-founder and Chief Editor of Knowhere, states in the official statement
about the system: “We are practicing a form of journalism that overcomes information
overload and its resulting silos, attempting to reconcile the many different narratives spun out
of every story, and taking our first steps towards a truly comprehensive and comprehensible
source of record for all.” (News Center, 2018)

Development of a Robot Journalism Application named Robottan Al Haberi

In this study, robot journalism application named Robottan Al Haberi developed produces
news text by placing data on certain templates about weather, exchange rates, and earthquake.
Robottan Al Haberi has been developed using the C# programming language in the Visual
Studio 2019 integrated development environment. Data are provided by web service methods
from electronic data distribution systems of the General Directorate of Meteorology, Central
Bank, and Kandilli Earthquake Observatory respectively. The news texts, which are produced
by placing the data collected externally from the institutions in the appropriate spaces on the
template and with a maximum length of 280 characters, are automatically shared via the
Twitter account @robottanalhaber. Weather information is shared once a day at 08:00;
exchange rate information is shared three times a day at 08:00, 13:00, and 17:00. Earthquake
information is updated every minute, and information about recent earthquakes is shared
81 Journal of Information Technology Management, 2020, Special Issue

instantly. The working model of the Robottan Al Haberi application consists of three stages
(Figure 1). In the first stage, weather, exchange rates, and earthquake data are obtained from
the electronic data distribution systems of the institutions, as mentioned earlier by the web
service method and recorded on a database (data collection and storage stage). In the second
stage, the quantity of the collected data is checked for different situations, and news texts are
created in a way not to exceed 280 characters by placing data in pre-determined templates
according to the size (data processing stage). In the third stage, the created news texts are
shared on Twitter via the API platform at the hours and frequencies mentioned above (data
sharing stage).

Figure 1. Working Model of Robottan Al Haberi Application

Data Collection and Storage

In the first stage of the application, three different functions were prepared, which can collect
data from three different sources: General Directorate of Meteorology, Central Bank, and
Kandilli Observatory. The GetWeatherForecastData function collects weather data at 08:00
once a day. The GetExchangeRatesData function collects exchange rate data three times a day
at 08:00, 13:00, and 17:00. The GetEarthquakeData function works every minute to collect
earthquake data. A timer object has been added to the program interface to control the running
times of these functions.

A web service method was used as data collection method. The web service method is
an electronic data-sharing model allowing data sharing between databases of different
applications over the internet. In the web service method, it does not matter in which language
or platform the systems that will exchange data are developed. These systems, which are
developed and working independently from each other, can connect via hypertext transfer
protocol (HTTP), which is the standard transfer protocol of the internet and can share data
through extensible markup language (XML) outputs. As an example, the code fragment that
collects data for the highest and lowest air temperature values in Istanbul is shown in Figure
2, and the code fragment that collects exchange rate data is shown in Figure 3.
Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News Content in the … 82

Figure 2. Part of Sample Code Used to Collect Weather Data

Figure 3. Part of Sample Code Used to Collect Exchange Rate Data

The collected data is recorded in the application database. For example, the data set
structure, which is used to save the earthquake data from the Kandilli Observatory in the
application database, is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Structure of the Earthquake Data Set Collected from Kandilli Observatory
83 Journal of Information Technology Management, 2020, Special Issue

Data Processing
In the second stage of the application, the obtained data is processed, and news texts are
created. At this stage, the quantitative size of the information is checked for various situations,
and news texts are created by placing the data in the pre-created templates according to the
size values.

In Figure 5 and Figure 6, two sample code parts are given. In Figure 5, the piece of code
that outputs three different texts for the news about the exchange rates is shown in three
different times of the day. In Figure 6, there is a piece of code that outputs various news texts
in cases where the earthquake intensity is less than 3, between 3 and 5, and above 5.

Figure 5. Part of Code That Writes Different Exchange Rate News

in Three Different Time Periods

Figure 6. Code Part That Writes Different Earthquake News According to

Earthquake Severity

In the application interface shown in Figure 7, there are examples of Turkish news texts
resulting from the processing of the data. English translation of the texts is given in the
Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News Content in the … 84

Figure 7. Application Interface

English translations of texts in Figure 7:

Exchange Rate: According to the data received from the Central Bank, the Dollar
exchange rate started the new day at 6,9166 Turkish Lira (TL) and the Euro exchange rate at
the level of 7,4759 TL. #dollar #euro

Weather Forecast: According to the data received from Meteorology; it is estimated that
today, it will be low cloudy and clear in Istanbul and the highest air temperature will be 31
degrees and the lowest air temperature will be 19 degrees. #weatherforecast

Earthquake: According to the latest data from the Kandilli Observatory, an earthquake
occurred in the Aegean Sea at 00:23. The magnitude of the earthquake was 2.8 and not felt.

Data Sharing
As seen in Figure 7, the application interface consists of a single screen. The last tweets and
sharing times for all three types of news are displayed in the area reserved for the title. Tweets
are shared at certain times of the day through the timer running in the background. On the
other hand, there are also the Send Tweet buttons that allow manual sharing in the application
interface. If the timer shares the news displayed in the text field, the Send Tweet button is
disabled and becomes inactive.

Sharing is occurred without a user (editor) involvement or approval by providing

program-based access to the Twitter platform. Twitter APIs (application programming
85 Journal of Information Technology Management, 2020, Special Issue

interface) is used for this process. APIs are talk methods that allow computer programs to
request and deliver information to each other (Twitter, 2020).

The requisite permissions must be obtained from Twitter to use these methods. For this
study, application for authorization permission has been made to the Twitter Developer
Platform on the internet address, and the Twitter API Platform
can be used for the @robottanalhaber account after obtaining the requisite permissions.

Robot journalism can be defined as algorithms that automatically convert them into news
texts without human participation by using the data. This is a comprehensive statement. When
the related literature is examined, it can be said that some approaches to implementation are
only for a specific purpose. For example, some authors refer to robot journalism as news
generation by placing structured data in specific news templates. In contrast, others consider it
as a personal choice based on the analysis of the data and news generation. While some of
them are based on revealing an important event and news generation on it, some of them
introduced a computational approach to production for developing more complex event-
driven narratives rather than simple texts. Finally, news can be generated from different
perspectives by rewriting the current news collected from the sites to create a neutral
journalism source.

In this study, news generation was performed by placing structured data on three
different news templates. News templates were created by examining the words used in the
related news and the sentence structures related to them. The robot journalism application
Robottan Al Haberi generates news text about the weather, exchange rates, and earthquakes
and automatically shares short news via its Twitter account named @robottanalhaber.
However, the variety of topics can be increased. For example, the list of movies that will be
released in the new week; places to be open and closed on public holidays; the result and
winner of the digital lottery (with its location); the number of tourists entering the country
(with which country they come from); daily summary of the Olympic results; videos with the
highest number of views daily on Youtube, etc.

We predicted that the @robottanalhaber account would be paid attention and followed
by the users since it delivers genuine and new information on three topics that interest news
consumers. On the other hand, although Twitter is an interactive environment, such an
account that offers only news to the user may not be expected to be interactive. In this case,
the Twitter environment offers a single point to a multi-point communication model as in the
case of traditional mass communication, therefore, our application can be evaluated as a
newspaper’s breaking news Twitter account.
Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News Content in the … 86

The robot journalism approach in this study is a technology-reductionist approach. Future

applications related to the subject will inevitably increase. The situation can be compared to a
journalist gaining experience over time and producing better news texts using AI. In other
words, robot applications will improve over time, and automated generation will evolve into a
more comprehensive form. At this point, it can be suggested that human journalists should be
more integrated with algorithms to convey similar experiences that they had in journalism.

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Bibliographic information of this paper for citing:

Tosyalı, Hikmet; Aytekin, Çiğdem (2020). Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News
Content in the Turkish Language Shared by a Bot. Journal of Information Technology Management, Special
Issue, 68-88.

Copyright © 2020, Hikmet Tosyalı and Çiğdem Aytekin.

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