Alfred (LMFR)
Alfred (LMFR)
Alfred (LMFR)
Introduction fuel with maximum Plutonium enrichment of
The Advanced Lead Fast Reactor European 30% are used. Each FA extends to the cover
Demonstrator (ALFRED) conceptual design gas plenum, is long about 8 m and it consists
has been carried out in the frame of the EU of 127 fuel pins restrained by spacer grids. A
FP7 LEADER (Lead-cooled European Tungsten ballast in the upper part of the FA
Advanced Demonstration Reactor) Project. is used to overcome buoyancy forces. The
ALFRED is a 300 MWth pool system SG and PP are integrated into a single
developed to demonstrate the viability of the vertical unit. Eight SG/PP units are located in
European LFR (ELFR) technology for use in the annular space between the IV and the RV
the future commercial power plant. ALFRED walls. SGs are bayonet type with double
design is as close as possible to the reference walls. The double wall gap is filled with
ELFR using proven and already available Helium and high thermal conductivity
technical solutions to proceed to construction particles. The double wall concept prevents
in the short term. water/lead interaction in case of break of one
Description of the Nuclear System tube wall and, moreover, a tube wall break
ALFRED primary system configuration is a event can be easily detected by the
pool-type with all components removable. It continuous monitoring of the Helium gap
presents a simple flow path and a low pressure.
pressure drop of the primary coolant Description of the Safety Concept
allowing an efficient natural circulation. The ALFRED is equipped with two diverse,
primary coolant leaving the core flows redundant and separate shutdown systems:
upward through the Primary Pump (PP) the first system, which performs also the
vertical duct and then, through the Steam control function, is made of absorber rods
Generator (SG) inlet holes, flows downwards passively inserted by buoyancy from the
in the SG shell and feeds the cold plenum bottom of the core; the second is made of
back to the core. The volume between the absorbers rods passively inserted by a
primary coolant free levels and the reactor pneumatic system (using depressurization)
roof is filled with Argon. The Reactor Vessel from the top of the core. The Decay Heat
(RV) is cylindrical with a torispherical Removal (DHR) system consists of two
bottom head and it is anchored to the reactor passive, redundant and independent systems,
cavity from the top. A cone frustum, welded each one composed of four Isolation
to the bottom head, provides radial restraint Condenser systems (ICs) connected to four
of the Inner Vessel (IV). A steel liner SGs secondary side. Three out of four ICs
covering the reactor pit constitutes the Safety are sufficient to remove the decay heat
vessel (SV). The volume between the RV and power. Both systems are passive, with
SV is such that, in case of RV leak, the actively actuated valves, equipped with
primary coolant still covers the SG inlet redundant and locally stored energy sources.
window maintaining the natural circulation 2D seismic isolators are installed below the
flow path. The IV has the main functions of reactor building to cut the horizontal seismic
core support and hot/cold plena separation. It loads.
is fixed to the cover by bolts and it is radially Deployment Status and Planned Schedule
restrained at bottom. The Core Support plate ALFRED reached the conceptual design
is mechanically connected to the IV with maturity level in 2013. ALFRED is an
pins for easy removal/replacement. The core, essential step in the evolution of the LFR
with a total power of 300 MWth, is technology. The Road Map for the realization
constituted by 171 wrapped hexagonal Fuel of the Industrial scale First-Of-A-Kind
Assemblies (FAs), 12 Control Rods (CRs) European LFR (the ELFR) requires the
and 4 Safety Rods (SRs), surrounded by 108 realization of the ALFRED demonstrator
Dummy Elements. Hollow pellets of MOX around 2025.