skrzypek_Thermal-hydraulic calculations
skrzypek_Thermal-hydraulic calculations
skrzypek_Thermal-hydraulic calculations
Abstract. The main object of interest was a typical fuel assembly, which constitutes a core of the nuclear reactor.
The aim of the paper is to describe the phenomena and calculate thermal-hydraulic characteristic parameters
in the fuel assembly for a European Pressurized Reactor (EPR). To perform thermal-hydraulic calculations, the
RELAP5 code was used. This code allows to simulate steady and transient states for reactor applications. It is
also an appropriate calculation tool in the event of a loss-of-coolant accident in light water reactors. The fuel
assembly model with nodalization in the RELAP5 (Reactor Excursion and Leak Analysis Program) code was
presented. The calculations of two steady states for the fuel assembly were performed: the nominal steady-state
conditions and the coolant flow rate decreased to 60% of the nominal EPR flow rate. The calculation for one
transient state for a linearly decreasing flow rate of coolant was simulated until a new level was stabilized and
SCRAM occurred. To check the correctness of the obtained results, the authors compared them against the reac-
tor technical documentation available in the bibliography. The obtained results concerning steady states nearly
match the design data. The hypothetical transient showed the importance of the need for correct cooling in the
reactor during occurrences exceeding normal operation. The performed analysis indicated consequences of
the coolant flow rate limitations during the reactor operation.
Key words: fuel assembly • pressurized water reactor (PWR) • safety analysis • RELAP5
Fuel assembly
RELAP5 code
Fig. 6. Nodalization and the end view of a fuel assembly
RELAP5 is a code designed to perform thermal- [4].
-hydraulic calculations concerning light water reac-
tors (LWR), that is, for fluids such as water, steam is a commercial code that was verified and validated
and water mixture, noncondensible gases, and non- for nuclear applications in the past 30 years.
volatile matter (boron). The code includes modules The calculations are performed separately for
dedicated to reactors, particularly a point kinetics each control volume, as the tool solves equations
model, pumps (including a jet pump typical of boil- relating to mass, momentum, and energy balances
ing water reactors), valves, pipes, heat structures, for each phase of the fluid. When creating control
turbine, separator, water accumulator, and logical volumes, one has to adhere to certain guidelines
elements for system control. The code provides ap- and rely on one’s experience in modeling complex
plications typical of LWRs, simulating small coolant thermal-hydraulic systems. In defining the sizes
loss, anticipated transients without SCRAM, power of the control volumes, the geometry complexity and
outage, and loss of flow. The code was developed at the rate of changes in basic parameters within the ge-
the U.S. Idaho National Laboratory [3]. ometry need to be taken into account. Nodalization
(a division into control volumes) of a fuel assembly
as a whole is demonstrated in Fig. 6.
Fuel assembly nodalization Once created, the fuel assembly nodalization con-
sists of a lower and upper source, a time-dependent
In order to input geometrical data, the fuel as- volume, where the pressure, temperature, and void
sembly geometry has to be discretized into control fraction are declared. Other components required to
volumes; the connected control volumes constitute model the fuel assembly is a time-dependent junc-
a calculation model. A sample division into control tion, branch, and pipe. To model the process of heat
volumes for a pipe can be found in Fig. 5. RELAP5, exchange and generation, one has to introduce heat
being a system code, can make the impression that structures. To make the tool differentiate between
the number of components and control volumes fuel rods and control rods, two heat structures, both
is small (when compared to techniques used in marked in red in Fig. 6, were added to the pipe;
computational fluid dynamics, or CFD software); the red-filled area on the left-hand side means that
nevertheless, such an approximation in calculations the given volume is a heating component (an active
concerning large components is adequate, and the structure).
calculations are made in relatively short time. The
time in the case of the safety analysis is crucial,
because during this kind of process, large amount Results
of calculation is needed. Nowadays, safety analyses
done with the use of the system codes are beginning Steady-state parameters
to be always done with the uncertainty and sensitiv-
ity study. Apart from the calculations of the accident In order to obtain the results for the steady state of
scenarios, results are evaluated in terms of safety the fuel assembly in the EPR operating at nominal
margins by their susceptibility to various parameter power, first, one has to check whether and when
changes. That is why the RELAP5, with its low com- the steady state is reached in the model. To this
putational time, is a great tool for performance of end, a number of variables are examined: tempera-
numerous calculations. In addition, RELAP5 code ture within fuel at half the height of the assembly,
temperature of the coolant at the outlet of some
rods and guide rods, and the pressure of the coolant
flowing out of the assembly. If these parameters vary
by less than 1%, the steady state is assumed to have
Fig. 5. Pipe discretization represented by control volumes. been reached. Table 1 lists steady-state parameters
540 M. Skrzypek, R. Laskowski
2 G2 L L
(1) p Cf ,lo lo2 dz g sin v (1 )l
Dh l 0 0
L d x2 (1 x)2 N 2 G2
G 2 dz lo,d,isi
0 dz v (1 )l i 1 2l
The first, second, and third terms in the relation
(1) are the pressure drops resulting from friction,
gravity, and steam acceleration, respectively (a non- Fig. 16. Coolant gas temperature.
homogeneous model); the last one represents local
losses. The symbol 2lo is the loss factor regarding and automation system would use stand-by pumps
the two-phase flow and is greater than one. to supply the missing coolant, or the SCRAM sig-
nal would be initiated earlier. Despite many safety
measures provided in the nuclear reactor, running
The transient state: the drop in the coolant flow such a scenario is required to examine how the core
rate and the SCRAM would react if enough coolant is not supplied. Char-
acteristic parameters concerning the fuel assembly
The transient state is described by the following during a transient are listed in Table 2.
scenario. The calculations start at the steady state During a transient, physical quantities change
at nominal conditions of the reactor operation in time. To help analyze the changes in detail, they
(100 s). Then, the rate of flow of the coolant through were presented in diagrams for certain characteristic
the fuel assembly starts to decrease linearly by time points and periods. For us, the characteristic
0.5 kg/s for a period of 180 s. After this period, the time points and periods are the following: 171.5 s,
flow rate stabilizes at 6.08 kg/s, which is about 6.26% steam appears; 171.5–280 s, steam continues to ap-
of the nominal flow rate. From the beginning, the fuel pear and the power drops; 280–400 s, cooling with
assembly is heated by the nominal power but changes steam and water mixture; 400–450 s, restoring wa-
in moderator density and fuel temperature lead to ter cooling. Figure 15 shows the temperature of the
inherent power change. This results from reactivity liquid phase. As the flow rate drops, the temperature
effects related to the aforementioned safety factors rises until it reaches the value (about 618 K) match-
(particularly the higher temperature and lower den- ing the saturation pressure in the channel. This value
sity of the moderator, meaning poorer moderation is reached first at the end of the heating part. Then,
and larger proportion of fast neutrons that do not the value is reached in the preceding volumes. Dur-
contribute to fission reactions, and therefore, to the ing calculations, a temperature that is lower than the
power drop). Then, within 400 s, the SCRAM (reac- value matching the saturation pressure remains in
tor emergency shutdown) signal is given, forcing the the ninth volume. The gaseous phase temperature
fission reaction to stop by inserting safety rods (the (Fig. 16) decreases as the pressure drops. The
negative reactivity), and the reactor power decreases. amount of the heat supplied does not lead to super-
However, the flow rate of the decay heat from the heating the steam and drying the fuel cladding, which
decay of fission products and actinides remains would result in a sudden rise in the temperature of
(Fig. 1). Such a state in the nuclear power plant gas and, eventually, of the fuel cladding.
could result from the decrease in the rotational speed From the 171st second, the coolant flow becomes
of a primary-circuit pump, followed by the insertion two-phased at the end of the fuel active part. Over
of the control rods initiated by the SCRAM signal. time, the two-phase flow propagates toward the first
In the EPR, such a drop in the flow rate would be part of the assembly. The changes in the void fraction
immediately signaled to an operator and control are clearly depicted in Fig. 17. The lower the flow
rate (100–280 s), the larger is the void fraction in
Table 2. Characteristic parameters during a transient
Item Parameter Result Time [s]
1 Peak fuel temperature 1167.4 K 223.0
2 Peak fuel cladding temperature 626.52 K 227.0
3 Minimum coolant density 250.1 kg/m3 281.0
4 Coolant mass flow rate when steam appears at the end of the active part 60.68 kg/s 171.5
Thermal-hydraulic calculations for a fuel assembly in a European Pressurized Reactor... 543
Fig. 17. Void fraction. Fig. 21. Power generated in the fuel assembly.
Fig. 18. Fuel and cladding temperature. Fig. 22. Hydrogen production.