Characterization of Gold Mineralization in Garin H
Characterization of Gold Mineralization in Garin H
Characterization of Gold Mineralization in Garin H
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammed F. Abdel Fattah on 29 September 2015.
National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS), Cairo, Egypt
Mineral Resources Authority, Cairo, Egypt
KEYWORDS Abstract Garin Hawal area, Kebbi State, NW Nigeria is part of the Neoproterozoic to Early
Gold mineralization; Phanerozoic terrane separating the west African and Congo Cratons. Three main gold-bearing
Landsat ETM+ image; shear zones were detected in the study area from the processed Landsat ETM+ images and
QuickBird image; extensive ground investigation. Field and petrographical studies indicate that the Neoproterozoic
Alteration zones; rocks are represented by a highly folded and faulted belt constituted of hornblende, muscovite
Geochemical studies; and graphite schist. They are intruded by granondiorites and late to post granitic dykes. Exten-
Shear zones sive alteration zones were identified using high resolution QuickBird image along Garin Hawal
shear zone. The alteration zones and associated quartz veins are generally concordant with the
main NE–SW regional structural trend and are dipping to the NW. Geochemical studies indi-
cate that the gold content reaches 8 g/t in the alteration zones, while it reaches up to 35 g/t in
the quartz veins. Mineralogical studies indicate that the alterations are strongly potassium-
enriched. Pyrophyllite, kaolinite, illite, gypsum and quartz also occur. The main ore minerals
are gold, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrite, galena and iron oxides. This study indicates that
the alteration zones and the associated quartz veins in the muscovite schist are promising
and need more detailed exploration for Au and Ag mineralization to evaluate their potential.
Ó 2011 National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences.
Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (T.M. Ramadan), 1. Introduction (M.F. Abdel Fattah).
The study area lies in northwestern Nigeria between Lat.
1110-9823 Ó 2011 National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space 10°230 2800 and 12°260 2400 N and Long. 03°530 0800 and 06°380
Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1800 E (Fig. 1). The area is accessible through Abuja, the
Federal Capital Territory, via Minna – Kontagora – Zuru
Peer review under responsibility of National Authority for Remote – Mahuta – Garin Hawal. The general geology of Nigeria
Sensing and Space Sciences.
was given by several authors, e.g. Turner (1983), Wright
et al. (1985), Ajibade and Wright (1989) and Garba
(2003). Wright et al. (1985) gave a more general review
Production and hosting by Elsevier and relating the evolution of Nigeria to other parts of West
154 T.M. Ramadan, M.F. Abdel Fattah
Figure 1 Geological map of Nigeria showing the major areas of gold mineralization and location of the study area (Modified after the
Geological Survey of Nigeria).
The Pan-African terrane of northwestern Nigeria is part of Allaqi Suture, in southeastern Egypt. Other researchers (e.g.
the vast Late Proterozoic-Early Phanerozoic terrane separat- Kaufmann, 1988; Ramadan et al., 2001, 2004) used different
ing the West African and Congo cratons. It consists of an older remote sensing data to distinguish the mineralized alteration
crust in which Archean (ca. 2700 Ma) and Early Proterozoic zones from the surrounding country rocks. Spectral variations
(ca. 2000 Ma) ages have been recorded (Grant et al., 1972), associated with altered rocks caused by hydrothermal fluids
but were generally reactivated by the Pan-African event (Turn- are detected on Landsat TM images (Kaufmann, 1988; Rama-
er, 1983; Wright et al., 1985). The Pan-African event dan et al., 2001, 2004).
(600 ± 150 Ma) caused regional metamorphism, imposed a Several authors studied the gold mineralization and the
generally N–S foliation and brought about the emplacement host rocks in Nigeria, e.g. Woakes and Bafor (1984) and Gar-
of granitoids in the region (Turner, 1983). Wright et al. ba (2000, 2003). Garba (2003) suggested that the gold mineral-
(1985) mentioned that a collision-type orogeny has been sug- ization is present in alluvial and eluvial placers and primary
gested by involving the Pan-African region and the West Afri- veins from several parts of supracrustal (schist) belts in the
can craton, where a subduction zone dipped eastward beneath northwest and southwest of Nigeria. He added that the most
the Pan-African region. Deformation and metamorphism fol- important occurrences are found in the Maru, Anka, Malele,
lowed the continental collision around 660 Ma ago with conse- Tsohon Birnin Gwari – Kwaga, Gurmmana, Bin Yauri, Oko-
quent crustal thickening in the Nigerian region. lom – Dogondaji and Iperindo areas (Fig. 1). All these areas
Turbidite-hosted mesothermal (orogenic) gold-bearing are spatially related to the two fault systems in the region.
quartz veins have traditionally been assumed to have negligible The gold-bearing veins, reefs and stringers are often localized
wall rock alteration zones, but research in the past 20 years has by brittle and ductile fault structures or planes of schistosity
shown that these deposits typically have hydrothermal alter- that traverse phyllites, schists, quartzites, gneisses and contact
ation haloes (e.g. Bierlein et al., 2000). Recognition of the exis- aureoles of granitoid masses. In the past and due to the ab-
tence of alteration zones is important, as this increases the size sence of any systematic exploration and development, the
of the target mineralized zone during mineral exploration (Os- study area had experienced intense artisanal workings which
man and Dardir, 1990; Bierlein and Crowe, 2000). target both the primary gold-quartz reefs and their associated
Thus, the volume of potential ore may be greater when alluvial occurrences.
alteration zones can be identified (Craw et al., 1999). This The aim of the present work is to use Landsat ETM+ and
has led to the development of the concept of large tonnage, QuickBird satellite images in mapping and delineating gold-
low-grade mesothermal gold deposits that include mineralized bearing alteration zones and host rocks in the study area. For
host rock as well as the narrow mineralized quartz veins that this purpose, the area is subjected to detailed study on geologic
have traditionally been the focus of mining (Mitchell et al., setting, petrography, ore forming minerals and geochemical
2006). Osman (1995) applied infrared absorption spectra and distribution of the gold and associated elements in the rocks.
neutron activation analysis for the identification of similar
alteration zones around gold-bearing quartz veins in the East- 2. Methodology
ern Desert of Egypt. In this respect, Ramadan et al. (2001)
used Landsat TM and SIR – C/X SAR imagery in mapping Two sets of remote sensing data were used in this study. The
gold-bearing massive sulphide deposits in the Neoproterozoic first is the Landsat ETM+ images for regional investigation
Characterization of gold mineralization in Garin Hawal area, Kebbi State, NW Nigeria, using remote sensing 155
Figure 2 Structural map superimposed on the regional Landsat ETM+ of the study area.
and the second is the high resolution QuickBird data for de- and Ag, as well as 5 samples from the alteration zones were
tailed study. These data were processed and have been geomet- analyzed for Au, Ag, Cu, Pb and Zn using the atomic
rically and radiometrically corrected using the ERDAS absorption technique (Model GBC-908). Twenty five polished
Imagine software version 9.1 on Sunspark workstation at the sections were prepared and studied using the ore microscope
NARSS’s Image Processing Lab. and scanning electron microscope (SEM, Model: Philips
Two scenes of Landsat ETM+ (Path 190/Row 52 and Path XL30 with accelerating voltage of 30 kv). These analyses were
191/Row 52, Dated 2005) covering the investigated area were carried out at the Central Laboratories of the Egyptian Min-
digitally processed. False-color composite images (bands 7, 4, eral Resources Authority (EMRA).
2 in R, G, B) were used for regional geologic mapping and Moreover, twenty eight bed rock samples from the quartz
structural analysis of the study area (Fig. 2). The QuickBird veins were analyzed for major, trace and rare earth elements
data of the study area was processed for detailed field and (REE) using Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Mass Spec-
structural mapping and to delineate gold-bearing alteration trometry (ICP/MS) and Instrumental Neutron Activation
zones. One QuickBird image (Path 192/Row 52, Dated Analysis (INAA).
2008) covering the investigated area. Digital processing of
the QuickBird data generated two main products, namely, 3. Regional geology and structure
false-color composite image (bands 1, 2, 3 and 4) and super-
vised classification. The study area is part of NW Nigeria and it is mostly subdi-
Eighty bed rock samples from the different rock units as vided into three lithostratigraphic units: viz., the gneiss–
well as the alteration zones and associated quartz veins were migmatite complex, the supracrustal schist belts and the Pan-
studied petrographically using the polarized microscope. Eight African granitoids. The gneiss–migmatite complex yielding Ar-
bed rock samples from the quartz veins were analyzed for Au chean and Early-Proterozoic isotopic ages, possesses generally
156 T.M. Ramadan, M.F. Abdel Fattah
Figure 3a QuickBird false-color image (bands 1, 2, 3 and 4 in R, G, B) for Garin Hawal gold mine area showing the location of the
studied alteration zones.
an amphibolite facies grade of metamorphism (Fitches et al., mation that occurred after about 530 Ma on a continental
1985). They show complex structural styles and are extensively scale (Ball, 1980).
invaded by granitoid plutons of Pan-African magmatism. The The third shear zone (Garin Hawal) is parallel to the other
schist belts of Late-Proterozoic age were deposited and meta- ones and detected for the first time from Landsat ETM+ and
morphosed together with the basement gneiss–migmatite com- field work (Fig. 2). This shear zone trend sub-parallel to bed-
plex during the Pan-African event. ding and is characterized by the presence of abundant folded
These belts contain assemblages of mafic igneous rocks, and boudinaged quartz veins and the development of a strong
pelitic sediments and banded iron formation (BIF) and shows penetrative cleavage. Generally, the gold deposits were typi-
complex structural styles. The belts trend N–S and NNE–SSW cally formed during compressional or transpressional tecton-
and were deformed and metamorphosed generally in the green- ics. In the study area, gold-bearing alteration zones and
schist facies grade. associated quartz veins formed in local extensional sites cen-
The granitoids are mainly syn- to late-tectonic Pan-African tered on well-defined fractures in host rocks.
intrusions of granites, granodiorites and diorites with some
gabbros and syenites. They range in size from small sub-circu-
lar, crosscutting stocks to large elongate concordant batholith- 4. Results
ic bodies emplaced into both the gneiss–migmatites and
supracrustal rocks during or just after the main phase of 4.1. Mineralization
Pan-African deformation (Wright et al., 1985).
Structurally, the study area is located in a highly strained Gold mineralization in the study area occurs in a variety of
zone, where the country rocks are highly deformed, foliated host rocks, but is generally related to the supracrustal schist
and affected by brittle – ductile shear zones (Fig. 2). The dom- belts (Fig. 1). Several locations of gold mineralization are
inant tectonic fabric in the study area is a N–S steeply dipping known in the Bin Yauri, Zuru and Anka areas (Fig. 2). New
phyllitic to slaty cleavage, which is mainly axial planar to tight gold occurrences associated with huge alteration zones and
isoclinal folds. Folding occurring during two successive phases quartz veins were detected from Landsat ETM+ and Quick-
of deformation resulted in isoclinal folds and cleavage develop- Bird images and geological studies. These gold mineralizations
ment. In the schist belts, crenulation cleavage and kink bands occur along Garin Hawal shear zone and parallel to the Bin
are imposed on early primary foliations, some of which are Yauri – Zuru and Anka shear zones (Fig. 2). The interpreta-
localized around plutons, and are regarded as products of tion of remote sensing data show that the auriferous main
forceful magmatic emplacement. shear zone has been developed in association with tight over-
Three major gold-bearing shear zones with dextral displace- turned anticlinal folds whose axes trend NE–SW and plunge
ments are established in the study area (Fig. 2). They trend to NE.
NE–SW displacing earlier structures in the order of few tens
of kilometers. Two gold deposits (Beni Yauri and Anka) are 4.2. Spatial distribution
associated with two parallel shear zones which are known as
the Beni Yauri – Zuru and the Anka transcurrent fault systems Garin Hawal gold mine area, of about 1.2 km2, characterized
(Garba, 2000). These NE–SW (dextral) and NW–SE (sinistral) by intense alteration features located at eastern side of Garin
conjugate systems are due to Late Pan-African brittle defor- Hawal village and bounded between Lat. 11°400 and 11°450 N
Characterization of gold mineralization in Garin Hawal area, Kebbi State, NW Nigeria, using remote sensing 157
Figure 3b QuickBird supervised classification image for Garin Hawal gold mine area showing the location of the studied alteration zones.
and Long. 04°400 and 04°450 E (Fig. 3a) was chosen for detailed covered by a highly folded and faulted amphibolitic belt as
exploration work. It lies at the northern part of Yelwa-Zuru well as muscovite and graphite schist (Fig. 3c). The investi-
schist belt and occurs approximately 50 km NNW of the well gated rocks are characterized by intense alteration zones.
known Bin-Yauri area of gold mineralization. The shear zones The alteration zone (Zone 1) is up to 600 m wide and extend
acted as channelways for fluids to the depositional site at the for more than 1 km in a NE–SW direction, parallel to the ma-
study area. QuickBird image (bands 1, 2, 3 and 4) was inter- jor shear zone in this area (Fig. 4a and b). The amount of dip
preted for the detailed geology and structural analysis in the ranges from 30° to 60° to the northwest. The alteration zones
Garin Hawal gold mine area (Fig. 3a). Moreover, the pro- and associated quartz veins are concordant with the main NE–
cessed QuickBird data using supervised classification distin- SW structural trend (Fig. 4c). These zones were subjected to
guished between the mineralized zones (blue) and non silicification, kaolinitization, pyritization, and ferrugination.
mineralized ones (Fig. 3b). The gold prospect area is mainly More than 20 gold-bearing quartz veins are recorded which
158 T.M. Ramadan, M.F. Abdel Fattah
Petrographically, the hornblende schist is mainly composed of The positive gold results were confirmed by ICP and INAA
hornblende, tremolite, quartz and opaques. The mica schist is analyses (Table 2). Twenty eight bed rock samples from the
mainly composed of muscovite, feldspars, sericite and quartz quartz veins were analyzed for major, trace and rare earth ele-
(Fig. 4f). The alteration zones are strongly potassium-enriched ments using ICP and INAA. These analyses reveal that the
and composed of pyrophyllite, kaolinite, illite, sericite, quartz quartz veins contain relatively high gold values (<0.3–19.6 g/t),
Characterization of gold mineralization in Garin Hawal area, Kebbi State, NW Nigeria, using remote sensing 159
Figure 5 (a) Photomicrograph showing two massive gold grains (Au) enclosed in quartz vein. (b) Back scatter electron image showing
fine speck of gold (Au) enclosed in quartz vein. (c) Photomicrograph showing chalcopyrite (Ch) altered to bornite (Bo) and covellite (Co)
especially along peripheries. (d) Photomicrograph showing presence of pyrite (Py) and arsenopyrite (Ar). (e) Photomicrograph showing
presence of chalcopyrite (Ch), galena (Ga), covellite (Co) after chalcopyrite (Ch) and cerussite (Ce) after. (f) Photomicrograph showing
presence of chalcopyrite and galena. Chalcopyrite altered to covellite (Co) and bornite (Bo) along the contact.
Table 1 Results of chemical analysis for the trace elements in quartz veins and alteration zones (Zone 1).
Quartz veins Alteration zones
Sample no. Au g/t Ag g/t Sample no. Au g/t Ag g/t Cu Ppm Pb ppm Zn ppm
N11 0.6 1.1 N12 1.8 2.5 50 69 25
N13 0.45 1.7 N17 0.21 0.9 19 38 4
N14 0.99 3.2 N22 8.5 2.8 69 141 18
N15 39 25 N19 0.3 1.6 37 44 13
N16 0.24 1.6 N20 0.2 0.7 25 30 8
N21 2.16 0.6 – – – – – –
N18 0.2 1.2 – – – – – –
N23 0.15 0.8 – – – – – –
Av. 5.5 4.4 Av. 2.2 1.7 40 64 14
D.L. 0.03 0.01 D.L. 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.08
Av.: Average and D. L.: Detection Limit.
Ag (<0.3–59.5 g/t), As (3–2500 ppm), Cu (4–435 ppm), Pb gold mineralization is associated with the alteration zones
(14–1010 ppm) and Zn (7–218 ppm). This indicates that the and quartz veins. Also, the gold and silver contents in the
Table 2 Results of chemical analysis for major, trace and rare earth elements in quartz vein.
Major elements Trace elements Rare earth elements
An. sy. Location Fe K Au Ag As Cu Pb Zn Ba Rb Sr La Ce Nd Sm Tb Yb Lu
Un. sy. % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
D. L. 0.01 0.01 2 0.3 0.5 1 3 1 50 15 1 0.5 3 5 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.05
1 Zon 1 1.25 1.93 11.4 2.7 8 5 54 42 780 122 39 55.7 177 39 4.2 1.2 2.3 0.44
2 Zon 1 2.63 2.46 0.5 1 28 290 121 218 600 80 42 22.8 31 25 2.5 <0.5 1.2 0.2
3 Zon 1 7.23 0.88 0.0 59.5 102 21 17 27 <50 53 16 24.9 41 19 4.3 0.5 2.4 0.4
4 Zon 1 0.89 1.04 0.4 <0.3 5 4 12 30 320 50 19 26.4 67 20 2 <0.5 1.6 0.26
5 Zon 1 3.42 1.64 0.9 <0.3 49 14 14 28 380 94 27 39 70 39 4.7 0.9 4 0.98
6 Zon 1 0.91 1.16 0.5 <0.3 4 4 14 33 290 38 23 28.3 96 32 3.5 <0.5 2.5 0.45
7 Zon 1 2.87 1.55 0.4 0.4 307 34 133 10 370 133 39 32.9 56 40 3.8 <0.5 1.9 0.32
8 Zon 1 3.91 1.66 2.0 <0.3 952 122 28 47 390 104 40 33.6 55 35 4.8 0.7 1.8 0.3
9 Zon 1 2.14 2.03 19.6 11.2 290 22 106 18 490 102 26 33.8 71 41 4.9 <0.5 2.2 0.35
10 Zon 1 3.25 2.08 0.4 0.5 210 52 131 28 420 119 33 43.3 94 29 5.4 <0.5 3.6 0.69
11 Zon 1 1.57 1.75 0.9 0.4 1170 190 165 120 <50 112 22 19.7 30 <5 2.1 <0.5 0.6 0.19
12 Zon 1 5.57 1.85 1.2 1.4 1730 435 748 181 270 122 27 36.4 58 16 5.4 <0.5 2.8 0.53
13 Zon 2 2.89 1.6 0.4 0.7 1720 43 1010 8 <50 69 60 33.2 69 47 8.2 <0.5 1.9 0.26
14 Zon 2 3.37 1.59 1.0 0.4 1510 67 22 8 <50 87 36 36.4 67 28 5.2 <0.5 2.8 0.52
15 Zon 2 4.32 1.25 0.4 0.4 2500 53 171 9 310 41 19 45.6 85 24 3.7 <0.5 1.1 0.21
16 Zon 2 1.05 1.9 0.3 2.5 3 5 69 40 710 88 40 47.9 179 31 6.1 <0.5 2.8 0.51
17 Zon 2 2.7 1.72 1.3 <0.3 1020 34 95 12 440 90 122 31.9 61 20 4.3 <0.5 2.7 0.49
18 Zon 2 6.93 1.43 0.5 <0.3 87 30 22 14 360 90 26 24.4 47 18 3.3 <0.5 2.2 0.42
19 Zon 2 3.29 1.31 0.5 0.8 758 25 444 7 220 91 16 23.8 40 16 2 <0.5 1 0.17
20 Zon 2 5.32 1.68 0.4 <0.3 1390 31 537 17 400 91 82 80.9 183 95 17 1.2 3.8 0.68
21 Zon 2 2.2 1.7 0.7 0.4 265 62 129 19 300 112 41 39.1 79 30 5.6 <0.5 3.6 0.73
22 Zon 2 4.99 1.46 0.7 <0.3 166 42 86 29 <50 70 32 34.1 62 21 4.4 <0.5 2.5 0.41
0.5 a
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Figure 7 Chondrite-normalized plots for the average REE data
Rb ppm of the studied samples.
K–Ba and K–Sr. The K/Rb (2 2 7) and Ba/Rb (4.26) ratios ap-
2.5 pear to have the approximate average crustal ratios (Taylor
and McLennan, 1985) and are unlike the ratios associated with
late magmatic crystallization.
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