Stock Market and Economic Growth - Iran
Stock Market and Economic Growth - Iran
Stock Market and Economic Growth - Iran
Abstract: Problem statement: In spite of significant development in Iran stock market as a emerging
stock market, there has been not specific research on the causality between the stock prices and
economic growth. This study represented a systematic investigation of the relationship between stock
market performance and economic growth in Iran by conducting causality tests within the Vector Error
Correction Model (VECM) framework. Approach: To achieve this objective unit root tests are
fulfilled for all time series data in their levels and their first differences. Johansen co-integration
analysis is used to investigate whether the variables are co-integrated of the same order taking into
account the maximum eigenvalues and trace statistics tests. A vector error correction model is applied
to examine the long-run relationship between stock market performance and economic growth. Finally,
Granger causality test is applied in order to find the direction of causality between the examined
variables of the estimated model. Results: Findings imply the causality link between economic growth
and stock price fluctuations in the long run, as well as bilateral causality running between share prices
and economic growth in the short run. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be inferred that the level of real
economic activity is the main factor in the movement of stock prices in the long run and stock market
plays a role as a leading economic indicator of future economic growth in Iran in the short run.
relationship between changes of real GDP as an The Error-Correction (EC) coefficients ai(i = 1, 2)
economic growth indicator and stock prices fluctuations capture the adjustments process towards long-run
for the emerging Iran stock market. equilibrium, while the Aij(i, j = 1, 2) reflect the short-
There are several reasons why investigating the run dynamics of the model. The formulation of Eq. 1
causality between stock market and economic growth in provides investigation of the causal relationship
Iran is particularly important. First, the study can between variables both in the short run and long run.
provide evidence as to whether theories relevant to role The data analyzed in this study consists of
of stock market in economic growth and the findings economic and financial time series of Iran there are real
from developed and developing countries can be Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Iran stock market
applied to Iran economy. Second, from a policy point of index (BPI).Quarterly GDP at constant prices and stock
view, analyzing the relationship between stock market Price Indices (BPI) for Iran are taken from the Central
performance and economic growth is important in Bank of Iran and Iran stock market web sites. The data
designing economic development programmes. set of the study consists of 45 observations covering the
This study has two objectives: period from 1997:3-2008:3.
The graphs of quarterly Iran stock prices index
• To examine the long run relationship among stock (Fig. 1) offer visual support for the possibility of a break
market performance and economic growth in Iran in trend behavior around 2005:Q1, when the political
• To apply granger causality test based on a vector challenge about Iranian nuclear programme started.
error correction model in order to examine the Following these reasons, the two dummy variables for a
causal relationships between the stock prices and break in the level (or intercept) and break in the slope (or
GDP growth taking into account Johansen co- the rate of growth) are considered.
integration analysis When data are collected quarterly, the data are very
likely to be seasonal. Figure 2 shows the existence of
The remainder of this study is organized as seasonality in Iran GDP data trend. Therefore, the
follows: Initially the data and the specification of the moving average methods are applied to remove
multivariate VAR model are described. After that seasonality from the GDP series. Therefore, the
stationarity test and Johansen co-integration analysis seasonally adjusting series are used in econometrics
are fulfilled taking into account the estimation of vector analysis.
error correction model. On the other hand, Granger
causality test is applied in order to find the direction of Unit root test: The variables used in this study are used
causality between the examined variables of the in the logarithms form, so that the first differences of
estimated model. Then the empirical results and some GDP and stock prices represent the economic growth
discussion issues are presented. Finally the conclusions rate and changes in stock prices, respectively. The
are summarized relatively. results from ADF tests are summarized in Table 1. The
lag length is chosen by downward search and the t
MATERIALS AND METHODS statistics reported are from the longest significant lag.
The null hypothesis of a unit root is not rejected for any
Data and specification model: When the time series of the two variables. However, each of the series is
are nonstationary and cointegrated, the causality test stationary in first differences, so all the variables are
can be performed according to the following equations: integrated of order one (I (1)).
(L) = A lag operator
ut = The residual term from the long-run equilibrium
relation such as:
X t = β1 y t + u t , u t ∼ (0, σ2 ) (2) Fig. 1: Time plot of quartely Iran stock market index
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