Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Market Movement: Evidence From Ghana
Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Market Movement: Evidence From Ghana
Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Market Movement: Evidence From Ghana
October 2008
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MPRA Paper No. 11256, posted 26. October 2008 / 00:19
Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Market Movement: Evidence from Ghana
Anokye M. Adam
School of Management, University of Leicester, UK
E-mail: or
George Tweneboah
School of Management, University of Leicester, UK
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This study examines the role of macroeconomic variables on stock prices movement in
Ghana. We use the Databank stock index to represent Ghana stock market and (a) inward
foreign direct investments, (b) the treasury bill rate (as a measure of interest rates), (c) the
consumer price index (as a measure of inflation), and (d) the exchange rate as
macroeconomic variables. We analyze both long-run and short-run dynamic relationships
between the stock market index and the economic variable with quarterly data for the
above variables from 1991.1 to 2006.4 using Johansen's multivariate cointegration test
and innovation accounting techniques. We established that there is cointegration between
macroeconomic variables identified and Stock prices in Ghana indicating long run
relationship. Results of Impulse Response Function (IRF) and Forecast Error Variance
Decomposition (FEVD) indicate that interest rate and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
are the key determinants of the share price movements in Ghana.
1. Introduction
The relationship between macro economic factors and stock market development has
dominated in the academic and practitioners’ literature over the past decades. Some
fundamental macroeconomic variables such as exchange rate, interest rate, industrial out
and inflation have been argued to be the determinant of stock prices. It is believed that
government financial policy and macroeconomic event have large influence on general
economic activities in an economy including the stock market. This motivates many
researchers to investigate the dynamic relationship between stock returns and
macroeconomic variables. Preliminary research has been done using different approaches
to investigate such relationship between stock prices and macroeconomic variables. For
example, how some macroeconomic variable explain US stock market movement was
studied by Chen et al. (1986) using Arbitrage Pricing Theory, developed by Ross (1976).
Researchers such as Cheung and Ng (1998), McMillan and Humpe ( 1997), Mukherjee
and Naka (1995), Kwon and Shin (1999) ,and Mayasmai and Koh have employed
cointegration analysis to examine the relationships between stock returns and
macroeconomic variables in developed countries like Japan, US, Australia, Canada and
European countries. In spite of increasing migration of capital from developed market to
emerging markets and associate high return [see Ushad et al (2008) and Osinubi
(2004)]; emerging stock market in developing countries like Ghana has not been well
studied. In 2006 for example, foreign equity accounted for 75.3% of the equity finance
recorded in Ghana compared to 29.9% in 2001 according to Ghana investment promotion
Centre quarterly report (December 2007). The growing interest and the performance of
emerging markets have been attributed to the conduct of sound macroeconomic policies,
privatisation, stock market reform and financial liberalization. In 1993 and 1994 when
privatization and divestiture of state-owned enterprise increased in Ghana, Ghana stock
market (GSE) emerged as sixth and best emerging stock market respectively. The stock
market performed poorly between 1995 and 2000 when interest rate and inflation were
high and started recovery following sound macroeconomic policies resulting economic
The objective of the present study is to contribute to the existing literature by examining
the effect of macroeconomic variables identified on the movement of Ghana stock market
by Databank stock Index (DSI).
Our results indicate that stock prices in Ghana is consistently influenced by changes in
macroeconomic variables as found in both developed and emerging markets like the US,
Japan, UK, Malaysia, New Zealand and Korea.
monetary stability, a strong and stable Ghana Cedi exchange rate, a low inflation rate, and
low interest rates. The interest rates dropped from 40.95% by the end of 2001 to 9.95%
by the end of 2006, the cedi /dollar deprecation decreased from 104.4% in 1999 to 2.0%
in 2006.
Inflation dropped from 59.56% in 1995 to 32.91% in 2001 and then to 10.96% in 2006.
As for the public finance performance, government overall fiscal deficit increased from
8.0% of the GDP in 2002 to 12.4% of GDP in 2006
F a m a (1981) finds a strong positive correlation between common stock returns and real
variables (i.e. industrial production, GNP, the money supply, lagged inflation and the
interest rate) by investigates the relationships between stock prices and real activity,
inflation, and money. Kaneko and Lee (1995) and Lee (1992) find similar results. By
examining the relationship between inflation and stock prices 16 industrialized countries,
Rapach (2002) agues that increase in inflation does not result in persistent depreciation of
share real value.
and Naka (1995) also find that exchange rate positively relates to Japan and Indonesia
stock prices both two large export countries.
According to the DDM, required rate of return and the share price are inversely related
would decrease with the increase in the interest rate. Gan et al (2006) ague that
opportunity costs of holding cash rises with increase in interest rate, and the trades off to
holding other interest bearing securities would lead to a decrease in share price.
Theoretically, French et al. (1987) find negative relationship between stock returns and
both the long term and short term interest rates. Furthermore, positive correlation among
previous month’s US stock price, money supply, federal debt, tax-exempt government
debt, long-term unemployment, the broad money supply and the federal were
documented by Bulmash and Trivoli (1991). On the other hand negative relationship
between stock prices and the Treasury bill rate, the intermediate lagged Treasury bond
rate, the longer lagged federal debt, and the recent monetary base were found.
According to Alagidede (2008), the risk perceptions remains obstacle to increased access
to capital markets in Africa; and are set apart from stock market from other regions due to
the small size and highly illiquid nature. These negative effects that marred emerging
stock market are likely to reduce if open to foreign investors. For example, large
investment inflows to South East Europe (SEE) supported the economic growth rates and
pushed up stock prices at the major equity markets in the region (SEE Investment Guide,
(2006)). Oyama (1997) pointed out that the risk premium for Venezuela stock market,
Jordan and Pakistan declined sharply between 1990 and 1992 following liberalization of
stock investment by foreigners in 1990; and increase of the amount of home currency and
foreign exchange that could betaken abroad by residents and non-residents .
Under the surveillance of the IMF and World Bank, Ghana underwent structural reforms
in 1983 to remove distortions in the economy together with other financial reforms
including but not limited to deregulation of interest rates, removal of credit controls, and
floating of exchange rates. After the financial liberalization and the divestiture of a host
of state owned enterprise the need for stock market in Ghana became unavoidable
The Ghana Stock Exchange was incorporated in July 1989 as a private company under
the Ghana companies’ code, 1963(Act179). However, the status of the company was
changed to a public company under the company’s Code in April 1994.The exchange was
given recognition as an authorized stock exchange under the stock Exchange Act of
1971.Trading on the floor of the exchange commenced on November 12, 1990. The
number of listed companies increased to 13 in 1991; 19 in 1995 and currently stands at 32
(GSE Quarterly Report, June 2007). The increase in the number of listings has also
reflected in market capitalization. The Ghana stock market was voted sixth and best
performing emerging market in 1993 and 1994 respectively. The GSE capital appreciated
by 116% in 1993 and gained 124.3% in its index level in 1994 (GSE quarterly bulletin,
March 1995). In 1995, the index grew 6.3%, this abysmal performance is partly attribute
to high inflation and interest rate. At the end of 2004, market capitalization stood at US$
2,644 million. Annual turnover ratio just remains about 3.2% in 2004, from an all-time
high of 6.5% in 1998. As of October 2006 the market capitalization of the Ghana Stock
Exchange was about $11.5billion. The Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) holds trading every
working day. All trading are carried on the floor of exchange except Ashanti Gold shares
which can be traded both (i) through the GSE and (ii) over-the-counter after GSE trading
hours, but all such trades must be subsequently reported to the GSE at the next trading
session. The main indices are the GSE All Share index and the Databank stock index
(DSI). Three new indices comprising the SAS index (SASI), SAS Manufacturing index
(SAS-MI) and the SAS Financial index (SAS-FI) have also been published Strategic
African Securities Limited.
Interest Rate
The relationship between interest rates and stock prices is well established. An increase in
interest rate will increase the opportunity cost of holding money and investors substitute
holdings interest bearing securities for share hence falling stock prices. The Treasury bill
rate is used as a measure of interest rate in this study because investing in Treasury bill is
seen as opportunity cost for holding shares. High-treasury bill rates encourage investors
to purchase more government instruments. Treasury bills thus tend to compete with
stocks and bonds for the resources of investors. The expected relationship between stock
prices and Treasury bill rates is thus negative.
AG dummy
Dummy Values of 0 and 1 are assigned, respectively, to the period before and after the
listing of AGC on the GSE to take care of the structural effect of the listing of Ashanti
Goldfields Company (AGC) on the market. The AGC, now AngloGold Ashanti alone
accounted for about 90% of total market capitalization when it was first listed on GSE in
1994 and it is therefore reasonable to discuss its expected influence on fundamental
market attributes such as liquidity, volatility and turnover
The data for the study are quarterly from 1991.1 to 2006.4. All the macroeconomic data
except Inward FDI were extracted from IFS statistics, June 2008. The data on Inward FDI
were extracted from UNCTAD while the data DSI were obtained from Databank Group
Research. . The FDI data were obtained in annually form and interpolated by the method
proposed by Goldstein and Khan (1976). The brief description for each variable used is
presented in Table below
Table 1: Description and source of data
LDSI Log of Databank Databank stock Index 30 Nov. 1990= 79.83 Databank Group
Stock Index Research
LFDI Log of net Foreign Volume of foreign Millions of US Dollar UNCTAD Database
Direct Investment capital invested in the
Inflow economy
5.3 Methodology
Cointegration tests look for linear combinations of I (d) time series that are stationary and
the linear combination of I(d) which is stationary is called the cointegrating equation and
may be interpreted as a long-run equilibrium relationship between the variables as
captured in Granger (1987). We employ the Johansen (1991, 1995) maximum likelihood
procedure, which is based on a vector error correction model (VECM) and is represented
in VECM form:
∆X t = µ + ∑ Γ∆X t −i + ΠX t − p + ΦDt + ξ t 5.1
i =1
Where ∆ is the first difference lag operator, X t is a (kx1) random vector of time series
variables with order of integration equal to one, I(1), µ is a (kx1) vector of constants, Γi
are (k x k) matrices of parameters, ξ t is a sequence of zero-mean p- dimensional white
noise vectors, and Π is a (k x k) matrix of parameters, the rank of which contains
information about long-run relationships among the variables. If the Π -matrix has
reduced rank, implying that Π =αβ', the variables are cointegrated, with β as the
cointegrating vector. If the variables were stationary in levels, Π would have full rank.
Johansen's multivariate approach has number of advantages; testing and estimating
multiple long-run equilibrium relationships is possible. Also, Johansen's estimation
method allows for testing of various economic hypotheses via linear restrictions in the
cointegration space (see Johansen and Juselius, 1990).
In estimating the cointegration we first consider whether each of the series is integrated
(the order of difference before stationarity is achieved) of the same order, to do this we
consider the standard Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, phillips- Perrons and Alkaike
Information Criterion as leading indicator for lag selection. The number cointegration
rank(r) in this study is tested with the maximum eigenvalue and trace test. The Maximum
eigenvalue statistics test the null hypothesis that there are r cointegrating vectors against
the alternative of r+1 cointegrating vectors. The trace statistics tests the null hypothesis of
no cointegrating vector against the alternative of at least one cointegrating vector. The
asymptotic critical values are given in Johansen (1991) and MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis
5.4 Model specification
From the above theoretical, intuitive, and empirical discussion, we postulate the
relationship between stock prices and selected macro economic variables as
LDSI t = β 0 + β 1 LCPI t + β 2 LXRt + β 3 LTBt + β 4 LFDt I + Ag + ξ t 5.2
Where LDSI is databank stock index, LCPI is consumer price index, LXR is GHS/USD
exchange rate, LXB is 91-day treasury -bill rate, Ag is AGC dummy and LFDI is inward
foreign direct investment
β1 ,..................................................... , β 4 are the sensitivity of each of the
macroeconomic variables to stock prices. β 0 is a constant and ξt is error correction term.
The coefficients of LXR and LFDI are expected to be positive while LCPI and LTB are
expected to be negative
1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
Table 2: Summary Statistics of the Variable: 1991:1 to 2006:4
Mean 2.898272 7.431932 1.828133 -1.316873 1.492419
Std. Dev. 0.613817 0.374028 0.453579 1.116258 0.203617
Skewness 0.011984 -1.147513 -0.302435 -0.351034 0.960284
Kurtosis 2.154169 4.691274 1.778526 1.750799 4.855756
Jarque-Bera 1.909346 21.67348 4.954311 5.475736 19.01977
Probability 0.384938 0.000020 0.083982 0.064708 0.000074
Sum 185.4894 475.6437 117.0005 -84.27985 95.51480
Sum Sq.
Dev. 23.73658 8.813512 12.96126 78.49999 2.611972
Table 4: Multivariate Johansen cointegration Test
Lag r = 0 r≤1 r≤ 2 r≤ 3 r≤ 4 r≤ 5
λtrace 4 123.5**[83.9] 74.4**[60.1] 45.9**[40.2] 24.9**[24.3] 8.4[12.3] 0.0[4.1]
λ max 4 49.1** [36.6] 28.5[30.4] 21.1[24.2] 16.5[17.8] 8.4[11.2] 0.0[4.1]
Note: The null hypothesis for these two tests here is that the data generating processes
under consideration are not cointegrated. Critical values in [] for both trace and
maximum-eigenvalue statistics at the 5% level are given by MacKinnon-Haugh-
Michelis(1999). ** denotes the rejection of the hypothesis at the 1% level
The coefficients of LTB, LXR and LFDI are correctly sign; contrary to our expectation,
LCPI has positive signs. The negative relationship between LTB and LDSI is expected
This is because Treasury bill acts as the rate of return offered by the risk-free asset and
the shifting of funds between risky equity and risk-free assets by portfolio managers is
expected. When T-bill rate is high rational investors tend to invest in less risky asset with
high returns. This was the case in Ghana between 1995 and 1999. This affected the
performance of the Ghana Stock Exchange. The opening of the market to non-resident
Ghanaians and foreigners in June 1993 was a big boost to the development of the market.
Exchange Control permission was given to foreigners and non-resident Ghanaians to
invest through the Exchange without prior approval. This has attracted a number of top-
rated foreign institutional buyers, thus positive relationship between LFDI and LDSI. A
positive relation LCPI and LDSI is not expected. This is probably in support of Fisher
(1930) hypothesis. It is argue that in stock returns, Fisher hypothesis implies a positive
one-to -one relationship between stock returns and inflation.
The positive relationship implies investors are compensated for inflationary increase.
The negative relationship between LDSI and LXR can be explained by the following
factors: depreciation of the Ghana Cedi (GHS) would unattractive to more investors to
invest in the Ghana stock market. The other possible explanation to this long run negative
relationship is that the cost of imported goods becomes expensive to producers. Ghana is
import dominated economy and that depreciation of the GHS is a curse to the economy,
hence the positive relation.
The Ashanti Goldfield Company dummy (Ag) used in our study has negative and
significant impact on stock price in Ghana.
Given the evidence in favour of at least one cointegrating vector, we proceed to estimate
the Vector Error correction model (VECM) to examine the causal relationship between
the market index and macroeconomic variables. The result of the VECM estimation is
reported in table 6.
Independent Variables
In Table 6 shows vector error correction model for LDSI with significant error correction
term in the Databank stock index equation, DLDSI (t-statistics = -2.70512) showing
explicit information on the short-run dynamic interactions among those variables. This
suggests that the LDSI adjusts to the previous equilibrium error at a speed of 58.6% per
quarter. It also obvious lag return values of macroeconomic variables identify
significantly influence market returns.
negative responses after the second quarter, but positive long-run association with one
standard deviation innovation in LCPI. The result implies that the market efficiently
allocate resources by adjusting to general increase in price levels in the long run.
The responses of LDSI to LXR and LTB are in line with findings by other researcher in
both advanced and emerging markets. A shock in LTB leads to a sharp reduction in LDSI
after 5 quarters; this explains the strong inverse relation between the t-bill and stock
market investment in Ghana. The negative impact of the shock in exchange supports the
cointegration results. From figure 2, we can also observe that a shock in LFDI increase
LDSI, peaked after seven quarters and latter declines. This support the Oyama (1997)
claim that increase in foreign investors increase the liquidity of the stock market and
reduce the risk premium.
We observe from table 7 that the variations in LDSI are mainly attributing to its own
variations and Ag dummy in the first quarter, LFDI and LXR account for 12.1 and 12.9
respectively. After 4 quarters accounting LFDI and LXR become dominant factors
through to 8quarters explaining a total of 47% in the fourth quarter and about 60% of
LDSI variation in 8th quarter. The variation in LDSI is significantly explained by LTB
after 8 quarters. However, the fraction that is accounted for by CPI remains less than 5%.
The variations in the LDSI due to shocks/innovations in LFDI and LXR reduced after 8
quarters while that of interest rate continues to increase. The LTB prove to be the most
significant factor that explain the movement in stock prices accounting for 46.7% and
538.3% at the end of 12 quarters and 16 quarters respectively. The Ghana equity market
seems to respond less to the shocks in real activities than to monetary shocks.
.05 .05
.00 .00
-.05 -.05
-.10 -.10
-.15 -.15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
.05 .05
.00 .00
-.05 -.05
-.10 -.10
-.15 -.15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Table 7: Variance Decomposition
1 49.81826 1.079379 12.13946 3.444532 12.94533 20.57304
4 33.48891 3.034950 14.20845 5.779113 32.87397 10.61461
8 16.95112 1.139206 23.89983 17.02142 35.87702 5.111402
12 9.327782 0.706254 14.24639 46.71760 25.49551 3.506472
16 7.151817 0.655674 9.685361 58.26794 21.71506 2.524151
4.677591 0.464342 7.469587 68.00006 17.66756 1.720864
Cholesky Ordering: LCPI LFDI LTB LXR AG LDSI
5.0 Conclusion
In this study we examine the role of macroeconomic variables in stock market movement
during the period of January 1991 to December 2006. We employed Databank Stock
Index (DSI), interest rate, inflation, net foreign direct investment and exchange rate. We
examined the long run relationship between share prices and group of macroeconomic
variables using Johansen's multivariate cointegration tests. Short run dynamics were
traced using impulse response function and forecast error variance decomposition
Cointegration analyses provide evidence in support of long run relationship between
share prices and macroeconomic variables identified over the time horizon in this study.
Contrary to our hypothesis, inflation positively correlates with share prices. This implies
that the stock market provide partly or full hedge against inflation. Our finding is
consistent with Firth (1979); Anari and Kolari (2001); Luintel and Paudyal (2006); and
Gultekin (1983).
The FEVD test results indicate inflation explain small proportion of the variation of the
share prices compared to interest rate , net FDI inflow and exchange rate. Our suggestion
base on the result is that potential investors should pay more attention to interest rate
followed by net FDI inflow and exchange rate rather than inflation rate index (CPI). The
elimination of the ten percent (10%) limit placed on non-resident foreign investors’
holdings in securities listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange and 74% limit on holdings of
all non-resident foreign investors in any security listed security under the Foreign
Exchange Act of 2006 (Act 723) is a positive signal to boost investments in the Ghana
stock market
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