Lesson Plan Template - Solar System

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STEM Lesson Plan Template

Laura Calloway In this column, identify which of the following

Name of Teacher Candidate: are applicable in the lesson:

 Science and Engineering Practices

Grade Level:  Standards of Mathematical Practice
6th  Cross Cutting Concepts
Lesson Title or Topic:
Space Science - Solar System/Planets
Curriculum Areas Addressed:
Time Required: Instructional Groupings:
70 min Heterogeneous Pairs, Whole Group, Individual
Standards: Science and Engineering Practices:
S6E1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about current scientific views of the -Using mathematics and computational thinking
universe and how those views evolved. -Engaging in argument from evidence
a. Ask questions to determine changes in models of Earth’s position in the solar system, and -Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating
origins of the universe as evidence that scientific theories change with the addition of new information
information. -Developing and using models
(Clarification statement: Students should consider Earth’s position in geocentric and
heliocentric models and the Big Bang as it describes the formation of the universe.)
b. Develop a model to represent the position of the solar system in the Milky Way galaxy and in
Cross Cutting Concepts:
the known universe.
-Scale, proportion, and quantity
c. Analyze and interpret data to compare and contrast the planets in our solar system in terms
of: -Systems and system models
 size relative to Earth, -Structure and Function
 surface and atmospheric features, -Stability and change
 relative distance from the sun, and
 ability to support life.
As a result of this lesson students will…
Learning Objectives:
I can compare other planets in the universe to the Earth in terms of size, surface and atmosphere features, and
distance from the sun.
I can represent the solar system in a model.

Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College Adapted for Science Instruction
By Miriam M. Jordan, Ed.D.
STEM Lesson Plan Template

Essential Question(s):
How does Earth compare to other planets in the solar system? (size, surface features, atmospheric features,
relative distance from the sun, ability to support life)
How can I visual represent and demonstrate the solar system?

Support for Academic Language

Planetary System, Planet, Dwarf Planet, Solar System, Universe, Sun, Earth, Distance, Light Years, Orbit,
Rotation, Gravitational Pull, Gravity

Language Function, Demands and Supports:

Notecards with planet information given as needed.
Vocabulary support as needed understanding new terms.
Providing examples of the words used in sentences.

Assessment: Each learning objective must be assessed. How will students demonstrate the targeted skill and/or understanding of the
lesson’s objectives? How will you provide feedback for the students? What type of assessment will be used? What evidence will be collected
to demonstrate students’ understanding/mastery of the lesson’s objective? What constitutes success for the students?
Assessment Strategy:
Students will complete a diagram to assess their understanding of the relative size and position of the planets
and the effect of the gravitational pull. The diagram will be submitted as a ticket out the door checked by the
teacher for accuracy and understanding.

Steps in the Lesson: Include the activating strategy or the hook for the lesson; the introduction; the lesson procedures including Identify the Inquiry Components: (Not all of the
strategies/planned supports for whole‐class, small group, and individual instructions; and differentiated activities. Es will be in every lesson, but engage, explore,
and explain form the backbone of the science
Activate Learning (Hook): Engage
Video to review previous lessons on origins of the universe theories .

Introduction: Engage, Explore

Videos on Planets and Solar System: Inner Planets and Outer Planets
Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College Adapted for Science Instruction
By Miriam M. Jordan, Ed.D.
STEM Lesson Plan Template


Work Session (Body of Lesson) Instructional Strategies: Explore, Explain

 Teacher guided lesson
- The teacher will present several spherical objects of various sizes. Students will engage in discussion
and discourse to decide (discover) what planets each of these represent.
-As a whole group and teacher assisted, students will complete the comparing planets activator chart.
-The objects presented will be:
Sun- a bowling ball, diameter 8.00 inches
Mercury- a pinhead, diameter 0.03 inch
Venus- a peppercorn, diameter 0.08 inch
Earth- a peppercorn, diameter 0.08 inch
Mars- a pinhead, diameter 0.03 inch
Jupiter- a pecan, diameter 0.90 inch
Saturn- an acorn, diameter 0.70 inch
Uranus- a peanut, diameter 0.30 inch
Neptune- a peanut, diameter 0.30 inch
 Lead a group discussion on orbit, the roll gravity plays in the position of planets
Closure/Summarizing/Wrap up: Evaluate
Ticket out the Door:
Solar System Diagram Worksheet- Students will model the solar system

Individual help as needed
Notecards with planet information given as needed

Instructional Supports
Resources and Materials Used to Engage Students in Learning:


Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College Adapted for Science Instruction
By Miriam M. Jordan, Ed.D.
STEM Lesson Plan Template

Comparing Planets Activator Chart – Created myself

Solar System Diagram Worksheet- Teachers Pay Teachers (Amy Kirkwood)

Additional Resources and Materials Used to Increase Teacher’s Background Knowledge of the Content:
McGraw Hill Textbook

Other Relevant Information

Clear Links to Learning Theories, Educational Research, and Principles of Development:
Constructivist theory as students are exploring the ideas and concepts to obtain the knowledge prior to
Cognitive learning.

Connections to Technology and/or the Arts:

YouTube videos
Modeling through drawing/diagram

Instructions for the Lesson Plan Template

This template is intended for use by science and mathematics teachers, and it is consistent with the format used for EdTPA at Georgia College. The column on

the right has been added to provide a framework for the teacher to think through how the Science and Engineering Practices, Standards of Mathematical

Practice, and the NGSS Cross-Cutting Concepts are integral to STEM instruction in the lesson.

The user should not type in in gray areas. The gray areas are headings and dividers. The plan should be typed in the white spaces. Italicized text provides

reminders and guidance in some sections. This text can be deleted as the form is completed.
Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College Adapted for Science Instruction
By Miriam M. Jordan, Ed.D.
STEM Lesson Plan Template

The “Other Relevant Information” required at the bottom of the form documents aspects of the teacher’s professionalism, including references to materials,

use of technology and connections to learning theory.

Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College Adapted for Science Instruction
By Miriam M. Jordan, Ed.D.

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