Sce Lesson Plan
Sce Lesson Plan
Sce Lesson Plan
Lesson Day
Solar System: Order of the Planets October 11, 2018
Goal Statement
The goal of this lesson is for students to learn each planet’s position in the solar system and
A description of the enduring understanding or big ideas that
to understand that their placement in the solar system is what attributes to the characteristics
students will possess at the end of the Learning plan based on
of each planet.
grade level content standards and curriculum.
PA Standards
List the Pennsylvania Standard(s) relevant for this lesson. 3.3.4.B1 Identify planets in our solar system and their basic characteristics.
S4.A.3.2 Use models to illustrate simple concepts and compare the models to what
they represent.
Academic Language
What language will students be expected to utilize by the end of the Star Hot ball of glowing gases
lesson? Consider Language function and language demands (see Asteroid Chunk of rock that orbits the Sun.
Lesson Plan User Guide). Planet Large body of rock and gas that orbits the Sun.
What key terms are essential? Solar System Sun and objects that orbit around the Sun.
What key terms are essential to develop and extend students’
Sun The star at the center of our solar system.
academic language?
What opportunities will you provide for students to practice the Inner Planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.
new language and develop fluency, both written and oral? Outer Planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Solar Relating to or determined by the Sun.
Students will be able to identify the order of the planets from the Sun.
Students will be able to define system and provide an example of one.
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
Students will be able to explain how planet’s positions in the solar system attribute
Taking into consideration the learning goal what is the objective(s)
to their characteristics.
of this lesson that will support the progress toward the learning
The statement should be directly observable (use verbs that can be
Technology Materials/ Resources
YouTube Video:
(1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)
What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this
lesson? How do the materials align with the learning
objective/outcomes? If appropriate, what educational technology
Something to project video on
will be used to support the learning outcomes of this lesson? How
do the resources support the learning objectives? 1 Clothesline (Can be yarn)
Cite publications and any web resources. Clothes pins (At least 9)
Cut out planets (Cardstock)
Sharpie (1)
Scissors (1)
Anticipatory Set
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
Teacher will pull up a PowerPoint with pictures of different systems. First picture is an
10 minutes image of the digestive system. T asks class if anyone knows what the image is of. If not. T
How will you set the purpose and help students learn why today’s moves on and shows picture of the respiratory system. T asks students again if they know
lesson is important to them as learners? what the image is of. T shows students a picture of the circulatory system and once chain
How will you pique the interest or curiosity regarding the lesson asks students if they know what the image is of. Teacher explains to students what each of
topic? the pictures are and the purpose they have in our bodies. Teacher asks students what each of
How will you build on students’ prior knowledge? the pictures have in common. Teacher explains that they are all systems. They work together
How will you introduce and explain the strategy/concept or skill? for a greater purpose. Teacher defines “system” as a set of connected things or parts forming
a complex whole.
Provide detailed steps.
Teacher will give each table group a piece of clothesline, 9 cardstock planets (1 of each
planet) and 9 clothespins. “Okay class today we will be learning about the order of the
Instructional Activities
planets and the importance of knowing the order of the planets. Your challenge right now as
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1e:
a group is to hang your clothesline somewhere in the room and place the planets in the
Designing Coherent Instruction)
correct order you think they belong from the Sun.” Teacher walks around room as students
Exploration (Model): How will students explore the new concepts? work and asks groups why they put planets where they did. Once the groups have finished
How will you model or provide explicit instruction? placing their planets on their clothesline, teacher brings class back together. “Let’s look
around the room at each group’s clothesline. Hmmm they all look a little different. Group C
Guided Practice: How will you provide support to students as they
why did you decide to put earth two planets from the Sun?” After asking groups questions
apply the new concept? How will you allow them to practice (with
on their placements teacher reveals the proper order. Teacher asks students why they think it
teacher support)?
is important to know the order of the planets. After listening to responses Teacher explains
Independent practice: How will students review and solidify these that it is important to understand the order of the planets because it explains why each planet
concepts to be able to use this new knowledge? How will you has some of the characteristics it does.
monitor and provide feedback?
Provide detailed steps.
Exploration Model:
Following the anticipatory set teacher splits class into 9 groups and assigns eight groups a
planet, and one group the Sun. “Today, to begin our lesson we are going to watch a short
video about the order of the planets. Your job is to listen to your Planet’s part of the video
and write down the interesting facts they share about it. When the video is over we are going
to begin our activity and it will be your job to tell the class all about your planet.”
Guided Practice:
For this part of the lesson we are going to outside. “Okay class, does anyone think they
know how big the solar system is? Those were good guesses, but our solar system is much
larger. Our solar system is over 7 billion miles long. So, do we think our little clotheslines
were accurate in modeling the distance the planets actually are from the Sun. You’re right,
they weren’t very accurate. Now we are going to take a journey through our solar system
and make a relative distance model. So where should we start? You’re right we’ll start at the
Sun.” Teacher places big yellow construction paper Sun on the ground. “Which group had
the Sun for the video? Can you tell us the facts you learned?” Students read to class the facts
they learned. “Great! Now we’re going to use this tape measure to represent and measure the
distance of each planet from the Sun. This is going to sound crazy, but every inch will
represent 1 million miles. Remind me class, which planet is closest to the Sun? Good!
Mercury. Mercury is 36 million miles from the Sun so let’s move along to 36 inches.”
Teacher places Mercury on the ground and has Mercury group share their facts with the
class. Teacher shares some additional information about Mercury. “What comes after
Mercury. Good! Venus comes next. Venus is 67 million miles from the Sun so let’s move to
67 inches.” Venus group shares their facts and class continues to Earth at 93 inches. “Earth
group share your facts about our planet.” Group shares facts and class continues to 141
inches which is Mars. Teacher places Mars on the ground. Students share facts about Mars
and teacher adds additional information. “What does each of the last four planets have in
common? That’s right they are all inner planets. “Where are we going next? Good. Jupiter is
next and is 484 million miles away from the sun! Can you imagine?” Class moves to Jupiter,
places it on the ground and listens to facts about Jupiter. “Okay, let’s blast off to Saturn. Can
the Saturn group share their information?” Class listens to facts about Jupiter and then
moves along to Uranus which is 1780 inches from the Sun, or 148 ft. and 8 inches. Teacher
places Uranus on the ground and asks group to share their information. “Okay class, which
is final planet that is furthest from the Sun? You are correct, it is Neptune. Neptune is 2790
million miles away from the Sun. Let’s travel to our final destination.” Group shares their
For students whose academic development is below or above the current grade level a
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
reference sheet with the definitions of the key vocabulary will be provided for them to
What differentiated support will you provide for students whose reference during the activity. This will also be appropriate for ELL’s in the class. For
academic development is below or above the current grade level? students who are above the current grade level, allow them to choose if they would like to
What specific differentiation of content, process, products, and/or work with a group or independently. Ask them open-ended, critical thinking questions. If
learning environment do you plan to employ to meet the needs they are interested in a certain aspect of the solar system provide them with a resource to
of all of your students? learn more about it and extend their learning.
How does your lesson support student differences with regard to
linguistic, academic, and cultural diversity?
How will your lesson actively build upon the resources that
linguistically and culturally diverse students bring to the
How will your lesson will be supportive for all students, including
English Language Learners, and build upon the linguistic, cultural,
and experiential resources that they bring to their learning?
How will your lesson is designed to promote creative and critical
thinking and inventiveness?
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
For students with ADHD or ADD seating will be closer to the teacher so they can check in
What classroom accommodations do you plan to employ to and make sure the student is on task.
increase curriculum access for students identified with special
education needs or 504?
Describe how these accommodations align with the current
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for each student as applicable
(avoid using actual names of students).
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
What curricular modifications and/or changes in performance
standards, if any, do you plan to employ to facilitate the
participation of students identified with special education needs?
Formal Assessment:
The teacher will collect the numbered notecards to assess they are in the correct order and
that the corresponding characteristic is correct. (Teacher will assess notecards, correct any
mistakes, and return them to students to take home for homework.)
Reflection on Planning/Instruction To begin writing this lesson I first decided my objectives I wanted to hit. Then I found
standards that supported these objectives. I had to change my anticipatory set so that it tied
What changes or adjustments had to be made during the lesson
in to the lesson more. At first I had the video as my anticipatory set, but I felt I needed
planning process (justify those changes) to ensure students make
something more for the bulk of my lesson and this allowed me to create the exploration
adequate progress in meeting the learning objective?
model. I also think a challenge as an anticipatory set is more engaging for the students. My
learning objectives were reinforced throughout the lesson both in the anticipatory set, the
What did you learn about planning and considerations to pedagogy
instructional activities, and the closure. I learned that planning requires a lot of going back
and to teaching science content by this process?
and moving things around. I knew I wanted to make my lesson good for visual, oral and
kinesthetic learners so I tried to incorporate activities that would support this. I struggled at
What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that your students
first to think of ways to differentiate the activity because I wasn’t using a textbook of any
have met or are progressing towards the learning outcome?
sort and the product was very straight forward. I didn’t know how to make the content more
What changes will have to be made to the next lesson in order for
appropriate for advanced learners without adding more work for them.
students to be on pace in meeting the overall goal of the Lesson or
Taking good notes about each lesson will help as you develop a
formal reflective narrative at the end of the SLO.