Ajay Raina - BU3073 - BR - Presentation

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Program + Course Name Section Code

Semester SCM III Business Reports BU3073

SUMMER 2022 Type of Evaluation Percentage Weight of Total

Presentation Evaluation 15%

Course Instructor Due Date Total Marks: /15

Jaison Mathews July 28, 2022

Student Name: Ajay Raina Student ID #: 202002175

Scenario: You are working for a multinational company’s (can select any multinational
company) Distribution Department and the company is entering a new market and going to
position its products/services for the first time. You are required by the company to do the
needed research and based on the same do a business presentation that includes critical factors
to take into consideration and important recommendations to excel.

(1.5 Marks each) Business Presentation Criteria:

1. Briefly describes the research project and highlights report findings, conclusions, and

Ans. A critical analysis of the market is conducted to look into the consumers that are the
intended audience so that we can get a detailed look at the receptivity towards the products
and difficulties to be experienced along with them. This is done as the company is paving the
way into new markets while placing its new items at the shelf for the probable customers to
turn them into the possible future customers.
A thorough overview of the items' introduction and delivery in the new market is
provided, along with chances for the business to thrive there and expand in the direction of
geographic expansion and rising profit margins.
2. Explain in a structured way to analyze your audience, anticipate its reaction, and
adjust to its needs, as necessary.

Ans. It's usually a good idea to start crafting your message with a thorough grasp of your
target and the many elements that make up the customers. Speaking to an audience is
referred to as "conducting an audience study." When conducting an audience survey, all
relevant factors that affect the demographic and makeup of your target audience are
taken into consideration (demographics).
The audience's reactions must be observed at regular intervals to determine whether
they are susceptible to the items and whether they will respond favorably to them or with
a glum expression indicating that they will not purchase the newly announced products.

3. Explain unique presentation method(s) to relate the presentation to listeners’ needs and
earn respect so that they accept your message.

Ans. When delivering presentations, you're often more focused on the delivery, the greatest
possible performance, and reducing any nervousness you might be feeling before the
presentation. Dispel the fallacy that simultaneous reading and speaking is the sole element
of public speaking in order to achieve this. The presenter must examine the specifics of the
items and commodities intended for introduction and must be in line with the user's
demands and requirements; as a result, the audience will be forced to listen attentively.

4. Explain unique methods to constructively and creatively connect with audiences by

organizing content and using visual aids.

Ans. When you give a speech, you have a direct channel of communication with the
audience. For most people, giving a presentation is both exciting and frustrating. The
excitement stems from having a two-way dialogue about your opinions with someone. The
anxiety stems from the pressure of revealing your views without the ability to correct
mistakes with an undo button.
By planning ahead of time, employing time-tested presenting tactics, and
practicing, you will make sure that the session comes across as calm, informed, and
exciting that the audience truly benefits from it. The fundamental procedures necessary to
make a presentation might vary slightly depending on the objective and assignment.

5. Detail capturing attention method(s) in Introduction with a promise, story, startling fact,
question, quotation, or problem.

Ans. Business analysis is a component of the market intelligence process. It is typically

used to determine a company's ability to compete in a new setting, to discover more about
competitors, or to really select a marketing plan for a product. Testing methodologies for
either basic or applied research might be used for this investigation. You should introduce
yourself and the topic of your presentation to the audience in the opening section. The
presentation introduction might be accompanied with visual aids like maps, tables, or a
biography of you. An introduction should establish you as a subject-matter authority and
excite readers' curiosity in what you have to say.
Consider the following suggestions for engaging your audience before your next briefing:
● Tell your audience about yourself.
● Share the information you're presenting.
● Tell them why it's important.
● Make a fascinating assertion.
● Request audience involvement.

6. Detail method(s) of organizing Body of the Presentation logically and chronologically.

Ans. In the corporate sector, organizational procedures may be used to convey ideas, share
information, put together a process, and conclude deals. In order to create order and direct
the audience's ideas as they interact with the content, organizational approaches are used.
Making a decision on how to organize information—whether for writing a paper, sorting
facts, putting out a thought, or organizing information—sets the tone for decision-making.
The potency of a statement or concept can be increased by organizing the material in a
hierarchical way. To arrive at a logical conclusion, each new line of evidence that is
presented builds on the one that came before. Organizing by relevance still works when
presenting the most important information first, followed by less important information. By
focusing on the most essential information first, the audience's attention may be gained.

7. Detail unique method(s) involved outlining an effective and powerful oral presentation.

Ans. An oral presentation entails more than simply reading a paper or a set of slides in front
of an audience. How you give your presentation is just as essential as what you say in
effectively delivering your message. A good presentation entails more than just getting up
and delivering material. A speaker must decide how to best convey information to the
audience. Use the following suggestions to make an informative and fascinating
1. Organize your ideas. Begin with an outline and work on developing excellent transitions
between parts. Highlight the relevance of your findings to the actual world.
2. Make useful notes for yourself. Make sure you have notes that you can read. Use an
outline or other quick reminders of what you want to say rather than writing out your full
speech. Check if the note is long enough to be read from a distance.
3. Define your phrases early on. Introduce terms that may be unfamiliar to the audience
earlier in your presentation. When an audience becomes disoriented by foreign vocabulary, it
is incredibly difficult to bring them back on course.

8. Detail unique method(s) of Summarizing Conclusion in leaving the audience with a

specific and noteworthy take-away.

Ans. A poorly delivered concluding statement might completely undermine an otherwise

successful presentation. As a matter of fact, speakers must think carefully about their
results. The closing of a presentation is critical since an audience remembers the start and
the end of a presentation the most. The initial few moments of a presentation can catch the
interest of your audience. This motivates them to care about what you're doing and
prepares them for the rest of the speech. A speech's ending should summarize the main
themes of the presentation. There are several good possibilities for crafting the end of a
presentation. Which option is better depends on the speaker, the issue, and the audience.
Here are a few ideas for how to properly end a presentation:
● Give a brief overview.
● Reiterate the main point.
● Make use of a compelling quote.
● Posing a hypothetical question.
● Use a brief yet impactful sentence.

9. Detail unique body language (Kinesics) that establishes your credibility and authority and
brings the very best on transparency, accountability, integrity.

Ans. Nonverbal communication is an essential component of corporate communication,

conveying everything from the feeling of a close relationship to a media presence. A complex,
challenging, and varied aspect of life is communication. Increasing our understanding of facial
expressions and body language is a part of the process of learning and adjusting to our
environment and circumstances, which is something we never stop doing.
Like an interviewer does when you show up for a job interview, when your audience first sees
you, they start to create thoughts and assumptions of you and your future. If you are well-
tailored and have ironed out any creases, your audience will notice that you pay attention to
detail. A distinct message is conveyed while sporting a tattered T-shirt, a ripped pair of shorts.

10. Detail unique method(s) of Closing presentation with appreciation for the research
assignment, suggesting follow-up actions, acknowledging the help of others, and offering
to answer questions

Ans. Everyone is aware of how crucial a solid presentation opener is. That doesn't mean
you shouldn't give thought to the presentation's conclusion. If not better, your conclusion
needs to be at least as strong as your exposition. Your presentation's ending needs to be
immaculate if you want to make an impact on viewers that is both good and effective.This
is crucial if you want people to remember the presentation's main elements and act fast
when the call to action is made. A call to action is necessary for the presentation to be
complete. Of course, your call to action is the culmination of your whole presentation. This
implies that by the time you conclude your presentation, the main points of the
presentations should have convinced the audience to attend.





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