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QUES 1 . Mr. James Steven is the Sr Manager in a n

established IT company. He works with a core team of 20 and
at most mes communicated through wri en verbal
communica on. He intends to sound persuasive while he
communicates with his team and he wants them to feel equal
at all mes.
Which are the steps of wri ng messages that he should kept
in mind while dra ing messages to be sent to his team?
Define strategies of wri ng persuasive messages.
A Persuasive messages occur when an individual tries to
convince any other person or any group to take few specific
ac ons. Any argument which is effec ve in convincing is
depend on all three categories those are logical reasoning,
emo onal a achment, ra onal a rac on which are typically
termed as ethos, pathos and logos. Having a awareness about
the process that how to be convince more and more will help
to write essays and messages. Persuasive communica on
helps to deal be er , to trust and to achieve goals effec vely
and efficiently. Even a er analysing all the informa on ,a
person wants can be checked through his emo ons or by
using mind although all given wri en records have been
considered. An individual must pay a en on towards an
Persuasive language is used in an emo onal appeal to
support the ideas proposed by the presenter in an
organisa on. As it is beneficiary to discuss about sta s cs for
product designing . It is designed to convince them to change
, take an ac on etc. One should focus on wri en messages
instead of listening because in present era everyone wants
wri en proof that means they need wri en messages to be
convinced, instead of listening to someone.
To be a successful launch , or to increase the effec veness in
persuasion and to increase the chances of success, there are
some measures taken listed under:-
The message wri en should not be complex , it should be in
simple language which can easily be understandable and is
clean for the target person. It should be remember to keep in
mind about informa on conveyed in the news . One can use
introductory word, cap ons or headings which make it
effec ve to study.
Any product or any service about one is communica ng, must
include all the aspects of adver sing, marke ng and
persuading efforts too. The most effec ve persuasion
communica on usually includes logics or reasons, credibility
and source of ac on.
You should kept in mind all the thoughts regarding the other
person with whom you are communica ng with. One should
men on the shared benefits, act on our words and most
important should know how to grab people’s a en on either
with good presenta on or diagrams . Use headlines, subject
line and cap ons to make persuasive communica on
effec ve.
If your credibility will be doub ul for a target audience ,
people will not trust and will take your significant message or
comments lightly. Inves ng lots of me in planning that how
to present , how to prepare message and remembering the
expecta ons of target person from us can enhance or can
boost the persuasiveness of our message, wri ng
communica on.
It does not ma er what is given to the target audience, they
will only seek for their own benefits. Persuading others is a
most crucial component for every argument as it will accrue
an individual because of their co opera on on behalf of
request done while persuasion. It is very much important to
highlight the benefits of product or service to made customer

QUESTION 2. Define what is a Report and a Proposal. Define

the sec ons of report wri ng . Explain each in detail.
Reports are the document which convey informa on on a
selected par cular fact . Events that have already occurred in
an organisa on , all are included in reports . It is a form of
wri ng which iden fy various issues , events which are
happened in an organisa on.
Report summarizes the performance of different ac vi es
held in a simple and understandable form. It should be
wri en in concise form and should be like that readers can
quickly find informa on. Various headings, subheadings,
sec ons and bullet points are used to prepare a report
effec vely. A message in a report should ends with a relevant
Proposal is an accurate report which concerns and offers an
individual a idea for the reason of debate. There are various
proposals in business communica on like economic proposal,
enterprise proposal, adver sing proposals etc. A proposal has
a proper format stated as it includes cover page, execu ve
summary, background, proposal, benefits , meline,
conclusion and so on. A Proposal is a unique and special type
of report with various dis nct purposes. The format is used to
put large number of reviews which can be created.
Proposals may o en used to tackle different shapes relying
on the fact which they may be used. A Proposal o en covers
various components as a crea on, list of goals and objec ves,
analysis of results etc. A research proposal is used to explain
the importance of our project to organisa on and generally
includes a request for sponsor of that par cular research.
There is a difference between proposal and any other
document of an organisa on as proposal is a document
reques ng funds to research. A report is a short, concise
document which has a par cular objec ve while proposal is a
plan in wri en form for considera on of others. Report
analyse the issues held in an organisa on and also suggest
solu ons whereas proposals presents only wants for such
ac on in a wri en form.
While preparing a report , one should be unbias ,specific and
severe but could be more convinced while wri ng a proposal.
The layout of a report mainly include these components-
introduc on, methodology ,analysis, topics discussed etc.
Both reports and proposals are very helpful document in
various projects .

QUES 3(A). As a consultant ,explain four steps to develop a

strong brand for Man Machine. How can social media impact
communica on in business? What are the strategies for
Business Communica on through social network?
Social networking sites are the pla orms on which one can
build social networks worldwide and can share informa on
upto large extent. Ecommerce marketers can use social
media, emails and various online modes to a ract customers
and to provide easy online purchase.
Ecommerce marke ng is criteria of spreading awareness
towards a business selling its product or rendering services in
an electronic form. It includes number of concepts and
programmes to increase revenue . Its main objec ve is to
reach maximum no. of customers that is expanding business
in wide coverage area at a me to increase its sales and thus
increase in profitability.
There are various strategies listed which are used for
marke ng and sales on social media and social networking
sites. Some of them are-
1. Providing customer services before and a er sale for
conveniency of customers.
2. Direct link on various social networking sites and media
channels to iden fy poten al consumers.
3. Grow the business range by spreading its products or
services on social media.
4. Do research for target audience and then select your
networks according to it.
The varia ons or the changes occur in social sites or online
shopping are done through help of social media. Ecommerce
or E-business organisa ons are conducted on electronic basis
and they use social media for various types of adver sing .
This is widely used in present era by organisa ons to boost up
their sale and profits.
Emails, messaging ,magazines, websites are various examples
of direct marke ng adver sing. It is a concept which states
for increasing level of income, profitability and
communica ng with poten al customers. It is a method to
find out new customers, clients and helps in crea n a rela on
of buyer seller between them.
The main objec ve of ecommerce marke ng is to create a
rela on between sellers and customers and in electronic
form and its gives a route or a true path to the success of a
business. When a customer decided to buy, your product or
service should be first means customer should give first
priority to your product .

QUES 3(B) You are planning to switch your job and are in the
process of applying to another company. What is a job
market? what are the points of an organisa on and job
opportunity will you consider while in the process of applying
for the job?
Job market is a market providing job opportuni es to
employees and it is not a physical place . It is just a pla orm
in which employer do search of employees and employees go
for search of a job. As it is known that while selec ng job,
interests and goals are must considered . All what one want
to do , his abili es all are covered up under career exploring.
While applying for the job one should consider company
history, job loca on , own interest sector , salary , job
responsibility , technology used and other various factors .
One should believe on himself that he is the hardworking
person and enough capable to decide form of educa on and
training which will be more helpful in achieving personal aims
and goals .
An individual should have a strategy and effec ve planning
for the future to achieve the goals which has decided by
himself. While op ng job, everyone have a op on of
obtaining informa on about the salary , wages and benefits
which can be availed by using that corpora on.
A er proper analysis and study of various job opportuni es ,
one can easily decide what should like to do and in which
field according to interest and the work which suits to your
choice. This helps in iden fying and deciding best to have a
excellent career and be er shining future.
One should firstly analyse and study the area in which he
wants to do , pros and cons about that par cular job
opportunity and career op on so as to decide best for the
future and to achieve the goal pre decided and achieve
highest peak of success. While deciding workplace one can
consider the trust exist , communica on level , transparency
of that par cular area .

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