Business Comm PDF
Business Comm PDF
Business Comm PDF
QUES 3(B) You are planning to switch your job and are in the
process of applying to another company. What is a job
market? what are the points of an organisa on and job
opportunity will you consider while in the process of applying
for the job?
Job market is a market providing job opportuni es to
employees and it is not a physical place . It is just a pla orm
in which employer do search of employees and employees go
for search of a job. As it is known that while selec ng job,
interests and goals are must considered . All what one want
to do , his abili es all are covered up under career exploring.
While applying for the job one should consider company
history, job loca on , own interest sector , salary , job
responsibility , technology used and other various factors .
One should believe on himself that he is the hardworking
person and enough capable to decide form of educa on and
training which will be more helpful in achieving personal aims
and goals .
An individual should have a strategy and effec ve planning
for the future to achieve the goals which has decided by
himself. While op ng job, everyone have a op on of
obtaining informa on about the salary , wages and benefits
which can be availed by using that corpora on.
A er proper analysis and study of various job opportuni es ,
one can easily decide what should like to do and in which
field according to interest and the work which suits to your
choice. This helps in iden fying and deciding best to have a
excellent career and be er shining future.
One should firstly analyse and study the area in which he
wants to do , pros and cons about that par cular job
opportunity and career op on so as to decide best for the
future and to achieve the goal pre decided and achieve
highest peak of success. While deciding workplace one can
consider the trust exist , communica on level , transparency
of that par cular area .