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AWS D1.1/D1.


7. Stud Welding

7.1 Scope qualified stud bases shall be used. Qualification of stud

bases in conformance with 7.9 shall be at the manu-
Clause 7 contains general requirements for welding of facturer’s expense. The arc shield used in production
steel studs to steel, and stipulates specific requirements: shall be the same as used in qualification tests or as
(1) For mechanical properties and material of steel recommended by the manufacturer. When requested by
studs, and requirements for qualification of stud bases. the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide the following
(2) For application qualification testing, operator
qualification, preproduction testing, and workmanship. (1) A description of the stud and arc shield
(3) For stud welding during production, fabrication/ (2) Certification from the manufacturer that the stud
erection, and inspection. base is qualified in conformance with 7.9.
(4) For the stud manufacturer’s certification of stud
base weldability. (3) Qualification tests data

NOTE: Approved steels; for studs, see 7.2.6; for base 7.2.5 Stud Finish
metals, see Table 3.1 (Groups I and II). For guidance,
see C-7.6.1. Stud finish shall be produced by heading, roll-
ing, or machining. Finished studs shall be of uniform
quality and condition, free of defects that may affect the
7.2 General Requirements welding quality, suitability for intended application, or
fit of the studs in the specified ceramic arc shields (fer-
7.2.1 Stud Design. Studs shall be of suitable design for rules). Such defects include laps, fins, seams, cracks,
arc welding to steel members with the use of automati- twists, bends, thread defects, discontinuities, or foreign
cally timed stud welding equipment. The type and size of materials (see 7.4.1 and 7.4.2).
the stud shall be as specified by the drawings, specifica-
tions, or special provisions. For headed-type studs, see Headed studs are subject to cracks or bursts in
Figure 7.1. Alternative head configurations may be used the stud head which are abrupt interruption of the periph-
with proof of mechanical and embedment tests confirm- ery caused by radial separation of the metal extending
ing full-strength development of the design, and with the from the head inward to the stud shank. These cracks or
approval of the Engineer. bursts shall not be the cause for rejection, provided that
they do not exceed one half of the distance from the stud
7.2.2 Arc Shields. An arc shield (ferrule) of heat- head to the stud shank as determined by visual inspection
resistant ceramic or other suitable material shall be fur- (see Figure C-7.1.) Studs shall be rejected if the cracks or
nished with each stud. bursts are of a number or width that does not permit the
7.2.3 Flux. A suitable deoxidizing and arc stabilizing head to fit into the welding tool chuck or cause arcing
flux for welding shall be furnished with each stud of between the stud head and the chuck affecting chuck life
5/16 in [8 mm] diameter or larger. Studs less than or weld quality.
5/16 in [8 mm] in diameter may be furnished with or
7.2.6 Stud Material. Studs shall be made from cold
without flux.
drawn bar conforming to the requirements of ASTM
7.2.4 Stud Bases. A stud base, to be qualified, shall A29, Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon and
have passed the test described in 7.9. Only studs with Alloy, Hot-Wrought, General Requirements for Grades


1010 through 1020, inclusive either semi-killed or killed other deleterious matter that would adversely affect the
aluminum or silicon deoxidation. welding operation.

7.2.7 Base Metal Thickness. When welding directly to 7.4.2 Coating Restrictions. The stud base shall not be
base metal, the base metal shall be no thinner than 1/3 painted, galvanized, or cadmium-plated prior to welding.
the stud diameter. When welding through deck, the stud
7.4.3 Base Metal Preparation. The areas to which the
diameter shall be no greater than 2.5 times the base mate-
studs are to be welded shall be free of scale, rust, mois-
rial thickness. In no case shall studs be welded through
ture, paint, or other injurious material to the extent
more than two plies of metal decking.
necessary to obtain satisfactory welds and prevent objec-
tionable fumes. These areas may be cleaned by wire
brushing, scaling, prick-punching, or grinding.
7.3 Mechanical Requirements
7.4.4 Moisture. The arc shields or ferrules shall be kept
7.3.1 Standard Mechanical Requirements. At the dry. Any arc shields which show signs of surface mois-
manufacturer’s option, mechanical properties of studs ture from dew or rain shall be oven dried at 250°F
shall be determined by testing either the steel after cold [120°C] for two hours before use.
finishing or the full diameter finished studs. In either
case, the studs shall conform to the standard properties 7.4.5 Spacing Requirements. Longitudinal and lateral
shown in Table 7.1. spacings of stud shear connectors (type B) may vary a
maximum of 1 in [25 mm] from the location shown in
7.3.2 Testing. Mechanical properties shall be determined the drawings. The minimum distance from the edge of a
in conformance with the applicable sections of ASTM stud base to the edge of a flange shall be the diameter of
A370, Mechanical Testing of Steel Products. A typical the stud plus 1/8 in [3 mm], but preferably not less than
test fixture is used, similar to that shown in Figure 7.2. 1-1/2 in [40 mm].
7.3.3 Engineer’s Request. Upon request by the Engi- 7.4.6 Arc Shield Removal. After welding, arc shields
neer, the Contractor shall furnish: shall be broken free from studs to be embedded in con-
(1) The stud manufacturer’s certification that the crete, and, where practical, from all other studs.
studs, as delivered, conform to the applicable require-
7.4.7 Acceptance Criteria. The studs, after welding,
ments of 7.2 and 7.3.
shall be free of any discontinuities or substances that
(2) Certified copies of the stud manufacturer’s test would interfere with their intended function and have a
reports covering the last completed set of in-plant quality full 360° flash. However, nonfusion on the legs of the
control mechanical tests, required by 7.3 for each diame- flash and small shrink fissures shall be acceptable. The
ter delivered. fillet weld profiles shown in Figure 5.4 shall not apply to
the flash of automatically timed stud welds.
(3) Certified material test reports (CMTR) from the
steel supplier indicating diameter, chemical properties,
and grade on each heat number delivered.
7.5 Technique
7.3.4 Absence of Quality Control Tests. When quality
control tests are not available, the Contractor shall fur- 7.5.1 Automatic Mechanized Welding. Studs shall be
nish a chemical test report conforming to 7.2.6 and a welded with automatically timed stud welding equip-
mechanical test report conforming to the requirements ment connected to a suitable source of direct current
of 7.3 for each lot number. Unidentified and untraceable electrode negative power. Welding voltage, current,
studs shall not be used. time, and gun settings for lift and plunge should be set at
optimum settings, based on past practice, recommenda-
7.3.5 Additional Studs. The Contractor is responsible tions of stud and equipment manufacturer, or both. AWS
for furnishing additional studs of each type and size, at C5.4, Recommended Practices for Stud Welding, should
the request of the Engineer, for checking the requirements also be used for technique guidance.
of 7.2 and 7.3. Testing shall be at the Owner’s expense.
7.5.2 Multiple Welding Guns. If two or more stud
welding guns shall be operated from the same power
7.4 Workmanship/Fabrication source, they shall be interlocked so that only one gun can
operate at a time, and so that the power source has fully
7.4.1 Cleanliness. At the time of welding, the studs recovered from making one weld before another weld is
shall be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or started.


7.5.3 Movement of Welding Gun. While in operation, surface shall be considered prequalified by virtue of the
the welding gun shall be held in position without move- manufacturer’s stud base qualification tests (see 7.9), and
ment until the weld metal has solidified. no further application testing shall be required. The limit
of flat position is defined as 0°–15° slope on the surface
7.5.4 Ambient and Base Metal Temperature Re-
to which the stud is applied.
quirements. Welding shall not be done when the base
metal temperature is below 0°F [–18°C] or when the sur- Examples of stud applications that require tests of this
face is wet or exposed to falling rain or snow. When the section are the following:
temperature of the base metal is below 32°F [0°C], one
additional stud in each 100 studs welded shall be tested (1) Studs which are applied on nonplanar surfaces or
by methods described in and, except that to a planar surface in the vertical or overhead positions.
the angle of testing shall be approximately 15°. This is in (2) Studs which are welded through decking. The
addition to the first two studs tested for each start of a tests shall be with material representative of the condi-
new production period or change in set-up. Set-up includes tion to be used in construction.
stud gun, power source, stud diameter, gun lift and
plunge, total welding lead length, and changes greater (3) Studs welded to other than Groups I or II steels
than ± 5% in current (amperage) and time. listed in Table 3.1.

7.5.5 FCAW, GMAW, SMAW Fillet Weld Option. 7.6.2 Responsibilities for Tests. The Contractor shall be
At the option of the Contractor, studs may be welded responsible for the performance of these tests. Tests may
using prequalified FCAW, GMAW, or SMAW pro- be performed by the Contractor, the stud manufacturer,
cesses, provided the following requirements are met: or by another testing agency satisfactory to all parties
involved. Surfaces. Surfaces to be welded and surfaces
adjacent to a weld shall be free from loose or thick scale, 7.6.3 Preparation of Specimens
slag, rust, moisture, grease, and other foreign material Test Specimens. To qualify applications involv-
that would prevent proper welding or produce objection- ing materials listed in Table 3.1, Groups I and II: specimens
able fumes. may be prepared using ASTM A36 steel base materials or Stud End. For fillet welds, the end of the stud base materials listed in Table 3.1, Groups I and II.
shall also be clean. Recorded Information. To qualify applica- Stud Fit (Fillet Welds). For fillet welds, the tions involving materials other than those listed in Table
stud base shall be prepared so that the base of the stud 3.1, Groups I and II, the test specimen base material shall
fits against the base metal. be of the chemical, physical and grade specifications to Fillet Weld Minimum Size. When fillet be used in production.
welds shall be used, the minimum size shall be the larger 7.6.4 Number of Specimens. Ten specimens shall be
of those required in Table 5.7 or Table 7.2. welded consecutively using recommended procedures and Preheat Requirements. The base metal to settings for each diameter, position, and surface geometry.
which studs are welded shall be preheated in conform- 7.6.5 Test Required. The ten specimens shall be tested
ance with the requirements of Table 3.3. using one or more of the following methods: bending, SMAW Electrodes. SMAW welding shall be torquing, or tensioning.
performed using low-hydrogen electrodes 5/32 in or 7.6.6 Test Methods
3/16 in [4.0 mm or 4.8 mm] in diameter, except that a
smaller diameter electrode may be used on studs 7/16 in Bend Test. Studs shall be tested by alter-
[11.1 mm] or less in diameter for out-of-position welds. nately bending 30° in opposite directions in a typical test
fixture as shown in Figure 7.4 until failure occurs. Alter- Visual Inspection. FCAW, GMAW, and natively, studs may be bent 90° from their original axis.
SMAW welded studs shall be visually inspected in con- Type C studs, when bent 90°, shall be bent over a pin
formance with 6.9. with a diameter of 4 times the diameter of the stud. In
either case, a stud application shall be considered quali-
fied if the studs are bent 90° and fracture occurs in the
7.6 Stud Application Qualification plate or shape material or in the shank of the stud and not
Requirements in the weld.
7.6.1 Purpose. Studs which are shop or field applied in Torque Test. Studs shall be torque tested
the flat (down-hand) position to a planar and horizontal using a torque test arrangement that is substantially in


conformance with Figure 7.3. A stud application shall be plication of load. For threaded studs, the torque test of
considered qualified if all test specimens are torqued to Figure 7.3 shall be substituted for the bend test.
destruction without failure in the weld. Event of Failure. If on visual examination Tension Test. Studs shall be tension tested to the test studs do not exhibit 360° flash, or if on testing,
destruction using any machine capable of supplying the failure occurs in the weld zone of either stud, the proce-
required force. A stud application shall be considered dure shall be corrected, and two more studs shall be
qualified if the test specimens do not fail in the weld. welded to separate material or on the production member
and tested in conformance with the provisions of
7.6.7 Application Qualification Test Data. Applica-
and If either of the second two studs fails, addi-
tion Qualification Test Data shall include the following:
tional welding shall be continued on separate plates until
(1) Drawings that show shapes and dimensions of two consecutive studs are tested and found to be satisfac-
studs and arc shields. tory before any more production studs are welded to the
(2) A complete description of stud and base materi-
als, and a description (part number) of the arc shield. 7.7.2 Production Welding. Once production welding
has begun, any changes made to the welding setup, as de-
(3) Welding position and settings (current, time). termined in 7.7.1, shall require that the testing in
(4) A record, which shall be made for each qualifica- and be performed prior to resuming production
tion and shall be available for each contract. A suggested welding.
WPS/PQR form for nonprequalified application may be 7.7.3 Repair of Studs. In production, studs on which a
found in Annex M, Form M-7. full 360° flash is not obtained may, at the option of the
Contractor, be repaired by adding the minimum fillet
weld as required by 7.5.5 in place of the missing flash.
7.7 Production Control The repair weld shall extend at least 3/8 in [10 mm] be-
yond each end of the discontinuity being repaired.
7.7.1 Pre-Production Testing
7.7.4 Operator Qualification. The pre-production test Start of Shift. Before production welding
required by 7.7.1, if successful, shall also serve to qualify
with a particular set-up and with a given size and type of
the stud welding operator. Before any production studs
stud, and at the beginning of each day’s or shift’s pro-
are welded by an operator not involved in the pre-
duction, testing shall be performed on the first two studs
production set-up of 7.7.1, the first two studs welded by
that are welded. The stud technique may be developed on
the operator shall have been tested in conformance with
a piece of material similar to the production member in
the provisions of and When the two
thickness and properties. If actual production thickness is
welded studs have been tested and found satisfactory, the
not available, the thickness may vary ± 25%. All test
operator may then weld production studs.
studs shall be welded in the same general position as
required on the production member (flat, vertical, or 7.7.5 Removal Area Repair. If an unacceptable stud
overhead). has been removed from a component subjected to tensile
stresses, the area from which the stud was removed shall Production Member Option. Instead of
be made smooth and flush. Where in such areas the base
being welded to separate material, the test studs may be
metal has been pulled out in the course of stud removal,
welded on the production member, except when separate
SMAW with low-hydrogen electrodes in conformance
plates are required by
with the requirements of this code shall be used to fill the Flash Requirement. Studs shall exhibit full pockets, and the weld surface shall be flush.
360° flash with no evidence of undercut into the stud
base. In compression areas of members, if stud failures are
confined to shanks or fusion zones of studs, a new stud Bend Test. In addition to visual examination, may be welded adjacent to each unacceptable area in lieu
the test shall consist of bending the studs after they are al- of repair and replacement on the existing weld area (see
lowed to cool, to an angle of approximately 30° from their 7.4.5). If base metal is pulled out during stud removal,
original axes by either striking the studs with a hammer the repair provisions shall be the same as for tension
on the unwelded end or placing a pipe or other suitable areas except that when the depth of discontinuity is the
hollow device over the stud and manually or mechanically lesser of 1/8 in [3 mm] or 7% of the base metal thickness,
bending the stud. At temperatures below 50°F [10°C], the discontinuity may be faired by grinding in lieu of fill-
bending shall preferably be done by continuous slow ap- ing with weld metal. Where a replacement stud is to be


provided, the base metal repair shall be made prior to 7.9 Manufacturers’ Stud Base
welding the replacement stud. Replacement studs (other
than threaded type which should be torque tested) shall
Qualification Requirements
be tested by bending to an angle of approximately 15° 7.9.1 Purpose. The purpose of these requirements is to
from their original axes. The areas of components ex- prescribe tests for the stud manufacturers’ certification of
posed to view in completed structures shall be made stud base weldability.
smooth and flush where a stud has been removed.
7.9.2 Responsibility for Tests. The stud manufacturer
shall be responsible for the performance of the qualifica-
tion test. These tests may be performed by a testing
agency satisfactory to the Engineer. The agency per-
7.8 Fabrication and Verification forming the tests shall submit a certified report to the
Inspection Requirements manufacturer of the studs giving procedures and results
for all tests including the information described in
7.8.1 Visual Inspection. If a visual inspection reveals 7.9.10.
any stud that does not show a full 360° flash or any stud
7.9.3 Extent of Qualification. Qualification of a stud
that has been repaired by welding, such stud shall be bent
base shall constitute qualification of stud bases with the
to an angle of approximately 15° from its original axis.
same geometry, flux, and arc shield, having the same di-
Threaded studs shall be torque tested. The method of
ameter and diameters that are smaller by less than 1/8 in
bending shall be in conformance with The direc-
[3 mm]. A stud base qualified with an approved grade of
tion of bending for studs with less than a 360° flash shall
ASTM A29 steel and meets the standard mechanical
be opposite to the missing portion of the flash. Torque
properties (see 7.3.1) shall constitute qualification for all
testing shall be in conformance with Figure 7.3.
other approved grades of ASTM A29 steel (see 7.2.6),
provided that conformance with all other provisions
7.8.2 Additional Tests. The Verification Inspector,
stated herein shall be achieved.
where conditions warrant, may select a reasonable num-
ber of additional studs to be subjected to the tests de- 7.9.4 Duration of Qualification. A size of stud base
scribed in 7.8.1. with arc shield, once qualified, shall be considered quali-
fied until the stud manufacturer makes any change in the
7.8.3 Bent Stud Acceptance Criteria. The bent stud stud base geometry, material, flux, or arc shield which
shear connectors (Type B) and deformed anchors (Type affects the welding characteristics.
C) and other studs to be embedded in concrete (Type A)
that show no sign of failure shall be acceptable for use 7.9.5 Preparation of Specimens
and left in the bent position. When bent studs are re- Materials. Test specimens shall be prepared
quired by the contract documents to be straightened, the by welding representative studs to suitable specimen
straightening operation shall be done without heating, plates of ASTM A36 steel or any of the other materials
and before completion of the production stud welding listed in Table 3.1 or Table 4.9. Studs to be welded
operation. through metal decking shall have the weld base qualifi-
cation testing done by welding through metal decking
7.8.4 Torque Test Acceptance Criteria. Threaded representative of that used in construction, galvanized
studs (Type A) torque tested to the proof load torque per ASTM A653 coating designation G90 for one thick-
level in Figure 7.3 that show no sign of failure shall be ness of deck or G60 for two deck plies. When studs are
acceptable for use. to be welded through decking, the stud base qualification
test shall include decking representative of that to be
7.8.5 Corrective Action. Welded studs not conforming used in construction. Welding shall be done in the flat
to the requirements of the code shall be repaired or position (plate surface horizontal). Tests for threaded
replaced by the Contractor. The Contractor shall revise studs shall be on blanks (studs without threads).
the welding procedure as necessary to ensure that sub-
sequent stud welding will meet code requirements. Welding Equipment. Studs shall be welded
with power source, welding gun, and automatically con-
7.8.6 Owner’s Option. At the option and the expense of trolled equipment as recommended by the stud manu-
the Owner, the Contractor may be required, at any time, facturer. Welding voltage, current, and time (see 7.9.6)
to submit studs of the types used under the contract for a shall be measured and recorded for each specimen. Lift
qualification check in conformance with the procedures and plunge shall be at the optimum setting as recom-
of 7.9. mended by the manufacturer.


7.9.6 Number of Test Specimens Bend Tests (Studs 7/8 in [22 mm] or less in
diameter). Twenty of the specimens welded in conform- High Current. For studs 7/8 in [22 mm] or
ance with and twenty in conformance with
less in diameter, 30 test specimens shall be welded con- shall be bend tested by being bent alternately 30°
secutively with constant optimum time, but with current
from their original axes in opposite directions until fail-
10% above optimum. For studs over 7/8 in [22 mm] di-
ure occurs. Studs shall be bent in a bend testing device
ameter, 10 test specimens shall be welded consecutively
as shown in Figure 7.4, except that studs less than 1/2 in
with constant optimum time. Optimum current and time
[12 mm] diameter may be bent using a device as shown
shall be the midpoint of the range normally recom-
in Figure 7.5. A stud base shall be considered as quali-
mended by the manufacturer for production welding.
fied if, on all test specimens, fracture occurs in the plate Low Current. For studs 7/8 in [22 mm] or material or shank of the stud and not in the weld or HAZ.
less in diameter, 30 test specimens shall be welded con- All test specimens for studs over 7/8 in [22 mm] shall
secutively with constant optimum time, but with current only be subjected to tensile tests.
10% below optimum. For studs over 7/8 in [22 mm] di-
ameter, 10 test specimens shall be welded consecutively Weld through Deck Tests. All 10 of the
with constant optimum time, but with current 5% below welds through deck stud specimens shall be tested by
optimum. bending 30° in opposite directions in a bend testing de-
vice as shown in Figure 7.4, or by bend testing 90° from Metal Deck. For studs to be welded through their original axis or tension testing to destruction in a
metal deck, the range of weld base diameters shall be machine capable of supplying the required force. With
qualified by welding 10 studs at the optimum current and any test method used, the range of stud diameters from
time as recommended by the manufacturer conforming maximum to minimum shall be considered as qualified
to the following: weld bases for through deck welding if, on all test speci-
(1) Maximum and minimum diameters welded mens, fracture occurs in the plate material or shank of the
through one thickness of 16 gage deck, coating designa- stud and not in the weld or HAZ.
tion G90.
7.9.8 Retests. If failure occurs in a weld or the HAZ in
(2) Maximum and minimum diameters welded through any of the bend test groups of or at less than spec-
two plies of 16 gage deck coating designation G60. ified minimum tensile strength of the stud in any of the
(3) Maximum and minimum diameters welded tension groups in, a new test group (described in
through one thickness of 18 gage G60 deck over one or, as applicable) shall be prepared and
thickness of 16 gage G60 deck. tested. If such failures are repeated, the stud base shall
fail to qualify.
(4) Maximum and minimum diameters welded
through two plies of 18 gage deck, both with G60 coat- 7.9.9 Acceptance. For a manufacturer’s stud base and
ing designation. arc shield combination to be qualified, each stud of each
group of 30 studs shall, by test or retest, meet the re-
The range of diameters from maximum to minimum quirements described in 7.9.7. Qualification of a given
welded through two plies of 18 gage metal deck with G60 diameter of stud base shall be considered qualification
galvanizing shall be qualified for welding through one or for stud bases of the same nominal diameter (see 7.9.3,
two plies of metal deck 18 gage or less in thickness. stud base geometry, material, flux, and arc shield).
7.9.7 Tests
7.9.10 Manufacturer’s Qualification Test Data. The Tension Tests. Ten of the specimens welded test data shall include the following:
in conformance with and ten in conformance with shall be subjected to a tension test in a fixture (1) Drawings showing shapes and dimensions with
similar to that shown in Figure 7.2, except that studs tolerances of stud, arc shields, and flux;
without heads may be gripped on the unwelded end in (2) A complete description of materials used in the
the jaws of the tension testing machine. A stud base shall studs, including the quantity and type of flux, and a
be considered as qualified if all test specimens have a description of the arc shields; and
tensile strength equal to or above the minimum described
in 7.3.1. (3) Certified results of tests.


Table 7.1 Table 7.2

Mechanical Property Minimum Fillet Weld Size
Requirements for Studs (see 7.3.1) for Small Diameter Studs (see
Type Aa Type Bb Type Cc Stud Diameter Min. Size Fillet

Tensile psi min. 61 000 65 000 80 000 in mm in mm

strength MPa min. ,420 ,450 ,552
1/4 thru 7/16 6 thru 11 3/16 5
Yield strength psi min. 49 000 51 000
— 1/2 12 1/40 6
(0.2% offset) MPa min. ,340 ,350
5/8, 3/4, 7/8 16, 20, 22 5/16 8
psi min. 70 000 1 25 3/80 10
(0.5% offset) — —
MPa min. ,485
% in 2 in min. 17% 20%
Elongation —
% in 5x dia. min. 14% 15%
% min. 50% 50% —
of area
a Type A studs shall be general purpose of any type and size used for
purposes other than shear transfer in composite beam design and con-
b Type B studs shall be studs that are headed, bent, or of other config-

uration in 3/8 in [10 mm], 1/2 in [12 mm], 5/8 in [16 mm], 3/4 in
[20 mm], 7/8 in [22 mm], and 1 in [25 mm] diameter that are used as
an essential component in composite beam design and concrete anchor-
age design.
c Type C studs shall be cold-worked deformed steel bars manufactured

in conformance with specification ASTM A496 having a nominal

diameter equivalent to the diameter of a plain wire having the same
weight per foot as the deformed wire. ASTM A496 specifies a maxi-
mum diameter of 0.628 in [16 mm] maximum. Any bar supplied
above that diameter shall have the same physical characteristics
regarding deformations as required by ASTM A496.


a Manufactured length before welding.

Standard Dimensions, in
Length Head Minimum
Shank Diameter Tolerances Diameter Head Height
(C) (L) (H) (T)
3/8 ±1/16 3/4 ± 1/64 9/32
± 1/16 /1 ± 1/64 9/32 Figure 7.2—Typical Tension Test Fixture
(see 7.3.2)
5/8 ± 1/16 1-1/4 ± 1/64- 9/32
3/4 ± 1/16 1-1/4 ± 1/64- 3/8
7/8 ± 1/16 1-3/8 ± 1/64- 3/8
1 ± 1/16 1-5/8 ± 1/64- 1/2
Standard Dimensions, mm
10 ± 1.6 19 ± 0.40 7.1
13 ± 1.6 25 ± 0.40 7.1
16 ± 1.6 32 ± 0.40 7.1
19 ± 1.6 32 ± 0.40 9.5
22 ± 1.6 35 ± 0.40 9.5
25 ± 1.6 41 ± 0.40 12.7

Figure 7.1—Dimension and Tolerances of

Standard-Type Headed Studs (see 7.2.1)


Note: Dimensions of test fixture details should be appropriate to the size of the stud. The threads of the stud shall be clean and free of
lubricant other than the residue of cutting/cold forming lubricants in the “as received” condition from the manufacturer.

Required Proof Torque for Testing Threaded Studsa

Nominal Diameter M.E.T.A.b Thread Proof Testing Torquec
in mm in2 mm2 no./in pitch-mm Series lb-ft Joule
0.236 M60 0.031 20.1 1.00 ISO-724 5.4 7.4
1/4 6.4 0.036 23.2 28 UNF 6.6 9.0
0.032 20.6 20 UNC 5.9 7.8
5/16 7.9 0.058 37.4 24 UNF 13.3 18.1
0.052 33.5 18 UNC 11.9 16.1
0.315 M80 0.057 36.6 1.25 ISO-724 13.2 17.9
3/8 9.5 0.088 56.8 24 UNF 24.3 32.9
0.078 50.3 16 UNC 21.5 29.2
0.394 M10 0.090 58.0 1.50 ISO-724 26.2 35.5
7/16 11.1 0.118 76.1 20 UNF 37.9 51.4
0.106 68.4 14 UNC 34.8 47.2
0.472 M12 0.131 84.3 1.75 ISO-724 45.7 61.9
1/2 12.7 0.160 103.2 20 UNF 58.8 79.7
0.142 91.6 13 UNC 52.2 70.8
0.551 M14 0.178 115.0 2.00 ISO-724 72.7 98.5
9/16 14.3 0.203 131.0 18 UNF 83.9 113.8
0.182 117.4 12 UNC 75.2 102.0
5/8 15.9 0.255 164.5 18 UNF 117.1 158.8
0.226 145.8 11 UNC 103.8 140.8
0.630 M16 0.243 157.0 2.00 ISO-724 113.4 153.7
3/4 19.1 0.372 240.0 16 UNF 205.0 278.0
0.334 215.5 10 UNC 184.1 249.7
0.787 M20 0.380 245.0 2.50 ISO-724 221.2 299.9
0.866 M22 0.470 303.0 2.50 ISO-724 300.9 408.0
7/8 22.2 0.509 328.4 14 UNF 327.3 443.9
0.462 298.1 9 UNC 297.1 402.9
0.945 M24 0.547 353.0 3.00 ISO-724 382.4 518.5
1 25.4 0.678 437.4 12 UNF 498.3 675.7
0.606 391.0 8 UNC 445.4 604.0
a Torque figures are based on Type A threaded studs with a minimum yield stress of 49 000 psi [340 MPa].
b Mean Effective Thread Area (M.E.T.A) shall be defined as the effective stress area based on a mean diameter taken approximately
midway between the minor and the pitch diameters.
c Values are calculated on a proof testing torque of 0.9 times Nominal Stud Diameter times 0.2 Friction Coefficient Factor times Mean

Effective Thread Area times Minimum Yield Stress for unplated studs in the as-received condition. Plating, coatings, or oil/grease
deposits will change the Friction Coefficient Factor.

Figure 7.3—Torque Testing Arrangement and Table of Testing Torques (see


1. Fixture holds specimen and stud is bent 30° alternately in
opposite directions.
2. Load can be applied with hydraulic cylinder (shown) or fixture
adapted for use with tension test machine.

Figure 7.4—Bend Testing Device Figure 7.5—Suggested Type of Device

(see for Qualification Testing of Small Studs


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