Philology Presentation Topics

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Presentation Topics for Philology Students

Topic Name, Surname Signature

IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet

Vowel Sounds (phonetic symbol, way

and place of articulation)

The phoneme

Specific characteristics of some vowels


Phonoarticulatory apparatus

Examples, analysis and transcription of

some words in phonetic symbols

Consonant sounds (phonetic symbol,

way and place of articulation)

Stress in words and sentences

Tones, tonic syllables and tone units

Grammar and Intonation

Attitude in discourse and intonation

IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet

Vowel Sounds (phonetic symbol, way

and place of articulation)

The phoneme

Specific characteristics of some vowels


Phonoarticulatory apparatus

Examples, analysis and transcription of

some words in phonetic symbols

Consonant sounds (phonetic symbol,

way and place of articulation)

Stress in words and sentences

Tones, tonic syllables and tone units

Lecturer A. Tonoyan / /

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