Performance Measurement
Performance Measurement
Performance Measurement
The programs selected range from game playing, compiler, and database applications to numerically intensive programs in astrophysics and quantum
In each case, the program is compiled for the computer under test, and the running time on a real computer is measured.
The same program is also compiled and run on one computer selected as a reference.
For SPEC95, the reference is the SUN SPARCstation 10/40.
For SPEC2000, the reference computer is an Ultra- SPARCIO workstation with a 300-MHz UltraSPARC-Ili processor.
The SPEC rating is computed as follows:
Thus a SPEC rating of 50 means that the computer under test is 50 times as fast as the UltraSPARCIO for this particular benchmark.
The test is repeated for all the programs in the SPEC suite, and the geometric mean of the results is computed.
Let SPECi, be the rating for program in the suite.
The overall SPEC rating for the computer is given by:
where n is the number of programs in the suite.
Because the actual execution time is measured, the SPEC rating is a measure of the combined effect of all factors affecting performance, including the
compiler, the operating system, the processor, and the memory of the computer being tested.
Details about the SPEC benchmark programs and results of the tests conducted can be found on the SPEC web page.