Fuji Dri-Chemi Analyzer

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Laboratory Name: Rabininsia Memorial Hospital Laboratory

Document Title: Procedure For Electrolystes ( Na+, K+, Cl-) Test

Using Fuji Dri-Chem Analyzer.
Document number. RMHL/SOP/CC 003
Version number : 01
Section: Clinical Chemistry
Effective Date:01/04/2018



Name Designation Signature Date

Prepared by:

Reviewed by: William M Lusekelo Laboratory Quality Officer

Approved by: Laboratory Manager

@RMHL Page 1
Laboratory Name: Rabininsia Memorial Hospital Laboratory
Document Title: Procedure For Electrolystes ( Na+, K+, Cl-) Test
Using Fuji Dri-Chem Analyzer.
Document number. RMHL/SOP/CC 003
Version number : 01
Section: Clinical Chemistry
Effective Date:01/04/2018

1. Purpose
This procedure provides Instruction for performing electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl-) test using

2. Scope
This procedure applies instructions and processes to be used at RMH Laboratory during
electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl-) test performance.

3. Responsibility
All laboratory staffs authorized to perform(Na+, K+, Cl-) testare responsible for
implementing this procedure. The Head of Clinical Chemistry unit is responsible for
ensuring the effective implementation and maintenance of this procedure.

4. Definition and abbreviation

SOP Standard Operating procedures
RMH Rabininsia Memorial Hospital
N/A Not Applicable
Na Sodium
K potassium
Cl Chloride

5. Principle of the Procedure

50 µL of reference fluid and 50 µL of whole blood, plasma or serum is deposited on a
Fuji Dri-Chem Slide Na-K-Cl at the same time on the reference side and the sample side
respectively. After depositing the reference fluid and the sample spread along the
distribution device and also toward each other on the special thread bridge to form a
stable ionic junction. A differential potential is generated between the half-cells, the
potential difference is proportional to the logarithm of each ion concentration ratio of the
two fluids. The slide is incubated for a fixed time in the FUJI DRI-CHEM ANALYZER
and the potentiometric difference between the reference and the sample is measured. The
potentiometric value is then converted into of the electrolyte’s concentration using a
calibration curve preinstalled in the analyzer.

@RMHL Page 2
Laboratory Name: Rabininsia Memorial Hospital Laboratory
Document Title: Procedure For Electrolystes ( Na+, K+, Cl-) Test
Using Fuji Dri-Chem Analyzer.
Document number. RMHL/SOP/CC 003
Version number : 01
Section: Clinical Chemistry
Effective Date:01/04/2018

6. Equipment and reagents

Reagents Supplies Equipment

 Gloves
 Fuji Dri-Chem  Plain vacutainer tubes  FUJI DRI-
Reference Fluid  Heparinized CHEM
vacutainer tube ANALYZER
 Fuji Dri-Chem Slide

7. Sample and container type

 Heparin can be used as anticoagulant. When using heparin, less than 10 units of
heparin-Na or less than 50 units of heparin-Li should be used per 1 mL of whole
blood. Do not use EDTA salt, sodium floride, citric acid, oxalic acid and
monoiodoacetic acid
 Measure the sample immediately after blood drawing. When samples are to be left
standing, take the following care. Measure the sample within an hour
 Keep the sample at room temperature. Potassium concentration deviates
higher when the blood sample is cooled in a refrigerator
 Flopping the sample tube upside down gently prior to the measurement
 Avoid using plasma or serum with precipitate such as fibrin
 Do not use hemolytic plasm or serum.

8. Environmental and safety controls

 Handle all specimens as if they contain infectious agents, observe established
precautions against microbiological hazards throughout testing and follow the
standard procedures for proper disposal of specimens.
 Use appropriate personal protective equipment.
 Room temperature monitoring is done twice daily

@RMHL Page 3
Laboratory Name: Rabininsia Memorial Hospital Laboratory
Document Title: Procedure For Electrolystes ( Na+, K+, Cl-) Test
Using Fuji Dri-Chem Analyzer.
Document number. RMHL/SOP/CC 003
Version number : 01
Section: Clinical Chemistry
Effective Date:01/04/2018

9. Maintenance
Refer to Fuji Dri-Chem maintenance procedure RMHL/PR/CC 003

10. Calibration

11. Quality Control

 On daily basis run control material before performance of any patients sample.
 When the results obtained are outside the expected range, investigate the cause.

12. Procedural steps

i. Set slides on FUJI DRI-CHEM ANALYZER.
ii. Set a sample tube in the specified sample rack.
iii. Set the reference fluid in the specified position.
iv. Input a sequence No. and a sample ID if appropriate.
v. Press the ‘START’ key to initiate testing.
CAUTION; Use immediately after opening the individual package
For further details of operation procedure, consult ‘INSTRUCTION

13. Calculations.
Calculations are automatically done by the analyzer

14. Limitations.
Known interfering substances
 Cationic surfactant as benzalkonium chloride and alcohol give a plus bias
 Br- on I- contained in the sample may affect the Cl-.
 Sample from patients overdosed with aspirin, may show plus bias of the Cl- data.
 In case of the sample of which sodium ion (Na+) and Chloride ion (Cl-) are both low
in concentration, it is known that the value of Na+ measured by colorimetry method

@RMHL Page 4
Laboratory Name: Rabininsia Memorial Hospital Laboratory
Document Title: Procedure For Electrolystes ( Na+, K+, Cl-) Test
Using Fuji Dri-Chem Analyzer.
Document number. RMHL/SOP/CC 003
Version number : 01
Section: Clinical Chemistry
Effective Date:01/04/2018

may be less than the flame photometry method. This is because part of free Na+
become non dissociative NaHCO3 by binding with HCO3.

15. Reporting
Results are released with reference ranges which aid in the correct interpretation

16. Result interpretation

The analyzer is integrated to give out printout of results with normal ranges.

17. Biological reference interval.

Na+ 135.00-145.00 mmol/L
K+ 3.50-5.10 mmol/L
Cl 96.00-108.00 mmol/L

18. Performance characteristics

Refer to Fuji Dri-Chem Verification and Validation RMHL/PR/CC 004

19. Attachment
 SOP review and updating log
 Staff acknowledgement Log

20. Supporting documents

Fiji Dri-Chem maintenance log RMHL/FM/CC 003

21. References
Fuji Dri-Chem Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Instruction Manual.

SOP Review and Updating Logs


@RMHL Page 5
Laboratory Name: Rabininsia Memorial Hospital Laboratory
Document Title: Procedure For Electrolystes ( Na+, K+, Cl-) Test
Using Fuji Dri-Chem Analyzer.
Document number. RMHL/SOP/CC 003
Version number : 01
Section: Clinical Chemistry
Effective Date:01/04/2018

Staff acknowledgement Log

I have read, understood and agree to follow the procedure as documented.
Name of staff Signature Date

@RMHL Page 6

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