River Engineering
River Engineering
River Engineering
John Fenton
replied intensely: "It is EXACT, Jane". That river was the most important one in Australia, the
Murray River, 2 375 km (Danube 2 850 km), maximum recorded flow 3 950 m3 s−1 (Danube at Iron
Gate Dam: 15 400 m3 s−1). It has many tributaries, flow measurement in the system is approximate
and intermittent, there is huge biological and fluvial diversity and irregularity. His model was
NOT exact. In fact, nothing in these lectures will be exact. We are talking about the modelling of
complex physical systems.
A further example of the sort of thinking that we would like to avoid: in the area of palaeo-
hydraulics, some Australian researchers made a survey to obtain the heights of floods at individual
trees. This showed that the palaeo-flood reached a maximum height on the River Murray at a
certain position of 1801 m (sic), Having measured the cross-section of the river, they applied the
Gauckler-Manning-Strickler Equation to determine the discharge of the prehistoric flood, stated to
be 7 686 m3 s−1 ...
William of Ockham (England, c1288-c1348): Ockham’s razor is the principle that can be
popularly stated as “when you have two competing theories that make similar predictions, the
simpler one is the better”. The term razor refers to the act of shaving away unnecessary assumptions
to get to the simplest explanation, attributed to 14th-century English logician and Franciscan friar,
William of Ockham. We should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating those that make
no difference in the observable predictions of the hypothesis or theory, still sufficiently answering
the question. That is, we should not over-simplify our approach.
The principle has inspired numerous expressions including “parsimony of postulates”, the
“principle of simplicity”, the “KISS principle” (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Other common
restatements are:
Leonardo da Vinci (I, 1452–1519, world’s most famous hydraulician, also an artist): his
variant short-circuits the need for sophistication by equating it to simplicity “Simplicity is the
ultimate sophistication”.
Wolfang A. Mozart (A, 1756–1791): “Gewaltig viel Noten, lieber Mozart”, soll Kaiser Josef II.
über die erste der großen Wiener Opern, die “Entführung”, gesagt haben, und Mozart antwortete:
“Gerade so viel, Eure Majestät, als nötig ist.” (Emperor Joseph II said about the first of the great
Vienna operas, “Die Entführung aus dem Serail”, “Far too many notes, dear Mozart”, to which
Mozart replied “Your Majesty, there are just as many notes as are necessary”). The truthfulness of
the story is questioned – Josef was more sophisticated than that ...
Albert Einstein (D-USA,1879-1955): “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
This is a better and shorter statement than Ockham!
Karl Popper (A-UK, 1902-1994): no number of experiments can confirm a scientific theory
(Hume’s “Problem of Induction”), but a single counterexample can show the theory to be false.
For example, consider the inference that “all swans we have seen are white, and therefore all swans
are white”, before the discovery of black swans in Australia. We prefer simpler theories to more
complex ones, as they apply to more cases than more complex ones, and are more easily falsifiable.
Thomas Kuhn (USA, 1922-1996): In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions found little evidence
of scientists actually following a falsificationist methodology. He argued that scientists work in a
series of paradigms, and that as science progresses, explanations tend to become more complex
before a sudden paradigm shift offers radical simplification.
Paul Feyerabend (A-USA, 1924-1994): a student of Popper, ultimately rejected any prescriptive
methodology, and argued that the only universal method characterising scientific progress was
“anything goes!”
1.2 Summary
• We will use theory, but we will try to keep things simple, rather simpler than is often the case in
this field, especially in numerical methods.
• Often our knowledge of physical quantities is limited, and approximation is justified.
• We will recognise that we are modelling.
• An approximate model can often reveal to us more about the problem.
• It might be thought that the lectures show a certain amount of inconsistency – in occasional
places the lecturer will develop a more generalised and “accurate” model, paradoxically to
emphasise that we are just modelling.
• We will attempt to obtain insight and understanding – and a sense of criticality.
1.3 Types of channel flow to be studied
An important part of this course will be the study of different types of channel flow.
(a) Steady uniform flow Case (a) – Steady uniform flow:
Normal depth
Steady flow is where there is no change with
time, ≡ 0. Distant from control structures,
gravity and resistance are in balance, and if the
(b) Steady gradually-varied flow cross-section is constant, the flow is uniform,
≡ 0. This is the simplest model, and often
is used as a first approximation for others.
Case (b) – Steady gradually-varied flow:
(c) Steady rapidly-varied flow
Where all inputs are steady but where channel
properties may vary and/or a control may be
introduced which imposes a water level at
a certain point. The height of the surface
(d) Unsteady flow
varies along the channel. For this case we
will study the governing differential equation
that describes how conditions vary along the
waterway, and we will obtain an approximate
Figure 1.1: Different types of flow in an open channel mathematical solution to solve general problems
Case (c) – Steady rapidly-varied flow:
Figure (c) shows three separate gradually-varied flow regions separated by two rapidly-varied
regions: (1) flow under a sluice gate and (2) a hydraulic jump. The basic hydraulic approximation
that variation is gradual breaks down in those regions. We can analyse them by considering energy
or momentum conservation locally. In this course we will not be considering these – earlier courses
at TUW have.
Case (d) – Unsteady flow:
Here conditions vary with time and position as a flood wave traverses the waterway. We will
consider flood wave motion at some length.
1.4 Some possibly-surprising results
Effects of turbulence on dynamics
Where the fluid flow fluctuates in time, apparently randomly, about some mean condition, e.g.
the flow of wind, water in pipes, water in a river. In practice we tend to work with mean flow
properties, however in this course we will adopt empirical means of incorporating some of the
effects of turbulence. Consider the component of velocity at a point written as a sum of the
mean (̄) and fluctuating (0) components:
= ̄ + 0
By definition, the mean of the fluctuations, which we write as 0, is
= 0 = 0 (1.1)
where is some time period much longer than the fluctuations.
Now let us compute the mean value of the square of the velocity, such as we might find in
computing the mean pressure on an object in the flow:
2 = (̄ + 0)2 = ̄2 + 2̄0 + 02 expanding,
= ̄2 + 2̄ 0 + 02, considering each term in turn,
= ̄2 + 2̄ 0 + 02, but, as 0 = 0 from equation (1.1),
= ̄2 + 02 (1.2)
hence we see that the mean of the square of the fluctuating velocity is not equal to the square of the
mean of the fluctuating velocity, but that there is also a component 02, the mean of the fluctuating
components. We will need to incorporate this.
Pressure in open channel flow – effects of resistance on flows over steep slopes
Consider Figure 1.2 showing an open channel
flow with forces per unit mass acting on a
particle. The figure is drawn, showing that in
Resistance general, the depth is not constant, and the bed is
sin not parallel to the free surface. The surface is an
isobar, a line of constant pressure, = 0. In the
cos flow, other isobars will approximately be parallel
Figure 1.2: Channel flow showing isobars and forces per to this, while the channel bed is not necessarily
unit mass on a fluid particle an isobar. We consider the vector Euler equation
for the motion of a fluid particle
Acceleration = − × Pressure gradient + Body forces per unit mass
where is the fluid density. In a direction parallel to the free surface, the pressure is constant
and there is no pressure gradient. The acceleration of the particle will be given by the difference
between the component of gravity sin and the resistance force per unit mass. We usually do not
know the details of that, so there is little that we can say. Now considering a direction perpendicular
to that, given by the co-ordinate on the figure, there is very little acceleration, so we assume it to
be zero, and so we obtain the result
0=− − cos .
Now integrating this with respect to between a general point, such as = − at the particle
shown, and = 0 on the surface where = 0 we obtain
= cos × .
It is much more convenient to measure all elevations vertically, and so we use , such that
= cos , and we obtain the general expression for pressure
= cos2 (1.3)
The general result of equation (1.3) for flow on a finite slope seems to have been
forgotten by many. In general, pressure in flowing water is not “hydrostatic”.
However in this course, bed slopes are small enough that we will use it.
Hydrostatic approximation
An almost-universal assumption in river engineering
is that the slope of the surface is small enough such
that cos2 ≈ 1, and we can use the hydrostatic =−
= = ( − )
approximation, where the surface slope is so small, as
if it were obtained from a static fluid where the surface
is horizontal,
= = ( − ) (1.4)
where is the vertical co-ordinate and is its value at Figure 1.3: Hydrostatic pressure distribution
the free surface. Such a pressure distribution is called hydrostatic, equivalent to that of water which
is not moving, such that pressure at a point is given by the height of water above, = , where
is fluid density (≈ 1000 kgm−3 for fresh water), ≈ 98 ms−2 is gravitational acceleration, and
is the vertical height of the surface above the point. We have seen that this is not necessarily the
case in flowing water for cases such as spillways or block ramps, which are steep.
2. Resistance in river and other open channel flows
The resistance to the flow of a stream is a very important quantity in river mechanics
– and is almost always poorly known.
2.1 The channel flow formula
We consider a simple theory based on force balance and some classical fluid
mechanics experiments to obtain a flow formula for a wide rectangular channel.
Here, the fundamental flow formula for steady uniform flow in channels is developed from theory
and experimental results. We show that the traditional flow formulae of Gauckler-Manning and
Chézy-Weisbach are simply different approximations to that.
2.2 Channels of arbitrary section
To obtain the equivalent formula for channels of any section we consider velocity
distributions in real streams and develop an approximation giving a general flow
The previous section was for a wide channel with an
idealised logarithmic velocity distribution. In nature,
for channels of any general cross-section there is the
problem that the velocity has a maximum somewhere
below the surface, and in general the isovels are
something like Figure 2.3. Even in straight channels
there are longitudinal vortices such that in the centre
Figure 2.3: Cross-section of flow showing isovels
of the channel the maximum in velocity, which would and, for a number of points on the bed, where the
be expected to be at the surface, is actually at a lower fastest-likely fluid comes from and how far it travels,
the effective length scale for resistance calculations.
To obtain a flow formula for channels of any cross-section, we hypothesise that the effective depth
for resistance calculations is the typical distance from points with the highest velocity to the
nearest point on the bed, as suggested by the arrows on the figure. The fluid flow on the boundary,
where resistance occurs, would be similar to that in a channel, not of the actual mean depth, but
the mean length of the arrows.Typical length scales as shown by the arrows are somewhat smaller
than the overall mean depth of flow. Our problem is then, how to approximate that distance? We
examine the approach suggested by the lecturer (Fenton 2011).
We consider the experimental data for the vertical position of the locus of velocity maxima in
rectangular channels from Yang, Tan & Lim (2004). From their results we can obtain a formula
for the mean elevation of the velocity maximum max, as a function of aspect ratio (channel
width divided by depth ).
There is another length scale in equation (2.4) which is the ratio of area to perimeter , which,
as , should be smaller than the mean depth , so it might be a candidate for the depth
scale as experienced by the bed. We calculate the ratio:
= = (2.5)
( + 2) + 2
Both the expression for ( ) and the experimental 10
formula for max are plotted in Figure 2.4. Remarkably,
the two coincide closely over a wide range of aspect
ratios, so that we have found the quantity mimics the max 06
behaviour of max, which we have suggested is, instead of ( )04 Experimental
, the apparent depth that the flow on the bed experiences. max — experiment
This suggests that in equation (2.4), instead of in the ( ), eqn (2.5)
term from the velocity distribution, we can use . 00
1 2 10 100
Aspect ratio
We cannot claim that this is a justification as strong as it
looks, but we have seen that already appears in the
equation, appearing naturally in the simple mechanical Figure 2.4: Rectangular channels: dimension-
less mean elevation of max and the effective
equilibrium calculation. depth ( )
For channels that are not rectangular we have presented no results. Our suggestion is that
will still be a plausible approximation, and it already appears in equation (2.4). The use of
was justified by Keulegan (1938), however while that work mathematically correctly integrated
logarithmic velocity distributions perpendicular to parts of various shapes of cross-section, it did
not give any attention to the real velocity distributions, especially ignoring the phenomenon of the
velocity maximum being below the surface.
We have shown that is approximately equal to the mean distance of the maximum velocity
from the bed, so that the flow on the bed is similar to that of a channel of depth . In channels
that are wide, which is most, ≈ and is about the same as the geometric mean depth
. Our suggested channel flow formula, replacing by in equation (2.4) is
r µ ¶
1 30e
= = ln (2.6)
s ( )
If we knew an accurate value of s, this is probably the formula that we should use, as it is
in terms of physical quantities that we know or we can approximate, including the equivalent
grain size s. For example, if we were studying the Danube, we might simply use the typical
grain size s = = 002 m. Traditional practice, however is often to use Chézy-Weisbach
and Gauckler-Manning-Strickler formulae, which introduce resistance coefficients which, while
more general, and allow for other forms of resistance such as vegetation and bed forms, are more
empirical and their physical significance less clear.
2.3 The Chézy-Weisbach flow formula
The oldest flow formula is that of Chézy . Here it is written in terms of and the
Weisbach dimensionless resistance coefficient .
We write shear stress in terms of the result obtained from the Darcy-Weisbach formulation of
flow resistance in pipes,
1 2
= (2.7)
where is the Weisbach dimensionless resistance coefficient, expressing the relationship between
velocity and stress. The factor of 18 is necessary to agree with the Darcy-Weisbach energy
formulation of pipe flow theory in circular pipes wherep = Diameter4. From our simple
force balance we already have equation (2.1): = ( ) . Eliminating between
equation (2.7) and this gives the Chézy-Weisbach flow formula
r r
= = = (2.8)
where we have also written it in terms of , the Chézy coefficient, giving Chézy’s flow formula,
named after the French military engineer who first presented it in 1775. We see that = 8.
Comparing our flow formula (2.6) with (2.8) shows that what we have done is to obtain a formula
for the dimensionless coefficient :
82 82
=³ ´2 ≈ 2 (2.9)
ln s( ln (11)
coefficient, obtained from theory and experiments of the early twentieth century:
1 81
St = = 16 (2.14)
A similar result was obtained by Strickler (a century ago, without optimising software, and before
the fluid mechanics advances we referred to), based entirely on hydraulic experiments. Instead of
the equivalent sand grain roughness s that Nikuradse and we have used, he considered equivalent
mean diameter , from = 01 mm to = 300 mm, (where that diameter was sometimes
calculated from alluvial gravel with relative lengths of √
the three axes 1:2:3). For the numerical
coefficient (81 in eqn 2.14) he obtained a value of 475 2 ≈ 67, giving his expression
1 67
St = = 16 (2.15)
The expression (2.14) here has been obtained by a quite different route, and the agreement between
the two expressions, one based on sand grains glued to the inside of a circular pipe carrying air, is
encouraging. Of course, for river engineering purposes, Strickler’s result (2.15) is to be preferred.
We call the GM formula, equation (2.13) written with the expression (2.15) for the resistance
coefficient,the Gauckler-Manning-Strickler (GMS) formula.
Sensitivity to boundary particle size
As earlier, we examine the effect of uncertainty or variability in the size of the boundary particles
(and any perceived ambiguity between s and ), replacing by + and using a power
series expansion of equation (2.15)
µ ¶16
= 1+ −1= +
and so a fractional change in boundary particle size gives a relative change of 16 in resistance.
Again, resistance varies slowly with grain size. Precise knowledge of that is not so important.
Revision As we have space, this is a good place to revise some elementary power series results.
For small:
Binomial theorem:
¡ 2¢
(1 + ) = 1 + +
Series for logarithm function
¡ 2¢
ln (1 + ) = +
Series for exponential function:
¡ 2¢
exp() = e = 1 + +
We have used the “Big O” notation to show the size of neglected terms.
Test of logarithmic and GMS formulae
Comparison with a series of experiments validates the Strickler approach, giving an
explicit flow formula for a variety of channel boundaries.
To test the accuracy of the GMS for-
mula compared with the logarithmic Boards, rectangular
Masonry, trapezoidal - nearly rectangular
formula we obtained from experi- 2.5 Reuss River, Seedorf
ment, equation (2.12), we consider
Boards, rectangular
the results of Strickler (1923, Beilage 2.0 Cement, semi-circular
4). Strickler considered results from Cement-sand, semi-circ. Rhine River, St Margrethen
Boards, semi-circ.
nine very different channels. For each (m/s) 1.5 Lined tunnel
2.5 Using the Weisbach notation
It is better to use a simpler formulation of the flow formula in which forces and the
mechanics are clearer: the Weisbach form of the flow formula (2.8) has several
We have established the general validity of the GMS formula for river beds composed of regular
soil particles or artificial boundaries. However
• The GM formula involves coefficients that are of an ugly non-scientific form – we do not know
what St or really are. They cannot be combined rationally in more complicated situations.
• Also, they have the significant problem that they have difficult units (: L−13T). This problem
is a difficult one in the three countries (Liberia, Myanmar, and USA) which use the confusing
Imperial units, leading to special formulae.
Here we prefer to write the channel flow formula in the Weisbach form, equation (2.8), but
introducing the coefficient
Λ= (2.16)
to eliminate the annoying occurrences of the factor of 8 throughout the equations which are due
to the original introduction of for head loss in circular pipes (area ∝ 4, head ∝ 12 2). The
significance of Λ follows from equation (2.7):
1 2
= 8 = Λ 2 (2.17)
Our form of the Weisbach formula is
= = (2.18)
where the resistance coefficient Λ is dimensionless and has a clear physical significance relating
shear stress and mean velocity, equation (2.17). If we need to calculate a value from the GM form
we obtain
Λ= 13
( )
Or, if we want to use the Strickler formula for resistance we substitute equation (2.15) for |St to
obtain the simple dimensionless expression
µ ¶13
Λ = 00223 (2.20)
where the coefficient might be more reasonably written as 0022.
The GMS equation evaluated in the Weisbach form (2.18), possibly calculating a dimensionless
resistance coefficient from either equation (2.19) or (2.20), particularly in the latter form, has
• If we were uncertain about the magnitude of the resistance coefficient Λ – and we usually are –
it provides some physical significance. The fact that it is based on a relationship between stress
(force) and velocity squared means that we can rationally introduce and combine other forms of
resistance such as vegetation and structures.
A simple example is that of a laboratory flume (channel) with a sand bed and glass sides.
From previous experimental work we would have values of for sand and for glass and could
combine them rationally, as forces can be added. There is no rational theory for compound
values of and St. In fact there are very bad abuses for that – to be described later.
• The presence of bed forms such as ripples, dunes, etc, cannot be so simply calculated, but here
one could also linearly separate and/or combine contributions in terms of different Λ.
• Expressing Λ in terms of ( ) is a good basis: we could experiment with estimated
values, examining the effect of different grain size assumptions on the calculated flow.
• To use the formula, we do not have to engage in any of the following traditional methods of
calculating resistance coefficient or St:
– Think of a value, which is difficult, as it has no simple physical significance.
– Look at pictures of rivers in standard references such as Chow (1959, §5-9&10). We do not
see the underwater conditions determining the resistance.
– Ring a friend to see what they used for a similar stream 20 km distant some years ago. The
lecturer was on an Australian Committee for Stream Resistance. We set up an information
centre where we hoped to collect data on from all over the country. We only ever received
requests for data going in the other direction: “What do you think is for river X between
A and B?”. We had almost no information to distribute!
2.6 General situations
The problem of the current momentary resistance in the stream is actually a very
difficult and uncertain one, with large variation. We plot a diagram with a large
number of field studies showing the variation and how one might use the figure and
empirical formulae to obtain a resistance coefficient.
Causes of resistance
In many cases the conditions in the river are more complicated than just a layer of uniform regular
particles. For example:
• Irregular and variable nature of the bed particle arrangement.
The variability of resistance in real streams is often much greater than has been realised, for the
arrangement of the bed “grains” or “particles” (even if they are 30 cm boulders) is very impor-
tant, and can change continuously, depending on the flow history. Nikuradse’s experiments were
for sand grains levelled so that their tops were co-planar, and hence most of the particles were
shielded from the flow and resistance was small. That is what a bed looks like after a long period
of constant flow, when any individually-projecting grains have been removed, because the force
on them was larger. The bed is said to have been “armoured” – not only is the resistance small,
but individual grains are hard to remove. After a sudden increase of flow, particles are more
likely to have been dislodged, moved, and deposited, leaving a random surface, where those
most projecting exert larger force on the fluid and resistance is greater.
• Bed forms – ripples, dunes, anti-dunes etc.
• The bed-forms which can develop if the bed is mobile will also contribute to variable resistance.
• Particle movement – if the grains are actually moving, then the force required to move the grains
appears to the water as an additional stress, whether they are moving along the bed, rolling,
jumping, or carried suspended in the flow.
• Vegetation – trees (standing and/or fallen), grasses, reeds etc
• Meandering
Results for resistance coefficients in real rivers
Here we attempt to obtain understanding and a formula for the resistance coefficient using results
from a number of field measurements. To compare with several experimental works, we use the
Chézy-Weisbach formulation. We considered the results of Hicks & Mason (1991), a catalogue
of 558 stream-gaugings from 78 river and canal reaches in New Zealand, of which 55 were sites
with grading curves for boundary material, so that particle sizes were known. Neither vegetation
nor bed-form resistance can be isolated. Hicks & Mason based their approach on Barnes (1967),
who provided values of Manning’s resistance coefficient = 1St for a single flow at each of 50
separate river sites in the United States of America, of which boundary material details were given
for 14. We also include those results here.
From both catalogues we took the values of 84, the boundary particle size for which 84%
of the material was finer, and from the values of , calculated the relative roughness
84 =p84( ), and used the measured values of Chézy’s to calculate values of
( = 8). We have plotted them for the parameter Λ = 8.
Barnes (1967)
Hicks & Mason (1991) — stable bed
Hicks & Mason (1991) — moving bed
Eqn (2.21) — exposure/movement parameter
Aberle & Smart (2003, eqn 9)
Pagliara et al. (2008, eqn 15), = 0, Γ = 0
Ditto, but Γ = 02
Strickler, eqn (2.20)
Yen (2002, eqn 19)
= 20 — moving
10−3 10−2 10−1 100
Relative roughness 84
• Many of the results from each study are for large bed material 84 01, possibly a reflection of
the hilly and mountainous nature of New Zealand and Pacific North-West of the United States
of America (and which applies to Austria ...).
• There is a wide scatter of results. But not all that very wide if we consider that the streams range
from large slow-moving rivers with extremely small grains to mountain torrents with 30 cm
boulders. Most of the results, unless the grains are moving, fall between Λ ≈ 0005 and 002.
• There is, as we have seen, slow variation with relative roughness: an increase in by a factor of
10 leads to an increase in Λ of about 2. We have already shown this theoretically.
• The vertical scatter of the points, we believe, show the effects of bed arrangement and particle
movement. We have plotted four curves using an arbitrary parameter . They have been drawn
using the expression, found by trial and error:
006 + 006
Λ= 2 (2.21)
(10 − 06 − ln 84)
with values of = 0 05, 1, and 2, which we believe identifies the state of the stream bed. This
will now be explained.
• We hypothesise that the experimental points showing the lowest resistance are those with beds
where the tops of the particles are relatively co-planar such that the bed is armoured. We
assigned = 0 to this state, and used that in equation (2.21) to plot the curve. This is supported
by the fact that the for large 84 the curve passes into two sets of experimental curves for
co-planar beds, Aberle & Smart (2003) and Pagliara et al. (2008) for their parameter Γ = 0.
• The second curve from the bottom, = 05 substantially coincides, for large 84, with a curve
corresponding to exposed boulders on top of the bed occupying 0.2 of the surface area obtained
by Pagliara et al. (2008). This is an intermediate state, with a greater number of these grains
thus exposed, the resistance is greater.
• Substituting = 1 in equation (2.21) gives the third curve on the figure, approximately bounding
above what we believe is an identifiable grouping of particles. This is probably the state for
the maximum resistance for a stable bed corresponding to a maximum state of disorder, with
exposed grains occupying something like 50% of the surface area. Any more such grains will
cause shielding of particles, the bed will start to resemble the co-planar case, the resistance will
actually be reduced, and with a lower .
• For points above the third curve almost all experimental points had shear stresses greater than
the critical one necessary for movement, so that the bed is moving. If particles move, not only
do many particles protrude above others, increasing the stress, but there is the additional force
required to maintain the sliding and rolling and jostling of all the particles. Hence, the resistance
is greater. And, if there is a need to maintain particles in suspension, that will contribute also to
resistance, which is more likely for smaller particles as the experimental points show. We have
shown the fourth curve, notionally above which the bed moves, for = 2.
• Further evidence supporting our assertions is obtained from two supposedly general formulae:
– Strickler’s formula, equation (2.20), Λ = 00223 ( ( ))13, which is plotted with 84,
giving a straight line of gradient 13 on the logarithmic axes.
– The approximation proposed by Yen (2002, eqn 19) for , who considered results from
a number of experimental studies using fixed impermeable beds. We used his formula,
converted to Λ = 8, used an infinite Reynolds number, and converted his equivalent sand
roughness = 284 (a not-unreasonable value – there is much debate ...).
Both these general curves start (left-to-right) from our curve = 1, for small particles which
will have the maximum state of randomness, as for such particles the tops cannot be levelled,
to the second curve = 05 for larger particles (84 ≈ 01), more likely to be levelled in the
laboratory experiments.
It is interesting that Strickler’s formula, obtained for a variety of conditions as shown so
convincingly in Figure 2.6 and which has been widely recommended, as we did above, seems to
contribute relatively little for the variety of streams and conditions plotted on page 31.
Hopefully the figure and approximating curves have given us an idea of the magnitudes and
variation of Λ, and maybe even some results for use in practice. It has certainly given us an idea of
the magnitude of the problem of predicting the resistance coefficient!
2.7 Two complications – unsteady non-uniform flows and compound channel
We consider more complicated situations. The important problem of a compound
cross-section is difficult to solve rationally. Existing simple methods have been
abuses of science.
Non-uniform and unsteady flows
We will be considering flows which are not uniform (vary with position ) and those which are
neither uniform nor steady (vary also with time ). As the length scale of river flows is much longer
in space than the cross-sectional dimensions and the time scale of disturbances is much longer than
that of local turbulence, we will assume that the boundary stress at each place and at each time
is given by the local immediate flow conditions of velocity, in terms of discharge and area .
From equation (2.17) we have
µ ¶2
2 ( )
= Λ = Λ (2.22)
( )
Compound cross-sections
We consider compound cross-sections such as shown
in Figure 2.7. Using equation (2.22) we can obtain an 2 3
2.8 Computation of normal flow
The common practical problem of calculating the water depth for a given flow rate
is considered. A computational method is developed and applied.
At last we turn to a common practical problem in River Engineering. “Normal flow” is the name
given to a uniform flow, and the depth is called the normal depth. If the discharge , slope ,
resistance coefficient St = 1, and the relationship between area and depth and perimeter and
depth are known, the GMS formula becomes a transcendental equation for the normal depth .
The problem is to solve the equation for .
A numerical method
Any method for the numerical solution of transcendental equations can be used, such as Newton’s
method. Here we develop a simple method based on Direct Iteration, where we develop a trick,
giving us rapid convergence. It is simpler to present this method using the classical GM formulation
of the problem which the lecturer so criticised – it brings all variation with together so that a
term can be isolated.
Consider the GM formula in the conventional form, written now
1 53 √
= 23
We divide both sides by 53, and showing functional dependence of and on :
1 √ (())53
= 23
The term () is approximately the width of the channel. For wide channels (i.e. rather wider
than they are deep, a common case) it varies little with , and neither does the perimeter (). So,
the right side of the equation varies slowly with . Now, by isolating the 53 term and then taking
the 35 power of both sides of the equation, we obtain the equation in a form suitable for direct
µ ¶35
= √ × (2.23)
where the first term on the right is a constant for any particular problem, and the second term
varies slowly with depth – a primary requirement that the direct iteration scheme be convergent
and indeed be quickly convergent. We could use Strickler’s formula (2.15) for in terms of .
For an initial estimate we suggest making a rough estimate of the approximate width 0 and so,
making a wide channel approximation, setting () ≈ 0 and () ≈ 0 in the general
scheme of (2.23) gives
µ ¶35
0 = √ (2.24)
Experience with typical trapezoidal sections shows that the method works well and is quickly
convergent. Again, we could use Strickler’s formula (2.15) for in terms of .
Trapezoidal section
Most canals are excavated to a trapezoidal section,
and this is often used as a convenient approximation
to river cross-sections too. In many of the problems 1
in this course we will consider the case of trapezoidal
sections. Consider the quantities shown in the figure:
the bottom width is , the depth is , the top width is , and the batter slope, defined to be the
ratio of H:V dimensions √ is . Geometrically, = + 2, area = ( + ), wetted
perimeter = + 2 1 + 2 .
Example 1 Calculate the normal depth in a trapezoidal channel of slope 0.001, = 004, bot-
tom width = 10 m, with batter slopes = 2, carrying a flow of 20 m3 s−1. We have =
(10 + 2 ), = 10 + 4472 . For 0 we use = 10 m. Equation (2.24) gives
µ ¶35 µ ¶35
004 × 20
0 = √ = √ = 1745 m
0 10 0001
Then, equation (2.23) gives
µ ¶35
(10 + 4472 )25 (10 + 4472 )25
+1 = √ × = 6948 ×
0 10 + 2 10 + 2
With 0 = 1745, we obtain 1 = 1629, 2 = 1639, 3 = 1638 m, and the method has converged.
3. Energy and momentum
We consider some of the simplest concepts of hydraulics with a critical view, and
generalise them.
3.1 Energy and head
Consider the expression for the rate of transmission of energy across a vertical cross-section
(e.g. White 2009, §3.7) of area :
¡ ¡ 1
¡ 2 2 2
= + + 2 + + d (3.1)
in which¡ is pressure,¢its contribution actually being the rate of work being done by it, is density,
+ 12 2 + 2 + 2 is the energy per unit mass where is gravitational acceleration, is the
vertical co-ordinate, the velocity has horizontal component along the channel, and normal to
that; d is an element of area of the cross-section.
This is an integral energy formulation, and is not Bernoulli’s theorem (which is actually a
momentum equation valid along a streamline (§3.5 White 2009) and is occasionally very useful
such as determining the velocity upstream of a Pitot tube). It is actually simpler to use energy flux
than Bernoulli.
Now we consider the individual contributions:
(a) Kinetic energy term
If the flow is swirling, then the and components will contribute, and if the flow is turbulent
there will be extra contributions as well. Consider now the time mean value of the integral, denoted
by an overbar
R 2
( + 2 + 2) d
and now if we substitute the velocity components ( ) = (̄ + 0 ̄ + 0 = ̄ + 0), where
overbars are time mean values and the 0 show fluctuating values, we perform standard methods
such as in §1.4.1 to expand the terms, using 0 = 0 = 0 = 0. The contribution can thus be written
in terms of the mean streamwise component of velocity = as
Kinetic contribution = × 12 3 (3.2)
where is a dimensionlessZcoefficient
1 ³ ³ ´´
2 2 2 2 2 2
= 3 ̄ ̄ + ̄ + ̄ + 30 + 0 + 0 + d (3.3)
in terms of mean velocity components and mean squares of fluctuating components: is termed
the Coriolis energy coefficient, with a value slightly greater than 1. Traditionally, only the leading
term in the integral has been used, with
R 3
̄ d
= (3.4)
as obtained by Coriolis, a French engineer, who introduced it in the 1830s. It has been used in
all writings since, except for Fenton (2005) who obtained equation (3.3) including the transverse
velocity components and turbulent contributions, but the world is not interested. An estimate
of the magnitudes of all the turbulent contributions can be had from Nezu & Nakagawa (1993),
where equations (4.3-4.5) show that the term 302 + 02 + 02 is approximately 38 02. Ast 02 is
very roughly 001̄2 the relative contributions of the turbulent terms is something like 0038. To
allow for variation over the section, we approximate the velocity distribution by a 17 power law,
and use equation (3.4) to find the contribution of just the longitudinal velocity distribution, giving
≈ (1 + 17 )3(1 + 37 ) ≈ 1045. Adding the turbulence contribution above gives ≈ 108, at least.
In a real stream, where there is greater variation of velocity over a section, would be larger. For
compound channels very much larger values may be encountered.
We have shown that there is something like a 10% correction because of turbulence and velocity
varying over the section. However, usually we do not know enough information to evaluate it
accurately. It is desirable to include this parameter in our work, which we will do, but often it will
be a reminder that we are only obtaining an approximate solution. As such, it is useful!
(b) Pressure and potential head terms
In equation (3.1) these are combined as
( + ) d (3.5)
The approximation we now make, common throughout almost all open-channel hydraulics, is the
hydrostatic approximation, that pressure at a point of elevation is given by
≈ × height of water above = ( − ) (3.6)
where the free surface directly above has elevation . This is the expression obtained in hydrostatics
for a fluid which is not moving (equation 1.4). It is an excellent approximation in open channel
hydraulics except where the flow is strongly curved, such as where there are short waves on the
flow, or near a structure which disturbs the flow. Substituting equation (3.6) into equation (3.5)
for the combination of the pressure and potential head terms. If we make the reasonable assumption
that is constant across the channel the contribution becomes simply
d = (3.7)
from the definition of discharge .
(c) Combined terms
Substituting equations (3.2) and (3.7) into (3.1) we obtain for the rate of transmission of energy
µ 2
= + 2
which, in the absence of losses, would be constant along a channel. This energy flux across a face
includes the mass flow rate . However that is constant along a channel and we can introduce the
concept of the Mean Total Head such that
Energy flux 2
= = = + (3.9)
× Mass flux × 2 2
which has units of length and is easily related to elevation in many hydraulic engineering
applications, relative to an arbitrary datum.
3.2 Momentum flux
The momentum flux across a vertical section is defined to be the sum of the pressure force, plus
the mass rate of transport d multiplied by the horizontal velocity . The momentum flux is
¡ 2
= + d (3.10)
Substituting the hydrostatic pressure distribution, equation (1.4), we obtain
¡ 2
= ( − ) + d (3.11)
Now we evaluate this in terms of the quantities at the section.
Pressure contribution ( − ) d : The integral ( − ) is simply the first moment
of area about a transverse horizontal axis at the surface, we can write it as
( − ) d = ̄ (3.12)
where ̄ is the depth of the centroid of the section below the surface.
R 2
Velocity contribution : As with the
kinetic energy integral, we include turbulence and allow
for variation over the section, introducing a coefficient
which will be somewhat greater than unity, defined by
= 2 2 d
1 ³ ´
Figure 3.1: Cross-section of channel showing = 2 ̄ + 02 d (3.13)
physical dimensions
This coefficient is a Boussinesq momentum coefficient.
Typical real values are = 105 − 115. The effects of
turbulence were added by Fenton (2005).
Collecting contributions, and substituting = we
have the expression for the momentum flux at a section
µ 2
= ̄ + (3.14)
4. Froude number
William Froude1 (1810-1879) was a naval architect who proposed similarity rules for free-surface
flows. A√Froude number is a dimensionless number from a velocity scale and a length scale ,
F = In the original definition, of a ship in deep water, the only length scale was , the
length of the ship. In river engineering it is not obvious what the length scale is. Might it be the
wetted perimeter , might it be the geometric mean depth , where is cross-sectional area
and is surface width?
Here we examine different aspects of the hydraulic Froude number. There are several facets.
Dimensional analysis of quantities at a section
If one conducts a dimensional p analysis including the quantities , , , and , we obtain the
dimensionless number F = 3 , the traditional hydraulic definition. We have encountered
the problem, common in dimensional analysis, that it has not told us what quantities we should
include in the dimensional analysis, or at the end, to what power the quantity should be raised for
physical significance. The
p lecturer remembers
√ it in the form F = 2
; others might think
of it in the form F = = , where is mean depth.
Subjective visual classification – measure of wave-making ability
Every hydraulic engineer knows what a flow with a large sub-critical Froude number looks like,
Pronounced as in "food". There is a charming article on the pronunciation by a famous USAmerican, Rouse (1965). One asks
"Well, if Froude is "food", how is Rouse pronounced?". The answer is, apparently paradoxically, not "Roos" but as in "mouse". It’s English.
with the possible presence of finite shorter waves on the surface, expressing proximity to critical.
Similarly for a super-critical Froude number there are two-dimensional shock waves and striations.
However, for all small and intermediate values of Froude number with a smooth free surface, one
cannot estimate it visually. We all know what we mean when we refer to a “high Froude number
flow”, but it is subjective, and we have ignored the fact that wavemaking ability is proportional to
the square of the Froude number.
Flows which are fast and shallow have large Froude numbers, and those which are slow and deep
have small Froude numbers. Generally F2 is an expression of the wave-making ability of a flow,
and in conversation we usually use “high/ low Froude number” as an expression of how fast a flow
is. For example, consider a river or canal which is 2 m deep flowing at 05 ms−1 (make some effort
to imagine it - we can well believe that it would be able to flow with little surface disturbance!).
We have
F=√ ≈√ = 011 and F2 = 0012
10 × 2
and we can imagine that the wavemaking effects are small. Now consider flow in a street gutter
after rain. The velocity might also be 05 ms−1, while the depth might be as little as 2 cm. The
Froude number is
F=√ ≈√ = 11 and F2 = 12
10 × 002
and we can easily imagine it to have many waves and disturbances on it due to irregularities in the
Relative importance of kinetic terms in governing equations
Now to consider the significance of Froude number we might look for it as something which
expresses the ratio of kinetic energy to potential energy. Using Head does not provide assistance,
as in Eqn (3.9), = + 222, has an arbitrary origin. If we were to arbitrarily set
the origin
¡ at the 2bottom2 of¢ the channel
¡ (“Specific Energy”)
¢ there is no advantage, as we obtain
= 1 + 2 = 1 + 12 F2 × () . The kinetic term is proportional to F2,
but the presence of the factor () (mean depth divided by maximum depth) shows that it
cannot really be called a pure F2 term. For years in his lectures the author tried to assert that this
was the significance of Froude number, rather unconvincingly in retrospect.
¡ ¢
If we consider momentum flux from ¡ equation (3.14)
¢ = ̄ + we find a similar
result to head, giving = ̄ 1 + F2 () ̄ and again the term containing F2 contains
another geometric ratio.
̄ ̄ + ∆
Figure 4.1: Cross-section of channel showing dimensions, the change of area due to an elemental surface height
increase, and the depth of the centroid for the original and increased surface heights
Now we consider differential expressions. First we differentiate with respect to surface elevation
µ 2
d d 2 d
= + 2
=1− 3
d d 2 d
Consider Figure 4.1 showing an elemental increase in surface elevation. It is clear that ∆ ≈ ∆
and so in the limit, dd = , (a useful expression!) giving
= 1 − F2 (4.1)
Now we see F appearing alone (well, raised to the power 2 and with a coefficient of ) without any
other geometric quantities and so we have a clear expression of the significance of Froude number:
that if the surface elevation increases, the cross-sectional area increases, velocity decreases, with a
relative change in the kinetic term of −F2.
Similarly for momentum: differentiating equation (3.14):
µ ¶
d d ¡ ¢ 2
= ̄ − 2 (4.2)
d d d
Considering Figure 4.1 we can calculate the change of ̄ as the surface increases by ∆ . The
surface is moved further from the original centroid by a distance ∆ giving a contribution to ∆
of ∆ . There is an extra contribution – the first moment of the incremental area is ∆ × 12 ∆ ,
but in the limit as ∆ → 0 this is vanishingly small and so we obtain d̄d = (also useful!).
Substituting that and dd = into equation (4.2) gives
d ¡ 2
= 1 − F (4.3)
an expression equivalent to that from head, equation (4.1), and with a similar conclusion that − F2
is the relative change in momentum flux for a change in surface elevation.
What is interesting is that nowhere in these notes does F1 appear, instead, only F2. One could also
say that F2 itself has no significance in the dynamic equations without being written as either F2
or F2, the relative contributions of the kinetic term in differential relations. Even if we were to
consider rather more complicated problems such as the unsteady propagation of waves and floods,
and to non-dimensionalise the equations, we would find that the Froude number F itself never
appears in the equations, but always as F2 or F2, depending on whether energy or momentum
considerations are being used.
Attempt to express F in terms of wave speed
In the literature Fphas often been written as F = , the ratio of fluid speed to the supposed long
wave speed = . Whereas making that substitution does give the value of F obtained
above by dimensional analysis, it is not much help when looking at a flowing stream, to consider
what the wave speed is and what is the fluid velocity relative to that. If one were seeking a precise
mathematical definition, it is still not the answer. The speed of waves according to the long wave
equations depends on the period of the waves (Fenton 2015a, §1.5), with shorter waves actually
travelling faster, and there is no such thing as a unique long wave speed. In the limit of the longest
waves, the equations dominated by resistance, the wave speed is approximately = 32 . In the
other limit, that least affected by resistance, where
q the waves are relatively short but the long wave
+ ( 2 − ) 2, and if we consider = 1 as
equations are still satisfied, the speed is =
a (quite good!) approximation we recover the traditional result = , but we could not
claim it as a fundamental property.
F2 as determined by a ratio of bed slope to dimensionless resistance term OR
F2 is almost constant for any one stream
There is a simple expression for F2 that we can obtain based on common uniform flow formulae
which provides some insight as to its magnitude, if not its effects. The Chézy-Weisbach flow
formula is r r
= = = (4.4)
where is the Weisbach resistance coefficient, is the wetted perimeter, and is slope . This can
trivially be re-written to give
F = = ≈ for a wide channel. (4.5)
Using the Gauckler-Manning flow formula instead gives the result as
F = 13
≈ 13
for a wide channel, (4.6)
() 2
expressed in terms of the dimensionless resistance quantity 2 () 13, a slowly-varying
function of .
These expressions show that F2 is given by a ratio of bed slope to a dimensionless resistance term,
which is obvious in retrospect, given the nature of the two flow formulae. This means that for a
particular reach of river, where slope is effectively independent of flow, where also does
not vary much with the flow and Λ often does not vary much, the Froude number F does not change
much with flow. While a flood might look more dramatic than a more-common low flow, because
it is faster and higher, the Froude number is roughly the same for both.
One wonders if it might not help in future to consider F2 not as a “velocity-squared-divided-by- -
and-mean-depth”, but as a ratio of bed slope to dimensionless resistance?
5. The effect of obstructions on streams – an approximate
The main objective here is to obtain a convenient theory for the effect on a stream
of a partial obstruction. To do this we linearise the governing momentum equation.
This is an example of how approximating a problem can give more insight and
Structures such as weirs can almost completely block
a river, but there are also other types of obstacles
that are only a partial blockage, such as the piers
of a bridge, blocks on the bed, Iowa vanes, etc. or
possibly more importantly, the effects of trees placed
in rivers (“Large Woody Debris”), used in their
environmental rehabilitation. It might be important
to know what the forces on the obstacles are, or,
more importantly for us, what effects the obstacles
River Traun, Bad Ischl, Oberösterreich have on the river. Here we set up the problem in
conventional open channel theoretical terms. Then,
however, we obtain an analytical solution by making
the approximation that the effects of the obstacle are
small. This gives us more insight into the nature and
importance of the problem.
The physical problem and its idealisation
Surface if no obstacle: slowly-varying flow
Surface along axis and sides of obstacle
Mean of surface elevation across channel
1 2
(a) The physical problem, longitudinal section showing backwater ∆
at obstacle decaying upstream to zero
1 2
(b) The idealised problem, uniform channel with no friction or slope
Figure 5.1: A typical physical problem of flow past a bridge pier, and its idealisation for hydraulic purposes
Momentum conservation
Consider equation (3.14) for the momentum flux:
µ 2
= ̄ + (5.1)
if a force is applied in a negative direction to a flow between two sections 1 and 2:
µ 2
¶ µ 2
= ̄ + − ̄ + (5.2)
1 2
Usually one wants to calculate the effect of the obstacle on water levels. The effects of drag can be
estimated by knowing the area of the object measured transverse to the flow, , the drag coefficient
D, and , the mean fluid speed past the object:
= D2 (5.3)
and so, substituting into equation (5.2) gives, after dividing by density,
µ 2
¶ µ 2
1 2
D = ̄ + − ̄ + (5.4)
2 1 2
We consider the velocity on the obstacle as being proportional to the upstream velocity, such that
we write
µ ¶2
=Γ (5.5)
where Γ is a coefficient which recognises that the velocity which impinges on the object is
generally not equal to the mean velocity in the flow. For a small object near the bed, Γ could be
quite small; for an object near the surface it will be slightly greater than 1; for objects of a vertical
scale that of the whole depth, Γ ≈ 1. Equation (5.4) becomes
µ ¶ µ ¶
1 2 2 2
Γ D 2 = ̄ + − ̄ + (5.6)
2 1 1 2
A typical problem is where the downstream water level is given (sub-critical flow, so that the
control is downstream), and we want to know by how much the water level will be raised upstream
if an obstacle is installed. As both 1 and 1 are functions of 1, so that we would need to know in
detail the geometry of the stream, and then to solve the transcendental equation for 1. However,
by linearising the problem, solving it approximately, we obtain a simple explicit solution that tells
us rather more.
∆ 2
̄2 ̄1 2
1 2 1
Example 2 It is proposed to build a bridge, where the bridge piers occupy about 10% of the "wetted
area" of a river with Froude number 05 (which is quite large). How much effect will this have on
the river level upstream?
As the bridge piers occupy all the depth, we have Γ = 1. A typical drag coefficient is D ≈ 1. We
will use = 1 (this is an estimate!). So we find, using equation (2.23):
1 2
∆ Γ D F 2 2 052
= 2 2 ≈ 12 × 1 × 1 × × 01
22 1 − F2 2 1 − 052
= 0017,
about 2% of the mean depth. This seems small, but if the river were 2 m deep, there is a 4 cm drop
across the bridge. If the slope of the river were = 10−4, this would correspond to the surface
level change in a length of 400 m, which can hardly be neglected. In most rivers F is rather smaller
than this, and the effect is small. We might have saved ourselves an expensive laboratory program.
6. Reservoir routing
Consider the problem shown in Figure 6.1,
Surface Area + ∆ ≈ where a generally unsteady inflow rate ()
Surface Area
enters a reservoir or a storage tank, and we
have to calculate what the outflow rate ()
is, as a function of time . The action of the
= + ∆ reservoir is usually to store water, and to
(() ) release it more slowly, so that the outflow
is delayed and the maximum value is less
than the maximum inflow. Some reservoirs,
Figure 6.1: Reservoir or tank, showing surface level varying notably in urban areas, are installed just
with inflow, determining the rate of outflow
for this purpose, and are called detention
reservoirs or storages. The procedure of solving the problem is also called Level-pool Routing.
Inflow The process is shown in Figure 6.2. When a flood comes down the
river, inflow increases, the water level rises in the reservoir until at
the point O when the outflow over the spillway now balances the
Outflow inflow. At this point, outflow and surface elevation in the reservoir
have a maximum. After this, the inflow might reduce quickly, but
it still takes some time for the extra volume of water to leave the
Figure 6.2:
It is simple and obvious to write down the relation-
ship stating that the rate of surface rise dd is
equal to the net rate of volume increase divided by
surface area:
d () − ( )
= (6.1)
d ()
where is the free surface elevation, and () is
the surface area, possibly given from planimetric
information from contour maps, and ( ) is the
Detention reservoir in a public park volume rate of outflow, which is usually a simple
in Melbourne, Australia function of the surface elevation , from a weir or
gate formula, usually involving terms like ( − outlet)12 and/or ( − crest)32, where outlet is the
elevation of the pipe or tailrace outlet to atmosphere and crest is the elevation of the spillway crest.
There might be extra dependence on time if the outflow device is opened or closed. This is a
differential equation for the surface elevation itself. The procedure of solving it is called Level-pool
The traditional method of solving the problem, described in almost all books on hydrology, is to
use an unnecessarily complicated method called the “Modified Puls” method of routing, which
solves a transcendental equation for a single unknown quantity, the volume in the reservoir, at
each time step. It is simpler and more fundamental to treat the problem as a differential equation
(Fenton 1992). :-)
Numerical solution of the differential equation by Euler’s method
Euler’s method is the simplest (but least-accurate) of all methods, being of first-order accuracy
only. For river engineering purposes it is usually quite good enough. However there is a good
method for making it more accurate, which we will use. Euler’s method is to approximate the
derivative in a differential equation at a time step by a forward difference expression in terms of a
time step ∆, here applying it to equation (6.1):
d ¯¯ +1 − () − ( )
¯ ≈ =
d ∆ ()
giving the scheme to calculate the value of at +1 as
() − ( ) ¡ 2¢
+1 = + ∆ + ∆ (6.2)
( )
where we use the notation for the solution at time step . We have shown that the error of this
approximation is proportional to ∆2. It is necessary to take small enough ∆ that this is small.
Accurate results with simple methods – Richardson extrapolation
We introduce a clever device for obtaining more accurate solutions from Euler’s method and others.
Consider the numerical value of any part of a computational solution for some physical quantity
obtained using a time or space step ∆, such that we write (∆). Let the computational scheme be
of known th order such that the global error of the scheme at any point or time is proportional to
∆, then if (0) is the exact solution, we can write the expression in terms of the error at order :
(∆) = (0) + ∆ + (6.3)
where (0) is the solution for a vanishingly small time step, so that it should be exact. The is an
unknown coefficient; the neglected terms vary like ∆+1. If we have two numerical simulations or
approximations with two different ∆1 and ∆2 giving numerical values 1 = (∆1) and 2 = (∆2)
then we write (6.3) for each:
1 = (0) + ∆1 +
2 = (0) + ∆2 +
These are two linear equations in the two unknowns (0) and . Eliminating , which is not
important, between the two equations and neglecting the terms omitted, we can solve for (0), an
approximation to the exact solution:
2 − 1 ¡ +1 +1¢
(0) = + ∆1 ∆2 (6.4)
1 −
where = ∆2∆1. The errors are now proportional to step size to the power + 1, so that we
have gained a higher-order scheme without having to implement any more sophisticated numerical
methods, just with a simple numerical calculation. This procedure, where is known, is called
Richardson extrapolation to the limit.
1. For simple Euler time-stepping solutions of ordinary differential equations, = 1, and if we
perform two simulations, one with a time step ∆ and then one with ∆2, we have
¡ 2¢
( 0) = 2 ( ∆2) − ( ∆) + ∆ (6.5)
where the numerical solution at time has been shown as a function of the step. This is very
simply implemented.
2. For the evaluation of an integral by the trapezoidal rule, = 2.
Example 3 Example 4 Consider a small detention reservoir, square in plan, with dimensions
100m by 100m, with water level at the crest of a sharp-crested weir of length of = 4 m, where the
outflow over the sharp-crested weir can be taken to be
√ 32
() = 06 (6.6)
where = 98 ms−2. The surrounding land has a slope (V:H) of about 1:2, so that the length of a
reservoir side is 100 + 2 × 2 × , where is the surface elevation relative to the weir crest, and
() = (100 + 4)2 .
The inflow hydrograph is:
µ ¶5
() = min + (max − min) 1−max (6.7)
where the event starts at = 0 with min and has a maximum max at = max. This general form
of inflow hydrograph mimics a typical storm, with a sudden rise and slower fall, and will be used in
other places in this course. In the present example we consider a typical sudden local storm event,
with min = 1 m3 s−1 at max = 1800 s.
20 Outflow — accurate
Euler — step 200s
Euler — step 100s
Richardson extrapn
¡ 3 −1 ¢
m s 10
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Time (sec)
Figure 6.3: Computational results for the routing of a sudden storm through a small detention reservoir
The problem was solved with an accurate 4th-order Runge-Kutta scheme, and the results are shown
as a solid blue line on figure 6.3, to provide a basis for comparison. Next, Euler’s method (equation
6.2) was used with 30 steps of 200 s, with results that are barely acceptable. Halving the time step
to 100 s and taking 60 steps gave the slightly better results shown. It seems, as expected from
knowledge of the behaviour of the global error of the Euler method, that it has been halved at each
point. Next, applying Richardson extrapolation, equation (6.5), gave the results shown by the solid
points. They almost coincide with the accurate solution, and cross the inflow hydrograph with an
apparent horizontal gradient, as required, whereas the less-accurate results do not. Overall, it seems
that the simplest Euler method can be used, but is better together with Richardson extrapolation. In
fact, there was nothing in this example that required large time steps – a simpler approach might
have been just to take rather smaller steps.
The role of the detention reservoir in reducing the maximum flow from 20 m3 s−1 to 147 m3 s−1 is
clear. If one wanted a larger reduction, it would require a larger spillway. It is possible in practice
that this problem might have been solved in an inverse sense, to determine the spillway length for a
given maximum outflow.
7. The one-dimensional equations of river hydraulics
These are the fundamental equations that are used to describe the propagation of floods and
disturbances in rivers. They are called the long wave equations, the shallow water equations, or
the Saint-Venant equations, and are mass and momentum conservation equations for water.
The equations are a pair of partial differential equations in the independent variables (distance
along the stream) and (time). A typical flood routing problem is for large extra values of discharge
to be introduced at the upstream initial point, and then for a number of time steps, to solve the
equations along the channel to obtain the progress of the flood at each time.
We will also consider a mass conservation equation for soil. In their steady form, the equations
describe how water level and velocities vary along a stream, and what effects boundary changes
such as sand removal might have on flooding.
We make the traditional approximation that all rivers are straight. Later we will see that it is quite
accurate, even for meandering streams.
The model is one-dimensional. We do not consider details of motion in the plane across the stream
– all quantities are averaged across it. This does not mean that we assume they are constant.
This approach requires surprisingly few approximations – the model is a good simple model of
complicated reality.
It is easier to use cartesian co-ordinates, for which we use the horizontal distance along the
stream, the horizontal transverse co-ordinate, and the vertical, relative to some arbitrary origin.
7.1 Mass conservation of water and soil
∆ Consider Figure 7.1, showing an elemental slice
of channel of length ∆ with two stationary
vertical faces across the flow. It includes two
∆ different control volumes. The free surface and
the interface between them may move. The
surface shown by solid lines contains water and
+ ∆ + ∆ possibly suspended soil grains. The surface
b shown by dotted lines contains the soil moving
b as bed load and extends down into the soil such
b + ∆b b + ∆b
that there is no motion at its far boundaries.
Each is modelled separately. We assume that the
density of the fluid (water plus suspended soil
particles) is constant, so that we can consider
volume conservation.
Figure 7.1: Elemental length of channel showing control
volumes On the upstream vertical face at any instant,
there is a volume flux (rate of volume flow) ,
and that on the downstream face is + ∆, so that
Net volume flow rate of fluid leaving across vertical faces = ∆ = ∆ + terms in (∆)2 .
If rainfall, seepage, or tributaries contribute an inflow volume rate per unit length of stream, the
volume flow rate of this other fluid entering the control volume is ∆. If the sum of the two
contributions is not zero, then volume of fluid is changing inside the elemental slice, so that the
water level will change in time. The rate of change with time of fluid volume is × ∆.
For volume to be conserved (mass, but we assume the water is incompressible) this is equal to
the net rate of fluid entering the control volume, dividing by ∆ and taking the limit as ∆ → 0
+ = (7.1)
This is the mass conservation equation. Remarkably for hydraulics, it is almost exact. The only
approximation has been that the channel is straight. It is also linear in the two dependent variables
and .
The composite bulk density b of the bed load composed of larger soil particles and is assumed to
be constant. The bed has a cross-sectional area b, the bulk volumetric flow rate is b, and there is
an inflow of mass rate ̇ per unit length, possibly due to deposition or erosion. Mass conservation
is calculated following the same reasoning as for the channel, giving Exner’s2 equation:
b b ̇
+ = (7.2)
The volume transport rate used here is the bulk flow rate; it is related to the volume flow rate of
solid matter s used in transport formulae, by s = b (1 − ), where is the porosity.
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Maria_von_Exner-Ewarten – Austrian – Director of the Zentral Anstalt
für Meteorologie und Geodynamik
Upstream Volume
The mass conservation equation (7.1) suggests the introduction of a function ( ) which is the
volume upstream of point at time , such that for the channel flow
= and = (0) d0 − (7.3)
The derivative of volume with respect to distance gives the area, as shown, while the time rate of
change of volume upstream is given by the rate at which the volume is increasing due to inflow,
minus the rate at which volume is passing the point and therefore no longer upstream. Substituting
for and into equation (7.1):
µ ¶ µ ¶ Z
+ − + (0) d0 =
The order of differentiation in the first two terms on the left does not matter, and they cancel.
The derivative of the integral of (0) on the left is simply (), the value on the right, and the
equation is identically satisfied. Hence, by introducing we automatically satisfy one of the
two conservation equations and reduce the number of unknowns from two ( and ) to one ( ).
Sometimes this can be very helpful.
In the case of the bed load, a similar quantity b( ) can be introduced such that the mass
conservation equation (7.2) is identically satisfied.
Use of surface elevation instead of cross-sectional area
We usually work in terms of water surface elevation (“stage”) , which is easily measurable and
which is practically more important. We make a significant assumption here, but one that is usually
accurate: the water surface is horizontal across the stream. Now, if the surface changes by an
amount in an increment of time , then the area changes by an amount = , where
is the width of the stream surface. Taking the usual limit of small variations in calculus, we obtain
= , and the mass conservation equation can be written
+ = (7.4)
The discharge could be written as = , where is the mean streamwise velocity over a
section, and substituted into this. However, the discharge is more practical and fundamental than
the velocity, and that will not be done here.
7.2 Momentum conservation equation for channel flow
The equation
The conservation of momentum principle is now applied to the mixture of water and suspended
solids in the main channel for a moving and deformable control volume (White 2003, §§3.2 &
3.4). The -component is
d + ur·n̂ d = (7.5)
| CV {z } CS | {z }
Unsteady term Fluid inertia term
where u is the fluid velocity with -component , d is an element of volume, ur is the velocity
vector of the fluid relative to the local element of the control surface, which is possibly moving
itself, n̂ is a unit vector with direction normal to and directed outwards, and d is an elemental
area of the surface. The quantity ur·n̂ is the component of relative velocity normal to the surface at
any point. It is this velocity that is responsible for the transport of any quantity across the surface,
momentum here. is the force exerted on the fluid in the control volume by both body forces,
which act on all fluid particles, and surface forces which act only on the control surface.
Hydraulic approximations
1. Unsteady term
The element of volume is d = ∆ d, and the term contribution can be written
∆ d = ∆ (7.6)
where the integral d has a simple and practical significance – it is just the discharge ,
so that the contribution of the term can be written simply as shown, but where again it has been
necessary to use the partial differentiation symbol, as is a function of as well. No additional
approximation has been made in obtaining this term. It can be seen that the discharge plays a
simple role in the momentum of the flow.
2. Fluid inertia term
The second term on the left of equation (7.5) is ur·n̂ d , has its most important
contributions from the stationary vertical faces perpendicular to the main flow.
a. Top and bottom, possibly moving surfaces: we have chosen our control surface to coincide
with these boundaries so that no fluid crosses them, ur·n̂ = 0 and there is no contribution.
b. Stationary vertical
R 2faces: on the upstream face, ur·n̂ = −, giving the contribution to
the term of − d. The downstream face at + ∆ has a contribution of a similar
nature, but positive, and where all quantities have increased over the distance ∆. The net
contribution, the difference between the two, after neglecting terms like (∆)2, can be written
∆ 2 d
In equation (3.13), much earlier, we approximated the integral over the cross section and
with a mean in time, in terms of a Boussinesq coefficient such that the contribution to the
equation is then simply but approximately.
µ 2¶
∆ (7.7)
It is useful to retain the , unlike many presentations that implicitly assume it to be 1.0, as it
is a signal and reminder to us that we have introduced an approximation.
c. Lateral momentum contributions: If there is also fluid entering or leaving from rainfall,
tributaries, or seepage, there are contributions over the other faces. Their contribution to
momentum exchange is small and uncertain and we will ignore them.
3. Contributions to force
a. Body force: for the straight channel considered, the only body force acting is gravity; we
will consider only the -component of the momentum equation, which have chosen to be
horizontal, as gravity only has a component in the − direction, there will be no contribution
from gravity to our equation! The manner in which gravity acts is to cause pressure gradients
in the fluid, giving rise to the following term, due to pressure variations around the control
b. Pressure forces: these act normally to the control surface. The direction of the pressure
force on the fluid at the control surface is −n̂, where n̂ is the outward-directed normal; its
local magnitude is d , where is the pressure and d an R elemental area of the control
surface. Hence, the total pressure force is the integral − CS n̂ d . This is difficult to
evaluate for arbitrary control surfaces, as the pressure and the non-constant unit vector have
to be integrated over all the faces. A considerably simpler derivation is obtained if the term
is evaluated using the Divergence Theorem:
− n̂ d = − ∇ d
where ∇ = ( ), the vector gradient of pressure. This has turned a
complicated surface integral into a volume integral of a simpler quantity.
We only need the component − CV d , the volume integral of the streamwise
pressure gradient. The hydraulic approximation now has a problem, because we have not
attempted to calculate the detailed pressure distribution throughout the flow. However, in
most places in most channel flows the length of disturbances is much greater than the depth,
so that streamlines in the flow are only very gently sloping and gently curved, and the
pressure in the fluid is accurately given by the equivalent hydrostatic pressure, that due to a
stationary column of water of the same depth. Hence we write for a point of elevation , our
equation (3.13) gives
= × Depth of water above point = ( − )
where is the elevation of the free surface above that point. The quantity that we need is the
horizontal pressure gradient = , and so the streamwise pressure gradient is
entirely due to the slope of the free surface. The contribution is
− d ≈ − ∆ d ≈ − ∆ (7.8)
where any variation with has been ignored, as the surface elevation usually varies little
across the channel, and so is constant over the section and has been able to be taken
outside the integral, which is then simply evaluated.
c. Resistance due to shear: there is little that we can say that is exact about the shear forces.
We have already considered resistance in some detail, however, and in equation (2.17) we we
µ ¶2
( )
= Λ 2 = Λ
( )
where we could use a value of Λ from the figure on page 31 or from the formulae given
therein, or we could use our result for the Gauckler-Manning-Strickler formula, equation
(2.20) where Λ = 00223 ( ( ))13 The value of is the mean around the solid
boundary, so to obtain the force we multiply by the wetted perimeter and length of the
element ∆ and instead of 2 we write − ||, to allow for possible negative in estuaries,
as resistance always opposes the motion:
Total horizontal shear force on control surface = − ∆ Λ 2 (7.9)
Collection of terms and discussion
Now all contributions from the hydraulic approximations to terms in equation (7.5) are collected,
using equations (7.6), (7.7), (7.8), and (7.9), and bringing all derivatives to the left and others to
the right, all divided by ∆, gives the momentum equation:
µ 2¶
+ + = −Λ 2 (7.10)
It is convenient to generalise the resistance term so as to be able to incorporate Gauckler-Manning-
Strickler resistance as well as situations where a Rating Curve is known from river measurements,
giving a relationship between measured discharge, supposed steady and uniform, and local
cross-sectional area, r(). We write the equation as
µ 2¶
+ + = −Ω || (7.11)
where the coefficient Ω, of dimensions L−3, is a function of resistance coefficient, cross-sectional
area, and wetted perimeter. The term can be written
⎨ ̃2r () in terms of rated discharge r() and mean slope ̃;
Ω = Λ2 Chézy-Weisbach, where Λ = 8 = 2;
⎩ 2 43 73
= 43St Gauckler-Manning
2 73
These three have different aspects to them. The conventional form is to present the third one, in
terms of Gauckler-Manning resistance. The awkwardness of the form is obvious. The other two
forms might be preferable. The second, such that Ω = Λ || 2, usually Ω = Λ 22,
makes it clear that it is a resistance coefficient multiplied by the mean velocity squared to give
stress, multiplied by the perimeter around which the stress acts. The first form, an innovation
here, Ω = ̃2r (), might be useful where (almost always!) the resistance coefficient is
poorly-known but where there is a gauging station on the river, giving a measured relationship
between discharge and surface elevation or area.
Example: Verify the use of the three resistance forms for steady uniform flow, on a uniform
slope ̃ = .
In this case, the flow is steady so the first term in equation (7.11) is zero, and uniform so that
the second is zero. The surface slope = − , and as is positive, || = 2 and the
momentum equation (7.11) gives − = −Ω2, so that
⎪ 2
in terms of rated discharge r();
r ⎪
⎨ r = r
q q
= =
Chézy-Weisbach; (7.13)
Ω ⎪
⎪ q Λ Λ
¡ ¢23 √
⎩ 1
2 43
= Gauckler-Manning-Strickler
At this stage the non-trivial assumptions in the derivation are stated, roughly in decreasing order of
importance (they are actually not very restrictive at all!):
1. Resistance to flow is modelled empirically. The Navier-Stokes equations are not being used.
2. All surface variation is sufficiently long and of small slope that the pressure throughout the flow
is given by the hydrostatic pressure corresponding to the depth of water above each point.
3. Effects of curvature of the stream course are ignored.
4. In the momentum flux term the effects of both non-uniformity of velocity over a section and
turbulent fluctuations are approximated by a momentum or Boussinesq coefficient.
5. Surface elevation across the stream is constant.
Relating surface slope and
In the momentum equation (7.10) when
expanded, the dependent variables are
At + ∆
∆ discharge and a mixture of derivatives
of area and surface elevation
. We must relate the two, and now
∆ consider the bottom geometry in greater
detail, although in practice the precise
details of the bed are often not known.
Figure 7.2: Two channel cross-sections separated by ∆ This will help us know when to make
The cross-section of a river in Figure 7.2 shows how ambiguous and possibly non-unique the
concept of the “bottom” of the stream may be. In a distance ∆ the surface elevation may change
by an amount ∆ as shown, so that the contribution to the change in cross-section area ∆ is
× ∆ , where ∆ is usually negative as the surface drops downstream. The change
R in the bed is
∆ , which in general varies across the section, with contribution to ∆ of − ∆ , the area
between the solid and dotted lines on the figure corresponding to the bed at the two locations. The
minus sign is because, if the bed drops away and ∆ is negative, as usual, the contribution to area
increase is positive. Combining the two terms,
∆ = ∆ − ∆ d (7.14)
For the second contribution, the integral of the change in bed elevation across the stream, we
introduce the symbol ̃ for the mean downstream bed slope across the section such that
̃ = − d (7.15)
where the negative sign has been introduced such that in the usual case when decreases with ,
this mean downstream bed slope at a section is positive. In an important problem where bed details
might be known, this can be evaluated. In the usual case where bed topography is poorly known, a
reasonable local approximation or assumption is made. Using equations (7.14) and (7.15) we can
∆ = ∆ + ̃ ∆
where in a distance ∆ the mean bed level across the channel then changes by −̃ × ∆ under the
water. In the rare case where the sides of the stream are vertical diverging or converging walls, an
extra term would have to be included. Taking the usual calculus limit, we obtain
µ ¶
= +̃ (7.16)
which might have been able to have been written down without the mathematical details.
7.3 Forms of the governing equations
We use equation (7.16) to eliminate first and then to give two alternative forms of
the momentum equation governing flows and long waves in waterways. In both cases, we restate
the corresponding mass conservation equation, using (7.1) and (7.4), to give the pairs of equations:
Formulation 1 – Long wave equations in terms of area and discharge
Eliminating gives the equations in terms of and :
+ = (7.17a)
µ ¶
+ + = ̃ − Ω || (7.17b)
Formulation 2 – Long wave equations in terms of stage and discharge
Now eliminating , but retaining in all coefficients, as it can be calculated in terms of :
+ = (7.18a)
µ ¶
+ 2 + − 2 = 2 ̃ − Ω || (7.18b)
These equations are the basis of computational hydraulics and flood routing. There is much
commercial software written to solve them. They are actually quite simple in the form here!
7.4 Examples of flood propagation
= 0015, F0 = 046
Long wave eqns
8 = 005, F0 = 015
Long wave eqns
¡ 2 −1
m s
0 12 24 36 48 60
Time (h)
As an example we consider an infinitely-wide (no side friction) channel with a channel slope
= 00005 and length 50 km. Two different boundary resistances were considered
• = 0015 for a smooth boundary (little rougher than smooth cement) to give a large Froude
number. In this artificial canal case the wave has steepened, with little diffusion.
• = 005 for a rough natural boundary, more likely in practice, with finite diffusion.
7.5 A practical recommendation to use the ( ) form of the equations
The equations have as parameters: inflow , usually ignored; momentum coefficient which
is only approximately known; area ; breadth ; slope ̃ , approximately known; and in the
resistance term additionally the wetted perimeter and resistance coefficient (Λ, , or St), also
approximately known. In the ( ) form, equations (7.18), it is necessary to know the geometrical
functional relationships ( ), ( ) and ( ), at all points in the stream. This requires a
specification of the underwater geometry; it is possible that commercial software requires the input
of assumed cross-sections. However, it is likely that the geometry is actually poorly known, and so
the trouble of going to assumed forms of dependence is questionable.
One can and does assume approximate values of ̃ and resistance coefficient. The formulation of
equations (7.17) in terms of allows an approximate procedure that is commensurate with the
accuracy of knowledge of other parts of the problem. As is one of the dependent variables,
ideally one also has the geometrical problem of obtaining the corresponding ( ) and ( ).
For most streams and are not going to vary much with flow anyway. It would be appropriate
to assume approximate, possibly constant, values of and for each computational point,
possibly from aerial photography or simply assumed values, and then to make the wide stream
approximation ( ) ≈ ( ) = 0() ≡ Constant.
Surprisingly, no other geometric information is necessary. Hence, using ( ) one can perform
model simulations with relatively little information required or included artificially.
7.6 Nature of the equations and solutions
The Telegraph equation as a model for long wave propagation
We recall the long wave equations in terms of area, equations (7.17):
+ =
µ ¶ µ ¶
2 2
+ + = ̃ 1 − 2
r ()
where we have now written the resistance term in terms of the function of area r() which is
the Rating Curve relationship, or that given by, say, the Gauckler-Manning formula. For steady
uniform flow such that all derivatives on the left are zero, the equation becomes = r(), which
we require. We also recall the relationships (7.3) for the upstream volume:
= and = (0) d0 − (7.19)
Substituting these into the mass conservation equation, as we did in §7.1.1, we find that it is
identically satisfied (we expect volume to satisfy a volume conservation equation). The momentum
conservation equation becomes
µ ¶ Ã µ ¶ !
2 2 2 2
+ 2 + 2
− 2
+ ̃ 1 − − =0
() r()
where symbols and have been retained in coefficients of second derivatives.
• The momentum equation has become a second-order partial differential equation in terms of the
single variable .
• And it is unusable in this form with difficult terms with time derivatives. It is more useful in
theoretical works and where approximations can be made, as we now do.
• We linearise the equation by considering relatively small disturbances about a uniform flow
with area 0 and discharge 0. Substituting the series
= 0 − 0 + = 0 + = 0 − and r() = 0 + 00
where is a small quantity, a deviation of upstream volume from that of uniform flow,
= , = , and 00 = drd|0.
Performing power series operations, the second order derivatives can simply be written down with
constant coefficients. The gravity and resistance terms become, making use of the power series
expansion to first order, (1 + ) = 1 + + :
à µ ¶2! à µ ¶2!
0 − 1 − 0
(0 + ) 0 × 1 − = 00 × 1 −
0 + 00 1 + 000
µ ¶
200 0
= + 0
We obtain the linearised momentum equation as the Telegraph equation:
µ ¶
2 2 2 2 2
0 + 0 + 2 + 20 − (0 − 0 ) 2 = 0 (7.20)
• 0 – Resistance parameter / inverse time scale: this is actually an important channel
parameter, determining the nature of wave behaviour and computational solution properties
µ ¶¯
2 ¯
200 0
0 = =2 = 2 ¯¯
0 0 r 0
It is the derivative with respect to of the resistance term in the momentum equation. We
could argue by a rough electrical analogy that the resistance term in the momentum equation is
equivalent to potential difference or voltage, while discharge is equivalent to current. As the
derivative of voltage with respect to current gives electrical resistance, 0 can be thought of as a
resistance parameter in our nonlinear case.
• 0 – Very long wave speed: This will be shown to be the speed of very long period waves,
which means for us the propagation speed of flood waves:
dr ¯¯
0 = ¯ (7.21)
d 0
Using the Gauckler-Manning equation r = 1 × 53 23
, for a wide stream, ignoring
change of with , this gives 0 ≈ 53 0, so that a good estimate of the speed of propagation of
a flood wave is to multiply the stream velocity by 53. This wave speed is important, and will
be studied more practically later.
• 0 = 00 – mean fluid velocity: used for simplicity.
• 0 – the speed of not-so-long waves:
q ¡ 2 ¢ 2
0 = 00 + − 0 (7.22)
p most textbooks this is written, not unreasonably, implicitly with = 1 such that 0 =
00, which is usually said to be the “celerity” or “long wave speed” or “dynamic wave
speed”. Below it will be shown that it is actually the speed of waves only in the limit of
shorter waves, but still long enough that the hydrostatic approximation holds. We call these
“not-so-long” waves. They occur when waves are due to rapid gate movements. This velocity is
less-important than is generally believed.
We now obtain some simple solutions to the Telegraph equation in two limits.
Very long waves – the longest flood waves
• For disturbances with a long period, such that 22 ¿ 0, “very long waves”, the last
three terms in the equation can be neglected, and it becomes the advection equation, the Very
Long Wave equation
+ 0 = 0, Solution: = 1 ( − 0) (7.23)
where 1 () is an arbitrary function given by the upstream conditions. To show this consider a
moving variable = − 0, and = 1(). By the chain rule for partial differentiation,
1() 1() 1()
= = = −0 and
1() 1() 1()
= = =1×
and the equation is satisfied for any 1(), whatever the upstream conditions determine.
• This solution is a wave propagating downstream at speed 0 with no change or diffusion.
• The equation has been known as the “kinematic wave equation” and 0 the “kinematic wave
speed”, because the approximation has previously been believed to be such that dynamic terms
of order F2 in the momentum equation have been neglected. Here we have shown that the only
approximation has been that the wave period is long. A better name is the Very Long Wave
Equation, VLWE, as the theory is a long wave theory (waves are long compared with depth) but
here we are at the long end of the long wave theory.
Not-so-long waves – in the shorter limit of waves from the long wave equations
• In the other limit, for disturbances which are shorter, such that 22 À 0, for which we
use the term “not-so-long” waves, the Telegraph equation becomes
2 2 2 2 2
+ 20 − (0 − 0 ) 2 = 0
which is a second-order wave equation with solutions
= 21 ( − (0 + 0) ) + 22 ( − (0 − 0) )
where 21 () and 22 () are arbitrary functions determined by boundary conditions both
upstream and downstream.
• In this case the solutions are waves propagating upstream and downstream at velocities of
0 ± 0, such that in the usual terminology 0 is the “long wave speed”, and the waves travel
relative to an advection velocity 0, where the presence of is slightly surprising.
• We have shown here that 0 is the actually the speed of waves that are not so long, apparently
paradoxically – they are long enough that the pressure distribution in the fluid is still hydrostatic,
but they are short in terms of time scales given by the resistance characteristics.
• Such waves might be caused by relatively rapid changes such as the operation of gates.
Intermediate period waves
• In the general case, solutions of the long wave equations show wave propagation characteristics,
velocity and rate of decay, that depend on the period of the waves, so that the waves are actually
– diffusive – different period components decay at different rates, and
– dispersive – different components travel at different speeds
• One can obtain solutions for the propagation behaviour in terms of wave period, but the
operations are complicated, and they are not included here.
• The widespread belief, printed inpall textbooks,
√is wrong, that all waves obeying the long wave
equations travel at a speed ≈ ≈ × Depth. The behaviour is very much more
complicated. There is no such thing as “the long wave speed”.
Solving the long wave equations numerically overcomes all such problems, but it is nice to know
what physical processes are at work.
Propagation speed of flood waves: The nonlinear mathematical artefact, that floodpwaves do
not travel at the fluid speed 0 = r (0) 0, or at the misnamed “long wave speed” ,
but at the very long wave speed 0 = drd, is not so obvious, physically! For the three different
cases of the resistance formulations, equation (7.13) we find, where 00 = dd|0:
⎪ General expression
⎨ drd|
¡ 0
0 = 32 0 1 − 13 000 0 Chézy-Weisbach (7.24)
⎩ 5 0 ¡1 − 2 0 0 0¢ Gauckler-Manning
3 5 0
This is actually one of the most important results for us: the speed at which a flood propagates
is approximately 32 or 53 times the mean fluid speed in the river. As the latter follows from the
generally-more-accurate Gauckler-Manning equation we might prefer that – but then we observe
that the corrections due to perimeter changing will reduce that. We might prefer simply to use 32 .
Example: Estimate the effect of side resistance on flood wave speed for a river of bottom
width 20 m, side slopes 2:1 (H:V) and
√ a depth of 2 m. Using our relationships
√ = + 2,
= ( + ), and = + 2 1 + 2 we have dd = 2 1 + 2 and dd =
¯ ¯ ¯ √
2 0 d ¯¯ 2 0 dd ¯ ¯ 2 0 dd ¯¯ 2 ( + ) 2 1 + 2
− ¯ = − ¯ =− ¯ =− √
5 0 d 0 5 0 d 0 5 0 0 5 + 2 1 + 2 + 2
2 2 (10 + 2 × 2) 2 1 + 22
= − √ = −15%
5 10 + 2 × 2 1 + 22 10 + 2 × 2 × 2
An unusually simple interpretation of the equations and wave behaviour
¡ 2 the
¢ 2 Telegraph equation (7.20), where we make the substitution 0
= 00 +
− 0 from equation (7.22) to go back to physical quantities:
µ ¶
2 2 2 2
0 + 0 + 2 + 20 − (00 − 0 ) 2 = 0 (Telegraph eqn)
We now introduce the dimensionless co-ordinates (∗ ∗) scaled according to the resistance
parameter 0: ∗ = 0 and ∗ = 00, such that = 0∗ and = 00 × ∗.
Substituting into the Telegraph equation we obtain a surprisingly simple result:
2 2
µ ¶ 2
+ + +2 − − = 0 (7.25)
∗ ∗ 2∗ ∗∗ 2F2 2∗
where = 00, which is a channel-shape parameter, which we can almost consider a constant,
with a value of 53 for a wide channel; while momentum coefficient is slightly greater
than 1 to allow for non-uniformity of velocity over the cross-section and for turbulence; and
F2 = 02(00) is the square of the Froude number. We have shown that, apart from
near-constants and , the equation, and hence the nature of wave propagation in a river, contains
a single parameter F2! This is surprising.
Advection-diffusion approximation
Now we consider a very useful approximation to describe wave propagation. We consider
situations, such as for flood waves, where the changes in the system are relatively slow. This means
that the second derivatives in the Telegraph equation are relatively small. The approximation in the
limit of very long waves we have already obtained on page 90. Here, however, we observe that in
the coefficient of 22∗ there is a term 12F2, and for most rivers this is a large number, as F2
is small. Now including this term, we write equation (7.25) as, approximately,
1 2
+ = (7.26)
∗ ∗ 2F2 2∗
where 12F2 is the diffusion coefficient, in this Advection-Diffusion equation. In our non-
dimensional (∗ ∗) variables, the advection velocity is 1. Now we consider the effects of the
diffusion term with the second derivative.
In physics, the process of diffusion occurs because of a continuous process of random particle
movements, where any irregularities in concentration of a substance are smoothed out. The
significance of the equation is that any regions of curvature (where there is not a linear variation)
will be smoothed out. For example, near a local maximum, 22∗ is negative, and this means
that the contribution to ∗ there is negative, and the maximum is reduced and spread out. The
reverse applies near a minimum.
Typical solutions of the equation are shown in the figure. It is a
good simple approximate model of flood propagation. As a first
estimate, we might assume that diffusion is unimportant, and that
the flood peak might be the same downstream as it was upstream (as
implied by the very long wave advection equation). For practical
problems, however, the problem then arises as how to estimate the
importance of diffusion.
To do this we write a solution of equation (7.26) as
= 0 exp (i (∗ − ∗)) (7.27)
where 0 is a coefficient, i = −1, and and are coefficients. We recall that exp (i) =
cos + i sin , so it is a wave-like solution, which might be part of a Fourier series in a more general
approach. Substituting into equation (7.26) and dividing through by gives
−i + i = 2 2 (7.28)
If we consider to be a real number, corresponding to waves periodic in ∗ this gives us a simple
expression for which is complex, the real part giving us the period in time and the imaginary
part giving us the rate of decay in time as the waves propagate. That is not so interesting for us,
as we do not know the wave length. Instead, we have waves imposed on our river by an inflow
hydrograph, in general as a Fourier series in time at the upstream end. We consider just one term
of such a series, with a real frequency . We can write equation (7.28) as
³ ´2
1 − + iD = 0 (7.29)
where all the propagation properties of the waves are contained in the now-complex , for
which we could solve this quadratic equation, the solution being a function of the dimensionless
Diffusion-frequency number
D = 2 2 (7.30)
which expresses the importance of diffusion on the propagation of a wave of dimensionless
frequency . The solution of equation (7.29) can be written down, but is non-trivial. Instead, here
for simplicity we write as a series in D and we find the solution
¡ 2¢
= 1 + iD + D
Thus we see that for small diffusion D solution (7.27) can be written
≈ 0 exp (i (∗ − ∗)) × exp (−D∗) (7.31)
which is a wave propagating at speed 1 in our (∗ ∗) co-ordinates, but decaying at a rate in space
of exp (−D∗), showing us how shorter waves (larger and D) decay faster in space and giving us
a simple estimate of that decay. Maybe we don’t need simulation software and all that effort ...
Advection-diffusion equation in terms of physical quantities
Returning to physical variables, the Advection-Diffusion Equation is
0 2
+ 0 = (7.32)
200 2
where the diffusion coefficient is 0200. The terms on the left are our very long wave equation,
showing the flood wave propagating with velocity 0, but here modified by the second derivative
or diffusion term, such that disturbances spread out in time. This equation, a good approximation
for very long waves such as floods, shows us the nature of their movement. However in physical
variables, the magnitude of the diffusion coefficient is not so obvious. It was more revealing to
have it identified as 12F2in equation (7.26).
Note: We have written the equation in terms of . Instead of we can use or as the dependent
variable, as can be shown by differentiating the equation with respect of or and then using the
definition of .
A simplified momentum equation and a practical application
Considering the linear advection-diffusion equation as a longer-wave approximation to the linear
Telegraph equation, we now make a similar approximation to the full momentum conservation
equation, such that we neglect the time derivative and dynamic terms shown in pale blue here,
making a Very Long Wave or Slow Change approximation, which is accurate for most river flows:
µ 2¶ µ 2
+ + = ̃ 1 − 2
This can be re-arranged to give the momentum equation in the form of a simple expression for
in terms of area : s
= r() × 1− (7.33)
| {z } ()
Steady, uniform
It is interesting that even just using the first term, the rating expression = r(), where that
could be given by the Gauckler-Manning or Chézy-Weisbach formulae, is already an approximation
to the momentum equation. This approximate simple momentum equation (7.33) is surprisingly
accurate, and can be used for other long wave propagation problems in streams. For example,
it can be used to estimate the actual flow in a flood wave, giving a correction to the rated value
r() as the flood wave passes because the actual slope of the water surface is not that of the bed
of the stream. The significance of the correction is that ahead of a flood wave, the cross-sectional
area is actually decreasing in the positive direction, so that the contribution of − is
positive, and the actual discharge is larger, corresponding to the greater downstream slope. Behind
the wave, the situation is reversed, and flow is less.
In practice, we do not know what the derivative is. However, at gauging stations
we do have an accurate record of the variation of surface elevation with time, often being
measured hourly. Using the very long wave equation for as a first approximation we have
+ 0 = 0. Eliminating the derivative from equation (7.33), and using the simple
relationship = , we obtain the Jones formula:
= r() 1 + (7.34)
This requires using the very long wave speed 0 but at a gauging station we know what () is,
and so we could use the formulae (7.24) with 0 = r(), or simply 0 ≈ 53 r().
We have obtained a correction for the effects of variation with time (unsteadiness) on the discharge
calculated and published from routine measurements of surface elevation (“stage”).
Slow Change Routing Equation
We can use the simplified momentum equation to give us a simpler method for flood routing, the
computation of the passage of such events. It is possible to substitute the formula (7.33) for
into the mass conservation equation to give a single partial differential equation in area ( ).
However, the result is complicated, and inflow boundary conditions are often expressed in terms of
a discharge hydrograph in(), when the area formulation is not so convenient.
A simpler and more general approach in terms of Upstream Volume can be developed. Substituting
for = and = − gives the single equation in the single dependent variable :
1 2
+ r ( ) 1 − 2
=0 (7.35)
( )
where both breadth and r have been written as functions of area = . We call this
the Slow Change Routing Equation. It is a single nonlinear equation in a single unknown. The
only approximation relative to the long wave equations has been that the variation with time is
slow. Boundary conditions involving discharge or stage can be incorporated using equations
(7.19) and the geometrical relationship between and surface elevation at a point. This is a
fully nonlinear equation and gives accurate results. Its nature is rather clearer than the two long
wave equations: the second derivative term looks familiar ... We can relate the formula to the
advection-diffusion equation obtained previously by making a linear approximation. We expand
the square root term using the binomial theorem and obtain the equation
1 r ( )
+ r ( ) − 2 2
=0 (7.36)
( )
and we now further linearise, as when we obtained the Telegraph equation. We consider a general
unsteady flow superimposed on a steady uniform flow, of area 0 and discharge 0 = 00, such
that we write = 0 − 00 + ( ), where ( ) is the (relatively small) unsteady or
non-uniform contribution. The substitution into equation (7.36) is simple – except for the advective
term. We write
r ( ) = r (0 + ) ¯
dr ¯¯
= r (0) + +
d ¯0
using the first terms of a Taylor series. However, r (0) = 0 and for drd already have the
symbol 0, the very long wave speed. The result is the advection-diffusion equation again:
0 2
+ 0 = 2
Two examples, showing smaller and greater diffusion effects
The figure shows results from two computations, for a 50 km length of river, first with a very
smooth boundary and steeper slope so that diffusion is not so large, the second for a rougher
boundary and smaller slope.
10 Inflow
Long wave eqns, FTQS
Small diffusion Slow change eqn, FTQS
Slope = 000025
8 Smooth channel, = 0014
P = 12 h
Larger diffusion
¡ ¢6 Slope = 00001
m2 s−1
Rough channel, = 005
P = 12 h
0 12 24 36 48 60
Time (h)
Summary of theories, names, and ranges of application
Long wave equations
≈ 10
FTQS Numerical method
Telegraph equation
Slow change routing equation
Muskingum equations
Very long wave equation
√ speed Wave speed
Wave speed is a function of period
≈ × Depth ≈ 53 × Water velocity
“Not-so-long” waves Very long waves
Fast gate movements Floods
1 10 100 1000 10000
7.7 Hierarchy of one-dimensional open channel theories and approximations
Real stream
Boussinesq approximations,
non-hydrostatic, can Assume pressure hydrostatic
describe transition between
Two-dimensional equations,
sub- and super-critical flow
possibly including moment of
momentum, to include secondary
flows, not yet established
Vertically averaged
Two-dimensional equations, no
secondary flows
Assume stream curvature small
Assume stream straight, averaged over cross-section
7.8 Numerical solution of the long wave equations – FTQS scheme
Upstream ∆ Downstream
= 0 () −1 +1 = ()
=0 Initial conditions at = 0 , ( 0 ) and ( 0 ) specified =
Figure 7.3: ( ) axes showing computational grid, initial and boundary conditions, and three computational modules
We use a scheme where time derivatives are approximated using forward differences, and where
-derivatives are approximated using quadratic approximation, fitting a quadratic to three points,
giving the Forward-Time-Quadratic-Space scheme. The -derivatives are
¯¯ −30 + 41 − 2
¯ = + () (7.37a)
¯ 0 2
¯¯ +1 − −1
= + () for = 1 − 1 (7.37b)
¯¯ 2
¯¯ −2 − 4−1 + 3
¯ = + () (7.37c)
Using the obvious forward difference expressions for the time derivatives, the scheme applied to
the ( ) formulation, equations (7.17), becomes
+1 − ¯¯
= − ¯ (7.38a)
µ 2¶ ¯
+1 − ¯
= − − + ̃ − Ω ||¯¯ (7.38b)
Both expressions are easily re-arranged to give explicit formulae for the terms in red, the values of
and at point at the next time level + 1, each in terms of three values of and three values
of at the computational points at the previous time , using one of the equations (7.37).
Liggett & Cunge (1975) claimed that the above scheme, the simplest and most obvious, was
unconditionally unstable. This had some important implications, for it meant that the world was
forced into using complicated schemes such as the Preissmann Box scheme (page 118), which
form the basis of all commercial software. Their analysis is wrong (Fenton 2014), the scheme has
a quite acceptable stability limitation, and it opens up the possibility for simpler computations of
floods and flows in open channels. The Preissmann Box Scheme allows much larger time steps,
but it is very complicated to apply.
7.9 Initial and boundary conditions
Initial conditions
Usually there is some initial flow in the channel which is constant if there is no inflow,
( 0) = 0. The next step is to determine the initial distribution of area or surface elevation
. The conventional method is to solve the Gradually-varied flow equation, using the equations
and methods described in §8, as well as the downstream boundary condition, which is about to be
described. A simpler method is to use the unsteady equations and computation scheme that will be
used later anyway – simply start with an approximate solution for ( 0) or ( 0) (a straight
line?) and let the unsteady dynamics take over, allowing disturbances to propagate downstream
and out of the computational domain until the solution is steady. Then, for example, the main
computation can be started.
Boundary conditions
It is usually the upstream boundary condition that drives the whole model, where a flood or wave
enters, via the specification of the time variation of = (0 ) at the boundary. The surface
elevation there is obtained as part of the computations. A common model inflow hydrograph is:
µ ¶5
(0 ) = min + (max − min)
where the event starts at = 0 with min and has a maximum max at = max.
We have two variables, however, and either or . To obtain this we just use the mass
conservation FTQS expression (7.38a) to obtain the updated value of or at = 0 at +1. The
equation of course applies up to and including the boundary point.
Downstream boundary - known stage-discharge relationship
• Where there is a downstream control structure such as a spillway, weir, gate, or flume, the
stage-discharge relationship ( ) = ( ( )) must be known. For example, a weir
might have a flow formula such as
= d ( − c)32
where d ≈ 06 is a weir discharge coefficient, is crest length and c is elevation of the crest.
• We assume that the discharge relationship is not affected by unsteadiness and non-uniformity,
which probably holds for relatively short control structures mentioned
• A potential difficulty – we have one equation too many: we have the FTQS finite difference
formulae based on mass conservation for | ( +1) and momentum conservation for
( +1) and the relation between and |
• However, a sudden change in section where a typical spillway, weir, gate, or flume is placed
actually violates a fundamental assumption of the long wave momentum equation, that variation
in the channel is long. We can easily ignore that equation near such a sudden change
• Fortunately, the mass conservation equation, is still valid near a sudden change – it requires only
the assumption that water surface is horizontal across the channel.
• The procedure is: obtain the updated value | ( +1) from the FTQS finite difference
formula for the mass conservation equation (7.38a), using values of at −2, −1, and
and then use the stage-discharge relationship to calculate ( +1) = (| ( +1))
Open downstream boundary
• A common boundary is where the computational domain is artificially truncated at some point
in the stream. This is sometimes called Normal Depth boundary and standard practice is that the
computational domain be artificially extended and this boundary condition be used far enough
downstream from the study area that it does not affect the results there.
• The lecturer prefers a different approach, and this is simply to treat the boundary as if it were
just any other part of the river (which it is!) and to use both long wave equations to update both
| and there, calculating the necessary derivatives | and from upstream
finite difference formulae and simply treating the end point as if it were an ordinary point in
the stream and using both FTQS formulae for | ( +1) and ( +1) there, with the
three-point leftwards approximations for the last point in terms of values at −2, −1,
and .
• This works very well in practice.
7.10 Muskingum methods
The advection-diffusion equation, re-written with the symbol 0 for the coefficient of diffusion,
0 = 020 , is
+ 0 − 0 2 = 0 (Advection-diffusion equation)
It is a good simple approximate model of flood propagation – not as good as the fully nonlinear
slow change routing equation. Both have, however, a finite stability criterion – strangely, the
numerical simulation with the second derivative diffusion term makes the computation of both
less stable! However, numerical solution is not a problem – one simply takes smaller steps until
it works. In the last 40 years, however, there have been a large number of papers published using
Muskingum methods, named after a river in the USA where such a method was first applied.
They mimic the advection-diffusion equation, are supposed to be simple and plausibly seem
so, and have been widely used. People have obtained the methods, sometimes from a simple
reservoir routing approach, sometimes from the long wave equations, using long, complicated and
arbitrary methods. The problem is to obtain a single finite difference equation in a single variable.
(Using upstream volume solves that problem rather better!). A typical Muskingum scheme is
written, where is the very long wave speed r|, and
is the coefficient of diffusivity
= 2
, and so on:
(− − ∆ + 2
) + (− + ∆+1 − 2+1
+1) +1
¡ +1 +1 +1
¢ +1 ¡ +1 +1 +1
¢ +1
+ − ∆ − 2 + + ∆+1 + 2+1+1 +1 = 0
This can be re-arranged to give an explicit expression for +1
+1 , the top right point shown in the
blue computational module in Figure 7.4 in terms of the known two values of the discharge at time
, and +1 and the known value at the previous space point +1 .
+1 +1
( + 1)∆
∆ ∆ Muskingum & Box schemes
( − 1) ( + 1)
However, if one performs a Consistency Analysis, and writes the point values etc as bi-
dimensional Taylor series, one finds that the differential equation that the Muskingum formula
actually satisfies is
0 2
+ 0 + = 0
and not the desired Advection-diffusion equation
+ 0 − 0 2 = 0
One can use the first two terms in the Muskingum equation to write ≈ −0 and
substitute this into the mixed derivative 2 to give the advection-diffusion equation, but
that is accurate only for small diffusion.
Muskingum methods work surprisingly well for small-diffusion problems, but in general, they
solve the wrong equation, are numerically diffusive, and are to be avoided (Fenton 2019).
7.11 The method of characteristics
( +1)
+1 + −
1 1
−1 + − +1
Figure 7.5: ( ) axes, showing computational module with characteristics
This method is described in many books. The lecturer believes that it is something of an accident
of history, and that the deductions that emerge from it are misleading and have caused several
important misunderstandings about the nature of wave propagation in open channels.
Each of the pairs of long wave equations (7.17) and (7.18), which are partial differential equations,
can be expressed as four ordinary differential equations. Two of the differential equations are for
paths for (), a path known as a characteristic:
= ± (7.39)
where = is the mean fluid velocity in the waterway at that section and the velocity is
¡ 2 ¢
= 2
+ −
often incorrectly described as the “long wave speed”. It is, as equation (7.39) shows, the speed
of the characteristics relative to the flowing water. The two contributions ± correspond to
downstream and upstream propagation of information. Two characteristics that meet at a point
are shown on Figure 7.5. The “downstream” or “+” characteristic has a velocity at any point of
+ . In the usual case where is positive, both parts are positive and the term is large.
As shown on the diagram, the “upstream” or “-” characteristic has a velocity − , which is
usually negative and smaller in magnitude than the other. Not surprisingly, upstream-propagating
disturbances travel more slowly. The characteristics are curved, as all quantities determining them
are not constant, but functions of the variable , , and .
The other two differential equations for and can be established from the long wave equations:
µ ¶
2 ||
− ± + = 2 ̃ − Λ 2 (7.40)
On each of the two characteristics given by the two alternatives of equation (7.39), each of these
two equations holds, taking the corresponding plus or minus signs in each case. To advance the
solution numerically means that the four differential equations (7.39) and (7.40) have to be solved
over time, usually using a finite time step ∆. Figure 7.5 shows the nature of the process on a plot
of against .
The usual computational problem is, for a time +1 = + ∆, and for each of the discrete points
, to determine the values of + and − at which the characteristics cross the previous time level
. From the information about and at each of the computational points at that previous time
level, the corresponding values of +, −, +, and − are calculated and then used as initial values
in the two differential equations (7.40) which are then solved numerically to give the updated
values ( +1) and ( +1), and so on for all the points at +1.
In textbooks and research papers, characteristics seem wrongly to be believed to have an almost
supernatural property that the partial differential equations do not. An advantage of characteristics
has been believed to be that numerical schemes are relatively stable. The lecturer is not convinced
that they are any more stable then finite difference approximations to the original partial differential
equations, but this remains to be proved conclusively.
In fact, the use of characteristics has led to a widespread misconception in hydraulics where is
understood to be the speed of propagation of all waves. It is not – it is the speed of characteristics.
If surface elevation were constant on a characteristic there would be some justification in using the
term ”wave speed” for the quantity , as disturbances travelling at that speed could be observed.
However as equation (7.40) holds, in general neither (surface elevation – the quantity that we
see), nor , is constant on the characteristics and one does not have observable disturbances,
something that we would call a wave, travelling at relative to the water. While may be the
speed of propagation of information in the waterway relative to the water, it cannot properly be
termed the wave speed as it would usually be understood. In this course we have already examined
at length the real nature of the propagation speed of waves.
7.12 Implicit methods – the Preissmann Box scheme
The most popular commercial numerical method for solving the long wave equations in time
are Implicit Box (Preissmann) models, where the derivatives are replaced by finite-difference
equivalents based on the rectangular blue module in Figure 7.4 on page 113:
1 £ ¡ +1 +1
( ) ≈ +1 − + (1 − ) (+1 − )
1 £¡ +1
¢ ¡ +1
( ) ≈ +1 − +1 + −
¯ 1 £ ¡ +1 +1
( ) ≈ +1 + + (1 − ) (+1 + )
where is a coefficient that determines how much weight is attached to values at time + 1
(unknown, shown red) and how much to those at (known, shown blue). Now, in the long
wave equations (7.17) or (7.18) we use these expressions for all derivatives and also the averaged
quantities ¯ for those that occur algebraically. Considering all the modules at a certain time level,
we have a set of 2 simultaneous complicated nonlinear algebraic equations in the values of
and at all points along the channel. The method is very complicated, but it is robust and stable,
and large time steps can be taken. It is neutrally stable if = 12 . In practice, one uses a larger
value, such as = 06, and the scheme is stable because it is computationally-diffusive. Several
well-known commercial programs are available. For human purposes, it is simpler and better to
use an explicit finite difference FTQS scheme.
7.13 Results
Evolution of flood wave – large diffusion case
Depth 6
(m) 4
(km) 30
20 60
48 54
10 36 42
24 30
0 12 18 (h)
0 6
Figure 7.6:
Comparison of different methods
10 Finite diffusion example, p.103
¡ ¢ 6
m2 s−1
0 12 24 36 48 60 72
Time (h)
Small diffusion case:
• All methods performed well. Muskingum was accurate; the incorrect uniform flow downstream
boundary condition did not matter (all motion is like simple advection – there is little diffusion
for downstream effects to be felt upstream).
Finite diffusion case:
• Muskingum showed far too much diffusion when that was important. Such methods have been
known to be problematical for small slopes, but nobody has called them out.
• The uniform flow downstream boundary condition: the Preissmann Implicit Box scheme and
the Method of Characteristics agreed quite well with each other, but there were finite differences
with those of the open downstream boundary condition.
• Both the FTQS finite difference schemes (solving the long wave equations and the slow
change routing equation) agreed closely with each other using the more correct open boundary
condition. They are the simplest methods and the best. One has to take relatively small time
steps (30 s used in the examples, compared with 900 s for the implicit and Muskingum methods),
but their simplicity means that computational time is short.
• One can devise an example with a more rapidly-rising flood wave where the slow change routing
equation no longer agrees so well. It is simple, and is in terms of a single variable, so that
we used it to show the nature of approximations. In general, however, solving the long wave
equations themselves using our explicit FTQS scheme is the best of all.
8. Steady flow
Sand mining
• A common task in river engineering is to calculate the free surface elevation along a steadily
flowing stream.
• Simply the solution of a first-order differential equation – often obscured in writings.
• Flow is usually sub-critical, so the control / boundary condition is at the downstream end and
one computes upstream.
• Alternative approach suggested here, using cross-sectional area as the dependent variable,
requiring little knowledge of the details of the underwater topography.
• Traditional textbook methods are unsatisfactory: the “Standard Step” method is unnecessarily
complicated and the “Direct Step” method is incorrect.
• Application of simple explicit numerical methods is described.
• If is not used, for non-prismatic streams all methods require much data. Often that is not
available. An approximate linearised model of flow in a river is made. This gives us insight into
the nature of the problem, as well as simple approximate answers.
8.1 The gradually-varied flow equation (GVFE)
Use of area and application to streams of unknown bathymetry
For steady flow where is constant so that and are zero, the long wave momentum
equation (7.17b) on page 83 in terms of cross-sectional area , gives one version of the GVFE in
terms of area :
d ̃ − 2 2 ̃ − 22 43103
= 2 = (8.1)
d 1 − F 2
1 − 3
In the resistance term we are using the conveyance , which is a function of section properties and
the Manning|Strickler coefficient |St
1 53 53
= 23
= St 23 (8.2)
such that for uniform flow, ̃ = = constant, r = .
The ordinary differential equation (8.1) is valid also for non-prismatic channels. The mean bed
slope at a section ̃ , can be variable but is, usually poorly known and is often just estimated, like
the other parameters of the problem; might be something like 11. The coefficient |St is also
often poorly known.
In the differential equation there are strongly-varying functions of the dependent variable itself, 3
and possibly 103, plus the usually slowly-varying functions () and (). This suggests that
using the GVFE in terms of has an important advantage: one needs few details of the under-water
topography. It is not necessary to know the precise details of the underwater bathymetry other than
those weakly-varying functions () and (). The obvious approximation could be made that
they are constant and equal; river width often does not vary much.
To start numerical solution, one would need to know the area at a control where surface elevation
might be known. The solution in terms of area might be enough, to give an idea of how far
upstream the effects of a structure or channel changes extend. It is surprising that we can do so
much with so little information. However, if one needed a value of surface elevation at a certain
value of , one would then need cross-sectional details there to go from the computed to .
Customary use of a quantity called the “water depth”
The long wave momentum equation (7.18b) in terms of surface elevation , for constant so that
and are zero gives another version of the GVFE:
d ̃ F2 − 2 2 ¡ 2 2 2
= 2 ≈ − for F small, the common case
d 1 − F
The tradition is not to use , but instead a depth-like quantity = − 0, where 0 is the elevation
( )
( ) ( )
0 () – Reference axis
( ) 0 ()
Bed profiles ( )
Because of our use of , we pretend that we know the bed in great detail, or, that our channel looks
like this:
Normal depth 0
This shows a typical subcritical flow retarded by a structure, showing the free surface disturbance
decaying upstream, and if the channel is prismatic, to constant normal depth.
8.2 Traditional textbook methods – some old, complicated, and wrong
The “Standard” step method
The almost trivial energy derivation, ignoring non-prismatic effects, is that the rate of change of
total head is given by the empirical expression for the energy gradient
d 2 2 2
= − ( ) where = 0() + + 2
d 2 ( )
The computational approximation scheme is
µ ¶
+1 (+1) − () 1 2 1 1
= −2 +
+1 − 2 ( ) 2 (+1 +1)
• The method advocated by Chow (1959) in a pre-computer
era and still suggested by textbooks.
• () and ( ) are both complicated geometrical
functions of , the unknown +1 is deep inside left and
right sides.
• Requires numerical solution of a transcendental equation at
each time step.
J. Fenton, Australia 1966;
H. Honsowitz, Austria, 1970?
solving transcendental equations
The “Direct” step method – distance calculated from depth
• Applied by taking steps in the water depth and calculating the corresponding step in .
• It has some advantages: iterative methods are not necessary (“Direct”).
• Practical disadvantages are:
– It is applicable only to prismatic sections
– Results are not obtained at specified points in
– As uniform flow is approached the steps become infinitely large
– AND, it is wrong, as we now show
Consider the “specific head”, the head relative to the local channel bottom, denoted here by 0:
0() = () − = +
The differential equation becomes, after inverting each side
d 1
d0() − 2 2
A mistake and a correction
• The differential equation is now approximated, the left side by a finite difference expression
( − +1) (0 − 0+1).
• For the right side the numerical method as set out in textbooks is to take the mean of just the
denominator at beginning and end points, and so to write
0+1 − 0
+1 = + 1 ¡ 2 2
2 2
2 − + +1 − +1
where the red shows the quantity that is a supposed mean value.
• While this is a plausible approximation, it is not mathematically consistent. What should
be done is to use the mean value at beginning and end points of the whole right side of the
differential equation, to give a trapezoidal approximation of the right side, which leads to
µ ¶
1 1 1
+1 = + (0+1 − 0) 2 2 + 2 2
2 − +1 − +1
8.3 Standard simple numerical methods for differential equations
We write the differential equation as
d () − 2 2 ( )
= ( ) =
d 1 − F2 ( )
The two simplest numerical methods are:
Euler Heun
+1 ¡( ) ¢ ∗+1
+1 ∗+1 =
Mean +1
Gradient ( )
+1 +1
¡ 2¢
+1 ≈ + ( ) + ∗+1 ≈ + ( )
¡ ¡ ∗
¢¢ ¡ 3¢
+1 ≈ + ( ) + +1 +1 +
• Euler’s method is the simplest but least accurate – yet it might be appropriate for open channel
problems where quantities may only be known approximately
• One can use simple modifications such as Heun’s method to gain better accuracy, or use
Richardson extrapolation, or even more simply, just take smaller steps
• For greater accuracy one can use the Trapezoidal method, simply repeating the second Heun
step several times, setting ∗+1 = +1 each time
• Often these two methods are not presented in hydraulics textbooks as alternatives, yet they are
simple and flexible, and reveal the nature of what we are doing
• The step can be varied at will, to suit possible irregularly spaced cross-sectional data
• In many situations, where F2 ¿ 1, we can ignore the F2 term in the denominators, giving a
notationally simpler scheme
Comparison of schemes
Example 5 A flow of 1133 m3 s−1 passes down a trapezoidal channel of gradient = 00016, bed
width 610 m and channel side slopes : = 2, = = 11, and St = 40. At = 0 the flow
is backed up to a depth of 1524 m. Compute the backwater curve for 1000 m in 10 steps and then
20, then perform Richardson extrapolation for a more accurate estimate.
Convergence of numerical schemes
10−2 Convergence ∼ 1
Euler, half step size
Direct step
10−3 Convergence ∼ 2 Corrected direct step
Mean Euler & Richardson
elevation Standard step
error ( m) Trapezoidal
20 50 100
Computational step (m)
Figure 8.3: Comparison of accuracy - logarithmic scales
• Using Euler, then applying Richardson extrapolation, gave the third most accurate of all the
methods, more than enough for practical purposes
• The most accurate were the Standard step method and the Trapezoidal method
• There is something wrong with the conventional Direct step method as we have suggested,
while the corrected scheme is highly accurate
8.4 A simple3 model of steady flow in a river
• Often the precise details of a stream are not known, and it is quite legitimate to make
• These might give us more insight and understanding of the problem
• Now a model is made where the GVFE is linearised and a general solution obtained
• Simple deductions as to the length of backwater effects can be made
• One can calculate an approximate solution for a whole stream if the variation in the resistance
coefficient and geometry are known or can be estimated
• There is more of a balance between what we know (usually little) and the (un)sophistication of
the model
The GVFE is
d − 2 2( )
d 1 − F2( )
We linearise the problem (similar to obtaining the Telegraph equation) and consider small
perturbations about an underlying uniform flow of slope 0 and depth 0, such that we write
= 0 + 1() +
where is a small quantity expressing the magnitude of deviations from uniform.
Lecturer’s little joke: we do some non-simple mathematics, but obtain a very simple result, equation (8.5) plus a formula for all streams.
Similarly we also let the possible non-constant slope be
= 0 + 1() +
In a real stream varying along its length, both and F are functions of and . We write the
series: ¯
¯¯ ¡ 2¢
= 0 + 1() + 1() ¯ +
where 1 is a change caused by a change in the channel properties in , whether the resistance
coefficient or the cross-section, and 0 = |0 expresses the change of conveyance with
water depth. We also write
F2 = F20 + () +
in which we will find that terms in are not necessary.
Multiplying through by 1 − F2, setting 0 to zero for uniform flow and neglecting terms in
µ ¶
¡ ¢ d 1 () 2
1 () |
1 − F20 = 0 + 1() − 2 1 − 2 − 21() 0
d 0 0 0
At zeroeth order 0 we obtain
0 − 202
an expression of whichever flow formula is being used, and is identically satisfied.
At 1, we obtain the linear differential equation
− 1 = ()
where is a constant:
⎪ |0
⎪ 2 General expression;
⎪ 0
0 0 dd|0
= × 3 − Chézy-Weisbach; (8.3)
1 − F20 ⎪ ⎪
⎪ 0 0
⎪ 10 0 4 dd|0
⎩ 3 − 3 Gauckler-Manning;
0 0
and the forcing term on the right is
µ ¶
0 1() 21()
() = 2 + (8.4)
1 − F0 0 0
showing the effects of fractional changes in slope and conveyance .
Solving the differential equation
The differential equation is in integrating factor form, and can be solved by multiplying both sides
by − and writing the result
d ¡ − ¢
1 = − ()
which can be integrated to give
µZ ¶
1 = − (0) 0 + Constant
where 0 is a dummy variable. Returning to physical variables, = 0 + 1 gives the solution
(−0 )
= 0 + +
(0) 0
The part of the solution is that obtained by Samuels (1989), giving the solution for backwater
level in a uniform channel by evaluating the constant of integration using a downstream boundary
condition = at = 0. The solution shows how the surface decays upstream at a rate , as
becomes increasingly negative, because is positive,
• For a wide channel, the terms in in the formulae for are unimportant (and are often not
well known), so that 00 ≈ 0, the channel depth, and for small Froude number this gives
10 0 0
≈ ≈3 (8.5)
3 0 0
showing that the rate of exponential decay is small for gently sloping and deep streams and
greatest for steep and shallow ones.
• Consider the position 12 upstream for the effect of a blockage to diminish by a factor of 12.
¡ ¢
Then exp 12 = 12, or
ln 12 ln 12 0 0
12 = ≈ ≈ −02
3 0 0
So for a gently-sloping river 0 = 10−4 and 2 m deep, the effect of any backwater decreases by
12 in a distance of 4 km. To diminish to 116, say, the distance is 16 km. For a steeper river,
say 0 = 00016 from the example simulated above, where 0 ≈ 1 m, the “half-length” is about
150 m. This is roughly in agreement with the computed results in Example 5 above.
• If the approximate exponential decay solution were shown on that figure, it would not agree
closely with the computed results, because the checked-up disturbance is as large as 50% of
the depth, when the linear solution is not all that accurate. The beauty of Samuels’ result is in
its ability to give a quick estimate and an appreciation of the quantities that affect the length of
General solution for channel
Here we neglect any boundary conditions and consider just the solution due to the forcing function
due to changes in the channel:
Z ∞
= 0 − (− ) (0) 0 (8.6)
This is a simple result: at any point in subcritical flow, any disturbance is due to the integrated
effects of the disturbance function for all downstream points, from to ∞, weighted according
to the exponential decay function.
Local change
Example 6 The effect on a river of a finite length of greater resistance
Consider, as an example, a case where over a finite length of river, the carrying capacity is reduced
by the conveyance decreasing by a relative amount 10 = − , such as by local deposition
of material, between = 0 and = , and constant in that interval. Assume F20 negligible and the
river wide.
9. Hydrometry - measurement and analysis
9.1 Definitions
In English, the traditional word used to describe the measurement of water levels and flow
volumes is “Hydrography”. That is ambiguous, for that word is also used for the measurement
of water depths for navigation purposes, has been so used since the great navigators of the
eighteenth century. Organisations with names like “National Hydrographic Service” are usually
only concerned with the mapping of an area of sea and surrounding coastal detail.
Here we follow Boiten (2003) and Morgenschweis (2010) who provide a refreshingly modern
approach to the topic, calling it “Hydrometry”, the “measurement of water”. In these notes, a
practitioner will be called a hydrometrician, but the term hydrograph will be retained for a record,
either digital or graphical, of the variation of water level or flow rate with time.
Two modern documents from the World Meteorological Organization provide more background.
Experimental techniques are described in WMO Manual 1 (2010), and methods of analysis in
WMO Manual 2 (2010). It is remarkable, however, that a field so important has received little
benefit from hydraulics research.
9.2 The Problem
Almost universally the routine measurement of the state of a river is that of the stage, the surface
elevation at a gauging station. While that is an important quantity in determining the danger
of flooding, another important quantity is the actual volume flow rate past the gauging station.
Accurate knowledge of this instantaneous discharge - and its time integral, the total volume of flow
- is crucial to many hydrologic investigations and to practical operations of a river and its chief
environmental and commercial resource, its water. Examples include decisions on the allocation of
water resources, the design of reservoirs and their associated spillways, the calibration of models,
and the interaction with other computational components of a network.
Stage is usually simply measured. Measuring the flow rate, the discharge, is rather more difficult.
Almost universally, occasionally (once per month, or more likely, once per year) it is obtained by
measuring the velocity field in detail and integrating it with respect to area. At the same time, the
water level is measured. This gives a pair of values ( ) which obtained on that day. Over a
long period, a finite number of such data pairs are obtained using this laborious method. A curve
that approximates those points is calculated, to give a function r(), a Rating Curve.
Separately, the actual stage can be measured easily and monitored almost continuously at any
time, and automatically transmitted and recorded at intervals of one hour or one day, to give a
Stage Hydrograph, a discrete representation of = () = 0 1 . To get the corresponding
Discharge Hydrograph, each value of is considered and from the rating curve the corresponding
= r ( ) = 0 1 are calculated. Values of and are published and made available.
9.3 Routine measurement of water levels
Most water level gauging stations are
equipped with a sensor or gauge plus a
recorder. In many cases the water level is
measured in a stilling well, thus eliminating
strong oscillations.
Staff gauge:
This is the simplest type, with a graduated
gauge plate fixed to a stable structure such
as a pile, bridge pier, or a wall. Where the
range of water levels exceeds the capacity
of a single gauge, additional ones may
be placed on the line of the cross section
Stilling well & level recorder (Morgenschweis 2010)
normal to the plane of flow.
Float gauge:
A float inside a stilling well, connected to the river by an inlet pipe, is moved up and down by the
water level. Fluctuations caused by short waves are almost eliminated. The movement of the float
is transmitted by a wire passing over a float wheel, which records the motion, leading down to a
Pressure transducers:
Water level is measured as hydrostatic pressure and transformed into an electrical signal via a
semi-conductor sensor. These are best suited for measuring water levels in open water (the effect
of short waves dies out almost completely within half a wavelength down into the water). They
should compensate for changes in the atmospheric pressure, and if air-vented cables cannot be
provided air pressure must be measured separately.
Peak level indicators:
There are some indicators of the maximum level reached by a flood, such as
arrays of bottles which tip and fill when the water reaches them, or a staff
coated with soluble paint.
Bubble gauge:
This is based on measurement of the pressure which is needed to produce
bubbles through an underwater outlet. These are used at sites where it would
be difficult to install a float-operated recorder or pressure transducer. From a pressurised gas
cylinder or small compressor gas is led along a tube to some point under the water (which will
remain so for all water levels) and small bubbles constantly flow out through the orifice. The
pressure in the measuring tube corresponds to that in the water above the orifice. Wind waves
should not affect this.
Ultrasonic sensor:
These are used for continuous non-contact level measurements in open channels. The sensor points
vertically down towards the water and emits ultrasonic pulses at a certain frequency. The inaudible
sound waves are reflected by the water surface and received by the sensor. The round trip time is
measured electronically and appears as an output signal proportional to the level. A temperature
probe compensates for variations in the speed of sound in air. They are accurate but susceptible to
wind waves.
9.4 Occasional measurement of discharge
Most methods of measuring the rate of volume flow past a
point are single measurement methods which are not designed
for routine operation. Below, some will be described that are
methods of continuous measurements.
Velocity area method (“current meter method”)
The area of cross-section is determined from soundings, and
flow velocities are measured using propeller current meters,
Traditional manner of taking current electromagnetic sensors, or floats. The mean flow velocity is
meter readings. In deeper water a boat is deduced from points distributed systematically over the river
used. cross-section. In fact, what this usually means is that two or
more velocity measurements are made on each of a number of
vertical lines, and any one of several empirical expressions used to calculate the mean velocity on
each vertical, the lot then being integrated across the channel.
Calculating the discharge requires integrating the velocity data over the whole channel - what is
required is the area integral of the velocity, that is = . If we express this as a double
integral we can write
Z ()+()
= (9.1)
so that we must first integrate the velocity from the bed = () to the surface = () + (),
where is the local depth. Then we have to integrate these contributions across the channel, for
values of the transverse co-ordinate over the breadth .
Calculation of mean velocity in the vertical
The first step is to compute the integral of velocity with depth, which hydrometricians think of
as calculating the mean velocity over the depth. Consider the law for turbulent flow over a rough
∗ −
= ln (9.2)
where ∗ is the shear velocity, = 04, ln() is the natural logarithm to the base , is the elevation
above the bed, and 0 is the elevation at which the velocity is zero. (It is a mathematical artifact
that below this point the velocity is actually negative and indeed infinite when = 0 – this does not
usually matter in practice). If we integrate equation (9.2) over the depth we obtain the expression
for the mean velocity:
Z µ ¶
1 ∗
̄ = = ln − 1 (9.3)
Now it is assumed that two velocity readings are made, obtaining 1 at 1 and 2 at 2. This gives
enough information to obtain the two quantities ∗ and 0. Substituting the values for point 1
into equation (9.2) gives us one equation and the values for point 2 gives us another equation. Both
can be solved to give the simple formula for the mean velocity in terms of the readings at the two
1 (ln(2)+1) − 2 (ln(1)+1)
̄ = (9.4)
ln (21)
As it is probably more convenient to measure and record depths rather than elevations above the
bottom, let 1 = − 1 and 2 = − 2 be the depths of the two points, when equation (9.4)
1 (ln(1 − 2)+1) − 2 (ln(1 − 1)+1)
̄ = (9.5)
ln (( − 2) ( − 1))
This expression gives the freedom to take the velocity readings at any two points. This would
simplify streamgauging operations, for it means that the hydrometrician, after measuring the depth
, does not have to calculate the values of 02 and 08 and then set the meter at those points, as
is done in current practice. Instead, the meter can be set at any two points, within reason, the depth
and the velocity simply recorded for each, and equation (9.5) applied. This could be done either in
situ or later when the results are being processed. This has the potential to speed up hydrographic
If the hydrometrician were to use the traditional two points, then setting 1 = 02 and 2 = 08
in equation (9.5) gives the result
̄ = 04396 02 + 05604 08 ≈ 04402 + 05608 (9.6)
whereas the conventional hydrographic expression is
= 12 (02 + 08) (9.7)
that is, the mean of the readings at 0.2 of the depth and 0.8 of the depth. The nominally more
accurate expression is just as simple as the traditional expression in a computer age, yet is based
on an exact analytical integration of the equation for a turbulent boundary layer.
The formula (9.6) has been tested by taking a set of gauging
results. A canal had a maximum depth of 2.6m and was
28m wide, and a number of verticals were used. The
conventional formula (9.7), the mean of the two velocities,
was accurate to within 2% of equation (9.6) over the whole
Figure 9.1: Cross-section of stream, show- range of the readings, with a mean difference of 1%. That
ing velocity measurement points
error was always an overestimate. The more accurate
formula (9.5) is hardly more complicated than the traditional one, and it should in general be
preferred. Although the gain in accuracy was slight in this example, in principle it is desirable
to use an expression which makes no numerical approximations to that which it is purporting to
evaluate. This does not necessarily mean that either (9.7) or (9.6) gives an accurate integration of
the velocities which were encountered in the field. In fact, one complication is where, as often
happens in practice, the velocity distribution near the surface actually bends back such that the
maximum velocity is below the surface.
Integration of the mean velocities across the channel
The problem now is to integrate the readings for mean velocity at each station across the width
of the channel. Here traditional standards commit an error – often the Mean-Section method is
used. In this the mean velocity between two verticals is calculated and then this multiplied by the
area between them, so that, given two verticals and + 1 separated by the expression for the
contribution to discharge is assumed to be
= ( + +1) ( + +1)
This is not correct. From equation (9.1), the task is actually to integrate across the channel the
quantity which is the mean velocity times the depth. For that the simplest expression is the
Trapezoidal rule:
= (+1 +1+ )
To examine where the Mean-Section Method is worst, we consider the case at one side of the
channel, where the area is a triangle. We let the water’s edge be = 0 and the first internal point be
= 1, then the Mean-Section Method gives
0 = 011
while the Trapezoidal rule gives
0 = 011
which is correct, and we see that the Mean-Section Method computes only half of the actual
contribution. The same happens at the other side. Contributions at these edges are not large, and in
the middle of the channel the formula is not so much in error, but in principle the Mean-Section
Method is wrong and should not be used. Rather, the Trapezoidal rule should be used, which is
just as easily implemented. In a gauging in which the lecturer participated, a flow of 1960 m3 s−1
was calculated using the Mean-Section Method. Using the Trapezoidal rule, the flow calculated
was 1992 m3 s−1, a difference of 1.6%. Although the difference was not great, practitioners should
be discouraged from using a formula which is wrong.
An alternative global “spectral”approach with least-squares fitting
It is strange that only very local methods are used in determining the vertical velocity distribution.
Here we consider a significant generalisation, where we consider velocity distributions given by a
more general law, assuming an additional linear and an additional quadratic term in the velocity
− ()
( ) = 0() ln + 1() + 2() 2 (9.8)
but where the coefficients 0(), 1(), and 2() are actually polynomials in the transverse
co-ordinate. The whole expression is a global function, that approximates the velocity over the
whole section. If the polynomials in each have terms, then the total number of unknown
coefficients is 3 . Consider a number of flow measurements for = 1 to , where we presume
that the corresponding bed elevation is also measured, however that is not essential to the method.
We compute the total sum of the errors squared, using equation (9.8):
= ( ( ) − )2
and we use package software to find the coefficients such that the total error is minimised. Or, as
one says, the function is “fitted to the data”. This method does not require points to be in vertical
lines, although it is often convenient to measure points like that, as well as the corresponding bed
level. An example of the results is given in figure 9.2, where more than two points were used
on each vertical line. It can be seen that results are good - and we see an import feature that the
conventional method ignores – almost everywhere there is a velocity maximum in the vertical.
Figure 9.2: Cross-section of canal with velocity profiles and data points plotted transversely, showing fit by global
Dilution methods
In channels where cross-sectional areas are difficult to determine (e.g. steep mountain streams) or
where flow velocities are too high to be measured by current meters dilution or tracer methods can
be used, where continuity of the tracer material is used with steady flow. The rate of input of tracer
is measured, and downstream, after total mixing, the concentration is measured. The discharge in
the stream immediately follows.
Ultrasonic flow measurement
In this case, sound generators are placed along the side of
a channel and beamed so as to cross it diagonally. They are
reflected on the other side, and the total time of travel of
the sound waves are measured. From that it is possible to
calculate the mean water velocity along the channel – the
sound “samples” the water velocity at all points. Then, to
get the total discharge it is necessary to integrate the mean
Figure 9.3: Array of four ultrasonic beams velocity of the paths in the vertical. This, unfortunately, is
in a channel
where the story ends unhappily. The performance of the
trade and scientific literature has been poor. Several trade brochures advocate the routine use of
a single beam, or maybe two, suggesting that that is adequate (see, for example, Boiten 2003,
p141). In fact, with high-quality data for the mean velocity at two or three levels, there is no reason
not to use accurate integration formulae. However, practice in this area has been quite poor, as
trade brochures that the author has seen use the inaccurate Mean-Section Method for integrating
vertically over only three or four data points, when its errors would be rather larger than when it is
used for many verticals across a channel, as described previously. The lecturer found that no-one
wanted to know of his discovery.
Acoustic-Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP) methods
In these, a beam of sound of a known frequency is transmitted into the fluid, often from a boat.
When the sound strikes moving particles or regions of density difference moving at a certain speed,
the sound is reflected back and received by a sensor mounted beside the transmitter. According
to the Doppler effect, the difference in frequency between the transmitted and received waves is
a direct measurement of velocity. In practice there are many particles in the fluid and the greater
the area of flow moving at a particular velocity, the greater the number of reflections with that
frequency shift. Potentially this method is very accurate, as it purports to be able to obtain the
velocity over quite small regions and integrate them up. However, this method does not measure
in the top 15% of the depth or near the boundaries, and the assumption that it is possible to
extract detailed velocity profile data from a signal seems to be optimistic. The lecturer remains
unconvinced that this method is as accurate as is claimed.
Electromagnetic methods
The motion of water flowing in an open channel cuts a
Coil for producing magnetic field
9.5 Rating curves – the analysis and use of stage and discharge measurements
The state of the art – the power function
The generation of rating curves from data is a problem that is of crucial importance, but has had
little research attention and is done very badly all around the world. Almost universally it is
believed that they must follow a power function
= ( − 0) (9.9)
where is water surface elevation (stage), is a constant, 0 is a constant elevation reference
level, for zero flow, and is a constant with a typical value in the range 15 to 25.
The hydraulics of a gauging station
High flow 3
Low flow 4
Channel control Distant
Gauging Local control
station control
Channel control Larger body
of water
Figure 9.5: Section of river showing different controls at different water levels with implications for the stage dis-
charge relationship at the gauging station shown
Local control: Just downstream of the gauging station is often some sort of fixed control which
may be some local topography such as a rock ledge which means that for relatively small flows
there is a definite relationship between the head over the control and the discharge, similar to a
weir. This will control the flow for small flows.
Channel control: For larger flows the effect of the fixed control is to ”drown out”, to become
unimportant, and where the control is due to resistance in the channel.
Overbank control: For larger flows when the river breaks out of the main channel and spreads
onto the surrounding floodplain, the control is also due to resistance, but where the geometry of
channel and nature of the resistance is different.
Distant control: There may be something such as the larger river downstream shown as a distant
control in the figure. In our work on Steady Flow, we saw that backwater influence can extend
for a long way.
In practice, the natures of the controls are unknown.
Data approximation
The global representation of by a polynomial has been in the background for some time:
= 0 + 1 + 22 + + = (9.11)
where 0, 1, , are coefficients. Standard linear least-squares methods can be used to
determine the coefficients, but it has never really succeeded.
Fenton & Keller (2001, §6.3.2) suggested writing the polynomial for raised to the power ,
specified a priori:
= 0 + 1 + 22 + + = (9.12)
¡ ¢1
which is a simple generalisation of the power function to = 0 + 1 + 2 +
. A
value of = 12 was recommended as that was the mean value in the hydraulic discharge formulae
for a sequence of weir and channel cross-sections that modelled local and channel control.
The use of such a fractional value has two effects:
1. For small flows, small, the data usually is such that
= 0 + 1 (9.13)
that is
= (0 + 1)1 = ( − 0)
so it looks like the simple power law! In fact, = 12 is a good approximation. In that low-flow
limit the polynomial just has to simulate nearly-linear variation, which it can easily do.
2. For large flows, the use of 12 means that the magnitude of the dependent variable to be
approximated is much smaller, so that, instead of a range of say, = 1 to 104 m3 s−1, a
numerical range 1 to 102 has to be approximated.
The lecturer (Fenton 2015b) has shown it is better to generalise equation (9.12) by considering
the approximating function to be made up, not of monomials , but more general Chebyshev
= () (9.14)
Problems with global interpolation and approximation
The simplest set of basis functions are the monomials () = . They are not very good, as
they all look rather like each other for large and for = 2 or greater. Individual basis functions
() should look different from each other so that irregular variation can be described efficiently.
(a) Interval [100 110] (b) Interval [0 10]
100 10
(100)2 (10)2
(100)3 (10)3
100 110 0 10
(c) Interval [−1 +1]
, = 0 4
, = 5 10
−1 0 1 −1 0 1
Least-squares approximation
The coefficients can be obtained by least-squares software, minimising the sum of the weighted
squares of the errors of the approximation over data points,
à !2
2 = () −
=1 =0
where the are obtained from the by scaling the range of all stage measurements [min max].
The are the weights for each rating point, giving the freedom to weight some points more if one
wanted the rating curve to approximate them more closely, or they could be set to be a decaying
function of the age of the data point, so that the effects of changes with time could be examined.
Or, a less-trusted data point could be given a smaller weight. Often, however, all the will be 1.
An example
20 16
(a) Small flows — natural axes (b) All flows — natural axes 14 (c) Semi-logarithmic axes
18 12
16 10
( m) 8 ( m)
12 4 4
Polynomial series: degree 10
Splines: 5 intervals
2 2
10 Spline knots, by hand
0 10 20 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 1 10 100 1 000
( m3 s−1 ) ( m3 s−1 ) log , ( in m3 s−1 )
Figure 9.6: Noxubee River near Geiger, AL, USA, USGS Station 02448500, 1970s
• The example has quite a striking ideal form showing local, channel and overbank control.
• Variation at the low flow end can be rapid, and can have a vertical gradient and high curvature.
• The discharge may extend over 3 or 4 orders of magnitude (factor of 1000 or 10000)
• There can be rapid variation between these different regimes
• There are two curves that have been fitted by least-squares methods, one using Chebyshev
polynomials, the other using local spline approximation. Both have worked well.
Possible problems
There are several problems associated with the use of a Rating Curve:
• Discharge is rarely measured during a flood, and the quality of data at the high flow end of the
curve might be quite poor.
• There are a number of factors which might cause the rating curve not to give the actual
discharge, some of which will vary with time. Factors affecting the rating curve include:
– The channel changing as a result of modification due to dredging, bridge construction, or
vegetation growth.
– Sediment transport - where the bed is in motion, which can have an effect over a single flood
event, because the effective bed roughness can change during the event. As a flood increases,
any bed forms present will tend to become larger and increase the effective roughness, so that
friction is greater after the flood peak than before, so that the corresponding discharge for a
given stage height will be less after the peak.
– Backwater effects - changes in the conditions downstream such as the construction of a dam
or flooding in the next waterway.
– Unsteadiness - in general the discharge will change rapidly during a flood, and the slope of
the water surface will be different from that for a constant stage, depending on whether the
discharge is increasing or decreasing, also contributing to a flood event appearing as a loop on a
stage-discharge diagram.
– Variable channel storage - where the stream overflows onto flood plains during high discharges,
giving rise to different slopes and to unsteadiness effects.
Modelling rating curve changes with time
The importance of each data point can be weighted according to their age, so that the oldest
points have the smallest contributions to the least squares error, and the most recent gaugings can
be rationally incorporated to give the most recent rating curve. In fact, the rating curve can be
constructed for any day, now or in the past.
We use a smooth function, decaying into the past, to keep all the points to some extent in
determining the shape of the curve, the exponential weight factor ( ) = exp (− ), where is
a decay constant. Writing 12 for the “half-life”, the age at which the weight decays by a factor of
2 , then the expression becomes
µ ¶(0−) 12
(0 − ) =
where 0 is the date for which the rating curve is required, and is the date when point
was established. If 0 a value of zero is used. This was applied to 31 years of data from
USGS Station 02448500 on the Noxubee River near Geiger, AL, USA, shown in Fig. 9.7. The
approximating spline method with 6 hand-allocated intervals was used, with a 12 fit. It can be
seen how the rating curve, and presumably the bed, has moved down over the 31 years.
10 2000-01-01
( m)
1 10 100 500
log , ( in m3 s−1 )
Figure 9.7: Calculation of rating curves on specific days using weights that are a function of measurement age —
Noxubee River near Geiger, AL, USA, USGS Station 02448500, from 1984-10-02 to 2015-05-11
The effects of bed roughness and bed changes on rating curves in alluvial
If there is a rapidly-changing flow event such as a flood, roughness and hence resistance might also
change relatively quickly, and the relationship between stage and discharge changes with time such
that if we were able to measure and plot it throughout the unsteady event we would obtain a looped
curve with two discharges for each stage, and vice versa, before and after the flow maximum. This
is usually described as a looped rating curve. The lecturer has usually been sceptical of that term,
viewing it more as a looped flow trajectory on rating axes.
Let us consider the mechanism by which changes in resistance cause the flood trajectories to
be looped, by considering a hypothetical and idealised situation. We do not know how much
bed-forms and how much individual grains are responsible for most resistance.
The figure on the next page is plotted with rating curve axes, stage versus discharge. The rating
curves which would apply if the resistance were a particular value are shown, for a flat bed with
co-planar grains, and for various increasing resistances.
In the top left corner is a stage-time graph with two flood events, and another not yet completed.
The points labelled O, A, ..., G are also shown on the flow trajectory, showing the actual
relationship between stage and discharge at each time.
O: flow is low, over a flat co-planar bed
Large bedforms
Medium bedforms
after a period of steady flow.
C Small bedforms
D G Flat bed A: the flow increases. The flow is not
enough to change the nature of the bed,
and the flood trajectory follows the
flat-bed rating curve up to here.
Flood trajectory
B: the bed is no longer stable, grains
Rating curves – for constant roughness move and bed forms develop. Accord-
ingly, the resistance is greater and the
stage increases.
C: flood peak has arrived, resistance continues to increase, a little later the stage is a maximum.
D: resistance and bedforms have continued to grow until here, although flow is decreasing.
E: the flow has decreased much more quickly than the bed can adjust, and the point is close to
the instantaneous rating curve corresponding to the greatest resistance.
F: over the intervening time, flow has been small and almost constant, however the time has
been enough to reduce the bed-forms and pack the bed grains to some extent. Now another
flood starts to arrive, and this time, instead of following the flat-bed curve, it already starts from
a finite resistance.
G: after this, the history of the stage will still depend on the history of the flow and the
characteristics of the rate of change of the bed.
The rating trajectory and rating envelope — generalisations of the single curve
• The ephemeral nature of the resistance means that in highly mobile bed streams it is not possible
to calculate accurately the flow at any later time. It is not known what flows and bed changes
will occur in the future up until the moment the curve is required to give a flow from a routine
stage measurement.
• The view of the rating curve here is that it is an approximate curve passing through a more-or-
less scattered cloud of points, where at least some of that scatter is due to fluctuations in the
preceding flows and instantaneous state of the bed when each point was determined.
• If a long period of time is considered, with many flow events of different magnitudes, the
flow trajectory will consist of a number of different paths and loops, the whole adding up to a
complicated web occupying a limited region.
• Usually, however, one does not measure rating points very often, and instead of a continuous flow
trajectory following an identifiable path, one just sees a discrete number of apparently-random
points, occupying a more-or-less limited region.
• The more stable the bed, the less will be the scatter.
• Generally the points will fall in a band between a lower boundary, corresponding to smaller
resistance, with an armoured bed, and an upper boundary corresponding to greater resistance
with individual grains protruding and possibly bed-forms prominent when, for a given flow, the
water will be deeper and stage higher.
• This leads to an extension of the idea of a single rating curve: that in a stream of variable bed
conditions, one can never know the situation when rating data is actually to be used to predict a
flow, and so it might be helpful also to compute a rating envelope, to provide expressions for
curves approximating both upper and lower bounds.
• Suggested procedure:
– Calculate the approximation to all the points, the rating curve
– Then delete those points which lie below it.
– Approximate the remaining points, and repeat as many times as necessary, to give the upper
– Repeat, successively deleting all points above each curve.
– As approximately half the data points are lost with each pass, the number of passes is
limited. In practice what one would be doing is approximating the 1/8 or 1/16, say, of all
data points, those which lie furthest from the approximation to all the points.
( m)
Data points and time trajectory
Rating curve
6 Computed envelope
The figure shows an example for three years (1995–1997) of gaugings from Station 41 on the Red
River, Viet Nam. The flow trajectory has several large loops, barely visible in the figure. Four
passes of the halving procedure for each of the upper and lower envelopes were applied, starting
with 217 data points, at the end there were about 21724 ≈ 15 for each envelope. It can be seen
that the method worked well.
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