Assessment of The Effect of Stylus Tip Radius On M
Assessment of The Effect of Stylus Tip Radius On M
Assessment of The Effect of Stylus Tip Radius On M
Received: 22 March 2019 / Accepted: 26 June 2019 / Published online: 8 July 2019
# Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2019
This paper deals with evaluation of the effect of the stylus tip radius on the roughness parameters on milled, bored, and honed
surfaces of the crankcase of hermetic compressors manufactured in gray cast iron. Roughness measurements were carried out on
machined surfaces of 10 hermetic compressors using a 2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radius. For milled and bored surfaces, Rp, Rv,
Rz, Rt, Ra, Rq, and RΔq roughness parameters were obtained, whereas for honed surfaces, Rk, Rpk, and Rvk were studied. From
the obtained results, it was concluded that for milled and bored surfaces, only the values of RΔq presented statistically significant
differences, considering a confidence level of 95%. However, particular attention should be given to the Rv parameter whose
p values were higher than 0.05, but very close to it. For honed surfaces, the average values of Rpk and Rk parameters were higher
for measurements carried out using a 5-μm stylus tip radius, due to the increase of the peak radius of curvature. No statistically
significant difference related to Rpk, Rk, and Rvk parameters was identified.
Keywords Surface roughness . Contact measurement . Measurement uncertainty . Stylus tip radius
• The assessment of the effect of stylus tip radius on milled, bored, and
honed surfaces is presented.
• An increase on the stylus tip radius from 2 to 5 μm caused statistically
significant effects on RΔq.
• Rpk and Rk average values tend to increase as the tip radius became
• For roughness characterization using RΔq and Rv parameters, the use of
smaller stylus tip radius is recommended.
* C. C. Souza 1
Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Federal University of Uberlândia, 2121, João Naves de Ávila Avenue, Campus Santa Mônica, Building
5F, Uberlândia, MG 38400-902, Brazil
L. J. Arantes 2
Faculty of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Brasília, University Campus Darcy Ribeiro,
A. Piratelli-Filho
Brasília, DF 70910-900, Brazil
R. V. Arencibia
[6], among others. For this reason, roughness is one of the characterized by roughness measurement. The authors con-
most important factors in tribology and it can be used to eval- cluded that the stylus tip radius did not cause statistically sig-
uate the quality of a machining operation [7]. nificant effects on the Ra, Rq, Rp, Rv, and Rt parameter values
Despite the contact roughness measurement limitations, this for 54% of all evaluated conditions. For all evaluated param-
technique remains the most widely used for characterizing sur- eters, the differences between the average values obtained
faces [2, 5, 6, 8, 9], and the electromechanical roughness tester is using a 2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radius were lower than
the most used for roughness measurements [10, 11]. According the values of the associated expanded uncertainty (95%) in
to Motta-Neto et al. [12], the dominance of the contact roughness 82% of performed experiments.
measurement can be attributed to the electromechanical rough- The results obtained by Motta-Neto et al. [12] are relevant,
ness tester portability, the lower acquisition cost, and the high since they increased the understanding about the effect of the
diagnostic power. The roughness tester portability is of utmost stylus tip radius. At the same time, these results leave a ques-
importance in the production lines, allowing the part roughness tion about what stylus tip radius should be used during contact
characterization between machining operations. This is essential roughness measurement. Considering the wide variety of
to preserve the machining reference. manufacturing processes, as well as of roughness parameters,
The main error factors that can affect contact roughness which can be used to surface characterization, it is essential to
measurement results are related to the roughness tester, the carry out further studies to quantify the effect of the stylus tip
workpiece, the operator, the measurement strategy, and the en- radius. In this context, this work deals with investigation of the
vironment. Each of these factors is related to several sources, as effect of the stylus tip radius on the values of several rough-
presented by Dobes et al. [13]. The tip size and geometry, the ness amplitude parameters (Rp, Rv, Rz, Rt, Ra, and Rq), hybrid
roughness tester resolution, and calibration are pointed out as parameter (RΔq), and Rk family parameters (Rpk, Rk, and
the main sources associated with the roughness tester. Rvk) obtained from three functional machined surfaces of
The dimensions and geometry of the stylus tip occupy a the crankcase of hermetic compressors. The machining pro-
relevant place among the sources widely commented in the cesses considered were front milling, boring, and convention-
literature. According to NBR ISO 3274 [14], the tip geometry al honing. The application of different manufacturing process-
can be of cone-spherical or truncated pyramid type and the es ensures that the roughness profiles have particular charac-
radius of the spherical tip can present values of 2 μm, 5 μm, teristics in amplitude, spacing, and density of the elements of
and 10 μm. The actual roughness profile is impossible to be the roughness profile.
obtained due to the size of the stylus tip [15, 16]. The radius of Amplitude parameters Rq, Rv, Rz, Rt, Ra, and Rq, covered
curvature of the peaks may be increased, and some valleys by the ISO 4287 standard [18], have been widely commented
may not be detected [15]. On surfaces characterized by deep in the literature and extensively employed for roughness char-
and narrow valleys, the stylus tip may not be able to reach the acterization. For this reason, they are not presented here. The
lower points of the profile [10]. The stylus tip acts as a me- hybrid parameter RΔq also covered by the ISO 4287 standard
chanical filter, which causes the effective roughness profiles to [18] represents the root mean square value of the ordinate
present distortions in relation to the actual profiles [16]. The slopes dZ/dX within the sampling length, as indicated in Fig.
value of the Ra parameter can be reduced as the radius of the 1. According to Leach [10], this parameter is useful in painting
stylus tip is increased [17]. and plating applications where the length of surface is impor-
However, few studies have been found, reporting the effect tant for keying. In addition, Nakar and Hirsch [19] stated that
of the dimensions and geometry of the stylus tip on the rough- although slope is not a common metric in large-scale surface
ness values. The effect of the stylus tip size on the Ra, Rt, and treatment industries, it is important in precision applications
Rv roughness parameters was reported by Motta-Neto et al. such as contact wear, friction, and sealing and Nakar and
[12]. This author carried out a theoretical analysis of two- Feuermann [20] reported the limitations of using only height
dimensional surface profiles in order to show this effect. parameters for roughness characterization of very smooth sur-
From this study, the conclusion was reached that Rt roughness faces with a roughness average (Ra) lower than 0.2 μm.
parameter was the most affected as the stylus tip radius was For roughness characterization of honed surfaces, the cu-
increased, whereas Ra was the least affected. mulative distribution of surface heights (the Abbott–Firestone
An important contribution reporting the effect of the stylus curve) was extensively employed, as shown in Fig. 2. Several
tip radius on the Ra, Rq, Rp, Rv, and Rt was made by Motta- roughness parameters are derived from it, among them the Rk
Neto et al. [12]. For the first time, the effect of the stylus tip family parameters. The Rk family parameters (Rk, core rough-
radius (2 μm and 5 μm) on the values of roughness amplitude ness depth; Rvk, reduced valley depths; Rpk, reduced peak
parameters obtained by an electromechanical surface rough- height; Mr1, peak material ratio; and Mr2, valley material
ness tester was experimentally quantified. Samples of SAE ratio) covered by the ISO 13565-2 standard [22] are calculated
1020 carbon steel and gray cast iron, obtained by turning from the Abbott–Firestone curve [23]. These parameters have
and milling processes for different cutting conditions, were been extensively employed by Pawlus et al. [24], Anderberg
et al. [25], Buj-Corral and Vivancos-Calvet [26], Arantes et al. compressor was investigated. The study was based on a
[27], Pereira et al. [28], and Kanthababu et al. [29] to charac- single-factor design. The stylus tip radius factor was investi-
terize honed surfaces. gated on two levels (2 μm and 5 μm). Both stylus tips have a
The Rk parameter quantifies the wear rate of the surfaces in cone angle of 60° and a skid, with a 3 mm width (Fig. 3), a
contact and is associated with the intermediate part of the 6 mm diameter, and a distance to the diamond tip equal to 3
roughness that would affect the mechanical resistance and mm.
the load-carrying capacity during contacting operations [30]. Experiments were carried out on 10 crankcases manufactured
Rpk represents the average roughness value of the peaks that in gray cast iron. The crankcases were numbered from 1 to 10.
are above the minimum contact area of the profile (excluding Figure 4 shows an exploded view of the several parts of a spe-
any exaggerated peaks), and is associated with the region that cific model of a hermetic alternative reciprocating compressor.
wears on the first contacts between the surfaces. On the other The three evaluated functional surfaces of the crankcase are in-
hand, Rvk indicates the average roughness value of the valleys dicated in this figure.
that are below the contact area of the profile (excluding any The milled surface of the crankcase must have good ma-
excessively deep valleys). This parameter is associated with chining quality so it can provide proper flatness and roughness
the surface properties for retaining lubricant [31]. values because it will be coupled to the cylinder gasket and the
valve plate. Conventional honed surface represents the crank-
case cylinder. It was machined by using a multi-spindle hon-
2 Methodology ing machine, Gehring model. A set of three honing tools was
used each with two strokes, the first for roughing (120 mesh),
The effect of the stylus tip radius factor on the roughness the second for semi-finishing (270 mesh), and the third for
parameters values obtained from front milled, bored, and con- finishing (600 mesh). The honing parameters were defined
ventional honed surfaces of the crankcase of hermetic as the roughing honing tool with 550 rpm, semi-finishing
honing tool with 550 rpm, and finishing honing tool with
500 rpm. The depth of the cut was 0.014 mm, and the feed
rate was 300 mm/min [28]. The honed surface of the cylinder
must have roughness, cylindricity, and circularity within a
suitable range to ensure that sufficient metal–metal (cylin-
der–piston) contact can be avoided to the maximum, but also
have roughness capable of accumulating sufficient lubricant A surface roughness tester, model Surtronic 3+ 112/1590
to form a thin film of oil at the cylinder–piston interface by the manufactured by Taylor Hobson, was used to carry out rough-
presence of dimples or oil pockets. The bored surface of the ness measurements. This equipment has a resolution of 0.01
crankcase has to have sufficient quality (roughness, diameter, μm. The calibration certificate declares an expanded uncer-
cylindricity, and circularity) to provide a perfect coupling with tainty associated with the roughness tester calibration of
the rotor so when this part can rotate properly with the 0.05 μm for a coverage factor of 1.96 and a coverage proba-
crankshaft. bility of 95%. During the roughness measurement, the
Maximum profile peak height Rp Maximum profile peak height within a sampling length
Maximum profile valley depth Rv Maximum profile valley depth within a sampling length
Maximum height of the profile Rz Maximum height of the profile within a sampling length
Total height of the profile Rt Total height
lr of the profile on the evaluation length
Arithmetical mean deviation of the assessed profile Ra Ra ¼ l1r ∫jZ
0 ðxÞjdx, where lr is the sampling length
Root mean square deviation of the assessed profile Rq Standard deviation of the height distribution, defined on the sampling length
Rq ¼ l1r ∫0 Z 2 ðxÞdx, where lr is the sampling length
Root mean square slope of the assessed profile RΔq Square root mean slope, dZ/dX, at sampling length
Kernel roughness depth (roughness depth of the core) Rk It is the height of the roughness profile, without taking into account the
elevated peaks or the very deep holes
Reduced peak height (roughness depth of the peaks) Rpk It characterizes the height of the peaks above the kernel zone (Rk) of the profile
Reduced valley depth (roughness depth of the valleys) Rvk It characterizes the depth of the valleys below the kernel zone of the profile (Rk)
roughness tester and the crankcase were placed on a measur- 12 h prior to the measurements. The roughness tester was
ing table (Fig. 5). turned-on 3 h before starting the measurements. The tempera-
In accordance with ISO 12085 standard [34], a sampling ture was monitored by a digital thermo-hygrometer with a res-
length of 0.8 mm was adopted for honed surface and a sam- olution of 0.1 °C and a nominal range from − 20.0 to 60.0 °C.
pling length of 2.5 mm was considered for milled and bored The calibration certificate declares an expanded uncertainty as-
surfaces. Five sampling lengths were considered for the milled sociated with the thermo-hygrometer calibration of 0.3 °C for a
and honed surfaces, but only three sampling lengths could be coverage factor of 2.00 and a coverage probability of 95.45%.
considered for the bored surfaces because of the total length of The statistical analysis was carried out by applying the anal-
these surfaces. Thus, the evaluation lengths were 4.0 mm for ysis of variance (ANOVA) and by using software Statistica®
honed surfaces, 12.5 mm for milled surfaces, and 7.5 mm for 7.0. The F test was applied to verify the null hypothesis where
bored surfaces. For milled and bored surfaces, the values of all levels of the stylus tip radius factor produced the same eval-
Rp, Rv, Rz, Rt, Ra, Rq, and RΔq parameters were collected uated roughness parameter mean (H0: μ1 = μ2).
and the Gaussian filter was applied on the primary extracted The measurement uncertainty associated with all rough-
profiles, whereas for honed surfaces, the values of the Rk, Rpk, ness parameters was estimated using the GUM-JCGM 100
and Rvk parameters were analyzed and the double-Gaussian method [35]. Considering the five measurement cycles per-
filter was applied. Five measurement cycles were performed. formed, the mathematical model proposed to evaluate the
Data acquisition was carried out with TalyProfile Gold 4.0 measurement uncertainty associated with all parameters is
software. For better understanding, Table 1 presents a brief given in Eq. (1). More details can be found in the study of
summary of the evaluated parameters. Pereira et al. [28].
All measurements were carried out at a controlled room
temperature of 20.0 °C ± 1.0 °C. The instruments and crank-
cases were maintained at this temperature for approximately P ¼ L þ ΔR þ ΔC þ ΔTr þ ΔD ð1Þ
Values in (μm)
Fig. 7 Average values of hybrid (a) Milled Surfaces (b) Bored Surfaces
parameter (RΔq) obtained from
milled (a) and bored (b) surfaces 40.00 40.00
during the contact roughness 2 μm tip radius 2 μm tip radius
measurement using a 2-μm and a
30.00 5 μm tip radius 30.00 5 μm tip radius
5-μm stylus tip radius. Expanded
Values in (°)
Values in (°)
uncertainty (95%) represented as
an error bar 20.00 20.00
10.00 10.00
0.00 0.00
In Eq. (1), P is the measured roughness parameter, L is the Collaborators in Motta-Neto et al. [12] carried out five
average of values indicated by the roughness tester consider- measurement cycles for obtainment of roughness parameters
ing the five measurement cycles performed, ΔR is the correc- Ra, Rq, Rp, Rv, and Rt from turned and milled samples. They
tion associated with the resolution of the roughness tester, ΔC concluded that the differences between the average values
is the correction associated with the uncertainty of the rough- obtained using a 2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radius were lower
ness tester calibration, ΔTr is the correction associated with than the values of the associated expanded uncertainty (95%)
the stylus tip radius, and ΔD is the correction due to the in 82% of performed experiments, and the factor that most
sample deformation. contributed to the final uncertainty for all roughness parame-
ters was the variability of the readings.
From Figs. 6 and 7, the conclusion was reached that the
average values of the Rp, Rv, Rz, Rt, Ra, and Rq parameters
3 Results and discussion and those of the hybrid parameter RΔq obtained using a 2-μm
stylus tip radius were similar or higher than those obtained
3.1 Results obtained from milled and bored surfaces with a 5-μm stylus tip radius for milled and bored surfaces.
For better understanding, the difference between the average
The average values of the amplitude parameters (Rp, Rv, Rz, values obtained using a 2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radius is
Rt, Ra, and Rq) obtained from milled and bored surfaces using shown in Fig. 8. The expanded uncertainty values (95%) as-
a 2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radius are shown in Fig. 6. sociated with the average values obtained using a 2-μm stylus
Figure 7 shows the average values of the hybrid parameter tip radius are also shown in Fig. 8. In Fig. 8, it was observed
RΔq for both processes. In all figures, the associated expand- that the difference values varied from 4.8 % (for Rp) to 10.6%
ed uncertainty values (95%) are also shown as an error bar. (for Rv) for milled surfaces, whereas for bored surfaces, the
Noteworthy is the fact that for all roughness parameters, the values were assumed to be from 1.6% (for Ra) to 7.0% (for
average values were estimated considering 50 measurements. Rt). For all roughness parameters, the difference values were
This strategy was adopted in order to reduce the standard higher for milled surfaces, giving special emphasis to Rp, Rv,
deviation values, as well as the expanded uncertainty. In this Ra, Rq, and RΔq. This fact can be justified by the pattern
way, the effect of the tip radius can be better observed. shown by the effective roughness profiles obtained from
Fig. 8 Differences between the (a) Milled Surfaces (b) Bored Surfaces
average values obtained using a 3.00 3.00
2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radius Difference Difference
from milled (a) and bored (b) 2.50 2.50
U(95 %) U(95 %)
Values (μm)
Values (μm)
Fig. 9 Roughness profiles obtained from milled surface of crankcase 3 using a 2-μm (a) and a 5-μm (b) stylus tip radius
milled (Fig. 9) and bored (Fig. 10) surfaces of crankcase 3 uncertainty values were partially superimposed. This fact in-
using a 2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radius. According to dicates that the ranges of values that can be attributed to the
Leach [10], the values of amplitude and hybrid roughness mensurand are similar for both investigated conditions (2-μm
parameters can be larger when measured with a smaller stylus and 5-μm stylus tip radii).
tip radius. This can be justified as the smaller tip radius ac- From Fig. 8, one notes that the difference between the
cesses the narrower regions of the profile valleys more easily. average values obtained using a 2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip
It was further observed in Fig. 6 a and b that for all ampli- radius from milled surfaces was smaller than the expanded
tude parameters, the error bars that represent the expanded uncertainty for Rp, Ra, and Rq, whereas for bored surfaces,
Fig. 10 Roughness profiles obtained from the bored surface of crankcase 3 using a 2-μm (a) and a 5-μm (b) stylus tip radius
this result was observed for Rp, Ra, Rq, and RΔq. For all other 3.2 Results obtained from honed surfaces
parameters, the difference values were higher than the expand-
ed uncertainty. Noteworthy here was that the average rough- The average values of Rpk, Rk, and Rvk obtained from honed
ness and the expanded uncertainty values were estimated con- surfaces using a 2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radii are shown in
sidering 50 measurements in all cases. Fig. 11 a. In this figure, the associated expanded uncertainty
From Figs. 9 and 10, it was observed that when a particular values (95%) are also shown as an error bar. From Fig. 11 a,
machining process was considered, both profiles were similar, one notes that the average values of the Rpk and Rk parameters
indicating that there were no visual differences between the obtained using a 2-μm radius stylus tip were significantly
profiles obtained using a 2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radius. lower than those obtained with a 5-μm radius stylus tip,
The observed difference can be attributed to the fact that con- whereas the Rvk was higher when measured with this stylus
tact roughness measurements with the two stylus tips was tip radius. It was further observed in Fig. 11 a that the expand-
carried out in different places. Nevertheless, when the profiles ed uncertainty values were significantly higher when a 5-μm
obtained from milled and bored surfaces are observed, one stylus tip radius was used, and for all parameters, the error bars
notes clearly that they are different. that represent the expanded uncertainty were partially
From Figs. 9 and 10, it was concluded that the ordinate peak– superimposed. The behavior presented by Rk, Rpk, and Rvk
valley values were similar for milled and bored surfaces, ranging differed from that observed for roughness parameters obtained
from 10 to − 22 μm, whereas the mean spacing between peaks from milled and bored surfaces, since all the evaluated param-
and/or valleys was significantly lower for bored surfaces. Despite eters of these surfaces were larger when measured with a
the existence of a defect in the bored surface, it can be concluded 2-μm stylus tip radius.
that this process allowed the obtainment of better surface finish. The difference between the average values obtained using a
Tables 2 and 3 show the ANOVA results obtained for all 2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radius and the expanded uncer-
roughness parameters measured on milled and on bored sur- tainty values (95%) associated with those values obtained
faces, respectively. From Tables 2 and 3, it was concluded using a 2-μm stylus tip radius are shown in Fig. 11 b. From
with a 95% confidence level that the stylus tip radius factor Fig. 11 b, the conclusion was reached that the difference be-
caused statistically significant effects on the RΔq parameter tween the average values obtained using a 2-μm and a 5-μm
values only; for all other evaluated amplitude parameters, this stylus tip radius was significantly smaller than the expanded
factor did not cause statistically significant effects. uncertainty for all roughness parameters.
The roughness profiles obtained from honed surfaces of than that found in roughness profiles of milled and bored
crankcase 3 using a 2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radius are surfaces. Figure 13 shows that Rk, Rpk, and Rvk parameters
shown in Fig. 12. From Fig. 12, it was observed that both were higher when the honed surface of crankcase 3 was mea-
profiles were similar. The observed difference can be attribut- sured with a 5-μm stylus tip radius. This result is not in agree-
ed to the fact that contact roughness measurements with the ment with the expected ones.
two stylus tips were carried out in different places. The Table 4 shows the ANOVA results obtained for all
Abbott–Firestone curves related to both roughness profiles roughness parameters measured on honed surfaces. From
are presented in Fig. 13. Table 4, the conclusion was reached that with a 95% con-
From Fig. 12, it was also observed that the ordinate values fidence level, the stylus tip radius factor did not cause
of peaks and valleys were lower than 1 μm, and the mean statistically significant effects on Rpk, Rk, and Rvk
spacing between peaks and/or valleys was significantly lower parameters.
5 μm tip radius
Values in (μm)
0.400 0.10
0.200 0.05
0.000 0.00
Rk Rpk Rvk Rpk Rk Rvk
Fig. 11 Average values of Rk family parameters obtained from honed a 2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radius from honed surfaces and expanded
surfaces during the contact roughness measurement using a 2-μm and a uncertainty (95%) associated with the average values obtained using a 2-
5-μm stylus tip radius, and the expanded uncertainty (95%) represented μm stylus tip radius (b)
as an error bar (a). Difference between the average values obtained using
Fig. 12 Roughness profiles obtained from the honed surface of crankcase 3 using a 2-μm (a) and a 5-μm (b) stylus tip radius
increases, as the tip radius becomes larger. Consequently, the associated values considering 50 measurements. Even under
Rpk parameter is affected. these conditions, where the standard deviation value associat-
The Rvk average values obtained with both stylus tip radii ed with the arithmetic mean is expected to be stabilized, the
were similar, whereas the Rv average values were different. The difference between the average values obtained using a 2-μm
Rvk parameter indicates the average roughness value of the and a 5-μm stylus tip radius was higher for Rp, Ra, and Rq.
valleys that are below the contact area of the profile (excluding This result can be particularly useful for research purposes.
any excessively deep valleys). In this way, the effect caused by The number of measurement should be enough in order to
the increase on the stylus tip radius from 2 to 5 μm was not minimize the effect of the variability of readings, as this factor
enough to alter the Rvk values, since the deep valleys (more usually constitutes the main contribution to the final uncer-
difficult to be access by a 5-μm stylus tip radius) were excluded tainty during roughness measurements.
during the Rvk estimation. In contrast, the presence of these The results here presented can be useful for those cases
valleys caused a reduction on Rv values on the order of when the hybrid RΔq parameter is used for characterizing
10.6% for milled surfaces when a 5-μm stylus tip radius was the surfaces, since an increment on the tip radius from 2 to
used, whereas for the bored ones, this reduction was of 6.7%. 5 μm caused a statistically significant effect on its average
Another point of utmost importance is the number of values. Particular attention should be given to the Rv parame-
roughness measurement that should be carried out. This work ter measurements for which the p values were higher than
reported the average roughness and the expanded uncertainty 0.05, but very close to it. For roughness characterization using
the Rpk, Rk, and Rvk parameters, the 2-μm and 5-μm stylus tip 6. The expanded uncertainty values were significantly
radii can be used indistinctly. However, the use of tips with higher when a 5-μm stylus tip radius was used, and for
larger radii, for example 10 μm, may imply statistically sig- all parameters, the error bars that represent the expanded
nificant effects due to the increase in the radius of curvature of uncertainty were partially superimposed.
the peaks. 7. The difference between average values obtained using a
2-μm and a 5-μm stylus tip radius were significantly
smaller than the expanded uncertainty for the three eval-
uated roughness parameters.
5 Conclusions
Funding information The authors would like to thank the Brazilian fi-
nancing agencies Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível
This paper reported the investigation of the effect of the stylus
Superior (CAPES), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
tip radius factor on the values of several roughness parameters Tecnológico (CNPq), and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Minas
obtained from different machined surfaces of the crankcase of Gerais (FAPEMIG) for supporting the development of this research.
hermetic compressors. The stylus tip radius was investigated in
two levels (2 μm and 5 μm). The machining processes consid-
ered were front milling, boring, and conventional honing. For References
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